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Course No.

Course Title:

EEE 455 Compound Semiconductor and Hetero-Junction Devices

Submitted ByNameStudent ID: Avik Roy 0706004

Let us consider the type III pn Heterojunction formed by p type AlAs and n type InAs. A qualitative energy bang diagram before the junction formation is shown below-

E c = e n p eVbi = sn sp N vp N = e n + Vt ln cn e p E gp + V t ln N N d a N cn N vp = E c E gp + kT ln N N a d

E v = e n + E gn e p E gp = E c + E g

Let us define another quantity- the difference of the conduction band edges with respect to a constant Fermi Level.
E c , F = E cp E Fp ( E cn E Fn ) = E gp E Fp E vp ( E cn E Fn ) N vp N cn = E gp Vt ln N N a d

After the junction is formed, this difference will determine the potential at the depletion region edge of n type material w.r.t. the potential of the depletion region edge of the p type material. Semiconductor parameters for the given system are listed below: Parameter Name (Unit) Electron Affinity, (eV) Band Gap, Eg (eV) Effective DOS at CB, Nc (cm-3) Effective DOS at VB, Nv (cm-3) Relative Permittivity, r n type Doping Concentration, Nd (cm-3) p type Doping Concentration, Na (cm-3)
d 2 = 2 dx

AlAs (p type) 2.62 2.16 -1.71019 10.06 -1016

InAs (n type) 4.9 0.36 8.31016 -14.6 21016 --

Poissons Equation:

For p side: x p < x < 0

d 2 dx

eN a

eN a d (x + C1 ) = dx p

At x = x p , = 0 C 1 = x p Hence, for x p < x < 0 , the closed form expression for electric field is =
eN a

(x + x )

Similarly, for 0 < x < x n (n region), the closed form expression for electric field is
eN d

(xn x)

Potential: = dx For x p < x < 0 , =

eN a x 2 2 + xx p + K 1 p

At x = x p , = 0 K 1 =

x2 p 2

. Hence, =

eN a x + xp 2 p

For 0 < x < x n , =

eN d x2 xn x + K2 2 n
2 eN d x n eN . Hence, = E c , F d ( x n x )2 2 n 2 n

At x = x n , = E c ,F K 2 = E c , F

We can find the values of xp and xn from the following relations: (i) (ii) Electric displacement vector is continuous at the interface. Hence, n (0+ ) = p (0 ) x n N d = x p N a Total bending voltage is the sum of the voltage bending in p side and n side. Hence, eVbi = Vbip + Vbin = ( (0 ) ( x p )) + ( ( x n ) (0+ ))
2 2 e N d xn N \a x p eVbi = + 2 n p

1 2

2 n p N aVbi Combining these two, x n = eN d n N d + p N a

The expression for junction capacitance is obtained from C j = reverse bias voltage.
Cj = = dQ dV R d (eN d x n ) dV R 2 n p N a (Vbi + V R ) eN d n N d + p N a
1 2

dQ where VR is the applied dV R

d = eN d dV R

2eN d n p N a = n N d + p N a (Vbi + V R )

Plotting Electric Field and Potential from the closed form expressionsMATLAB Code:
clear all close all clc %n = InAs, p = AlAs EFn = 4.9; EFp = 2.62; Egn= 0.36; Egp= 2.16; Ncn = 8.3e16; Nvp = 1.7e19; eps0 = 8.854e-14; epsp = 10.06*eps0; epsn = 14.6*eps0; Nd = 2e16; Na = 1e16; Vt = 0.026; e = 1.6e-19; pdiff = Egp - Vt*log(Nvp/Na); ndiff = Vt*log(Ncn/Nd); dEc = EFn - EFp; dElc = pdiff- ndiff; dEg = Egn- Egp; dEv = dEc + dEg; Vbi = dEc - Egp + Vt*log(Ncn*Nvp/(Nd*Na)); xn = sqrt(2*epsn*epsp*Na*Vbi/(e*Nd*(epsn*Nd+epsp*Na))); xp = xn*Nd/Na; xp = xp*1e6; xn = xn*1e6; x_p = -xp:1e-3:0; Ep = -1e-6*(e*Na/epsp)*(xp+x_p); x_n = 0:1e-3:xn; En = -1e-6*(e*Nd/epsn)*(xn-x_n); plot(x_p, Ep) hold on plot(x_n, En) grid on xlabel('x, *e-6 cm') ylabel('Electric Field, V/cm') Vp = 1e-12*(e*Na/(2*epsp))*(xp+x_p).^2; Vn = dElc -1e-12*(e*Nd/(2*epsn))*(xn-x_n).^2; figure(2) plot(x_p, -Vp) hold on

plot(x_n, -Vn) grid on xlabel('x, *e-6 cm') ylabel('Electric Potential, V')

Plot of the Electric Field:

x 10


-1 Electric Field, V/cm





-3.5 -20



-5 x, *e-6 cm


Plot of the Inverted Electric Potential (i.e. Energy Band Diagram):

0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Electric Potential, V -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 -20



-5 x, *e-6 cm


Plotting Electric Field and Potential from the numerical solutionsMATLAB Code:
clear all close all clc format long %n = InAs, p = AlAs EFn = 4.9; EFp = 2.62; Egn= 0.36; Egp= 2.16; Ncn = 8.3e16; Nvp = 1.7e19; Ncp = 1.5e19; Nvn = 6.4e18;

eps0 = 8.854e-14; epsp = 10.06*eps0; epsn = 14.6*eps0; Nd = 2e16; Na = 1e16; Vt = 0.026; e = 1.6e-19; pdiff = Egp - Vt*log(Nvp/Na); ndiff = Vt*log(Ncn/Nd); dEc = EFn - EFp; dElc = pdiff- ndiff; dEg = Egn- Egp; dEv = dEc + dEg; Vbi = dEc - Egp + Vt*log(Ncn*Nvp/(Nd*Na)); xn = xp = Vbin Vbip sqrt(2*epsn*epsp*Na*Vbi/(e*Nd*(epsn*Nd+epsp*Na))); xn*Nd/Na; = e*Nd*xn^2/(2*epsn); = Vbi - Vbin;

dx = 1e-8; x_p = -xp:dx:0; N = length(x_p); Ap = zeros(N,N); Ap(1,1)=1; Ap(N,N)=1; for i=2:N-1 Ap(i,i)=-2; Ap(i, i-1)=1; Ap(i, i+1)=1; end Ap = inv(Ap); Rp = ones(N,1); Rp = -(-(e*Na/epsp))*dx^2; Rp(1,1)= 0; Rp(N,1)= Vbip; Phip = Ap*Rp; plot(x_p, -Phip') hold on x_n = 0:dx:xn; N2 = length(x_n); An = zeros(N2,N2); An(1,1)=1; An(N2,N2)=1; for i=2:N2-1 An(i,i)=-2; An(i, i-1)=1; An(i, i+1)=1; end An = inv(An);

Rn = ones(N2,1); Rn = -(e*Nd/epsn)*dx^2; Rn(1,1)= dElc - Vbin; Rn(N2,1)= dElc; Phin = An*Rn; plot(x_n, -Phin') grid on xlabel('x, cm') ylabel('Electric Potential, V')

Plot of the Inverted Electric Potential (i.e. Energy Band Diagram):

0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Electric Potential, V -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 -2



-0.5 x, cm

0.5 x 10


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