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April 1995

Volume 1 Issue 1

First issue of the new Hoffnungstal Bessarabia newsletter

here are two German Russian researchers in America who have spent a great deal of time and effort to gather large volumes of data concerning the village of Hoffnungstal Bessarabia. These two fellows have stood up to identify themselves as Village Coordinator for this village with the various German Russian organizations in this country. Their names are Curt Renz and Dale Wahl. Many of the readers of this newsletter will readily recognize either one or both of these fellows. A little over two years ago, these two gents started talking about starting this newsletter. Both fellows still work full time jobs and have many research projects that require much of their attention, however - they have agreed that it is time to start this grand effort, hence this first issue. We, Curt and Dale, will try our best to give you good information, and provide you with a well rounded set of subjects. We also want to invite participation by those who read this newsletter. It can only be an OUR effort with your help. emember this is your newsletter, and to make it the best we can we will need your participation to ensure we make it the newsletter that we can all be proud of. We will want to further define and refine our data on the following subjects, topics, and areas of interest;
-German points of origin -Russian villages before Hoff. -village layout - coordinates, etc. -village history -family house locations in Hoff. -original settler occupations -religious affiliations -marriages -family groupings -education of the village -family histories -births & deaths -obituaries

They first started leaving Russia in 1874, with many more to follow to America in 1884-1886, and latter years

Do you know when your people left, or who stayed behind?

One of the treasures we have for the village of Hoffnungstal, are the old church family books. In these family books it is often reflected when the family packed up and moved and where they moved to. Some of this family book information has already been well sorted out and between Curt and Dale we can share much of your own families data with you if you dont already have it.
. . . . . . . .

What do you know/have about your old Hoffnungstal families, the history of the village, or anything similar, that you would like to share here in the newsletter . . . please think about it and offer it up if you will . . .
-migration to another village -immigrations patterns -North & South American arrivals -citizenship records -land records & maps (and what can you think of?)

Inside This Issue

Meet Curt and Dale . German Points of Orgin NAASZ - Java ND . Pictures . .

. . . .

. . . .

pages 2-3 page 4 page 5 pages 5, 7

Page 2

Volume 1 Issue 1

Curt Renz - Research History

ometime during the long winter of 1952 my "grandpa" Renz came to visit me while I was confined to the house recuperating from a broken leg. He was in his late 70's and I was 12. No one else was at home and as we sat in the living room, I asked him what life was like when he was my age. His response so captivated me that I developed an ever increasing interest in knowing more about who "my people" were. tion on everyone from the village and possibly find out more about my own family. In the years that followed, I combed . . . "grandpa" Renz came to visit through the 1900 and me while I was confined to the 1910 census for the house recuperating from a broken Dakotas and read leg. through the Eureka, SD Lutheran church . . . I developed an ever increasing records. I visited some interest in knowing more about who 20 county seats in "my people" were. North and South Dakota to check through . . . I read and copied the church death records hoping records from microfilm for to find information on Hoffnungstal, continuing to expand For years there were very few people from Hoffnungthe collection of family groupings sources that were available to stal. I read and copied for the village and began to write to investigate until Karl Stumpp the church records various people who had some published his The Emigration from microfilm for ancestral connection with the to Russia from 1763 to 1862. Hoffnungstal, continuvillage. This book provided much ing to expand the colmore to "whet" my appetite, thought that it might prove lection of family groupings for providing a list of Hoffnungbeneficial to collect informathe village and began to write to various people who had some ancestral connection with the village. In addition, I extracted all the Hoffnungstal marriages from the Klstitz marriage records. When the (by Curt Renz - Jan 1995) most recent microfilm was orn in Eureka, SD in 1940 to Alvin Renz [lst generation made available of the earliest American of GR parentage] and Bernese Berndt [2nd generaHoffnungstal records, I extion American of GR parentage.] I lived in California during tracted the family groupings WW2 while my parents worked in the Kaiser shipyards and reas well as the births and turned to South Dakota in 1945 with my parents. We lived in deaths and thereby developed Herreid, where my father went into the grocery store business a much more accurate picwith his father. After graduating from high school in Herreid, I ture of the history of the attended Westmar College in LeMars, IA where I earned a founding families of HoffBachelor of Music degree. I taught vocal music grades 7 - 12 nungstal, Bessarabia. I have for the first three years on the job in Ida Grove, IA. During the also begun an obituary colfourth year, I moved to Greeley, C0 and earned a Masters delection of people born in Hoffgree. Upon completition of that degree, I moved to Ames, IA nungstal. In addition to all where I have been for the last 28 years, teaching in the public this, I am trying to pinpoint school system in the Junior High/Middle School. About eleven and verify points of family years ago, I was elected to the Board of Directors of AHSGR origins in Germany. and served in that capacity for five years with primary interests in genealogy. stal settlers. When I continued to run into dead end after dead end with my family, I

Curt Renz - Life and Experiences

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

Volume 1 Issue 1

Page 3

Dale Lee Wahl - Research History

first got started in my family research as a direct result of a family reunion for my grand parents, Gottlieb and Magdalena (geb. Wall) Wahl. My grandmother had earlier provided baby-book data for our children, so I had taken that and with what I already thought I knew, created two each 3 ring binders before the reunion. I passed these binders around asking folks to enter their data. When it was over, I asked several younger cousins who had better computers than I, to take the data and make us some simple files we can add to. Well of course, I ended up bringing the data home, and one thing turned into another. The telling of the family history search of my own lineages some day will fill up a multi-volume set of books, and I would not care to bore the readers with much of it here. I will only stop long enough to tell you that my fathers grandparents were all four born in South Russia, and that their sur names were Hinsz, Scheuffele, Wahl and Wall. One thing has led to another. I have stood up to be the Village Coordinator of the villages the Wahl and Wall families come out, and have been able to chase their respective lines as well as the Scheuffeles back into Germany, all coming out of the area near Stutgart. This past summer, I even paid my first visit to Germany and was able to visit the towns of origins of all three of the families. About three years ago, the Hoffnungstal Church records were made available by the LDS when they provided us with about 115 rolls of films which involved the old . . . seven parishes in Odessa and Crimea area, which involves about 70 different villages between 1833 and 1885. Indexes to go on Internet! Bessarabian villages and parishes. I first made a project to gather the data from the first three family books on Hoffnungstal that took us up through 1900. Then I made a two year project out of pulling head of the family data from all of the pre-1900 family books for the whole of Bessarabia from these same 115 films. The results of these two projects are available on computer disk to whom ever would care for a copy. The current projects involve the indexing of seven parishes of Black Sea data that has been brought to us by the LDS of the church records (Evangelical) held in St Petersburg in old Russia. These new films (137) contain the annual reports between 1833-1885. We expect a similar set of projects to start up for the Bessarabian parishes next summer, which are also contained in these same filmed records.

Dale Lee Wahl - Life and Experiences

was born in Twin Falls Idaho in 1938. My folks moved to Northern Idaho when I was young. Joined the Navy at the age of 17 and spent 23 years before becoming a civilian again. Most of Navy career was spent in the field of Avionics, and I gathered admin. experience. Attained the rating of Master Chief Petty Officer and served on several admirals staffs. Spent majority of Navy career with the P3 aircraft on the west coast. Left the Navy in 1978, and moved the family to NW corner of Washington, where I found full time employment and started to full time school. When the 4 year degree was achieved, down shifted on schooling to half a load until the Masters degree was obtained. Continue to work with Lockheed on a Navy contract. The children are all raised and on their own. Plan to work another 5 years or so before retiring from this second career.

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

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Volume 1 Issue 1

German Points of Orgin

Curt Renz has invested a large volume of time and energies to trace and verify the orginal German homes of our Hoffnungstal Bessarabian people. Following are the notes which he has so far developed. If you have solid data for others not listed here, please forward to Curt. (please read [______] as verifications made by other known good sources) (W - Wrttemberg/ B - Baden/ El - Elsass(Alsace)/ Pf - Pfalz)

(film) Aichele Aippersbach Aldinger Bauer Beck Bollinger Eisenbei Engelhardt Gtz Goll Graf Halt Henke Hhn Hofer Horst Kpple Lmmle Naa Pfltzer Rieger Rieker Schaible Schlepp Schmidt Schnaible Schweigert Seebold Singer Wagemann Wahl Weihaar Weihaar Wenzel Wiederrich Neffen-Nurtlingen, W GrossIngersheim-Besigheim, W Fellbach-Cannstatt, W Zell-Elingen, W Rietheim/Seeburg-Urach, W Burgstall-Marbach, W Dornhan-Sulz, W Hoffenheim-Sinsheim, B Ellhofen-Weinsberg, W Neulautern-Weinsberg, W Hilsbach-Sinsheim, B Burgstall-Marbach, W Mhringen-Heilbronn, W Rosenfeld-Sulz, W Niederseebach-Weissenberg, El Hoffenheim-Sinsheim, B Ehrstadt-Sinsheim, B Winnenden-Waiblingen, W Sessenheim-Hagenau, El Drrmez-Vaihingen, W Entringen-Herrenberg, W Neckerwestheim-Bessigheim, W Grombach-Freudenstadt, W Hafnershaslach-Vaihingen, W Schnaidt-Schorndorf, W Breitenberg-Calw, W Grossaspach-Backnang, W [Brackenheim-Brackenheim, W Korb-Waiblingen, W Drrenbach-Bergzabern, Pf Lindach-Gmnd, W Beinstein-Waiblingen, W Korb-Walblingen, W Neulautern-Weinsberg, W Hnspach-Weissenburg, El
Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

1056841 1184928 1055978 1055960 1475288 1195514 [O550796] 173224 / 5 1189197 1346078 1346095 1189097 1195514 [0105582 / 0105587] 1732325 0778441 1189197 1189149 1056955 0746038 1184966 1475173 1184923 1201985 [1573061] 1184636 1528422 1195523 1184723] 1056996 / 98 0193818 1340273 / 4 1056989 1056996 / 98 0134605 0717097

Volume 1 Issue 1

Page 5

Stories in Old Pictures

One of the things we will want to do with this newsletter is to share some old pictures. As time goes on and we get experience with the requirements of getting the best copy through the process, we will get better pictures. We have a few pictures already that will help us get a start with the folks of Hoffnungstal Bessarabia. However, we will need those subscribing to the newsletter to help come up with pictures of interest to share with the other readers. We would probably be wise to develop a person or two who holds major collections of these Hoffnungstal pictures. If you or anyone you know has such an interest please let us know and we will see what we can help put together. For those who have knowledge of folks in the pictures we use, beyond the identity we provide, we would surely like you to share that with the readers. Can we count on you to help? Do you know who these children were?

Balthasar Singer & Anna Maria Gieck Their great-great-granddaughter is Lilly Singer, serving in a Blind Mission in Taiwan We have attained a great amount of Gieck family data going back to the 1500s in Schockingen W. This data was compiled and charted by Donna Gieck McKinnon in Canada.

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

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Volume 1 Issue 1

JAVA South Dakota Hoffnungstal

n Java South Dakota, we can note several names that go back to our Bessarabian Hoffnungstal. In the book, Pioneer Footprints, Diamond Jubilee, Java, South Dakota 19001975, we can note the names of EISENBEISZ, GOETZ, HORST, NAASZ, OBENAUER, OSTER, PFITZER, SCHLEPP, SCHNAIBLE, SCHRETER and WAHL, that have linkage back to Hoffnungstal. Let us go into this book and pull one of the stories from that great work.
NOTE: This transcription of "Pioneer Footprints, Diamond Jubilee, Java, South Dakota 1900-1975" was prepared by Roger W. Ehrich on March 1, 1994 and is issued with the permission of Mrs. Erna Schlepp, Chairman, 75th Jubilee Book Committee. This work may be freely copied for nonprofit purposes. Copyright 1993, RWE - 1407 Locust Avenue, Blacksburg, VA 24060, (703) 951-0458

accompanied the rest of the families. The family consists of Adam, William, George, Magdalena, Louise, Christian, Ludwig, Fred, Andreas, and Margaretha. They arrived in the United States at different times, some came over as late as 1907. Some settled in Walworth county, some in CampGeorge, the father, died in Russia. The mother, Margaret accompanied her children, all born in Russia, to America to seek new homes, thus escaping the political and military rule in Russia. bell county, and others eventually settled in Kansas. Adam, the oldest, remained in Russia. One son, Adam Jr., came to the Dakota Territory. An adopted daughter, Helena Doebele, married John Schlepp Jr., and they came to this country in 1889. No additional information of the other children is known. Adam Jr., married a Stadel, and their children were Gust, Otto, Bertha, and Adam III. His first wife died and he married a Mindt, who had four children. They had one child, Oscar. William served in the Russian Army for five years and in 1880 was married to Caroline Schlenker. Two daughters were born. Pauline Eisenbeisz remained in Russia, and Christine married Jacob Olhauser, came to the U.S.

GEORGE NAASZ I FAMILY The family of George Naasz I, and Margaret (nee Mller), originated in South Russia of German descent. Their parents migrated into Russia from Germany in the early 1800's. George, the father, died in Russia. The mother, Margaret accompanied her children, all born in Russia, to America to seek new homes, thus escaping the political and military rule in Russia. The oldest son, Adam, remained in Russia, while his son, Adam Jr.,

After the death of his first wife, he married Mrs. Marie Weasz in 1896 and to this union six children were born, four of which survive: Mrs. Wm. (Hulda) Oswald, Mrs. Martin (Freda) Buckenberger, William and George. His second wife had two sons by a first marriage, Reinhold and Edward. George II married Magdalena Graf. They had eleven children, the oldest daughter died in Russia, and two children died at the homestead. Eight surviving children are as follows: Adolph married Margaret Miller and when she died, he married Pauline Sackman; Magdalena married Christ Schnaible; Ludwig married Louise Wahl; George married Lydia Gross; Christina married Gottlieb Fiechtner; Christ married Tillie Sackman; Emelia married John Fiechtner; and Edward married Martha Mayer. Ludwig married Catherine Ehret. Their children were as follows: Mrs. Jacob (Minnie) Merkel, Mrs. Ted (Louise) Kundert, Mrs. Edward (Pauline) Miller, John, and Adam. Magdalena married Johan Scherbenski, Their children were as follows: George and Tobias, twins; John; William Mrs. Christ (Margaret) Grenz; and Magdalena, deceased. Louise married Karl Wahl. Their children were as follows: Fred; Mrs. Alex (Amelia) Adolph; Mrs. Ellis (Rose) (continued page 7)

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

Volume 1 Issue 1

Page 7 (below picture)

NAASZ family (continued from page 6)

Hoffman; Karl; Ed; Mrs. Robert (Lydia) Hepper; George; Albert; Mrs. John (Louise) Mutschler; Mrs. Larry (Alvina) Ebert; and Julius, deceased. Christian married. Their children were as follows: Gottlieb; John; and Mrs. John (Pauline) Lange. After the death of his first wife, he remarried. The children by the second marriage were as follows: Ludwig, whose first wife was Katie Diede, and second wife was Caroline Diede Schott; Christ married Emma Pfeiffe; Mrs. Henry (Martha) Diede, Reinhold married Pauline Schlepp; George, Elizabeth Bertha, all married; and Mrs. Jacob (Mary) Wolf. Fred married Rosina Schuh. Their children were: Jacob, John, Fred, and Margaret. Andreas married. Their children were: Edward; Reinhold; Mrs. Helen McCannis; Mrs. Walter (Mathilda) Winters; and John. Margaretha married John Ehret. She died in childbirth.

husbands parents sitting next to him, and same for the bride (Samuel Aipperspach & ________ Schaible).
2nd row from top at right end, Wilhelm Aipperspach. top row, right end, Elisabeth (nee Kleingartner) Hofer. (husband was Immanuel) top row, 5th from left end, Imanuel Hofer. 3rd row, 2nd from right end, Louisa Aipperspach top row, 4th couple from right, Michael Hofer and his frau (can you point to any others you can idendify?)

Wedding of Immanual Irion & Elisabeth Aipperspach

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

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Volume 1 Issue 1

Hoffnungstal Settlers 1842 1847

Over the years many folks have put much effort into trying to sort the original settlers of Hoffnungstal. Perhaps the most widely recognized recent work that has been accomplished on this subject is contained in Hoffnungstal, published in 1983 by Peter Krug (Verlag 7120 Bietigheim). In this book, on pages 15 (in German) and 27 (in English) we can note some report of the history of Hoffnungstal, but some of this can be misleading. On page 27, it opens It is too bad that all documents of the colony of Hoffnungstal were lost during the resettlement and flight. Therefore the following brief history could be compiled only from my own memories and those of a few co-workers. On this same page the story goes on to say that the founders of the village . . . Most came from Cherson villages and some even from Taurus districts. For instance, Singer came from Karlstal, near Odessa; Bollinger from Neudorf; Schott, Pfitzer from Glckstal; Mller from Kassel; Mller from Worms, a number of them from Hoffnungstal (Cherson) and others from several other places. For many years this was the best information we had. However, now we have the original church records of Hoffnungstal and we know that the story can be made more reflective of the actual sequence of events. David Aipperspach and Albert Eisnebei of Germany have spent great effort in trying to sort this out using these original church records, as well as others. We now know that the founders of Hoffnungstal were basically the families who left Karlstal and ended up founding the last mother colony of Hoffnungstal. There is a future requirement for this newsletter to tell more of the Karlstal story. If we understand that the original early settlers came to Hoffnungstal from about 1842 through 1847, then we can better understand the early history of Hoffnungstal. To aid in that understanding we wish to share with you the listing that Curt Renz has assembled since the exposure of the original church records of the Hoffnungstal church. This listing is provided in house number order as follows.
1842 1842 1842 ? 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1842 1842 1850 1850 1842 1842 1842

01 02 02 03 04 04 04 05 05 06 07 07 08 08 08 09 09 10 Kleingrtner, Christian Wenzel, Gottlieb Schmidt, Katharina Singer, Christian Weihaar, Gottlieb Weihaar, Jakob Weihaar, Johann Boert, Christian Boert, Gottfried Ehret, Jakob Friedrich Engel, Jakob Herzog, Christoph Geigle, Georg Simon, Anton Simon, Jakob Boert, ?? Boert, Philipp Kpple, Philipp

Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Klstitz Karlstal Karlstal Leipzig Leipzig Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal

Singer, Katharina Welker, Karolina & Burk-Lmmle, Katharina SchmidtBurk, Jakob & Lmmle, Gottlob Bollinger, Christina Herzog, Margaretha Mller, Christina Ehrmann, Margaretha Goll, Elisabetha Weingrtner, Magdalena Glaser, Elisabetha Christina Herzog, Rosina & Bodemar, Elisabetha Singer, Margaretha Kinzler, Christina [Ringler?] Engelhardt, Margaretha Eider, Rosina Oberman, Barbara Friedrich, Louisa Wenzel, Karolina

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

Volume 1 Issue 1

Page 9

Hoffnungstal Settlers by 1847 (continued)

1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1846 1848 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1844 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1844 1842 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1848 1847 1844 1846 1844 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 35 35 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 Wenzel, Georg Weihaar, Christoph Weihaar, Christoph Weihaar, Joseph Weihaar, Jakob Singer, Balthasar Singer, Georg Singer, Johannes Laib, Ludwig Laib, Ludwig Retzlaff, Georg Retzlaff, Jakob Retzlaff, Karl Friedrich Scherbinske, Elias Schmidt, Johanna Singer, Karl Singer, Wilhelm Singer, Christoph Singer, Jakob Singer, Johann Georg Peschel, Christoph Reinhardt, Jakob Jung, Michael Retzlaff, Johann Singer, Andreas Singer, Friedrich Singer, Heinrich Goll, Christian Andreas Goll, Wilhelm Wahl, Karl Wahl, Michael Wahl, Gottlieb Wahl, Wilhelm Wahl, Johannes Gerstner, Johann Georg Hindemith, Christian Hindemith, Gottlieb Hindemith, Johann Naas, Georg Bauer, Johann Oster, Christian Oster, Michael Oster, Philipp Obenauer, Friedrich Naas, Jakob Vix, Georg Schweigert, Ludwig Schweigert, Sebastian I Beck, Jakob Beck, Johann Beck, Johannes Schuh, Johann Schnaible, Johann Schnaible, Johannes Schnaible, Philipp Eisenbei, Simon Eisenbie, Johann Halt, Georg Schrder, Johann Schweigert, Sebastian II Himmerich, Heinrich Dieno, Andreas Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Malojareslawetz Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Borodino Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Karlstal Bergdorf Karlstal Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Bergdorf Bergdorf Worms Sarata Sarata Neudorf Neudorf Neudorf Hoffnungstal-Ch. Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Malojareslawetz Klstitz Sarata Freudenstal Paris Gescheidle, Rosina Obenauer, Rosina Stach, Anna Scheurer, Eva Lempp, Dorothea Mller, Katharina Herzog, Christina & Schaible, Magdalena Henke, Barbara Dick, Louisa Naas, Magdalena Jung, Elisabetha Knu, Julianna Reinwald, Louisa Goll, Johanna Schmidt- & Wenzel, Anna Goll, Gottlieb Bernhard Akkermann, Johanna Mutschler, Anna Weingrtner, Katharina Hofer, Margaretha Freuer, Anna Geigle, Rosina [Ggler?] Peschel, Johanna Retzlaff, Katharina Breit, Susanna Stehr, Elisabetha Purr, Henrietta Ehret, Christina Gescheidle, Barbara Boert, Barbara Hess, Christina Schpfel, Elisabetha Seiler, Katharina Mller, Eva Brkle, Barbara ? Pfitzer, Johanna Prael, Barbara Wiederrich, Katharina Mller, Margaretha Becker, Katharina Paul, Katharina Schaible, Magdalena Holloch, Anna Schaible, Elisabetha Schulz, Wilhelmina Hrder, Katharina Jutze, Katharina Wei, Christina Singer, Eva Gottschalk, Karolina Buchler, Magdalena Oster, Katharina Ehret, Katharina Bchler, Barbara Horning, Rosina Schweigert, Katharina Oster, Magdalena Geistdorfer, Margaretha Schweigert, Dorothea Schlegel, Katharina Brllochs, Friedericka Henke, Eva

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

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Volume 1 Issue 1

Hoffnungstal Settlers by 1847 (continued)

1844 1844 1849 1849 1844 1844 ? 1844 1843 1842 1842 1844 1844 1844 1844 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1851 1843 1843 ? 1843 1843 1843 1846 1846 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1845 1845 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 ? ? 1844 1843 1843 1843 1845 1844 ? ? 1842 1845 1846 1844 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 61 62 62 63 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 72 73 73 74 75 75 75 76 77 78 78 79 80 81 82 Haas, Jakob Haas, Georg Pfitzer, Jakob Pfitzer, Georg Eisenbei, Andreas Eisenbei, Christian Gtz, Christoph Unruh, Benjamin He, Heinrich Singer, Andreas Singer, Andreas Henke, Johannes Seebold, Christoph Henke, ?? Henke, Wilhlem Mller, Adam Mller, Adam Eider, Georg Eider, Peter Engelhardt, Balthasar Engelhardt, Wilhelm Nagel, Jakob Rieger, Immanuel Lmmle, Christian Lmmle, Gottlob Rieger, Martin Trautmann, Johann Engelhardt, Heinrich Vix, Christian Schaible, Christian Schaible, Michael Aichele, Bernhard Aichele, Ludwig Aldinger, Friedrich Aippersbach, Michael Riecker, Jakob Wagemann, Jakob Schlepp, Karl Bollinger, Michael Bollinger, Karl Bollinger, Konrad Graff, Georg Wiederrich, Michael Graff, Jakob Hofer, Michael Hofer, Martin Berreth, Anton Berreth, Friedrich Berreth, Leonhard Mller, Philipp Ehrmann, Michael Rieger, Johann Jakob Friedrich Rieger, Ludwig Weihaar, Johann Mller, Johann Philipp Schott, Peter Schmidt, Ludwig Worms Glckstal Borodino Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Molotschna HochstdtMolotschna Karlstal Karlstal Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Glckstal Worms Worms Worms Worms Worms Worms Worms Tplitz Worms Worms Glckstal Worms Worms Worms Brienne ? Hoffnungstal-Ch. Hoffnungstal-Ch. Hoffnungstal-Ch. Bergdorf Bergdorf Neudorf Neudorf Neudorf Neudorf Neudorf Neudorf Neudorf Neudorf ? Neudorf ? Neudorf Worms Worms Worms Kassel Kassel Glckstal ? Karlstal Neudorf Denewitz Bergdorf Berreth, Philippina Kmmerle, Katharina He, Margaretha Gaub, Johanna Bahnmller, Rosina Schwindt, Katharina Blder, Rosina Frei, Anna Radke, Karolina Becker, Elisabetha Bpple, Barbara Schnaidt, Anna Krein, Elisabetha Liedle, Barbara Krnzler, Christina Eider, Magdalena Nitschke, Wihelmina Paul, Margaretha Schlegel, Barbara Spt, Christina Peschel, Rosina Zeiser, Louisa Fink, Christina Henke, Christina & Burk, Katharina SchmidtBerreth, Katharina Schmidt, Christina Berreth, Louisa Berreth, Christina Berreth, Elisabetha Engelhardt, Christina Geist, Elisabetha Klpfer, Katharina Ehret, Christina Ofen, Katharina Schott, Anna Werth, Louisa Werth, Christina Werth, Anna Herzog, Barbara Engel, Christina Benz, Katharina Wiederrich, Susanna Schneider Schneider, Susanna Wahl, Karolina Graff, Karolina Wahl Schlepp, Katharina Weihaar, Margaretha Glaser, Christina Aickele, Elisabetha Sattler, Elisabetha Knoll, Barbara Singer, Dorothea Weihaar, Karolina Simon, Friederika Graff, Anna Bollender, Katharina & Singer, Anna Aippersbach, Christina & Rickert, Christina & Wagenmann, Christina Bachmann, Barbara Mallach, Christina Reinwald, Katharina Hammer, Margaretha

1846 1846 1842 [1842]

83 83 84 85

Schneckenburger, Andreas Schneckenburger, Johann. Weihaar, Konrad Hhn, Johannes

Beresina Beresina Karlstal Karlstal

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

Volume 1 Issue 1
The Germanic Genealogy Society is proud to Publish THE LUTHERANS OF RUSSIA, VOLUME 1 Parish index to the Church Book of the Evangelical Lutheran Consistory of St. Petersburg 1833-1885 by Thomas K Edlund

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Finally there is quick access to these valuable records! This microfilm collection has been difficult to use because it is arranged by year instead of parish. The yearly duplicates send the Consistory in St. Petersburg where bound as received from nearly 200 parishes. Thomas K. Edlund, librarian at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and his staff of volunteers spent over a year preparing this finding aid. WHAT COULD HAVE TAKEN HOURS IS REDUCED TO MINUTES! The alphabetical parish index lists the year, film number, item #, and page numbers references. The details in this 385 page volume is astounding. For instance, the German, Russian (Cyrillic) and English names of towns are included. In addition, there is a valuable appendix of "SEE ALSO listings for many villages which were not parishes. In the Introduction, Mr. Edlund details the historical background of German settlements in the former Imperial Russian Empire. He also describes the jurisdictions of the Lutheran Church. This volume covers the St. Petersburg to the Black Sea during the period 1833-1855. (ed. - 1885?) THIS WILL BE AVAILABLE AS A PRE-PUBLICATION OFFER ONLY! ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 15, 1995. THIS MAY NOT BE RE-PRINTED. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED. SEND YOUR CHECK IMMEDIATELY. IT WILL BE HELD UNTIL SUFFICIENT ORDERS ARE RECEIVED. ---------------------Order Blank------------------------------------Yes, Send me: The Lutherans of Russia, Vol 1, Parish Index to the Church Books of Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Petersburg, 1833-1885 ISBN 0-9644337-1-0 $30.00 Price 3.00 Shipping 1.95 MN Residents add Sales Tax ------------Subtotal Make checks payable to: Germanic Genealogy Society PO BOX 16312 Dept R53 St. Paul, MN 55116-0312 The Germanic Genealogy Society Announces a Pre-Publication Offer Register to the "Ahnenstamkartei des Deutschen Volkes" By Thomas K. Edlund The Deutsche Zentralstelle fur Genealogie (German Central Office for Genealogy) in Leipzig, Germany has been collecting the family histories of Germanic & Central European people since 1922. Their primary collection has been "Ahnenkartei or pedigree charts and family group records, and an "Ahnenkartei"or card index of 2.7 MILLION NAMES! But for the last 40 years access to its collection has been limited to those able to cross the border into East Germany. Now the collection has been microfilmed and these films are at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. That's the good news....The bad news is that the filming of the "Tafels was not done in sequence. This makes the 1,200 rolls of microfilm virtually unusable without a register listing what is on each film. Now the Really good News! Thomas Edlund, librarian at the Family History Library has made just such a register. And the Germanic Genealogy Society is pleased to be able to cooperate with the Family History Library in publishing this register. IT GIVES YOU INSTANT ACCESS TO THESE RECORDS. Another bit of good news.... If your order is received before June 1, 1995, you receive a $5.00 discount. So, don't delay. Send your check immediately. ----------------------Order Blank -----------------------------------Yes, Send me: The Register to the \ Ahnenstamkartei des Deutschen Volkes" ISBN 0-9644337-2-9 Price before June 1, 1995 $15.00 Make Checks Payable to: Price after June 2, 1995 20.00 Germanic Genealogy Society shipping & handling 3.00 PO Box 16312 Dept R53 Sales Tax-MN residents only 1.56 St. Paul, MN 55116-0312 # copies ____TOTAL__________________ The above data was relayed through the Internet system on 12 Mar 1995 by Duane Stabler via Ger-Rus (NDSU Fargo ND) and the Odessa - Pixel (VT Blacksburg VA).

The 5th International Eisenbeisz Family Reunion will be on 23-25 June 1995 in Aberdeen, SD. This event includes all families related to Eisenbeisz, Eisenbeis, Eisenbeiss, Eisenbise, and Icenbice families from around the U.S., Canada, and Germany. For more information, contact Mike Eisenbeisz, Box 65, Mansfield SD 57460-0065. The 4th Edition (1995) of The Eisenbeisz Family History and Genealogy will be printed in May 1995. The cost is $17 per book ($4 shipping for 1st book, and additional 50 cents for each book after that). To reserve a copy, send a check (payable to Clyde Eisenbeis) along with a ship address before 1 May to Clyde Eisenbeis, 3702 21st Ave S, Grand Forks ND 58201.

Hoffnungstal Bessarabia

misc bits & pieces

A Summer Trip to Old Russia
(the following was taken from the Internet) FROM: Vern Rippley, INTERNET:rippleyl@STOLAF.EDU DATE: 12/27/94 8:41 AM Re: Trip to Ger-Russ Colonies Dr. La Vern J. Rippley, professor of German Immigration at St. Olaf College, will lead a tour of German-speaking colonies in Russia, departing July 29 and returning August 15, 1995. The itinerary in brief is, USA-Frankfurt, to Bucharest, bus travel through Siebenbuergen to Bessarabia, Tiraspol to Odessa [visits to Black Sea colonies en route], fly to Yalta, visit Crimean colonies, fly to Volgograd, river trip to Saratov/Engels and the Volga colonies, fly to Moscow for 2 days, fly to Sverdlovsk in Ural Mountains to current-day German settlements and sites of Russian factories and mining operations there, fly to St. Petersburg, and via Frankfurt to USA. Cost is US$3799. Contact Rippley at St. Olaf College Northfield MN 55057 (507) 6463233 or Assiniboine Travel in Winnipeg Canada (800) 652-2080. La Vern J. Rippley (507) 646-3233 St. Olaf College Northfield, MN 55057-1098

Hoffnungsal Films (LDS) of interest;

Family books; 1847 - 1860 1768096 1861 - 1880 1768085 1881 - 1900 1768085 1900 - 1920 1768086 1920 - 1940 1768086 Births; 1842 - 1885 1768528 1866 - 1875 1768397 Deaths; 1842 - 1882 1768087 1860 - 1870 1768387 Marriages; (see Klstitz records)
(St Petersburg films also contains records of births, deaths and marriages.) Addresses: Curt Renz, 1218 Wheeler, Ames IA 50010 Dale Wahl, 7370 Grevena Ave NE, Bremerton WA 98311


Dale Lee Wahl 7370 Grevena Ave NE Bremerton WA 98311

Inside This Issue

Meet Curt and Dale . . . Hoffnungstal German Points of Orgin 1842 - 1847 Settlers of Hoffnungstal

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pages 2-3 page 4 pages 8-11

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