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Dave Johnson 13Oct 2012, Final draft - Personal statement ____My aspiration to become a doctor has been carefully

y considered. At the age of nine I had the opportunity to watch a zoologist dissect a living frog and a lizard, which was fascinating. This developed my curiosity for medical sciences. After an anatomy lesson, during my GCSE in Physical Education, my interest in understanding how the human body works was fuelled. I want to read medicine because it will blend my interest in scientific understanding with compassion for others. ____Six years ago, I got involved in talking to patients and shadowing different professionals for two months in the Jibla Baptist Hospital, Yemen. This experience gave me a broad insight into how communities in third world countries survive with finite resources and medication. It was upsetting to observe patients infected with fatal rabies being admitted into the hospital. The government refuse to allow the population to be vaccinated with human rabies immunoglobulin injections because of their beliefs that being injected by any chemical is a sinful act. ____Through these experiences, I have developed a sense of moral awareness and also respect for others. These qualities were useful to apply when I worked as a care assistant serving the elderly in Epsom Lodge care home for a month and enabled me to improve my ability to care and empathise. During the duration of the job, I also attended Infection Control and Dementia Awareness training. ____I also had opportunities to work with the Diabetes and Endocrinology team, shadow a vascular surgeon, and follow a foundation doctor and medical students in AMU (Acute Medical Unit) and in A&E whilst on a week's work experience at Glan Clwyd Hospital, North Wales. I enjoyed talking to patients and working with the staff as a team and used this week to develop the confidence and professionalism that I observed among doctors. Additional opportunities to attend memory clinics with a psychiatrist at Rhyl Marine Hospital, North Wales, enabled me to observe the doctor approaching patients with care and sensitivity which was a valuable experience. Moreover, as part of my GCSE in Child Development, I made weekly nursery visits for a year. From these visits, I have learned the skills necessary to interact with children from two to five years of age. Before my visit, I was instructed to get fully informed consent from the parents of these children, as well as not including their real names in my coursework. Thus, I have learned the importance of confidentiality. ____Based on the follow up Pathology lectures from Medlink, I have recently published a research paper on the uses of Nanotechnology in Oncology. This paper can be accessed from the Medlink website. This research project involved solving theoretical problems such as side effects of chemotherapy through logical analysis based on known facts. The Bioengineering Laboratory at the University of Singapore introduced me to their oncologist, who provided me with relevant sources. This project improved my ability to be self-motivated and to research independently into cutting-edge work in the field of Nanotechnology involved in medicine. ____As captain of my school's cricket team, I have led the team into semi-finals twice. In addition to this, achieving a Junior and Community Sports Leadership award, a bronze Duke of Edinburgh award and being a prefect have made me a good communicator as well as improving my ability to be both a leader and a team-player. I have showed dedication and the ability to learn by achieving gold in chess tournaments as well as completing up to a yellow belt in a Tae Kwan Do martial arts performance. I have performed South Asian percussions, such as tabla, in several chamber orchestras and school musicals as well as choreographing and taking part in staged dance shows. ____My personal qualities and determination to study medicine gives me confidence and prepare me to succeed in the challenges this course and career holds.

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