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The Hinduism and Christianity evolution of evil It does not matter our religion but where there lies

good there is always evil and we ponder where is God (in all of this)? The omnipotence of God is it here, can it exist with evil? Hinduism is a combination of several religions and cannot be considered a single religion. A close examination of the Hindu religion shows clearly the lines of our own, religious beliefs. When examined we will find, superstitious beliefs and mythologies associations of inanimate objects from trees to planets, animals, spirits that lead a connection to the creator God which is our higher power. Hinduism is focused Karma, Reincarnation and the Caste system (the social system of it all) . If you do good deeds in life when you return to the divine life in accordance to the Karma. To return to a higher life in to reincarnate, which is how you can rise on the social scale. The higher you rise the closer you come to priesthood. Hinduism had avataras that would take on the shape of man and come down to earth to direct and or protect and or restore good in the world. Good can be expressed here in regards to relief from pain and suffering, with regards to war, famine, torture, any type of discomfort or stress that will comeinto the world. Hidusism would have unborn gods that would come take the shape of an avatara to fight off the demons. For example there was and avatara for war, Hari Vishnu was born. To protect his creation Vishnu created several avataras , to bring the world back from destruction, or to protect the world from destruction. The avataras had the ability to take on shapes that were lower than man . This was also the the way in which God sent his warning to the world through avataras. These unborn gods assumued the shape of avararas. Karma governs the moral price that man shall be paid for his actions in live. Each action will bare its own fruit. At the time of joining of the spirits into the barman each man has to be responsible for ther actions. The evils that a man has bestowed upon people while he was living is the concequences that he will face. His punishment of his evil deeds will be measured. Punishment for evil cannot be lived during a single existence because the evil acts were done throughout his life so the soul will have to be reborn to repeat this process. This is the law of retribution also know as karma. So the soul will pass through a series of transmigrations. The karma of the person dwells from the mindset of the parents. So if the mind of the parents is evil that shall be passed on via karma, transfer during the process of birth, this process is also transferred in the opposite direction at the time of the parents death. Karmal is bi-directional so evil is transferrable. Karma can be modified by doing good deeds, by prayer, or even by having a good child who will absorb the evil in your life. Gods are said to be karma free. You could also be a wandering spirit whereas your family did not spiritually guide you and you are just wandering about. Now if you spend your life in mortal sin, which is adultery, killing of a Brahman, drinking, stealing then you will spend the majority of your life in dreadful hell . There in the dreadful hell you will be reborn

The Hinduism and Christianity evolution of evil into all types of treacherous disgusting bodies and will be the servants of the Dasyus (those who live in darkness). In the Christian faith evil is the balance of the power of good. Evil is the option that you can easily turn to where the power of good is actually a test of your faith. Evil is the temptation, the pain, the suffering, that we cause to our selves. Whereas Hinduism focuses on the Karma, as Christians we look at our work. Doing something good for someone, helping someone, giving to someone that does not have creates a good balance in life. Lying, stealing, killing and commiting adultery is evil because it goes against the commandments of the Bible which is the book of knowledge that we were given to live by. Temptation is the path of evil, to yield to temptation is to lean on a crack. We are taking the weakness of our being and applying pressure to it, knowing that it would easily cave in rather than taking a path with is longer and cannot be circumvented with a short cut. So to be tempted is an evil-spirit (demonic) to accept that temptation is to walk the path to evil as we embrace evil we alter our good state and risk our lives being in pierl because of the choices we have made. As we examine Hinduism we find that avataras are the unborn gods that take on the shape of man that fall to earth to rescue us or protect us from evil. In Christianity God works through people and he puts people in our lives that help us along the way. This would be compared to the avartars that the Hindu religion sends to protect man. The Karma that is the moral price that we pay for our actions is the Christian way of you reap what you sow. Whereas in Christianity that I am referring to is does not embrace reincarnation, there are some variations of Christianity that may. Where Karma is passed unto the unborn child from the mindset of the parents, we as Chrisitians feel that we pass things good things by Gods spirit touching our lives and scientifically by genetics. To remove evil in Christianity would be prayer or exorcism and the commitment to serve God. However we often rest on the scripture that we all fall short of the glory of God, where we ask for forgiveness and that we are Gods children whom he loves and forgives us for all of our sins. The way of the Lord is to serve and respect him God is a forgiving God but a jealous one so we must serve him. The Christian death is that when we die our soul has left our body. This is judgement day and as we go forth in the glory of God we shall be judged. Man is not to God will anoint us and either have a place for us in heaven or condemn us to hell. Condemnation is hell is everlasting because that is the home of satan.

The Hinduism and Christianity evolution of evil

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