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EXPERIMENT III DETERMINING THE CALORIMETER CONSTANT I. Objective Determining the calorimeter constant as the fundamental of other experiment.

II. Theory The amount of heat involved in chemical reactions can be measured with an instrument called a calorimeter. The amount of heat absorbed by the calorimeter to raise the temperature of one degree is called constant calorimeter or calorimeter water rates, with units of JK-1. Calorimeter made of various types such as glass, polietana, and metals that have different abilities to absorb heat. Basically, the calorimeter is designed to heat exchange occurs only in the calorimeter vessel and prevent the exchange of heat into the surrounding environment. However, in use, the calorimeter also absorbs heat, so not all heat can be measured. In this experiment is determining how much the heat that absorbed by calorimeter and thermometer and its stirring rod. To increase the temperature of the object from the initial temperature T1 until the final temperature T2, required some heat. Heat is one kind of energy. The amount of heat which required to increase the temperature is depends on the heat capacity, C, of the material objects. Mathematically can be written: C = dQ/dT Specific heat is the heat capacity per unit mass of materials, namely: Kalor jenis adalah kapasitas kalor bahan tiap satuan massanya, yaitu: c = C/m Heat capacity is one thing thermometric properties. For the temperature interval is not too large, usually c can be considered constant, so if an object has mass m, heat capacity c and temperature T1 to increase the temperature become T2 is required heat as much as: Q = m.c.(T2 - T1) When an object with a certain temperature joggled with other objects which have lower temperature, so within certain time both temperature of the object would be the same (equilibrium). This occurs because the object which has higher temperature gives its heat to the object which has lower temperature. According to the law of conservation energy the amount
Penentuan tetapan Kalorimeter 1

of heat which given is equal to the amount of heat received by the lower temperature objects (the principle of Black). The water which has known mass is heated by electric stoves. The water which has higher temperature is inserted into the calorimeter that filled with water, cold water mass was weighed first. In this case the cold water and calorimeter are two objects which have same temperature that will receive the heat from hot water. According the principle of Black: Heat released (hot water) = Heat received (cold water + calorimeter) m2.c.(T2-Ta) = (m1.c + C).(Ta-T1) Where, m1 m2 c Ta C = mass of cold water with temperature T1 = mass of hot water with temperature T2 = heat capacity of water (1 kal/g.0C %) 1 = final temperature = heat capacity of calorimeter

By using the principal, the calorimeter constant can be determined. III. Materials and Equipments Equipments 1 set of calorimeter Drop pipette Beaker glass 50 mL Heater Beaker glass 100 mL Stirring Rod Statif and clem Thermometer amount 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 2 units Materials Hot water Cold water amount 50 mL 50 mL

IV. Procedure Penentuan tetapan Kalorimeter 2

1. Construct the calorimeter tool as the picture. Stirring \Thermometer


Picture: Calorimeter Tool.

2. The amount of 50 mL of cold water was entered into calorimeter. It was stirred. The

temperature of water was noted in every minute until the constant temperature was gotten
3. When the temperature of cold water was constant, so on that time (in this experiment is

munite of eights, as 50 mL of cold water (44oC) was entered on the calorimeter that already contain water.
4. The changing temperature in every minute was noted until the constant temperature

was gotten. 5. The Curve of the relationship between temperature and time was created to get the mixed temperature through extrapolation. V. Observation result Time (minutes) 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 Temperature (oC) Time (minutes) 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 Temperature (oC) 36 35.7 35,5 35,3 35,0 35,0 35,0 35,0

28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 The hot water was entered The initial temperature of hot water = 44oC

Penentuan tetapan Kalorimeter

The capacity of hot water = 4,18 Jg-1 oC-1 VI. Discussions Calorimeter is an isolated system (no exchange of matter and energy with the environment outside the calorimeter). Thus, all the heat released by the reaction occurring in the calorimeter, nothing is wasted out. Calorimeter absorbs heat, so not all heat can be measured. To determine how much heat is absorbed by the calorimeter and its first thermometer to know the constants of the calorimeter itself. One of them is by mixing a certain volume of cold water and a certain volume of hot water. By measuring the temperature rise in the calorimeter, can be determined the amount of heat absorbed by water and the calorimeter.

Picture: Calorimeter tool. In this experiment, 50 mL of cold water with initial temperature of 29oC was mixed with 50 mL of hot water with temperatures as much as 45oC. These mixing causes the temperature of the calorimeter is initially 29oC up to 38oC. In this case, the cold water temperature is increased by the addition of hot water, while the hot water temperature decrease because of the heat released is absorbed by cold water. This causes the temperature of cool water until the temperature of the mixture to 38 c. However, this temperature is not constant because the heat absorbed by the cold water has not been balanced by the heat given off hot water. Calorimeter temperature continued to decrease until the temperature constant at 38 c. This indicates a reaction between the water cold and hot water has been going perfectly and the heat released by hot water and heat is absorbed by the cold water has been balanced. The curve from observation result based on temperature and time as follows:

Penentuan tetapan Kalorimeter


Picture: The graph of the relationship of temperature (oC) and time (t) Curve Analysize The curve above shows on the axis x showing the times in every 30 second, and in axis y is the temperature on oC. From the curve, can be seen that the temperature of water can be increase deeply because the temperature outside the calorimeter is lowest than the temperature inside of calorimeter, so the temperature is increase deeply until constant. The constant temperature is caused by water temperature is not change on the calorimeter. On the next seconds, the temperature is increase deeply because cold water is mixed by hot water. The next second, the temperature is decrease until get constant temperature. This caused by the temperature of water is not change anymore because the temperature of hot and cold water is already same. Based on the curve, so: T = (36 29)C = 7C The mass of hot and cold water = volume x density of water = 50 mL x 1 gr/mL = 50 gram

Calor that absorbed by cold water (Q1) = m1 x c x T1 = 50 g x 4,18 J/goC x (35 29)oC = 1463 Joule

Penentuan tetapan Kalorimeter

Calor that released by hot water (Q2) = m2 x c x T2 = 50 g x 4,18 J/goC x (44 35)oC = 1881 Joule Calor that absorbed by calorimeter(Q3) Q3 = Q2 Q1 = (1.881 1.463) Joule = 418 Joule

Calculation of calorimeter onstant: Q3 = C x T 418 J = C x 6oC C= 418 J 6o C

C = 69,71 JC So the calorimeter constant on process above are: 69,67 J/oC. VII. Conclusion Based on the experiment above, can be concluded that the calorimeter constant are 69,67 J/oC. Answer-Question

Why the heat energy that absorbed by water cant be same with cold water that released

by hot water? Answer The heat energy that absorbed by water cant be same with cold water that released by hot water because the calorimeter is also absorb heat/energy. Calorimeter is used to mixing cold and hot water, but calorimeter also absorb as mixing container. So, the absorption of heat by calorimeter is the ratio that given by hot water with absorption heat by cold water. 2. Explain the way to calculate heat capacity on calorimeter. Answer The way to calculate the heat capacity on calorimeter is by mixing certain volume of cold water (mass m1 and temperature T1) with certain volume of hot water (mass m2 and T2) on the calorimeter that already known the constant. The calorimeter is absorb heat, so the heat
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that absorbed by calorimeter is the factor ratio that given by hot water with cold water. The calorimeter constant is obtained by dividing the amount of calor that absorbed by calorimeter by the changing of temperature on the calorimeter. References Bird, Tony. 1987. Penuntun Praktikum Kimia Fisika Untuk Universitas. Jakarta: Gramedia. Petrucci, H Ralph. 1987. Kimia Dasar. Bogor: Erlangga. Retug, I Nyoman dan Dewa Sastra Widana. 2004. Penuntun Praktikum Kimia Fisika. Singaraja: Jurdik Kimia IKIP Negeri Singaraja.

Penentuan tetapan Kalorimeter

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