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Full Moon

Ritual April 2012

Before the Ritual

Cleanse your space Take ritual bath Set up your Altar Smudge yourself

Needful things;
Altar and altar cloth Altar candle and holder Quarter candles and holders Goddess and God candles and holders Offering cup Offering plate Athame Lighter Snuffer Holy water and container

Sea salt and container Frankincense or Myrrh incense and holder Cakes and ale and plate/cup Journal and pen

Cleansing area; Say; Time out of time, place out of place, we use the elements to cleanse this space. Take your Athame and get a pinch of salt. Mix the salt with water, first stirring widdershins three times while concentrating to remove negativity, then deosil three times while concentrating to provide positive energy while saying; I exorcise thee, creatures of water and earth, casting out from you any impurities, and I do bless and charge you to do this work. This space be cleansed of all negativity. As I will, so mote it be Take your bowl of holy water and sprinkle it around the circle to cleanse area to be used. State; Be it known that the Full Moon rite is about to begin. Let none be here but of their own free will Light your white altar candle.

Cast your circle Take your Athame and dip it into the bowl of holy water and go around the circle the first time and say; By the salt of the earth and the water of the seas, I do cast this circle, as ward against all negativity and focus for all positive energies. Through my will so mote it be Then light the incense go around the circle second time and say. By the fire which purifies and the air which we share I cast this circle as a ward against all negativity and a focus for our community. Through my will so mote it be. Then final time around the circle says; By my will, the circle is cast.

Calling the Quarters: Light the candle for each quarter as they are called. East: Spirits of air, sylphs and zephyrs, we entreat you to join us in our ceremony, spirits of movement, inspiration, and dreams, we cleanse you of all negativity and invite you to our circle, hail and welcome. South: Spirits of fire, salamanders, we entreat you to join us in our ceremony, spirits of passion, knowledge, and transformation, we cleanse you of all negativity and invite you to our circle, hail and welcome. West: Spirits of water and sea, we entreat you to join us in our ceremony, spirits of soothing, of time and tranquility, we cleanse you of all negativity and invite you to our circle, hail and welcome North: Spirits of earth, gnomes and dryads, we entreat you to join us in our ceremony, spirits of fertility, healing, and growth, we cleanse you of all negativity and invite you to our circle, hail and welcome

Invite the Goddess and God

"My Lady of the Moon, who is called Astarte We come to you to bring you our love and our devotion. May you grant us the joy of your presence. Hail and welcome" We call to you, Cernunnos, stand with us this nights as consorts for Astarte, to celebrate the fullness of her passion and womanhood. Hail and welcome. Statement of Intent Drawing down of the moon is to connect us with the Goddess and with the Goddess in us.

Drawing down the Moon Set where you can see the moon, outside if you can. If you cant see her, visualize her. Place your hands, palms toward the moon with your index fingers and thumbs touching, forming a Manifesting Triangle. If you can, view the Moon through this triangle. Through this Triangle, see the Moons energies coming through your triangle to every part of your body, your head, your neck, your arms, your trunk, you abdomen, your legs, your feet. When you are ready, keeping the fingers in the triangle shape, put that over your heart. Now again visualize the Moons healing energy going to each part of your body starting with your head, ending with your feet. The moonlight moves

through you, it is you; you are filled with the Moons energy. You are moonlight At this time, consecrate on any dreams you want to explore, stabilize your menstrual cycles, balance your chakras, and work on internal healing. When you feel you are through, you need to drain the Moons excess energy off. You will not send it back to the moon but into Mother Earth. If you can, set on bare earth. If not, while setting in a chair or standing, see your fingers grow up into the sky to touch the Moon, and your toes go deep into the earth to grab onto a rock or tree root. See and feel the excess energy flowing from your fingertips down through your body, down through your toes, into Mother Earth. When you feel the excess energy drain off, rise, stretch, take a deep breath and continue with your ritual. For these sisters, Letricia, Lettie Jadetatus and Lailani Dear Goddess Fregga For our problems with teeth That affects our health We do ask and plead for your help We thank you for giving us the means

To have our teeth fixed and Our health maintained Thank you and blessed be.

This is a time for manifesting your needs and desires. What do you need ? What do you want to bring to your life?

Drum for a while as you see your needs being manifested. Or put on energetic music. Avitars Ritual

We will now sing; or chant

Do you remember when God was a woman, she had many names, and we called her Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecetate, Demeter, kali, Innana Do three times.

Cakes and ale Hold up the cake to the Moon and give a blessing. Take the first piece and put on a plate for the offering. Take a piece of the cake and while eating it be thankful for your blessings. Hold up the chalice with wine to the Moon and give a blessing. Then take the first drops and put into a cup for the offering. Partake of the wine while being thankful for your blessings.

Thanking Goddess and God Dearest Queen of Heaven, I thank you for your presence, always and forever. Thank you for attending our ritual. Hail and Farewell Dearest God and consort, I thank you for your presence, always and forever. Thank you for attending our ritual .Hail and Farewell

Dismissing the Quarters

North: Spirits of Earth, Nymphs and Gnomes, we thank you for your part in our ritual. Hail and Farewell, blessed be. West: Spirits of Water, Niads and undines, we thank you for your part in our ritual. Hail and Farewell, blessed be. South: Spirits of Fire, Djinn and salamander, we thank you for your part in our ritual. Hail and Farewell, blessed be. East: Spirits of air, Zephyrs and Sylphs, we thank you for your part in our ritual. Hail and Farewell, blessed be.

Power raised and then forgotten is power wasted; now bind this energy and direct it to Mother Earth. As the circle is released so the energy is planted, to grow and bloom as the Goddess wills.

Opening the circle Chant while going widdershins starting in the East.

The circle is open, but unbroken May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart. Merry meet and merry part And Merry meet again.

Hearth keeping Matters

Take your offerings outside and put them where you usually give your offerings. Cleanse all dishes and items used, including your Athame. Put your altar cloths and other clothes used in a laundry that is separate from your mundane clothes. Remember to Ground after your Ritual.

Your Ritual is Ended, Go In Peace

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