CDM Country Fact Sheet - India

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Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

Current Status of CDM in India

Basic Information as of 1 June 2010
Project Status CDM projects registered at CDM executive board CDM projects at or after the validation stage CDM projects approved by India N. of projects 506 1,492 1,561*
Source: IGES CDM Project Database < > , UNFCCC <http:/ />, CDM India <> p p j j p * This value is based on the information available on 15 June 2010 at CDM India website. The frequency and timing of update is not available.

Basic data on CDM Projects as of 1 June 2010

Registered CDM Projects g j N. of Projects Biomass Wind power Waste gas / heat utilization Hydro power Energy efficiency Cement Fuel Switch Biogas Methane avoidance HFC reduction N2O decomposition Afforestation & reforestation Other renewable energies Methane recovery & utilization PFC reduction d ti Transportation Total 144 102 66 64 54 17 14 14 11 6 4 3 3 2 1 1 506 Avg. Annual Emission Reductions (tCO2) 35,768 42,629 87,079 69,110 22,728 116,077 430,999 28,032 73,823 1,773,622 475,974 23,129 17,225 94,314 433,789 433 789 41,160 85,940 ** Total ERs by 2012 (tCO2) 34,776,806 26,905,546 35,335,991 16,796,410 8,486,804 16,806,437 24,582,873 2,473,676 2,165,477 82,665,893 5,843,562 637,890 285,720 1,174,219 1,301,367 1 301 367 236,811 260,475,582 Amount of Issued CERs (tCO2) 6,601,996 7,297,176 9,493,596 1,753,158 1,020,964 1,253,152 1,426,423 569,022 0 49,283,129 0 0 0 75,896 0 3,269 78,777,781 Review Conducted 14 14 17 9 3 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 65 Rejected 15 7 7 4 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42

Source: IGES CDM Project Database <> , UNFCCC <http:/ /> ** This value is not the total of average annual emission reduction of each project type, but average annual emission reduction of all the projects.

CDM Project Information

Since the establishment of the Indian DNA (Designated National Authority) in 2003, it has approved a significant number of projects. projects 506 projects have been registered by the CDM executive board which account for about 20% of all the registered board, projects (as of 1 June 2010). In the initial stage of CDM development in India, biomass utilisation projects, waste gas/heat utilisation projects, and renewable energy (wind, hydro) projects were mainly being implemented. Other than those projects, India has various types of registered p j gy y (cement, steel and etc.), fuel switch, HFC reduction, N2O decomposition, , ), , , p , CDM projects that include energy efficiency ( afforestation and reforestation, and transportation. CDM promotion cells have been established at a state level. They conduct supportive activities such as information dissemination on CDM and coordination between local and national governments. One of the features of CDM in India is its large share of unilateral CDM p j g projects, CDM p j project developed by Indian stakeholders p y without the involvement (finance, technology) of Annex I countries. Indian project developers implement the project by bearing transaction costs of CDM and taking on the risks of the projects. Therefore, the price of credits issued by unilateral CDM projects tends to be higher than bilateral or multilateral CDM projects. 1. 1 2. 3. The Th number of CDM projects registered at the CDM executive board ( of 1 June 2010) 506 b f j i d h i b d (as f J 2010): The number of registered unilateral CDM projects (at the time of registration) (as of 1 June 2010): 422 (83 %) Type of registered CDM Projects as of 1 June 2010)
Biogas 3% Methane avoidance 2% Fuel switch 3% Cement 3% Energy efficiency 11% 100 80


Number of registered CDM Projects per half a year


Biomass 29%

60 40 20

Hydro 13% Waste gas/heat 13% Wind 20%

Source: IGES CDM Project Database <> , UNFCCC <http:/ />


DNA Structure , Approval Procedure, and Criteria DNA Structure

The Indian Designated National Authority is the National Clean Development Mechanism Authority (NCDMA), which consists of 6 ministries and agencies and the Planning Commission. The main role of the NCDMA is to evaluate and approve proposed p j projects and disseminate information related to all aspects of CDM. p Chairperson Secretary, Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Member Foreign Secretary Finance Secretary Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion Secretary, Secretary Ministry of Non conventional Energy Sources Non-conventional Secretary, Ministry of Power Secretary, Planning Commission Joint Secretary, Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Forests Member-Secretary Director, Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Forests
Source: CDM India <>

NCDMA has the powers: to invite officials and experts from Government, financial institutions, consultancy organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society, legal profession, industry and commerce, as it may deem necessary f technical and professional for t h i l d f i l inputs and may co-opt other members depending upon need. to interact with concerned authorities, institutions, institutions individual stakeholders for matters relating to CDM. to take up any environmental issues pertaining to CDM or Sustainable Development projects as may be referred to it by the Central Government, and to recommend guidelines to the Central Government for consideration of projects and principles to be followed for according host country approval. co ntr appro al


2 DNA Approval Procedure

Approval procedures in India are straightforward and project developers could get host country approval letters within 60 days unless proposed projects have questions from NCDMA. An NCDMA meeting for project approval is held every month.

Submission of PCN & PDD with 2 CDs and online submissions to NCDMA

1. Project proponent is required to submit the following for application: Cover letter signed by the project sponsors Project Concept Note (PCN) (one submitted through online form and 20 hard copies) Project Design Document (PDD) (one submitted through online form and 20 hard copies) Two CDs containing PCN and PDD 2. Approval procedures in DNA are as follows

Circulation among NCDMA members

60 days

Presentation by Project Proponents during NCDMA Meeting

Clarification / additional information from Project Proponent if required by NCDMA members

Host Country Approval Letter

Source: CDM India <>

Application documents submitted by project proponent are circulated among NCDMA members. If NCDMA members have any preliminary queries the same is asked from the project proponents. The project proponent and his consultants are normally given 10-15 days notice to come to the Authority meeting and give a brief power point presentation regarding their CDM project proposals. NCDMA members mainly evaluate if the project meets the national sustainable development priorities and seek clarifications during the presentation. In cases when it is requested by NCDMA members, the project proponent should prepare and submit some additional clarifications or information information. Once the members of the Authority are satisfied, the Host Country Approval is issued.

3 DNA Approval Criteria

1. Sustainable Development Indicators
Social well being Economic well being Environmental well being The CDM project activity should lead to alleviation of poverty by generating additional employment, removal of social disparities and contribution to provision of basic amenities to people leading to improvement in quality of life of people. The CDM project activity should bring in additional investment consistent with the needs of the people. This should include a discussion of impact of the project activity on resource sustainability and resource degradation, if any, due to proposed activity; bio-diversity friendliness; impact on human health; reduction of levels of pollution in general. The CDM project activity should lead to transfer of environmentally safe and sound technologies that are comparable to best practices in order to assist in upgradation of the technological base. The transfer of technology can b within th country as well f t h l be ithi the t ll from other d th developing countries also. l i ti l

Technological well being:

2. Additionality
Emission Additionality Financial Additionality The project should lead to real, measurable and long term GHG mitigation. The additional GHG reductions are to be calculated with reference to a baseline. The procurement of CERs should not be from Official Development Assistance (ODA)

3. Baselines
Baselines should be precise, transparent, comparable and workable Baselines should avoid overestimation The methodology for the determination of baselines should be homogeneous and reliable Potential errors should be indicated System boundaries of baselines should be established Interval between updates of baselines should be clearly described Role of externalities should be brought out (social, economic and environmental) Baselines should include historic emission data-sets wherever available Lifetime of project cycle should be clearly mentioned
Source: CDM India <>


Host Country CDM Approval Information

Number of approved CDM projects in each state*
(as of 1 June 2010)

Breakdown of approved CDM project by types** in six states with over 100 approved projects

State Andhra Pradesh Chattisgarh Gujarat Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Madhya P d h M dh Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Total ota

Approved projects 134 89 185 53 29 169 42 239 71 74 74 194 117 34 57 1,561 ,56
17% 8% 17% 21% 29% 8% 20% 42% 18% 8% 30% 8% 36%

6% 21% 62%

Hydro Biomass Other renewable***

Uttar Pradesh Gujarat Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Tamil Nadu

Energy efficiency Industrial I d t i l process

6% 8% 31% 35% 17%

Fuel switch Solid Waste

* The table and graphs are based on the information available on 15 June 2010 at CDM India website. The frequency and timing of update is not available. Categorization of project types for the breakdown is as per CDM India website. *** Other renewables includes all the renewable energy generation projects other than those already included in a pie graph.

8% 15%

6% 16% 5% 17% 53%

Pradesh, All of the six states that have over hundred approved CDM projects, except Uttar Pradesh projects are located in either South or West India. In Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka, where the best wind resource in India is available, about 30% to 50% of its approved projects is wind power generation projects. In Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, biomass projects utilizing residues from agricultural activities such as bagasse and rice husk account for a large part of its approved projects. In most of the six states majority of the projects are renewable energy generation, though hydro power generation is one of the main project type only in Karnataka.

Source: CDM India <>

CDM Relevant Information

Type* and sizes of projects/activities requiring EIA (Environmental Impacts Assessment ) report
(a) New start of, (b) expansion/ modernization/ addition of capacity of, and (c) any change in product of the projects/activities in the table below shall require prior environmental clearance from: The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests for those under Category A , and The State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for those under Category B , before any construction work, or preparation of land by the project management except for securing the land, is started on the project/activity:
Project or Activity Category with threshold limit A. B. Mining, extraction of natural resources and power generation (for a specified production capacity) Offshore and All projects onshore oil and gas exploration, development & production River valley projects (i) 50MW (i) < 50MW 25MW hydroelectric power hydroelectric power generation; generation; (ii) 10,000 ha. of (ii) < 10,000 ha. of culturable command culturable command area area Thermal Power Plants 500MW (coal/lignite/naphta & gas based); 50MW (Pet coke diesel and all other fuels -) ) < 500MW (coal/lignite/naphta & gas based); < 50MW 5MW (Pet coke, diesel and all other fuels) Project or Activity Category with threshold limit A. Material Processing g All projects p j Petroleum refining industry Coke oven plants 250,000 T/yr Manufacturing / Fabrication Chemical fertilizers All projects Petro-chemical All projects complexes Distilleries (i) All Molasses based distilleries (ii) All cane juice/nonmolasses based distilleries 30 KLD Pulp & paper industry Pulp manufacturing and pulp & paper manufacturing industry B. <250,000 & 25,000T/yr All cane juice/nonmolasses based distilleries < 30 KLD

Sugar Industry

Paper manufacturing industry without pulp manufacturing 5,000 tcd cane crushing capacity

Materials Production Cement plants

1.0 million T/yr production capacity

< 1.0 million T/yr production capacity. All stand alone grinding units

Source: Environmental Impact Assessment Notification by Ministry of Environment and Forests <> * Excerpt of projects/activity types relevant to CDM.

Physical Infrastructure including Environmental Services Common Effluent All projects Treatment Plants (CETPs) Common Municipal All projects Solid Waste Management Facility (CMSWMF)

CDM Relevant Information cont.

Kyoto Protocol Ratification Status
Date of signature of Climate Change Convention Date of ratification of Climate Change Convention Date of signature of Kyoto Protocol Date of ratification of Kyoto Protocol Establishment of DNA 26 August 2002 December 2003 10 June 1992 Regional Grid * 1 November 1993 Northern Western Eastern North-Eastern Sourthern OM OM** 0.99 0.99 1.13 0.70 1.01 BM BM** 0.60 0.63 0.97 0.15 0.71 OM 1.00 0.99 1.09 0.70 1.00 BM 0.63 0.59 1.00 0.93 0.23 0.71 0.99 0.71 0.60 OM BM

India Regional Grid Emission Factors (Unit: t-CO2/MWh) t CO

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008***

Source: UNFCCC <>, IGES CDM Country Guide for India <>

Source: The Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power. * Covered region of each regional grid is as follows: Northern: Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand Western: Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra. Goa Eastern: Bihar Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal Sikkim, Andaman Nicobar Bihar, Jharkhand Orissa Bengal, Sikkim Andaman-Nicobar North-Eastern: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura Southern: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Lakshadweep ** OM: Operating Margin, BM: Build Margin. Figures include inter-regional and cross-border electricity transfers. *** Emission factors of Northern, Eastern, Western, and North-Eastern regional grids have been integrated since the publication of the 2007-2008 data.

Website of Indian DNA CDM India Market Mechanism Group, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) :
IGES Market Mechanism Group Nozomi Okubo June 2010


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