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Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, MScD


Copyright 2012 by Robert Ing, All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author or publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Neither the author, publisher, distributor or seller assumes any responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of information contained in this book.

What is Numerology? Numerology is a system of divination used to determine the conscious and subconscious personality, strengths, weaknesses and life lessons to be learned of an individual; their compatibility with others and in lifes situations; to forecast future personal cycles; and as a tool of self-improvement and discovery. Numerology is based on the concept that everything and everyone; the universe, can be represented numerically (by numbers), and through these numbers all is related either closely or distantly in varying degrees of characteristics and compatibility. Numerology dates back to 3600 B.C. and from this time to the present many different systems of numerology have evolved. Some of the more notable systems have been the Abjad, African, Arabic, Chaldean, Chinese, Egyptian, Hebrew, Indian, and Pythagorean systems of numerology. In the Western world, the Chaldean and Pythagorean systems are the most popular, with the Pythagorean system being the more common. Both systems are similar in many ways, and both use numeric values of the birth date and name of an individual as basis for all calculations. However, the Chaldean also known as the Mystic System uses an 8 number letter grid whereas the Pythagorean also known as the Modern System uses a 9 number letter grid. It is important to point out the numbers used in both systems have the same definitions, characteristics and relationships. The Chaldean system is the more complicated to use but is considered by some to be more detailed in some aspects than the easier to use Pythagorean system. In this monograph we shall be using the Pythagorean or Modern System.

Numerology is a special type of reading and divination system that uses numbers as a way to symbolically look at where you have come from and where you are going. Numbers can tell us about our personalities. They are a wonderful way to look into our inner self and see what secrets are locked inside us. The Numbers The main numbers we deal with in numerology are the single digits of 1-9. When a number is larger than that, such as a birth date (3/19/1966), we reduce the larger number down to a single digit. This is done with simple math by adding each individual digit to come up with a single digit. For example, the date 3/19/1966 is reduced by adding each single digit number together such as 3+1+9+1+9+6+6 to get the number 8. Each of the single numbers represents a different meaning which reflects different ideas, concepts, and personality traits. The meaning of the numbers are reflections of what is going on in our life, or what has gone on in our life, or what is going to happen in the future. In numerology we also convert letters into numbers. The simple chart below shows what numbers go with what letters. Also, there are simple memory hooks to help you remember what numbers go with what letters.

1 2 3


(1 bottle of Ajax(s)) (buckets) (Clues) (4 wheels on car-Department of Motor

4 DMV Vehicles)

5 6 7 8 9


(NEW) (fox is fine as is) (Gypsy) (headquarters (z)) (It returns) When you reach 9 you return to one

Another way to look at this is displayed in the following chart:

Lets say our name is Richard (in numerology you always use your full name.) I would look up each letter and its corresponding number and come up with 9+9+3+8+1+9+4 which is the number 43. The number 43 can be reduced further to the number 7. All of this is very easy and also very fun to do. Before we go any further we need to take a look at the individual numbers.

The number 1 The number of the boss The number one is the most assertive of the numbers. It is the number of bosses, people in charge, and people who like to be first in line. It is considered a masculine number and it is very assertive. If you got stuck on an uncharted desert island with a 1 they would be the one to take charge and delegate to others the jobs that need to be done. Number ones dont mind telling others what to do. If the number one had to admit to any short comings (which are not in its nature to do so) it would be the inability to ask for help when things get a little hard. Ones also tend to be stubborn and have a ton of ambition. People that do well in business have this number show up in their charts. Also, ones seem to have an over abundance of confidence.

The number 2 The number of peace This is the number of a peacemaker and someone who is always looking to build and make peace. Number two people are good at communication. Twos are the combination of 2 ones and so it means something greater than the number one. Twos love communication and they hate arguments. This number is kinder and gentler than the number one. People who are good at the arts are number twos. Twos are very sensitive and are frightened that they may have their feelings hurt. If number one is a male then number two is the female. Twos need, and search, for balance in their life. Twos are often taken advantage of because they are so kind. They love the word harmony because it is what they are always seeking.

The number 3 The number of creativity The number three is one of the most creative of the numbers. 3 people are artists, musicians, dancers, actors, designers, and other types of creative people. Writers and authors are usually number 3s. When the energy of a 1 (the male) combine with the energy of a 2 the resulting child is the number 3. This number is optimistic about life and where it is going. In fact, it is not only an optimistic number but it is also fun-loving as well. 3s have an energy that brightens up a room. They have contagious smiles and are very youthful. 3s can be a little nave at times. 3s have a great imagination and they love beauty and art.

The number 4 The number of a strong foundation This number represents someone with a strong foundation. This is a number that represents someone who is independent and hard-working. This is the type of person who is strong, independent, and trustworthy. This is the type of person who is someone you know will get the job done. They cant say no to a request from someone that needs help. Family traditions mean a lot to a number 4 person. Sometimes a number 4 can be too rigid. I dont have as much zeal as number 1 people but I am a harder worker and a better manager.

The number 5 The number of adventure This number is constantly looking for change and becomes restless when they do not live a life of variety. People who are fives love adventure, new things, and they love to jump into a situation without knowing all of the facts. This number loves fun, fun, fun, and never turns the invitation down to a party.

5 people love to go to new places and to meet new people. They are not shy at all! 5 people can think on their feet and they are fast talkers. They are experts at getting themselves out of any kind of bind that comes their way. This is a number of freedom and it does not like to be tied down.

The number 6 The number of the family This is the number of family. In fact, people that are number 6s make really good marriage partners. 6s take family traditions very seriously. Also, helping others is something that 6s are very good at. This is the number of someone who takes family and relationship commitments as a major priority in their lives. This is a number that is believed to be a bridge between heaven (7) and earth (5). Many people that are 6s are very sensitive and when they are cheated on, it hurts them even deeper than others. People who have this number cry at romantic movies and readily show their emotions.

The number 7 The number of spirituality The number seven represents spirituality. This doesnt mean that they go to church every Sunday (although it can) it just

means they have a very spiritual side. This is the type of person who is always looking for answers to important spiritual questions such as where did I come from, why am I here, and where am I going after this life. That makes this a very mystical number. Seven people love to meditate and love to think deep thoughts. People who are considered psychic often have this number in their charts. Sevens love to spend time alone; to read, to study, and people often refer to them as hermits. They want to discover new ideas and new concepts. There are seven chakras and many religions say that 7 is a number of spiritual progress.

The number 8 The number of success This is the number of power and influence. People with this number in their charts tend to be very ambitious. This is the number of money, jobs, and earthly ambitions. This is the number of fame and fortune. People with this number have a very good character but may, on occasion be so concerned with their jobs that they may neglect their domestic responsibilities. People with this number are concerned that they are never rich or successful enough. They often believe there is never enough to make them truly content. In other words, they think there is always more and must constantly pursue it.


The number 9 The number of the helping hand This is the number that has learned all of the lessons of the preceding numbers and is full of compassion, love, tolerance and they are looking for ways to be of service to others. People who have this number often work for charities or give service within their own community. This is the number for people who love to cheer for the underdog in movies. This is the number of sharing and giving to others. This is the number of people who love to help others find solutions to their problems. They like to give so much that they often forget about themselves and lose themselves in the service of others. This is the number of completion. It is the number of people who have learned all of the other lessons from the previous numbers. It is a number of balance. This number is of the principle of a universal philosophy or consciousness. It is the number of the dreamer and the creator. Just as the 3 is the first number of creation the 9 (which is made up of exactly three 3s is the ultimate creator. The 9 looks for solutions from the inspirational, intuitive, and creative worlds. 9s would make great community leaders. They are filled to overflowing with compassion and empathy. The number 9 is the only number when multiplied by any number, that when each single digit of its product is added together, will equal 9. As well it is the only number when added

to any number, that when each single digit of its sum is added together, will equal the single digit equivalent number to the original number added to 9. Thus, the number 9 is associated with completion and a complete cycle. Now its your turn! Now that you have a little knowledge on what these numbers mean you are in a position to do some of your own numbers and learn a little more about yourself. The Birthday Number Your birthday number is the date you were born. This number is your birthday number. In numerology it is believed that our soul chose our time of birth. This particular number will tell you the hidden meaning of your birthday. If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19, or the 28th of the month then you have a birthday number of 1. Your birthday number is a 2 if you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th. Your birthday number is a 3 if you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th. If your birthday was on the 4th, 13th, 22, or 31st then you are a four. Your birthday number is a 5th if you were born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd. Your birthday number is a 6th if you were born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th. Youre a number 7 if you were born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th. Youre a number 8 if you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 36th.

If your birthday was on the 9th, 18th, or 27th then you are a nine. The Life Path Number Your life path number is the sum total of all of the numbers that comprise your birthday. Go back to the beginning of the book and see how we added up the example of 3/19/1966. Do it with your own birthday and add up the digits. Put your own birthday in the chart below: __ + __ / __ +__ / __ +__ +__+ __ = ____ (month) (day) (year) (total)

Take the total and keeping reducing it until you get a single digit: __ + __ + __ = __ + __ = __ (life path number) This number is considered by many to be the most important number of all. This number tells you the talents and abilities that will help you through this life. It tells the road that you will need to take to use those skills to the best of your abilities. If you have a life path number of 7 this means you must use your deep thinking skills and search for a spiritual path that will make you happy. Use the skills that make a number 7 a number 7. Your Destiny Number The destiny number is calculated by adding up all of the letters in your full name (you must use your first, middle, and last name) as it appears on your birth certificate. Using the chart in the beginning of this booklet you can convert the letters in your name to numbers. Use the following chart to help you. Remember to reduce all numbers to a single digit. __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ = __

(First name) __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ = __ (Middle name) __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ + __ = __ (Last name) Now, you must add the final reduced numbers from the first, middle, and last name together to get the final digit. Remember to reduce this number down to a single digit. __ + __ + __ = ___ (1st num.)(2nd num.)(3rd num.) (final digit) Your destiny number is the number that will tell you what you need to find success in your life. It will tell you your life purpose and what skills you will need to be a success. It tells you what you are destined for. You now know your 3 main numbers. There are still other numbers that you will need to know to get a full idea of what your life is all about. This small monograph has just barely scratched the surface of numerology and what it can mean to your life. It is recommended that you go to a professional numerologist and have your numbers fully analyzed. Numerology is a fun and exciting field that can help open up new possibilities in your life. You may also use this small monograph to do your friends numbers and compare each others results. The most important thing is to have fun with numerology, and perhaps you may just learn something new as well!



Do you need answers or are looking for some direction? Using only the numbers of your birth date and the number values of your name; Dr. Robert Ing will determine your personality who you really are, your Karma and lessons to be learned during your lifetime, your strengths and weaknesses, past life issues, wealth-health-relationship-spirituality bridges, and a detailed forecast of physical-intellectual-spiritual cycles presented in your own personal numerology chart. Once the chart is completed, Dr. Ing will personally review your chart with you and answer any questions or concerns. Your chart is uniquely and personally yours, prepared in lay terms, in an easy to read format; consisting of over 50 printed pages. Your Personal Numerology Chart prepared by Dr. Ing is literally a book of your life (past, present and future) that is truly all about YOU. This is YOUR BOOK that outlines in detail, not generalities, for the record, who you are, and what you are capable of. Consultations are available in person, via telephone and online. Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, MScD Magician of the Mind www . scienceofillusion . com www . lhpcounsellor . com


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