OGD Business Day Key-Note

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knowledge work, learning, social media

Open Data & Business in Europe

Vienna, 22 March 2012

community steward epsiplatform.eu

PSI Re-use inching towards Open Data definition

European Commissions open data strategy

Proposal for amending PSI directive Communication on open data Decision on re-use of commission documents

Main changes in the proposal

Extension of scope to libraries, museums and archives (light version) Accessible = re-usable Charging: marginal cost as default Independent authority as a watchdog Commission guidelines


accumulating mass, creating gravity pull

Access ~ Re-use Transparency ~ (Comm) Re-use Non-commercial ~ Commercial PSI ~ Open Data

distinctions blurring

Single EU Data Market

MEPSIR 2006: 27 billion 7% annual growth bigger direct economic footprint 40 billion socio-economic returns
(without obstacles)

1.7% GDP 140 billion - 200 billion max. 1.4 billion (<<1%)

Making data free pays

revenue typically very small (POPSIS) data provision costs typically <1% KNMI / TOP10NL: jump in re-use Norway Meteo: downloads>page views

New business emerges

Spain: 750 million Euro in 18 months Finland (geo): SMEs & start-ups benet

SharePSI workshop: barriers

See http://www.ickr.com/photos/epsiplatform/5737203950/

transition for government

disruption / creative destruction

Competition Authorities

Finally, the implementation of the law Market and Public Sector (Markt en Overheid) may also impact the re-use policy [...] This law was adopted by the Dutch legislator quite recently (March 2011), after years of political discussions. Briefly put and paraphrased this law, imposes a code of conduct upon PSBs undertaking economic activities, prohibiting them to use public funds for economic activities, unless this is necessary in the public interest. Furthermore, a PSB may not use its PSI, generated under the public task, for economic activities (not aimed at execution of the public task), unless this PSI is also made available to third parties. (POPSIS, December 2011)

This is where the legal action is

transition for citizens / companies

access to (fragmented) data still main issue!

Low End Markets

is where activities and growth benefit most from increased access and lower thresholds...

(charging seals underside of markets)

existing low end market activity often still hard to spot


killer app? (e-mail, sms)

where is the new ...



finding ways to work with (fragmented) data

Innovation comes from unlikely places

high-end product


novel product

You need
New data / data combinations New product / service New costing structure New customer groups New distribution channels

typical for new skies

social scaffolding = main fix

1) problem to solve 2) connected data 3) new ways

Dare to try


Tell us your story!

What is the most memorable PSI re-use or Open Data experience youve had or heard recently?

Type your story / anecdote / observation (in your native language if you want) Add a title, and a few key words Answer a few questions about the meaning of the story Use the blue arrows to go forward (and back) For questions using a triangle or slide bar: mouse click to place the dot (you cannot drag the dot)

At the end, click Finish or Share another story to save


In your story what was the motivation for data re-use?


To spot patterns



knowledge work, learning, social media

All photos: Ton Zijlstra, by nc sa Except where mentioned on the photo. Slides: Ton Zijlstra, by

Slides: http://slideshare.net/tonzijlstra Blog: http://zylstra.org/blog Contact: ton@tonzijlstra.eu Skype: ton_zylstra

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