Writing Assessment Program: G 7 W A Test Booklet

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Writing Assessment Program


You can achieve score 4 on your response by doing the following: Illustrate a thorough understanding of the task with a clear and consistent focus on the central topic through outstanding control over and development of ideas [details, reasons, examples, evidence, anecdotes, events, descriptions, etc.] all of which fully support and/or enhance the central topic with no digression. Present an effective organization through the use of purposeful, clearly delineated, multiple paragraphs, including a compelling introduction, purposeful rather than formulaic transitions within and between paragraphs, and an effective conclusion that provides a clear sense of resolution rather than a mere restatement of the opening. Establish a consistent perspective or stance with distinctive tone and style appropriate for purpose and audience. Exhibit purposeful use of variety in sentence structure and length to ensure the smooth ow of ideas throughout the response. Demonstrate consistent use of appropriate, powerful, precise language to support development of ideas. Contain only few errors, illustrating effective control of age-appropriate standard writing conventions [spelling, usage, punctuation, and capitalization] that are correct to the extent that errors do not detract from overall delivery and require only minimal editing.

Scorers will be evaluating your essay based on the information above. Do your best!

Mississippi Code 37-16-4 prohibits prior disclosure of the materials contained here to a student who will be taking this test. Mississippi Code also prohibits any person from releasing, causing to be released, reproducing or causing to be reproduced any secure materials in any form or medium. Violations of the stature may result in invalidation of test scores, suspensions of certicates to teach, and/or prosecution.


1. Choose only one of the two prompts printed on the next two pages and respond to that prompt. Use the rubric on page one to help you make decisions as you write the first draft of your response on your Planning Pages.

2. After you have selected only one of the prompts, use the bottom of pages three and four to organize your response. Use the Planning Pages on pages five and six to write the first draft of your response.

3. After you have written and reviewed the first draft of your response, you must write your final response in your Response Booklet.


Choose a time from your life that you remember as especially fun or memorable. You may be thinking of a time you did something by yourself, with friends, or with family or some other time that was especially fun or memorable. Write a narrative essay for an interested adult about that time in your life. Before you begin writing, think about the event as it happened and the specific details that will help the reader see the event clearly. Capture the event by using strong verbs and specific details so that the reader feels as if he or she is watching the event exactly as it happened.


Your school district leaders are considering a new homework policy. The policy will require that students have fifteen minutes of homework in each subject every night. Think about whether you agree or disagree with this proposed policy. Write an essay to persuade your school district leaders to agree with your viewpoint. Be sure to include specific reasons, details, and/or examples to explain and support your viewpoint. Remember you are writing the essay to present reasons, details, and/or examples that will convince the district leaders to agree with you.

Mississippi Writing Assessment Planning Pages Use these pages to write a draft of your response. These pages are for planning a draft of your response ONLY. Nothing you write on these pages will be scored.



Planning Pages (continued)

Once you are ready, you must write your nal response in your Response Booklet on pages 3 and 4. Use the rubric on page 1 to help you make any revisions or edits to your response. 6

End Planning Pages



Copyright 2008 by Mississippi Department of Education.

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