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Qs.1)What is more important, the statements in a corporate culture document or actual managerial behavior? Ans.

1) Here it is not easy to say which is more important either the statement incorporate culture document or actual managerial behavior. Because organizational culture increases the behavioral consistency of the employees and the behavior of t h e e m p l o y e e s i n a n organization represent the picture of the organizational culture. In t o d a y s w o r k p l a c e , t h e r o l e o f c u l t u r e i n i n f l u e n c i n g e m p l o y e e s behavior appears to be increasingly important. And at the same time, employees actual behavior is also important which in turn depicts that organization is having a good culture and proper implementation process of the culture is being followed. So here incorporation of the culture in employees behavior is more important. Because once the corporate culture document is ready the behavior of employees depends upon whether it is properly implemented or not. S i n c e F a l c o n C o m p u t e r w a s a n e w f i r m s o c r e a t i o n o f t h e d o c u m e n t c a l l e d Falcon Values which described the culture of the company was fine but they hadnt decided as to how the statement in the Falcon Values document would be i m p l e m e n t e d i n a c t u a l p r a c t i c e . A n d t h u s t h e r e e m e r g e d differences in the s t a t e m e n t i n t h e F a l c o n V a l u e s d o c u m e n t a n d the actual practices of the managers and the employees. There s h o u l d b e p r o p e r c o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d implementation (ex Telling Stories - Ford motor, Nike, etc. Rituals - Wal-Mart, I B M , E r i c s s o n , P r i c e Waterhouse-Coopers etc. and many more...) of the organizational culture so that the statement mentioned in the corporate culture document is congruent with the actual behavior of the employees. Qs.2) Why did the Falcon executives act as they did? Ans.2) The Falcon executives acted as they did because they wanted to maintain their supremacy in the organization by virtue of the positions held but at the same time also wanted to create and maintain such an organizational culture that every employee in the organization could identify with. Through the Falcon Values document, the executives did want to develop their own organization specific culture but they also wanted to make sure that their positions in the organization hierarchy were maintained. While the executives wanted to create and thereby project a common culture in the organization, the reality was that hierarchy, secrecy and expediency was truly emphasized in the organization ignoring many of the concepts incorporated in the values document. Qs.3) Why didnt employees like Richards blow the whistle on Falcon, challenging the inconsistency between values and behavior? Ans.3) The Employees did not like Richards Whistle Blow because they were themselves very much part and parcel of Falcons Organizational culture.-When the culture was planned and

implemented in the organization, probably top management didnt include all the employees but when they implemented it, it affected each and every employee of the organization. All the employees became a part of it and became habituated in that culture; they adopted the culture and even made some internal changes (in their value system). So blowing the whistle and changing the culture was like pulling them out of their comfort zone.-Blowing whistle is the previous stage of change. As we know changes are always prevented in an Organization (sometimes because of financial loss, sometimes because of fear of unknown, sometimes because of selective information processing etc). Also, the employees didnt like the whistle blow as a predecessor of Organizational Change.-And here as the employees were also practicing the wrong culture, they didnt want the whistle to blow. Qs.4) How can executives go about changing the old values that govern an organization? Ans.4) It is very hard to change the old values or culture. So, first of all, it should be observed that whether the value is good or not. The question Is the value causing any problem to the goodwill of the organization? should be asked. If so, then first of all, the higher authorities should be made to understand that with time, some old values might become obsolete which in turn necessitates the changing of the values for the betterment of the organization. Then the needed amendments should be made in the culture, as the culture is imbibed by the employees of the8organization. So, first of all, the higher executives should bring in the change and then they should also ask the employees to do the same & thereby help them to change their organizational culture. In this way the executives can go about changing the old values that govern an organization.

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