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Company Overview Scope. 2.1 Exclusions Definitions Quality Management System 4.1 General Requirements (Ref. ISO STD 4.1) 4.1.1 Processes 4.1.2 Effective Operation and Control of Processes 4.1.3 Availability of Resources 4.1.4 Monitoring, Measurement and Analysis of Processes 4.1.5 Continual Improvement 4.1.6 Control of Outsourced Processes 4.2 Documentation Requirements 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Quality Manual (Ref. ISO STD 4.2.2) 4.2.3 Control of Documents (Ref. ISO STD 4.2.3) 4.2.4 Control of Records Management Responsibility 5.1 Management Commitment (Ref. ISO STD 5.1) 5.1.1 Communicating to the Organization. 5.1.2 Establishing the Quality Policy 5.1.3 Establishing Quality Objectives 5.1.4 Conducting Management Reviews 5.1.5 Availability of Resources 5.2 Customer Focus (Ref. ISO STD 5.2) 5.3 Quality Policy (Ref. ISO STD 5.3) 5.3.1 Appropriate to Organizational Purpose 5.3.2 Commitments 5.3.3 Framework for Establishing Objectives 5.3.4 Communication of the Quality Policy 5.3.5 Review of the Quality Policy 5.4 Planning 5.4.1 Quality Objectives (Ref. ISO STD 5.4.1) 5.4.2 Quality Management System Planning (Ref. ISO STD 5.4.2) 5.5 Responsibility, Authority, and Communication 5.5.1 Responsibility and Authority (Ref. ISO STD 5.5.1) 5.5.2 Management Representative (Ref. ISO STD 5.5.2) 5.5.3 Internal Communications (Ref. ISO STD 5.5.3) 5.5.4 Key Positions Common 5.5.5 Organization Chart for Key QMS Positions 5.5.6 Key Positions A Typical Contract



5.5.7 Organization Chart of a Typical Project 5.6 Management Process 5.6.1 Management Review (Ref. ISO STD 5.6.1) 5.6.2 Review Input (Ref. ISO STD 5.6.2) 5.6.3 Review Output (Ref. ISO STD 5.6.3) 5.6.4 Management Review Flowchart Resource Management 6.1 Provision of Resources (Ref. ISO STD 6.1) 6.2 Human Resources Process 6.2.1 General (Ref. ISO STD 6.2.1) 6.2.2 Competence, Awareness and Training (Ref. ISO STD 6.2.2) 6.2.3 Human Resources Process Flowchart 6.3 Infrastructure (Ref. ISO STD 6.3) 6.4 Work Environment (Ref. ISO STD 6.4) Service, Product & Solution Realization 7.1 Business and Proposal Development Process 7.1.1 Business Development 7.1.2 Proposal Development 7.1.3 Business and Proposal Development Process Flowchart 7.2 Contract Management Process 7.2.1 Contract Negotiation/Award 7.2.2 Subcontractor Management 7.2.3 Contract Close-Out 7.2.4 Contract Management Process Flowchart 7.3 Project Management Process 7.3.1 Planning of Service, Product and Service Realization (Ref ISO STD 7.2.1) Services Project Plan Solutions Project Plan 7.3.2 Design and Development (Ref. ISO STD 7.3) 7.3.3 Project Initiation 7.3.4 Contract Fulfillment Services Contracts or Tasks Product Contracts or Tasks Solution Contracts or Tasks All Contracts or Tasks 7.3.5 Project Management Process Flowchart 7.4 eCommerce Management Process 7.4.1 Maintain eCommerce Database 7.4.2 Order Management 7.4.3 Customer Communication 7.4.4 eCommerce Fulfillment


7.4.5 Quality Assurance 7.4.6 eCommerce Fulfillment Process Flowchart 7.5 Quality Management Process 7.5.1 General Service Monitoring and Measurement Product Monitoring and Measurement Solutions Monitoring and Measurement Quality Objectives Control of Non-Conforming Product/Service 7.5.2 Validation of Processes for Product and Service Provision (Ref. ISO Std. 7.5.2) 7.5.3 Preservation of Product (Ref. ISO STD 7.5.5) 7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measurement Devices (Ref. ISO STD 7.6) Measurement, Analysis and Improvement 8.1 General (Ref. ISO STD 8.1) 8.2 Measurement 8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction (Ref. ISO STD 8.2.1) 8.2.2 Internal Audit Process (Ref. ISO STD 8.2.2) Internal Audit Process Flowchart 8.2.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes (Ref. ISO STD 8.2.3) 8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of Product and Service (Ref. ISO STD 8.2.4) 8.2.5 Evidence of Conformance 8.3 Control of Non-Conforming Product, Service or Solution (Ref. ISO STD 8.3) 8.4 Analysis of Data (Ref. ISO STD 8.4) 8.5 Process Improvement 8.5.1 Continual Improvement (Ref. ISO STD 8.5.1) 8.5.2 Corrective Action (Ref. ISO STD 8.5.2) 8.5.3 Preventive Action (Ref. ISO STD 8.5.3)

Appendix A Appendix B B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 Appendix C C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 Appendix D D.1 D.1.1 D.1.2 D.1.3 D.1.4 D.2 D.2.1 D.2.2 D.2.3 D.2.4 Appendix E Appendix F F.1 F.2 F.2.1 F.2.2 F.3 F.4 F.4.1 F.4.2 F.5 F.6 F.6.1 F.6.2

Work Instruction Management Review Work Instruction Proposal Development Assign Responsibility Conduct Proposal Planning. Complete Requirements Analysis. Prepare Technical Proposal Prepare Cost Proposal Conduct Proposal Reviews Obtain Proposal Approval Work Instruction Internal Audit Internal Audit Schedule Plan Individual Audit Conduct the Audit Record Findings Work Instruction Corrective & Preventive Action Corrective Action Work Instruction Identify & Review Non-Conformances Evaluate Need & Recommendation for Corrective Action Approve & Implement Corrective Action Record Results Preventive Action Work Instruction Identify & Review Potential Preventive Actions Evaluate Need & Recommendation for Preventive Action Approve & Implement Corrective Action Record Results Signature Authority Management of Government Furnished Properties Introduction XYZ Responsibility Receipts for Government Property Discrepancies Incident to Shipment XYZ Liability Basic Information Segregation of Government Property Property in Possession of Subcontractors Identification Physical Inventories Inventories Upon Contract Termination or Completion Reporting Results of Inventories

F.7 Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I

Audit of Property Control System Commitment Letter from the President List of Quality Records QMS Process Monitoring, Measurement and Analysis

List of Exhibits Exhibit 1. Exhibit 2. Exhibit 3. Exhibit 4. Exhibit 5. Exhibit 6. Exhibit 7. Exhibit 8. Exhibit 9. Exhibit 10. Exhibit 11. Exhibit 12. Exhibit 13. Exhibit 14. Exhibit 15. Exhibit 16. Exhibit 17. Exhibit 18. Exhibit 19. Exhibit 20. Exhibit 21. Exhibit 22. Exhibit 23. Exhibit 24. Exhibit 25. Exhibit 26. Exhibit 27. Exhibit 28. Exhibit 29. Overall Structure of the XYZ QMS Process Interaction Control of Document Requirements Summary of Records Control Methodologies Summary of Key Elements of Customer Focus Key Quality Elements, Measurement Criteria, Objectives and Responsible Levels QMS Planning & Approach Summary of Key Common Positions Organization Chart of Key QMS Positions Summary of Key Program Position Organization Chart of a Typical Project Management Review Flowchart Summary of Methodologies Used in the Human Resources Process Human Resources Process Flowchart XYZ Process Model Business and Proposal Development Process Flowchart Contract Management Process Flowchart Planning Requirements for Different Types of Projects Service Project Planning Requirements Solution Project Planning Requirements Minimum Requirements for Each Phase of the Design/Development Plan Methods of Control in Contract Fulfillment Project Management Process Flowchart Methods of Control in eCommerce Fulfillment eCommerce Fulfillment Process Flowchart Internal Audit Process Flowchart Data Analysis Methods Key Components of the Continual Improvement Program Corrective Action Flowchart Preventive Action Process Flowchart

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