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Describe the objection of the German people to the Treaty of Versailles: The 'Treaty of Vesailles' was established in 1819,

just a year after WW1 ended; the treaty consisted of many regulations decided by the 'Allie Countries' for Germany to tightly follow. Due to being in no position to reject the treaty after the war, the 'Weimar Republic' was pressured into the agreement.The German people greatly objected to the treaty for multiple reasons and felt that they had been given 'a stab in the back'; a selection of the articles caused particular anger in Germany. After being humiliated due to losing the war, Germany particularly objected to 'Article 231' which stated the Germany were to accept all responsibility for causing the war; the main objection of this article was due to the fact that Germany believed that other countries had caused the war and Germany had only been in the war for 'Self Defence'. This was the term the the Germans most resented; the idea of starting the war and losing it proved to greatly annoy the Germans, those that had not predicted to lose especially. Another of the regulations in the treaty was that Germany were required to pay annual reparations; a sum of 6,600 million in German currency was requested to be paid in instalments to the 'Allied Countries' in order to make up for previous damage caused by the German bombings. Although Germany had caused a huge amount of damage to the opposing countries during the war (particularly France), Germany itself was also suffering financially,making it a struggle to pay back the money. With the loss of 6,600 million each year, Germany had to print more money than the gold reserves they had; this production later lead to the huge hyperinflation of Germany. The reparations that the Germans faced would have caused many objections from the population as it hugely damaged their economy; the people of Germany felt that this term was harsh and was put into place simply to destroy Germany. The Treaty Of Verailles also consisted of a term that dissembled the German Military terms; the term, decided by the Allied Countries, was put in order as an attempt to reduce the likeliness of a future attack by the Germans. The Military term claimed that Germany was not allowed to have any military aircrafts,submarines, a reduced number of battle ships and only 15,000 sailors. The term also stated that the army was to be reduced to 100,000 and that The Rhineland area was to be demilitarised meaning that none of the German Armed Forces were allowed in that area; this land was also occupied by the Allied troops for fifteen years. The term against the German Military was greatly opposed to as it damaged not only the Germans defence yet also their pride. Among the other terms created by the Allied Countries, Germany lost a large amount of land when it was shared or returned to other countries; this was

opposed to as it lowered the value of the country. Another reason as to why the Germans opposed the loss of land was due to it being humiliating highlighting the loss of power that the Germans faced. Consequently,the main objections that the Germans faced against the Treaty Of Versailles was due to the main terms that they had no choice but to accept. The Germans felt betrayed by the Weimar Republic for signing the Treaty as it came with many harsh consequences; the main objections were towards the war guilt,the reparations, the Military terms and the land loss. The treaty was considered overly harsh and set up only to destroy Germany and its previous glories.

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