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Guidelines for Writing an Essay CEVAZ High Intermediate/Advanced Courses Use only formal language.

. avoid the use of slang, contractions and the first person, whenever possible. Use a thesaurus to avoid redundancy. before starting to write, brainstorm all ideas and outline a scheme with all aspects to cover. focus on the most important ideas first, and call only clear and explicit examples. INTRODUCTION: You must define your whole thesis from the start. write a very complete sentence to express your thesis statement. Underline this sentence and keep it in mind throughout the entire writing process. In this introductory paragraph, you must describe the topic you are covering, and frame the readers mind within your perspective of the issue. Some useful phrases could be: When we refer to xxxx we mean all This topic will include We intend to focus We can not explain all details of xxxx, but we may only try to describe in the following lines you will find a comparison between

INTENTION OR PURPOSE: to express voluntary pursue of a goal (in order) to so that (can) with the purpose of to settling for intended to For -ing as a tool for aiming to intending to trying to for the sake of as a means to in an effort to as an attempt

DIRECT CONSEQUENCE: To express that effect produced by a condition. this may be a voluntary action or just a consequence of given circumstances. some useful phrases could be: Since , As , Once , ... (and) so hence then thus Therefore, As a result (of this), In the face of this, In consequence, Logically, then, That is (the reason) why For this reason (and others), So afterwards, So, naturally, It was to be expected that And given that, Under the circumstances, ILLOGICAL CONSEQUENCE: To express conditions that make it hard for some things to happen, but do not avoid them completely. Some useful phrases are: But However Though Still, Yet Nonetheless

Although Even though Even when Even if Even so, Just the same Despite In spite of Sometimes To express conditions that do not affect the result at all. Some useful phrases could be: Regardless of Disregarding Never mind No matter REASONS AND EXPLANATIONS: Here are some useful phrases: Because Because of On account of Considering Due to Due to the fact that As a result of As a consequence of Through By means of By given REPLACEMENTS: Instead Settling for

Instead of making do with

in lieu of Making up for

COMPARISONS: We can use the different forms and grades of adjectives, plus some useful expressions: (not) As As (not) so As and as well Both xxx and yyy The same as just like The (same) way as like comparable to Similar to The same can be said of In much the same way as Resembles looks like It reminds you of

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