A Drama by Michael-Dante Craig: Orbit

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Orbit A drama by Michael-Dante Craig

2 Orbit (r'bt) noun: 1. The curved path, usually elliptical, described by a planet, satellite, spaceship, etc., around a celestial body, as the sun. 2. the usual course of one's life or range of one's activities, the people who are a daily part of ones life (His friends and family were a part of his orbit.).

3 Cast of Characters DANIEL HARGROVE: 46-years old, attractive. Operates his own business. Married to Melissa for twenty years, father to Christopher, Chelsea and Tanner. MELISSA HARGROVE: Attractive, early-40s, wife of Daniel. A stay-at-home Mom to her three children. CHRISTOPHER HARGROVE: Eldest child of Daniel and Melissa, eighteen-years-old, physically fit and intelligent, preparing to attend Stanford in the fall. CHELSEA HARGROVE: The Hargroves middle child, a typically inquisitive and sensitive twelve-year-old girl. TANNER HARGROVE: The Hargroves youngest child, a typically rambunctious tenyear-old boy. RICHARD WELLES (Unseen): Daniels longtime friend, he works for an unidentified government agency. CYNTHIA: Daniels personal secretary, mid-30s, attractive, mother of an infant son. RADIO REPORTER (Unseen): Powerful male voice to relay life-altering information via the radio. JAMES: Male, early-thirties, one of Daniels employees at his place of business.

4 Scene 1: The main office of Hargrove Enterprises, LLC. Its early morning and Daniel is arriving at his office to prepare for a busy day ahead. His long-time secretary Cynthia is already at the office, making coffee and organizing notes and messages on Daniels desk. DANIEL (entering room) Good morning, Cynthia. Im glad you already have the coffee brewing, as I could sure use a cup. CYNTHIA (seated at her desk) Good morning, Daniel. Busy day already? DANIEL With three kids, every morning is a busy one, especially the first day of summer break. CYNTHIA (laughing lightly) I understand that. I only have an infant at home and its all I can do to keep up. (Handing DANIEL a stack of Post-It notes) Here are your messages from yesterday afternoon and a few from this morning as well. How was Tanners baseball game? DANIEL (proudly) He scored the winning run for the team, the little rascal. Hes going to play in the Majors one day, you know. CYNTHIA And then hell be able to take care of Dad. Isnt that the plan? DANIEL (winking) Heck, yeah! (looking over his messages) Four messages from Richard Welles? Theyre all marked urgent.

5 CYNTHIA Oh, yeah. He did sound pretty anxious when he called this morning. I asked him if he wanted your home phone number and he said no, he already had it. I told him you would be in shortly. Is he a business associate? DANIEL No, just an old friend from college. He works for the government now. Something mysterious and confidential. Real good guy. I havent spoken to him in a while. Can you try and reach him for me? I have to call home and check in real quick with Melissa and the kids. CYNTHIA Sure thing, Boss. Ill let you know when I contact him. (Exits Daniels office) (DANIEL pours himself a cup of coffee and takes out his cell phone and dials a number) (Separate set, same stage. MELISSA is in the living room of the Hargrove house. She is picking up various items of clothing strewn about the house as her three children, all wet and wearing bathing suits, run in and out of frame. The home telephone rings and MELISSA looks at the caller ID and picks up.) MELISSA (sighing) Hey, baby. Have you arrived safely at work? DANIEL Smooth sailing. Missed most of the traffic. How are you handling the kids first day home for the start of summer break? MELISSA Its chaos, as you can probably hear. They are all three up and at it this fine morning. (Pulls phone away from her mouth) Tanner, I said no water guns in the house. Christopher, take your baby brother and Chelsea back outside to the pool, please. (sighing again) Its going to be a long, hot summer. It must be near a hundred degrees already. The weather forecast was wrong again.

6 DANIEL I know. I just hope the offices air conditioning doesnt go on the fritz again today. Hey, did you remember to pay the cable bill for this month? You know I cant live without my ESPN. MELISSA No worries. Dont I always take care of the little things for you? DANIEL I couldnt make it without you, babe. (CYNTHIA enters Daniels office again.) CYNTHIA (whispering) Daniel, I have Richard Welles on line one. DANIEL Thanks, Cynthia. I have to go, beautiful. I have a call from my old Stanford bud Richard. CYNTHIA Richard? We havent seen him in a while. Give him my love. DANIEL Will do. Good luck in keeping the kids in check today. Love ya. Bye! MELISSA Bye (MELISSA blows a kiss into the phone) (The living room set darkens. DANIEL puts down his cell phone and immediately picks up his office telephone.) DANIEL Richie! Its been a while, my friend. How have you been? RICHARD (hesitant) Ive been okay. Its really good to hear the sound of your voice again. DANIEL Same here! Ive been meaning to call you, but life is so insanely busy now with the business and the wife and three kids. But, you know how that goes. How are Barb and the boys?

7 RICHARD (quietly) Theyre good. They all send their love. DANIEL Thats awesome! I meant to let you know that my oldest son Christopher has been accepted at Stanford. Im so proud of the boy. Hell be studying Communications. I guess all the stories I told him about the fun you and I had back in our college days must have really rubbed off on him! (laughs) RICHARD Thats wonderful to hear, Daniel. (RICHARDS voice breaks off into almost silent sobs)

DANIEL Richie? Is something wrong? RICHARD Im afraid so, my friend. I have something to tell you, something very important. Youve been like a brother to me for all these years (voice trailing off) DANIEL (concern in voice) Okay, youre starting to worry me now. Whats going on? RICHARD I dont know how to tell you this, brother. Theres something bad thats going to happen for which you need to prepare. Are Melissa and the kids at home? DANIEL Yes. I just spoke with her. Why? What are you trying to say? RICHARD Listen, theres not a lot of time. You need to call Melissa and tell her to get the kids down into your basement. I know you have a basement. We played drunken pool down there a few New Years ago. I won the hundred dollar bet and you accused me of cheating. Remember? Tell Melissa to grab as much food, bottled water and blankets that she can. Tell her to round up the kids and head down into the basement as quickly as possible.

8 DANIEL Richard, Im not telling Melissa anything until I know everything you know. What the Hell is going on? RICHARD (shouting) Damn it, Daniel. Theres no time! DANIEL Friend, you should know me well enough to realize I demand full disclosure. No matter how hard the news is to hear, I need to know. RICHARD (with a sense of dire urgency in voice) Okay. I cant give you all the details. A few years back, there was an asteroid discovered. The astronomers calculated that the asteroid would more than likely hit the earth. The government was alerted to the problem and decided not to tell the public, that they would try and handle the situation without creating a panic. Two years ago, they launched a missile into space to try and hit the asteroid and divert it. You probably heard about the mission on the evening news. They claimed to be conducting an experiment. Well, the missile did hit the asteroid, but it only succeeded in breaking it up into many smaller pieces. One of the larger pieces was redirected toward earth. So they sent up another mission several weeks ago to destroy it once and for all. But something went wrong and the mission failed again. Now, the largest piece is hurtling toward us as we speak. It will make impact in less than four hours. The chunk is the size of three football fields and will crash land less than a hundred miles from where you live, Daniel. So you have to do as I say Now! DANIEL (listening in awe and reacting in horror) How do you know this for sure? RICHARD Youre just going to have to trust me. We were so confident our technology could stop it. Theres not much time left. I have to get Barb and the boys down into the basement. Just do as I tell you to do, please! (The sound of urgent chatter in background as Richard tries to get his family into the basement) Daniel, may God be with you and your family. Pray for us all, my friend. I love you (the phone goes dead) DANIEL (shouting) Richard? Richard!

9 CYNTHIA (entering office) Is something wrong? DANIEL Im not sure. Could you turn on the radio, please? (Cynthia walks across the room and turns on a portable radio sitting atop a filing cabinet/desk.) CYNTHIA Are you going to tell me whats the matter? (Muzak playing on the radio) DANIEL I dont know. My good friend Richie told me something that has me a little concerned. CYNTHIA Could he be playing a prank on you? DANIEL No, not Richard. Hes always been the serious one. I was the joker. There was something in his voice, a sense of fear and urgency. CYNTHIA You have me a little worried now. DANIEL (laughing nervously) Im sorry. Thats not my intention. CYNTHIA There doesnt appear to be any news on the radio. Thats a good sign, right? DANIEL Yes, definitely a good sign. (Changing subject) By the way, do you have the quarterly reports prepared for my review? CYNTHIA I certainly do. Let me go get it for you real quick. (Exits stage) (As CYNTHIA exits stage, Daniels employee JAMES enters the office.)

10 JAMES: (out of breath) What the hell is going on out there? DANIEL (look of concern on face) What do you mean? JAMES: Hell if I know. Youd think the world was coming to an end or something. I was just at the supermarket to pick up some lunch and people were buying out the place like there was no tomorrow. They were filling up two/three shopping carts worth of food. The lines were so long, I walked out. Then I went to the bank to withdraw some money from the ATM. Same damn thing. A line of cars around two blocks. It was the same at the gas station around the corner. What the heck is going on around here, Daniel? DANIEL Im not sure CYNTHIA: (entering with a hand full of papers) Heres the quarterly report, boss. I hope it meets with your approval DANIEL (hushes CYNTHIA as a news report breaks in over the music on the radio) Sssh Listen! RADIO REPORTER (V.O.) This news just in here at the station. Mayor Tony Walton has just issued a State of Emergency for all of the metropolitan area until further notice. All emergency personnel should report to their command centers at this time. All off-duty police officers are to report immediately to your stations for instructions. This is all the information we have been provided with here at WXYZ. We are now receiving numerous calls from across the area regarding what appears to be a panic situation at local grocery stores, banks and fuel stations. We cannot confirm or deny any of these reports nor can we offer advice about what you should do other than to relay the limited information we have received from the mayors office. Again, a State of Emergency has been issued for the local area (Fades out) CYNTHIA (starting to panic) Oh my God! What do we do?

11 DANIEL First thing we do is not panic. JAMES Screw that! Im out of here! (takes off running from stage) CYNTHIA (panic starting to take hold) Daniel, I want to know everything you know. What your friend told you. DANIEL (trying to gather his thoughts) Uh, he said theres an asteroid headed toward the earth, that the government knew about if and thought they could handle the situation without creating a panic, but something went terribly wrong CYNTHIA (covering her face with her hands) Oh dear God, no! DANIEL Ive got to call Melissa and warn her! CYNTHIA (breathlessly) And I have to call my husband. Hell have to pick up our son at day care! (CYNTHIA runs off stage quickly) (DANIEL turns down the radio and picks up the office telephone on desk and quickly dials as lights dim over office scene) (Lights come back on over Hargrove living room scene. MELISSA is still trying to tidy up the room as her three children run back inside, still dressed in pool attire.) TANNER (in a sing-song voice) Mom! Its thundering outside! MELISSA Thunder? Theres not a cloud in the sky. TANNER Cant help that, but its still thundering.

12 CHELSEA Are the neighbors going on vacation? Theyre packing all of their stuff into their car. MELISSA Which neighbors, honey? CHELSEA (matter-of-factly) All of them. MELISSA (laughing softly) I guess so, then. CHRISTOPHER Its getting hotter outside, Mom. Almost by the minute. MELISSA (sighing) Well, thats what the pool is for then. (musses CHRIS wet hair) Right? CHRISTOPHER (still serious) I dont know. It just seems kinda weird to me, thats all. MELISSA Duly noted, my incredibly observant son. Now, could you take both of your siblings back outside to give me a bit more time to finish cleaning the house? CHRISTOPHER Sure thing, Mom. (gives his mother a kiss on the cheek) Cmon, you two rug rats. Lets hit the pool again! (All three exit the stage, chattering as they go.) (MELISSA watches after her children, smiling. The cordless home telephone rings. MELISSA picks up the telephone after looking at caller ID) MELISSA Hi again, baby. Everything going well at work? DANIEL (seriousness in voice) Where are the kids at?

13 MELISSA (a bit startled) Theyre outside by the pool. Why? Whats wrong? DANIEL Melissa, I need you to be very calm for me. Do you think you can do that? MELISSA (nervously) That depends DANIEL (speaking slowly and with intent) Baby, this is very important, so listen very carefully and try not to panic. I need you to go outside and get the kids. Tell them to come inside NOW. Be very firm if you have to be. Then I want you to start gathering blankets, extra clothes, canned and packaged food and especially bottled water. Get all of these things along with yourself and the kids down into the basement as quickly as possible. MELISSA Oh, no. Whats happening? Its something very bad, isnt it? DANIEL Im afraid so. (MELISSA groans) Now, please. You have to remain calm. You need to do this now MELISSA (trying to gather her thoughts) Okay, okay. Let me go get the kids first and then youre going to tell me whats really going on here. (CHRISTOPHER appears at the door, looking concerned) CHRISTOPHER Mom, there really is something freaky going on outside, no joke. MELISSA I know, Christopher. I need you to go and bring Tanner and Chelsea back inside. Tell them that I said so. (CHRISTOPHER nods his head and goes back off-stage)

14 MELISSA (to Daniel, in a calmer voice) I need for you to tell me what is happening, so I can be prepared. DANIEL I dont know everything. Just that theres an asteroid going to make impact soon and we have to find shelter, fast. Are you getting the supplies ready to take down to the basement like I asked? MELISSA (suddenly grabbing food and bottled water from nearby table and putting into a laundry basket) Yes. How much time do we have? DANIEL Im not sure. Richard said a few hours, maybe. The radio is reporting we are now in a state of emergency MELISSA (shaky voice) Dear Lord, this cant really be happening, can it? DANIEL It would appear it is, baby. You need to be strong now, for the kids. MELISSA I know, I know. Where are you? Are you on your way home now? DANIEL Im still at the office. Ill be leaving here in a few minutes. Ill be home as fast as I can, doll face. I promise. Ive got to get some things together. Ill call you back as soon as Im on the road. Everything is going to be okay. Be strong I love you. MELISSA Please hurry. I love you so very much. (Lights go off over office scene but remain on over Hargrove home scene. MELISSA grabs a blanket from off chair/sofa and puts it into laundry basket along with the food and other supplies. Her face shows the intense stress of the news, yet she is silent. All three HARGROVE children enter the living room scene simultaneously, the two younger children complaining loudly.)

15 CHELSEA Mom, its too early and too hot to come back inside now. Its only ten oclock in the morning! TANNER Yeah, Mom. What gives? MELISSA There are some bad storms coming this way. You said earlier you heard thunder. TANNER (protesting) But we have thunderstorm warnings every day in the summer. Theyre no big deal! MELISSA (voice shaking slightly) They are still dangerous, so please stay inside for right now. Can you do that for me? CHELSEA Mom, you sound weird. Is there something youre not telling us? CHRISTOPHER Cmon, guys. Quit giving Mom such a hard time. Shes just being a mother, so do as she says, okay? (Both CHELSEA and TANNER begrudgingly mutter Okay) CHELSEA At least we can watch Spongebob on TV. TANNER (yelling loudly) I wanna watch Yu-Gi-Oh! CHELSEA Spongebob! MELISSA I dont want you guys watching television right now. I think we should all go down into the basement, just until after the storm passes. Weve got plenty of board games downstairs we can play. We havent done that in a long time. Remember how much fun we all had last winter playing games when the weather was bad? TANNER Mom, its not storming yet.


CHRISTOPHER Cmon, you two. Well all go downstairs and have fun. You can take your video games with you. Lets go (CHELSEA and TANNER begrudgingly comply with CHRISTOPHER and all three walk off-stage together. MELISSA watches after them for a moment before bursting into tears. A few moments pass before CHRISTOPHER re-enters the room.) CHRISTOPHER Mom, can you please tell me what is really going on here? Im a grown up now. I can handle it. MELISSA Honey, you need to help me get some supplies down into the basement. Your father called and said (pauses for breath) and said that something very bad was about to happen, that his friend from college Richard had called him and told him that an asteroid or a meteor or something was about to hit Earth, very soon. Thats why we need to get down into the basement as quickly as possible. CHRISTOPHER Wheres Dad? Is he on his way home? MELISSA Yes. He promised me hell be home as soon as he can. CHRISTOPHER Okay. Ill help you take the stuff downstairs. What else do we need? MELISSA (overwhelmed) God only knows Lots of bottled water. Go into Tanner and Chelseas rooms and get some extra clothes for them and for yourself. I just did laundry this morning, so your clothes are folded neatly on your beds. Dont forget clean undies. Ill start packing food, water, candles, whatever I can grab. CHRISTOPHER Mom, its going to be alright. MELISSA I know, sweetheart. Now go, quickly!

17 (CHRISTOPHER takes off-stage. Lights go dim/off over HARGROVE living room scene. Prep for basement scene needed. Lights go back on at office scene. CYNTHIA is talking excitedly to her husband (unseen/unheard) on her cell phone.) CYNTHIA Are you almost there? Oh, thank God! Do you see Adam? No? Where are the day care workers? Oh God, theyve probably all run home in a panic. Im trying to stay calm. Just find our baby PLEASE! You see him? Oh, thank you, Lord. I knew Mrs. Butler wouldnt abandon my baby boy. I can hear him crying. Tell him Mommys here, that everything is going to be okay. Just get him into the car and get home as quickly as you can. Im on my way home now. Be careful. Oh, God, I love you both so much. Goodbye! (DANIEL enters office with a cardboard box in his hands) DANIEL Did your husband get to Adam? CYNTHIA Yes. I have to leave now. Im really afraid, Daniel. My house is almost forty-five minutes from here when traffic is good, and it looks like madness outside. Pray for me, Daniel. Ill pray for you and Melissa and the kids. Theres no time for sentimental goodbyes. Thanks for everything. Boss. It sure was a lot of fun while it lasted. (They both hug) DANIEL It sure was, sweetheart. Now, GO! Find your way home to your husband and baby Adam. They need you. May God be with you all. CYNTHIA The same to you, my friend. Arrive home safely. Your family needs you now more than ever, too. (CYNTHIA takes off running) Be safe! Be safe! (CYNTHIA exits stage) (DANIEL picks up cardboard box again. He pauses to look all around him, the gravity of the situation on his face. He walks off-stage.) (Lights go on over Hargrove basement scene. CHRISTOPHER enters stage carrying a laundry basket full of supplies. Hes wearing headphones and a portable radio. CHELSEA and TANNER are playing a board game on the floor. MELISSA is taking supplies out of her own laundry

18 basket. CHRISTOPHER approaches her and takes her away from his brother and sister to speak in private.) CHRISTOPHER Mom, Ive been listening to the radio. Its really bad out there. The entire world has gone crazy. Dad needs to get home now! MELISSA Hell be here. He promised. CHELSEA Mom Tanners cheating at Monopoly! TANNER Chelsea, you tattle-tale! MELISSA (still reacting as a mother) Tanner, youve been taught better than to cheat. You cant be a cheater, because when you grow up (stops herself with a stricken look on her face) CHELSEA Mom? MELISSA (trying to keep composure) Yes, dear? CHELSEA Theres something going on. Something youre not telling us because you dont want to scare us. What is it? MELISSA (shaking head while clearly distressed) No its nothing CHELSEA Is something wrong with Dad? Is he in trouble? MELISSA No. Your father is on his way home now. Hell be here as quickly as he can. He promised me he would. He promised me.

19 (CHRISTOPHER approaches his mother, who falls into his arms and begins to weep.) TANNER (to Chelsea) You big dummy! Look what you did! You made Mom cry! CHELSEA Shut up, idiot! Somethings wrong. Dont you understand? What is it, Mom? Please, tell us. (CHELSEA starts to cry) CHRISTOPHER Mom, they have a right to know. We should tell them. MELISSA But, how? How can I tell my two precious babies the truth about (trails off into more tears) (CHRISTOPHER breaks free from embracing his mother and goes to turn on a nearby radio.) RADIO REPORTER (V.O.) We have unconfirmed reports that the President has been airlifted to a quote safe location. There are also reports of major military activity outside most large cities where rioting and looting are currently taking place. We have also received word that the airport has been shut down. All arriving flights have been diverted and all departing flights are grounded. All major thoroughfares in and out of the city are currently gridlocked, with hundreds of thousands of vehicles trying to leave the city. Sporadic power outages are also being reported. Police are being overwhelmed with calls and are asking for you to call only in the case of an extreme emergency. As of now, we do not have positive confirmation of an asteroid impact, but we have many unconfirmed reports stating a sizable asteroid will be impacting within close proximity of the Metro area within the next several hours. (REPORTERs voice beginning to crack under the strain.) May God be with us MELISSA (covering ears) Turn it off! Turn it off! (CHRISTOPHER switches radio off) TANNER Cool! This is just like being in a movie!

20 CHELSEA Its not cool, you dork! You just dont understand what this all means. But I do. (CHELSEA runs to embrace her mother and Christopher) Dad should be here now, shouldnt he? MELISSA Its alright, my baby. Everythings going to be okay, I promise. CHELSEA But you cant promise that! Please tell me Daddys going to be here soon! MELISSA Hes trying his best to get here, to be with us, right this very second. (Suddenly, the power goes out. CHELSEA and MELISSA scream as there is excitable chatter.) (Back to the office scene. Daniel enters from off-stage carrying a flashlight, but there is still some ambient light.) DANIEL Damn it! I should have invested in an office with more windows. (He fumbles around the office in the dark for a bit. He sits down at his desk and begins to sob, putting his head down on his desk. After gathering his composure, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cell phone and dials a number. Lights go back on over Hargrove basement scene on same stage. CHRISTOPHER and MELISSA are lighting candles. TANNER and CHELSEA are seated nervously on the floor. MELISSAS cell phone rings and she cries out.) MELISSA Lord, please let that be your father. Daniel! Thank God. Where are you, sweetheart? Are you almost home? The kids and I are all down in the basement like you instructed. DANIEL Baby I cant make it home to you and the children. MELISSA (quietly, not registering what he said) What? CHRISTOPHER Wheres he at? Why isnt he here?

21 DANIEL I tried, Baby. I wanted to, but I was so foolish. I forgot to fill up the gas tank this morning. I thought I would stop by the station this afternoon after work, thinking the price of gas would drop a few lousy cents. I didnt realize what would happen. Who knew all of this was going to happen? MELISSA No. You have to come home. You need to be home. I cant go through this without you, Daniel. You have to be here. Please! DANIEL (crying) Theres no time. Its madness outside. People are shooting and killing each other. Everyone has lost their minds from fear. The SUV ran out of gas a mile from the office on the freeway. The roadways are massive parking lots, no one is going anywhere. A group of men broke out the windows to my car, demanding I give them a ride to safety, but I was out of gas. The desperation in their faces made them look inhuman. Ive never seen anything like it. Oh, I want to be there with you so badly. MELISSA No. I cant accept that. This isnt supposed to happen like this. We are all supposed to be together as a family. This is not supposed to happen! Not now! Not now! CHELSEA Why cant Daddy be here? Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! DANIEL Tell my babies that I love them. Oh, God, please forgive me. (Daniel breaks down into tears.) MELISSA Daniel, what am I going to do? How can I do this alone, without you? DANIEL But youre not alone, darling. You have Chris, Tanner and Chelsea there with you. You have to give them courage. You have to find it deep within yourself. I know you can do it. Youre strong, you always have been! Find your strength, Melissa. Find it! MELISSA I dont know that I can. DANIEL You have to, sweetheart. Its there, its always been there.

22 MELISSA Not without you CHELSEA I knew it! Daddys not coming home, is he? Why, Mommy? Why? DANIEL Melissa, you need to let me say goodbye to the kids. MELISSA No, no goodbyes. Thats far too final. DANIEL Please, honey. Let me talk to Chelsea. She needs to hear my voice now. Can you hand Chelsea the phone? MELISSA Chelsea, your father would like to talk to you. CHELSEA Daddy, why arent you coming home? DANIEL Baby, you know Id be there if I could. Your Daddy loves you so very much. Im holding you in my arms right now. Just like when I taught you how to dance for your Aunt Ginas wedding reception. Remember, sweetie? You stood on my feet as we slow-danced to some Britney Spears song. We laughed and laughed, but you looked like Cinderella attending the ball with her Prince Charming on that day. You remember, dont you, princess? CHELSEA Yes, Daddy. I remember. DANIEL Good girl. Can you tell your Daddy that you love him now, please? CHELSEA (sense of strength now) I love you, Daddy. DANIEL And you know that I love you too, more than anything. I need to talk to your brothers. Can you give the phone to Tanner, sweetie?

23 CHELSEA Yes, Daddy. Ill always love you. (CHELSEA sobs as she hands phone to TANNER) TANNER Hey, Dad. Whats up? DANIEL (chuckling through tears) Thats my Tanner. Never one to let things get you down. TANNER Bummer you cant make it home. Moms freaking out. So is Chelsea. Girls, right? They should be more like boys. DANIEL I dont know. Your mom and sister are two special ladies. You need to tell them both how much you love them. TANNER Ah, Dad! Cmon! DANIEL Im serious, son. This is very, very important. They both need to hear the words from you. Promise me youll tell them how you truly feel. TANNER (reluctantly) Okay. Hey, Mom, Chelsea I love you! Did you hear that, Dad? DANIEL Yes I did, sport. Now tell me you love me, too. TANNER But youre a guy! DANIEL I know. Tell me anyway. TANNER Geez, I love you, Dad. Like you didnt already know that. DANIEL I knew. I just needed to hear you say it. I love you too, my son. Forever. I need to talk to Christopher now.


TANNER Okay. Bye, Dad! DANIEL Goodbye, Tanner. (breaks down after saying goodbye) CHRISTOPHER Hey, Dad. What a day to have to stay late at the office, right? DANIEL Tell me about it. What a way to start your summer vacation. CHRISTOPHER Ive been listening to the radio with my headset. Its a nightmare come true out there, isnt it? DANIEL Worse than that, Im afraid. CHRISTOPHER It kind of feels like were all starring in some crappy science fiction movie with Ben Affleck. DANIEL (laughing) It sure does. How is your Mom doing, honestly? CHRISTOPHER Shes out of it now. In a trance. DANIEL Thats her defense mechanism. You kids are going to have to bring her out of it. CHRISTOPHER Im not sure we can, Dad. This is probably just too much for her to bear. She really needs you here. Your strength. Your guidance. DANIEL God, if I could only be there. I want to tell you again how proud I am of you, Christopher. You are everything I ever prayed for in a son. Words could never express to you how much I love you. Thank you for being the best son a father could ever ask for in this world.

25 CHRISTOPHER I think you and Mom had a little bit to do with how I turned out. Mom always said I was a miniature version of you. The best compliment anyone ever paid me. DANIEL You kids are my life. My very reason for existing. Remember the love, my son. Let the love help wash away the fear. CHRISTOPHER Ill remember it all, Dad. I promise. Every little thing. MELISSA I need to speak to your father again. CHRISTOPHER Dad, Mom wants to talk to you again. Thanks for being my father. Love always, your son. DANIEL Goodbye, my son. MELISSA Darling, I can feel its presence now. Its here, isnt it? DANIEL Yes. I feel it now, too. MELISSA I just realized the cats ran away. Jasmine and Daisy were gone this morning. They knew in advance, didnt they? They sensed something very bad was going to take place. DANIEL More than likely. Animals do have that sixth sense. MELISSA People do, too. We just ignore it sometimes. DANIEL I think youre right. Im giving you an enormous hug now, right through the phone. Can you feel my embrace? MELISSA (reacting as if being embraced) Yes, Daniel. I can feel your strong, beautiful arms wrapped around me. I always feel so safe and secure when Im in your arms.


DANIEL I promise that I wont let you go ever. MELISSA I wont let you go, either. DANIEL Just like on our first date in high school. We hugged on your parents front porch at the end of the date and I didnt want to let you go. I knew from that moment on we would be together until the end of time. MELISSA I knew it, too. I could never imagine loving anyone other than you. Always my angel, my protector, my savior. DANIEL Im watching over your shoulder right this very moment. MELISSA I know you are. I certainly need your protection now. (Pauses for a bit and when she does not hear a response) Daniel? Hello? Honey, are you there? (No response. She looks at the telephone and realizes that it has gone dead.) No!!! No!!! No!!! CHRISTOPHER Whats wrong? MELISSA The line went dead. Not now. Oh, please, Lord! CHRISTOPHER (reaching into pocket and retrieving cell phone) Here, use my phone. MELISSA (taking phone and trying to see the numbers in the candlelight) Theres no signal. The service has been shut off. That was the last time Ill ever hear the sound of your fathers voice CHRISTOPHER Mom, youll be reunited again. We all will. (Fade out. Lights remain on over office scene.)

27 DANIEL Damn it all to Hell! (throws telephone down. Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter flying over.) Ive got to get home. Somehow, someway. (runs to door but is startled by the appearance of a figure in the darkness.) Who is it? Whos there? CYNTHIA Daniel, its me. DANIEL Cynthia? What are you doing back here? CYNTHIA Same reason youre here, I would imagine. DANIEL (noticing blood on Cynthias forehead) What happened to you? CYNTHIA I only managed to drive about a mile from here. The traffic was like nothing I had ever seen before. People were so overcome with desperation. A group of men approached my car. One of them had a gun. He pointed it at me through the windshield and ordered me to get out of the car. I was frozen in my seat. I couldnt move or speak. The man smashed the window with the gun. I still couldnt move. He started hitting me with the butt of the gun. I began to scream as one of the other men cut away my seatbelt with a knife. They pulled me out of the car and threw me on the pavement. There were people running, going nowhere. I was invisible to them, even as I screamed out for help. No one heard me. No one even tried to help. DANIEL (hugging her) Im so very sorry, Cynthia. CYNTHIA I called my husband. He was caught in the traffic jam, too, on the other side of the city. He told me he couldnt get Adam home. He said he was going to get out of the car and find shelter, somewhere, anywhere he could. But where do you hide with a nineteenmonth old child? Then the phone service went dead. Not long after that, I was carjacked. I keep hoping Ill wake up and discover this has all been some horrifying nightmare. But its real, isnt it, Daniel?

28 DANIEL (trying to console her) I wish it were just a bad dream. CYNTHIA (with renewed sense of anguish) Oh, God! My baby Adam! He must be so afraid without his Mommy. What kind of mother am I that I cant be with my own child when he needs me the most? (trails off in sobs as Daniel tries to comfort her) DANIEL Ive seen you with Adam and youre a wonderful mother. CYNTHIA I want to hold him in my arms once more. I need to feel his tiny heartbeat against mine, to smell his freshly washed hair. To look into those big, beautiful baby blue eyes and tell him that his Mommy is here, holding him, loving him. (screaming out) Why is this happening? DANIEL (taking a towel and wiping blood from Cynthias forehead) I dont have the answers you are looking for. I wish I did. CYNTHIA Your friend who called. He knew this was going to happen? DANIEL Yes. CYNTHIA How long has he known? DANIEL Im not sure. A while, it would seem. CYNTHIA So, that means the government has known all along, yet they didnt try to warn us, to help us prepare? How very cruel and unusual of them. If only I had known DANIEL What would you have done differently?

29 CYNTHIA I know I would be with my husband and son right now, instead of being here. I would have been comforted by the fact that all three of us would have taken our last breaths together, holding each other. We were robbed of that, Daniel. Both of us. You would have been with Melissa and your children as well, if we had been warned in advance. DANIEL (with resignation) I know, I know. CYNTHIA (with seething rage) The injustice! Those cowards! Those horrible, selfish cowards. Too interested in saving their own lives, storing away their own food and provisions and fuel, while letting the rest of us poor fools live in blissful ignorance. The bastards! DANIEL We really should have seen this coming, you know. The signs were everywhere. 9/11. Katrina. The War. The changing climate. Fuel prices. Food prices. The moral and spiritual decline. Reality television. It was all leading to one inevitable conclusion. Why didnt we see it sooner? CYNTHIA The world has been unraveling like a spool of yarn for years now. Weve all heard the crazy rumors swirling around the Internet over the past several years, but we didnt listen, didnt want to think there could be truth to them. It was just more doomsday talk. Weve been too preoccupied with material things to see it for what it truly was. The end of everything. DANIEL Live your life like theres no tomorrow. It always sounded like a terrible clich, until now. How long have you worked for me, Cynthia? Six years? CYNTHIA Eight, actually. DANIEL Eight years. Where did all the time go? CYNTHIA I wish I could have a few of those years back right about now.

30 DANIEL So do I. You know, I wanted to give my kids everything I had as a boy. Climbing trees in the backyard. Catching fireflies and bullfrogs and swimming in the old fishing pond in the summer. Sledding down the hill behind my house in the winter when the snow was two feet deep. It was only a little slope, but boy did it feel like climbing Mt. Everest when I was a kid. Playing in the big pile of leaves my dad had raked from the yard during autumn and picking wild daffodils to make a Mothers Day bouquet to give my mom in spring. I wanted my children to have all of that, too. But it was hard to give them those things, living in a house deep in suburbia and working a sixty hour week. Did I sacrifice my childrens happiness for my career, for the once mighty dollar? CYNTHIA We are all guilty of that in some way, Daniel. Its just the way life became, a simple matter of survival. I choose to remember all the beauty that was. I want to hold those memories close to my heart. I want to remember that it wasnt all bad. That there was goodness, kindness, love and compassion in the world. For every horrible event, for every war or disaster, there was always a simple act of kindness, of tenderness that would always shine through. It was hard to see sometimes, because the media always focused our attention elsewhere. Yet, it was always there, no matter how small a grain. (Suddenly, the sound of gunfire in the distance and a woman screaming. Both jump, startled) Or perhaps Im just a fool to believe in those things. DANIEL No, you are definitely not a fool for believing, for having hope in humanity. What do we have without hope? (Sound of more gunfire) CYNTHIA (spreading her arms out) This (police alarm now sounding)

(Lights go dim over office scene and on over basement scene.) MELISSA (to Christopher) Perhaps we should spare the candlelight. You might want to blow out one of the candles. CHRISTOPHER Do you think it really matters now?

31 MELISSA Please dont ask me such questions. Everything matters. CHRISTOPHER Im sorry, Mom. This is getting to me. Staying down here, hiding away. It doesnt seem right. MELISSA I know, but what are our options? We should have something of your fathers down here with us. Something tangible we can touch and hold. CHRISTOPHER You were doing laundry this morning, before everything. Did you wash something of Dads? MELISSA His New York Yankees tee shirt! The one he wears practically all weekend long! (rushes to laundry basket and pulls out shirt, which she holds up to her face.) I wish I hadnt washed it. It would still smell like your father instead of lavender and vanilla. (sobs) CHELSEA Can I hold Dads shirt? MELISSA Of course you can, darling. Well all hold his shirt, together. When the time comes. CHELSEA When will that be? MELISSA Im not sure, but soon. CHRISTOPHER We should listen to the radio again. At least well know when its near. MELISSA Well know anyway. CHRISTOPHER But, still. We need to be connected to the outside world during a time like this.

32 MELISSA You can listen with your headset. CHRISTOPHER Mom. Im turning the radio back on. (MELISSA turns away as CHRISTOPHER moves to turn on the radio. Lights now brighten over office scene.) CYNTHIA I cant take this anymore. I need to know whats going on out there. DANIEL Isnt it obvious? CYNTHIA I mean the news. The radio, Daniel. Turn on the radio. DANIEL Are you absolutely certain you want to hear? CYNTHIA Yes. I have to know. DANIEL Okay. (The sound of the Emergency Broadcast System signal coming across both radios as all actors are on-stage and listening quietly.) RADIO ANNOUNCER (V.O.) (after signal ends) This is a Civil Emergency Declaration. As of approximately O1200 hours civil defense radar detected a sizable object entering the Earths atmosphere at a high rate of speed at Latitude 64 degrees North, Longitude 92 degrees east, over northern Russia. Approximate current speed of object is 25,000 kilometers per hour, but is expected to slow considerably while entering Earths atmosphere. According to current calculations, the object is expected to remain in orbit as the Earth continues in rotation before finally making impact at approximately 01218 hours, local time. Estimated impact location is just under two hundred kilometers due north from the downtown area of the city. If you have not made emergency preparations, you are advised to seek immediate shelter. We have been informed that former fall out shelters constructed during the Cold War and located in government and civic buildings throughout the city have been opened to house people during this crisis event. Seeking shelter below ground in basements, cellars or outdoor caves is highly suggested, as is taking water, non-perishable food items and blankets with you to such locations. Non-flammable clothing is advised. If you have

33 access to a fire extinguisher or first aid kit, carry them with you. Stay away from all windows and doorways. Prepare to be on your own for an undetermined period of time. Government or military assistance in the weeks and months following the impact will be highly unlikely. Extent of damage from this impact will be nothing less than catastrophic. 100 percent of buildings and other infrastructure within the Metro area will be damaged or completely destroyed. I repeat, this is a Civil Emergency Declaration. We will be repeating this broadcast as long as our station has power. May God be with us all. (Emergency signal begins to sound again. Lights dim slightly over office scene, remaining on over basement scene.) CHRISTOPHER That means we have less than fifteen minutes to prepare. MELISSA I didnt want to know the time frame, Christopher! I didnt want to endure a countdown! TANNER Mom. Im scared now. This isnt a video game, is it? MELISSA No, baby, it isnt. TANNER (rushing to embrace Melissa and sobbing) Mom, Im sorry for being so bad! I didnt mean to be bad! MELISSA Honey, you were never bad. I love you so much. TANNER Im so sorry. I shouldnt have cheated at Monopoly. I shouldnt have used the water gun in the house. I shouldnt have called Chelsea a big dummy. CHELSEA Thats what little brothers were made to do. I forgive you, Tanner, if you forgive me for calling you a dork. TANNER (crying) I should have told Dad how much I loved him without him having to ask. Do you think he forgives me? MELISSA Theres nothing to forgive, Tanner. We all love you very, very much.

34 CHRISTOPHER Yeah, sport. Youre a pain in the butt, but I wouldnt have you any other way. TANNER Really? CHRISTOPHER Yes, really, you big goofball! MELISSA I think we should all hold your fathers shirt together now. CHELSEA Its time, isnt it? MELISSA Yes, my love. We should pray now, too. (Everyone bows their heads in prayer and holds part of the shirt) Heavenly Father, please forgive us of our sins. Please watch after Daniel, my wonderful husband and father of my three precious children. Allow him to know our deep, abiding love for him. Please allow him to feel our presence with him now, so he knows he is not alone. Please also bless my beautiful children that were a gift from you, surround them with your light, protection and grace and ease their fears. Watch after their spirits, O Lord, and guide them to their places with you in heaven. Amen. CHRISTOPHER Amen. CHELSEA Amen. TANNER Amen. (Kate Bushs ethereal song This Womans Work begins to play now, as MELISSA and her children continue to embrace. Montage of photographs expressing the things we will lose now being shown.) (As song ends, lights come back on above office scene.) CYNTHIA Please, just make it go away

35 DANIEL Im sorry? CYNTHIA Oh, nothing DANIEL Are you holding a picture of Adam and your husband? CYNTHIA Yes. I kept it on my desk so I could look at their faces the entire day while I was at work. Looking at this photograph always made me smile because it was taken on Adams first birthday last October. He was so adorable in his little pumpkin outfit DANIEL I did the same with a photo of Melissa and the kids. (Retrieves framed photo from desk and cradles it in his arms.) What a beautiful family we were. CYNTHIA You certainly were. I always envied you a little, Daniel. You had the perfect little family. I hoped to have two more children myself one day, to make my own family complete. I waited too long, I suppose. DANIEL (reacting as if sensing something) Do you feel that? CYNTHIA Feel what? DANIEL The ground is starting to shake. CYNTHIA Oh, God. Its almost upon us. DANIEL Yes, it is. Theres not much time left. CYNTHIA Daniel, Im so frightened DANIEL Im here with you, Cynthia. We are not alone. Our families are with us now, in spirit. I feel their love so strongly now. Find your shelter there. Do you feel their love?


CYNTHIA Yes. I can feel their love deep within my heart. Take me to them, my Lord! (DANIEL and MELISSA now clinging to each other as the radio announcer begins to speak again) RADIO ANNOUNCER (Voice Over) If there is anyone out there still listening to the sound of my voice, please know Im praying for your souls. I can see it now from the window of the studio. By God, but it is so achingly, exquisitely beautiful, like a billion watt Christmas tree light blazing across a perfect sky. Theres nothing left to say, but goodbye and God bless. Its been one amazing ride. To my beautiful wife Katy who left to visit her parents out-of-town two days ago, our love will be eternal. I think Ill play one last song now and dedicate it to our world. May we not be forgotten. This was the song I wanted played at my funeral. Its one of the most beautiful classical pieces of music ever composed, Canon in D Major by Johann Pachelbel. I think it will express everything that words cannot (Canon in D Major by Pachelbel begins to play.) MELISSA We chose this song for our wedding day, your father and I. DANIEL This was our wedding song. Its a sign from Melissa, I know it. I love you, too, my angel. Hold our children tightly for me, please (Song continues to play as rumblings and loud noises are heard.) CHRISTOPHER Mom! I cant do this! I cant die like this, hiding away in the basement. Its not the end I want for myself! MELISSA No! Please stay with us, Christopher! I beg of you! (grabbing CHRISTOPHERS arm.) CHRISTOPHER Mom, Im an adult now. That means I get to decide how I want to live my life. It also means I get to decide how I want to die! MELISSA Dont say that! CHRISTOPHER Mom, you have to let me go. I love you so much, with all my heart and soul (takes off running to front of stage)


MELISSA Dear God why? CHELSEA Dont leave us, Christopher! Please! TANNER Mommake him stay with us! (CHRISTOPHER stands in the center forefront of stage and begins to speak loudly and quickly while looking up at the sky.) CHRISTOPHER My name is Christopher Daniel Hargrove. I am eighteen-years-old. My birthday is December 29. Im a Capricorn. My father is Daniel Thomas Hargrove and my mother is Melissa Jordan Hargrove. I am the older brother to Chelsea and Tanner Hargrove. I was to attend Stanford University in the fall. Im a virgin. Ive only kissed one girl, Amber Logan, my high school sweetheart. I believe in God, miracles and the after life. I love my country, my faith and my family. I sing off key in the shower, love all sports but hockey and have a heart-shaped mole on my left shoulder. I cry when I hear sad songs but I laugh during sad movies. Im a good, kind, loving person I lived! I lived! I lived! (End of play. Canon in D Major begins to play again as audience exits the theatre.)

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