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Men Think With Their Head, Women Think With Their Heart What do You Think? 1.

.0 Introduction Men Think With Their Head, Women Think With Their Heart. This statement is most probably wants to tell us that men and women technically are wired differently. Men are said tend to listen to their testosterone while women speak in their oestrogen. However, most research that have been done conclude that women and men are more alike than they are different. Nevertheless, every people in this world has not been bore to be hundred percent exactly same with others since God is fair which He creates this world leaving everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages. In order to find about the perception on this topic, a survey has been conducted in IPGKTAR to determine the opinion from the students about gender stereotyping that is happening in the society. The title of the survey is Men Think With Their Head, Women Think With Their Heart What do You Think? 40 students from different classes have been chosen to answer this question. The survey consists of students who are different from the age and gender as different type of people might have different perception. There are 13 students of PPISMP TESL, 6 students of PISMP TESL, 10 students of PISMP PA (Pengajian Agama) and 10 students of PISMP Science are chosen to answer the questionnaire in order to understand their opinions from different perspectives toward above issue. Thus, there are 39 respondents of the survey. Each of the questionnaires consist of 20 questions which have two different section that is 15 questions in a form of leaked scale table for section A and 5 Yes or No questions for section B.

2.0 Literature Review According to, gender stereotypes are simplistic generalizations about the gender attributes, differences, and roles of individuals and/or groups. Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but they rarely communicate accurate information about others. When people automatically apply gender assumptions to others regardless of evidence to the contrary, they are perpetuating gender stereotyping. Many people recognize the dangers of gender stereotyping; yet continue to make these types of generalizations. According to Deaux and Lewis (1983), gender stereotypes vary on four dimensions: traits, role behaviours, physical characteristics, and occupations. Related Study: A survey published in 2007 found that gender stereotyping was a key barrier to the advancement of women in corporate leadership, leaving women leaders with limited and conflicting options. The Double-Bind Dilemma for Women in Leadership: Damned if You Do, Doomed if You Don't was the third in a series of reports examining the effects of gender stereotyping in the workplace by Catalyst, a non-profit organization working to advance opportunities for women and business. The study surveyed men and women business leaders in the US and Europe. Of 1231 participants, 296 were US senior managers and corporate leaders (168 women and 128 men) and 935 were European managers and senior managers (282 women and 653 men). The second part of the study provided qualitative analysis of in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 13 women leaders in a large US corporation. The report argued that gender stereotyping results in organizations routinely underestimating and underutilizing women's leadership talent. The 2006 Catalyst Census shows that while women make up over 50 per cent of management, professional and related occupations, only 15.6 per cent of Fortune 500 corporate officers and 14.6 per cent of Fortune 500 board directors were women.

3.0 Findings

Graph of respondents who agree or disagree that men and women communicate differently.

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 PPISMP Tesl PISMP Tesl PISMP PA PISMP Science Agree Disagree

From my analysis, it can be seen that most of the students agree that men and women communicate differently. Out of 40 students, 36 students agree while 4 students disagree. Out of 4 students who are disagreed, 2 respondents from PISMP Tesl group disagreed leaving two students which each of the student are from PPISMP Tesl and PISMP Science respectively. Moreover, all of the students in PISMP PA agree that men and women have different communication style.

Graph of respondents who agree or disagree that men usually tend to speak honestly, directly and factually

PISMP Science Disagree Agree PISMP PA




For this question, there is different between the perceptions of PPISMP students with PISMP students. PPISMP Tesl Students mostly disagree that men usually tend to speak honestly, directly and factually. Out of 10 PPISMP Tesl students, 7 of them disagree while the number of student who is agreed is 3. For the PISMP students who are consist of Science, Tesl and PA groups, most of the students say that they are agreed. Out of 30 students, 23 students say they agreed while only 7 students disagreed.

Graph of respondents who agree or disagree that women tend to be indirect, tactful and use more courtesy words
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PPISMP Tesl PISMP Tesl PISMP PA PISMP Science

Agree Disagree

The question asks the student about womens pattern of communication. What is the perception of the 40 students? From the analysis, yet again we can see that PPISMP students and PISMP students have different perception. Most of the PPISMP Tesl students disagree that women tend to be indirect, tactful and use more courtesy words. Out of 10 PPISMP students, 6 students say they disagree while 4 students say they agree. There is no majority since the students who agree and disagree are quite balanced. For PISMP students, majority of the students from the three classes agree that women tend to be indirect, tactful and use more courtesy words in their communication. For PISMP Tesl, out of 10 students, 9 students agree while only one student who is disagreed. Meanwhile, for PISMP Science, 8 out of 10 students agree leaving only 2 students who are disagreed. Last but not least, for PISMP PA, the same result as PISMP Tesl is obtained. 9 out of 10 students agree while only one student who is disagreed.

Number of students who agree or disagree that women are more complex and emotional than men


Agree Disagree


Women are more complex and emotional than women. How far the students agree about the statement? By looking at the pie chart, it is obviously majority of the students agree and the students who are agree cover up until 99% leaving only 1% of place for disagreed student. Out of 40 students, 39 of the students from the 4 classes agree with the statement. Only one student, who is from PPISMP Tesl is disagreed.

Graph of respondents who answered yes or no to men think anything that is simple is fine but for women, they will search the best option to choose for

10 8 6 4 2 0 PPISMP Tesl PISMP Tesl PISMP PA PISMP Science

Yes No

From the analysis, once again we can see from the chart that majority of the students say yes to men think anything that is simple is fine but for women; they will search the best option to choose for. Out of 40 students, only 4 students answered no while the rest of 36 of the students answered yes. For the 4 students, each student come from PPISMP Tesl and PISMP Tesl class while 2 of them come from PISMP Science. All of the 10 students from PISMP PA answered yes. For this question, the respondents are required to give their reason based on their answer. One of the female respondents who answered yes says that women always think further and seek the best for the future and not just for the present. For one of the male respondents who say yes, he says that men are more straightforward while women are choosier. Meanwhile, one of the male students who answered no says that both men and women are equal and depend on the individual itself. For a female student who answered no, she says that nowadays, men are getting as choosy as women, thus the statement is not applicable in modern days.

Graph of respondents who answered yes or no for men solve problem easily because they think directly, women will ask the question to someone else before making her decision.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PPISMP Tesl PISMP Tesl PISMP PA PISMP Science Yes No

As for this chart, it is clearly showing that for all of the respondents from the four groups, most of them say yes to men solve problem easily by thinking directly, while women will ask the question to someone else before making her decision. Out of 40 respondents, 31 respondents answered yes leaving only 9 respondents who answered no. All of the PISMP PA respondents answered yes for this statement. The respondents are also required to state their reason based on their answer. One of the male respondents who answered yes says that women will try to find the best solution while men only wanted the problem to be solved. One of the reasons from female respondents that answered yes states that women care more about others people point of view. Another reason is that women need to hear others opinion and then, they decide what to do. As stated in the first paragraph, there are also students who answered no. For male respondents who answered no, one of the respondents says that gender do not play any role in influencing someone making decision. Another reason states that nobody is perfect. Sometimes men also ask the question to someone else, especially before making a big decision.

4.0 Conclusion Based on the survey, we can conclude that most of the respondents who represent the students of the Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Tun Abdul Razak, agree that men and women have different thinking and communication pattern. It is also can be concluded that PPISMP students have different perception with the PISMP students. There is one book which entitled Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. The title of the book itself indicates that men and women are as different as being from the different planets. The author of the book, Dr. John Gray wrote the book based on the idea that members of the two genders, which are men and women, have diametrically different communication styles, emotional needs and personal values to each other. In my point of view, men and women are totally wired differently. However, both of them need each other because none of the side is better than other. Men Think With Their Head, Women Think With Their Heart can be define as men use their direct thinking and rarely listen to their heart. However, for women, they use their heart more than their brain in many aspects.

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