TheHobbitSBG BilboOTWT Palantir

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In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.

Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat; it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Preface An Unexpected Party New Core Rules The Lonely Mountain (Erebor) The Free Peoples Heroes

6 6 10 12 13 13
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Gandalf the Grey Bilbo Baggins Thorin Oakenshield Balin Kili & Fili Bombur Thorins Company Beorn Bard of Lake -town Thranduil Din Ironfoot Gwaihir
Good Warriors

25 25 26 27 28 28 29 29

Man of Esgaroth Mirkwood Taurdirim Mirkwood Warrior Pack Pony Durins Elite Guard Dwarven Warrior Great Eagle Beorning
There and Back Again The Shire & Erebor The Forces of Darkness Heroes

30 31 31
31 32 32 33 34 35 37 38 39

Hill Troll The Great Goblin Gollum Grey Chieftain Master of Lake-town Smaug Bolg Shelob Goblin Captain

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Evil Warriors

40 41 41 42

Goblin Warrio r Goblin Scout Warg Giant Spider of Mirkwood

The Finding of the One Ring Scenarios

43 44
45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55

Scenario One Roast Mutton Scenario Two The Mountain Path Scenario Three The Great Goblin Scenario Four Riddles in the Dark Scenario Five Escape to Safety Scenario Six Out of the frying pan Scenario Seven Beorns Revenge Scenario Eight Flies and Spiders Scenario Nine Fire and Water Scenario Ten The Battle of Five Armies
Attack on Dol Guldur Good Heroes

58 59
59 60 61 62 63

Galadriel Elrond Radagast Saruman Haldir of Lorien

Good Warriors


Elven Warrior
Evil Heroes

65 66 67

Khamul I -Dae Athangerth Scenario Scenario The Sack of Dol Guldur

Modeling Section
Conversions Sculpting


70 75

Standard Banners Models List Terrain Projects Summary of Profiles Acknowledgements

76 77 78 88 89

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



elcome to the unofficial supplement of The Hobbit, a story by J.R.R. Tolkien. This supplement is based on Games Workshops Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game and carries over some of the rules and stats that were used by Games Workshop for characters already developed by them. This was created due to my love of and lack of a supplement based on this incredible story. I hope that The Hobbit SBG supplement brings joy and excitement to your gaming experiences and a renewed fervor for creating your own models. In this supplement you will find that not all the models are Games Workshops; many were created using Mithril Miniatures, Ebob Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures as well as Micro Art Studio and some are entirely made from green stuff. There will also be conversion guides to help you through creating some of the miniatures. I hope that you enjoy this supplement as much as I enjoyed making it. ~ David BilboOfTheWhiteTower Terian


he Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a halfling who lives in a town known as Hobbiton. He enjoys a peaceful and tranquil life but it is interrupted by a surprise visit from the wizard Gandalf. Before Bilbo is able to remove himself from an uncomfortable conversation, Gandalf has invited himself to tea the following day and when he arrives, he comes with a company of dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield, whom are embarking on a journey to recover lost treasure that is guarded by a dragon named Smaug, in Erebor also known as The Lonely Mountain. Gandalf has decided, much to Bilbo's chagrin, that the hobbit will make an excellent addition to the party of dwarves with Bilbo playing the role of a burglar. As they begin on their way, Bilbo has serious misgivings, but his Tookish nature, along with a push from Gandalf, soon lead him out the door of his home. On their journey Bilbo, Gandalf and the dwarves encounter many obstacles and trials , the first of which happens early on when they stumble upon a group of trolls. Captured after a failed attempt to sneak into their camp looking for supplies, Gandalf cunningly tricks the dull-witted trolls and rescues the party. They are able to replenish their supplies when they happen upon the trolls' lodging and discover food, clothes and some weaponry. Gandalf then leads the group to Rivendell where they can get a short rest before continuing on their journey. It is June and all of the joys and songs of midsummer are on display. Bilbo and the party stay with Elrond for a few days to restock their provisions and get advice on the swords that they found as well as information on how to get into the Lonely Mountain.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Continuing with their expedition, Bilbo is becomes depressed and nostalgic , longing for home. While passing through the Misty Mountains they dodge lightning, stone throwing giants and perilous terrain. Kili and Fili, the two youngest dwarves, discover a cave that the party takes refuge in to escape the elements, but only to find out later that it is an entrance into the mountain halls of the goblins. Bilbo is wakes from a nightmare only to realize that it was very real and goblins are attacking the group. He starts to yelp in dismay, though his alarm was little good as they were soon overwhelmed, becoming prisoners of the goblins. Only Gandalf manages to escape and later rescues the party; in doing so he slays the Great Goblin, the fat goblin leader. During their escape, Bilbo becomes separated from the dwarves and the wizard and finds himself knocked unconscious only to awake in a near pitch-black tunnel. As he gets up, Bilbo finds a golden ring and places it into his pocket. He decides to try and find his friends so he follows the walls downward using what little light there is and finds an underground lake. There, Bilbo meets Gollum, an evil creature who has all intentions of killing and eating him. They play a game of riddles and strike a deal that if Bilbo wins Gollum will reveal the way out of the caves but if Bilbo loses he becomes the victim of Gollum. Bilbo finally wins, but Gollum in a rage decides to put on his magical ring and attack Bilbo. Gollum then discovers that he has lost his precious and storms after Bilbo. Panicked, Bilbo runs back the way he came, but Gollum can see much better in the dark and Bilbo falls. Doing so he accidentally puts on the ring and finds himself invisible. Unwittingly Gollum leads Bilbo out of the caves and the hobbit escapes to find himself after a short while back with his friends. Enraged by the death of the Great Goblin, the orcs leave their mountain lair and chase after Thorins party. The orcs are joined in their hunt by large wolves, known as wargs. Soon the dwarves, the wizard and the hobbit are all trapped and climb trees to escape the wargs who had discovered them. Gandalf sends flaming pinecones down from the trees at the wolves and in the frenzy that ensues, a group of giant eagles swoop down and save the travelers. The eagles are led by the Lord of the Eagles, Gwaihir, who drops Bilbo and the others safely atop the Carrock, a large rock pillar with stairs leading to the top. After a nights rest Gandalf informs the rest that he will lead them a little further but then he must attend to other matters. This saddens the party, particularly Bilbo. They leave the Carrock and make their way to the home of a huge man named Beorn. Beorn is a shape-shifter that can take the form of a gigantic black bear. After Gandalf introduces Bilbo and the dwarves to Beorn he invites them to spend a few days at his home. One evening Beorn leaves the gathering, meets up with some of his kind, tracks down the wargs and orcs that have been following Thorins company and slaughters them. Bilbo and the others get restocked with food, water, ponies, and hunting bows and are sent on their way. Gandalf then leads them to the edge of Mirkwood Forest; there he lets them know that he must leave them to attend to his other business. During their travels in Mirkwood Forest the dwarves are captured by giant spiders. Bilbo, with some cunning and his magical ring rescues the dwarves only to later get separated from them when they are captured by the Elven King Thranduil. Having no great love of the elves, Thorin refuses to tell Thranduil why he is in his forest, so the king imprisons the dwarves. Bilbo wearing his ring and remaining invisible sets out to find a way out from inside the kings mountain palace. He soon springs the dwarves from their cells and places them into barrels where they all eventually get washed down the river to Laketown, formerly known as Esgaroth. Wet, angry and cold, the party enters Lake-town and convinces the townsfolk to restock their supplies in order to make their final stretch of their journey to the Lonely Mountain where Thorin can finally take his rightful place as King under the Mountain and recover the wealth of the dwarves.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Once they reach the summit of the mountain Bilbo, remembering Elronds words about how to enter Erebors hidden door, waits until nightfall and asks Thorin for his key. Thorin gave it to him and they all pushed on the door and it opened. Once inside they made Bilbo earn his share of the golden treasure by having him make his way down into the mountain. There he lifted a golden cup and brought it back to the dwarves without disturbing Smaug, who was laying atop a heap of the dwarves stolen riches. Smaug soon awoke, noticed that the cup was missing and flew into a rage. He swooped up to the top of the mountain in search of the thief, but didnt find him, he then scanned the surrounding area and came upon some ponies, the ones that were lent to the dwarves by the people of Lake-town, and Smaug devoured them. The dwarves sent Bilbo back down into the hall after the dragon returned to search for a weakness the dwarves could exploit and kill the dragon. Bilbo, while invisible, spoke with Smaug for a while and soon discovered that the only place the great dragon was vulnerable was an uncovered spot on his left breast. Bilbo left the company of Smaug and told the dwarves of what he learned. While explaining his story to the dwarves, a thrush sat and listened to them and then flew away. Smaug left his lair stealthily and searched for Bilbo and the dwarves. While he was gone, Thorins band went down into the halls of Erebor and searched through the piles of wealth looking for a small globe shaped gem called the Arkenstone. Bilbo found it first, but did not share his find with Thorin and the others and hid it in his pocket. Night fell as the dwarves were milling around the old dwarven palace, and Smaug knowing that the people of Lake-town must have had something to do with these dwarves coming to the mountain decided to take revenge upon them. He swooped down and began destroying the town with his fiery breath. During Smaugs raid Bard, a grim man from Lake-town, called together the men of the town to attack the dragon with bow fire. Their attack had little effect, but as Bard was about to fire his last arrow, a lucky black arrow, the thrush that had listened to Bilbos story of the weak spot in Smaugs armor spoke to him and advised him where to aim. With the last arrow, Bard felled the beast and it crashed upon the devastated town. The survivors seek Bard as their new king but Bard provisionally declines the offer. As the news of Smaug's death spreads, various groups advance towards the mountain for a portion of the wealth that Smaug hid in order to rebuild Lake-town for the destruction the dwarves wrought. Thorin continues to speak of the Arkenstone. As it is an heirloom, the Arkenstone means a lot to Thorin, and he threatens to take revenge on whoever has prevented him from attaining it even as the armies of elves and men approach. Finally confronted by the armies outside the mountain hall, Thorin refuses to surrender any of the treasure and thus a stand off ensues. Word has reached King Din and he musters an army to help his fellow dwarf Thorin reclaim Erebor and turn back the elves and men threatening him. Bilbo decides that he will leave the mountain hall under cover of night and offer the Arkenstone to Bard; then, Bard can offer it back to Thorin in exchange for a fair portion of the treasure in return. When presented with this offer, Thorin begins thinking of ways to avoid the deal until the dwarves led by Din can show up. When Din arrives and they begin preparation for battle, an army of wargs and orcs led by Bolg appears. A great battle ensues when these five armies engage one another with the dwarves standing by the side the elves and men, opposing the goblins and wargs.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

The Battle of the Five Armies, as it was called in later years, ended when Beorn slew Bolg and the great eagles came, and finished off the remaining goblins thus rescuing the remaining alliance of dwarves, elves and men. Bilbo was struck unconscious during the battle when he received a blow from a rock to his head. When Bilbo regains consciousness he finds that he is alone and the battle is over. The hobbit notices that none of the goblins survived the battle and sees a man searching for survivors. He removes the ring and is rescued. Bilbo is led to the camp where he finds Gandalf, injured and his arm in a sling and Thorin who had suffered many mortal wounds in the battle lay dying. Thorin forgives Bilbo for his rash words when they were holed up in the mountain gate, and when he succumbs to his wounds, Bilbo weeps until he can weep no more. After recovering, Gandalf and Bilbo makes their way back to Bag End, the home of our hero. Their return journey covers the same perilous terrain but is far more pleasant and mild than it was the first time. As Bilbo says, "So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending." Gandalf and Bilbo pass through Rivendell and eventually make their way to Hobbiton. It is summer and Bilbo is disappointed to learn that he has been pronounced legally dead, and finds his greedy cousins, the Sackville -Bagginses are auctioning away his property. They are more than a little displeased at his arrival and it takes several years for Bilbo to sort out the legalities of his situation. In fact, Bilbo had to buy back a good deal of his own furnishings, but his reputation, for better or worse, was harder to reclaim. As for Bilbo, son of Belladonna Took, "forever after he remained an elf-friend, and had the honor of dwarves, wizards, and all such folk as ever passed that way.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



n this section of the supplement you will find a few new rules in addition to those found in the Return of the King rule book by Games Workshop.
Pack Ponies

Pack Ponies or donkeys were used to navigate rough terrain while carrying supplies and passengers. Dwarves and hobbits primarily used these beasts due to the fact that they were easier to ride because of their size compared to horses.

These mounts may move over rough terrain without suffering a movement penalty. Pack ponies and donkeys, being smaller than normal horses, move at a modest 8"/18cm pace per turn. They do not benefit from the Cavalry Charge! rule, and thus may not utilize the "extra attack" and "knock to the ground" benefits of normal cavalry mounts. These beasts are strictly used as a transport of a character and his supplies.

Any character that is equipped with a bow or throwing axes may shoot from the mount during its Shoot phase.

This mount may not jump over obstructions, but if the obstruction is climbable to normal models and is considered rough terrain (i.e. fallen trees, rocks, boulders, rubble, etc.) the Pack Pony may pass over it as this mount does not suffer a rough terrain penalty.

This mount may not carry passengers, only the one rider. Being that it is laden with supplies it has no room for a passenger.

Special Rule
The special rule that this model has allows a model that is dismounted to come into base contact with the pony to regain one point each of Might or Will per scenario per character. This rule is to represent that the character replenishing himself with the supplies that are stowed on the pony. Once a character has used a pony in this manner no other ponies in the group can offer this bonus to the same model (i.e. if Dori uses his 1 point of Might he may come into base contact with a pack pony and regain that 1 point of Might). In order to use this bonus a character has to surrender his Fight phase during that round (i.e. Dori moves into contact with the pony and has to remain in base contact till the next movement phase when he can return to action). If the character that wishes to regain a Might or Will point is mounted the mounted model must remain in place and has no movement that round.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Beorns Hunting Bows

These bows were given to the members of Thorins company by Beorn before they left his home on their way to Mirkwood Forest. They can only be used by Thorins company after they leave Beorn for Mirkwood. They are considered stat wise the same as a normal dwarf bow.


The name Orcrist means Goblin -cleaver in the ancient language of Gondolin. It was a very old sword forged by the high elves of the west in Gondolin for the Goblin -wars. Goblin-cleaver was no mere name for that sword, it had killed hundreds of goblins during the wars, and the goblins hated and feared this sword and hated even more anyone who wielded it. They referred to Orcrist as Biter. When Thorin and company stumbled upon a trolls lair they found many swords, two of which were Glamdring, and Orcrist, which Thorin took possession of. Orcrist was taken away from Thorin when the dwarves were captured by the elves in Mirkwood. Thorin Oakenshield was slain in the Battle of Five Armies and the elvenking Thranduil laid Orcrist on his tomb. This sword may be used as an extra Wargear option for Thorin Oakenshield in any scenario after discovering it in the trolls cave and before losing it to Thranduil in Mirkwood.


Also known as Beater or Foe-Hammer. Glamdring was a sword that belonged to Turgon, King of Gondolin, in the First Age of Middle-earth. Turgon wielded it only twice in battle and it became greatly feared by the orcs. Somehow, after the fall of Gondolin, it passed into the ownership of three trolls. Gandalf recovered it from their lair after saving Thorins Company from them, and brought it to Elrond who identified it. Gandalf bore it with him throughout the Quest of Erebor and until he left Middle-earth in the Fourth Age for the west. This sword may be used as an extra Wargear option for Gandalf the Grey in any scenario after discovering it in the trolls cave.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


The Lonely Mountain (Erebor)

rebor was otherwise known as the Lonely Mountain and was also called the Kingdom Under the Mountain as it was the chief ancestral halls of Durin's folk in the later Third Age. Erebor was a lone mountain northeast of Mirkwood, at the source of the River Running and above Dale. Thrain I founded the kingdom in 1999 of the Third Age, after being exiled from Khazad-dm. The dwarves built a magnificent home in the mountain, and at the heart of it they found the Arkenstone. The mountain was exceedingly rich in rare ores. Smaug the dragon heard of the wealth of the dwarves of Erebor and attacked the mountain in year 2770 of the Third Age. Smaug lived there until Thorin Oakenshield came in 2941 of the Third Age and claimed back his ancestor's kingdom.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



Use this list to choose a Good force to the points value you have agreed with your opponent.


Points Value: Found in the RotK Rulebook Might: 3 Will: 6+1 free per turn Fate: 3

Gandalf the Grey (Wizard)

Of the order of wizards, Gandalf the Grey is second only to Saruman the White in power. Gandalf leads Bilbo and Thorins company to recover their stolen treasure from the dragon Smaug hold up in the Lonely Mountain.

Gandalf carries his staff and sword Glamdring. He can use either to fight with his staff is a two-handed weapon. Staff of Power Glamdring Horse Free 20 pts 10 pts

Special Rules
Staff of Power. Gandalfs staff is not only a symbol of his authority but a potent talisman. To represent his staffs power he can expend 1 point of Will each turn without reducing his own Will store. Glamdring. Gandalf may carry Glamdring after the Roast Mutton scenario. Having equipped the sword, Gandalf instills fear in ALL orcs and they must first pass a Courage test in order to charge him.

Magical Powers
Strengthen Will. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 4+ Immobilize. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 3+ Sorcerous Blast. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 5+ Command. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 4+ Cast Light. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 4+ Terrifying Aura. Dice score to use 2+ * Explanation of spells can be found on page 62 of the RotK rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Bilbo Baggins (Hobbit)

Points Value: 45 Might: 1 Will: 2 Fate: 3 F 3/3+ S 2 D 2 A 1 W 2 C 6


The only son of Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took was born on September 22nd, TA 2890 and lived in Middle-earth till he was 131 years old. At the time of Thorins quest he was 51 years of age. In 2941 of the Third Age, Bilbo Baggins was lured away by Gandalf and thirteen dwarves on a quest of Thorin Oakenshields to reclaim the treasure and his ancestral home of Erebor. Bilbo was unwillingly taken along as their burglar, though he eventually warmed to the idea and became the saving grace of Thorins quest and its members on numerous occasions. With the modest portion of the Dragons treasure he received for his assistance during the adventure, Bilbo returned to the Shire and lived a peaceful life for the next sixty years.

Bilbo can carry Sting and his Mithril coat at an additional points cost. If these are added to his profile, Bilbos Strength is increased by 1 point for Sting and his Defense is increased by 3 points for the Mithril Coat. His Mithril Coat can only be added for the scenario involving The Battle of Five Armies. Bilbo can carry Sting after the Roast Mutton scenario. Mithril Coat Sting Pack Pony 25 pts 15 pts 10 pts

Special Rules
The Ring. Bilbo may put the Ring on at any point during his own Movement phase, becoming instantly invisible to all. The model is deemed impossible to see and he can automatically move through models and other models may move though him. Because the Ring has not corrupted him, nor is it at its full strength as it was with Frodo, Bilbo does not suffer any negative penalty(s) involving the Ring. Otherwise, follow the same rules in the RotK rulebook under Frodo for the Ring. Resistant to Magic. See page 47 of the RotK rulebook for details. Throw Stones. See page 60 of the RotK rulebook for details .

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Thorin Oakenshield (Dwarf)

Points Cost: 60 Might: 3 Will: 0 Fate: 1 F S 6/4+ 4 D 5 A 1 W 3 C 6


In 2941 of the Third Age Thorin set out to get revenge on Smaug who had taken over the Lonely Mountain when Thorin's grandfather Thrr was King under the Mountain. Thorin escaped from the wrath of Smaug because he was outside the mountain hall, exploring at the time of the attack . He had help from 12 of his kin; Dwalin, Balin, Oin, Gloin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur. He also had the guidance of the wizard Gandalf. When Thorin said he didn't want to go on a quest with 13 members because it was unlucky, Gandalf suggested they use Bilbo Baggins as their burglar.

Thorin may carry the following items with additional points cost. If Thorin wears Heavy Armor his Defense is increased by 2 points and The armor may only be worn in The Battle of Five Armies scenario. Hand Axe Beorns Bow Heavy Armor Pack Pony Arkenstone Orcrist Free 5 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 20 pts

Special Rules
Orcrist. Thorin may carry Orcrist after the Roast Mutton scenario and up until Thranduil takes it from him in Mirkwood Forest. Having equipped the sword, Thorin instills fear in ALL orcs and they must first pass a Courage test in order to charge him. Arkenstone. Once Thorin reacquires the Arkenstone from Bard he does not need to pass any Courage tests he is required to take. To demonstrate Thorin's longing to attain and keep the Arkenstone, he automatically passes any requisite Courage tests after it is reacquired from Bard

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Balin (Dwarf)

Points Cost: 55 Might: 2 Will: 0 Fate: 2 F S 6/4+ 4 D 5 A 1 W 2 C 6


Balin joined Thrain II in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, and lived in the Blue Mountains for a while after that. In TA 2841, Balin set out with Thrain II on a quest to claim back Erebor, but Thrain died and Balin went back to the Blue Mountains. He joined Thorin Oakenshield and Company in the Quest of Erebor a hundred years later. This quest was successful. Later, he came back to visit Bilbo in the Shire before attempting to resettle Moria.

Balin may carry the following items with additional points cost. If Balin wears Heavy Armor his Defense is increased by 2 points and the armor may only be worn in The Battle of Five Armies scenario. Hand Axe Beorns Bow Heavy Armor Pack Pony Free 5 pts 10 pts 10 pts

Special Rules
No Heroic Actions. Though he has Might points to use, Balin may not use them to call any Heroic Actions.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Kili & Fili (Dwarf)

Points Cost: 35 (each) Might: 2 Will: 0 Fate: 1 Kili/Fili F S 5/4+ 4 D 5 A 1 W 1 C 6

Kili and Fili were the nephews of Thorin Oakenshield and the sons of Ds. They played fiddles and were skilled in the art of fire making. Kili and Fili were the youngest companions of Thorin on the Quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. They died in the Battle of Five Armies, defending their uncle Thorin.

Kili and Fili may carry the following items with additional points cost. If they wear Heavy Armor their Defense is increased by 2 points. Heavy Armor may only be used in The Battle of Five Armies scenario. Hand Axe Beorns Bow Heavy Armor Pack Pony Free 5 pts 10 pts 10 pts

Special Rules
Agile. Being young, Kili and Fili are good at climbing and exploring, to represent this they suffer no penalty for rough terrain and do not have to test for climbing. (See rule for Moria goblins in RotK book). Family Loyalty. If Thorin is being attacked, and Kili and Fili are not engaged in battle, they must charge to Thorins aid. No Heroic Actions. Though they have Might points to use, Kili and Fili may not use them to call any Heroic Actions.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Bombur (Dwarf)

Points Cost: 30 Might: 1 Will: 0 Fate: 2 F S 5/4+ 4 D 5 A 1 W 1 C 5

Bombur, the extremely fat cousin of Bifur and Bofur, unarguably the fattest dwarf of his day. After the Battle of Five Armies, Bombur remained in Erebor for the rest of his life.

Bombur may carry the following items with additional points cost. If he wears Heavy Armor his Defense is increased by 2 points and may only be worn in The Battle of Five Armies scenario. Hand Axe Beorns Bow Heavy Armor Pack Pony Free 5 pts 10 pts 10 pts

Special Rules
Fat. Being grotesquely overweight Bomber suffers penalties the other dwarves do not. His movement is reduced by 1/2cm to depict his lack of stamina. He also suffers climbing and jumping penalties as well; he must roll two D6 and take the lowest score of the two when testing. No Heroic Actions. Though he has Might points to use, Bombur may not use them to call any Heroic Actions.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Thorins Company (Dwarves)

Points Cost: 30 (each) Might: 1 Will: 0 Fate: 2 F S 5/4+ 4 D 5 A 1 W 1 C 5

Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Gloin, Oin, Bifur and Bofur. These dwarves rounded out Thorins Company that traveled to the Lonely Mountain to reclaim the stolen Dwarven treasure and the Great Hall.

Any of the dwarves may carry the following items with additional points cost. If they wear Heavy Armor their Defense is increased by 2 points. Heavy Armor may only be used in The Battle of Five Armies scenario. Hand Axe Beorns Bow Heavy Armor Pack Pony Free 5 pts 10 pts 10 pts

Special Rules
No Heroic Actions. Though they have Might points to use, the dwarves of Thorins party may not use them to call any Heroic Actions.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Beorn (Man?)

Points Cost: 125 Might: 3 Will: 3 Fate: 3 F Beorn (man) 6/F Beorn (bear) 8/S 5 S 6

Points Cost: 145 Might: 3 Will: 3 Fate: 3 D 5 D 7 A 3 A 3 W 3 W 3 C 6 C 6

A skin-changer who lived near the western edge of Mirkwood, he could change himself from a man to a great black bear. Beorn kept a large house with dogs, ponies and sheep as helpers. He also kept bees, and most of his food contained honey. He played a big part in the Battle of Five Armies. Appearing alone, and in the shape of a giant bear. He rescued Thorin who had been pierced with many goblin spears. He then turned his attention to Bolg and crushed the goblin chief.

As a man Beorn carries a giant two-handed axe. When assuming the form of a bear he uses his natural weapons, claws and teeth.

Special Rules
Terror. Beorn, whether being a large man or a giant bear, instills fear in all evil models and they must pass a Courage test in order to attack him as explained in the RotK rules for terrifying enemies. Fearless. See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Bard of Lake-town (Man)

Points Cost: 70 Might: 3 Will: 1 Fate: 3 Bard F S 5/3+ 4 D 4 A 2 W 2 C 5

He was a naturally pessimistic man, and he was the first to sound the alarm when Smaug came down from the Lonely Mountain. He was also the only one who remained to challenge the dragon when it made its final assault upon the burning town. With the aid of a thrush, whose speech he could understand and who knew of the dragon's weak place, Bard slew Smaug with his last arrow. When the goblins were defeated at The Battle of Five Armies, Bard sent much of the gold he received from the dwarves back to the Master to rebuild Lake-town. Later, with more of the gold, Bard was able to restore Dale to its former prosperity and he became its first King since Girion.

Bard carries a sword and long bow. He may also wear leather armor which raises his base Defense by +1. Sword Long Bow Leather Armor Free Free 5 pts

Special Rules
Black Arrow. This special arrow may only be used once and only in the scenario called Fire and Water. When Bard uses this arrow it will hit on a 2+ at a Strength of 10 causing 2 x D6 for wounds. Fearless. See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Thranduil (Elf King)

Points Cost: Found in White Dwarf Magazine No. 288 Might: 3 Will: 3 Fate: 3
King of Mirkwood and father of Legolas, Thranduil was a Sindarin prince that came from the west with his father Oropher in the Second Age. They established the kingdom of Greenwood the Great, which later became known as Mirkwood.

For an additional points cost, Thranduil may carry Orcrist in any scenario after he takes it from Thorin in Mirkwood forest. Elven Blade Elven Cloak Orcrist Free Free 20 pts

Special Rules
Bad Blood. See White Dwarf Magazine No. 288. Aura of Dismay. See White Dwarf Magazine No. 288. Nature's Wrath. See White Dwarf Magazine No. 288. Orcrist. See Thorin for rules. Thranduil may carry Orcrist after he takes it from Thorin Oakenshield.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Din Ironfoot (Dwarf King)

Points Cost: 130 Might: 3 Will: 3 Fate: 2 King Din F 5/S 4 D 9 A 3 W 3 C 7

He was born in TA 2767, the son of Nin, son of Grr. He was only 30 years old when he fought in the Battle of Azanulbizar, and slew Azog with his great axe. When his father had been killed in the battle, Din II became King. He and his forces played a vital role in the Battle of Five Armies, coming to Thorin Oakenshield's aid when he was besieged. After Thorin's death in that conflict, Din II was crowned King under the Mountain. He was 192 at the time.

Din wears Mithril armor and carries the great axe Barazantathul, both heirlooms of his family.

Special Rules
Voice of Command. See RotK rulebook. Barazantathul. See RotK rulebook. Fearless. See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Gwaihir (Lord of the Eagles)

Points Cost: Found in the RotK Rulebook Might: 1 Will: 1 Fate: 1

The Lord of the Eagles, Gwaihir, has no love for the evil orcs that inhabit Middle-earth. He defends Thorins Company from the wargs that surround them in the forest and came to the aid of the alliance of men, elves and dwarves at the Battle of Five Armies. A friend to Gandalf for once he saved the Eagle Lord from an arrow-wound.

Special Rules
Fly. Gwaihir moves by flying his movement is 12/28cm. The great eagle can fly over the top of any models or terrain without penalty. He cannot enter woods, buildings and other terrain deemed impassable, but can land on top of any of these if the players so agree at the beginning of the game. The exception would be during the scenario Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire where Gwaihir and the other eagles may land atop the trees to pick up Thorins Company. Because it is not possible to fly underground the eagles may not be used inside the Lonely Mountain during the Battle of Five Armies scenario. Monstrous Mount. During the scenario Battle of Five Armies Gandalf may use Gwaihir as a Monstrous Mount, but only Gandalf and Gwaihir, no other great eagle can be used if Gwaihir is killed, and Gandalf is the only model allowed to ride the Eagle Lord. See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



Man of Esgaroth (Man)

Points Cost: 6 F S 3/4+ 3 D 4 A 1 W 1 C 3


The men of Esgaroth fought valiantly at the Battle of Five Armies. Though not as skilled as other men in Middle Earth they fought with honor and courage to defend their home and land.

They may carry a sword and long bow. Sword Long Bow Banner Free 1 pt 30 pts

Mirkwood Taurdirim (Elf)

Points Cost: Found in White Dwarf Magazine No. 288

The Taurdirim are the guards of the king. There are few in the kingdom of Mirkwood that can equal the ability and resolution of the Taurdirim, their dedication to the king is unwavering and they will fight by him until the death, even if the enemys numbers are overwhelming.

They may carry at extra point costs the following: Elven Spear Shield Elven Bow Eleven Cloak 1 pt 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts

Special Rules
Bodyguard. See White Dwarf Magazine No. 288.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Mirkwood Warrior (Elf)

Points Cost: Found in White Dwarf Magazine No. 288

The wood elves of Mirkwood are proficient with swords, spears and bows, combined with their skill-at-arms and their great bravery.

They may carry at extra point costs the following: Elven Spear Elven Blade Elven Bow Elven Cloak Banner 1 pt 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 30 pts

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Pack Pony

Points Cost: 10 F 0/S 3 D 5 A 0 W 1 C 3


Ponies are incredibly strong and used for long journeys to carry supplies for travelers. Unlike mules, these animals are also very obedient, explaining their use being more common than that of the mule or donkey.

Special Rules
Because this animal can only be ridden and serves no use as a combat mount it was given the ability to restore Might and Will points to a model that has used theirs. In order to use this mount in that fashion the Good model must come into base contact with the Pony. The Pony may not come to the aid of the model in need of help. When the Good player is setting up his side of the board it would be wise to place the Pony(s) in such a manner that the Evil player cannot easily fire at them in the Shoot phase (perhaps behind a tree). To use the restorative properties of the Pony, the Good model must come into base contact or be mounted on the Pony. The Good model surrenders both of the combat phases during its turn and must declare whether they are claiming back a Might point or a Will point. Once a Pony has been used by a specific character all other Ponies are then useless to that character the rest of the game. Note: A model that has all of its Might and Will points cannot use the Pony as no points were expended from their store.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Durins Elite Guard (Dwarf)

Points Cost: 11 F Elite Guard 4/S 4 D 7 A 1 W 1 C 4

The veterans of Durins Elite Guard are hand picked from among the strongest Dwarven warriors and are sworn to protect their Lord with their lives. They wear terrifying war-masks and are equipped with the best weaponry and armor.

They wear Dwarven heavy armor and carry axes (hand weapons) or two-handed axes. They can use either at no additional point cost though not both in the same Fight phase. Same rules apply for two-handed weapons as stated in the RotK rulebook.

Special Rules
Bodyguard. See RotK rulebook.

Dwarven Warrior (Dwarf)

Points Cost: Found in RotK Rulebook

The sharp axes of the dwarves and their stubborn courage are rightly feared among the servants of Evil.

They may carry at extra point costs the following: Axe/Two-handed Axe Shield Dwarf Bow Banner Free 1 pts 2 pts 30 pts

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Great Eagles (Giant Eagles)

Points Cost: 40 F 7/ S 5 D 8 A 1 W 3 C 5


Among the great eagles were Landroval and Meneldor, the brothers of Gwaihir. The great eagles saved Middle-earth several times throughout the ages. They are proud and regal beings that will follow their Lords will without question.

Special Rules
Fly. See RotK rulebook.

Beorning (Man?)

Points Cost: 12 F S 4/ 4+ 4 D 6 A 1 W 1 C 5


The descendants of Beorn, who inherited the ability to shape-shift into a large black bear. They dwelt in the valley of the Anduin near the western border of Mirkwood and close to the Carrock. If it was not for them, the journey between Dale and Rivendell would be impossible. Neither orcs nor wargs dared to set foot in their land.

They may carry at extra point costs the following: Axe/Two-handed Axe Beorns Bow Free 2 pts

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


There and Back Againthe Shire & Erebor

The journey of Bilbo Baggins leads him from his safe halls of Bag End to the ruins of The Lonely Mountain with numerous adventures in between.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Use this list to choose an Evil force to the points value you have agreed with your opponent.


Hill Troll (Troll)

Points Cost: 70 F S 6/5+ 6 D 7 A 3 W 3 C 3


The hill trolls of Bilbos story were embellished to make them appear less threatening that they actually were. Bilbo named these trolls Bert, William and Tom; what their rightful names were is still unknown. Trolls are simple minded by nature but very violent and will collect trophies from their conquests to stash in their caves. These large, loathsome creatures must hide away in dark caves or subterranean tunnels to escape the sunlight, for if they get caught in direct sunlight they turn to stone. Therefore, these creatures only emerge from their lairs at dusk and must return there before dawn.

They may carry at extra point costs the following: Hand Weapon Spear Free 1 pt

Special Rules
Throw Stones. See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


The Great Goblin (Orc)

Points Cost: 45 Might: 3 Will: 1 Fate: 1 F Great Goblin 4/S 4 D 5 A 2 W 2 C 3

The Great Goblin was an orc chieftain who led the tribe that lived in the High Pass chosen by Thorin Oakenshield's expedition when they crossed from Eriador into Wilderland. His clan captured Bilbo and the dwarves, and soon after he was slain by Gandalf.

The Great Goblin wears crude armor and has a cruel orc blade (hand weapon).

Gollum (Hobbit)

Points Cost: 20 Might: 2 Will: 0 Fate: 2 F 3/S 2 D 2 A 1 W 2 C 3


Five-hundred some odd years ago a hobbit named Dagol discovered a ring in the Anduin River. This was, of course, the One Ring, and its evil power began to work at once; he was murdered and the Ring was taken by

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


his companion Smagol. In time, Smagol became Gollum - a twisted monster, obsessed with the Ring and riddled with guilt over murdering his friend. In TA 2470, he found his way to the Misty Mountains. There, the ring continued to corrupt him, and he became a skinny, crawling creature, bearing almost no resemblance to a hobbit. He lived on an island in the middle of an underground lake where he survived off fish and the odd orc that got lost in the tunnels. In TA 2941, he met Bilbo Baggins, who had been separated from his Dwarven companions. Gollum challenged him to a game of riddles, which Bilbo won. Gollum thought he had been tricked when he found that his Ring was gone and thus became enraged. His hatred for the Baggins forced him to leave the mountains in search of his Precious (his name for the One Ring).

Special Rules
The Ring. Gollum may put the Ring on at any point during his own Movement phase and becomes instantly invisible to all. The model is deemed impossible to see and he can automatically move through models and other models can move though him. Because the Ring has already corrupted Gollum he must pass a Courage test to remove the Ring. Might points may be used to pass such a test. The Good side may never control Gollum unlike Frodo being controlled by the Evil player in the RotK rulebook.

Grey Chieftain (Warg)

Points Cost: 60 Might: 2 Will: 0 Fate: 3 F 4/S 4 D 5 A 2 W 3 C 5

Grey Chief

A white warg who was the leader of the wargs that attack ed Thorins Company in the forests south of the Misty Mountains, and also led the army of wolves (wargs) at the Battle of Five Armies.

Special Rules
Untamed. Unlike other wargs the Grey Chieftain cannot be ridden by any Evil model.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Master of Lake-town (Man)

Points Cost: 20 Might: 0 Will: 0 Fate: 0 F The Master 2/S 3 D 3 A 0 W 1 C 3

The Master of Lake-town was a greedy, self-important man. His concerns were for nothing more than his own personal gain and his status among the town-folk. Eventually his greed became his downfall, when he tried to steal some of the treasure that Bard had given him to rebuild Lake-town he fled, and in the wilderness he died of starvation, penniless.


Special Rules
Much like the rules for Grima Wormtongue, the Master is to be placed on the gaming board once all the models have been placed. He may not be targeted and attacked by any Good model. His purpose is not to cause his fellow man to be killed or to help the enemy conquer them, but to cause them to flee like the coward that he is. The Master of Lake-towns primary goal for the Evil force is to disrupt the command flow of the Good players army. The Master may not partake in any Fight phase during the game (he is considered a noncombatant). Unlike Grima, the Master can influence regular units as well as Heroes. To determine whether or not he has accomplished this, roll (1) D6 and on a 4+ any units within 6/14cm will not follow through with their attacks. Since the Master has no Might he cannot call Heroic actions, therefore the Evil side must have Priority in order to do this. However, if the Master is within 6/14cm of a Hero he causes the Hero to expend double the Might points in order to call Heroic actions or modify dice scores without having to roll first to see if he has succeeded.

* Rules for Grima Wormtongue can be found in the RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Smaug (Dragon)

Points Cost: 450 Might: 1 Will: 10 Fate: 0 F S 8/4+ 8 D 9 A 4 W 10 C 5


Smaug was said to be the greatest dragon of his time. He was one of the last fire-drakes, presumably bred in Angband by Morgoth with the other dragons, late in the First Age. Sometime in the 2700s of the Third Age, he got word of the great hoard of the dwarves in Erebor. In the year 2770, he descended on the mountain in flames and drove out or killed all the dwarves who lived there. He gathered together all the treasure from within Erebor and Dale in one of the great halls of the mountain, and made himself a bed from it. The men of Esgaroth left him alone with his treasure after he destroyed their city and went to work to rebuild Lake-town as it would be called, and Smaug became complacent as he thought his fortress to be impenetrable. In 2941 of the Third Age, Smaug was disturbed, Thorin Oakenshield had come back to claim his title of King under the Mountain. Thorin sent Bilbo Baggins into the dragon's lair while Smaug was sleeping, and Bilbo returned with a small, two-handled cup. When Smaug awoke, he knew something was missing and he flew out to attack the thief. Smaug smashed up the mountain, and burnt what little grass that was there, and then went on to Lake-town believing they must have had something to do with this thief. Smaug had one soft spot in his iron-like hide, and that was in the hollow of the left breast. Bilbo discovered that, and it helped Bard of Lake-town to shoot down the dragon. Smaug died and fell onto what was left of the town. Soon, all that was left of him were his bones and the jewels encrusted in his hide which the people of Lake-town never went to recover.

Considering that he is a dragon, he doesnt have Wargear per se, but does have a jewel encrusted underbelly which shields him from enemy bow fire, and of course his teeth, claws and his fiery breath. Smaug is considered to win every Fight when he is in base contact with the enemy.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Special Rules
Fly. Smaug can also move by flying his movement is 12/28cm. The dragon can fly over the top of any models or terrain without penalty. He cannot enter woods, buildings and other terrain deemed impassable, but can land on top of any of these if the players so agree at the beginning of the game. Terror. See RotK rulebook. Dragons Spell. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use: 4+. Having successfully cast the spell, Smaug may command the model to move up to half of its Movement (i.e. the model has a Movement of 6/14cm, he can move him 3/7cm) even into base contact with an enemy model and even if the Good model has already moved that turn. The victim can do nothing further this turn and his Fight value is reduced to 1, he rolls a (1) D6 regardless of how many Attacks he normally has. If the victimized model wins the fight he strikes no blows. Fiery Breath. Range 12/28cm. It affects everything within 3/7cm of its intended target. When flying, Smaug needs only to be 12/28cm from the model he is attacking, he is considered to be flying low so bow fire will work in much the same way. Because he is flying there is no base contact unless the Evil player decides to land. Therefore there is only a Shoot phase most of the time. If the Evil player lands Smaug on the ground, the unprotected underbelly is still considered to be visible by the Good player, though he would have to still test for anything considered in the way, the same holds true for Smaugs fiery breath. Unprotected Underbelly. Smaugs base Defense is a 9, therefore rules must be in place to determine what is to be considered a hit on the dragons weak spot. If a warrior hits Smaug (remote, but possible) he must then work out where the arrow hit. This can become complicated, so be prepared. Example, a man of Esgaroth fires and rolls a D6 and gets a 5, he only needs a 4+ to hit at a Strength of 3. Now he needs to roll two 6s on a D6 to even wound the dragon, assuming he does, now he must roll again to see where this arrow strikes. On a score of 1 4 on a D6 the arrow hits the dragon on his normal armor causing a (1) Wound. If the Good player rolls a score of a 5 the arrow hits the jewel encrusted breast of Smaug and scores 2 Wounds on the beast. Now, if Good player rolls a 6 on the D6 he is considered to have hit the dragons weak spot this causes 3 Wounds to Smaug. * In the Way rule can be found on page 24 of the RotK rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Bolg (Orc General)

Points Cost: 135 Might: 3 Will: 3 Fate: 3 F 5/S 4 D 6 A 3 W 3 C 5


He was the greatest of all orcs in his day. Once among the ranks for the goblin scouts he advanced quickly in rank and soon led a regiment of scout on several successful raids. Bolg, son of Azog, succeeded his father who was slain by Din Ironfoot, and became one of the greatest goblin generals. Bolg was finally cut down by Beorn while leading the orc army at the Battle of Five Armies. He died at the foot of The Lonely Mountain.

Bolg wears heavy armor and carries a finely crafted scimitar. He may have the following as optional wargear for an additional points cost. If Bolg takes a shield, increase his Defense by +1. Hand Weapon Shield Orc Bow Throwing Spear Warg Free 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts (only on warg) 10 pts

Warg Special Rules

F S D A W Found in the RotK Rulebook

Master of Battle. See Siege of Gondor rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Shelob (Giant Spider)

Points Cost: 80 Might: 0 Will: 5 Fate: 0 F 7/S 7 D 7 A 1 W 5 C 4


Shelob was presumed to be the last offspring of Ungoliant, the Giant Spider who destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor. After leaving Mirkwood, she settled in Cirith Ungol and hid away, being the last of her kind. Shelob's venom did not kill, it merely made her victims fall asleep so that while they were sleeping she could dine peacefully on her prey. She would not eat dead meat.

Special Rules
Movement. Shelob moves at 10/24cm. Like all spiders, Shelob can climb on any surface regardless of its angle. She can move over difficult terrain without a movement penalty, but she will still need to test to jump as normal models do. Terror . See RotK rulebook. Venom. See RotK rulebook. Pounce. This works the same as the rules for cavalry when they charge (i.e. Extra attack and knock to the ground). See RotK rulebook. Hunting Instinct. See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Goblin Captain (Orc)

Points Cost: Found in the RotK Rulebook Might: 2 Will: 1 Fate: 1

Goblin (orc) Captains are veterans of war and leaders among their kind. Their skill in combat and their courage make them feared by their enemies, and followed loyally by their soldiers. More than one Captain may be added to your force if you wish.

They may have the following as optional wargear for an additional points cost. If he takes a shield, increase his Defense by +1. Hand Weapon Shield Orc Bow Throwing Spear Warg Free 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts (only on warg) 10 pts


F S D A W Found in the RotK Rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Goblin Warrior (Orc)

Points Cost: 5 F S 3/5+ 3 D 4 A 1 W 1 C 2


Goblins (orcs) are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth. They are evil-hearted monsters that rejoice in destruction and the slaughter of innocents. Goblins bear little loyalty even to their own kind and will readily fight amongst themselves over the spoils of their conquests. Considered inept workmen, their clothing is ill-made and ragged, their armor is crude, and their weapons are as suited for butchery as they are to war.

They may have the following as optional wargear for an additional points cost. If he takes a shield, increase his Defense by +1. Hand Weapon Shield Orc Bow Spear Warg Banner Free 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 5 pts 25 pts


F S D A W Found in the RotK Rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Goblin Scout (Orc)

Points Cost: 5 F S 3/4+ 3 D 3 A 1 W 1 C 2


Goblin Scouts are smaller and less formidable than their brethren. They do however possess a much greater archery skill than other orcs and prefer to engage their victims at range. Scouts are excellent trackers and are adept at being able to sneak up on their prey, they also possess a great skill at riding wargs while firing their bows. Following in a tradition that Bolg started while serving in their ranks, they paint the left side of their face with blue war paint to honor him.

They may have the following as optional wargear for an additional points cost. Hand Weapon Orc Bow Warg Free Free 6 pts


F S D A W Found in the RotK Rulebook


Points Cost: 7 Warg F 4/ S 4 D 4 A 1 W 1 C 2

Wargs were intelligent, evil, wolf-like beasts that orcs used as mounts. The orcs would ride them out on their raids and in return, the wargs would get a share of the plunder. They lived in the northern parts of Middle-earth and they had a form of speech and would talk to one another. They are afraid of fire as most animals instinctually are and will flee if attacked by it.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Giant Spider of Mirkwood

Points Cost: 12 F 5/S 5 D 6 A 1 W 1 C 2


The Great Spiders of Middle-earth appear to have originated from Ungoliant. In the First Age, they lived in the Mountains of Terror in Beleriand, drinking the blood of all who came near. They served nothing but their never-ending hunger. In the Third Age, most Giant Spiders lived in Mirkwood. They attacked Bilbo and the dwarves when they tried to cross Mirkwood in the Quest of Erebor.

Special Rules
Movement. See RotK rulebook. Pounce. This works the same as the rules for cavalry when they charge (i.e. Extra Attack and Knock to the Ground). See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

The Finding of the One Ring

He guessed as well as he could, and crawling along for a good way, till suddenly his hand met what felt like a tiny ring of cold metal laying on the floor of the tunnel. It was a turning point in his career, but he did not know it.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Scenario One Roast Mutton

Scenario Two The Mountain Path Scenario Three The Great Goblin Scenario Five Escape to Safety Scenario Four Riddles in the Dark Scenario Six Out of the frying pan Scenario Seven Beorns Revenge Scenario Nine Fire and Water Scenario Eight Flies and Spiders Scenario Ten The Battle of Five Armies

Playing the Scenarios as a Campaign The scenarios listed below are meant to be played as a series of individual yet related games, but may be played out in a campaign format as well. If you choose to play these scenarios as a campaign you will find that not all of the characters will survive till the tenth and final scenario, with the outcome of each game vastly affecting the other scenarios. If you choose to play these scenarios in order you will find rules below for dealing with casualties to your named characters. Even if you choose to play these as separate games, certain aspects will roll over into the next and subsequent scenarios. This will be spelled out in the rules of each scenario if this applies. Casualties If a named character falls during a particular scenario it will be unlikely that they will return in the following battle, however the wounds suffered in the game to that model may not be fatal. In order to find out if the character has perished, the player must roll a single D6. On a 13 the character will recover but will be subject to a penalty described in the chart below. If a 4-6 is rolled on the D6 the character has died and may not be used in any scenario thereafter. Now, if the character survives the roll of the die, he will be subject to the following penalties throughout the rest of the campaign. If the same character falls in another battle, he will be subject to the same rules. If the player rolls the same penalty score that he has rolled before, he must roll again to see what new penalty awaits the character. Assuming the character has 1 Attack to begin with, the penalty does not apply; the same hold true for Wounds. A model cannot have less than 1 on either of these stats; therefore the penalty must be re-rolled. Note: All Might, Will and Fate are restored to each character after the scenario is finished.
Penalty Scores

1 2 3 4 5 6

-1/2cm Movement -1 Fight and +1 Shoot -1 Strength -1 Defense -1 Attacks -1 Wounds

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Scenario One ~ Roast Mutton

DESCRIPTION Thorins Company, along with Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins set up camp not long into their journey, but they discovered that they were running low on supplies. Seeing a fire not far off they decided to put their burglar, Bilbo, to the test. They send him to investigate and see if the campsite is set up by friendly folk. During the night Gandalf slips away from camp, unnoticed by Bilbo and the dwarves. Bilbo reluctantly agrees to sneak up on the campsite in search of provisions, but discover that it is inhabited by three monstrous trolls PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Thorins Company, Gandalf and Bilbo. The thirteen dwarves carry hand-axes, while Bilbo carries a knife and Gandalf carries his Staff of Power. The Evil side consists of 3 hill trolls carrying large axes or clubs (pick one), they may also carry a spear if you wish. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 24/56cm by 24/56cm and takes place in the wilderness between the Shire and Rivendell. The game board should be covered with trees and small hills with a campfire set up to represent the trolls campsite.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his trolls at their campsite which is placed in the middle and 6/14cm from the side of the board. The Good player then places his models along the opposite side of the game board. OBJECTIVES The Good side wins if the trolls are defeated or when Gandalf arrives and keeps them at bay for 3 rounds. At this point it is assumed the sun has come up and the trolls are turned to stone. The Good player brings in Bilbo first. Bilbo is followed after he is discovered by three of Thorins dwarves at a time; once all three are captured the next three come in. Finally, Thorin goes in alone and if/when he is captured Gandalf enters the game. The Evil player wins if all of the Good players models are defeated (captured). NOTES The Evil player is at an extreme disadvantage from a points value, but an experienced player is able to overcome and actually win this scenario quite easily.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Scenario Two ~ The Mountain Path

DESCRIPTION After leaving Elrond in Rivendell, Thorins Company led by Gandalf through the Misty Mountains runs into a lighting storm and several rock throwing giants. The group lead their ponies into a small hallow in the mountainside that was discovered by Kili and Fili and make plans to ride out the storm in the shelter of the cave PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Thorins Com pany, Gandalf, Bilbo and their Pack Ponies (4). The dwarves carry hand-axes, while Thorin carries Orcrist, Bilbo carries Sting and Gandalf carries his Staff of Power and Glamdring. The Evil side consists of 5 goblin scouts , 10 goblins with spears, 10 goblins with swords/shields, 10 goblins with two -handed weapons. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 24/56cm by 24/56cm and takes place within a small cave in the Misty Mountains. The board should be covered with stone and rock scenery to give it a feel of an actual cave.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his goblins behind a hidden door (3/7cm wide) at the back of the cave. The Good player will places his models on their sides to represent them sleeping; while Bilbo will remain upright. OBJECTIVES The Good side must avoid capture of at least 8 members of the party or reduce the goblins to 25% or less in numbers in order to win. The Evil player must capture at least 8 models to win. SCENARIO RULES The Good models are considered sleeping, but Bilbo is awakened by a nightmare. He then realizes that they are not alone and tries to wake the dwarves by yelling. To represent Bilbo waking the dwarves, he will be the only model on his feet and he may only make base contact with a model in order to wake it in doing so all models within 3/7cm of the sleeping model are woken. In order to rise from the ground the model uses half of its Movement that turn. Gandalf will automatically wake upon the first dwarf being woken.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Scenario Three ~ The Great Goblin

DESCRIPTION After being captured, Thorin and Company are led into a large hall where the Great Goblin (a massive orc sits perched upon a stone alter) surveys his captives. Gandalf, escaping the goblin attack, sneaks past the few guards that were posted at the entrance and enters the great hall unnoticed PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Thorins Company, Gandalf and Bilbo. The dwarves carry no weapons to start. Thorin recovers Orcrist, Bilbo carries Sting and Gandalf carries his Staff of Power and Glamdring. The Evil side consists of The Great Goblin, 12 goblin scouts, 12 goblins with swords/shields, 12 goblins with two-handed weapons. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 24/56cm by 24/56cm and takes place within the Misty Mountains. The board should be covered with stone and rock scenery to give it a feel of actually being inside the mountain. A stone altar should be placed near the center of the board to set up the Great Goblin.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his units around the dwarves and Bilbo while facing the Great Goblin who sits upon a throne in the center of the room. The Good player sets up Gandalf behind some rocks with Bilbo and the dwarves standing in front of the Great Goblin. OBJECTIVES The Good side must avoid capture of at least 8 members of the party including Gandalf and Bilbo or reduce the orcs to 25% or less in numbers in order to win. The Evil player must recapture at least 8 of the Good players models or Gandalf and Bilbo to win. SCENARIO RULES This scenario ends with Gandalf saving the dwarves and Bilbo and leading them to safety off the east end of the game board. If the Great Goblin survives this scenario he may be used in any of the following scenarios until he is killed. Gandalf surprises the goblins and their leader with a blast of light, to represent this, the Good player takes priority in the first round. Gandalfs blast frightens each Evil model and thus forces them into a Courage test before they go into their Movement phase. During the confusion it is assumed that the dwarves reacquire their weapons or suitable ones so they can actually fight in the Fight phase. In the following round the goblins are so enraged they take priority and no longer need to pass a Courage test unless Gandalf casts Terrifying Aura.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Scenario Four ~ Riddles in the Dark

DESCRIPTION After escaping from the Great Goblin and his host, Bilbo became separated when he fell off of Doris shoulders and tumbled into a dark, cavernous passageway. The passageway was nearly devoid of all light and Bilbo was knocked unconscious. When he gathered his wits about him, he discovered he was alone, but as he looked about to find out where he was he stumbled onto a golden ring which he placed into his pocket PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Bilbo Baggins; he carries Sting and the One Ring. The Evil side consists of Gollum and his raft. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 24/56cm by 24/56cm and takes place in an underground lake buried within the Misty Mountains. The board should be covered with stone and rock scenery to give it the feel of actually being inside the mountain. It should have tunnels, a lake and an island.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player places Gollum on his island in the center of the board. The Good player places Bilbo in the uppermost right hand side of the board as the map shows. OBJECTIVES The Good player must escape the game board through the exit, while the Evil player must try to stop him. SCENARIO RULES It is assumed that Bilbo has found the ring but does not know yet that it can turn him invisible . He must make his way down toward the shore; in turn Gollum will make his way toward Bilbo (in this we assume Gollum hears Bilbos approach). Gollum will use his raft to cross over from his island to the shore. Note: no special rules are needed for his raft; Gollum has lived here for centuries and knows how to navigate the waters within his cave. The raft has the same movement as Gollum, 5/12cm. Bilbo will suffer a movement penalty in this scenario because of the darkness, moving only 3/7cm. The Good player will also not be allowed to stoop for a stone, it is simply too dark for Bilbo to clearly see his target. The objectives for this scenario are more role playing than strategy based at first. Each player must come up with riddles for the other to figure out; when one player fails to answer the opposing players riddle correctly the player who answered incorrectly loses priority to make the first move in the strategy part of the game. Each player, at the start of the game, has two full minutes to compose a riddle and present it to his opponent; if that player fails to deliver the riddle in time, he loses the riddle game. If the riddle is given within the time limit the opposing player has one minute in which to answer. It would be a good idea to get an hourglass or stopwatch to monitor the time. Once the strategy part of the game begins, Bilbo may use the ring to escape, but he must first accidentally put the ring on. To represent this, the Good player will roll a D6 at the start of their Movement phase to see if they are successful. In order to succeed in putting the ring on you must roll a 1 on the D6; therefore Might points will not be able to affect this score. Gollum must try and stop Bilbo from reaching the exit. If the Good player has achieved invisibility, Gollum can still detect Bilbo by rolling a D6. On a score of 5+ Gollum smells Bilbo and may move in his direction as if he sees the model, and he may use Might points to affect his dice score. However, if Gollum fails , he must move toward the exit during his Movement phase (this is because he knows the hobbit is trying to escape with his precious). If the Evil player defeats Bilbo, the ring stays with Gollum and is not allowed to be used in any scenario thereafter whether you play this as part of a campaign or not.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Scenario Five ~ Escape to Safety

DESCRIPTION Gandalf and Thorins Company (now minus Bilbo) flee through the corridors of the mountain hall in search of an escape from the evil goblins that are in pursuit PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Thorins Company and Gandalf the Grey. The twelve d warves carry hand-axes, while Gandalf carries his Staff of Power and Glamdring and Thorin carries Orcrist. The Evil side consists of 600 points of goblins (and the Great Goblin if he has survived the last scenario). LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 24/56cm by 24/56cm and takes place within the Misty Mountains. The board should be covered with stone and rock scenery to give it a feel of actually being inside the mountain.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his units behind two piles of rocks as described on the map. The Good player places all his models at the entrance of the game board. OBJECTIVES The Good side must avoid capture of at least 8 members of the party including Gandalf and leave the map through the exit or reduce the orcs to 25% or less in numbers in order to win. The Evil player must recapture at least 8 of the Good players models or Gandalf to win. SCENARIO RULES During this scenario The Evil player may not take any goblin Captains, but if the Great Goblin wasnt killed in The Great Goblin scenario he will be added to the Evil players force and his points cost shall be deducted from the 600 points cost of the Evil players army. The 33% missile weapon rule does apply to this scenario.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Scenario Six ~ Out of the Frying Pan

DESCRIPTION Bilbo Baggins rejoins Thorins Company and Gandalf outside of the mountain hall. They make haste away from the shadow of the mountain and into the night, fleeing from the pursuing wargs and goblins. Once the wargs catch up to Thorins party, Gandalf leads them up into the trees to safety as the wargs gather closer. Gwaihir and the great eagles arrive and pick up the weary travelers and carry them into the night PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Thorins Company, Gandalf, Bilbo, Gwaihir and 5 great eag les. The dwarves carry hand-axes while Gandalf carries his staff and Glamdring, Thorin carries Orcrist and Bilbo carries Sting and the Ring (if he wins the scenario Riddles in the Dark ). The Evil side consists of The Grey Chieftain, The Great Goblin (if he survived the previous scenarios), 12 wargs and 15 goblins. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 48/112cm by 48/112cm and takes place in the wilderness outside of the Misty Mountains. The game board should be covered in trees with a large opening near the north side of the board surrounded by trees.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his wargs along the edge of the game board. All the wargs must be touching bases and not be deeper than two rows (6 units in each row). The goblins are put in play in Round 5 and placed on the game board edge as reinforcements; the Great Goblin must be used if he hasnt died in the previous scenarios. The Good player sets up 8/20cm from the center of the board on the same side as the Evil players wargs. OBJECTIVES The Good side must avoid capture of at least 8 members of the party including Gandalf and Bilbo and be rescued by Gwaihir and the eagles or reduce the Evil players force to 25% or less in numbers in order to win. The Evil player must recapture at least 8 of the Good players models or Gandalf and Bilbo to win. SCENARIO RULES The dwarves must climb the trees surrounding the open field in order to be picked up by Gwaihir and his great eagles in Round 10. While in the trees the dwarves have no weapons with which to retaliate, though Gandalf has a special rule for his flaming pinecones and they may be used against both the wargs and the goblins. The flaming pinecones hit on a 3+ at Strength of 3 and once they score a hit the model must retreat and leave the game board. The 33% missile weapon applies as does the in-the-way rule. Every time a goblin fires into the trees he must test to see if the arrow hits the tree or his intended target. Gandalf only has to test if the model is obscured by a tree other than his own.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Scenario Seven ~ Beorns Revenge

DESCRIPTION Enraged that the goblins and wargs have entered his lands looking for Thorins Company, Beorn leaves in the middle of the night to confront the enemy and slay them. He calls upon his Beornings and they meet the evil head-on PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Beorn as a bear, 19 Beornings with axes and 9 Beornings with axes and bows. (500 points) The Evil side consists of The Grey Chieftain, The Great Goblin (if he survived the previous scenarios), 20 wargs, 20 goblin scouts, 15 goblins w/spears, 10 goblins w/two-handed weapons and 10 goblins w/shields. (500 points) LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 48/112cm by 48/112cm and takes place in the wilderness in the valley of the Anduin near the western borders of Mirkwood. The Game board should be covered with clumps of densely populated trees and hills.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his units anywhere in the Evil Deployment Zone which is 12/cm from the northern edge of the game board. While the Good player deploys his models anywhere in the Good Deployment Zone which is 12/cm from the southern boarder of the game board. OBJECTIVES This is nothing more than a points match game. The Good side must reduce the Evil p layers army to 25% or less in numbers in order to win. The Evil player must achieve the same goal to achieve a victory in this scenario. SCENARIO RULES No army may have more than 33% of their force armed with missile weapons. If the Great Goblin is still alive at this point he must be added to the Evil players force and counts against the 500 points cost limit of the Evil players army.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Scenario Eight ~ Flies and Spiders

DESCRIPTION After a frightful night alone in Mirkwood in which he killed a spider all by himself, Bilbo Baggins ventures out with renewed confidence in search of the dwarves that went missing in the night. Only to find himself face to face with several giant angry spiders and the dwarves held captive, unable to assist him PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Bilbo Baggins w/Sting and the Ring. The Evil side consists of Shelob and 2 Giant Mirkwood Spiders. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 24/56cm by 24/56cm and takes place deep Mirkwood forest. The game board should be covered in a thick layer of trees.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his spiders within 6/14cm of the captured dwarves (which are located in the northwest part of the board). The Good player sets up Bilbo in the southeast corner of the game board. OBJECTIVES The Good side must rescue at least 6 of the dwarves or kill all three of the Evil players spiders. The Evil player wins if they capture Bilbo. SCENARIO RULES With Bilbo invisible it will still be possible for the Evil player to detect the hobbit. The Evil player must roll a D6 for each of his spiders to see if they are able to track Bilbos footprints. On a roll of 4+ the Evil player may move towards and engage Bilbo in a fight, if the Evil player rolls a 1, 2 or a 3 the spiders must move their full movement away from Bilbo towards the nearest edge of the board. If the evil player cannot move their full distance away from Bilbo then they must stay at the edge of the game board they are closest too. For the Good player to free a captured dwarf Bilbo must climb 1/2cm up a tree with a dwa rf in it. He may only free one dwarf at a time and must re-climb the tree to remove any of the remaining dwarves that are still in that tree. The Evil player will place the dwarves in the trees at the beginning of the game with no more than three (3) dwarves in each tree.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Scenario Nine ~ Fire and Water

DESCRIPTION Smaug descended on the town of Lake-town knowing the people there were responsible for the theft of his missing cup. He ravaged the town and its people with his fiery breath setting the whole place ablaze. The people of Lake-town fled but one grim faced man stood his ground and with the advice of a thrush let his lucky arrow fly in defiance toward the beast PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Bard of Lake -town and 20 men of Esgaroth with bows. The Evil side consists of Smaug and the Master of Lake-town. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 48/112cm by 48/112cm and takes in the streets of Lake -town. The game board should be made to look like the town is raised above the waters of the Long Lake, and in the town there should be several houses and buildings to represent Lake-town.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys Smaug on the eastern edge of the game board and will place the Master of Lake-town after the Good player places all of his models. The Good player sets up his men of Esgaroth and Bard in the center of town. OBJECTIVES The Good side must kill Smaug order to win. The Evil player must kill all of the Good players models including Bard. If Bard is killed the Good player does not automatically lose the scenario and continues until one side or the other has achieved their objective. SCENARIO RULES The 33% missile weapon rule does not apply to this scenario as the Good player will need everyone armed with a bow. The Master of Lake-town cannot be killed by any of the Good players mo dels, but can be killed by the friendly fire of the Evil players dragon.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Scenario Ten ~ The Battle of Five Armies

DESCRIPTION Din Ironfoot arrives to aid his friend Thorin defend the Lonely Mountain and the treasure that lies within Erebor from the threat of the elves and men of Dale. When he gets there he discovers the hostilities between the elven alliance and Thorins Company have been escalating, and he orders his dwarves to engage the enemy in battle. Just as they are about to commence with their fight a band of goblins and wargs, led by Bolg and the Grey Chieftain, approaches having learned of the riches held by Thorin inside the mountain hall. The dwarves of the Ironhills quickly join forces with Thranduils elves and Bards men and attempt to turn back the evil army that has beset them PARTICIPANTS The Good side consists of Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins (with Mithril Coat and Sting), Thorin Oakenshield (with Arkenstone and armor), Thorins 12 d warf companions (armored), Beorn (as a bear), Din Ironfoot, Bard (armored), Thranduil (with Orcrist), 5 Durins elite guards, 10 dwarf warriors with bows, 20 dwarf warriors, 5 men of Esgaroth with bows, 10 men of Esgaroth, 5 Mirkwood Taurdirim with spears, 5 Mirkwood warriors with bows and elven cloaks, 5 Mirkwood warriors with spears, 5 Mirkwood warriors with swords, and 5 Pack Ponies. The Good player will receive Gwaihir and 8 great eagles as reinforcement units. The Evil sides initial force consists of Bolg (riding warg), The Grey Chieftain, 10 goblin captains (on foot), 10 goblin scouts , 10 goblin scouts (riding wargs), 20 goblin warriors with spears, 20 goblin warriors with two-handed weapons, 20 goblin warriors with swords/shields, 10 goblin warriors (riding wargs), and 40 wargs. The Evil player will have 2 goblin captains (on foot), 20 goblin warriors with spears, 10 goblin scouts, and 20 goblin warriors with swords/shields as reinforcement units. LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 48/112cm by 72/183cm and takes place outside the front gate of the Lonely Mountain (Erebor). The game board should be covered with trees at the east end of the board, while a mountain representing Erebor stands at the west end. A pool and a river should be placed down the center of the game board as shown on the map below.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his units on the east end of the board along opposite sides of the River Running as shown on the scenario map, while the Good player will position his units closer to the Lonely Mountain also shown on the map above. OBJECTIVES Both the Evil and Good players must reduce their opponents army below 10% of its original size. This is to represent their desire to obtain or keep the treasure within the Lonely Mountain. SCENARIO RULES This battle is nothing more than a glorified points match. Beginning in the 11th round the Evil player may move his reinforcements in 100 points at a time and in each round thereafter (e.g. so in the 11th round the Evil player moves in 100 points of his reinforcements, then in the 12th round 100 more points of units may enter, until all units are deployed). The Evil player places his reinforcement units along the edge of the game board and is not limited as to where he may deploy them. At the beginning of 11th round the Good player may bring in all his reinforcements. They may only enter the game from the northeast side of the game board.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



n 1050 of the Third Age, an evil presence began surfacing in the south of the great forest known then as the Greenwood. The evil spread slowly, turning the forest dank and dark; and soon evil creatures began to be seen in the forest which was now being called by the elves, Taur eNdaedelos - Forest of Great Fear, or Mirkwood by most other folk. At the heart of the spreading evil was a fortified hill known as Dol Guldur, the Hill of Sorcery, located in the southwest part of the forest. Over the next thousand years, the evil spread until the forest became a vile, dark and unsafe place. That is, all but the northeastern part of the forest, the area which belonged to Thranduil. In TA 2063 Gandalf entered Dol Guldur searching for the Necromancer but he was nowhere to be found. But by TA 2460 Gandalf had re-entered Dol Guldur , and its evil power was rapidly increasing and its fortifications were strengthened. Gandalf again entered Dol Guldur in TA 2850. There, he uncovered proof that the Necromancer was in fact Sauron, and in doing so barely escaped without being captured. Before he was discovered Gandalf searched the dungeons below Dol Guldur, There he found Thrain II, Thorin Oakenshields father, and was given the Key to Erebor and a map. Gandalf promised, just before Thrain perished, to bring Thorin these items that were left in his care. In TA 2941 the members of The White Council met to discuss the growing threat in Mirkwood. After much debate and stalling on the part of Saruman, they decided to send a force to drive the evil from Dol Guldur and remove Sauron from their midst. But Sauron knew that his fortress was about to be attacked and fled for Mordor, there he made preparation to rebuild Barad dr. Before leaving, Sauron placed Khaml, the dark Easterling, in charge of Dol Guldur and kept him there to maintain the illusion that the Necromancer was still within the borders of Mirkwood. This move helped make Saurons escape to Mordor much easier, for if he were confronted in his weakened state he would have surely been vanquished. The fight with The White Councils force was brief, but Khamls forces achieved their goal before surrendering the fortress. In the years to come Sauron sent back the Nazgl to reclaim Dol Guldur , it was held by the Dark Lord until he was conquered in the Third Age during the War of the Ring.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



Galadriel (Elf Sorceress)

Points Cost: Found in the RotK Rulebook Might: 3 Will: 6 + 1 per turn Fate: 3
Galadriel is a great sorceress, both mighty and terrifying. Wise beyond mortal measure, her powers are held in awe by lesser folk and her domain is closed to them. By the magic she wields through Nenya the Mithril ring of adamant Lothlrien is kept safe from the ravages of time and the assaults of the forces of evil.

Galadriel does not have the option, as in the RotK rulebook, to have her mirror. Seeing as it is a fixed object she will not have it with her in Dol Guldur. She carries a hand weapon (an elven dagger) and may wear heavy elven armor at additional points cost. Heavy Armor 10 pts

Special Rules
Lineage of the Firstborn. See RotK rulebook.

Magical Powers
Effortlessly Immobilize. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 2+ Command. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 4+ Blinding Aura. Dice score to use 2+ Explanation of spells can be found on page 118 of the RotK rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Master Elrond (Elven Lord)

Points Value: 115 Might: 3 Will: 4 Fate: 3 F Elrond 5/-

S 4

D 5

A 2

W 3

C 7

Elrond, the Lord of Rivendell, has been alive for many centuries and has become one of the wisest beings in Middle-earth. Over the years, he has learned the ability to foresee the future as well as having become a great healer.

Elrond carries an elven blade.

Special Rules
Gift of Foresight. If an enemy hero is within 6/14cm of Elrond and calls a Heroic Action, Elrond may do the same without expending any of the Might points in his store. Heal. Range: Base contact. Dice score to use 3+. Elrond may heal one wound per round on a friendly model that he is in base contact with.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Radagast the Brown (Wizard)

Points Value: Found in the RotK Rulebook Might: 3 Will: 6+1 free per turn Fate: 3
Living on the borders of Mirkwood, Radagast is a member of the Order of Wizards to which both Gandalf and Saruman belong. Less given to displays of power than his fellows, Radagast is a master of hues and shapes and his skill with the birds and beasts of Middle-earth is without equal. Although Saruman derides Radagasts abilities and has never held him in anything other than contempt, Radagast is a dedicated member of The White Council and Gandalf considers him a valuable ally.

Radagast carries his staff and a dagger (hand weapon). He can use either to fight with his staff is considered a two-handed weapon.

Special Rules
Staff of Power. Radagasts staff is not only a symbol of his authority but a potent talisman. To represent his staffs power he can expend 1 point of Will each turn without reducing his own Will store Master of Birds. See RotK rulebook. One with Nature. See RotK rulebook.

Magical Powers
Terrifying Aura. Dice score to use 2+ Immobilize. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 3+ Renew. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 3+ Panic Steed. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 2+ Aura of Dismay. Dice score to use 5+ * Explanation of spells can be found on page 119 of the RotK rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Saruman the Wise (Wizard)

Points Value: 150 Might: 3 Will: 6+1 free per turn Fate: 3 F S Saruman 5/4

D 5

A 1

W 3

C 7

Saruman was the first of the five Istari to enter Middle-earth. He was also the eldest, and the chief of the order, being called the White Wizard. He was chosen by Aul for he was subtle in his speech, and could persuade most anyone to do almost anything. For the first 1,000 years he was in Middle-earth he traveled much, and mainly to the East. He came back though, for the first meeting of The White Council and was made their leader. It was at this time he started studying the Rings of Power, and the ways of the enemy. He was given the keys to Orthanc by Beren the 19th Steward of Minas Tirith, and lived there from then on. In TA 2941he gathered The White Council together on Gandalf the Greys request to discuss the matter in Mirkwood. Though Saruman stalled, The White Council eventually decided to confront the evil growing there as Gandalf had made his case believing Sauron had returned and set up his fortress in Dol Guldur.

Special Rules
Staff of Power. Sarumans staff is not only a symbol of his authority but a potent talisman. To represent his staffs power he can expend 1 point of Will each turn without reducing his own Will store Voice of Command. See RotK rulebook.

Magical Powers
Terrifying Aura. Dice score to use 2+ Effortlessly Immobilize. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 2+ Sorcerous Blast. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 5+ Instantly Command. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 3+ * Explanation of spells can be found on page 85 of the RotK rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Haldir of Lorien (Elf)

Points Cost: 75 Might: 3 Will: 1 Fate: 2 F S 6/ 3+ 4 D 6 A 2 W 2 C 5


One of the captains of the forest realm of Lothlrien. Haldir was a Marchwarden who guarded the northern borders of Lothlrien. He had two brothers; Rmil and Orophin; they, however, remained in Lothlrien when Galadriel took her force to Dol Guldur to remove the Necromancer.

Haldir wears heavy elven armor and carries an elven blade and bow. For an additional points cost he may have the following: Elven Cloak 10 pts

Special Rules
Expert Shot. See RotK rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Elven Warrior (Elf)

Points Cost: Found in the RotK Rulebook

The elves of Rivendell and Lothlrien are proficient with swords, spears and bows, and combine their skill-at-arms with their great bravery.

They may carry at extra point costs the following: Elven Spear Elven Blade Elven Bow Elven Cloak Banner 1 pt 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 35 pts

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



Kham l (Nazgl)

Points Cost: 130 Might: 2 Will: 14 Fate: 3 F 5/ S 4 D 8 A 1 W 1 C 6


One of the Nazgl or Ringwraiths. Khaml was an Easterling King who had come under Sauron's influence during the Second Age of the Sun when he was given one of the nine rings of mortal men. Sometimes called the Black Easterling or the Shadow of the East, Khaml was second only to the Witch-King in rank among the Nazgl. In the Third Age, Khaml appears to have been Sauron's chief lieutenant in Mirkwood from about TA 1100, Khaml was the master of Dol Guldur.

Khaml may carry a sword or a mace at no additional points cost. As long as the Witch-king is not fielded, Khaml may have the option for a Morgul blade. Morgul Blade 10 pt

Special Rules
Will. See RotK rulebook. Morgul Blade. See RotK rulebook. Terror. See RotK rulebook.

Magical Powers
Transfix. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 3+ Compel. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 4+ Drain Courage. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 2+ Sap Will. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 4+ Black Dart. Range 12/28cm. Dice score to use 5+ * Explanation of spells can be found on page 83 of the RotK rulebook

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

I-Dae (Wight)

Points Cost: 60 Might: 0 Will: 5 Fate: 0 F 3/S 2 D 7 A 1 W 2 C 6


In TA 2002 when Minas Ithil was captured by the Nazgl, Renthor, a Gondorian Citadel Guardsman, came under the influence of one of the Nine. He betrayed his comrades and fell to an arrow wound to his neck. Upon his death he was transformed into a Wight, forever serving the Dark Lord Sauron under the name of I-Dae. When all was settled in Minas Morgul (formerly Minas Ithil), I-Dae went to dwell in Dol Guldur and served under Khaml as one of his lieutenants. His name translated from Elvish means the abyss shadow.

I-Dae wears heavy Gondorian armor and carries a finely crafted Elven blade.

Special Rules
Terror. See RotK rulebook.

Magical Powers
Paralyze. See Shadow and Flame rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Athangerth (Wight)

Points Cost: 60 Might: 0 Will: 5 Fate: 0 F Athangerth 3/S 2 D 7 A 1 W 2 C 6

Once a great captain of the kingdom of Arnor, Athangerth, then known to his people as Mardil fought against the Witch-King in the defense of his home city of Annminas in the year TA 1404. Mardils soldiers fought valiantly against their foe, but they were pushed back against the shores of Lake Evendim and with no room for retreat, the Witch-Kings forces slew what remained of the soldiers of Annminas. In mortally wounding Mardil, the Witch-King cursed his soul to do his bidding for eternity. What was left of Mardils soul remained tormented and tortured endlessly. His unwillingness to be bent to the Dark Lords will caused him severe pain and anguish, but he was powerless to stop it. Over the next nearly three-hundred years of his so-called existence, the evil influence of the Witch-King broke what was left of a once loving, caring spirit and caused it to depart and be overcome by evil, swallowing him in shadow. He was called in later years Athangerth by the elves of Mirkwood, which translated meant beyond death.

Athangerth wears heavy armor and carries a finely crafted short sword.

Special Rules
Terror. See RotK rulebook.

Magical Powers
Paralyze. See Shadow and Flame rulebook.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Scenario ~ The Sack of Dol Guldur

DESCRIPTION After Gandalf leaves Thorins Company at the edge of Mirkwood Forest, he travels back to Rivendell where the White Council led by Saruman is gathered. They discuss the growing threat that is dwelling in Dol Guldur and come to a decision to travel there with a host of elves from Lothlrien and Rivendell to confront it. The Necromancer (Sauron) senses something is amiss and leaves for Mordor before Gandalf and the members of the White Council arrive with their force. Khaml, left in command of Dol Guldurs forces, buys Sauron the time he needs to escape to Barad dr and wages war against the host of elves and wizards PARTICIPANTS The Good side may consist of any two (2) of these named Heroes: Elrond, Galadriel, Saruman, Radagast and Haldir. The Good player must compile an army of no more than 600 points after the inclusion of Gandalf. The Evil side consists of Khaml, Athangerth, I-Dae and 510 points in goblins. The Evil player may use his 510 points in any manner he sees fit (this includes the addition of any captains if they wish).

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


LAYOUT This scenario is played out on a game board that measures 48/112cm by 48/112cm and takes place in the wilderness south of Dol Guldur. The game board should be covered with trees at the south end of the board with a large hill covering a good portion of the northern part of the board. The walls of Dol Guldur should be placed atop the hill.

STARTING POSITIONS The Evil player deploys his units behind the fortress walls of the Dol Guldur. While the Good player sets up in the forest south of the castle no further away than 18/42cm from the south side of the board. OBJECTIVES The Good player must dispel Khaml, Athangerth and I-Dae and reduce the Evil force to fewer than 25% of its original number to win the scenario. The Evil player must deplete the Good force to under 25% to win the scenario; there are no restrictions as to making sure the Good Heroes are also counted as casualties. SCENARIO RULES This scenario is basically a points match with each side equaling no more than 750 points. The only objective that must be reached by the Good player is to remove Khaml, Athangerth and I-Dae from the game and making sure the Evil player has fewer than 25% of his force remaining. The front gate of Dol Guldur should be open as no siege weapons are involved to break it down. The 33% missile weapon rule is in effect. * Note. Due to the lack of written information on who actually stormed Dol Guldur, I have taken liberties with the army lists and created the two wights of Dol Guldur, Athangerth and I-Dae and their back stories.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Modeling Section
Conversions TOOLS USED Jewelers Saw Clippers Metal Files Razor Knife Pin Vice Green stuff Model Glue

Beorn the bear

First up is Beorn as a bear. This conversion will take a lot of patience and require you to have preformed moderate to difficult conversions in the past. Remember to work slowly; it is worth it to take your time.

Step One
To begin with, youll need to clean and prep your Tsar Boris of Kislev model. Wash the model with a mild soapy-water solution then remove any flash and runner lines. You will need several parts of this model, the bears head, jaw, left and right sides. The rest can be saved for whatever you may need it for in the future (it is good idea to NEVER throw anything away; youll never know when youll need it).

Step Two
This part is the most time consuming and blister forming part of the project. Youll need to carefully cut away Tsar Boris legs and saddle from both the left and right side of the model. USE the saw for this.I broke two pairs of clippers trying to speed this process along. Trust me, youll want to go slowly and take your time. If youre anything like me and get all excited while creating a new model, youll want to hurry through this, but dont; take breaks. Next youll have to remove the chains and skulls from around the neck and hindquarters of the bearuse your clippers here. If you can, try to save the skulls so you can use them for another model or diorama in the future.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Step Three
Once you have removed all the unnecessary parts from the model its time for assembly. What I find works the best is to take a very small amount of filler putty and mix it in with the modeling glue to create a tighter bond. Once assembled, glue the model to a cavalry base (40mm round), then start your putty work. Keep this in mind, dont worry if the model looks uneven here, the green stuff will cover up any mistakes you made while clipping and sawing.

Step Four
Now you are ready for making the fur. You are going to need a decent amount of modeling putty (I like Ebobs, but any good brand will do) and your sculpting tools and razor knife. Again, work slowly and use small amounts of the green stuff. First you are going to have to fill in all the gaps in the seams. Allow each part you work on to dry before starting the next. You will rue the day you put your finger into a well sculpted patch of fur. Once your model is dry, you are ready to basecoat it in Chaos Black paint from Games Workshop and then begin your painting.

Beorn the man

Ok, now this conversion is simple, but the sculpting part is was is a little more difficult on this model than it was with the previous one. Again, I cannot stress enoughwork slowly and in stages.

Step One
As before, wash your Thurd the Barbarian model in a mild soapy-water mixture to start. There is no assembly this time, just some clipping and the sculpting. Remove the most pointed parts of Thurds head, leaving just a stump on which to work off of. Thurds head is tiny so in order to make him look less like a pin head you will need to keep most of the old head in tact and build up the sculpt from there. What I find works is to dot the stump with the modeling glue and place your beginning lump of green stuff on it. This will bind the putty to the neck (stump) and keep your head in pla ce as you work. Remember; let your work dry before starting on another part of the face. Once the face is complete, you can begin working on his hair and beard. As for instruction on how to create the face visit this website:

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit This is the best example I can offer on how to complete the sculpting of faces, and it has helped me greatly.

Bilbo Baggins

There are several conversions that I have done for Bilbo during this supplement. First you will need several models of Games Workshops Bilbo Baggins and three of Frodo Baggins. Two of the Frodo Baggins models are the ones from The Fellowship of the Ring boxed set; the other is from the RotK blister pack with Samwise and Gollum. One of the Fellowship Frodos was used to create several different Bilbos during the time I put this supplement together which Ill display for you below. Carefully remove the backpack from one of the Fellowship Frodo models; you will also need the head and Sting for the other conversions. The other Fellowship Frodo is only used for his Sting. The RotK Frodo only needs his head and left hand removed, the body will be used.
Bilbo model one

The first picture below shows an unfinished Bilbo with a backpack. This conversion is very simple to do. Take the backpack you removed from Frodo and glue it to Bilbos back, also carefully cut away Bilbos book. Now the only real sculpting you need to do is to create a hand where the book used to be. I placed a walking stick in that hand and the model is then finished.
Bilbo model two

The second picture depicts Bilbo riding a pony. This conversion will take a moderate amount of skill to perform; you should have at least attempted some semi-difficult conversions in the past before trying this one. Now what I used was a pony from Ebob Miniatures which I had to do a little bit of sawing to remove enough of the packs in order to put the rider on. Bilbos body came from the Pippin model in the Treebeard, Might Ent boxed set by Games Workshop, and of course Bilbos head came from the Frodo model we used for the backpack. First remove Pippins left leg so he can sit down in the notch you carved out on the pony and then glue the right leg into position. Next glue the head onto the body, and then create your cloak from green stuff.
Bilbo model three

In conversion number three we see the new model of Paladin Took from Games Workshop with Bilbos head. A simple head swap accomplished this conversion and now you have a Shire Bilbo to greet Gandalf as he comes to recruit him for the quest to reclaim Erebor.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Bilbo model four

Bilbo wielding Sting is another easy conversion. In picture number four we see the same type of conversion done to the first Bilbo model (removal of the book and left hand). Because Frodo is holding Sting in his right hand, file down what remains of his hand till you have what looks like a convincing handle. Make a ha nd out of green stuff and this model is complete. I took a razor knife and removed a chuck of metal on Bilbos left knee to give the appearance that he had torn his pants while scrounging around Gollums cave.
Bilbo model five

For this conversion take the RotK Frodos body and use a Bilbo Baggins model for the head. You will now need that extra Sting for him to hold. Sculpt a hand around the handle of the blade (use the same technique as described above for this) but do not attach the hand to his body till you are finished with the armor. Next take a small amount of green stuff and begin your sculpt of Bilbos mithril coat. To add the feel that it is made of ringmail take the point of your razor knife and in a series of rows continue to gently dot the green stuff with the hobby knife. This will look funny and you will get the idea that it looks bad while you are doing ittrust me if you take your time and stay in rows it will look fine once you paint it. Do not try to make the rows perfectly straightif it is off a bit it will give the appearance of it being draped over his clothes, as it should. I decided that Peter Jacksons image of Bilbos armor was spot on in looks, but I felt that it was too tight fitting around Frodo in the movie as it was supposed to be an elven piece of armor, so mine is a little bit looser around the hobbit.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



What this conversion takes is a steady hand and a lot of patience. Take the Games Workshop dwarf King model shown below and remove his axe. You will need clippers, some metal files, a pin vice and a very sharp razor knife. Carefully cut away the handle between his two hands until you have a nice smooth area between them. Once thats gone take a small amount of green stuff and cover over the Kings armor making his inner cloak. Next take a little blob of the green stuff and form Balins hood. The axes came from a local hobby shop and did not have a manufacturers name on them; they were just sitting in a bulk bid for purchase. Take your pin vice (after you allow your sculpting to dry) and drill out each of his hands so you can place his axes in the holes. This pretty much completes this conversion. Its time consuming, but the conversion work is fairly simple.


For this conversion you will need the Celeborn and Elrond models from Games Workshop. I also had a hilt of an elven blade that I had laying around from some conversion I did quite some time ago. As I mentioned before, never throw anything awayyou will never know when something like this will come in handy. Ok, this is also a pretty basic conversion as well. Simply swap the heads and fill in the gaps in his hair with a bit of green stuff. If you choose to give Elrond the Elven Blade, just glue it to the inside of his robe to give the impression the rest of the scabbard is covered over by it.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit



Again, a fairly easy conversion. A simple head swap of a Games Workshop Easterling and Ringwraith. Not too much putty work to do either if you cut the heads off pretty clean. There really isnt much to say about this oneas you can see it is pretty straight forward.

Sculpting Bombur

This, as with all modeling, is a learned skill that can only truly be taught through trial and error. Bombur was the first sculpt that I ever created, other than the occasional grafting of some hair or a beard on an already pre-existing model I was attempting to customize. To be completely honest he took several months to complete and went through numerous overhauls before I was satisfied with him. To this day he is still my only complete sculpt. One thing I can suggest is to start with an armature. You can find some very nice and inexpensive ones at This will make your life so much easier and you can peel off whatever doesnt look good to you without too much damage to parts of the sculpture you already like. Visit this website for more info,

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Standard Banners

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Models List
Character Gandalf the Grey Bilbo Baggins Thorin Oakenshield Balin Kili and Fili Dwalin Gloin Oin Dori Nori Ori Bifur Bofur Beorn (man) Beorn (bear) Bard of Esgaroth Thranduil Din Ironfoot Gwaihir Men of Esgaroth Mirkwood Taurdirim Mirkwood Warrior Durins Elite Guard Dwarf Warrior Great Eagles Beornings Pack Ponies Hill Trolls Great Goblin Gollum Grey Chieftain Master of Lake-town Smaug Bolg Shelob Goblin Captain Goblin Warrior Goblin Scout Warg Spiders of Mirkwood Galadriel Elrond Radagast Saruman Haldir Elven Warrior Khaml I-Dae Athangerth Manufacturer Games Workshop Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Mithril Miniatures Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Ebob Miniatures Micro Art Studio Mithril Miniatures Mithril Miniatures Games Workshop Mithril Miniatures Reaper Miniatures Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Games Workshop Actual Model Fellowship Gandalf Bilbo Baggins Thorin Oakenshield M155 Dwarf King Dwarven Travelers M 306 Dwarf Bowman King Thrain M156 Gimli MC14 Dwarf Bowman Dwarf Bowman Gimli M127 Thorin Oakenshield MC3 Dwarf Adventurer M163 Thurd the Barbarian Tsar Boris of Kislev on bear Bard of Lake -town MC9 The Elven King MC8 Din Ironfoot Gwaihir Faramir MC39 Glorfindel Legolas MC14 Khazad Guard Dwarf Warrior Warhammer Giant Eagles Wildman of Dunland Pack Pony Big Troll Great Goblin MC5 Gollum MC1 Plastic Warg Master of Lake-town M131 Marthrangul Golfimbul Shelob Orc from Mordor Catapult Mordor Orc (metal or plastic) Fellowship Orc Bowman Plastic Warg Forest Goblin Spider Galadriel Celeborn/Elrond conversion Sharky Orthanc Saruman Armored Haldir Armored Haldirs Elves Wraith/Easterling conversion Barrow-Wight Barrow-Wight

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Terrain Projects
Samwise Gamgees Modeling Tips:
Now, I may be only an inch tall but Ive helped build some mighty terrain pieces for this strategy battle game supplement with Mr. BilboOfTheWhiteTower. Throughout this section Ill be showing ya a thing or two about these projects. Not only am I a model, but Im a model builder too.

With the help of my trusted mini Samwise who is always there to help me out with scale , Iexcuse me, we have made two terrain projects for The Hobbit SBG supplement. The first is Bag End, with the later being Erebor. I hope this section helps you through making your own terrain pieces.
Bag End

To create Bag End you will need to possess a moderate amount of modeling skill. This isnt a difficult project, but is rather time consuming and please do not believe you can pound out this piece of terrain in an evening. The whole process took me the better part of two weeks from beginning to completion. Now this model will not be used in this supplement as terrain for any of the scenarios, but I felt that the story begins and ends with Bilbo at his home, so what better project to complete than his home under the hill. Hobbits are a passion of mine and with Games Workshops Scouring of the Shire supplement being released I thought it would be a nice way to tie this unofficial supplement to theirs.
TOOLS USED Jewelers Saw Clippers Sculpting Tools Razor Knife Pin Vice Model Glue Elmers Glue Vise Grips Green Stuff

MATERIALS Plastruct Model Board Insulation Board Balsa wood planks Small Tree Branches Static Grass Gravel/Ballast Black Latex Paint Cardboard Tubing Plastic Tubing Clump Foliage Lichen

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Step One
First you will need a cardboard tube with an ID (inside diameter) of 2/5cm to make the outside door frame. I originally intended for this part to look like it was make of brick so as you can see by the photo I cut a small strip from the Plastruct sheet that has bricks printed on it and pasted this on the inside, I later decided that the outer frame was going to look as if it were made from wood.

Step Two
Using a thin sturdy piece of cardboard I glued strips of balsawood in a plank fashion to it to make the front door. Then over the top of the balsa a circular ring of the same cardboard was placed having the same ID of 2/5cm as the exterior frame. This created the interior frame of the door. Cut around the outside of the cardboard ring and glue it inside of your exterior door frame.

Step Three
For the windows you will need to use the plastic tubing and cut small rings about a half inch or 1cm in depth. Take your cardboard sheet and paint a section black, then glue some clear plastic over the top of the blackened cardboard. This will give the windows depth. Next glue the small plastic tubes onto what will be the glass, then glue in small strips of balsa to add the frame of the windows.

Sams Modeling Tip #1 For the clear plastic used inside the windows, use some from a blister pack, this works out really well.

Step Four
Next take your Plastruct sheet that looks like a stucco wall and cut the desired shape to your hobbit hole, I took liberties as to what I wanted my Bag End to look like, feel free to be creative here. Cut a hole in the sheet of stucco that is exactly the same diameter of your exterior door frame and glue it halfway inside giving it the appearance that the door is recessed into the hill. Flank the door with balsa to resemble support beams. To the left of the door I added some of the brick printed paper in which I set the window. Also recess the windows slightly so they do not appear to be just sitting flush with the brick wall. Paint it to a desired standard.

Sams Modeling Tip #2 The easiest way to cut the stucco plastic sheet is with a razor knife, but be careful and go slowly.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Step Five
Take a semi-large portion of your pink insulation board and begin sculpting your hill. Leave the front of the foam flat and round out the rest of the boards edges. Once you have the desired shape take some of your shavings and glue them on top of the structure to give the earth a more uneven feel to it. This will come in nicely later when you place your chimney and your tree(s).

Step Six
Attach your pink hill to another piece of foam with the Elmers glue for the front stoop of your hobbit home. I chose a piece of white foam board so it would stand out better in the photos, but you can use what ever you like. Once the two levels are glued together cut out some stairs and some recesses for the door and windows to set into, and then check to make sure if you were going to glue your front door into place that it fits snugly. Do not glue the front of the house into place yet.

Step Seven
Paint the hill to a desired color (black works well) with latex paint and allow to dry. This will make the ground look more natural if there are any thin spots in the static grass in the future due to use. Glue the front door into place and create an awning out of cardboard over the door, once this is dry paint the awning to match the woodwork of your doorframe. To apply the static grass, smear some Elmers glue across the painted surface of the foam and drop the static grass into place. Press down firmly atop the freshly laid grass for about 10 seconds. Repeat this until the project is covered in the static grass.

Step Eight
Next take the freshly sodded hill and place it on your base board. This can be anything you wish. Glue some ballast leading from the front door down the carved out steps. Use the Plastruct card that resembles fieldstone and glue that down on the steps and on the front stoop. Paint as desired. Take more of the shavings you had left over from carving the hill and place it around the edges of your hill and glue them into position. This will give you more of a sloping effect. Now place more of the static grass around the rest of the model.

Sams Modeling Tip #3 Dont be too concerned if your model is lookin a little too step-ish. Once you place some shrubs and landscaping it will even out and look more rounded. So dont try to be too perfect when sculpting.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Step Nine
To create a realistic dirt road first mix a 60/40 Elmers glue and water solution with an equal amount of the ballast. Next lay down a layer of Elmers glue where you want the road and spoon out the ballast/glue mixture over the top of it. You may make wagon ruts in the dirt if you wish using the spoon or placing two nickels (or some other smooth edged coin) on either side of a dowel rod approximately 2/5cm apart and roll it gently down the path.
Sams Modeling Tip #4 Always ask your wife before using one of her bowls and spoons to mix up the path mixture. Rosie had my head after she found out what I did.

Step Ten
Making the chimney is quite a simple process. Take a thic k piece of balsa, cut several strips till you get a desired thickness. This can be any size you like dont feel limited to something around the looks of mine. Once the balsa is cut and glued together in a block, cut a small strip from the Plastruct bric k paper that you used before for the front door and wrap it around the balsa at least twice. This will ensure that when you glue it down it bubble s or wrinkle s as the glue dries. Finally a simple pushpin is uses to top off the chimney. This has to be a blue pushpin no other color can work for this application. Only kidding.

Step Eleven
Now we are ready to begin laying down the vegetation around your model. Taking images from the movie I decided that just straight static grass wouldnt give the proper thickness to the landscape so I went with some lichen in varying colors. This I felt gave the model a nice lush feeling. Normally I dont use lichen, it has a tendency to have a slight odor and I dont much care for the looks of it, but in this application I quickly changed my stance on it as it made the model come to life.

Sams Modeling Tip #5 When tryin to put down your lichen make sure you use your Elmers glue. Your model glue will not hold this stuff in place.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Step Twelve
To create the tree planted above Bilbos home I used a Woodland Scenic tree armature. The branches were pre-made by Woodland Scenic as well. For the trunk of the tree I enhanced it with green stuff to give it a more natural look. Next I painted the armature black, then highlighted it varying shades of brown till I achieved the color I felt looked most convincing. The branches were glued to the armature using the modeling glue; this allows you to work more quickly and efficiently.

Sams Modeling Tip #6 Make sure you glue the leaves of the branches together when youre gluin them to the trunk, itll make a tighter bond.

Step Thirteen
Here we start adding detail to the project. The birdhouse was made from an extra Woodland Scenic tree branch that was stripped of its leaves and that made its post. The house itself was sculpted from green stuff. All the bushes are Woodland Scenic products. I used very small pre-made trees on either side of the door so that the bushes werent just stuck on to the static grass, and this gave the appearance of having a small trunk. The smaller bushes along the side of the birdhouse were small pieces of clump foliage. The front stoop and stone stairs were made from Plastruct plastic sheet and had to be manually cut and glued in with the ballast in order to be held in place. They were then painted black and various shades of grey. To create the garden flowers I used a technique found in the Scouring of the Shire supplement by Games Workshop. Take small craft nails and paint the heads different colors, the stems were just painted a dark green. The idea for the fencing was also taken from the Scouring of the Shire supplement. Balsa was used to create the gate, while I used wooden skewers for the fence posts and thin wire was woven in to finish the wattle fence. Use an old paintbrush and brush on some watered down Elmers glue to ensure that paint will stick to the wires. Under the tree was placed a bench and table that was purchased from Ebobs Miniatures (, also purchased were Ebobs barrels which I placed next to the table and painted Old Toby on its side.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Step Fourteen
Some finishing touches to the model included some autumn leaves that were scattered around the road and across the steps. A small bench was added in front of the garden and various small twigs and sticks to the ground cover to give it a woodsier feel.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

The Lonely Mountain

This project is significantly less complex than the previous one, but will still take a decent amount of time to complete. The whole project can be completed in less than three days without much trouble at all. This scenery when complete can be used in the Battle of Five Armies scenario.
TOOLS USED Jewelers Saw Clippers Sculpting Tools Razor Knife Pin Vice Model Glue Metal Spikes Vise Grips Wet/Dry Shop Vacuum Latex Gloves

MATERIALS Insulation Board White Latex Paint Black Latex Paint Great Stuff Insulation Foam RotK Plastic Scenery Two Metal Dwarves

Step One
To begin the project, select a height and width for your mountain that you feel comfortable with. Cut your insulation board in pieces continually decreasing in size till you reach the desired height. I chose a rectangular shape for my base because of it being placed on a rectangular game board, but if you so choose you can cut the levels of foam board in ovals to make it look less boxy.

Step Two
Next youll use the wet/dry shop vacuum to help shape the sides of the mountain into a slope. Before doing this use the metal spikes to hold the pieces together as you work, this will ensure that the slopes match up as the model gets taller.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

Step Three
To create an inner chamber to hold your Smaug model, select the two largest pieces of your foam board and lay them down on an old sheet. Take your can of Great Stuff and begin spraying the foam around the edges of the mountain. This will give the mountain stability and save you from having to glue it together. Leave a small area uncovered by the foam where you want the entrance to be.

Sams Modeling Tip #7 Always make sure you ask your wife if the old sheet that yer bout to use is really an old sheet, this can get you into real trouble as this Great Stuff doesnt come off anything made of fabric EVER.

Step Four
To build the upper part of the mountain take the metal spikes you used to hold the mountain in place as you shaped it and place them into the foam board from the bottom up. This will enable you to keep the shape of the mountain as you work with the Great Stuff to build the top portion of the mountain.

Step Five
Once the Great Stuff is dry (this can take several hours) cut out the doorway and remove that portion of the foam so it will make it easier to remove the middle of the mountain. When you have the desired shape cut into the foam board for the main hall of the mountain, place two of your metal spikes into the empty space where you created the entrance and lift up. The whole middle section will be more quickly removed this way.

Step Six
The top section of the mountain will be a little more difficult to remove. Carve out your desired shape and remove one of the corners, then lift out the rest of the disposable section. Follow the same steps until you have reached the top of the mountain.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Step Seven
Paint both upper and lower sections with the black latex paint. Once dry place your interior decorations (RotK scenery and whatever else you deem necessary inside your hall. I used two white metal dwarves that I had laying around that were much too large to be used for anything in the Games Workshop Lord of the Rings model range and made them statues.)

Step Eight
For the final touch mix your white and black latex paint together to make a dark grey color; dry brush this mixture over the entire model and continue to lighten the grey paint with more white with each successive layer. Finally paint the top of the Lonely Mountain almost pure white; as this will give it a snowcapped look.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Not only was the wealth of Erebor found in the stolen riches that Smaug hoarded, but was found in the rare ores that lay buried beneath the mountain in the form of True Silver or Mithril.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


Summary of Profiles

Warriors Bilbo Thorin Balin Kili & Fili Bombur The Dwarves Beorn (man) Beorn (bear) Bard Men Pack Pony Durins Guard Eagle Beornings Hill Troll Great Goblin Gollum Grey Chieftain The Master Smaug Bolg Shelob Goblin Captain Goblin Goblin Scout Warg Spiders Elrond Haldir Khamul I-Dae Athangerth

Move 4/10cm 5/12cm 5/12cm 5/12cm 5/12cm 512cm 6/14cm 8/20cm 6/14cm 6/14cm 8/18cm 5/12cm 12/28cm 614cm 6/14cm 6/14cm 5/12cm 10/24cm 6/14cm 12/28cm 6/14cm 10/24cm 6/14cm 6/14cm 6/14cm 10/24cm 10/24cm 6/14cm 6/14cm 6/14cm 6/14cm 6/14cm

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3 2 2 0 1 3 0 2

1 1 0 0 10 3 6 1

1 2 3 0 0 3 0 1

3 3 2 0 0

4 1 14 5 5

3 2 2 0 0

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit


A special thanks to my wife, Lisa, who spent time proof reading this supplement numerous times to ensure it read smoothly and for letting me spend the kind of money on this project that it requiredminus the 8 mega pixel camera that I so desire; oh well, maybe for the next supplement.

David Terian

John Blanche Ivan Cavini Audry Corman John Howe Alan Lee Angelo Montanini David Terian and others unnamed

David Terian

David Terian

Jerry Harper Lisa Terian

Thanks to the folks at: Thanks goes out to Krahl at for posting this supplement for the community to enjoy, and for giving it a thorough once over. Thanks Jerry, the time youve spent on this has been greatly appreciated! Also thanks to Tobold Hornblower for looking over the supplement and for your continued encouragement. Mark, your optimism and advice have been truly valuable.

2005 I-Dae and Athangerth are the intellectual property of David Terian and may not be reproduced into other works without written consent.

the lord of the rings strategy battle game ::: the hobbit

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