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Miss Jennings


Kindergarten and Assessment

Dear Parents,
Kindergarten is a very exciting time in both your and your childs life. As this is also the first school experience that many parents and students have I want to take the time to explain to you something very important. In kindergarten assessment is used in many ways that may be different than what you have experienced. Therefore I hope you will read through this newsletter explaining some of the assessment in order to better understand what your child will be doing in kindergarten.

What is Assessment?
Assessment is a word that is often used in school settings. We have many types of assessment that help us to shape our teaching as well as how we will assist your child. Assessment is not only tests but a variety of other ways of measuring your childs progress.

All of our assessments are driven by the Common Core Standards for kindergarten, which can be found at these two sites:

As always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me through email or the phone number listed at the end of this newsletter. I thank you so much for your support at home to make your child successful!

--Miss Jennings

Miss Jennings Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Kindergarten Assessment [Issue] :: [Date]

Standardized Assessments

What is Standardized Assessment?

Standardized assessments are tests that are created outside of our school. They are tests that are created to test many students and can be used to help us determine where your child falls in relation to other students at his or her grade level.

AIMSweb tests are given 5 times during our school year. They are administered at the beginning of the year and the end of each quarter. I may administer these tests myself or have additional support from Title 1 staff and other faculty members. Theses tests focus on math and reading. They involve counting and number comparison in math and letter recognition and sounds in reading. These tests help us to see if your child is progressing at the speed we would like or if additional help is needed.

What Standardized Assessment is there in Kindergarten?

We use many forms of standardized assessment in kindergarten. The following items are assessments that your child will be taking at some point during this school year. When you registered your child for kindergarten they took the Peabody standardized assessment. This is already being used to help give your child extra services if needed or identify areas to work on. 2

Sight Word Test

Students in kindergarten are expected to know 50 sight words by the end of the year. The test is given by asking the student to say the word and marking if they know it. We practice these sight words daily at school and I have sent home a list so that you can help your child to practice at home as well.

Entrance Tests

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Other Assessment
Not all of the assessment in kindergarten is standardized. Our report cards for kindergarten are Standards Based. This means that we give a grade for each standard that students are expected to know in kindergarten. Our scale for grading is to the left. I will always contact you in your preferred method if I have any concerns about your childs progress. You may also contact me at any point. Report cards will go home at the end of each quarter with your student.

How I Determine Grades

I do not give tests in kindergarten therefore I use a portfolio system to determine your childs grades for their report card. I will designate each assignment I give with a standard it is addressing. I will then collect 3-5 assignments that represent each standard for each child. Using these assignments I will be able to determine at which level your child is progressing. I will also note anything I see when working individually or in small groups with your student.

Grading Scale for Report Cards

WWell below Your child will earn this grade if they are not making adequate progress towards mastery of a standard. PProgressing Your child will earn this grade if they are progressing as expected toward mastery of a standard. This is a typical grade for most of the year. MMeets Your child will earn this grade if they meet a standard.

Since encourage parents to help with homework I will not be assessing homework formally. However, the completion of homework will be important if your student falls in between well below and progressing or progressing and meets. Therefore the homework that is sent home is imperative to your students success!

End Note
I hope that you have found this information helpful for the beginning of the school year in kindergarten. If anything changes throughout the year or I have more information I will send it home with your student. Please contact me at (813)324-8234 or if you have any questions or concerns at any point this year. I look forward to a successful and wonderful year! Miss Jennings 3

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