English Exam2

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Write questions for these answers. Use when, where, why, who, how, what. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ___________________________________________ My last holiday was in August. ___________________________________________ I went to Paris. ___________________________________________ I got there by plane. ___________________________________________ I went with my sister. ___________________________________________ We climbed the Eiffel Tower. ___________________________________________ I thought it was fantastic.

Write the past simple forms for the following verbs 7. Appear __________ 8. Find _______________ 10. Sleep _____________ 12. Earn _____________ 14. Cost _____________

9. Fall ______________ 11. Give ____________ 13. Drink ___________

Complete 15 27 with there is there are

Complete points 28 32 with the correct comparative form. 28. A train is ______ than a car. a. more fast b. faster c. slower 29. A car is ______ to drive than a bus. a. easyer b. more easy c. easier 30. An aeroplane is______ than a train. a. comfortabler b. more comfortable c. uncomfortabler 31. Riding a bicyle is ______ than driving a car. a. healthier b. more healthier c. healthyer 32. Taking the underground is ______ than going by taxi.

a. cheaper b. more cheap c. cheapper Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. Present simple or present continuous. Hi Jane, I hope youre well and Henry too. I ________ (write) (33) this from Crete. Its our fourth day here and we ________ (have) (34) a fantastic time. We ________ (stay) (35) in a small family hotel near the beach and it ________ (be) (36) great. Frank ________ (get up) (37) early everyday and ________ (take) (38) the children down to the beach. I (not/get up) (39) and then I ________ (have) (40) a long breakfast. At the moment I ________ (sit) (41) here in the garden and I ________ (drink) (42) a cup of black coffee. I hope youre doing ok too. Lots of love, Laura. Listening 1. What did Nicole do on Saturday? a. Hiked in the country and studied b. Cleaned the house and played tennis c. Played golf on the computer 2. What did Nicole do on Sunday? a. Hiked in the country and studied b. Cleaned the house and played tennis c. Went shopping and dancing 3. Romel didnt. a. Stay in bed and watched tv

b. Clean the house and study c. Play golf on the computer 4. How old was Melissa when she went to the USA? a. Seven b. Seventeen c. Thirteen 5. How long did she study English? a. Twelve years b. Two years c. Two months

Writing Write a letter to a friend. The letter should have 3 small paragraphs. One written in the present simple, one written in the past simple and one written in the present continuous tense. Each paragraph should have a minimum of 3 sentences.

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