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Directors Journal Sandeep Birk Date: 3rd October 2011 Time: 2:00pm 3:10pm Location: School Classroom Oaks

aks Park High School Members Present: Zara Dorman (Editor) Lauren Ferdinand (Camera) Plan: Today we began to plan our production, this included brain storming and coming up with a plan. Within our plan the director (Myself) editor (Zara Dorman) and camera person (Lauren Ferdinand) came up with for names of the production, and production company, location settings, Logos, target audience, genre and BBFC. We also decided upon the actors with whom I had to locate sort out dates for which they were available to shoot and the actor release forms. This had been done successfully. Problems occurred: We had struggled to come up with names for the production and this is now an ongoing matter which we hope to resolve through out the week. Problems resolved: I created a questionnaire with a variety of questions, one of which included suggestions for the production name. Once these questionnaires were completed I finalized the results in graphs, we then went through these as a group and decided to go with the most popular name suggested by the target audience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 12th October 2011 Time: 4:00pm 6:00pm Location: Film Locations Classroom, Corridors, Staff room Oaks Park High School Members Present: Zara Dorman (Editor) Lauren Ferdinand (Camera) Plan: Today we started the filming of our production. This is the first of the 2 film dates. As the director I had to make sure the entire cast and crew members were punctual and all of the equipment was present, this included crash mats and floor tape etc. As the director I had to make sure the settings were ready for filming.

Problems occurred: One of the major problems we encountered was lighting. The day was very dull and the lighting did not work well with the camera. Problems resolved: We decided to get extra lights to help improve the lighting. This did not work as well as we had hoped; therefore we will have to improve it in the editing process. Problem Occurred #2: One of the members of cast (Pianki Assegai) who plays the teacher was unable complete his lines as he kept on forgetting them. Problem Resolved #2: As the director I decided to cut out Piankis lines (once discussed with the other members of the crew) which successfully improved the production. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 13th October 2011 Time: 3:20pm 6:30pm Location: Film Locations Classroom, Corridors, Staff room Oaks Park High School Members Present: Lauren Ferdinand (Camera) Plan: Today we continued the filming of our production. Unfortunately we encountered a problem with a member of out cast, this was immediately resolved. The natural lighting had improved therefore benefitted us. The plan for today was to complete the filming which we had accomplished. Problems occurred: One of the members of the cast had a haircut. There was a substantial different in appearance. Problems resolved: As the director I decided to re film the entire production. This did not take as long as we had suspected I were familiar with the procedure and the camera person (Lauren Ferdinand) was familiar with the shot types needed.

Date: 6th February 2012 Time: 1:00pm 2:10pm Location: School classroom Oaks Park High School

Members present: Zara Dorman (Editor) Lauren Ferdinand (Camera) Plan: We aimed to complete the photographs for out ancillary task today. I had to assure the main members of the cast, Arran Sharma, Jon Lupton and Natalya Martain were available for shooting and the equipment (green screen, camera and location) were available for taking the images. Problems occurred: No problems occurred during this stage. Problems resolved: No problems occurred. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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