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Name: Allen Govea Date: 3-7-12 Grade Level/Subject: 4th grade- Math Prerequisite Knowledge: Students must be able

to group by 5s. Students must know how to count. Approximate Time: 30 minutes Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will be able to decide which item was chosen the most based on a chart with data. Students will be able to decide which item was chosen the least based on a chart with data.

Content Standards: 10.A.1b Answer questions and make predictions based on given data. 10.A.2a Organize and display data using pictures, tallies, tables, charts, bar graphs, line graphs, line plots and stem-and-leaf graphs. Materials/Resources/Technology: Chalkboard Chalk Worksheet Copies for each student

Implementation: Time 3 minutes

Opening of lesson: (Objectives, hook, behavior expectations) 1. Tell students: Give me 5 (At this point all students should freeze, have their eyes on me and be ready to listen). 2. Once the students are paying attention: Time to set expectations! a) Ask students if anyone can remind the class about what are the classroom expectations. (Raise your hand if you have a question, do not talk over the teacher etc.) 3. Remind students that we are in the learning block and we are using this time to learn: That is what we are here for!


Procedures: Include critical thinking questions and accommodations for individual needs

1. Draw some tally marks on the board- ask students if they know what these are. Call on a student following expectations. 2. Tell students that when we want to find out an answer, we can conduct a survey. 3. Ask students if anyone could tell you what a survey is. Call on quiet students.

4. A survey is when you ask a question and record the answers. 5. Pose the questions: What would you rather eat? Nachos with cheese, Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Hot Dog, or Broccoli 6. Tell students that they can each vote only once because we are trying to figure out what food Room 37 likes the most and what food they like the least from the options we have. 7. Start the survey. Ask students who prefers each food. After each food item, tally the number of students who chose each food. 8. After everything is tallied, thank the students. 9. Ask students if they can tell me what food item Room 37 prefers the most. Ask them to explain their answer. 10. What food item does Room 37 prefer the least? Explain 11. Ask students if they can tell you how many students were surveyed. 12. Ask students if they have any questions. 13. Next, tell students that they will be working on a worksheet for a couple of minutes. 14. Tell them that when they are done with the worksheet, they are to turn it into my desk quietly and then take out a reading book and read silently or draw. 15. I will be walking around the class making sure that they are on task.

Summary/Closing: 1. How do we know what choice was voted on the most? 2. How do we know what choice was voted on the least? 3. How can you check that we surveyed the amount of students in class? Student Assessment: Assessment will be done using the worksheet. When I look over the student worksheets I will be able to see what students learned the material covered. From there, I will be able to either re-teach and/or change my teaching strategy if needed. Informal assessment is also done when I am walking around making sure students are on task. Informal assessment is done at the end of the lesson when I ask students those follow up questions

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