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8A S a t u r d a y >> N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 0 8

N E W S C H I E F >> W W W. N E W S C H I E F. C OM

of FIU
The Associated Press
MIAMI — Florida Inter-
national University’s fourth
president has announced
his retirement to the Board
of Trustees and said Friday
he will serve long enough to
give the board a chance to The Associated Press
conduct a national seach for Space shuttle Endeavour launches Friday at Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. Endeavor is carrying supplies for remodeling the international space station.
his successor.

Shuttle lights up sky on way to orbit

“It is with mixed emotions
that I announce my decision
to step down as president,” 68-
year-old Modesto A. Maidique
said. “But I’m not in a hurry.
I’m not going anywhere.”
Maidique, who has headed
the school since 1986, is the
second longest-serving re-
Endeavor is carrying home-remodeling equipment to the international space station
search university president
in the nation.
During his 22 years at the The Associated Press
new level after 10 years of
international space station
a special treat for onlookers.
Only about a quarter of all Station Additions would be damaged.
“The vehicle’s in good
helm, the Cuban-born presi- C A P E C A N AV E R A L construction,” commander shuttle flights begin in dark- shape, the weather’s beau-
dent transformed FIU into — Space shuttle Endeavour Christopher Ferguson radi- ness, and this one made for n Two bedrooms tiful,” launch director Mike
South Florida’s only research and a crew of seven blasted oed before liftoff. a spectacular show. The n Bathroom Leinbach told the astronauts
university, netting $100 mil- into the night sky Friday, Ferguson and his crew moonrise that preceded the n Kitchenette just before liftoff. “Good
lion in grants, and secur- bound for the international will double as kitchen and launch was an extra touch; n Exercise machine luck, Godspeed, and have
ing an endowment of $100 space station and the most bathroom installers once the nearly full moon provid- n NASA’s revolutionary new a Happy Thanksgiving on
million. extreme home makeover they arrive at the space sta- ed a breathtaking backdrop. recycling system designed to orbit.”
project ever attempted by tion Sunday, hooking up The shuttle was visible for turn urine and condensation Endeavour and its crew
astronauts. extra cooking and sleeping more than three minutes, into drinking water. will spend the next 15 days
The shuttle rose off its equipment so the station’s resembling a bright star in orbit. The shuttle holds
launch pad at 7:55 p.m. EST, crew can expand next year. until it finally vanished. enough irradiated Thanks-

Budget cuts right on time, in a brilliant

flash of light visible for miles
They will deliver a new re-
frigerator as well, giving
residents much-desired cold
NASA almost called off
the launch at the last min-
ute because workers didn’t
everyone that the flapping
door would not break off and
strike Endeavour and that,
giving turkey dinners for
everyone, with plenty of
space-style candied yams,

exhausting “It ’s ou r tu r n to take

home improvement to a
drinks for a change.
The nighttime launch was
fasten a door on the pad.
Launch controllers assured
at worst, the room used to
gain access to the shuttle
corn bread stuf f ing and
cranberry-apple dessert.

school funds
The Associated Press
Woman attempting to swim across Atlantic Ocean
state’s public schools have
laid off lunchroom work- By ANTONIO GONZALEZ ming for six to eight hours a leg during a 52-mile, three-
ers and bus drivers, slashed The Associated Press day without rest. The journey day swim from Cay Sal Bank
administration, put main- OFF THE COAST OF MI- will take about two months, north of Cuba to Marathon
tenance on hold and soon AMI — The Catamaran isn’t and would make her the first Key last year. She dodged
will exhaust their reserve even out of Biscayne Bay woman on record to swim rock-throwing Gypsies and
funds. yet, and already 56-year-old across the Atlantic Ocean. outran hungry dogs during a
Any more budget cuts, mother-turned-adventurer “I’m saving lots of money,” 350-mile run across Romania.
though, would reach into Jennifer Figge is giddy with she jokes. “I only have to buy She swam through waters con-
the classroom, said Wayne excitement. She’s squeezing a one-way ticket.” taminated with sheep manure
Blanton, executive director into her wetsuit for a final The way Figge sees it, she’s when she crossed the Straits
of the Florida School Boards test before her latest endeav- been planning the expedition of Tiran off Egypt, and wind
Association. or — one that even her own since she was 11 years old. gusts near 80 mph lifted her
School districts will be at crew calls crazy. During a flight to Italy with off her feet in the Black Sand
the bottom of their reserves The plan goes something her mother, Margaret Roberts, Desert during a 300-mile run
after the latest round of cuts like this. a storm was brewing below across Iceland.
announced last week, Blan- She will swim 2,100 miles, the plane. While most chil- Each time, she was left
ton said Friday. from the Cape Verde Islands dren would have been scared, wanting more.
School districts began the off Africa to Barbados. Figge had other thoughts. “I haven’t really had many
year with almost 2 percent She’ll do it in a shark cage “I told my mother, ‘I hope challenges in life, so I have to
fewer dollars per student. attached to a sailboat, swim- that lightning hits the plane The Associated Press challenge myself,” Figge said.
and we get to go down in the Swimmer Jennifer Figge poses Oct. 31 inside a shark cage that she will “Pushing myself to the limit is
middle of the Atlantic and get use for her 2,100 miles trans Atlantic swim. She will swim six to eight the only way I know how.”
into those cool life vests and hours a day without a rest in the cage attached to her boat. Figge would not be the first
863-299-5808 swim the rest of the way,’” she
said. He asked her to stop smoking In all, Figge has now con-
to swim across the Atlantic,
but she would apparently be
She and her family have for his 7th birthday, and when quered more than 3,000 miles the first woman.
always lived a bit large. Her she did, she had to replace her running and crossed almost Frenchman Benoit Lecomte
mother was a longtime profes- cigarette addiction with an- 25 channels swimming (they is believed to have been the
FINANCIAL SERVICES sional opera singer. Her hus-
band was a successful banker
other habit.
The answer? The Daven-
have ranged from eight miles
in length to a few hundred
first to record a trans-Atlan-
tic swim. He swam 3,716 miles
who is now retired. And Fig- port, Iowa, native completed miles), battling the elements from Cape Cod, Mass., to the
ge’s son, Alex, is a race-car the Register’s Annual Great all over the planet. Brittany region of France in
driver in the Lemans Series. Bike Ride Across Iowa in 1990 She fought through eight- 1998. The journey took him 73
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It was through him that with her husband. foot-swells and was stung days, stopping along the way
56 4th Street N.W. Suite 201 Winter Haven she found endurance sports. She was hooked. by a man-of-war on her left at the Azores Islands.
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Fla. GOP legislative The child allegedly showed
a 9 mm handgun to a class- Bone found inside
candidate concedes mate, who then reported it to a
teacher. shark not human
>> TALLAHASSEE — The Repub- >> POMPANO BEACH — A fishing
lican challenger in Florida’s boat charter captain discov-
only previously undecided Police continue ered a bone inside a 9-foot long
legislative race has conceded.
Incumbent Democratic Rep. to probe shooting Broward County Sheriff’s
Debbie Boyd of Newberry led >> FORT LAUDERDALE — Officials deputies said the captain
by 176 votes over Republican are probing whether a teacher thought the bone was human
Elizabeth Porter, a Columbia or staff member at a Fort and called police Friday morn-
Microdermabrasion County commissioner, after a Lauderdale high school knew a ing. The six-inch bone turned
machine recount. young woman had a gun before out not to be human, however.

say bye-bye
Facial Rejuvenation Due to the slim margin she fatally shot her classmate. Captain Mark Quartiano
of less than a quarter of a Broward Schools Superin- — who is known locally as
Laser Hair Removal percent, the state Elections tendent James Notter con- “Mark the Shark” — was gut-
ting the fish Friday morning.
Spider Veins & /+0*2*/#"('*#. Canvassing Commission then
ordered a manual recount.
firmed the investigation into
whether Teah Wimberly’s
Broken Capillaries

Botox: Crows Feet,

Porter, though, asked the
panel headed by Gov. Char-
possession of a weapon was
known by someone at Dillard
Still no bail in
Forehead and Neck
/'./')#/+ '"$-#2#((/+/&#.'%*.+$%'*%
lie Crist to stop the second
recount Thursday.
High and went unreported to
Liberty City case
Radiesse: Fine Line Injection MIAMI — The alleged ringlead-
Correction for Moderate to +*"('*'!*+2+6#-./&#(/#./'*+.)#/'!.#- er of a plot to destroy Chicago’s
Severe Facial Wrinkles
and Folds
&#-,4$+-4+0-,#-.+*(#*&*!#)#*/ 3rd-grader shows Judge halts work Sears Tower and bomb FBI
offices won’t be released on bail
Juvederm: Parenthesis
+-)+-#'*$+-)/'+*+-FREE!+*.0(//'+* up with gun on 1-mile bridge before a third trial begins in
on Face !((/+"4#3/*"(#-* >> FORT LAUDERDALE — Police >> MIAMI — A federal judge
A federal judge in Miami
say a third-grader brought in Miami has ordered work
 +0/+0-(/#-*/'1#./+!+.)#/'!.0-%#-4 refused Friday to grant bail for
Cosmoderm: Wrinkles a gun to school and showed stopped on a proposed one-mile
Around Lips 34-year-old Narseal Batiste.
it off to a classmate in Fort bridge on a road through the
He’s been jailed for 29 months
Lauderdale. Everglades so that environ-
Laser Resurfacing in the so-called “Liberty City
The incident happened about mental impacts can be studied. Seven” terrorism case, which
10:45 a.m. Friday at Walker El- U.S. District Judge Ursula has had two mistrials because
ESTHETICS ementary School and came just Ungaro issed an order Friday jurors could not come to unani-
     two days after a student across halting the U.S. Army Corps of mous verdicts.
town at Dillard High School Engineers project on Tamiami
was killed in a school hallway. Trail west of Miami. From News Chief wire reports

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