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MARCH 25, 2012



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Praise and Prayer

Pray for Andrew to come
to Christ! This month we were blessed with a visit team of 31 students and staff from Montana State U. and Washington State U. for their spring break. We invited them to come to our city to help us out at Portland State and various other campuses around the city. Their jobs throughout the week were diverseserving the homeless dinner at the Portland Rescue Mission, sharing the Gospel at PSU and downtown, and exploring/ decoding new campuses throughout the city. I was impressed with each of the students servant attitudes as they helped serve both the physical spiritual needs in Portland. What a different way for a college student to spend spring break than in drunken revelry! Andrew During one of the days the spring break team was here, I got to go sharing at PSU with my friend Ron from MSU, one of the staff in Bozeman. We had difficulty finding anyone to talk to until we came across a freshman busy procrastinating from his homework in the library. We had a great conversation with Andrew and came to find that he had some familiarity with Jesus and the Bible, but he is struggling believing there is a God. Some of his classes are placing doubts in his mind about Gods existence. Ron and I were able to share the Gospel with Andrew, I offered to meet up with him again to help answer some of his questions. He was very interested to meet again and was grateful we talked with him. Please pray for Andrew, that he would be willing to meet again and that he can come to faith in Jesus. Financial Update I still dont know what I will be doing after my commitment in Portland ends in June. I am continuing to test and approve what Gods will is (Rom 12:2). Until then, I need about $2,000 to finish off my time here in Portland. Would you be willing to pray about my need and give whatever amount you feel led to? (If you want to give, send me an email or look at the left column to give online). Thank you so much for your gifts and prayers over the past 2.5 years!

Pray for my transition

back to the US and for future direction as well as my financial support.

Pray for the city of Portland to be transformed by Jesus

Pray for the students at

Clark College to learn how to reach their campus for Christ.

Give a Gift Online 1. 2. Go to: Under Give a Gift, search Grady Toews Click on my name and then the red Give a Gift button


Typically, Cru struggles establishing any significant presence, on community colleges due to the high student turnover rate and the nontraditional student population. One of our goals with the students from PSU and MSU was to explore some of the community colleges around Portland. I had the privilege of taking 4 MSU students to check out Portland Community College: Rock Creek. Students there were surprisingly open to the idea of a Christian group that would help students explore spiritual things. Another group went to Clark College in Vancouver, WA. They met a guy who was on his way to meet with a group of about 15 other Christians, and he



Address: 9624 N. Woolsey Portland, OR 97203 Phone: 406-647-1223 Email: Website:

invited them along. The group had been praying for someone to come alongside them and help them learn how to share their faith so they can reach their campus with the Gospel You are an answer to prayer, he said. God is moving all over the Portland area in ways we cannot see. This is one reason why Jesus said Go (Matt. 28:1620), so we can experience God moving in ways we can see.

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