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28 theSun | FRIDAY DECEMBER 5 2008

business news

Bout of fever blessing

in disguise be a scientific breakthrough in many in-
dustries, after meeting experts in Korea
and Russia to maximise the potential of
this technology.
by Karen Arukesamy Thus, he set up BAE International Inc, and managed to infuse BAE into consumer
products such as tiles and various ceramic
PETALING JAYA: Little did Lim Kwong Choong (pix) products.
know that his bout of typhoid fever 11 years ago The products are also sold to consum-
would eventually lead him to set up a business in ers via a network marketing programme by
bio-activated energy (BAE) products. his company, which invests in continuous
Lim, who was a property development execu- research and experiments.
tive at the time, lived a carefree social life and wor- Within four years, the business proved
ried less about a healthy diet. to be doing well with an annual growth of
However, the 1997 Asian financial crisis 25%.
changed everything. “There are almost 60,000 distributors,
Unable to take the pressures of the stock with about 10% active ones,” Lim said, who
market crash, Lim’s health gave way. is among the 14 nominees in the Ernst and
“I lost weight, couldn’t sleep and was always Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards
anxious. I was sick for almost a month, within 2008 under the Emerging Entrepreneur
which I saw five different doctors, tried all kinds category.
of medicines, from Chinese traditional and Indian “One of the major challenges in this kind
herbs to modern pills, but nothing worked,” he of business is the need to constantly edu-
recalled. cate consumers,” he said, adding that this is
“Later, I was diagnosed with a rare type of where his company invested heavily in.
typhoid fever,” Lim said. “We do this by educating our distribu-
It was then that he met his father’s friend, who However, thinking he had nothing to lose, Lim tors and business partners, which includes
introduced a bio-activated energy (BAE) product tried the product and after four days, realised that market planning, team-building, motivation
to him. he gained a lot of energy and was recovering from and product development,” he said.
The product is said to be able to keep living his illness. Aiming to venture into Vietnam, Cam-
cells active longer, improve general health and “But I was still sceptical that BAE had anything bodia, the Philippines and India as a short-
reduce body aches, neutralise air contamination to do it. So I spoke to my parents, who told me term goal, Lim plans to get his technology
and reduce water pollution. they had been healed from severe backaches and validated by globally recognised scientific
“I was sceptical at first because being Western rheumatism after using the product,” Lim said. journals.
trained I had not come across any alternative Being a curious person by nature, he began “In life, as human beings, we must have
therapy,” he said. investigating BAE seriously and discovered it to the desire and passion to succeed, get out
of our comfort zones and believe that our
dreams can come true,” he said.
“This is what drives me every day as the
CEO of BAE International.”
Lim won the 6th Asia Pacific Interna-
tional Entrepreneur Excellence Award, un-
der the Excellence Leadership category.

Europe poised to slash rates

as global economy reels
TOKYO/BEIJING: Central banks in Europe were sidering accepting a pre-arranged bankruptcy as
poised to cut interest rates yesterday to try to the last-resort price of getting a multi-billion dollar
contain a global economic slump that appears to be government bailout, Bloomberg reported, citing a
spreading faster than policymakers had anticipated. person familiar with internal discussions.
Asia-Pacific nations kept up the flood of grim The failure of the three biggest US carmakers
news after US data overnight showed private sector could trigger a disastrous domino effect on the sup-
employers axed jobs at the fastest pace in seven ply chain that feeds the industry, analysts said.
years, and that the economy, in recession for a year, Asian shares fell as investors braced for a sharp
had deteriorated in the past few weeks. turn lower in the global economy and sought safety
Japanese companies slashed spending, showing in US government debt, pushing benchmark yields
the economy was deeper in a recession than the to five-decade lows.
government had estimated. Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank
Australian vehicle sales plunged and the Reserve of China, told yesterday’s opening session of “Stra-
Bank of New Zealand said it probably would have to tegic Economic Dialogue” between China and the
cut rates again after a record reduction of 150 basis United States to prepare for the worst scenario, said
points yesterday. an official from the central bank.
“With indicators pointing to an intensifying global Zhou expressed confidence that China could
adjustment in employment and business spending, sustain economic growth and financial stability but
our forecast of the deepest four-quarter GDP slide said there was a need for “timely, effective and pre-
in the developed world since World War II appears emptive measures” to tackle the deepening crisis,
to be on track,” JPMorgan economists said in a the official said.
research note. China slashed interest rates last week to spur an
A broad swathe of industries have been devas- economy now threatened by a crisis that began with
tated by the worst financial crisis since The Great US mortgage defaults last year. Australia and Thai-
Depression, including the US auto industry, which land followed this week to avoid recession and the
has been lobbying Washington for a bailout. European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the
General Motors Corp and Chrysler LLC are con- Swedish central bank are likely to cut too. – Reuters

China urges US to do all it can to tame crisis

BEIJING: China urged the United States yesterday to Washington wants greater currency flexibility to lead
spare no effort to stabilise its economy and financial to a rise in the yuan’s value, something it regards as
markets to help avert a global recession. essential to shrink China’s huge trade surpluses.
Speaking at the start of a fifth meeting of the “There’s been progress. China continues to
cabinet-level “Strategic Economic Dialogue” be- reinforce to us that they remain committed to
tween the United States and China, Vice-Premier reform,” a US official told reporters. “By that I mean
Wang Qishan said Beijing was doing its part by appreciation over time.”
pursuing fast growth. Chinese central bank governor Zhou Xioachuan
US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, whose expressed confidence China could sustain growth
term in office is rapidly drawing to a close, praised and financial stability, an official told reporters.
China for the responsible role it was taking to boost But Zhou said policy makers needed to take
a fading global economy. “timely, effective and pre-emptive measures.“
US officials told reporters later that China gave “In particular they need to prepare for the worst,”
reassurances that it remained committed to reform- Jin Qi, head of the bank’s international department,
ing its currency mechanisms along market lines. quoted Zhou as adding. – Reuters

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