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Catering and Party Planning Service Deliverable Customers Events Meals Summary task 1 Tastings Decide on event types Locate recipes Summary task 2 Advertising Obtain dcor Create and test recipes Summary task 3 Contact friends Research customs Plan menus Summary task 4 Business cards Create calendar Obtain dishes and cookware Summary task 5 Display at home/garden shows Learn competition Research food prices, shelf life, freezer life, wine pairings Legal


Assess budget

Determine employee needs

Determine price structure

Book future events

1. Customers 1.1. Tastings 1.1.1. Host small dinner parties 1.1.2. Take samples to work and church 1.1.3. Invite neighbors over 1.2. Advertising 1.2.1. Create flyers 1.2.2. Create Facebook page 1.2.3. Create website 1.3. Contact friends 1.3.1. Kids friends parents 1.3.2. Co-workers 1.3.3. Church friends 1.3.4. School friends 1.3.5. Post opening on Facebook 1.4. Business cards 1.4.1. Create different types for different customer bases 1.4.2. Pass out at local events 1.4.3. Attach vCard to Outlook messages 1.5. Display at home/garden shows 1.5.1. Working womens survival show 1.5.2. Taste of St. Louis 2. Events 2.1. Decide on event types 2.1.1. Size 2.1.2. Occasion 2.1.3. Food offerings 2.1.4. Age range

2.2. Obtain dcor 2.2.1. Shop stores and online 2.3. Research customs 2.3.1. Religions, celebrations 2.4. Create calendar 2.4.1. What holidays happen when, age groups, weddings, church activities 2.5. Learn competition 2.5.1. Research area competitors, attend meetings and functions 3. Meals 3.1. Locate recipes 3.1.1. Website 3.1.2. Cookbooks 3.1.3. Friends 3.1.4. Cooking shows 3.2. Create and test recipes 3.2.1. Recreate restaurant offerings 3.2.2. Visit mom and grandmoms kitchen 3.2.3. Be creative with different meats, veggies, cheeses, and breads 3.2.4. See advice from family and friends 3.2.5. Taste creations yourself 3.3. Plan menus 3.3.1. Formal and informal 3.3.2. Based on party size 3.3.3. Buffet and sit down styles 3.3.4. Dessert only 3.3.5. Vegetarian offerings

3.4. Obtain dishes and cookware 3.4.1. Visit restaurant supply companies 3.4.2. Shop online 3.4.3. Host Pampered Chef parties 3.4.4. Inventory what we have on hand 3.5. Research food prices, shelf life, freezer life, wine pairings 3.5.1. Participate in cooking class 3.5.2. Visit various stores specialty, warehouse, regular, discount 3.5.3. Joint National Association of Catering Excellence 4. Closing 4.1. Assess budget 4.1.1. Determine financing (if needed) 4.1.2. Seek a partnership 4.2. Determine employee needs 4.2.1. This will be based on bookings. 4.3. Determine price structure 4.3.1. This will be based on research of food prices, break-even point for supplies purchased and employee needs/salaries 4.4. Book future events 4.4.1. Get referrals 4.4.2. Sign on to sell Pampered Chef and coincide shows with dinner parties

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