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The Unsafe lab.. As the lab inspector arrived at N.M.H.

S all of the science teachers were chilled to their bones. All thinking the same possibility losing their job lab by lab inspector Samuel was checking, thoroughly so through it took almost an hour to check. As the inspector was checking the class rooms he ordered the teachers to continue to teach. One false move and their job could be over After hours of tension and nervousness it was over. But there was still a class and one lab unchecked, this class was the worst of them all. Every teacher who taught this class or should I say try to teach this class is either fired or they resigned. The moment Samuel entered through the door, our teacher was like grounded bird vulnerable the inspector started scratching in his note pad as our teacher started to teach, he looked over his shoulders every few minutes or so he thinks. After a few looks back the inspector looked up and gave him a reassuring smile. About half way through the lesson the inspector went to the toilet, he was gone about ten minutes or so. As he re-entered the class room the whole place was in mayhem (This report was used as evidence in the court of the law) the report The school I have visited in bout the last week was a tremendously great school, equipment, material, teachers were all great. But in the last class I have visited I was shocked of what I was seeing, I thought I was having a nightmare. There only four students who listened to the teacher, Bunsen burners were left unattended there was food on the experimental tables of where there were dangerous chemicals that could be lethal if it were swallowed. Also there was a student that could have put every students lives in danger by holding a stool on top of his head. He could have knocked over the chemicals that were place on the table. Also there were boiling chemicals in beakers that was left unattended could result to serious burns to whomever spilling it or accidentally knocking it over. Plus that is not all there was numerous other incidents that was unimaginable. Like : fire extinguisher that is out of reach, a girl that is trying to get something off a high shelf could result to her falling and getting seriously hurt. Plugging in a power point with wet hands that is still dripping with water, and also an electrician who didnt even bother to turn off the main power point before tampering with the switches. Court judge: I hereby announce MR Yeng guilty of not being in charge of his pupils, they could of been harmed during that mayhem. Thus I announce that your licence to teach will be stripped from your possession. You will also be fined $5,000.the court want silent for bout a second or so than...The court judge finally bellowed CASE CLOSED

By Martin

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