Guide For Proposal Assessment: Dimension Major Minor Title

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Guide for Proposal Assessment

Dimension Title Major The title hardly reflects the focus of the study, revealing little information about the variables, subjects & research setting OR The title reflect the focus of the study, but only revealing some information about the variables, subjects & research setting Background to the study Background information is hardly relevant and does not provide a clear lead-in to the research problem Background information is relevant and provides a clear lead-in to research problem. Minor The title clearly reflects the focus of the study, revealing fairly adequate information about the variables, subjects & research setting.

OR Background information is fairly relevant BUT does not provide a clear lead-in to the research problem

Statement of the Problem

Problem statement is hardly articulated clearly and not supported/justified by theory and/or past research OR Problem statement is articulated fairly clearly BUT only minimally supported/ justified by theory and/or past research

Problem statement is articulated clearly and supported/justified by theory and/or past research

Dimension Research Objectives and Questions (hypotheses

Major Research Objectives & Questions/hypotheses are only fairly focussed and clear. Provide fairly clear direction for measuring relationship between variables OR hardly provide any clear direction for measuring relationship between variables No alignment between research objectives, questions and/or hypotheses

Minor Research Objectives & Questions/hypotheses are focussed and clear. Provide clear direction for measuring relationship between variables The research objectives, questions and/or research hypotheses are well aligned. Research offers relevant contributions towards theory/ knowledge development and/or practices Most or ALL key terms are operationally defined clearly. The number of empirical studies being reviewed is adequate. Articles reviewed are current and relevant to the focus of the study but somewhat dated. Some evidence of critical analyses of theory and/or past research The review indicates good understanding of the research topic

Significance of the study

Research hardly offers any relevant contributions towards theory/knowledge development or practices .

Operational definitions of terms Literature Review

Hardly any key terms are operationally defined clearly OR only some key terms are operationally defined clearly. The number of empirical studies being reviewed is inadequate. Articles reviewed are dated and hardly relevant to the focus of the study or articles reviewed are fairly relevant to the focus of the study but somewhat dated. Hardly any or little evidence of critical analyses of theory and/or past research The review indicates little understanding of the research topic

Dimension Methodology

Major Somewhat appropriate research design that is capable of addressing only some of the research questions Rather vague description of the research sample, sampling techniques and data collection procedures Justifications for the use of the methodology are vaguely presented and not discussed or the justifications are not adequate..

Minor Appropriate research design that is capable of addressing most of the research questions Clear description of the research sample, sampling techniques, data collection procedures and methods of data analysis Justifications for the use of the methodology are presented and adequately discussed

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