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Quality Plan for Tool Planet Project

1. Quality Targets This quality plan is developed to ensure that the project meets the requirements of Tool Belt Store. Requirement Stage 1: Application Design Stage 2: Build Registration page Deliverables Application prototype Registration page Quality Criteria Application prototype must have all required functions Employees are able to register for company sales initiatives Employees are able to register for company sponsored classes and programs Query page are able to track data on employees who registered in the program The application are able to calculate incentives for employee that join the program and do well The application are able to analyse the data to correlate involvement with these programs Quality Standards All required function is 100% included Coding is 100% bug free Interface is user friendly

Stage 3: Build Query page

Query page

Stage 4: Incentives calculation function

Reward function

Stage 5: Generate improvement report

Report function

Stage 6: Online access function

Online access for employee to salary/expense claims and leaves entitlements

All eligible employee are able to access their salary/expense claims and leaves entitlements

Query result is 100% accurate Coding is 100% bug free Interface is user friendly Calculation result is 100% accurate Coding is 100% bug free Interface is user friendly Report is generated accurately Coding is 100% bug free Interface is user friendly All employees are able to access without any issues Salary/expense claims and leaves entitlements shows correctly Coding is 100% bug free

Interface is user friendly

2 Quality Plan To ensure that the Quality Target are achieved, we will implement a suite of Quality Assurance and Quality Control methods for this Tool Planet project. 2.1 Quality Assurance Plan Technique Utilize skilled employee Description Only recruit and employ experienced/skilled staff. No temporary or graduate staff. All staff that allocated to the project will have minimum 3 years local experience in similar IT project Project manager will undertake Quality Reviews at the end of development stages as mentioned above. Frequency Throughout the project

Quality Assurance reviews

On completion of each stages

2.2 Quality Control Plan Technique Design review Description At the end of design stage, project team will undertake a formal review to ensure that the application prototype has all required functions. Project team will test the application at the end of each coding stages. Frequency At the end of design stage

Application test

At the end of each coding stages

2.3 Assumptions The following assumptions were made: The application standard remain unchanged throughout the project The required feature is achievable.

2.4 Constraints The following constraints were identified: Each deliverables must be produced to satisfactory level at the first time because this project has very limited time.

Quality review will undertake by project manager as there is no extra funds available for a third party quality reviewer

3. Quality Process 3.1 Activities The following activities will be used to monitor and control quality level for this project: The project manager will be the quality manager and undertake Quality Assurance Reviews The result of each quality review will be recorded in a Quality Register.

3.2 Roles All staff that involves in the project will be responsible to ensure production of deliverables meet quality target. Quality manager / Project manager will undertake Quality Assurance review to ensure that project is on track and produced deliverables that meet quality target.

3.3 Documents Quality Review Form: This will be used to record current quality levels, quality deviation of the project and all actions taken to resolved them. Quality Register: This document will be used to log all results from Quality Review throughout the project.

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