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of India Undertaking)
HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCT LIST Cream / Ointments (Pharmacopoeial Single ingredient)
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Product CANTHARIS Cream 10% RHUS TOX Ointment - 4% ARNICA Ointment - 4% AESCULUS HIPP. Cream-10% APIS MELLIFICIA Cream - 10% CALENDULA Cream - 4% ECHINACEA Cream - 10% GRAPHITES Cream - (10%-1X) HAMAMELIS Cream - 4% HYPERICUM Cream - 4% PETROLEUM Ointment - 10% RUTA Cream - 10% SULPHUR Cream - 10% THUJA Cream - 10% URTICA URENS Cream - 10% Unit Pack 15 g 15 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g Standard Pack Size 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g 12 x 15 g

Hair Oil (Homoeopathic)

Sr. No. 1. Product Arnicare Hair Oil (Perfumed) Unit Pack 60 ml 100 ml Standard Pack Size 12 x 60 ml 12 x 100 ml

Homeopathic Dilution
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 6, 30 Potency 200 potency 1 M Potency Group Unit Pack 30 ml 100 ml 30 ml 100 ml 30 ml 100 ml Standard Pack Size 12 x 30 ml 25 x 100 ml 12 x 30 ml 25 x 100 ml 12 x 30 ml 25 x 100 ml

Sr. No. 1. 2. Product Sugar of Milk Globules No. 30, 40 Unit Pack 450 g 450 g Standard Pack Size 20 x450 g 20 x450 g

Bio-chemic / Bio-combination Tablets

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Product BIOCHEMIC Tissue Salts [3x, 6x] Tablets BIOCHEMIC Tissue Salts [12x, 30x] Tablets Bio-chemic Triturations (3x, 6x) Panchamrut Tablets 4 (Five Phos 6x) Unit Pack 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 25 g 450 g Standard Pack Size 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g

Sr. No. 1. Product Bio-combination No. 1 (Anaemia) Unit Pack 25 g Standard Pack Size 12 x 25 g

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Bio-combination No. 2 (Asthma) Bio-combination No. 3 (Colic) Bio-combination No. 4 (Constipation) Bio-combination No. 5 (Coryza) Bio-combination No. 6 (Cough & cold) Bio-combination No. 7 (Diabetes) Bio-combination No. 8 (Diarrhoea) Bio-combination No. 9 (Dysentery) Bio-combination No. 10 (Tonsillitis & throat ailments) Bio-combination No. 11 (Fever) Bio-combination No. 12 (Headache) Bio-combination No. 13 (Leucorrhoea) Bio-combination No. 14 (Measles) (Menstrual irregularity & Dysmenorrhoea) Bio-combination No. 16 (Nervous Exhaustion) Bio-combination No.17 (Haemorrhoids) Bio-combination No. 18 (Pyorrhoea) Bio-combination No. 19 (Rheumatism) Bio-combination No. 20 (Skin diseases) Bio-combination No. 21 (Teething Troubles) Bio-combination No. 22 (Scrofula) Bio-combination No. 23 (Toothache) Bio-combination No. 24 (General tonic for expectant mother & foetus) Bio-combination No. 25 (Acidity, indigestion & flatulence) Bio-combination No. 26 (Easy Parturition) Bio-combination No. 27 (Lack of Vitality) Bio-combination No. 28 (General Tonic)

450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g

20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g

Medicated Pills
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Product Aconite 30 Allium Cepa 30 Aloe 30 Apis Mel. 30 Arnica 30 Arsenic Alb. 30 Belladonna 30 Bryonia 30 Calendula 30 Cantharis 30 Carbo Veg. 30 Chamomilla 30 Cocculus 30 Colocynthis 30 Drosera 30 Hepar Sulph. 30 Ipecac 30 Merc. Sol. 30 Millefolium 30 Nux Vomica 30 Podophyllum 30 Pulsatilla 30 Rhus Tox 30 Veratrum Alb. 30 Arnica Montana 200 Apis Mellifica 200 Ledum Palustre 200 Ruta Graveolens 200 Staphysagria 200 Symphytum Officinale 200 Unit Pack 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 8g 5g 5g 5g 5g 5g 5g Standard Pack Size 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x8g 6x5g 6x5g 6x5g 6x5g 6x5g 6x5g

Cream / Ointment (Proprietary Medicines)

Sr. No. 1. Product ANTISEPTIC Cream Composition
Calendula Officinalis Q Echinacea Angustifolia Q Hypericum Perforatum Q Ledum Palustre Q Boric Acid 1x, Zinc Oxide 1x, Berberis Aqui 1x, Calendula Offi 1x, Hydrocotyle Asiatica 1x, Azadirachta Indica 1x, Hydrastis Canadensis 1x, Curcuma Longa Q, Oleum Santall Q. Sulphur Q, Graphites 1x, Calcarea Fluorica 3x, Petroleum Q Arnica Montana Q, Cantharis Q, Gaultheria Procumbens Q

For cuts, wounds, boils, carbuncles, insect bite, burns, scalds. For chapped skin, cracked nipples, minor cuts & wounds, burn & dry skin disease

Unit Pack 15 g

Standard Pack Size 12 x 15 g



25 g

12 x 15 g





Berberis Aqui Q, Ledum Pal Q, Hydrastis Canadensis Q



Aesculus Hipp Q, Calcarea Flourica 3x, Hamamellis Virginica Q

Chaps & cracks in heels, sole of feet. Itching of skin cracks with bleeding Arthralgia, Soreness & stiffness of muscles & joints, sprains, backache, myositis, fibrositis, sciatica, gout. For fairness of skin texture. Dry & rough skin. Ideal for dark rings around eyes, black-heads, acne. For topical treatment of internatl & external Haemorrhoids

25 g

12 x 15 g

25 g

12 x 15 g

25 g

12 x 15 g

25 g

12 x 15 g

Proprietary Formulations
Sr. No. Product ALFALFA Tonic (All Purpose Tonic) Composition
Acid Phos 2x, Alfalfa Q, Avena Sativa Q, China Q, Cinnamonum Q, Hydrastis Can Q, Kali Ars 2x, Nux Vomica 2x Acid Formic 3CH, Colchicum 6CH, Rhus Tox 3CH, Ledum Pal 3CH, Dulcamara 3CH, Gelsemium Sem. 3CH, Natrum Salicylium 3X, Lithium Carbonicum 5X

Loss of appetite, Mental & physical fatigue from over exertion, Convalescense, debility Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Ankylosing spondylosis, Gout, Polymyalgia, Rheumatic pain in lumbosacral region, other musculoskeletal disorders, joint pain. Daily health supplement, Poor digestion in children, poor growth due to milk intolerence, griping pain and intestinal colic, tardy dentition, irritability in children. As an adjunct in: Coronary insufficiency, Arteriosclerosis, Angina Pectoris, Arrhythmias, Tachycardia, Coronary heart disease. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, heart burn, sour eructation, flatulence, belching

Unit Pack 60 ml 110 ml

Standard Pack Size 12 x 60 ml 12 x 110 ml



ARTHASOL Syrup (Arthritis / Joint Pain Support)

110 ml

12 x 110 ml


B-TONE Drops (Baby Tonic)

Calcarea Phos 6x, Ferrum Phos 3x, Kali Phos 3x, Cup. Oxy. Nig. Q, Chamomilla 6, Cina 3, Iodium 3, Cypripedium Pubescens 3, Chelone Glabra 3

60 ml

12 x 60 ml


CARDIWEL Drops (Cardiac Support)


DIGET Syrup (Digestive Aid)


FERROHEAL Liquid (Anaemia Aid)


GERIPEP Liquid (Geriatric Tonic)

Cactus grandiflora Q, Crategus oxyacantha Q, Convallaria majalis Q, Valeriana officinalis Q, Strophanthus hispidus Q, Aurum muriaticum natronatum 4x, Camphora 2x Piper Nigrum 6CH, Thymus 6CH, Coriandrum Sativa 6CH, Carbo Veg 6CH, Nux Vom 3X, Asafoetida 3X, Hydrastis Can. 3X, Lycopodium 2X, Carica P. Q. Ferrum Lacticum 1X, Ammon Aceticum 1X, Natrum Phosphoricum 1X, Kali Phosphoricum 1X, Citric Acid 1X, Acid Phosphoricum 2X Conium 3CH, Crotalus Horridus 3CH, Selenium 6CH, Thiosinaminum 6CH, Nux Moschata Q

30 ml

12 x 30 ml

60 ml 110 ml

12 x 60 ml 12 x 110 ml

Iron deficiency anaemia, Anaemia during pregnancy and lactation, Nutritional anaemia. Geriatric tonic. Motor neuron dysfunction. Painful stiffness of legs, Impaired memory, Urinary incontinence, Sluggistness, Loss of strength while walking, Blurred vision due to over age. Allergic cough, chronic cough, Asthmatic cough, Cough associated with respiratory infection, Smokers cough, wheezing cough, Whooping cough. For hepatitis, hypertrophy of liver, Jaundice. Loss of appetite, Constipation due to sluggish liver. A general tonic for reducing fatigue, mental & physical stress. Disturbed sleep, Convalescence and improving appetite. Libido enhancer. Enhances firmness, fullness & duration of eraction. Increases vitality & virility Deworming for Roundworm, Hook worm, Whip worm, Pin worm.

110 ml

12 x 110 ml

110 ml

12 x 110 ml


KOF Syrup (Cough Syrup)

Anrimonium Tartaricum 6, Coccus Cacti 3, Drosera Q, Ipecacuanha 3, Justicia Adhatoda 3, Pulsatilla 6, Rumex Crispus 6, Spongia Tosta 3, Sticta Pulmonaria 3. Kalmegh 1x, Carica P. 2x, Myrica cer 1x, Chelidonium maj 1x, Chionanthus vir 1x Avena Sativa Q, Gentiana Lutea Q, Guarana 4CH, Acidum Phos 2X, Aurum Muriaticum 3CH, Helonias Dioica 4CH. Ashwagandha Q, Agnus Castus Q, Damiana Q, Yohimbinum Q, Nuphur Luteum Q, Titanium 6

60 ml 110 ml 60 ml 110 ml

12 x 60 ml 12 x 110 ml 12 x 60 ml 12 x 110 ml


LIV-UP Syrup (Liver support) ZIPOL Elixir (General tonic for adults) VIGORAL-LA Liquid (Sexual performance Aid for Men) WORMKLIN Drops (Dewormin)


30 ml

12 x 30 ml


30 ml

12 x 30 ml


Filix Mas Q, Quassia Amora Q, Cing Q, Teucrium Marum Q, Chenopodium Anthelminticum Q,

30 ml

12 x 30 ml


CALCUHEAL Syrup (Renal stone aid) PANCHAMRUT Tonic (Immunomodulator)


Granatum Q, Santonine 2x, Stannum Metallicum 6x, Natrum Phosphoricum 3x, Nat. C 3x, Marc Dul 3x, Natrum ulphuricum 3x, Calc. Flour 3x. Berbaris Vulg Q, Cantharis 3x, Acidum Oxalicum 3x, Ocimum Cacum Q, Calcarea Renalis 3x, Sarsaparilla Q, Pareira Brava Q, Senecio Aureus Q, Calcarea Phos 6x, Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali Phos 6x, Nat Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x. Abroma Augusta Q, Aletris Farinosa Q, Caulophyllum Thalicatrodes Q, Hydrastis Canadensis Q, Helonias Dioica Q, Janosia Ashoka Q, Magnesia Phosphoricum 6x, Nux Vomica Q, Pulsatilla Nigricans Q, Viburnum Opulus Q Bapticia Tinctoria Q, Bryonia Alba Q, Eucalyptus globulus Q, Eupatorium Perfoliatum Q, Ferrum Phos 3x, Kali Muriaticum 3X, Natrum Muriaticum 3X, Natrum Sulphuricum 3X, Sabadilla Q.

Urolithiasis (kidney stones), prevention of reformation of calculus following lithitripsy, burning micturation and renal colic. Improves resistance, Reduces fatigue & weakness, Improve appetite Uterine Tonic, Irregular menstrual cycle, Sterility, Leucorrhoea

110 ml

12 x 110 ml

110 ml

12 x 110 ml


NARAYANI Tonic (Uterine Corrector)

110 ml

12 x 110 ml



PYREX PLUS Drops (Anti-Pyretic drops)

30 ml

12 x 30 ml

Speciality Pills / Tablets

Sr. No. Product Composition
Alumina 30, Magnesia Hydroxide 30, Magnesia Phos 30, Kali Phos 30, Calcaria Phos 30, Natrum Phos 30, Ferrum Phos 30, Carbo Veg 30, Cinchona off 30, Lycopodium 30.

Relieves hyperacidity, heartburn. An effective remedy for gastric disturbances. Removes feeling of heaviness in abdomen, vomiting and nausea. Treats bedwetting problem in children effectively which could be due to psychosomatic disorder and weakbladder control. Helps in relieving allergic cold, sneezing, continuous thin or thick white discharge from the nose. Clears inflammation of the mucous membrane and blocked nasal passage Relieves spasmodic pain in the abdomen. Relieves flatulence, intestinal colic. Also useful for infantile colic. Effectively treats painful and delayed dentition, lowers irritability and other abdominal discomforts associated during difficult teething. Stops diarrhoea, relieves severe cramping colic, watery stools and dysentery. Also relieves acute gastro enteritis Treats fever with general weakness, body pain. Checks sneezing, cold,

Unit Pack

Standard Pack Size


Acicure Pills (Acid-peptic disorder)

15 g

12 x 15 g


Bedwet Pills

Ferrum Phos 30, Atropinium purum 30, Acidum Phos 30, Kreosotum 30, Staphysagria 30, Kali Phos 30, Tabacum 30 Hydrastis Canadensis 30, Echinacea Angustifolia 30, Cinnabaria 30, Kali Bichromicum 30, Barita Muriatica 30, Luffa oper 30, Allium cepa 30.

15 g

12 x 15 g


Coldheal Pills (Cold, Coryza)

15 g

12 x 15 g


Coliheal Pills (Abdominal Colic Aid)


Dentiheal Pils (Dentition Aid)

Alumina 30, Byronia Alba 30, Colocynthis 30, Lycopodium 30, Mag Phos 30, Chamomilla 30, Plumbum Aceticum 30, Mercuris Subl. Corr 30 Calcaria Phos 30, Calcarea Carb 30, Ferrum Phos 30, Kreasotum 30, Silicea 30, Colocynthis 30, Chamomilla 30, Lecithin 30.

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g


Diaheal Pills (Diarrhoea Aid) Fluheal Pills (Influenza)


Acidum Phos 30, Aloe Socotrina 30, Chamomilla 30, Chinium Arsenicosum 30, Colocunthisis 30, Podophyllum 30, Mercurius subl. Corr 30, Arsenicum alb 30, Croton Tiglium 30, Veratum Album 30. Ars. Alb 30, Gel. Sem 30, Eucalyptus glohules 30, Eupatorium perf 30, Rhus tox 30,

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

Baptasia 30, Bryonia alb 30.


Gastroheal Pills (Dyspepsia Aid)

Ars alb 30, Croton Tigl 30, Belladonna 30, Ipecacuanha 30, Veratrum Alb 30, Carbo Veg 30, Aethusa 30.


Hurt-200 Pills (Injury & Trauma)

Arnica Montanna 200, Hypericum Perforatum 200, Ledum Pal 200, Rhus tox 200, Ruta Graveolens 200, Symphytum officinale 200, Bellis perennis 200. Antimonium tartaticum 30, Bryonia Alb 30, Drosera 30, Spongia tasta 30, Ipecacuanha 30, Cuprum aceticum 30, Sticta Pulmonaria 30


Kofheal Pills (Cough Aid)


Lexaton Pills (Constipation Aid)

Cascara Sagrada 30, Nux vomica 30, Senna 30


Noache Pills (Chronic Pain Aid)


Shanti Pills (Speel Aid)

Cimicifuga racemosa 200, Gelsemium sempervirens 200, Iris versicolor 200, Belladonna 200, Spigelia 200, Sanguinaria Canadensis 200 Cypripedium pubescens 30, Magnesium Carbonica 30, Zincum Valerianum 30, Kali Phos 30 Mercurius Biniodatus 30, Belladonna 30, Kali Mur 30, Lachesis 30, Ferrum Phos 30, Baryta Carb 30, Hepar Sulph 30


Tonsiheal Pills


Wormex Pills


Diboheal Tablet (Diabetis Aid)

17. 18. 19.

CALCI-PCF Tablet Phytolacca Berry Tablet Lexaton Tablet

Cuprum Oxydatum 30, Santoninum 30, Chelone Glabra 30, Filix mas 30, Cina 30, Calcarea carbonica 30, Natrum Phos 30 Cuprum Ars 6x, Acidicum Phos 6x, Syzygium Jambolanum 6x, Cephalandra Indica 6x, Ferrum Arsenicosum 6x, Crataegus Oxycanrha 6x, Gymnema Sylvestre 6x, Uranium Nitricum 6x, Glycerinum 6x. Calcarea Arbonia 3x, Calcarea Fluorica 3x, Calcarea Phos 3x, Silicea 3x. Phytolacca Berry Q Phenolphthaleinum 1x, Senna 1x, Sulphur 1x

irritation of upper respiratory tract. Overcomes acure attack of flu, running nose, chilliness. Medicine of choice for treating acute indigestion, flatulence. Relieves abdominal pain. Useful in loss of appetitie, milk intolerance. Useful in treating acute and chronic myalgia, pain due to injury, fracture, inflammation, rheumatic disorders, trauma and back pain Relieves continuous, spasmodic or suffocative cough associated with bronchitis. It soothens the sore throat and brings out easy expectoration. Calms whooping cough and wheezing. Corrects constipation due to sluggish liver. Helps in regularising intestinal motility & softens dry hard stool. Relieves pain, inflammation, headache, migraine, muscular pain, neuralgia and indisposition due to continuous headache. Calms over-excitement, provides serenity and induces normal sleep. Useful for insomnia due to stress, worries, anxiety Relieves tonsillitis, pharyngitis and sore throat, difficulty in swalloing and hoaresness. Also relieves recurrent attach of cold, enl;argement of other cervical lymph nodes and follicular tonsillitis with pus formation. Removes all kinds of worms, including tapeworm.

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

15 g

12 x 15 g

Management and control of hyperglycemia

25 g 450 g

12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g

For Osteoprosis & related problem For reducing weight Constipation

25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g

Homoeopathic Kits
Sr. No. Product
Healwell Homoeopathic Family Kit (Containing 24 pharmacopoeial medicines of 5 g each in ready to use sealed bottle with user guide in lucid language)

Aconite 30, Apis Mel 30, Arnica 30, Arsenic Alb 30, Belladonna 30, Bryonia 30, Cantharis 30, Carbo Veg 30, Chamomilla 30, Cocculus 30, Colocynthis 30, Ferrum Phos 30, Gelsemium 30, Ipecac 30, Kali Bichromicum 30, Kali Muriaticum 30, Merc. Sol 30, Millefolium 30, Natrum Mur 30, Nux Vomica 30, Podophyllum 30, Pulsatilla 30, Rhus Tox 30, Veratum Alb 30.

Acidity, Back ache, burns, cold, colic, constipation, cough, cuts, diarrhoea, food poisoning, headache, idigestion, injuries, menstrual problems, motion sickness, muscular pain, nausea, pyorrhoea, sleeplessness, sore throat, swelling & sprain & many more commonly occurring ailments. Domestic Aid for 60 common ailments. Bleeding, bruise, burn, cramps, injury, sprains, wounds, Insect bite etc. First Aid for Injury.

Unit Pack

Standard Pack Size


24 x 5 g

24 Kits


Healwell Homoeopathic Injury Kit (Containing 6 medicines in Pills form, 3 medicines in liquid form, 3 medicines in Cream & ointment form with user guide in lucid language)

Arnica 200, Apis Mel 200, Ledum Pal 200, Ruta 200, Staphysagria 200, Symphytum 200, Calendula Q, Cantharis Q, Hypericum Q, Antiseptic Cream, Cantharis Cream, Rhus Tox Ointment.

6x5g Pills + 3 x 15 ml Q+3x 15 g Cream

24 Kits

Homoeopathic Tablets
Sr. No. 1. Product Alfalfa Tablets Composition Alfalfa Q Lecithin 3x 2. Lecithin Tablets Mercurius Biniodalus 6x, Belladonna 6x, Kali Muriaticum 6x, Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x, Baryta Carbonica 12x Bismuthum Subnitricum 2x, Capsicum Annuum 5x, Robinia pseudacacia 5x, Iris versicolor 3x, Arsenicum album 5x Alumina 6CH, Borax 6CH, Sepia 6CH, Kreosotum 6x, Pulsatilla Nigricans 6x Indication General tonic & immuno modulator Favourably influences nutrition & anaemia. Improves vitality & lactation For sore throat & throat inflammation Unit Pack 25 g 450 g 25 g 450 g Standard Pack Size 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g 12 x 25 g 20 x 450 g


Sorex Tablets

25 g

12 x 25 g

For Acidity, Dyspepsia 25 g 12 x 25 g


Acicure Tablets

For Leucorrhoea 450 g 20 x 450 g


Leucoheal Tablets

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