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Torque Rating - Sizing / Selection

Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection

Characteristic load cycle found in most automation application


simple moderate cycle rate automation application

2 load cycles in a minute (accel / decel) 16 hours operation 1 second (1/60 min)- peak load duration 3000 rpm motor speed during the peak load period ----------------------------------Number of load cycles on one sun gear teeth after 10 days of operation (assume 3 planet gears) :

3000 (rpm) x 1/60 (rps / rpm) x 1 (sec peak load duration) x 3 (number of planets) x 2 (peak load cycles / min) x 60 (min/hr) x 16 (hours per day operation) x 10 (days) =

2 880 000 = 2.88 x 106

! peak load load cycles on each sun-gear tooth in 10 days !

Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection

S-N curve for a typical ferrous material (steel)

Fatigue phenomena of ferrous materials Material fatigues after a limited number of stress (load) cycles the, unless the stress is limited to a stress level below the Endurance Limit At the Endurance Limit corresponding stress level the material does not fatigue it can endure unlimited load cycles The S - N curve shows, that the transition to the Endurance Limit is at

N= 1/SE
N Number of cycles S Load (Stress)

2 x 106 1 x 107 Cycles

E Exponent determines the slope of the S-N curve

For the gears, and shafting is the value of the exponent is between 8.7 und 84

Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection

Bearing load ability

Rolling-element bearings (ball, roller, needle taper) do not have a defined endurance limit. Bearings are designed for a certain number of rotations / certain hours our of L10 life L10 life (90% survival probability; 10% failure )

L =

(C / P) 3

N= 1/SE
N Number of cycles S Load (Stress)

E Exponent determines the slope of the S-N curve

For the gears, and shafting is the value of the exponent is between 8.7 und 84

For bearings E =3 - 3.3.

Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection

Proven gear design practice / recommended by standards ISO, DIN, AGMA, JIS,

Gears, shafts must be designed for endurance limit,

Nominal / Rated Torque shall be based on the endurance limit

Bearings shafts must be designed for certain hours life at defined (nominal speed) and rated load (For standard industrial gears AGMA recommends 5000 hrs L10 design life)

Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection

NEUGART listed torque rating is the continuous duty torque (S1) - based on the endurance limit 20 000 hrs L10 bearing life (planet needle bearing) at 100 rpm output speed ( PLS, WPLS, PLS-HP, PLF-HP, WPLE ) 30 000 hrs L10 bearing life (planet needle bearing) at 100 rpm output speed ( PLE, PLFE, WPLE) NEUGART developed a realistic, yet easy to use sizing and selection method to match up motors with the appropriate size gearhead based on Inertia Ratio

Competitors, almost all are listing purposely misleading and ill defined torque values such as Nominal torque, Listed torque, Acceleration Torque etc. No clear reference is given at what rpm and what L10 Bering life, frequently multiple values are listed are recommending gearbox sizing and selection formulae using RMC (Root Mean Cube) load, (which is only applicable for rolling element bearing L10 life estimation) and fudge factors ; are using artificially inflated torque ratings and in turn recommend in the sizing guidelines to apply de-rating factors. RATING GAME

Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection

TM Motor Peak Torque TLR Non Dynamic Load Torque JM Motor Rotor Inertia JLR Load Inertia
Characteristic load cycle found in most automation application

a - Angular Acceleration
(all referenced values to the motor shaft)
TM - TLR - JM x a - JLR x a = 0 a = (TM - TLR) / (JM +JLR ) TGR = TM - JM x a and (2a) TGR = TLR + JLR x

TGR = (TM - TLR ) x (1- k ) + TLR



k = JM / (JLR + JM )

k = 1 / (IMR + 1)

Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection Rated Torque - Gearbox Sizing and Selection

Determination of required gearbox torque rating if used servomotor is motor is known

k = JM / (JLR + JM ) = 1 / (IMR + 1)

TGR = (TM -TLR) x (1-k) + TLR

Example : Inertial match JM =JLR IMR =1

k = JM / (JLR + JM ) = 0.5

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