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Name: AMMAD UR RAHMAN KHAN Class: BSEE Section: B Reg. No: BEE-10-101 Submitted To: Ms. Tehnia Jalil 1. Resister and Capacitor in Parallel 2. Resister and Inductor in Series
Analysis on two different turns of inductor
6 turns 4 turns

Solder Solder wire Multimeter DC source Vero board

1. Resister and Capacitor in Parallel

Components are: 5 ohm Resister 100 uF capacitor

Method: Use the given value components. We will connect them in parallel on vero board. When solder is hot we take components and connect in

parallel through soldering as shown in figure. Connect 5volts DC source and get results of current and impedance.

In parallel circuits voltage remaining same and current has divided in parallel.

Results: Impedances (Z) are managed just like resistances (R) in parallel circuit analysis: parallel impedances diminish to form the total impedance, using the reciprocal formula. Just be sure to perform all calculations in complex (not scalar) form! ZTotal = 1/(1/Z1 + 1/Z2 + . . . 1/Zn) Ohm's Law for AC circuits: E = IZ ; I = E/Z ; Z = E/I When resistors and capacitors are mixed together in parallel circuits (just as in series circuits), the total impedance will have a phase angle somewhere between 0o and -90o. The circuit current will have a phase angle somewhere between 0o and +90o. The results that we have find out are given in table below:

Paramete rs
E (volts)


I (ampere)




Z (ohm)




Conclusion: -

We see that voltage same in resister and capacitor and are dividing in two parts. Total impedance of the circuit has changed

Resister and Inductor in Series


Components: Inductor 6 turns Inductor 4 turns 5 ohm Resister

Method: Use the given value components. We connect resister and inductor in series on vero board through soldering. Connect 5volts AC source and get results of current and impedance.

We know that in series circuits current remaining constant and voltage have divided. Vsourc=Vres= Vcoil I = Ires=Icoil

Results: _
The parameters of the circuits are find through given formulas. E= IZ Ztotal = Zres + Zcoil

When we connect 5volt AC source the results of the circuit are given in the table.

Parameters E(6turns) E(4turns) I(6turns) I(4turns) Z(6turns) Z(4turns)

R 1.1volt 1v 4.76mA 4.33mA 5+jo 5+j0

L 0 volt 0 volt 4.76mA 4.33mA 0+j2.71 0+j2.98

Total 1volt 1 volt 4.76mA 4.33mA 5+j2.71 5+j2.98

Conclusion: So we see that in series in circuits current is remaining same and voltage have divided. When we use 6 turns coil the impedance of the coil is j2.71 and current 4.76amps. but when we used 4 turns coil the impedance of the coil increase and current of the circuit is less, so we can say that when turns decrease impedance increase and current will be decrease.

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