Simulation Project

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When the hydrocarbon fluid stream enters a three-phase separator, two distinctive phenomena take place. The first phenomenon is fluid dynamic, which is characterized by the gravity separation of oil and water droplets entrained in the aqueous and the oil phases respectively, the gravity separation of gas bubbles entrained in the stream, and the gravity separation of liquid droplets which are dispersed in the gas phase. The second phenomenon is thermodynamic, in the sense that some light hydrocarbons and gas solution flash out the oil phase and reach a state of equilibrium due to the pressure drop in the separator. Furthermore, the oil droplets in the aqueous phase have a uniform droplet size distribution with a diameter of dm = 500 micron. The oil droplets rising velocities are assumed to obey Stokes law. We model the equilibrium thermodynamics phenomenon under the assumption that Raoults law is valid. We assume that only one light hydrocarbon gas flashes out the oil phase into the gas phase, namely methane. Methane in the vapor phase is also assumed to be an ideal gas (i.e., the ideal gas law applies). Finally, there is liquidvapor equilibrium at the oil surface and liquid-liquid equilibrium at the water-oil interface.

MATLAB SIMULATION PROGRAM FOR PHASE SEPERATOR %SIMULATION PROGRAM FOR PHASE SEPERATOR Vwat=input('enter the volume of water: ');%volume in m3 Voil=input('enter the volume of oil: ');%volume in m3 L=input('enter the length of the tank: ');%Length in meters Ac=Vwat/L;%cross sectional area of the aqueous phase R=input('enter the radius of tank: ');%Radius in meters tt=input('enter the value of theta: ');%theta in degrees h=R*(1-cos(tt));% Height in meters Sgh=input('enter the density of hydrocarbon: ');%density in kg/m3 Sgw=input('enter the density of water: ');%density in kg/m3 Fwat=input('enter the water flow: ');% flow in m3/hr ta=Vwat/Fwat;%ta is space time or residence time in seconds vh=L/ta;%horizontal velocity component in m/s Mu=input('enter the viscousity of water; ');%viscousity in Nm dm=input('enter the droplet dia: ');%droplet diameter in microns in the range of 500 to 1000 vv=9.81*(dm)*dm*(Sgw-Sgh)/(18*Mu);%vertical velocity component in m/s py=atan(vv/vh);% The angle of the longest travel path

py1=atan((vv+2*vv)/vh); L1=h*cot(py1); a1=R*R*L1; a2=tt-0.5*sin(2*tt); a3=3*sin(tt)-3*tt*cos(tt); a4=3*(1-cos(tt)); Vs1=a1*(a2-a3/a4); h1=L*tan(py1); tt1=acos(1-h/R); b2=tt1-0.5*sin(2*tt1); b3=3*sin(tt1)-3*tt1*cos(tt1); b4=3*(1-cos(tt1)); Vs2=a1*(b2-b3/b4); e=1-Vs2/Vs1; fprintf('\nArea of the Aqueous phase=%f m2\n Height=%f m\n Residence time= %f s\n Angle of the longest travel=%f\n Vertical velocity= %f m/s\n L1= %f m\n Vs1= %f\n Vs2= %f\n',Ac,h,ta,py,vh,L1,Vs1,Vs2); fprintf('Unseperated Hydrocarbon volume fraction= %f',e); %aqueous phase Fin=input('Enter the oil well fluid flow:'); Zg=input('Enter the mole fraction of gases:'); Zo=input('Enter the mol fraction of oil:'); Zw=input('Enter the mole fraction of water:'); Mwh=input('enter the molecular weight of hydrocarbon: '); Mww=input('enter the molecular weight of water: ');

Mwo=input('enter the molecular weight of oil: '); Mwg=input('enter the molecular weight of gas: '); Fh1v=((Zg+Zo)*e*Fin*Mwh)/Sgh;% Seperated volumetric flow components of hydrocarbon liquid Fh2v=((Zg+Zo)*(1-e)*Fin*Mwh)/Sgh;% Unseperated volumetric flow components of hydrocarbon liquid FWout=(Zw*Fin*Mww/Sgw)+Fh2v; Mwin=Zg*Mwh+Zw*Mww+Zo*Mwo; Fo=Zo*Fin; %P Total pressure of the vapour phase Pv vapor pressure of the vapor phase P=input('enter the operating pressure: '); Pv=input('enter the vapor pressure: '); x=P/Pv; %oil phase Zg1=input('enter the composition of gas in seperated gas stream: '); Zo1=input('enter the composition of oil in seperated gas stream: '); Fg1=(1-x)*Zg1*Fh1v;% Gas removed Fg2=x*Zg1*Fh1v;% Dissolved gas in the liquid Foout=Fo+Fg2;%Oil outflow Mwo1=x*Mwg+(1-x)*Mwo;%Molecular weight of outlet oil fprintf('molecular weight of oil out%f\n',Mwo1); %gas phase Sgo=input('enter the density of oil: '); Sgg=input('enter the density of gas: '); Noil=input('enter the number of moles of oil: ');

Sgo1=(x*Mwg*Noil+(1-x)*Mwo*Noil)/(x*Mwg*Noil/Sgg+(1x)*Mwo*Noil/Sgo);%specific gravity of outlet oil fprintf('density of oil out:%f\n',Sgo1); Voil=Mwo1*Noil/Sgo1; Vsep=3.14*R*R*L;%Volume of the seperator Vgas=Vsep-Vwat-Voil;% Volume of the gas leaving fprintf('Oil outflow%f\n water outflow%f\n gas outflow%f \nVolume of gas:%f\n',Foout,FWout,Fg1,Vgas);

ch enter the volume of water: 10 enter the volume of oil: 30 enter the length of the tank: 3 enter the radius of tank: 2 enter the value of theta: 110 enter the density of hydrocarbon: 556 enter the density of water: 998 enter the water flow: 10 enter the viscousity of water; 0.282 enter the droplet dia: 0.0005

Area of the Aqueous phase=3.333333 m2 Height=3.998042 m Residence time= 1.000000 s

Angle of the longest travel=0.000071 Vertical velocity= 3.000000 m/s L1= 18721.370563 m Vs1= 4119066.488850 Vs2= 117682.051213 Unseperated Hydrocarbon volume fraction= 0.971430Enter the oil well fluid flow:20 Enter the mole fraction of gases:0.67 Enter the mol fraction of oil:0.13 Enter the mole fraction of water:0.20 enter the molecular weight of hydrocarbon: 36 enter the molecular weight of water: 18 enter the molecular weight of oil: 98 enter the molecular weight of gas: 16 enter the operating pressure: 6 enter the vapor pressure: 9 enter the composition of gas in seperated gas stream: 0.88 enter the composition of oil in seperated gas stream: 0.12 molecular weight of oil out43.333333 enter the density of oil: 1190 enter the density of gas: 567 enter the number of moles of oil: 35 density of oil out:936.664673 Oil outflow3.190406 water outflow0.101742

gas outflow0.295203 Volume of gas:26.060779

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