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The Call of the Wild 5-square Chapter 6 and 7 For the Love of a Man and The Sounding of the Call Date:


Box 1 Chapter 6 NO CREDIT WILL BE EARNED IF QUESTIONS ARE NOT RESTATED and ANSWERS ARE NOT SUPPORTED WITH SPECIFIC DETAILS/EVIDENCE FROM THE CHAPTER. ALL QUESTIONS ARE EXTENDED RESPONSE WHERE ANSWERS REQUIRE A RESTATEMENT OF THE QUESTION AND A MINIMUM OF 3 SUPPORTING DETAILS 1. How did Bucks relationship with John Thornton differ from his relationships with his previous masters? How does London illustrate Bucks intense feelings for Thornton? How is this in keeping with his new, more primitive self? How does Buck balance his love for Thornton with his more primitive self? 2. What does London mean by the following quotation: He was older than the days he had seen and the breaths he had drawn. 3. How does Bucks love for Thornton compare to Daves love of toiling in the traces? 4. Explain the meaning of the following quotation: [Each] day mankind and the claims of mankind slipped farther from him. Deep in the forest a call was sounding, and as often as he heard this call, mysteriously thrilling and luring, he felt compelled to turn his back upon the fire, and to plunge into the forest But as often as he gained the soft unbroken earth and the green shade, the love of John Thornton drew him back to the fire again.

Box 2 Chapter 6 Define the following vocabulary words: Page 71 ministrations Page 73 bespeak Page 74 peremptorily Page 75 uncanny Page 83 - conjuration

Box 3 Chapter 7 Box 4 NO CREDIT WILL BE EARNED IF QUESTIONS ARE NOT RESTATED and ANSWERS ARE NOT SUPPORTED WITH Define the following vocabulary words: SPECIFIC DETAILS/EVIDENCE FROM THE CHAPTER. ALL QUESTIONS ARE EXTENDED RESPONSE WHERE ANSWERS REQUIRE A RESTATEMENT OF THE QUESTION AND A MINIMUM OF 3 SUPPORTING DETAILS Page 91 commingled, pertinacity 1. London describes Bucks dreams of the primitive man: The salient thing of this other world seemed Page 92 belie fear. What does he mean by this? Why would that be true? Why isnt Thorntons world filled with fear? Page 95 ptarmigan 2. Why is Buck intent on befriending the wolf? What makes him break off their travels to return to camp? What does this say about Bucks place in the world? Page 98 - slake 3. What does Bucks fight with the bear and the moose display about his embrace of the call? Why do you think London included them in the story? What predictions can you make about Bucks future? 4. What does Buck learn from his slaughter of the Yeehats? Does this make his answering of the call harder or easier? 5. Does the book have a happy or sad ending? Explain your answer. What do you think London would say? Reading Strategies and Extending Your Thinking 1. Using the picture with the wolf head image, you will take each section of the wolf face (inside and outside (if necessary)), and explain how you utilized the following reading strategies: making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, and synthesizing. YOU MUST SUPPORT YOUR EXPLANATION WITH SPECIFIC EXAMPLES - TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE TEXT. PLEASE BE VERY SPECIFIC AS TO HOW YOU UTILIZED THE READING STRATEGY. 2. Some readers have considered Bucks struggle to return to nature similar to their own struggle to escape the bureaucracy and technology of most everyday lives. Do humans have the same options as Buck? Is it possible for them to return to nature? Why do you think as you do? Extended Response 3. Some philosophers believe that pain should not be avoided but welcomed because it makes man stronger and better equipped to survive. So you agree? Extended Response 4. Write an essay that explains how Buck and John Thornton provide examples of frontier values such as courage, endurance, self-sufficiency, and individuality. To begin, make a list of frontier values and then find examples of behavior on the part of Buck and Thornton that exemplify each of these values. You must include your Maze Expository graphic organizer, and your revised/edited rough draft, and present a final copy.

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