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Consumer Behavior

Need for Uniqueness

Submitted To Mr. Jones Matthew

Submitted By: Ridhima Khanna Tanima Kapur Anup Kalita Shivendra Singh Viken Patel Ashish Bajaj Anamika Rai

We would like to thank our subject Teacher, Mr. Jones Matthew for helping us throughout the project and giving his valuable suggestion for making our project better. His regular guidance enhance our knowledge overall about the subject matter, he help us to clear our doubts and various problem and this guidance help us to achieve are objective. We are also obliged to those people who cooperated with us with our questionnaire. All those people who spend their valuable time to fill our questionnaire and co-operated us in every way.

Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................2 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................4 Research Methodology ................................................................................................................5 Introduction to Uniqueness ..........................................................................................................6 Relation of Need for Uniqueness and Social Networking ............................................................6 Identification of Needs for Uniqueness ........................................................................................8 Social networking sites used for dissemination information on consumer goods by net user ...... 10 Methods of dissemination information by net users ................................................................... 11 Consumer behavior ................................................................................................................... 13 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 24

The objectives of our project were: To know what the respondents need for uniqueness are, while they surf on social networking sites. How do people express their uniqueness on the social networking sites. To what extent people like seeking help on their products through social networking sites. To apply the basic consumer behavior concepts with the responses of the people which were questioned. To know that the respondents were using the social networking sites for personal use, professional use or both.

Research Methodology
Research methodology involves the way of conducting survey and to reach to some conclusion. The following methods were used: Descriptive research method was used. We used questionnaire and the questions prepared were both open ended and close ended. First we decided to use the sample size of 20 but then the result would not have been so accurate then we took a sample size of 40 which will give a accurate result to us. The next step was to do sampling of the respondents. Random sampling was chosen because nowadays social networking sites are widely used by everyone not only the youngsters but the people who work use it for marketing their products. Random sampling was done as we selected respondents of each age group. Random sampling helps us to analyze when the sample size is large. Then we went to different places with our questionnaires so that random sampling is achieved. Analysis was done on Excel and to represent the analysis various statistical graphs were used like bar graphs, pie charts, scatter diagrams, line graphs , histograms etc

Introduction to Uniqueness
Although we may like to be like others in some ways, we may also like to be different in some ways. We may wish that some of our attitudes, ideas, or talents are different from others. Feeling unique may help to foster a sense of self-worth. The need to be unique may be related to the need to be creative. Expressing creativity may be one way that we can express our uniqueness. For example, we may write a story that reflects some of our original ideas. Need for uniqueness reflects our desire to be unique. The Creative Behavior Inventory involves having people indicate how many times they have done certain creative activities.

Relation of Need for Uniqueness and Social Networking

Social Networking Sites are the now a days top of the news topic. These are online service, platform or sites that focus on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. Some of the popular social networking sites are Facebook Orkut Linkedin MySpace hi5 etc.

People use social networking sites for various reasons. Some of the unique reasons people have for using social networking sites could be as follows

Simplicity- Most of these sites are easy to use. There are just few steps to learn, like how to create a profile, follow, reply, update or search. Networking-With hundreds of thousands of people using Social networking sites, one is bound to find people with common interests to connect with. Branding- Many people use such sites to market themselves to their followers. Through such sites many people are getting to know each other that would otherwise not have had this opportunity.

Communicating- One can send direct messages or use hash tags to communicate with their friends. Discovery- We can learn new things on social networking sites, even when were not looking for it. Mobility- Wherever we are , were only a tweet away. As more and more people use cell phones and text messaging, one can also easily use such sites access. Fun- Social networking sites are blast! Its a giant party, and the black tie is definitely optional. Better privacy: One doesnt have the option of exposing their profile page to the general public. As a matter of fact, one cant view a single thing on without being logged in. If youre not in a persons friends list, you cant see anything about them aside from a very small profile picture and options to contact them within the system. One can also create limited profiles that allow you to specify exactly what items a limited user can see and assign certain people to only be able to view these limited profiles. For e.g. - Facebook.

Many people use social networking sites for advertisement of their product according to the information gathered from the persons profile. They collect a ton of information via profile they simply need to use it to offer relevant advertising If one is listed as single, he/she might be interested in dating ads. If he list his political views definitively, during election time show him political ads.

If one list a website in his profile, he may be interested in hosting advertisements or the like.

If one list activities and interests advertise products he would use to do them. If one list favorite music, books or movies, use something like Amazon to find products he would also like based on his listed likes and show those to him.

If one list no college information and is over a certain age, ads for online degrees might make sense for him.

If one list being in a specific job, it gives advertisers the ability to target very specific education services. If he have a bachelors degree in a certain field, he might be interested in seeing ads about getting his masters degree in that same field online.

If one is listed as unemployed, maybe a resume creation service or job sites will catch his interest.

If he lives in a local area, show him advertisements for local businesses, bars or events that may be of interest to him.

Identification of Needs for Uniqueness

A person always wants to be unique in front of others; he or she wants that everyone should know them as a different person. Social networking sites are one among several places where people wants to be different, to attract new friends. Sites like facebook, people tend to be different person from their actual being. A person who hesitates to talk to friends physically suddenly starts talking in a very familiar way on facebook. Facebook shows different shades of people. Everybody wants to be unique on facebook to gain some centre of attraction from their

friends. They want to be noticeable in everyones eyes. Following are some of the ways by which people portray to be unique:1. People frequently (daily) change their display picture to grab attention so that each time their friends log in, they would be noticed. 2. Often people set status depending on their present mood or what happened differently on a particular day or uploading songs which depict their mood. 3. Setting status on every happy moment.

After explaining the concept of uniqueness and its connection with social networking site theoretically, we have analyze the profile on social networking site (my space, twitter, facebook) and how they Need For Uniqueness in their profile on the basis of three respondents

Respondent 1 Through status Comment on other likes, pics and status By liking the page such as pink Floyd, Philip Kotler Uploading old songs videos which people can connect to such as- Main hu don

Respondent 2 Through funny or emotional status Commenting on close friends Updates (videos, links, photos etc.)

Respondent 3 Through Farmville(games etc) Uploading classic, western songs Using pic of cartoon on the display pic

Poking friends Sending message on friends wall.

Social networking sites used for dissemination information on consumer goods by net user

Advertising is how companies spread the word to the public about their services and products. The Internet has become a popular and effective way for for companies to advertise. Banner ads, emails, blogs, and news reports are ways to use the Internet to advertise products. More and more consumers turn to the Internet for product information and advice, so it's important for companies to understand the best ways to advertise their products online. Through its research proven techniques of Social Media Marketing helps you to cater customers and prospects by using various social networking channels like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. Social Media Marketing is an efficient means of marketing your products and services among online users. According to the results of a recently conducted study, 14% People trust ads, whereas 76% of users go by the consumer recommendations for their purchase decisions. We help you diagnose the viewpoint of customers regarding any of your product or service that helps you in determining the marketing and overall business strategy for your product. Our services let you know about the features and areas on which improvement is feasible and required. We have a great pool of human resources working for our clients requirements regarding Social Media Marketing.

Acting on your behalf we setup profile on various social networks for your business, product or service. Our highly skilled and experienced professionals automate updates to post fresh relevant content describing your business and product. In this way, we help you promote your business by spreading the informative detail to various users of social network. Our meticulously designed work plan helps to enhance your visibility among social media by creating your branded profile on more than 13 social networks that include:


Facebook LinkedIn MySpace Plaxo Tagged and many more Advertise their products online.

Methods of dissemination information by net users

Purchase advertising space on high traffic websites. Search engine sites such as Google, Yahoo or MSN are frequented by millions of visitors every day. Advertising your products on these sites will give your product more exposure to the public than on your site alone. Advertisements on these sites also reach a wider demographic of people given that there is no particular type of person who uses a search engine. Banner ads, rectangular shaped ads displayed at the top or bottom of webpages, are also commonly purchased spaces.

Optimize the results a person will receive from a search engine to land them closer to your website. This process is known as search engine optimization (SEO), and it is crucial to helping customers navigate their way through a maze of possible sites to yours. Select key words distinct to your products.

Create email lists. Similar to mailing lists compiled by organizations used to send out physical mail to your home, email lists are used by companies to send email advertisements to you through your email account. It is a free process, though there must be a way to get the email addresses to start the list. These are obtaining through online customer registrations, information cards and automatic email address-generating software.

Post your company's information on forums and chartrooms where real people frequent to communicate with one another. Information posted is time-stamped, so the users can check the new postings for the most up-to-date information.

Create a company blog. Write about the activities, breakthroughs, developments and happenings of your company and its products through a web log, or blog, online. This generates buzz about your company, encourages people to return to your site to read on a regular basis and allows the consumer to develop a relationship with the company's owners through their writing.

Register your company name, products and URLs with any existing databases in your industry. These may include non-profit lists, yellow pages or regional business directories.

Generate weekly podcasts. Podcasts are audio feeds generated by Internet users which are streamed over websites or other audio software, including the popular Apple iTunes. Similar to a blog in content, podcasts inform consumers about new products and communicate the news of your company in a fast, convenient way.

Utilize social networking sites like Facebook to advertise new products. Facebook is a social networking site that has become very user-friendly for companies, allowing businesses to create pages to communicate and advertise directly to consumers.

Consumer behavior
Q1.What is the age group, occupation, highest education and income band of the people who responded the most. Ans1. (A) Age of participants:

20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 >40

Inference: Maximum people who participate in our research programmer belong to 20<25, age so we can infer that today mostly young people use social networking sites.

30 25 20 15 10 5 0


Inferences: Maximum number of people who participant in the survey are students and maximum of them are unemployed.

(C).Highest education:

Highest education

Graduate Post graduate


Inference: Maximum numbers of people are postgraduate, who are using different social networking sites. (D) Income Band:

Income Band
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Income Band

Inference: Most of the people are fresher so they are earning b/w 20000-400000 ,there is just 8% of the post graduate who were earning about 40000-60000.

Q2. Ans

I consider myself as unique person?

Unique person
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly Agree Agree Neither AGREE/NOR DISAGREE strongly disagree

Unique person

Inference: It is being calculated that maximum number of people strongly agree that they are unique. Q3. Do my FRIENDS/Relatives consider me as a unique person? Ans

Unique person
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly Agree Agree Neither AGREE/NOR DISAGREE strongly disagree

Unique person

Inference: We assume that they are saying truth to us and so on their belief it is being calculated that maximum people belief that their peers consider them as unique person.

Q4. On social networking sites I get responses ( likes and comments) to my activities on my profile? Ans

likes and comments

20 15 10 5 0

likes and comments

Inference: Participants say that mostly their likes and comments are liked by other people. Q5. My activities which are responded to most by others on my social networking profile is /are? Ans

20 15 10 5 0 ACT.LIKED By others

By Others

Inference: Max users of sites replied that maximum response they get on their profile pics and status uploaded by them regularly

Note: These questions are attempted, because none of the responded has ticked never in third question. Q5. I feel the need to strongly express my uniqueness when the similarity between the others and me is: Ans

Need for uniqueness

20 15 10 5 0

Need for uniqueness

Inference: Participants feel that their need for uniqueness is high as it satisfy their self esteem needs. Q6. For me social networking sites gives a good opportunity to express my uniqueness and differentiate myself from others? Ans

Opp.TO express My uniqueness

20 15 10 5 0

Opp.TO express My uniqueness

Inference: Mostly people agree that they can express their uniqueness by social networking sites. Q 7. Social networking sites are more advantageous as compared to other modes of communication with my contracts and friends? Ans

Social networking advantageous

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree disagree

Social networking advantageous

Inference: Yes, maximum participants feel that social networking sites are advantageous. Q 8. Why are social networking sites more popular than other forms of communications today? Ans

Reason of popularity
15 10 5 0

Reason of popularity

Inference : we got mix replies from the participants.

Q9. I have started expressing myself in more unique ways since I started using social networking? Ans

Change after using sites

25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree disagree Change after using sites

Inference: Participants give the mix responses between strongly agree to agree. Q10. Do you think the features on social networking sites are useful for expressing your uniqueness? ANS10.

Is features of sites useful or not

20 15 10 5 0 Is features of sites useful or not

Inference: Yes, social networking sites seems to be useful.

Q11.I would choose the following features to express my uniqueness on social net working sites? ANS 11.

others friends choice audio/video share

pictur upload intrest

posting comments 0 5 10 15


Inference: Picture upload is a favorite feature of the people to express the uniqueness on social networking sites.

Q12. I use social networking sites for. Ans

Reason of use
25 20 15 10 5 0 personal use professional use both Reason of use

Inference: Maximum people use these sites for both professional and personal use.

Q13.O n social networking sites I disclose personal information to the following level? Ans

Level of info disclosed



Inference: Mostly people do not prefer to disclose their personal life on social networking sites, as they do not have much authencity on them.

Q14. I use the following identification on my social networking sites? Ans

Name used
30 20 10 0 Full name Name used Name used

Nick name

Arbitory name

Inference: Only 2% of people used arbitory name otherwise maximum uses their original name.

Q15. I have asked for help on products markets events on social networking from other people in my network. Ans

Helped asked on sites

35 30 25 20 15 10 Helped asked on sites

0 yes

Inference: Mostly of our respondents, do not like to ask other people for help on social networking sites. Q16. The respond I received for my queries was. Ans

Respond received
20 15 10 5 0

Respond received

Inference: the respondents said that the replies that they receive are neither satisfactory nor dissatisfactory.

Q 17.I have helped other people with queries on markets ,products,events,etc on the social networking ? Ans

Help offered
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 always sometimes never Help offered

Inference: Mostly people do not participant always in suggesting others. Q18. I like to help others because. Ans

Reason to help others

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 I was helped I think I am I exp someday I once expert satisfaction will be helped Reason to help others

Inference: Max people believe that some day they will be helped ,or some time many people help because they believe that they can give their expert comment due to their past experience.

Social networking sites are use for satisfying the various needs, desire and expectation of the user. The test applied to the data clearly shows that the social networking sites provide the need for uniqueness factor. The test applied on the market mavenism concept shows that people like to help others on the topic of market information because they expect the help from others and they have a feeling of satisfaction by doing so. Social networking sites are now days a good medium for professionals too to ask about the various topics, products, and marketing of their services. Users of Social networking sites have Need for Cognition. As in the test we found out that, they keep on searching for new things and they have a very strong need to enhance their Knowledge base.

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