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A cleantech investment

milk & biofuel production

cleantech - to improve operational performance, productivity and efficiency while reducing
costs, inputs, energy consumption, waste and pollution therefore increasing profits.
The world food prices have been on the rise in the last
few years. One of the reasons is that world population is
growing steadily and the amount of fields and animals
can hardly keep up to satisfy the larger market.
Besides that the living standards of many people is
increasing which results in a higher demand in more
'luxury' articles like cheese and yoghurts.
The market for high quality products, controlled from
field to end-consumer will soar. Food is not anymore a
commodity which is available in abundance.
This challenge made us develop a large scale dairy
enterprise that will use the latest green and clean
technologies - 'EAST DAIRIES'.
EAST DAIRIES is a large scale agri-enterprise based in
20'000 cows will produce more then 600'000 liter milk
per day in a green and cleantech environment
the cow manure is processed into biogas, fertilizer and
clean water
the milk is transported internal efficiently in pipelines
the enterprise is energy self sufficient and a net energy
East dairies will focus on exports to key markets such
as China and Arabian countries
ideal located close to Odessa seaports
our legal counsel is Baker and McKenzie
our auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers
Onno Breitsma / CEO
Bachelors in dairy production at Van Hall Holland. Expert in diary production and
management. Was involved in dairy projects in USA, Russia and Slovakia as
consultant for Danish and Slovak investors. Last 5 years mainly active in Russia
and Ukraine in order to develop large scale dairies in these countries
Miroslav Tafra / CIO
Phd cand. in computer science at ETHZ in Switzerland. Joining Reuters in 1998,
working as technology and software consultant for Credit Suisse, UBS, Renaissance
Capital and other leading investment banks. Since 2004 residing in Ukraine and
developing new business opportunities.
Dannie Nrbrand / Foreign advisory board
Operational Costs *
Production unit 28.500.000
Biogas installation 2.300.000
Milk processing plant 51.600.000
Total Operational Costs 82.400.000
Production unit 36.700.000
Biogas installation 3.100.000
Milk processing plant 75.800.000
Total Revenues 115.600.000
EBITDA ** 33.200.000
GOP (Gross Operating Profit) 28.7 %
* currency used is Euro
** more financial information on request
Investment proposal
Private Equity LP investment
Production unit 59.000.000
Biogas installation 5.500.000
Milk processing plant 25.000.000
Operating Capital 5.000.000
Total investment * 94.500.000
ROI 35.1 %
High profit potential with managed risk
* currency used is Euro

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