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Astrological Discussions
CASE STUDIES: Interesting Charts
April 8, 1998

Twins with a difference!

Narasimha P.V.R. Rao. You may not reproduce this article without written permission from author.

This article is dedicated to Sri K.N. Rao, a living legend in the world of astrology.
Introduction One question that rationally thinking friends often used to ask me was how twins born minutes apart can be different. This question used to trouble me a lot. Of course, before I started relying on divisional charts, that is! Any honest and rationally thinking astrologer who uses only Rasi chart to make predictions must really be at pains to answer this question. It is not an easy question to answer. I have a partial answer to this question, as I heavily rely on divisional charts in my astrological analysis. However, I don't think I have a complete answer, as I don't give as much importance to Shashtyamsa (D-60) and Nadyamsa (D-150) in my analysis as I should. In this article, I will take twins Satyam Gaur and Sivam Gaur and explain the differences between them based on their divisional charts. This example is taken from reference book (1), but the author of that book uses Navamsa chart to explain the differences. I don't agree with that explanation and here I present an explanation which, I think, is based on a more solid basis. Charts of Gaurs Birthdata of Satyam Gaur and Sivam Gaur (thanks to reference book (1)):
Date of Birth: Time of Birth: Time Zone of Birth: Longitude of Birth: Latitude of Birth: November 4, 1970 4:06 pm (Satyam), 4:08 pm (Sivam) 5:30 hrs ahead (east) of GMT 76 E 53 30 N 44

If you make the charts, you will see that their Rasi charts are the same! In Vimsottari dasa, the difference between the dates is just 11 days. In Yogini dasa, it is 4 days. Chara dasa, Narayana dasa etc (for Rasi chart) are identical for both. In Kalachakra dasa, there is a difference of 6 months, but not many people use Kalachakra dasa anyway (though, in my opinion, it is the best dasa system!). Moreover, it doesn't really explain the differences in personalities - it can merely explain the differences in the timing of events. Different Persons



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However, Satyam Gaur and Sivam Gaur are very different persons and we will try to explain some differences between them: (1) Satyam has a solid health. Sivam has a poor health and has several problems including some kidney problems (stones in kidneys). (2) Satyam is easy-going, optimistic, friendly and jovial. Sivam is a gloomy and serious person without trust in others. Sivam is a skeptic with no trust in subjects like astrology. (3) Satyam was a brilliant student. He was good at commerce and accounting. Sivam was a mediocre student (except in mathematics). Explanation Based on Divisional Charts (1) One's health can be seen from D-6 (Shashthamsa). Lagna lord in a trine or a quadrant is likely to result in a good health, while lagna lord in a dusthana (6th, 8th and 12th) with bad associations is likely to give a bad health. Satyam's D-6 is given below:
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Rahu Ketu | | | | | | | | | |

|----------------|---------------------------------|----------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Asc Mars | | | | | D - 6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (Sat ) | | | Moon Merc Jupi Sun | | | | | | | | | | | | | (Ven ) | |





Sivam's D-6 is the same, except that Lagna moves from Capricorn to Aquarius. In Satyam's D-6, lagna lord Saturn is in a trine. Lagna is occupied by exalted Mars and aspected by Sun (significator of vitality). These factors blessed him with solid health.



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In Sivam's D-6, lagna lord occupies 8th - that's the first sign of weakness. He joins a debilitated planet (Venus) - that's the second. It is also interesting that Sivam has kidney problems. Sastras say that 7th house (among houses) and Venus (among planets) represent kidneys. In Sivam's chart, lagna lord Saturn is in 8th with debilitated Venus. Also, 6th and 8th lords join in the 7th house, while the 7th lord occupies 6th. These factors very well explain kidney troubles!! He probably has digestive troubles also (Leo's involvement). (2) Sage Parasara mentioned that D-27 (Bhamsa or Nakshatramsa or Saptavimsamsa)should be used for learning about one's strengths and weaknesses. I found that one's general disposition can usually be seen from the strength of (and influences on) Lagna and 5th house in D-27. Satyam's D-27 is given below:
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Rahu Sun (Sat ) | | | | | | | | | | D - 2 7 | | | | | | | | | | Moon | | | | | (Ven ) | | | | | Jupi | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mars Ketu Asc Merc | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |






Sivam's D-27 is the same, except that Lagna moves from Gemini to Cancer. Satyam's lagna (in D-27) is occupied by its lord Mercury, while the lord of the 5th house Venus occupies the 5th house. These factors bless him with a jovial and optimistic spirit. Sivam's lagna lord occupies 5th in debilitation and the 5th lord Mars is in opposition to Saturn. This gives him a gloomy, stubborn and serious temperament. Saturn in 9th, aspecting 5th lord and 9th lord, is likely to produce an atheist and a skeptic, one who doesn't believe in astrology etc. (3) Education and learning can be seen from D-24 (Siddhamsa or Vedabahvamsa or Chaturvimsamsa). Strength of Lagna and 5th (in D-24) suggests a brilliant student, while the wekness would suggest a



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mediocre student. Influences on the 4th house (in D-24) often suggest the subjects one would be good at. Satyam's D-24 is given below:
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Rahu Ketu Moon Jupi Merc | | | | | | | | | | D - 2 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Asc Sun | | | | | (Sat ) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mars (Ven ) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |






Sivam's D-24 is the same, except that Lagna moves from Libra to Scorpio. In Satyam's D-24, lagna lord occupies a trine and it makes him fortunate. Mercury (lagna lord's dispositor and significator of intellect) occupies 5th and it makes him a brilliant student. Saturn owns 5th and he aspects it and it could've even resulted in some kind of academic distinction. Influences of Moon, Jupiter and Mars on 4th can result in a student good at commerce etc. In Sivam's chart, lagna lord (Mars) and 5th lord (Jupiter) are both debilitated and it is likely to produce a mediocre student. However, Mercury in 4th can make him a good learner of mathematics. Conclusion Through a case study of twins, it has been demonstrated how divisional charts play an important role in deciding someone's personality. Ignoring divisional charts and making predictions based on Rasi chart alone is not only against the suggestion of great Sage Parasara, but it is against the rational spirit. If Rasi chart alone decides someone's personality and fortune, how is it that some twins born minutes apart (with the same Rasi chart, but with different higher divisional charts) are significantly different from each other? Astrologers should honestly ponder over this question before rejecting divisional charts.



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References (0) The textbook I am currently writing - it is not yet finished. (1) Jaimini Maharshi's Upadesa Sutras, Sanjay Rath, Sagar Publications (2) A Manual of Hindu Astrology, Prof B.V. Raman (3) Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, R. Santhanam or G.C. Sharma All (or some of) these books are available from the website of Astrology Center of America. Note: Kindly note that I don't get any commission from them and I am not linked to them in any way. If you also distribute these books in USA and want a link to your site to be included here, please let me know and I will be glad to oblige!

If you enjoyed reading this article, please let me know at! Have a nice day!!


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