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Team comments on the article that was written on buildings and environment have been well organized in conformity with the formats of technical report writing. Technical evaluation were carried out which in the process ample knowledge that been gained. The evaluation proceeds and further examines every topics of due importance.

2. Function of each parts of report

2.1The title page
Usual elements are:-Title, name and position of writer, name and position of principle reader, date of submission. A good title must be informative. It. answers two basic questions What is the subject of the report? What type of report is it?

2. 2 Abstract
It is like a brief technical summary, usually between 100 to 500 words of the report. It is directed to readers who are familiar with the technical subject and need to know whether to read the full report or not. This can use technical terminology and refer to advanced concepts. In general, an abstract should observe the following points: Always comes first Contains essential information only it is brief! Indicates the methodology used Presents the main findings and conclusions

2.3 Introduction
The importance of the Introduction in all forms of report writing is that it prepares the reader to receive, with the greatest economy of effort, what the writer intends to present. Reports, like any other form of writings attempt to make information and ideas clear and convincing. The Introduction permits you to launch immediately into the task of relating your readers to the subject matter of the report.

2.4 Body of the report

This is main part of the report, where the work is presented. The introduction and conclusions act as a frame for the body only: therefore all the details of your work (including a summarized version of material in the appendices) must be included here in the appropriate section. You will need to put some thought into the ordering of the sections; the presentation of information should flow logically so that the reader can follow the development of your project. It is also essential that you choose concise but informative headings and subheadings so that the reader knows exactly what type of information to expect in each section.

2.5 Results and discussion

The presentation and discussion of the results is the heart of the technical report. Many readers, of course, are interested only in obtaining the quick review of the work afforded by the Summary and the concluding section. But readers who have reason to study the entire text of a report will normally spend most of their time on the Results and Discussion section. The purpose of this section is a well-organized and objective presentation of the results and the discussion of the results, together with their analysis, to show that the conclusions are warranted.

2.6 conclusions
Similar to executive summary, must be concise Reinforces key ideas formed in discussion Includes recommendations for future work, such as implementation of a design The conclusions should summarize the Findings section, do not include diagrams or graphs in this area. This area should be short, clearly follow the order of the findings and lead naturally into the recommendations. You should never include new information in the conclusions.

2.7 References
References are citations of work related to points brought out in the report and are given as sources of additional information for the reader. The question of whether a reference is needed can only be answered with experience. A reference may be appropriate

To show work pertinent to the subject To acknowledge the work of others in the same field, particularly quotations To save repetition of lengthy descriptions of apparatus or procedures, development of theories, or other information To support your assumptions, reasoning, viewpoints, or explanations
Reports, books, papers, and other publications referred to in NASA reports are listed in the References section at the end of the text, after any appendixes but before tables or figures appearing at the back of the report.

2.8 The appendix

An appendix is any section that follows the body of the report (and the list of references or bibliography, glossary or list of symbols). Appendices provide information that is too bulky to be presented in the body or that will interest only a small number of readers. For conciseness in the report, this information is separated from the body. Examples of the kind of material that are usually found in the appendix include maps, large technical diagrams or charts, computations, test data and texts of supporting documents. Appendices are usually lettered, rather than numbered and are listed in the table of contents.

3.1 There are six basic properties to comment on Technical writing
People write to propose projects, to document their own actions, to help other understand the research, to analyze and solve problems, to describe procedures and objects. If done well, technical writing is an exciting, fulfilling experience but if done poorly, it is frustrating, even harmful to career development. Technicality in writing is based upon the following points

3.1.1 Clarity
Technical document must convey a single meaning that the reader can understand. Unclear Technical writing is expensive. They vital communication link among the various employees is usually the report, if this link is weak, the entire project may be jeopardized. Unclear technical writing can be dangerous e.g. unclear instruction on how to operate machinery. In the article we evaluated some ideas were not clear enough to the reader.

3.1.2 Accuracy
There have been no accuracy problems detected on the article which arises from using wronged references, terms, expressions and the like.

3.1.3 Comprehensiveness
When writing technically, all the information should be provided, its background must be described and clear description of any process, or method of carrying out a specific work, should also be given. It also includes results, conclusions and recommendations. Actually, the article lacks comprehensiveness for the fact that it points out information that are based on vague backgrounds which the reader may find them hard to comprehend.

3.1.5. Accessibility
It means the ease with which the readers can locate the information they seek. To increase Accessibility, include headings and lists in the report. A table of contents, list of illustrations glossary and index are preferred. In the report there were no table of contents, executive summary and other enhancing materials like figures.

3.1.6 Conciseness
Technical writing is meant to be useful. The longer a document is, the more difficult it gets to use it. Even it takes more of the user's time. Conciseness was major defect observed for there were many figures and lots of pages that the article may bore the reader. In the article we evaluated there ware long sentences, overwriting and this should be avoided.

3.1.6 Correctness
Qualities of technical report writing also include correctness. Good technical report must also be correct. It. must be free from grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and should have appropriate format standard. If a report contains grammatical errors, the reader will doubt the accuracy of the information in the report. Generally, in the evaluated article there were some problem of using negative sentences, plane words, unclear (new) words, abbreviation and any other technical error that the writer should avoided.

General comments
In the article evaluated there is no executive summary and glossary of terms, in addition to the above listed comments. But In general, most parts of the report: Are straightforward and concise Use simple terms, not jargon and technical terms Keep sentences short and simple (20 words max) Are specific and not general Are well organized

4. The subject matter of the article

Level of service (LOS) has been used extensively as a quantitative measure of the smoothness level of Occupant flows in a space to estimate the utilization of the space in public buildings. However, the Smoothness level of the occupant flows cannot reflect the entire operating efficiency of building. In order to assist planners with the floor layout in public buildings, this study used the walking time of the occupant during activities as an index to assess and compare the operating efficiency of public buildings.

This method involves applying simulation to estimate the walking time of the occupant, and ant colony optimization algorithms to search for a near optimal solution for the locations of the occupant flows. The Solution obtained can thus also be the basis for the floor plan, and assist designers with the allocation of Rooms, facilities, Derived solution can help occupants save walking time and achieve best operating efficiency.

5. Knowledge gained from analyzing the article

a. b. c. d. e. f. Improve interpersonal skill in team work Improve research evaluation skills Differentiating technical terms Apply the theoretical knowledge to the particular case of interest Knowing report writing skill Helped consult individuals that had good knowledge on report writing

References Asian Institute of Technology Language Center. (2003).Writing Up Research guidebook. Asian Institute of Technology. Retrieved June 9, 2005 from Internet www.technicalreportwriting.com

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