City of Alhambra

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Alhambra City Council will be held on Monday, March 26, 2012, commencing at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Alhambra City Hall, 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California, pursuant to the order of the Mayor of the City of Alhambra, the Alhambra City Charter, the Alhambra Municipal Code, and Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California. An agenda of such special meeting is attached hereto incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein.


Dated: Notice No.

March 23, 2012 N2M12-34

MISSION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra is dedicated to responsive, creative leadership and quality services, ensuring desirable neighborhoods and a supportive business environment, while being sensitive to the diversity of our community.

VISION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra shall be the premier family-oriented and economically prosperous community in the San Gabriel Valley.

Addressing the Council: Section 2.04.210 of the Alhambra Municipal Code establishes the procedures for addressing the Council. Any person wishing to address the Council during the meeting must complete a Speaker Request Card and submit it to the City Clerk. When called upon by the Mayor, please step to the podium and give your name, address and organization or other party you represent, if any, in an audible tone of voice for the record. Remarks are limited to 5 minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Council, without the permission of the Mayor. No question shall be asked a Councilperson except through the Mayor. Standards of Decorum: Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the Council shall be forthwith, by the Mayor, barred from the meeting. Enforcement of Decorum: The Chief of Police, or his designee, shall be Sergeant-at-Arms of the Council meetings. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the Mayor for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Council meeting. Persons Authorized to be Within Rail: No person, except City officials, their representatives, and newspaper reporters, shall be permitted within the rail in front of the Council Chamber without the express consent of the Council.

AGENDA Special Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers 111 South First Street March 26, 2012 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL: FLAG SALUTE:

Sham, Messina, Yamauchi, Placido, Ayala Led by Mayor Ayala

CITY CLERK REPORT - NOTICE NO. N2M12-34 The City Clerk hereby reports that she duly gave notice of the Special Meeting of the City Council being held this evening pursuant to the order of the Mayor and in accordance with Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California.

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (TIME LIMITATION - 5 MINUTES) Citizens wishing to address the Council on any matter which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council not on the Agenda may do so at this time. Please state your NAME and ADDRESS CLEARLY for the record. Please note that while the City Council values your comments, pursuant to January 1, 1987 amendments to the Brown Act, the City Council cannot respond nor take any action until such time as the matter may appear as an item on a forthcoming agenda.

CLOSED SESSION & CITY ATTORNEY ANNOUNCEMENT re SAME - F2M12-14 The City Council will move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec. 54950, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the Citys Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the Citys Labor Negotiators as follows; provided, however, prior to so moving into closed session, the City Attorney shall make any announcements required by the Brown Act pertaining to such closed session matters: Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54956.8): Property: 1000 & 1100 South Meridian Avenue, Negotiating parties: The Charles Company and City Manager/ARA Executive Director Julio J. Fuentes & Interim Director of Development Services Swink, Under Negotiation: Instruction to negotiators will concern price, terms of payment or both. Conference with Legal Counsel--Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section 54956.9(a): None

Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(b): 2 matters. Initiation of litigation pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(c): 1 matter. Discussion of Personnel Matters (Govt. Code Section 54957): None Conference with Citys Labor Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54957.6): Richard Bacio, Assistant City Manager/Personnel Director, re Management Employees, Alhambra Police Miscellaneous Association, Alhambra Police Association, Alhambra Fire Fighters Association, and the Alhambra City Employees Association.

RECONVENE & CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: In the event the City Council move into a closed session, the City Council shall reconvene at the conclusion of such closed session and the City Attorney shall report upon the closed session if required.

ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Alhambra City Council will be held on Monday, March 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m., in the Alhambra City Hall Council Chambers, 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California.

NOTICE Agenda Items: Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to the items listed on this agenda are on file with the City Clerk in Alhambra City Hall, located at 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California, and are available for inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Broadcast of Meeting: The regular meetings of the Alhambra City Council are recorded and are broadcast on Charter Channel 3 at 7:30 p.m. on the Thursdays and Mondays following the meeting. Recordings are also available for viewing by the public at the Alhambra Public Library and, upon appointment, in the Administrative Services Department. Americans with Disabilities Act: If you require special assistance to participate in any City meeting (including assisted listening devices), please contact the City Clerk's Office (626) 5705090. Notification of at least 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. LAUREN MYLES, CMC CITY CLERK


MISSION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra is dedicated to responsive, creative leadership and quality services, ensuring desirable neighborhoods and a supportive business environment, while being sensitive to the diversity of our community.

VISION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra shall be the premier family-oriented and economically prosperous community in the San Gabriel Valley.

Addressing the Council: Section 2.04.210 of the Alhambra Municipal Code establishes the procedures for addressing the Council. Any person wishing to address the Council during the meeting must complete a Speaker Request Card and submit it to the City Clerk. When called upon by the Mayor, please step to the podium and give your name, address and organization or other party you represent, if any, in an audible tone of voice for the record. Remarks are limited to 5 minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Council, without the permission of the Mayor. No question shall be asked a Councilperson except through the Mayor. Standards of Decorum: Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the Council shall be forthwith, by the Mayor, barred from the meeting. Enforcement of Decorum: The Chief of Police, or his designee, shall be Sergeant-at-Arms of the Council meetings. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the Mayor for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Council meeting. Persons Authorized to be Within Rail: No person, except City officials, their representatives, and newspaper reporters, shall be permitted within the rail in front of the Council Chamber without the express consent of the Council.


AGENDA Regular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers 111 South First Street March 26, 2012 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL: FLAG SALUTE:

Sham, Messina, Yamauchi, Placido, Ayala, Led by Mayor Ayala

READING OF ORDINANCE TITLES Government Code Section 36934 requires that all ordinances be read in full prior to City Council taking action on the ordinance. By listing the ordinance title on the Council agenda, Council may determine that the title has been read. Recommended Action: By motion, determine that the titles to all ordinances which appear on this public agenda have been read, and waive further reading.

CEREMONIALS 1. PROCLAMATION F2M12-3 Ratify the action of Mayor AYALA in proclaiming April, 2012, and April 25, 2012 as SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH and DENIM DAY in Alhambra. The proclamation will be mailed to the Peace Over Violence Project.


COMMENDATIONS: MISSION AMIGOS DISTRICT BOY SCOUT TROOPS 217 & 301 F2M12-3 The Alhambra City Council wishes to commend and recognize the members of Mission Amigos District Boy Scout Troop 217 and Mission Amigos District Boy Scout Troop 301 for the extra effort they put forth on Saturday, February 26, 2012 in the City of Alhambra to assist the Congressional Gold Medal Recipients of the Military Intelligence Service, a segment of the Go For Broke Japanese-American WWII veterans. The veterans, as well as the City of Alhambra, are very appreciative of the boy scouts assistance. Mayor AYALA will present the commendations to the following boy scouts: Boy Scout Troop 217 CHRISTIAN CABRERA SEBASTIAN CABRERA 2



PRESENTATIONS 3. STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE F2M11-36 On November 17, 2011, the City Council and Executive Staff met to review the current three-year goals (2011-2014) and six-month objectives to implement the Citys strategic plan. Approximately every six months, the City Council and Executive Staff meet to update the objectives. During the strategic planning process, it was determined that staff will review the progress of the goals and objectives and present to the City Council the status on a monthly basis. Recommended Action: presented this evening Council receive and order filed the informational report


ANNUAL BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS F2M12-29 The terms of office for all members of our various Boards and Commission expire on March 26, 2012; therefore, it is appropriate for Councilpersons to appoint or reappoint their representatives at this time. With the exception of the Youth Commission, each representative may serve for a maximum of eight consecutive terms of one year each. Appointments will be effective for a one-year period commencing March 26, 2012 and ending March 25, 2013. Recommended Action: Each Councilperson shall announce his/her appointments and/or re-appointments to the Civil Service Commission/Board of Appeals, HCDA Citizen Advisory Committee, Board of Library Trustees, Parks & Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Design Review Board, Transportation Commission, Youth Commission and the Alhambra City Arts & Cultural Events Committee with each such appointment to be effective for a one-year period commencing March 26, 2012 and ending March 25, 2013. Other than announcing names of the appointees, no action is required.



SR 710 STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH ADVISORY COMMITTEE F2M12-31 The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is the lead agency on the environmental study for the SR710 and is seeking to form a Stakeholder Outreach Advisory Committee. The Stakeholder Outreach Advisory Committee is being formed to achieve optimum participation for the jurisdictions affected by the environmental study. Committee members will be responsible for providing updates to the City of the progress of the study and provide City information to the Committee. Recommended Action: City Council discuss possible appointees to the Stakeholder Outreach Advisory Committee and provide staff with the name of the selected Committee member.

CONSENT AGENDA (Item Nos. 6 - 18) All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council and/or the City Council as the Successor to the Redevelopment Agency Board and/or the City Council as the Successor Housing Agency to be routine and will be enacted by one motion unless a citizen or Council member requests otherwise; in which case, the item will be removed for separate consideration. 6. NIB: 2012 U.S.D.A. SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM F2M6-60, N2M12-35 Staff requests City Council approval of the Citys participation in the Summer Food Service Program for 2012 by authorizing the advertising of a Notice Inviting Bids to secure a vendor to provide prepared lunches and snacks for the program. Lunches and snacks will be served to children (ages 1-18) at Alhambra Park, Almansor Park, Granada Park, and Story Park, Monday through Friday, beginning June 18 through August 24, 2012, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. (lunches) and 3 p.m. 4 p.m. (snacks), depending on the location. Recommended Action: City Council approve participation in the 2012 Summer Food Service Program and authorize the City Clerk to advertise Notice Inviting Bids No. N2M12-35 to prospective vendors to provide lunches and snacks for the 2012 Summer Food Service Program.


AUTHORIZE RFP: PROFESSIONAL AUDITING SERVICES F2M5-53, RFP2M12-6 The City Charter requires the financial examination of the books, records and reports of the City each year and in order to provide for such auditing, it is necessary for the City to retain services of a qualified financial auditing firm. The Citys existing contract for auditing services terminated at the end of the fiscal year 2010-2011; therefore, staff is requesting City Council authorization to solicit proposals for Professional Auditing Services for fiscal years 2012-2013 thru 2014-2015.


Recommended Action: Authorize staff to distribute Request for Proposal No. RFP2M12-6 for Professional Auditing Services.


STEPHEN SHAM: APPROVE LEAVE OF ABSENCE F92-27, M2M12-27 Sec. 12 of the Alhambra City Charter provides in pertinent part that an elective office becomes vacant . . . if a member of the council . . . fails to attend the meetings of the council . . .of which he or she is a member for a like period (i.e., 30 consecutive days), without being excused therefrom by the council. On March 10-14, 2012, Mr. Sham attended the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference in Washington D.C. on behalf of the City of Alhambra and is not able to attend this evenings meeting as well as the first City Council meeting in April for business reasons. Recommended Action: Excuse Mr. Sham from this evenings Regular Meeting of the Alhambra City Council as well as any and all Regular and/or Special Meetings of the Alhambra City Council which will be held on and April 9, 2012. (M2M12-27)


APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FROM THE POLICE FACILITY ASSESSMENT FUND & SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FUND F2M11-38, F2M5-112, M2M12-28 Staff requests that the City Council appropriate funds from the Police Facility Assessment Fund and Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund to be used towards repairs for the police facility and for modifications to an existing patrol vehicle that is going to be used for a K-9 unit. Recommended Action: City Council 1) Authorize an appropriation in the amount of $2,500 from the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund Balance to the K-9 Purchases account 201.20.2010.64345 for the modification of an existing patrol vehicle to a K-9 unit; and, 2) Authorize an appropriation in the amount of $138,793 from the Police Facility Assessment Fund Balance to the Various Capital Outlay account 242.20.2810.98010 in the amount of $133,382 and the Carpet Replacement account 242.20.2810.91003 in the amount of $5,411. (M2M12-28)


AWARD CONTRACT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWER REPAIR PROJECT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS F2M11-64, N2M11-158, C2M12-11, M2M12-29 On March 1, 2012, the City Clerk received and opened 2 bids ranging from $183,2000 to $288,720 for the Utilities Department Sewer Repair Project at Various Locations (N2M11-148). Staff has reviewed all bids and has determined that T.A. Rivard Inc. is in full compliance and conformance with the bid specifications. Therefore, staff requests that the City Council award a contract to T.A. Rivard Inc. in the amount of $183,200 for the Utilities Department Sewer Repair Project at Various Locations.

Recommended Action: 3-26-12

City Council award a contract, subject to final language 5

approval by the City Manager and City Attorney, to T.A. Rivard Inc. for the Sewer Repair Project at Various Locations; authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the agreement; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2M12-29)


AUTHORIZATION TO PRESENT THE ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS SHOW IN ALMANSOR PARK ON JULY 4, 2012 - F2M7-50, M2M12-30 Staff is requesting that the City Council authorize the presentation of the annual Fourth of July fireworks show in Almansor Park for July 4, 2012 and approve the expenditure in the FY 2012-2012 budget. Recommended Action: City Council authorize the production of the annual Fourth of July fireworks show on July 4, 2012 in Almansor Park at a cost of $16,500; instruct the Director of Finance to record 50% of the cost ($8,250) in FY 2011-2012 as a prepaid expenditure in account number 101.13210 and record the entire cost of $16,500 as an expenditure in FY 2012-2013 in account number 101.60.6110.66314; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2M12-30).


APPROVE CITYS PARTICIPATION IN THE COUNTY-SPONSORED BRIDGE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM F2M12-32, M2M12-31 Staff requests that the City Council approve the Citys participation in the Countysponsored Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program and appropriate the necessary funds from the Gas Tax Fund for the work. The Program would involve roadway deck repairs to five of the Citys bridges at the Fremont Avenue, Marguerita Avenue, Marengo Avenue, Atlantic Boulevard and Garfield Avenue railroad crossings. The County will administer the bidding, construction contract award and the construction itself with the City being billed monthly for its share of the project costs. At this time Los Angeles County Public Works is seeking a commitment that the City will participate in the program and will execute the necessary financial cooperative agreement. Recommended Action: City Council 1) approve the Citys participation in the Countys Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program; 2) approve the appropriation of Gas Tax Funds in the amount of $35,000 to cover the Citys local share of the project; and, 3) authorize the City Manager to execute the Financial Agreement between Los Angeles County and the City of Alhambra. (M2M12-31)



The Groundwater Treatment Facility has fourteen carbon filters. As a part of the treatment process, filter media change-outs must be completed as media is exhausted. The Calgon Filtrasorb 300, manufactured by Calgon Carbon Corporation, is the only filter media that has been approved for use in the facility by the State Department of 3-26-12 6

Public Health Services. Therefore, staff requests that the City Council award a contract to Calgon Carbon Corporation for the purchase of carbon filter media for the Groundwater Treatment Facility. Recommended Action: Authorize the purchase of carbon filter media from Calgon Carbon Corporation for the Ground Water Treatment Facility in an amount not to exceed $300,000; authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute a contract for the purchase; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2M12-33)


MINUTES Recommended Action: City Council and/or City Council as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Board review and approve as submitted the Minutes of the February 27, 2012 Special Meeting of the Alhambra City Council; the February 27, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Alhambra City Council; the March 12, 2012 Special Meeting of the Alhambra City Council; and, the March 12, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Alhambra City Council.


TREASURERS REPORT - F2M12-1 Recommended Action: City Council and/or City Council the Successor to the Redevelopment Agency Board receive and file as submitted the Treasurer's Report prepared by the Director of Finance for the month of February, 2012, listing all of the City's and the Alhambra Redevelopment Agency's investments as of February 29, 2012.


PERSONNEL ACTIONS F2M12-2 Recommended Action: City Council ratify the actions of the City Manager set forth in that certain Personnel Actions document dated March 26, 2012 showing the various appointments, classifications, salary changes, etc., since the last City Council meeting.


DEMANDS - F2M12-1 Recommended Action: City Council approve as submitted Final Check List (134599 thru 134748) in the amount of $862,211.00 for the period ending March 14, 2012.



Recommended Action: City Council as the Successor to the Redevelopment Agency Board approve as submitted the Accounts Payable for the period ending February 28, 2012, Check Nos. 12000-12005, in the total amount of $38,421.46. 3-26-12 7

ORDINANCES SECOND READING 19. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM ORDINANCE - F2M1-89, O2M12-4597 Staff requests that the City Council consider second reading and adoption of and ordinance that will amend the Citys Arts in Public Places Program to include support of outside art projects, such as the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade Float, that are an important aspect of educating and enhancing the City community, as an eligible expense for the Art in Public Places Fund. Recommended Action: City Council direct the City Attorney to give second reading by title only to the following ordinance entitled: Ordinance No. O2M12-4597: An Ordinance of the Alhambra City Council amending Sections 23.81.010, 23.81.020 and 23.81.120 of the Alhambra Municipal Code clarifying the Art in Public Places Program. after which the Council, by motion, may adopt Ordinance No. O2M12-4597.

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (TIME LIMITATION - 5 MINUTES) Citizens wishing to address the Council on any matter which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council not on the Agenda may do so at this time. Please state your NAME and ADDRESS CLEARLY for the record. Please note that while the City Council values your comments, pursuant to January 1, 1987 amendments to the Brown Act, the City Council cannot respond nor take any action until such time as the matter may appear as an item on forthcoming agendas.

COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (ANNOUNCEMENTS & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS) F2M12 -7 Each Councilmember at his discretion may address the Council and public on matters of general information and/or concern, including announcements and future agenda items.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business for the Council to transact, the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall adjourn their meeting to 5:30 p.m. on April 9, 2012, in the Council Chambers of the Alhambra City Hall, 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California.

NOTICE Agenda Items: Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to the items listed on this agenda are on file with the City Clerk in Alhambra City Hall, located at 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California, and are available for inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3-26-12 8

Broadcast of Meeting: The regular meetings of the Alhambra City Council are recorded and are broadcast on Charter Channel 3 at 7:30 p.m. on the Thursdays and Mondays following the meeting. Recordings are also available for viewing by the public at the Alhambra Public Library and, upon appointment, in the Administrative Services Department. Americans with Disabilities Act: If you require special assistance to participate in any City meeting (including assisted listening devices), please contact the City Clerk's Office (626) 5705090. Notification of at least 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.



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