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Importance Of Written Communication

Importance of Written Communication : Written communication is one of the oldest known forms of communications. But in todays age go Information and technology writing has become a lost art. Written communication always creates a permanent record and store information for future reference. Writing is used not only to improve students communication skills but it is also to promote learning and to provoke critical thinking. It expresses who you are as a person. Good writing means good communication and nurses who are successful professionals, are constantly involved in written communication. In the field of nursing writing and language deals with analytical, organizational, and mechanical skills. So therefore, the nursing student must be able to express thoughts of an observation through writing. Nurses are called upon

to not only care for the physical needs of patients, but also to further responsible to create legal, medical, and academic knowledge in the form of workplace documents such as charts, lab reports, and nursing research. . They collaborate in public health organisations to write proposals for funding, reports on the services provided and memos to health care providers. On the job, the health of a patient may depend on the nurse's ability to speak and write. There are differences in writing within different educational backgrounds in nursing. The LPN and RN or the practicing nurse writes for documentation, primarily writing to describe the patient. The MSN may write like the practicing nurse or for administrative styles of writing. The Ph.D. writes for publication, sharing research results or their review of literature on a particular topic.

Oral Vs. Written Communication

In our English class we had to tell an embarrassing story orally to the entire class. We then made transcripts of our oral story and wrote a descriptive version. Both versions were significantly different from each other in many ways. Our study is on the differences between oral and written communication. When we are speaking and writing to people, content, style, structure and process are all key factors that determine our delivery. My oral introduction was short while my written introduction set the scene with details to introduce my story more formally and substantially. In my oral story I began with where I was and what time it was. In my written version I clearly introduced what time it was, where I was, how I was feeling, and where I was going. For example, "At 3 in morning I grabbed my skateboard and my backpack and left my friend's apartment " While I was talking to my audience I could see their facial expressions and knew they understood and felt it was unnecessary to

expand on those details. This is precisely where the structures of written and oral delivery differ. I can gage the reaction of my audience in real-time their reactions to my story are instantaneous and visible to me the speaker. Using audience reaction, a speaker can choose to incorporate or leave out certain details that are, perhaps, unavoidably features of a written story. This is not to say that reactions to written work are not instantaneous, for they are, but those reactions are invisible to the author and can only be received in the form of critical or evaluative communication after the fact. My oral and written body paragraphs tell exactly what happened; however, the written version incorporates the details. My oral version was quickly explained, for example, "About mmm 30 seconds later I just got clothes-lined from the back." My written version is very detailed and informative missing minor details from the experience. For example, "They had funny expressions...

Written Communication
INTRODUCTION. "Man is an animal that lives in language as a fish lives in water and so written communication is just one of the ways that man can survive through" (English scholar Annie Dillard). Writing is a skill to give information. Like all skills, it is not inborn and so it needs to be learnt. To give information you need good communication skills including the ability to write simply, clearly and concisely (Harris & Cunningham, 1996). Good written communication enable to present information to reader more correctly and powerfully. For example, to write a business letter, which has three types, good news letters, bad news letters and persuasive letters. Different type of business letters are used for different purpose. Therefore, people who are more likely to control their ability of wirting communication when persuading clients, they are more likely to get this business. For instance, if writer has a news letter for client, he or she should communicate with the client by adopting direct order of information strategy. In contrast, when bad news will be delivered to the client, good writing communication writer should adopt indirect order of information to talk with the client. However, writing a business letter also convey its own form of writing style. A plain English writing style, involves straightforward and clear expression, providing a channel to understand the message and receive feedback easier (Dwyer 2009,

p.462). There are many benefits for receiver, such as saving time on training understanding and utilizing documents, less ccustomer omplaints and fewer questions, fewer misunderstandings and disputes and so on (Dwyer 2009, p.463). The plain English writing style also conveys effectiveness and equity, such as its clear purpose and meeting receivers needs, and accessing to information through documents b etween organisations and clients (Dwyer 2009, pp.462-463). In addition, according to Declan (2008), good writing needs to deliever whole message by adopting an effective writing, which includes conveying the message clearly and concisely, and utilizing the correct format. There is an example of Foreign and Commonwealth (FCO). All staff are required to achieve their grade to reach an appropriate level in effective writing course. One delegate of FCO thought he got obvious development in making his wirting style clearly and concisely (Declan 2008). Therefore, it is obvious that...

Written Communication
Written communication is used to better communicate our ideas, concerns, and to show our knowledge on many subjects. In this essay I will try and show some different types of communication in both school and workplace environments. In school, students use written communication when taking notes, writing reports, essays, and study guides. Not only do the students use this type of communication, but the administration, teachers, and other staff use it as well. Teachers send notes or letters home with students to inform parents of the childs progress in school, to ask for a parent teacher conference, or even to remind them of a special event the class may be having. This helps parents to be more involved in their childs learning environment. Since workplace is compromised of multiple people, the ability of those people to share their knowledge, coordinate, and collaborate is key to the successful conduct of b usiness. Not only is it essential for management and staff to communicate well, but the communication among staff and customers is also closely aligned with business success. Sending out weekly newsletters updating staff on company policies and procedures, sending reminders of meetings, announcing upcoming events or even job openings are examples of written communication in the workplace. Many companies use flyers, news advertisements, or even sending out weekly circulars to the community as a way of communicating to customers. It is also a way to bring in new potential customers. Before you even begin a job, you begin communicating with your future employer by sending in a resume. By doing this, you not only make a good first impression but you also let the employer know of you work history, skills, and also on how well you may be in fulfilling the position. Lets not forget the emails, memos, and faxes that are sent out on daily basis. In todays world, technology plays a big part in written communication. Many schools and companies use...

QUESTION A. Delineate the purpose of written communication, giving reasons for your answers. Different people have different reasons as to why they write. Some people write for their own private reasons or to attain th eir own individual goals. An example of this private writing' is exploratory writing. This is writing ideas that you do not want others to see. Introductory writing where you free write on a topic, before composing what you want to say. Examples of writing to explore a topic include keeping a journal, which helps one to

take down information that will help him recollect and investigate ideas for a future write up. Another purpose in written communication may be to communicate something that happened, or narrating an experience to a reader. This is referred to as writing to reconstruct experience. To make the experience more vivid and interesting to a reader, you should give specific details, use concrete language (words that create a specific image in the mind of your reader for example: slowly tip-toe) and use of analogies (comparison words, for example hard as a rock). Examples of this purpose of writing include: - a witness writes a police statement to describe an occurrence. Or writers who write novels or books describing a true story they experienced. In most of our lives, we learn from those who can teach. Experienced elders or specialists teach us how to live, conduct ourselves, relate to one another and survive in different environments. My first day in USIU I was handed a student handbook which...

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