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FROM: Senior Assistant Registrar (Examinations Administration and Security Division) Local Registrars Pro-Registrar, WZO Principals and Heads of Centres DATE: 15 August 2011 REF: 17/8/05




Examinations for the May-june 2012 CSEC Sitting will be conducted during the period 13 April 2012 to 12 June 2012. Method of Registration The Online Registration System (ORS) will be used in the registration of candidates for the May-june 2012 examinations. Release of the ORS Application The ORS application will be available on CXCs website, , on 1 September 2011 for the registration of candidates. Since the 2012 ORS application will be similar to the one used in the registration of candidates for the 2011 examinations, the video recording and manual released in September 2010 and currently on the website, may be used as guidance in the 2012 registration. Access to ORS Application Principals and Heads of centres should be advised that the usernames and passwords used in the 2011 registration phase are the same for the 2012 registration. However, they should ensure that the passwords issued to persons who are no longer in their employ are disabled so as to prevent unauthorised access. Previous Registration Data Special attention must be paid to the submission of previous registration data by candidates who have completed CSEC examinations at previous sittings. Users should ensure that the name of the candidate used at the previous sitting(s) matches exactly the name being used at the current sitting. For example, if a candidate was registered at the \ti hine 2011 %Ittlng as Tohn P Brown, he should not be registered at the May-June etn ioIw Bio P Brown, John Paul Brown or any other variation in the andiiate wh tea with daffei ent personal details from one sitting to q* nqjther wall be treated as different (new) candidates when the ORS data are loaded into

2 Should a candidates name change through marriage or deed poli, the Council should be informed through the submission of the Change in Name Notification Form (EXA 57). The form can be downloaded from the Councils website. An Amendment Fee is not charged once the EXA 57 form has been completed correctly and submitted to the Council. Candidates who have written CSEC examinations at or after the January 2004 sitting, should supply a candidate number from a previous sitting. If they have more than one number then the number from the most recent May-June sitting would be preferred. The search engine allows users to query on a candidates personal details and/or a previous registration number to obtain his/her previous registration records. The use of the search engine would ensure the presentation of accurate and standardised personal details and avoid the high costs associated with making changes to the personal details of candidates who have written CSEC examinations before. Candidates who are registering for the first time or who have written CSEC examinations before the January 2004 sitting should register as New in the ORS. Resit Candidates For subjects with a School Based Assessment (SBA) component a candidate will be eligible to register as a Resit if he/she attained a moderated mark which was at least 50% of the SBA marks in the June 2011 CSEC sitting. In order to provide guidance to candidates about their eligibility status to register as Resit, a note has been placed on the pre-slips issued for the May-June 2011 CSEC examinations indicating the subject(s) in which candidates are not eligible to Resit because they did not achieve 50% of the moderated SBA marks. Local Registrars and Heads of centres have also received similar notification on the broadsheets issued for that sitting. Since the ORS operates in a live data environment, candidates who are ineligible to register as Resit will be unable to do so. In such cases, the candidates must be registered for the SBA option or for the Alternative option, if the latter option is available.

Alternative Paper to SBA Candidates who are registering at private centres (educational institutions that are not recognised by the Council as full-time educational institutions) will be eligible to write the Alternative Paper to SBA. Private candidates who opt to write the Alternative Paper MUST select the Alternative option. Candidates will not be supplied with question papers for the Alternative examination(s) if the Alternative option was not selected at the time of registration. An Amendment Fee will be charged to change the option from SBA to Alternative. ORS Defaults to SBA If the Alternative option or the Resit option is not selected when registering a candidate, the candidate will be registered, by default, for the SBA option in the ORS unless the %dhet s one that does not UI r an SBA component

Checking of Registration Data by Candidates Principals and Heads of centres should ensure that when the registration data have been entered in the ORS, a copy of the registration details (available in the Subject Registered Report in the ORS) is printed and given to candidates to check and confirm the accuracy of the data keyed prior to the data being forwarded to the Local Registrars Office.

Timetable Clashes You are reminded to advise Principals and Heads of centres that they should consult the Draft May-June 2012 CSEC and CAPE Timetables before registering candidates for CSEC examinations. This should ensure that timetable clashes, as far as possible, are avoided. The draft timetables have been posted on the Councils website, A list of the CSEC subject offerings for the May-June 2012 sitting is given at the appendix to this circular. Scale of Fees
The fees are currently under review and the outcome of the review will be communicated to you very shortly.

Submission of Late Entries and Amendments ALL late entries and amendments must be submitted through the ORS. Candidates with Special Needs Requests for special arrangements for candidates with known disabilities should be made when the entries are submitted. Requests for Braille, enlarged question papers or any other modified question papers should be confirmed not later than 9 October 2011. We should be grateful if you would fax or email such requests to Mrs Dianne Medford. Mrs Medfords fax number is (246) 429 6491 and her email address is Candidates Debarred from CSEC Examinations In accordance with the Regulations for the Conduct of the Councils Examinations (Revised September 2008) Sections 8.1.1. (Page 22) and 9.1.2 (Page 32), candidates found guilty of any irregularity, misconduct or dishonest practice may be debarred for a specified time from registering for examinations administered by the Council. We are seeking your assistance in ensuring that candidates who have been debarred from writing the Councils examinations are not registered for examinations until the period of the disbarment has been served,

4 Release of Examination Results At the time of registration, candidates will have the option to indicate whether they wish to have their registration details and results emailed directly to any educational institution that may be interested in their records. This feature will allow tertiary institutions in the Region to have early access to the candidates results. Registration Deadline Completed entries must be submitted electronically to the Councils Headquarters not later than the deadline given by the Local Registrar in each territory. Entries received after that date will be classified as late entries and the relevant late entry charges imposed. Access to Online Registration Records by Candidates

All candidates should be given their registration number so that they may access the ORS. By 21 January 2012, candidates should be in a position to visit the website, , to obtain details about their registration records. Candidates should be advised that they should bring any queries about the accuracy of their records to the attention of the Principal or Head of centre. Discontinuation in the Issuing of Preliminary/Final Registers Local Registrars are reminded that the Council will not be issuing Preliminary or Final Registers for the 2012 examinations. Access to the records normally contained in Preliminary/Final Preliminary Registers is available to users through the ORS in a report called CXC Final Register. The report should be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that all records contained are valid, accurate and up-to-date. We look forward to your co-operation in ensuring that candidates are registered early and their personal and subject particulars are accurately recorded.

Susan Giles SENIOR ASSISTANT REGISTRAR (Examinations Administration and Security Division)

Att SG/AA:aa

APPENDIX SUBJECT OFFEREINGS FOR MAY-JUNE 2012 CSEC SITTING SUBJECT Additional Mathematics Agricultural Science DA Agricultural Science SA Biology Building Technology: Construction Building Technology: Woods Caribbean History Chemistry Clothing and Textiles Economics Electrical & Electricity Technology Electronic Document Preparation and Management English A English B Food and Nutrition French Geography Home Economics: Management Human and Social Biology Information Technology Integrated Science SA Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Technology Music Office Administration Physical Education and Sport Physics Principles of Accounts Principles of Business Religious Education Social Studies Spanish Technical Drawing Theatre Arts Visual Arts RESIT ALTERNATIVE NON-SBA LEVEL Yes General Yes General Yes General Yes Yes General Technical Yes Technical Yes Yes Yes General Yes Yes General Yes General Yes Yes General Technical Yes Yes Yes General General General General General General General General General General General Technical General General General General General General General General General General General General Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

ctOtions L Visual Arts: A common paper containing all options will be issued. ALL candidates will be required to submit a Reflective Journal, In addition to the

6 Reflective Journal, candidates will be required to choose two Production Papers from the options below: Drawing (i) Painting and Mixed-media (ii) Graphic and Communication Design (iii) Printmaking (iv) Textile Design and Manipulation (v) Sculpture and Ceramics (vi) (vii) Leathercraft (viii) Fibre and Decorative Arts Candidates must select for the final examination those options for which SBA assignments have been done. 2. There are three options in Theatre Arts, candidates must choose one only. The options are (1) Drama Improvisation, Playmaking and Performance Skills; (2) Dance Improvisation, Dancemaking and Dance Fundamentals; and (3) Drama Improvisation, Dance Improvisation and Stagecrafts. 3. There are two options in Technical Drawing: the Building Drawing option and the Mechanical Engineering option. Within each of the options, candidates can either choose the Traditional method or the Computer Aided Design (CAD) method. 4. Candidates must select Agricultural Science Double Award or Agricultural Science Single Award but not both subjects at the same sitting; 5. Candidates must select Building Technology: Construction or Building Technology: Woods but not both subjects at the same sitting.

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