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Activities & tasks for a Practice Teaching courseinservice training

Week 1 (21/2)

In-class Introduction to the course & Moodle Getting to know you better--El fal

At training school

2 (28/2)

Examine Present your outcomes & activities Lesson Plan components (video) Class discussion on Moore (2001) + LP sections finalized Class discussion on Duffy (2009) + Personal Connections worksheet

3 (06/3) 4 (13/3)

Determine time schedule for your school visits Discuss topics & times for 2 unofficial and 1 official practice teaching sessions Discuss Lesson Plan 1 with collab. teacher Observe students + Start Report 1 Finalize official teaching at your school (one visit/ school PLEASE!) Observation Report 1 (collab. teacher) Observation Report 1 (collab. teacher) Meet w/ another teacher and determine observation time & dates Unofficial practice teaching OR Start Observation Report 2 (other teacher) Unofficial practice teaching OR Observation Report 2 (other teacher) Practice teaching OR Observation Report 2 (other teacher) Practice teaching OR Observation Log 2 (other teacher) S P R I N G Practice teaching OR Observation Log 2 (other teacher)

To do: Examine the computer curriculum Select 2-3 learning outcomes from different levels for presentation. Post Moodle profile + sign up for Ebrary Read: Moore (2001) pp. 119-141 Post at least one discussion question (factual or thought-provoking) Post students areas of interest + yours Read: Duffy (2009) pp. 3-12 Post Lesson Plan 1based on student interests (use LP outline on Moodle) Provide feedback on Lesson Plan 1 to designated classmate Explore non-computer curriculum of your choice & pick a unit Post a connected lesson idea

Due dates 28/2 by 8:45

06/3 by 8:45

13/3 by 8:45 15/3 by 23:59 20/3 by 23:59

5 (20/3) 6 (27/3) 7 (03/4) 8 (10/4) 9 (17/4) 10 (24/4) 11 (01/5) 12 (08/5) 13 (15/5) 14 (22/5)

letiim ve Uyum Atlyesi (Guest leader in house) Curricular Connections worksheet (based on postings) + Sample lesson idea Class discussion Tomlinson (2001; 1999) & Hall (2002) Purcel & Rosemary (2008) p. 231 Differentiated instruction examples Pick up LP 2 for revision Discuss tiered activity ideas [official teaching starts]

27/3 by 8:45 O.R. 1--hardcopy; 29/3 by 17:00 03/4 by 8:45 LP 2 due 05/4 by 23:59

Read Tomlinson (1999) & Hall (2002) Post 1 discussion question Lesson Plan 2officialonline (based on curricular connections) Post a tiered activity idea (use Purcel & Rosemary (2008) for an example)

18/04 by 23:59 (Mid-semester eval.) LP 2revised hardcopy (bring to class)

Lesson Plan 2official_Revisedprinted B R E A K

No classes 1 Mays Emek ve Dayanma gn Lawn discussion (Gney Kamps): Ayers (2001) Ch 1 Present & discuss national ed tech project Lawn discussion: Present final project idea & get feedback

Practice teaching Practice teaching Practice teaching

Post Lesson Plan 3tiered Provide feedback for LP 3 Read: Ayers (2001) Chapter 1 Research national ed tech project project Post a thought-provoking question on ed tech project Post final project idea

LP 3 due 30/4 by 23:59 Feedback due 03/05 by 23:59 Observation Report 2 (hard copy by 17:00) 15/05 by 8:45 21/05 by 23:59 Final Project DUE ??

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