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The Tyranid Eye They came from the blackness and at first we ignored them.

We each had our own battles; hatred borne through millennia of bloodshed blinded us to them. We, each of us, ignored it and the Great Devourer made us pay. They moved as one unwavering force as we were divided, devouring our planets, devouring our battle brothers and families; devouring our souls. The tyranids though were soulless. One sentient mind feeling nothing but a hunger for death, for blood, for flesh. It was merely a matter of time. We had no way to strike back, no home world to threaten, and no place to counter attack, even if we had united; there was nothing to unite against. So the hive fleets came, each race stood and fought, defending their worlds with every fibre of their being, sometimes they were even victorious. But this foe had no hesitation, no fear, no limits and was without number. For every battle won 10 were lost more tyranids were made and our victories were rendered meaningless as further hordes were spawned. It was inevitable, the battle was lost long before it had ever begun; as much as death in battle seemed the more righteous choice; to ensure the survival of our people we had no choice but to run. The battle for terra raged, I have lived for more centuries than I would care to have done and yet I saw more bloodshed in that battle then all others combined, and yet when 1 tyranid fell still 2 more would take its place. When all hope is lost you will attempt anything. Varro Tigurius would be the one to suggest it, the final glimmer of hope to maintain mankinds survival. Only 2 regions of space remained untouched by the tyranids, Necron space, where the tyranids would surely find us, and The Eye of Terror. So it was that I would volunteer to lead the mission taking with me what little I could in an attempt to re-build the human race on the other side of the Eye, we are less susceptible to the touch of Chaos and give the greatest chance for success. I do not know what I will find on the other side, but it must perish so that humanity survives. Other races, perhaps even other Space Marine chapters, will have the same plan, there is little other choice. It matters not, enemies are enemies and any other Space Marine cannot be trusted to with stand the touch of Chaos. I am Commander Dante and I shall lead the Blood Angels into the Eye of Terror destroying everything and everyone that stands in my way; in the name of the God Emperor and for the Survival of Mankind. There shall be death.

Turn based play will work as follows. Player 1 will select a territory to attack (firstly notifying myself in order that I can check all rules applying to that battle and notify both players accordingly) a game will be organised between the players the result of which will determine who controls that territory. A match will take place when it takes place, we all have lives and I trust you are all capable of organising the matches yourselves. When the result of that match has been determined player 2 will select a territory to attack and so on and so on, until the galaxy is captured. Models I have no issues with unpainted models or proxies, although any proxy should be an appropriate size for the model it is representing (a tactical marine isnt a landraider) All matches will be fought at a base of 1500 points this will fluctuate depending on the rules stated below and any planetary rules in effect. The standard rolls regarding deployment and game type will be in effect unless these are superseded by a planetary rule set. All army lists may be drawn up specifically for the upcoming battle. When an HQ world is conquered by an opposing force the HQ special rule is lost and will be replaced by the following: Remnants of Battle A fierce battle was fought upon this world leaving the surface scarred and terrain difficult leaving the defenders many positions from which to take their foes by surprise. The Defending Commander may make 2 scout moves with any 2 units prior to battle. At the start of the campaign you must name three characters for your army. These are your generals - mighty commanders whose experience and leadership may sway the forthcoming battles in your favour. Be sure to give them suitably grand and imposing names should you so wish. You must also declare what HQ unit type they are, for example, a Space Marine Captain, Hive Tyrant or whatever, and specify their wargear and upgrades. These shall be the only HQ units that you will be able to use during the campaign unless specified otherwise. General Rules 1. I am God. The most important rule, in the event of there being any debate or question raised regarding a rule, I am the almighty ruler of the universe who may give and take away life on a whim, The Unquestioned Master of Everything. i.e I think it would be better if... It doesnt matter what you think God has spoken. 2. No Takebacks. When you lose a territory you may not attempt to recapture it for 1 full game turn (refer to 40k rulebook for player turn and game turn) 3. HQs. The HQ is your home world; as such your army will protect it with every last fibre of its being. The defending army at the HQ gains a 15% point bonus to its combat force. The No Takebacks rule does not apply to HQ positions however there will be a 10% point penalty to the attacking army as they still suffer the wounds from their previous defeat. These few troops will be battling to take back their homes with everything on the line they are therefore subject to the both the Fearless and Feel no Pain universal special rules as stated in the 40k rulebook.

4. Fortune favours the brave (and stupid). Attacking and losing in 2 consecutive turns gives a 10% point bonus to your next attacking force. 5. Oh God Why Do I Suck? I dont know but Ill help you out losing 2 consecutive defences grants your next defensive stand a 10% point bonus. 6. Draws Do Not Exist. If the game ends in a draw it is declared a victory for the defender
as the attacking army has failed to overrun their lines.

7. Suck on my Awesome!! Upon any winning streak of 3 (both attacking and defending) occurring the player will receive Gods Blessing. The player may choose when to use my blessing upon which time I shall look down upon the battle and smite his foes. Placing the large blast marker at any point of his choosing and rolling the scatter dice (full scatter Im God but Im still nonchalant... or lazy!) any unit, terrain, tank, monstrous creature or beer bottle under the marker (even slightly) will immediately be removed from the game board. For rule clarification I (God) took these guys off the board they are not wounds or casualties (i.e. no pain token, no fnp, no nothin) 8. Die Bitches!! Your troops are feeling it now! 2 consecutive wins grants 10% points bonus for your next attacking force 9. All Bonuses Stack That should be pretty self explanatory right?? 10. What Doesnt Kill me... Any victory (attacking or defending) will confer 1 free HQ upgrade for the next battle, stacking until the win streak is broken. 11. Angels of God There are other forces that roam this galaxy, as the campaign progresses they may descend upon one of your worlds, it will your choice to sustain a defence or abandon the planet (an adandonent in these circumstances will not count as a defeat for the purpose of calculating bonuses), I cannot promise it will always be a fair fight... 12. Winning My game my rules Mark wins!!! YAY!!!... Alternatively controlling any 3 HQ worlds will result in your unquestioned dominance in the galaxy and total victory over the other pitiful peasant races. (Well I say victory... Im still God so who is the real winner you mortal fool?)

Planetary Rule sets 1. Aguilar - Oh My God they killed the Machine Spirit! No vehicles or monstrous creatures may be used in this battle by either side. 2. Alba Regia - Havent we met before? An anceitn database of advanced military tactics has been discovered on this world. The Defending force benefits from the preferred enemy Universal Special Rule. 3. Alona - You coming or what?!? an electromagnetic storm has covered the planet interfering with communications both armies must start completely in reserve with reserve rolls starting on turn 1 on a 5+ and resorting to normal reserve rolls on turn 2 4. Bhat - This is MY House The defending player places all terrain features and is granted +1 to all cover saves. 5. Celle - Must be Something in the Water Something about this world fills its inhabitants with a lust for blood and carnage, all attacks launched from this planet grant the attacking army the Furious Charge Universal Special Rule.

6. Daliya - I feel a proxy coming on... Troop choices may not take part in any battles which
take place on this planet, no FOC requirements apply and no HQ restriction. All battles will take place according to the annihilation win condition.

7. Desai - Is it something I ate? - Too many beans in the army rations these days all units in battle are granted the turbo boost special rule (yes- including infantry) upon a successful leadership test and may move the 18-24 if the leadership test is failed it was a wet one and the unit may not move, shoot or assault until the players next turn while they clean up the mess. & Swamp World Covered in a thick swamp movement for all units is halved for
the entirety of the battle, and vehicles have to roll dangerous terrain tests every movement they make, the air is deep and murky and the rules for night fighting apply accordingly (The Defending player may choose whether to Play 1 or both special rules)

8. Ekholm - HQ 9. Fraknoi - HQ 10. Godiva - HQ 11. Irma - Ancient Defensive Weapons a Mystical alien technology has been found by the
Defenders of this world. The defending player must roll 1D6 at the start of each turn on a roll of 2-6 all weapons (guns and close combat) gain +1 strength on a roll of 1 this effect is lost for the duration of the battle. 12. Janesh - Seismic Activity The planet is in a state of flux as continental plates shift and collide. At the start of each game turn roll the scatter die and 2D6 for each terrain piece placed on the board moving accordingly stopping at any other terrain pieces in the way. On a roll on double 1 or double 6 the terrain is destroyed where it stands taking any units inside with it. Units inside moving terrain may decide to stay where they are at no penalty or move with it by successfully passing an initiative test. Should the test be failed each model takes a single S3 AP3 hit as they are thrown from the moving building. Any model in the path of/ or at the final destination of the terrain must take a dangerous terrain role. Skimmers are immune to all the effects of the seismic activity. 13. Kalalova - Volcano World This planet is covered with active volcanoes. A piece of terrain must be placed in the centre of the battlefield to represent one of the many active volcanoes that scatter the planets surface. At the start of each game turn roll the scatter dice and 3d6 (always scattering) place the large blast marker accordingly. All units under the marker take a single S5 AP2 hit with no cover save.

14. Komoda - HQ 15. Lapko - I can hear voices... There is a strong warp field surrounding this planet all psychic
tests must be rolled on an additional D6 16. Makarij - Is that a Land Raider in your Pocket? A Rogue Land Raider has been released upon this world controlled by an unknown force and equipped with 3 twin linked lascannons. Each turn the land raider will scatter 2D6 (stopping at any terrain or models) and unleash all guns on its closest target in line of sight until destroyed. 17. Mara - The Sarge is Acting Strangely... - The Tyranids have been to this world before infesting the inhabitants and planting their seed, each unit on the field rolls 1d6 prior to battle on a 1 each model takes a single S3 AP3 hit for each wound taken 1D6 ripper swarms are spawned (use whatever models you have available) these are subject to the rage Universal Special Rule and have the following profile: WS4 S3 T3 W3 I4 A4 Ld5 Sv6+.

Any wound caused by a ripper swarm will cause a further 1D6 to be rolled and further ripper swarms to be spawned. 18. Melete - Oi Calgar over here son! Armies defending or attacking from this world receive 100 points free towards their HQ choice after they spend their first 100 HQ points. Usual HQ restrictions do not apply on this world.

19. Namiki - HQ 20. Obelix - HQ 21. Oongaq - Tread softly for you tread on my massive explosive device. The Defending
force on this planet is granted 2 free cluster mines as detailed in the Space Marines Codex (further details to be provided by God if needed) 22. Praxis - Spiders!!! Oh wait different web The planet is covered with webway portals any unit may choose to attempt to enter the webway and exit at any chosen point on the game top upon passing a leadership test, however should the unit fail this test they are lost in the webway forever and must be removed from the table as a casualty. A unit passing through the webway may shoot but not assault after exiting the webway. 23. Yozan - Blind Rampage Each side may only select 1 HQ unit, should that HQ unit die
during each subsequent movement phase 1D6 must be rolled for each unit on a roll of 1 that unit is overtaken by the fury of the death of their leader and succumbs to the rage universal special rule for the rest of the game.

24. Xilan - Ice World Furious ice storms blaze across the planet, at the start of each players movement phase each unit must test their strength (rolling under the units strength value on 1D6 1 always passes, 6 always fails). Any unit failing this test is stuck in an ice storm and may not perform any actions (excluding Close combat if the unit is already locked in combat or if the unit is assaulted)

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