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Student Pathways and Transition

Welcome to all families to our information session with a special warm welcome to our new families to Princes Hill Primary School. May the years ahead be happy and successful for us all as a community of learners. The Transition of children across the school in all neighbourhoods has been very smooth. The new Preps and their families have settled well into school life. New children have joined our community across the whole school. All the children have successfully commenced to work in their new neighbourhoods with new teams of teachers. Across the school from Prep to year 6 we work in a consistent manner. As the children progress through school, they dont need to spend time adjusting to differences in learning environments, language or approaches. For the children this means a seamless transition and consistent approaches to teaching and learning. Children operate beyond friendship groups working in many different groups for learning. These varied learning opportunities include, learning agreements, negotiated inquiries, workshops and target teaching at the point of need for each child. We aim to differentiate the curriculum for each child. Working with a team of teachers allows for many discussions about each child in different learning situations. Each childs ongoing progress in all learning areas is tracked against the Victorian Essential Learning Standards and documented as part of inquiries. We welcome parent participation in learning and in all areas of school life. Family involvement plays a key role in helping students succeed in school and in building positive relationships for all in the school community. Collaborations also provide students valuable opportunities to work with parents as experts as part of learning experiences. We are committed to building strong partnerships among home, school, and community and to partner with families and the community to

support student learning in all areas of the curriculum in a variety of ways. At Princes Hill Primary School we encourage regular and open communication between teachers, children and parents regarding learning, sharing of information, requests, questions, clarification or any other matter which would assist childrens learning and wellbeing. Communication also facilitates reporting to parents on their child's learning using varied channels of communication. Getting parents involved in personal learning, helps to build strong relationships. Regular meaningful dialogue about learning and making learning visible is valued across the school. We ask that you regularly follow the neighbourhood blogs for information about learning and associated events. Each childs Ultranet space will also feature selected pieces of work. We strongly encourage Mathletics, the use of Readers and Writers Notebooks to reflect on books read and inspirations for writing. Please share your childs portfolio with them. We look forward to a successful year ahead and are excited about the learning which will occur.

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