Contraction Surgery Lesson Plan

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Jamie Laughlin Brandman University EDUU 512: The Art & Craft of Teaching Professor Robert Schultz February

15, 2012

Contraction Surgery
Subject: Grammar Grade Level: 1st Grade

Grade Level Content Standard: Grammar 1.13 Read compound words and contractions.
Objective(s): Students will use the word cards to create contractions and display them on the word wall with Dr. Apostrophe. Materials Needed: Surgical gloves, procedure face masks, tape, Band-Aids (preferably colorful ones), Dr. Apostrophe, word cards (preprinted and un-contracted), book, teddy bear. 1. Anticipatory Set: Sometimes we have to go the doctor and he has to fix things for us. Display pictures of kids with broken arms, etc. or teddy bear with bandages. Sometimes we also take two words and make them one such as; she will becomes shell. Cannot also becomes cant. These are called contractions. 2. Instruction: Show examples to the class on the board. Pull out a story and show contractions as well as words that can become contractions. Verbally read a sentence on a pre printed poster and ask them if they hear the contractions to clap. Repeat this with several sentences. 3. Guided Practice: Apostrophes help piece together words you take out some of the letters. Such as the contractions we have been going over. Show the students an apostrophe. Dr. Apostrophe is a surgeon and today he is going to help us be surgeons with words to create contractions. Pass out surgical gloves, scissors, Band Aids, and tape. Then I model a word surgery for the class. Now Dr. Apostrophe pieces the words together. The scissors represent scalpels, the tape represents sutures, and the Band Aids act as the apostrophe. Now ask the students to walk me through a word surgery. 4. Closure/Evaluation: After students have walked me through a word surgery. I ask them to get out their white boards. Give them another example that they have to contract like he will. Once they have all written it down ask them to show you their white boards to check for understanding. 5. Independent Practice: Now I am going to put you in groups of two. Pass out two sets of words of words to each group. Tell them it is there turn to do surgery on their own and show Dr. Apostrophe how much they have learned. Let them conduct surgery and bring up the finished product to hang on the board with Dr. Apostrophe. 6. Adaptations: Special Education/English learners- Should be paired up with non English Learner or non special education learner. Give those students easier words that dont necessarily require as much cutting and processing.
Inspired from an idea on a Pinterest post that lead me to this website:

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