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Philip J. Berg, Esquire Pennsylvania I.D. 9867 LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP J. BERG 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Telephone: (610) 825-3134 E-mail:

Attorney for Plaintiffs

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN DIVISION LISA LIBERI, et al : : : Plaintiffs, : : : : : : : : : : Defendants. : : : : CIVIL ACTION NUMBER: 8:11-cv-00485-AG (AJW) DECLARATION OF LISA LIBERI Date of Hearing: April 23, 2012 Time of Hearing: 10:00 a.m. Location: Courtroom 10D

vs. ORLY TAITZ, et al,

Declaration of Lisa Liberi I, Lisa Liberi am over the age of 18 and am a party to the within action. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein, and if called to do, I could and would competently testify. I am making this Declaration under the penalty of perjury of the Laws of the United States pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746. 1. In or about November 2008, Orly Taitz began calling Mr. Bergs

office. Mr. Berg asked that I return her call, which I did. Orly Taitz was seeking assistance with the filing of a U.S. Supreme Court Writ of Cert for a case that was
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never properly filed in a Trial Court. I declined any assistance to Orly Taitz and her legal endeavors. Orly Taitz wanted Mr. Berg to sponsor her in the U.S. Supreme Court, and stated attorneys lie regarding the length of time they had known each other all the time. Mr. Berg declined Orly Taitzs requests. 2. I never met or talked with Neil Sankey, Todd Sankey, Sankey

Investigations, Inc. or the Sankey Firm, Inc., nor had I ever heard of them prior to the events leading up to the within lawsuit. The Sankey Firm and Todd Sankey allowed Neil Sankey to harm me and my family and cause these serious damages by allowing Neil Sankey to utilize Todd Sankey and the Sankey Firm, Inc.s log-in credentials to Accurint, LexisNexis, Choicepoint and their other data broker accounts and portray himself as a Private Investigator with the Sankey Firm. My husband and I cannot fix the damages caused by the Sankey Firm owned and operated by Todd Sankey. 3. Shortly after Mr. Berg and I declined assistance to Orly Taitz, Orly

Taitz used the power of the Internet stating she was going to take Mr. Berg down and to do so she was going to destroy and get rid of me. Orly Taitz has admitted this in Court filings; see DNs 190-3, p. 20 through 190-25, pp. 896-985 and DN 190-27, p. 1043.

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Orly Taitz through Neil Sankey and the Sankey Firm, Inc. began

putting out a supposed criminal record which they stated was my rap sheet. I ignored this as I thought it was nothing more than a bullys school yard tactic. 5. On or about April 17, 2009 I received a call from Evelyn Adams on

my cell phone. Mrs. Adams informed me that Orly Taitz had put out a document called dossier #6, that contained my full my name, Social Security number, date of birth and my husbands private information. I explained to Mrs. Adams that I had just left a medical appointment and asked her to send me a copy via email. I told Mrs. Adams I would call her when I returned home. 6. Once I returned home, I had several emails with the dossier #6

attached from several people I knew. Orly Taitz had sent this dossier with my private data via mass email repeatedly; posted it on her website and all over the Internet; through mass emailing; postal mailing; presentments during American grand juries; hand delivered; Taitz during her radio and print interviews was instructing third parties to download dossier #6 from her website and further distribute; filed it in other unrelated cases; Taitz also posted it on and where it is still published; sent it through RSS feeds, posted it on Social network sites (Facebook); tweeted it, and even sent it internationally. I read Orly Taitzs dossier #6 and it contained several false statements, allegations and emails from Neil Sankey at the Sankey Firm, Inc. This was the first time I had

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heard of any of the Sankey Defendants, see DN 190-3, pp. 220-233; DN 190-4, pp. 234-246; DN 190-10, pp. 473-488; and DN 190-24, pp. 938-942. This document also appears in the docket numerous times in previous filings. 7. The first email I saw was from Mr. Sankey for the Sankey Firm, Inc.

to Lisa Ostella and Orly Taitz dated March 16, 2008. This email from Mr. Sankey contained a supposed article about me that had been altered to include She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90's. This was untrue. See Docket Number [DN or DNs] 57, pp. 6-8; DN 146-5, p. 17, 38; DN 144-1, p. 11,15; DN 190-1, p. 1; DN 190-3, pp. 210, 211, 213; DN 190-24, pp. 921-937; and DN 231, pp. 22-25, 86-90, 63, 69, 216, 218-225. 8. The next email was to a reporter at World Net Daily, Bob Unruh,

dated April 10, 2008. In this email it contained a partial of my old Social Security number and my full current Social Security number, my date of birth and my name with my middle name misspelled. This email also contained my husbands name, date of birth and Social Security number. In fact, Mr. Sankey with the Sankey Firm listed a second Social Security number Mr. Sankey stated my husband was using and that my husband was on parole, both of which were untrue. The email also contained other names, Social Security numbers and dates of birth of people my husband and I knew. This email with Orly Taitzs dossier #6 has been filed with the court several times; see DN190-3, pp. 213 and 227.

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Mr. Sankey with the Sankey Firm sent Orly Taitz two (2) emails on

April 13, 2008, the first with the subject Bergs PayPal stating It comes as no surprise to learn that the link to a Visa donation to Berg, (as opposed to Paypal) has been removed, see DN 190-3, pp. 227-228. This explained the false

assertions and stories by Orly Taitz that my husband had two (2) credit card accounts set up on Mr. Bergs website and that my husband and I were stealing from Mr. Berg. Of course, this was untrue. This false story later changed to my husband had a PayPal account set up on Mr. Bergs website, which was also untrue. 10. We have since learned that the visa lin that they refer to accusing me

of having other accounts was, was in fact a virtual terminal set up by Geoff Staples for Linkpoint. The virtual terminal was hosted by Geoff Staples with Hostricity web hosting, see DN 146-4, p. 3, paragraph 8. 11. The second email on this date was a forward of what Mr. Sankey had

sent to the reporter, Bob Unruh on April 10, 2008 with my private data, and private data of my husbands with a note to Orly Taitz stating Here is the Liberi stuff you requested. This is also what I sent to Bob Unruh, see DN 190-3, p. 226. 12. At this point, with Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey from the Sankey Firm

obtaining and publicizing my private data and that of my husbands I had to take

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action to protect me and my husband. We decided to file suit in May 2009, which we did, see Taitzs dossier #6 appearing on the docket as DN 190-3, pp. 220-233. 13. On April 17, 2009 Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey as a private

investigator from the Sankey Firm, began calling the Santa Fe County Probation Office filing false reports against me, stating I had hacked Taitzs website and PayPal and stolen monies from her; and that my husband and I were stealing from Mr. Berg; . I never had any associations with Orly Taitz, never provided any type of assistance to Orly Taitz and had never been to her website prior to April 17, 2009 when she put out my private data. Further, I did not operate or run Mr. Bergs website, nor did I have any type of website experience or knowledge. Orly Taitz also told the probation office that Lisa Ostella and I were the same person. The probation office told Orly Taitz if she believed she was the victim of a crime that she needed to report it to law enforcement. Orly Taitz, using Neil Sankey and the Sankey Firms credentials began summonsing all her supporters to call the probation office; law enforcement agencies and make false reports against me. See DNs 190-4, p. 264. 14. Late afternoon on April 17, 2009, Orly Taitz filed a criminal report

against me and Lisa Ostella based on false allegations, with the Orange County Sheriffs Department, see DN 190-4, pp. 260-263. We obtained a copy of this report by subpoena from the Orange County Sheriffs Department. In this report,

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Orly Taitz stated she had Neil Sankey conduct background reports and Mr. Sankey discovered that Lisa Ostella and I were the same person and had stolen approximately $10,000.00 dollars from her. This was untrue, but this is how Orly Taitz justified running background and credit reports on me. 15. On May 28, 2009, Mr. Sankey as a private investigator with the

Sankey Firm went on Plains Radio with hosts Edgar and Caren Hale, Defendants in the Texas portion of this case. Mr. Sankey stated I had been charged with 200 felony counts; was in violation of my probation, was committing fraud; that I was not a paralegal; that I was selling and reselling the same house; that I had been convicted of identity theft; that I had been convicted of manipulating credit and law enforcement reports; and other false statements. Mr. Hale also confirmed on this radio show that Mr. Sankey had given my private data to Mr. Hale and his wife. Mr. Hale, based on the information he had been provided by his guest, Neil Sankey with the Sankey Firm, was discussing a loan I had taken out. The only way Mr. Sankey and his hosts would have known about the loan I had just procured was by accessing my credit reports, which Mr. Sankey did not have any legal basis to obtain. Additionally, Edgar Hale and Neil Sankey were posting my signature they removed from our Court filings in this case all over the Internet. See DN 57, filed June 11, 2009 at pages 10-11. A copy of this radio transcript is on file with this Court; see DN 190-24, pp. 921-937.

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Also during the May 28, 2009 interview of Neil Sankey as a Private

Investigator for the Sankey Firm, Mr. Sankey stated that Lisa Ostella was the one who ordered the backgrounds on Mr. Berg and I. Shortly thereafter, forged and altered emails appeared on Orly Taitzs website bearing Plaintiff Ostellas email address to substantiate Mr. Sankeys false statements. 17. The consumer reports Mr. Sankey using the Sankey Firms log in

credentials received included reports from Accurint and LexisNexis. These reports run by the Sankey Firm, Inc. were on my husband and I both. The reports contain our names, addresses (every address we ever resided at), my maiden name, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, cell phone numbers, cell phone carriers, properties we used to own, our income, property valuations, parents names, addresses, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and the names, addresses, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, of each and every relative, including brother-in-laws, and friends. The reports also contain tax liens, bankruptcies, judgments, and other data. These reports even contained information about my deceased sister. 18. We did not have any idea how Mr. Sankey had obtained mine and my

husbands private data; and my credit report. At no time had I given any of these people authorization to obtain any of my private data, that of my husbands or my

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credit reports. I always believed and expected that my credit reports and private data would remain confidential as required by our laws. 19. In June 2009, Orly Taitz posted on her website and told individuals

that I had murdered my sister, she was calling for forensic people, coroners and summonsing her supporters to contact the Santa Fe Police Department and file reports against me. Taitz obtained the information that I had a deceased sister from the reports provided to her by the Sankey Firm, see DN 112; and DN 190-10, pp. 452-457. 20. In or about March 2011, Orly Taitz posted on her website a filing she

had made in the U.S.D.C., District of Columbia. In said document, she stated Mr. Sankey had lost his subscriptions to LexisNexis, ChoicePoint and Accurint. 21. We then began researching articles written by Neil Sankey where he

stated he used LexisNexis, Accurint, ChoicePoint and Intelius to obtain his reports. 22. Neil Sankey as a private investigator with the Sankey Firm assisted

Orly Taitz in carrying her threats out against us. Neil Sankey called the Santa Fe Probation office, proclaiming to work for Orly Taitz, and stated that they were victims in the case for which I was on probation. Neil Sankey then asked for the physical address of the probation office.

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Thereafter, Neil Sankey and Orly Taitz sent a stack of paperwork that

included forged and altered emails, where they fraudulently input my AOL email address, in attempts to have me violated. 24. Neil Sankeys false accusations about me were reported by him to the

Santa Fe Probation Office through the course of 2-1/2 years, repeatedly. Neil Sankey also filed criminal reports against me based on his false allegations with the Santa Fe Police Department. 25. Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey as a private investigator for the Sankey

Firm were summonsing their followers and supporters to file complaints against me with the San Bernardino County Probation; San Bernardino County District Attorneys Office; San Bernardino County Grand Jury; Santa Fe Probation Department; Santa Fe Police Department; the Attorney Generals of New Mexico and California, see DN 190-22, pp. 864-867; DN 190-21, pp. 842-845; DN 190-19, pp. 744-748; DN 190-18, pp. 682-693, 700-716; DN 190-16, pp. 629-631; DN 190-10, pp. 452-457; DN 190-7, pp. 395-398; and many others. 26. Neil Sankey as a private investigator for the Sankey Firm, Orly Taitz

and Linda Sue Belcher on their behalf filed false complaints against me with the Social Security Administration and the New Mexico Taxation. 27. As a result of the above, I had probation appear at my home twice; I

had to meet with the Social Security Administration; and had to talk with the NM

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Taxation; and to Captain Wiggins with the Santa Fe Police Department. In fact, Captain Wiggins was contacted by the Secret Service regarding Taitz harassment and false allegations against me. I was again cleared of all false allegations. Rose BobChak, Region Manager of the Santa Fe Probation Department appeared at my home and stated that Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey were harassing their department and filing complaints against her and the probation officers because they would not arrest me. Ms. BobChak stated they did not have grounds to arrest me, that the allegations made by Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey did not have any merit. 28. I also had strange men appearing at my home, looking in my

windows, my phones were scrambled, my telephone was ringing off the hook, I was receiving death threats, my family and I were threatened that if we did not drop the suit against Orly Taitz we would all be meeting our maker very soon. 29. All the time, Neil Sankey by and through the Sankey Firm utilized his

credentials as a private investigator to lend his false allegations credence. 30. In or about July 2010, Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey began publishing a

family picture of mine that my family didnt even have. The family photo was taken at our church in Santa Fe in the summer of 2006, as a way for the church to raise monies. I did not like the pictures, so I never provided them to anyone. 31. After my sister had passed away, I was trying to put a family album

together for my parents. I used the family portrait to scan onto my computer to

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learn how to use our scanner, thus my family portrait was located on the desktop of my computer. 32. Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey claimed they received my family portrait,

which was of me, my husband and my son, from John Mark Allen. Mr. Allen was never given this picture, and I find it hard to believe Mr. Allen would want a picture that my husband was in. 33. In or about 2000, my childs biological father, John Mark Allen, was

convicted of crimes against my son and me. Restraining orders were put in place, I was provided a new Social Security number by the Social Security Administration, so Mr. Allen could not track us. My son, husband and I were also in the Safe at Home program through the California Secretary of State. 34. In 2002, I was granted permission from the family court in our

paternity suit to relocate my minor son to the state of New Mexico. The protective orders were continued through my son graduating high school. We moved to Santa Fe and used a governmental agency in Albuquerque, NM so Mr. Allen could visit his son, again all of which was protected. 35. Neil Sankey through the Sankey Firm has admitted that he sought out

Mr. Allen, and provided our information to him, further endangering me and my family. Neil Sankey has filed this with the Court in affidavit form, see DN 57, p.

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9; DN 136-1, pp. 26-30; DN 143-1, p. 3,5; DN 231, pp. 43-44, 111; and DN 3914, p. 3, 6. 36. During this time, Neil Sankey was also emailing Deputy District

Attorney James Secord about me, sending pictures and false statements in attempts to have me jailed on violations of probation. 37. On March 8, 2011, approximately two weeks before I was finished

with probation, when Neil Sankey, as a private investigator for the Sankey Firm and Orly Taitzs false law enforcement and false probation reports failed, they filed a Petition for Emergency Revocation of Probation against me in the San Bernardino County Superior Court, Rancho Cucamonga Division in case number FWV-028000, see EXHIBIT A. 38. I learned of Neil Sankey, through the Sankey Firm and Orly Taitzs

filing from a phone call I received about 6:00 p.m. on or about March 10, 2011 stating I had to be in California the next morning for a hearing. Ms. Moore stated that Orly Taitz had filed an Emergency Petition to revoke my probation. I asked Ms. Moore if she had a copy and she stated no, she was not served with anything and had just learned of it by receiving a call from the Court. I told Ms. Moore I would call her back. 39. I immediately contacted my attorney, Dean Picl, and told him about

the call. I expressed my concerns with obtaining a flight so late. Mr. Picl stated I

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would not need to be there, and stated he would call me back. Mr. Picl called Ms. Moore and the Court. Luckily, he was correct; I did not have to attend, but he did. 40. I emailed the Santa Fe Probation Office and informed them of the call

I received from Ms. Moore. I asked if they had a copy of whatever Mr. Sankey and Orly Taitz had filed with the Court, and learned they didnt have it either. I was informed however, that Orly Taitz had again sent a stack to them a few days before, accusing me of all types of crimes. I was told that no merit was found in any of Taitz and/or Sankeys allegations. 41. The Court had asked for a probation report, which they received. The

report stated that I had complied and never been a problem on probation. The report further stated that Orly Taitz and Neil Sankeys allegations had been investigated by the San Bernardino County District Attorneys Office; San Bernardino County Probation Office; San Bernardino County Counsel; and the Santa Fe Probation office and no violations were found. In other words, Orly Taitz and Neil Sankeys reports against me were meritless. The Court stated I was in compliance and closed the case. Due to the confidential nature of this document, I will be happy to provide a copy of this report to the Court under seal. 42. Orly Taitz published all the hearings on the Internet and was calling

for people to attend the hearings with her and Neil Sankey, and to complain against

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me to the Court that I was in violation of probation. See DNs 190-22, pp. 876884. 43. Three Court hearings took place on March 8, 11, and 15, 2011 that

Mr. Sankey was present for. I was again cleared of all false allegations by these Defendants. 44. After the court hearing on the 15th of March, Orly Taitz and Neil

Sankey went to the District Attorneys Office to file complaints against the probation officers in California who attended the hearings, as they did not get what they wanted, see DN 190-23, pp. 885-894. 45. In Sankey and Taitzs Petition to Revoke my probation, they accused

me of uttering and forging an affidavit of an African Interview1; suborning perjury from my mother; forging subpoenas2 in Taitzs name; Social Security Fraud; Internal Revenue Fraud; Repeated Malicious and Egregious Fraud on the Court; Attempted Extortion3; Liberi defamed multiple individuals; Liberi claimed to be an innocent paralegal working for an attorney in Pennsylvania; Liberi

The Affidavit they were accusing me of forging was an affidavit prepared and signed by Bishop Ron McCrae in Pennsylvania, who conducted a telephonic interview with an individual in Africa. The subpoenas pertained to the subpoenas prepared by Plaintiff Lisa Ostella on behalf of Orly Taitz, the same subpoenas that Orly Taitz was accusing Lisa Ostella of forging. See DN 386 filed September 21, 2011, p. 6, 12 and Exhibit 3, DN 386-2, pp. 2 through 56; and the Courts December 20, 2010 Transcript, DN 162, p. 126, lines 9-25, pp. 127-128, lines 1-25, and p. 129, lines 1-22
3 2

Orly Taitz claims I extorted money from her because I filed suit against her. 15

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claimed she was an innocent woman not convicted of a crime; Liberi committed fraud on the court; Liberi colluded with three (3) other felons, Charles Edward Lincoln, III; Lucas Smith; and Larry Sinclair4; that Liberi assisted Ostella in locking Taitz out of her website; Liberi set up an account in the name of Brent Liberi and was receiving the monies being donated to Philip J. Berg, Esquire; Liberi manually handled a website and merchant accounts for attorney Philip J. Berg; Liberi entered into a scheme with attorney Philip J. Berg and set up a merchant account under the name of her husband, Brent Liberi;Donations were diverted to the account in the name of Brent Liberi therefore the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration were defrauded; and Liberi is a vexatious litigant. All of which Neil Sankey as a Private Investigator for the Sankey Firm and Orly Taitz knew was untrue and falsified. 46. With the above filing, Taitz and Mr. Sankey included altered and

forged documents where Geoff Staples email address was removed and my AOL email address,, was fraudulently input to appear that I received and sent the emails, which I didnt. The header information to the email is below each email and shows Geoff Staples at and was the one who sent and received the

Charles Edward Lincoln, III was Taitzs Law Clerk and lover who sued Taitz in Your Honors Court; Lucas Smith and Larry Sinclair were witnesses of Taitzs in Keyes v. Obama, before Judge Carter, who notified Judge Carter that Taitz suborned perjury from them.
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emails. This has been filed with the court several times, see DN 145; DNs 146 through 146-9; and DN 178-4, pp. 205-220. 47. When Mr. Sankey and Orly Taitz did not get their way with the court

in their Malicious prosecution and Abuse of Process against me, Orly Taitz posted all over the Internet that four (4) additional charges had been filed against me, that she didnt know when the trial would be, but she would keep her supporters updated. See DN 190-23, pp. 885-894. 48. Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey as a private investigator for the Sankey

Firm, Inc. owned and operated by Todd Sankey were fully aware their statements and allegations against me were false; and filed and asserted these false statements and allegations with malice in attempts to harm me. Orly Taitz threatened to destroy me and get rid of me, which Neil Sankey as a private investigator for the Sankey Firm, Inc. was fully aware and assisted her in her tasks. 49. Due to the continued stress caused by these Defendants, paramedics

had to come to my homes several times and I ended up going in tachycardia5, spending time in the hospital, having extensive cardiac testing and having to go through enhanced External Counterpulsation [EECP] twice, all of which has been extremely expensive.

Although I have had heart attacks and been through open heart surgery, this was the first time I had ever gone into or experienced tachycardia.
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In addition, with the posting of my name, address, Social Security

number, date of birth, mothers maiden name, fathers name, my maiden name and my other confidential information as well as that of my husband, we have been receiving notices for credit cards and other credit accounts that were fraudulently opened. I just learned a mortgage was opened using my private data, others have attempted to obtain my credit reports, we have suffered full identity theft, and will continue as a result of millions of individuals, including internationally, even if I applied for a new Social Security number, all these people and businesses have all my private information needed to call the Social Security Administration and obtain my new Social Security number. 51. I had taken a signature loan out for my sons first year of college. This

was the loan discussed on the Plains Radio show with Neil Sankey. Since Neil Sankey through the Sankey Firm and Orly Taitz has continually published all my private data, and the identity theft, I was unable to secure loans for my sons second and third year of college. 52. Ive had people call into my utility companies claiming to be me,

providing my private data and scheduling my gas to be turned off.

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I declare under the penalty of perjury of the Laws of the United States and the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 22nd day of March, 2012 in the State of New Mexico.

Lisa Liberi, Declarant

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Declaration of Lisa Liberi


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Case FWV028000 Defendant 1608112 LIBERI, LISA R

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3/21/2012 9:50 PM

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Case FWV028000 Defendant 1608112 LIBERI, LISA R

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Action: Case FWV028000 Defendant 1608112 LIBERI, LISA R


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Philip J. Berg, Esquire (PA I.D. 9867) E-mail: LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP J. BERG 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Telephone: (610) 825-3134 Fax: (610) 834-7659 Attorney in pro se and for Plaintiffs UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN DIVISION LISA LIBERI, et al, vs. ORLY TAITZ, et al, : : : Plaintiffs, : : : : : : Defendants. : :


I, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, hereby certify a true and correct copy of Declaration of
Lisa Liberi in support of Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgment against Defendants Todd Sankey and The Sankey Firm, Inc.; and Certificate of Service was served through the ECF filing system this 22nd day of March 2012 upon the following:

Marc Steven Colen, Esq. Law Offices of Marc Steven Colen 5737 Kanan Road, Ste. 347 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Email: Served via the ECF Filing System Attorney for Defendants: Todd Sankey; and The Sankey Firm, Inc.

Liberi, et al Plaintiffs Cert of Svc re Liberi Declaration

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Orly Taitz 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, Suite 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Email: and Email: Served via the ECF Filing System Attorney for Defendant Defend our Freedoms Foundation, Inc. Kim Schumann, Esquire Jeffrey P. Cunningham, Esquire Peter Cook, Esquire SCHUMANN, RALLO & ROSENBERG, LLP 3100 Bristol Street, Suite 400 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Email: Served via the ECF Filing System Attorney for Defendants Orly Taitz; Orly Taitz, Inc.; and Law Offices of Orly Taitz James F McCabe Morrison & Foerster 425 Market St San Francisco, CA 94105-2482 Email: Served via the ECF Filing System Attorney for Defendants: Reed Elsevier, Inc. LexisNexis Group, Inc LexisNexis, Inc. LexisNexis Risk and Information Analytics Group, Inc. LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Inc. LexisNexis Seisint, Inc. LexisNexis Choicepoint, Inc.

/s/ Philip J. Berg Philip J. Berg, Esquire

Liberi, et al Plaintiffs Cert of Svc re Liberi Declaration

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