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ComPilation of 1-2: Elementary KemPtah Mathematics: Matriarchal Black God Supreme Math

The Pamphlet 1 of KemPtah Mathematics: Black God Supreme Mathematics

By Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

Table of Contents:
1:) Introduction: 2:) I am Because We are One Mind: The Paradox and
Synergy Of Sides 3:) KemPtah Mathematics A: Mathematical Brutality B: The Genetic Dominance of KemPtah C: Basics in KemPtah Derivatives D: The Mechanics of KemPtah Derivations E: The 4 Most basic Addition and their KemPtah Core Introduction to the concept of -0 and +0 F: Counting KemPtahy versus Counting Conventionaly (Eurocentric)

4:) It is only the beginning

5:) On The humanistic, Technological, and Scientific Realist note.

1:) Introduction:
The point of this book is to show you that all parts of the culture we live in is fracture and

Black people have the responsibility to do what the Europeans hates, synergize sides into one of kind, into Triple Blackness. I say Triple Blackness because first is (0)Cipher , 2nd is (1)knowledge , 3rd is (2) wisdom and and 4th (3) understanding (under denotes the location of the root, hence we stand with the root as the root). We get our information from the cipher, reality, origin, so we want to zero in. Objective reality is primary or supreme, this reality is a multiform of entities and energies as one of kind but still exchanging, one verse. So Black Supreme Knowledge starts from cipher which makes Understanding the peek of Triple Blackness. When we count we start with zero which is a place value then we continue our count to 9 after that is the combination of the nine digits, for example ten is 1=0. In research of couple of Eurocentric psychologist in relation to mathematics, they have found that children sees things/energies as larger if it is more of it cover space or zero on. That is why I call numbers nun-bearer because a number aint sh1t without value and zero is the only number that places value on itself and others. The term Nun in acient Kemetic kulture means chaotic waters or Perfect Disorder. Water represent perfection. And chaotic is Disorder. So the child really learning place value when they choose three large grapefruit over 15 grapes as more. The white scientist was half right. This comes from the fact that the law of identity crisis at Best can only see half of entity and objects correctly, so technically they are still wrong when you look at their complete picture or take on reality. I corrected what was half wrong by pointing out that children not only they learn value of potential for creation, space, they know so called abstract space too. This means the child develops early concepts of synergy of sides in mathematics. To the child 3 grapefruits is like 30(or more) grapes to the 15 grapes even though in Eurocentric concepts of math, it is illogical. Eurocentric sees this as illogical according to their limits. They (Eurocentric mathematicians) are more blatant about their limits when they go into the subject of calculus which centralize limits or arbitrary (chance, subjective, random, illogical) distances. Listen to them Eurocentric scientist talking about arbitrary all the time as if it is the rule, hence identity crisis. Real Talk. Also children has a hard time at early ages of identifying equality (look a likes or generics) of magnitudes, numbers or patterns, hence learning A=A as the main piece is artificial to a child. Counting is hard to teach to children if the counting is taught based on sameness (1=1), and not in synergy to actual measurements of real things. They may memorized how to say or pick the correct number but lack the understanding of the underlying law behind the math and sciences, because they need the root math first which is KEMPTAH (BLACK SUPREME MATHEMATICS). This is because the white nationalist education insist directly or indirectly that the law of identity crisis is natural which is a blatant lie. There is a fine line between imitating and internalizing math and science. Just copying things is like someone giving you a fish and learning the inside laws (relations or relatives. Family centric paradigm) is like learning how to fish. The child always try to zero in on what she/he wants to learn and master. Since we are the oldest people on the planet this means naturally our core has the highest density, potentially infinite with technology (extended techniques). Extended techniques? Then I say, isnt technology a tool which is an extension of skill or technique or maybe method? The language I wrote it in may seem too personal but hey science been too impersonal and cold-facist put it in isolation or a lab. We dont need no one that is joyous about how the white man is marching with military machines made of metal, plastic ceramic , cotancant forget the metal that cut off little Afrikan babies hands and legs. The point of the pamphlets is to expose you to a

minute example of what all of us can do be Black And Supersede limitation.BLACK SUPREMACY. Primarily Reality is Triple BlackBig Ancestor George L. Jackson use to say what separate a warrior and his/her oppressor is nothing (Black). Its just the fear we need to get rid of and find out about the food ourselves. Get the source, the core and dont exclude the blacks, the middle. In capitalism, and even in the genocidal period (Trans-Atlantic Slave Trip) of Afrikans we been but two different ones together. Real Talk! KEMPTAH ASE SASA! P.S. Im here to bring people to the underworld so that we can die to everything that is Western-White Supremacy Kulture.

I am because we are one mind

The world has seen what we have done but not what we can do (King Noble) My object here is to provide a great service to my black people worldwide and indigenous people who want the end to this matrix and the white power that comes along with it. One sure prerequisite of our foundation is to have the perception of finding our patterns in reality, Black patterns. We must be complete with ourselves and reality in order to move on completely. Right now the dominant kulture rules from a position of partiality. KemPtah math is the science of patterns of liberation that exist in all sides of reality as one of a kind. Math in general (in the abstract, relative isolation from forms of thought and reality) is the science of finding patterns (connection, relationship). All sciences are immersed in synergy of sides and they exchange and unite with each other. Seeing the cooperation or collaboration of sciences as a single organism is needed in order to handle many things/energy as one thing/energy. Under the current conditions, our taste changes from knowing our own regularities in connection with reality, to learning the regularities of our enemys connection to reality. They teach us math at early age because it represents a most clear-cut reflection of their reality, it is the science of finding Eurocentric (fractured) patterns in reality. We need our own science of finding our own relationship to reality; it is nothing homogeneous (x=x,Eurocentric, identity crisis) about reality. Concrete signify the harmony of multi-formity. As long as we see their patterns then our liberation will reflect the same thing. That is why this compilation (pamphlet (and other books)) will be an inexustible contribution by my family and me to the Black Goddesses, Gods, revolutionaries, and Black& Brown conscious people worldwide. Therefore, it is my honor to function in this particular manner to uplift my people. Black Love, Black Power and Black Supremacy (Getting the oppressors foot off our backs). For those that doubt this small man (it is I bi#chs) this will shatter you and your doubts to dust that will not ever come back. I challenge anyone to challenge the math that I personally rediscovered, because it was the village

worldwide (Past, Present and Future) and throughout the universe who has raised me to this current level. What do I mean by a great service? My point is to get you to see that our patterns is not only universal in society but in reality too. Let me allow you perceive this clearly; ab (heart)original Afrikan people are the thinking portion of Black reality. In ancient Kemet Ab means heart, hence we are the heart of original, thus aboriginal. The word aboriginal is a synergy of sides word, particularly Perfect Disorder, like the destroyer of destruction; the heart of the heart works in a similar manner. Building is the source of destruction, certain phenomenon are actual hearts to other sources, in turn or in relation to that the source becomes the phenomenon. As above so below, all things must unite and exchange like north and south Kemet. We are black reality thinking about itself. The only way that what I say is impossible or myth is if synergy of sides doesnt exist. But it does doesnt it? That particular space for thought allows you to construct things/energy depending on the quality of space (+0 and ~0). Our core pattern is synergy of sides, and you will see why when I define what black Is through concrete human experience, in particular in the arena of aesthetics. Consider this math the gateway of connecting the black mind to black reality and seeing the regularities so we are familiar or family to the universe and your verse. Imagine us organizing, educating and feeding the people without any science to find our own patterns in reality on a efficient and effective basis. We could be building the revolution using Eurocentric patterns and not even know it. This in turns allows the system to identify you more quickly than someone that is not based on Eurocentric kulture. Have you ever thought that the organization we are creating is immolated from the oppressor in the field of math and science? Fractured modes of existence needs a fast way to identify themselves, so they always searching for reforms, and do cosmetic surgery to their A-Z to make it seem economical like A-Z. Now presently their scientific sociological process look like a old man with a tight face. But its still in content, in essence it is an old man. Make him do young activities and see how slow and telegraphic that old man really is. The same with this system. The law of identity resist the change in content while allowing the change in form. KemPtah math is the first math we should use in order to perceive our positive relationship to reality on a regular regulated basis. Whether your are a black carpenter, black mathematician, black theologian, black revolutionary, we all have diverse scopes that need to be unified effectively and efficiently, the science of finding our pattern (KemPTah math) is what I recommend. All people are useful, you just have to find what they willing and able to do in connection to what you ask from them. Plus it doesnt matter what condition we are in, no one holds monopoly of knowledge or creativity.

Anytime something is born out of needs of the people, then the science is said to be culturally colored. Eurocentric sciences and math was born out of private owners ship and the math and science that they looted from the ancients was (is) molded around oppression and exploitation. That is why their math can deal with humans like animate objects. Conventional addition (which is one of the four additions) is great in counting everything as if everything is mechanical or in modules (absolute individuals). The source of many things in private ownership is secondary and its exchangeability is primary. In the beginning, science has relations to kulture, for it came out of a need for kulture. Since Greco Roman to now, the white race only finance that part of science, math, technology and engineering that will make private ownership effective and efficient. Since the parts came from us then we indeed have similarities with them. That is only superficial like measuring a building but that does not mean you can build a building. Private ownership is a phenomenon of white kulture and its logical form is the law of identity crisis, which is an anti-communal Aristotelian essence of Eurocentric logic. Dont get me wrong we have private ownership, it played a secondary role while collective ownership played central role. In private ownership of the White nation, private ownership played a central role, while communal ownership is decentralized or secondary. The Eurocentric history gives tons of example or manifestations of the law of identity crisis. Weapons of mass destruction, large military, preservatives in food, the artificialization of nature, break up of the aboriginal family, religion. Religion separates person from reason hence reason = reason and person= person and not reason = personequal sign is a balance sign because two of the same thing is technically in the same place at the same time. Most Eurocentric scientist and mathematicians assume that a thing can be self-same without appraisal from reality. In proper balancing, we use opposites to balance each other. A Primitive example is the weight scale in which standard weights are put or synergize with what is to be weighted. Weights are used because it is impossible to weigh a thing with itself (or to have actual self-similarity with itself) Hence in reality even the law of identity (A=A) is really one manifestation of synergy of sides (A= A). Eurocentrics cannot escape Real Black Laws of reality, which is, repeatedly, synergy of sides. What are Formulas? Formulas represent the unseen with form, visibility of the

invisible. The formula is map so we can locate positions relative to each other. Map are required for invisible phenomenon, like the lay of the land is invisible to someones direct perception. In other words a person cant see a country through mere perception we need a map, whether mental or material. Another example is that we cant see all 1 things adding together to make 2 so we need a map 1+1 = 2. All kinds of one things adding together is like the lay of the land and 1 + 1 = 2 is the map for this particular mathematical terrain.

Things cannot be weighted by self , only if we use opposites within that thing along with the content in between(Blackness Complete unity and exchange of opposites).

The Western (crackkka, matrix, Caucasoid) mathematics is dead (necros) mathematics. In its totality and entirety, it is pointless and composed of infinite limitation, which was mistaken as unlimitations (but it is really an imitation). However, if you are a capitalist or a confused liberator that thinks Eurocentric sciences and math is universal or human science then it will benefit you to continue their math in the short run. Warning, at the end of the day NTR is reality and not someones estimates (axioms, theories). We call this imitation (Utopia), capitalism-colonialism-white supremacy education, which is a Eurocentric invented culture. Law of identity excludes the middle or blackness of opposites hence it is a theoretical backbone of Divide and conquer in its pure and uncut form Why do you think Eurocentric scientist call the law of identity the excluded middle? Because the law of identity in essence excludes the middle(Black, Exchange and Unity Completely). Law of identity maps (formulas, even an atlas is a formulamapand terrain are represent by synbols or representation of whats really out there the you (inside)) from you (outside), because it excludes the interior (heart, hub, ab). The identity maps lead people to routes of separation and excluding middles (starting place, foundation, basis). In x = x both can fit each others role till the point that they want the same thingtoo passive, not much natural control. If two things are identical, that means they must be in same time at the same place there fore one beingso in reality things are not just superficially or trivially synergy of sides but deeply. Most people, even some people

in Kemetic sciences, religion, spiritualist, and RBG movement and black power camps, think Eurocentric Math and Logic is logically sound and complete, and rely on these misconceptions to further our movement. This notion of soundness and completeness in western white power mathematics lead all who want liberation into equivalence of believing in Santa Clause or believing in the Greek Gods. That is one of the major foundational (fundamental) reasons that the total and complete revolution and liberation for our people has not been done at all. The root of scientific, cultural and artistic inquiry sits on the seat of mathematics (and logic). We must identify what we doing in order to master it, right? This short pamphlet is created to conquer the mathematical frauds of western white power and clear the white power polluted air for technical, artistic and scientific production of black people worldwide. We are indeed Great Gods and Goddesses but carrying the misconceptions of Caucasians mathematics (sciences, engineer, technology) stops our ancient perpetual and continuous consciousness and brings necros (death) to our people. The Four Elements of KemPtah mathematics will complete our ancient mathematical foundations (fundamentals) or more precisely re-awaken our mathematical God consciousness (Mathematical Communal Consciousness) forever. This mathematics, unlike Eurocentric vulgar mechanistic mathematics, ours has more thoroughness and flexibility, hence creativity and it is unlimited. What do I mean by unlimited? Modern math is unlimited or universal when compared in isolation but compared to KemPtah it only produce one type of quality with infinite variations. KemPtah includes the continuum possessed by the law of identity and infinite other quality of the continuum.

While white western math puts band-aids on (either that or either brutalizes) paradoxes as their paradigm, we fully embrace paradoxes because continuous and perpetual flux of nature (NTR) is eternal. In formal logic they say California is next to Hawaii is False. But if you Zero out (-0) you will see that California and Hawaii is next to each other through the Pacific Ocean which plays

as their synergy. Oh yeah formal (Eurocentric) logic and other systems based on X=X paradigm doesnt reflect Polar zero, to them, zero is zero (0=0) nothing special. Hence saying that California is next to Hawaii is correct when completing the partiality of formal logic. Hey I think all things is possible through Black Love, Black Power and Black SupremacyCompleting the Paradox..a.k.a. Superceding All Eurocentric limitation or half assism. The law of Excluded middle (exclude the heart) is the root law in western kulture, and everyone (or most people) fall for it all the time including the so-called revolutionaries and conscious people. What is a law? Universal Connections or regularity of reality and thought. Hence the Crackers reality is limited to the universal connection of generics (pure sameness) or internal sameness (or homogeneity, self-sameness). Their (western white kulture) sciences, way of life, morality, kulture, warfare, medicines, dreams, math, technology you name it even their sciences and design from past to future are based on the law of identity (law of identity crisis, excluded middle). When sides of the same entity, separates, it begins to die off hence it becomes a carcass, necrophilia or lifeless like leaves falling. This separation causes their survival instincts to kick in but since it is separated form the NTR it deviates from the natural laws and this Transform (Translate) it into an abomination of what was.

Once mathematics is not based on separation of sides (internally one side), but on the synergy of side, necros dies and life will instantly usher forth. Death is only distorted life just as a lie is distorted, twisted truth. Our solution to this problem is KemPtah. Here I will represent the Original Genius Kulture (O.G. Kulture to the fullest (Ptah), at least intellectually and spiritually). Black people that are in black inner lightenment are KemPtah. In addition, counter to what white wicked western thinks (and their neophytes), necros, death do not bring forth life; it is not neck to neck, but a survivalist doctrine (because European kulture is on their last twig-like leg). We cannot fight fire with fire but be the opposite of our foe. For this reason our nature of fighting becomes the formless form, Black, the water that put out the fake flames. We will go further into the limitations of Eurocentric thought (hence practice) and the unlimitations of KemPtah.

KemPtah Mathematics

It has been a long time since we have used our God Mathematical Consciousness. All People have lived extremely long lives in those days. It was not about worshiping dead white men in them days (money).

Like all things math arise off of need of the people hence its a kulture. Since it arises off a need then it arises from the need to kultivate or builds something to satisfy a given need. For hunger, we use math to count the heads that we need to feed and to calibrate the balance of that, to available food. Alternatively, how much land vs. how many homes we need. We see the pattern of multiplication when we see the cycles of nature in which things/energy grows or magnifies. All people always cultivate things depend on how we feel and how we move in relationship to others; we are the people that cultivate synergy of sides. Historically black folks have been the unifying force in all culture because we are the parent people (Blood relation race). Even as slaves, our blood was used to unify Eurocentric politics (collective way of distributing wealth to white people) and for economic base or political place value. Black blood and creative force gave the value to all colonial social structures and allow the rich to maintain their power. The European-Anglo-Saxons F@ck the Black Root kulture used the science as a tool to kultivate private ownership and to realize artificial borders on this world and in the minds of most people. Eurocentric science is a tool and the tool in the process was (is) fashioned for plunder and looting. Europeans war for spoils, while the aboriginal war for the unity of a greater wholed. Even using a tool or science by another culture turns the kulture that was invested in it to a different Kultural character (the old culture is on a different basis). All tools have the synergy of destruction and construction and are the embodiment of Perfect Disorder. This is the law or recurrent connection of synergy of sides. Old saying Moma bring you in this world and she can bring you out of this world. Kem (Black) Path (100%) mathematics is a completely Black Mathematics. Black is not a color but the unity of elements (spectrums, parts) as a single organic entity. Elements are spectrums or parts. The unity of all spectrums is black (not the rainbow). So much Black matter and Black energy exist that it looks like its nowhere (empty) hence play the ultimate role in conducting the universe as so called space. If black, is a color then how come when its night times it is black and not any other equal color? Black Supreme Mathematic is equipped to find patterns of synergy of sides. Western or the so-called modern mathematics is White Supreme mathematics (visible or limited spectrum math) which is the science of reflecting patterns of separation. White or modern mathematics is taught world wide and widely excepted as the most advance (and universal) mathematics however it is actually a time wasting reckoning, which is wasting Black and Brown peoples time. In addition, people think that these Europeans stolen our science and math without kultural filtration or kultural coloringas if Europeans are reflecting our science properly. People that think Eurocentric science is our science unbroken, is mistaken, because the source filtration IS the law of identity crisis (A=A, excluded middle). Law of identity is not a universal law at all, synergy of sides is! Thats another myth that plague us because we really have no memory of our own so we rely on the baby races (Crackkka)memory and ultimately the law of no rhythm (identity crisis). I sincerely hope this will make you seize the time and be more in tune to the here and now.

A: Mathematical Brutality

None of the western intellectuals (or people of color thinking like white people Neo-Eurocentrics,) has ever solved a single absurdity that they discovered in their fractured mathematics. I asked; how can one fix fractures with fractured and shattered tools? That is their root paradox. air-rithmatic. In mathematical paradoxes white supreme mathematics either say 1=2 is both absurd and idiotic or they use their mathematical cave dwellers club and beat the problem to death (necros). For the sake of basic understanding, I will clear the dirt and dust with simple


In this case of mathematical brutality they use the two numbers to divide zero to get.

We can cross multiply to get the same mathematical brutality. This shows you how ingrained the law of excluded middle (A=A) is in the Eurocentric Kulture. The European mathematician does not care if contradiction is destroyed as long as two

numbers are equal in magnitude and polarity. For this reason they solve it by math brutality by multiply each side with 0. All other numbers will just aggravate the contradiction.
Hence to Eurocentric math, creating the identity crisis (law of identity) within (or at least aggravate it) originality or blackness is better than no identity crisis (slavery) at all. In other words, confusing the mother kulture is better than not confusing any kulture. Also to confuse all kulture including itself, it must confuse the root kulture (Afrikan kulture). Above solution is example of mathematical brutality by white supremacy mathematics. What is so funny is that we can do the same mathematical brutality by simply erasing the problem and leave it blank then called it a solution. This is like the solution to the Black problem is Fema camps, jails, and mass nutracide, routine rote training which train you to instinctively go against your own innate kulture, I.e. Job Training instead of really trying to solve the problems of the black community. KemPtah has a different and infinity useful (useful is beautiful) take on paradoxes of math. We see that the difference of opposites is what brings out the inner light of the paradoxes. Just like the difference of poles of magnets is what makes them a single whole (and causes non-stop current, East and West). Consequently contradictions, once completed, reveals itself as nothing more than synergy of sides. Also noted is that it is not two separate equations separated by an equal sign but the equal sign is what makes seemly two different equations become one single equation. The numbers on the top and bottom of the equal sign is what makes the equal sign an operator and have numeric value. Also note that the equal sign is further identified clearer in KemPtah formula than in the Eurocentric Law of identity. Previously, before the realization of KemPtah Formula (in modern times), the equal sign was viewed and used as a passive connector and separator of the equations. In KemPtah the equal sign is active connector and unity of the equations, hence in KemPtah there is really one equation instead of two separates. The true identity without the crisis is the synergy of sides equation (KemPtah). Hence:*

You can, yourself, test the KemPtah formula to see its not a method to attempt to Balance; it IS BALANCED (MAAT!).

The Tembuktu manuscript in the picture depicts synergy of sides. Hence mathematics (KemPtah) is the most universal language.

The solution to 1=2 could not be 1+ (+1) = 2+ (-1) because it just brings the paradox right back at the starting point of the problem again which is 2 = 1 and its un-usefulness flourishes. The failure to balance using conventional means, denotes that the number on the top and bottom of the equal sign is extreme opposite of the conventional method and they are not the same method in different form but method with opposite content also. By peeping that the equal sign not only has the numbers on the sides but also numbers on the top and bottom makes the equation have the same structure as the four elements in the square know to be first founded by ancient Kemet (and other indigenous kultures) as a tree chart (sometime depicted as a circular tree Life chart, linear tree of life chart). For the equation to be equal, the numbers on the top and bottom must have the potential to add to get zero or else the paradox problems perpetuates from being incomplete (un-wholistic or not divine). Do you know what incomplete mean? It means a fraction, pieces, broken, hence the law of identitys place is to see the patterns of brokenness like fractals. They come up off of sucking at the weaknesses that exist in reality. So living in white supremacy society is a learning experience for sure. That is the objective function until weakness disappears. White nationalist education down to the math is based on finding weakness of one, to benefit the other, hence parasitic in nature and logic (regularity). On the other hand Afrocentric logic zeros in on the weakness (problem) to resolve it. Solving the paradox only means to complete the incomplete and that incomplete, in its isolated or fractured form, IS the Eurocentric sciences, kulture and math. Incompleteness (half ass-ness) is white nationalists most basic law. This gateway (law of excluded middle), which allow reality to become twisted with decay, is the main reflection of repetition of sameness. That is why we must identify its place and how it relate to our thinking processes. KemPtah (100% Black) been here and is still here. Been here before the law of identity crisis cage ever was conceived

The numbers on the sides (Earth and Wind, Left and Right, Theory and Practice, ect.) do not have to be equal in quantity (In Djed Calibrations it do) and opposite polarity (-/+). However, the numbers on the top (Fire) and bottom (Water) do. When we know this is universal then go back to the law of identity crisis we also became aware of additional features invisible to the Eurocentric paradigm (i.e. polarity, signs). The quality that was over seen , is the quality that all Eurocentric formulas share, namely that all their equal signs are composed of zero( non-polar zero or the surface of polar zero). Also the zero isnt polar (-0 compacting, +0 expanding) either or else 1=1 be the same as 1=.10. The synergy of 1=.10 is -0 and +0 and the synergy of 1=1 is 0(non-polar zero). So the unfolding of any law of identity formula leads to fake source. The reason I say the law of identity derivative is false is because when you test it by KemPtah Deriving it, it has no polarity hence the connection of the law of identity and the heart of math is non-existing (very shallow). Later in this compilation I will show you that polar-KemPtah formula ( Maps) are the dominate maps in mathematics. The equal signs are parallel (=) and are ment to change into its opposite which is series(--). Finding the difference between two points in a series is to find the parallel , and then repeat the process of going from series to parallel is the basic way of KemPtahly Deriving numbers. We will see it in more details in the later sections.

Below show one of the general formula (Map) for finding source codes in reality. In above case we see the relationship of polar zero to the 0.9 and they are more alike then the law of identity map. This shows that zeros has definite quantity and isnt just an empty set but includes that quality along with being a specific quantity. Nine is the last number so it represent condensing by subtracting and represent or express expanding by adding. 9 is the expression of zero and (+zero interacting and uniting with -zero) not vice versa because zero is the original cipher or reality. Infintiy is formed by polar zero in which negative zero is the source of the infinitesimal (infinity small). What is wrong in including the root, the source? What is the problem of giving respect in order to know perspective? Capitalism, put the human tree on its head and socialism put the tree in a laying down position where everything is on the same level. Both trees are dead or dieing. Scientific Black Communalism put the tree on its roots or basis. Foundation makers are the heart of the foundations.


B: The Genetic Dominance of KemPtah

Genetic Dominance is ascendancy of a entity-energy based on the root. Genetic dominance is not a survival of the fittest White Boy doctorial. Genetic Dominance is the unity

of survival and preservation all at once. Without preservation , survival in isolation will, will cause brutality as seen in the Western kultures. Something that is said to be genetically dominant denotes being the source of a giving system,. Genetic dominance means life giver, not based on extinction of life, in which westerners believe. All sources translate and transform its particularities into particularities of another source and vice versa. Hence the name of the community of gatekeepers. The hydrogen(or neutron) for instance is the universal translator, the hydrogen atom gives birth to helium when the neutron inside the hydrogen spits up into an additional Nu hydrogen. The same in math with the zero as the gateway element between mathematical elements and non-mathematical elements, synergy of sides. When zero splits it becomes one just like the split of the circle become the line. All other geometric and numbers form from various splits and connections that happen after the initial split of zero (circle). So in other words number come from the Zero Big Bang. The so-called most basic law is really a special or limited case of law of synergy of sides. Since white supremacist math is based on this one special case, then that lead us to know that their sciences, technology and art reflect the same single special case (assumptions) . The elements of truth in their false kulture comes from the spiritual labor and creativity of our ancestors and aboriginal people. When they enslave us , they didnt just force us into physical labor(Creativity, production) but also mental laborers too. Slaves invented, improved the existence of colonialism for small or no rewards at all. Even the ones that got rich off their invention still lived in political poverty hence had little to no power in distributing wealth back to black. The colonial scientist (and neo colonial scientist) use their concrete data and information to cover the facts of their limitations. This limited root found in their art, science, technology, math and design show itself again as a paradox in their social reflections; the scientific method to purify things or cut it off from its natural flow, this method is the fatty cells surrounding the put it in a lab technique. We scientist need our own institution to enhance our discovery and creativity.

Figure 5

Notice above the law of identity is just a grain of sand in the beach of KemPtah. Hence

the Eurocentric tells the lie that the law of identity crisis(x=x) is the most universal law. The formulas like the one Einstein, Hertz, and GAGUT quantum physics formulations are all forms of the law of identity crisis. The law of identity crisis is the core of all Afrocentric reason removal processes. The practical part is another half of the story of the law of identity crisis. The Eurocentric math is redundant hence, the productive labor that is conditioned out of that will (and IT IS) be redundant too. Look how buildings are constructed, no real creativity, all doors the same size, the rooms are square like a cage. The windows are all the same size, interchangeable parts plays a part in their illusion of advancement. Your perception sets the limits to practice, because observation and participation requires sense information (or

conceptual). In above pic., I am not saying that atoms are identity crisis but they do have some similarities. The Red Black and Green pie chart shows you the estimate of how the law of identity is related to the law of KemPtah. These Eurocentric scientist had to admit their limitation indirectly by claiming they discovered dark matter and energy (both comprise the Neith(~0)-Nun(+0) interaction and unity). The pie also hides a lot of information, such as the information on how dark matter/energy is related to the 4%s internal unity and interaction. I have already shown you how synergy of sides is related to the law of identity by ancient but Nu logic and proof from our ancestors and people of the 4% in the known reality and the law of identity crisis are both regulated by Black Matter/energy (KemPtah reality). Again since black is the complete unity and exchange of spectrum then it becomes the ultimate conductor of the seen or thingly reality. Just as quantum physicians found out that matter is a crystalization of flux or synergy of sides, we know that all things comes from black matter/energy on all levels and aspects of reality. Put your hands together, what is inside or in-between your closed hands that made it possible to put your hands together in the first place? Blackness. The complete unity of your hand by putting them both together is the show of blackness. The complete unity/exchange appears empty but gives things/energy its function and structure also. Without space or the complete unity/exchange of matter/energy nothing cant exist.

Above pic is the various examples of law of identity forms dominating modern science and masquerades as if it is a universal science. We know the law of identity formula is part of KemPtah formula, like a grain of sand is to the continental coastline of KemPtah mathematics.

Why do you think the polar form is the largest or dominant form of KemPtah? KemPtah Derivatives prove it; all non-polar when derived, turns into polar form and every

polar form turns into another polar forms, but none of them by unfolding the essence turns to non-polar. Therefore, the answer to the question of whose dominant (Polar KemPtah Form or Non-Polar Form) is Polar form is dominant. The two forms are dominant when compare to the law of identity crisis. Technically the law of identity when derived turns into a non-polar form with the zero as the sides and synergy. The law of identity is just the tip of the pyramid, the basis of non-polar is polar hence the law of identity is an expression of non-polar KemPtah then the law of identity has to humble itself to polar indirectly through non-polar form. 4=4 can be polar by placing different signs (-,+) to get -4=+4 which is now a polar KemPtah Equations. The 0 that use to regulate the identity crisis of 4=4 changes to -8 and +8. So only through paradox (problems), one can supersede limitations (find solutions).

Hence, the conceptual information conditioned practical activity and vise versa. See, people confuse science with the formulation of science because they separate the two; this mean the real identity of science and math is lose. Even though these Eurocentric can measure reality does not mean they know the essence of reality which is KemPtah, the 4% is the expression of the other 96%. Nevertheless, hey, in this society the smaller percentage gets to control everything, so right now in scientific capitalism that 4% is very important. Fractals

and other things base on the law of identity or self-similarities is in the 4%. KemPtah includes the 4% as the skin or surface and the rest of the 96% is the internal vital organs. The picture is an analogy of the relationship of KEMPTAH with the Eurocentric. Science and math can only lack kultural koloring if it had no cultural contact, which will be a contradiction in terms. Science and math was cultivated by human needs, how could it not be culturally colored. Also no other culture but Afrikan is the most experience among all other cultures so this implies that we cultivated methods of having a correct reflection before any others thought logically. If being a parent people is racist then on the individual level the mother and father of the child would be consider racist just for being the parent of child. Which is absurd. Polar forms can also have different magnitudes on different sides but what makes it polar is because one magnitude is positive and the other is negative. Non-Polar Magnitudes with the same is essentially part of the law of identity and the narrowest case of non-polar. When you derived this type of non-polar (I.e 1=1, energy= energy)it turns into fractal in progression of zeros, which is the ultimate space for non-zero fractals covered by fractal geometry. This explains self similarities of fractal because the only shape space is zero, hence all patterns after the initial must be the same also. On the other hand, polar KemPtah formula embraces same magnitude and different magnitudes of sides(and synergy) which when derived goes to polar. Law of identity is void of polarity, because it exludes the synergy hence voids out internal polarity. No internal unity and exchange of heterogeneity mean no substantial synergy in object; the object is said to be a shell of what it was. This means Eurocentric thought is only a shell of real reflection.

C: Basics in KemPtah Derivative.

What is KemPtah Derivatives? Going back to the analogy of the parallel(=) and series(--). The synergy is parallel numbers and the sides are the numbers in series. The point of KemPtah derivation is the flip flop of synergy to side hence the unfolding of the map. More like peeling back the folds(synergy) to revail a new side with new folds(synergy). The essence form of KemPtah, the heart form of synergy of sides. Every time you unfold a formula, you will reveal the polar form of KemPtah. Polar form represent absolute synergy of sides; the tightest formulation of this law. We have KemPtah Integrals too. Instead of unfolding, we weaving. Creating a thicker fabric etc. Any Derivation is a mathematical analysis, and any integral is the mathematical synthesis. How that ties into synergy of sides is that at certain moments they both are synthesis or they both are analysis and they can change into each other. KemPtah derivative is one of the most analytically consistent mathematical technologies. This tool breaks things apart without breaking it apartwe unfold it, unwrap the object/subject to directly reflect and act on the essence of the object/subject while its still living (I.e. in its natural state/flux). The formula can be looked at as a fabric and unfolding it reveals more qualities about it than more than meets the eyes. Unfolding the map can be looked at as magnification, and it is because the numbers get larger. So when we magnify (unfold) the image of the tissue we see biological cells, then we unfold that , or zero in on the cells to see organelles, then repeat the process to see molecules and atom, so on and so forth to infinity. Unfolding the law of identity formula shows that the fabric is finite and not universal at all. KemPtah derivation is a process of making the essence seen when it once was invisible in past observation. We do this by changing the synergy (essence, the unseen) into the sides (phenomenon, seen) with out destroying the mathematical structure or object/subject to do so. Eurocentric mathematically cut up and dissect formulas ,instead of unfolding it so it can be examined alive. Analogically speaking, Eurocentrics cut the fabric by the folds, then peace

them together mechanically, instead of just unfolding the mathematical fabric in the first place. Further going analogically again, we can see why the formula halt or stops because there is a break between cutting the formula by the folds and gluing them back in order. This crude creative process is what makes the law of identity in its activity termination or halt (or repeat self identity). Repeating the same shit in reality isnt a great tool when using it in a reality based on complete synergy of complete diversity. We will see later on the advantages of KEMPTAH. Also when we KemPtahly derive the law of identity crisis the dam formula died or halts hence all non-KemPtah equations end or repeat the same infinitely. Ya Dig? This separation represents a dieing processes. I think the KemPtah approach is best in any scientific investigation of object/subject. You know why? Because instead of dissecting the object we are unfolding the object so we can know its true and living core. We magnify the core to infinite differences and as we go smaller or larger we encounter more diverse and opposite things. Example is magnifying the skin to see group of cells then magnify (or unfold) to see the organelle of he cell, then zero in some more to see molecules and so forth so on to infinite diversity. Fractal or calculus derivative only shows self-sameness and mechanic change, We did it to the law of identity by finding that 0 exist constantly on the top and bottom of the equal sign, that is how the excluded lives. This is VERY important if you do not want a whole bunch of surprises in your experiment (for now this unfolding is a nu-old phenomenon). All identity crisis formulas exclude the source or cipher. One way to exclude something is to take out or put the insides on the surface which all Eurocentric formulas do. Hence they can only produce techniques that pushes the source to the surface and call that complete. Space is much deeper than just hording or having it. IT NEEDS TO FUNCTION AS IT SUPPOSE TO. If the heart is outside the organism the heart is said to be exclude from the middle. Simple (ancient) concept. That is why fractal isnt the core just like the organs on the outside is obviously not on the inside (core). Self similarities comes from synergy of sides, hence the law of identity is only a aspect or feature of synergy of sides and not a complete entity/energy by itself. Actually the only way the law of exluded middle can progress realistically is through Synergy of sides. Same qualities are different depending on the basis, so certain things do repeat but for a different reason (basis).

Notice above that the KemPtah Formula includes zeros identity in the internal of the equation. Zero is the heart of the numbers, the place value, but the Eurcoentric mathematics it is on the surface of the formula thus playing a shallow role. Also Notice that the Eurocentric formula has its organs (cipher) on the outside (Excluded).

Again when you KemPtahly derived the formulas of the laws of identity, it goes immediately to termination (all development stops, hence yes indeed all digital (electronic analog of law of identity crisis) computer will stop (i.e. caught a virus, freeze from one little program being slightly different from the others. All digital technology models A=A no matter how advance it is. Even the hybrid analog-digital is still centered on digital rather than the analog. Get the drift? Adding programs increase the probability of having different programs hence violating the law of identity crisis that the CPU (no matter if Mainframe, PC, Neuro-networks, Fuzzy logic or nanotech systems, etc) is centered on. Once it violates its own structure, it becomes dead (like a fly). The more advance the worse it gets despite the electronic and commercial cosmetics. Think of the law of identity as thin skinny legs and the

computer is a massive bulky body. Most people think body builder are effective and efficient too with their twig like legs, go figurethe law of identity crisis. Eventually the legs gonna give out and that my friend is when a computer crashes. Therefore, it is not the users fault, Westernized computer companies created the fraud. The seemly perpectualness of electricity comes from human beings putting in their labor, empowering them.

Example of Law of Identity in Essence Halts(necros,) Air-rithmatic(dies,

stop, do the Turing Halt, no more Turing Guess(Axiom, assumption, opinion), simple examples why computer destine to crash or so called caught a virus):


The above formula is also a mathematical analogy of going from colonialism to neo-colonialism. Same ole black people is still working for the Man the law of identity crisis but with a black face (0=0 instead of 1(white) =1(white)). In addition, this KemPtah deriving process on the law of identity shows you the whole picture of fractal or self-sameness. That is why Newton did not see that the things he found were only a show of something deeper. This deeper they label quantum world. The quantum physics is only an estimation of the quantum world and is not the quantum world. Physics is just a reflection. Hence, when we derive any so-called laws formulation in western physics we see they fall to fractal or assuming self-similarity. That is why Newton erroneously thought that the law or connection he found work on all levels. He did not have the means to really see the essence of his formulation, besides he was already sick with the law of identity crisis, so KemPtah derivative (the first and last derivative) is beyond his comprehension. What happens when you KemPtah derive any Western formulation? You get zero equal zero and the continue deriving it only gets 0 = 0...or

Fractal. Since their quantum physics and other sciences center their thoughts on the connection of the law of identity (A=A) then those sciences are destine to have rooted limitations. Remember the same divide and conquer or put it lab (isolation) is the same method that will turn on its masters and it did in the form of unsolvable paradoxes.

But KemPtah derivatives are infinite in variety, which proves that zero is infinity large in variation, hence the Kemetic tree of life has always been a correct universal reflection(diagram). Therefore (the Tree of life, KemPtah formula-The Black Map), it is a non-fractal Fractal, the Fractal that is truly Afrikan in nature. Kulture restricts a person on what and how the person go about getting closer to what they want to study and master. If the culture in this process of coming closer is based on law excluded middle (law of identity crisis) then thought can only go so close to the object of study/master. In the KemPtah Mathematics, numbers are not made of ones (product of zero) but are made by zeros. Is it not 0 the place value of numbers and that in it shows you that without value it is all numbers are no-thing. 1 without any place value (place in connection with the cipher or xero) means 1 is nothing and do not exist. They do not want us to think 0 or potential for grow and shrinkage because then it will concrete into wanting some land, you know space for Growth (of construction). Proof: The difference in 10, 1, 100, .01, .1 etc is the place value (Room, Womb) zero gives to 1. Zero has all the qualities of numbers (there are polar zeros too) as one of a kind hence we also know zero is the origin or cipher. To test if numbers are

conglomeration of 1s is to test 1 itself. How many 1s make up one? It can be one time, also depending on how it is applied that one can mean some totally different in practice, especially in measurements and other practical activities. Children can see the paradox of Eurocentric math. one is made of ten .1 and one hundred .01 to infinity. .1 , .01, .001 etc are all types of 1s

that make up 1. Without place value you will never know whether 1 is .10 or 100 or 10. What distinguish these 1s from each other is zero.This question highlights the contradictions developing in the Eurocentric concept of numbers being made up of 1s. So if numbers are made up of ones then what makes zero? This contradiction existed in Eurocentric math since its conception. If you cant prove 1 makes up zero then the inconsistency of modern math will forever at the root. The conception of creating doesnt base itself on valgur mechanical origins of math, I,e, putting ones together to make all other numbers. The 1s that we If it dont apply to everything then its universally is bogus. On the other hand, it is quite easy to show that 1 is a type or conglomeration of 0s. 1 superimpose added to 0 is one. Reason why 0 +1 equals

1 is that one filled up the capacity of that particular zero. That is how zero relates to one in conventional or visible addition. 1 with one 0 added(extended added) to the right is


Reason why is because zero is now related to one as an expander which is a property of

space or blackness. One zero added (Condensed added) to the left brings 1 to 0.1. Changing 1 to .1 show the quality of zero to decrease the space of numbers or decrease place value of all numbers. The number one is the splited zero. One was (and still is) born from the divine split of zero, just like the conception of a fertilized egg means the split from potential to kenetic, when the genetics of the male split from the sperm and addes to the genetic structure of the egg. Very simple concept. Further breakdown of the concept is 1.1 is a kind of 11, 2.5 is a kind of 25, 100 is a kind of 1, 120 is a kind of 12 and so forth and so on. Redundancy in math happens when the concept of numbers is based on how many kinds of 1s make it up. For example Eurocentrics says .5 is .1 + .1 + .1 +.1 + .1 instead of saying .5 is 0 added(condense added) to the left of 5 to get 0.5. Instead of writing it like .5 we will write it

0.5 just to denote that the 0 is added to the side of five so the value diminished 10 times. This

is related to how real mathematics work. Redundancy of math shows itself again as redundancy of creativity. Buildings are made with identical brick, which is interchangeable based on generics (sameness). Buildings and other techs was made to be redundant creativity in which all things are generic and only differ in superficial value (color, size, the slick make of it etc). Insensitive and inflexible Machines are inevitable when labor is getting more and more repetitive and purely conventional (uncreative). Besides, without labor no life can pursue freedom, life and happiness. That is why the present society is lifeless and zombie-like in the interaction within it self in the form of socializing. As above so below, in other words, what can be found in higher stages can be found in some shape in lower stages. The oak seed still has the genetics of the oak tree. Nevertheless, the positions and functions it assumes differs greatly from one another.


Even the infinite is finite when compared to zero (Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah).

KemPtah Derivation Organics

What is the mechanics of KemPtah Derivation? KemPtah derivation is the unfolding of the KemPtah formula (the formula is also the fabric). The synergy changes to sides to give rise to a newer and deeper Synergy of sides. Law of excludes lacks life when unfolding its formula. Unfolding it reveals that it terminates and repeats the same when deriving the zero form.

Also, notice that all formulas of KemPtah that are derived reveals stability calculations (Djed calibration) naturally. Hence, all contradictions that are completed (Divine) leads to superior techniques compared to Eurocentric math. Solving any contradiction in Eurocentric kulture brings back our kulture. Eurocentric kulture is abundant with contradictions. Eurocentric people can learn all the things they want but all that information will still be filtered through their Eurocentric centered thought hence the information will not be original, more like milked down. In addition their inabilities force Eurocentric kulture to be scientific , mathematic, design and technological bandits. They need Nu creative force to replenish a decaying kulture. This is because of the law of excluded middle (A=A). Hence, the perception will reflect the same recessiveness and practice will acquire a taste of the limited perception. They have stolen our kulture but they cannot rep it completely or else they would have come up with a kulture like ours by themselves. If they have our sciences down pat then non-capitalistic morals and ethics should follow but it did not. This means the science they have is a warped (deformed) version of aboriginal sciences and math.

Below shows the difference between law of identity crisis formula and synergy of sides formula (KemPtah Formula). The zeros in the law of identity crisis formula are always not power or superficial, it is always appearing folded even when unfolded. The core isnt very deep, if it was then the zeros should be polar to denote change in quality also. Also notice the

real law of identity harmony (instead of identity crisis). 9=0 is the source map to why 9 and 0 are equal.

This is just some pieces to air-rithmatic and the required roots in understanding Algae-bra (water math), Geometry (earth math) and Kal-kulus (calorie counting, fire math, real rate of change).

The picture above shows a specific transformation of polar zero to a definite KemPtah formula. This is the KemPtah mapping of polar zro form to a definite KemPtah form. Hence a KemPtah Function. The polar-Zero KemPtah formula could of give rise to different KemPtah formula and not necessary the one shown in the picture. All Polar-Zero Forms give rise to

different place value and multiplies of 9 (I.e. 900, 0.9, 0.009 etc). This shows you the primacy of zero and that 9 is just the secondary source compared to zero. Polar zero polarizes what ever number that function as its index. What zero do is split the index into two opposing place value (one lower and one higher) and the difference between them is the total (divine) product. One example of zero in Djed Division of 11 in any number. 11 is 1 subtracted by 0.1. The zero in 10 is really an extended 1 one place value forward. For example 4 times 11 is 4. subtracted by 0.4 which is 36. Also the 36 is repeated forever behind the decimal, hence .3636363636-->. That is the small example of the character of polar zeros. Since its compressing and zero is infinite in both direction the that means that the identity of 36 as 0 will share the same character of being infinite too. And since we are using compressing addition then the 36 will repeat infinitely small. Thats why all number repeat or have an infinite character because numbers are the children of zero. Hence Nun-Bearers.

General Formula of KemPtah* `

Figure 7

Both the child and the aboriginal people elaborate on Geometric Arithmetic. It come natural because we see synergy of sides. So Geometry which represent the realism and arithmetic which represents the dialect to connect you on either side with the knowledge. Read the observation of child psychologist when they use math. Observe their observation and not their interpretations. All data they gathered points to blackness or zero as the first number the child learns even before birth, and all babies share this.

The 4 Most Basic Additions In KemPtah

One thing I understand is modern math is backwards and inside out at the same time. Addition signs are not purely addition signs but signs of separation and the potential to putting two different numbers together. For example 1+ 1 = 2, 1+ 1 means two ones must be put together to form an actual mathematical part of reality of 2. Hence 1 + 1 must be

put together and it is not yet 2. The creative force that goes into making two out of one plus one is zero or cipher. In order to put two different ones together we need room. Other numbers above and below the equal sign are different forms of space in which calculation is done plus the numbers add(and subtracts) value to the starting numbers. For example 1 + 1 = 3 , the creator source or synergy of the sides (1 + 1 and 3) is one. 1 provides the space and one extra value forward (+) or backwards (-). The law of identity only see one given quality about a source at a time, two different qualities cannot exist in the same thing at the same time. But we know one thing has infinite of qualities about its source hence synergy (=) can be not only

0 (like in so called modern math) but also 1 , 2, 3. 4, 5, 50,600,100, any number which represent different qualities. In reverse, we are separating 2 into two separate ones 1+1. This

subtle evidence is hidden for the fact that the creative forces are blurred with uncreative force, which is all. There are actually four types of addition similar to the 4 laws of Dialectics. The

first addition is cipher addition in which all numbers are added together to get a single digit (Black number). The second addition is non-cipher or conventional addition. In this addition, we add the numbers up as equal and not until the digits turn into a single digit. The 3rd addition is the extended addition. Extended Addition we add 0(or any other number) to the right side of the number, which extends the number 10 fold. The condense addition, which is the 4th addition, is the addition of zero to the left pushed the value to the right and the number decreases 10 folds. The law that runs this cipher is the black law of excluded middle which is a particular form of synergy of sides hence cipher addition is one of the additions. The black exclude the middle means the transformation of the old to the nu. Hence the old core is replaced and placed in good records within the Nu. Excluded the middle on the core of synergy of sides only means the shift of dominance because the Nu and Old always existed together, To be complete that type of genetic hierarchy is necessary. From black people to our mother earth all over the globe. When you inhale you are doing an expansion process and when you exhale you exclude the function for another function and not just left it empty we identified empty. How you identify with the world is how you synergize with the world.

Real Concept of Polar Zero

Zero has dual directions in its value. The value can be large(+) and the value can be small(-). Zero is the setter of place value, hence it can increase the place value or decrease the place value. Zero represents the mathematical womb (room) for mathematical creation. Zero can sense and flex to the small or large. Remember finding number(Sensing) is always naturally synergize with moving numbers(flexing). The zero is very important to magnify mathematical images to see the logical details. All this happens through synergy of side; meaning that if it is not this, then its that and vice versa. s

Included middle (synergy of sides) is the backbone in addition. Also the law of Black Identity; unseen because of complete connection of components of composition (energy/entity). The law of identity closest spot in synergy of sides without destroying itself is in the cipher addition. At first glance the law of identity look like the law of synergy of sides. Hence cipher adding is invisible addition and the regular addition is obvious or surface scale addition. This addition is a kin to my exercising where I want my worst coordination is cultivated to be efficient like my best coordination. This is an example of bringing the unfamiliar of techniques (the double or more digits) into my most familiar techniques (single digits). So in training we are ciphering adding when we make our most weak feeling techniques into strong techniques. I call the cipher addition a break down method because it breaks the complex to the simple, parallel to translating and transform ,hard to easy. Its a

subject of complete connection of components in content.

Geometric Arithmatic of Black Addition, is a graphic way of representing arithmetic of Black addition. Showing the concrete part of the abstract math. The study of the internal organisms of nun-bearers is the forte of KemPtah Math. Children (numbers) of zero-cipher bear the mark of the cipher (nun). Therefore Nun=Bearers.

Above picture depicts the cipher addition of 19 which is 1. -0 and +0 represents compacting and extending respectively(visible addition uses non polar zero). I was thinking that since zero can increase or decrease place value then - and + on zero represent these two qualities (or directions) of zero.

value) 0 which is that zero in 10; we just did it like this 1+(-0) (condense addition). Now its ready to be combine with 9 to get 10. Condense add 1 to 0 again to get the solution , which is 1. Cipher addition filtrates numbers to their source code numbers or the basic black decimal system (0-9 nine point ether circle). What is the source code number? Source code numbers are basically binary number not in the Eurocentric sense (A=A) but binary as in synergy of sides which is the most basic binary relationship. Generally, the binary can be either two main forms. Binary based on separation which is the absolute synergy of samenes and binary that representing synergy of sides. The 10 point circle is a circulation of binary synergy of sides. KemPtah and Eurocentric logic only have similarities because both source is in reality; KemPtah at the greatest extent and Eurocentric as the minimum extent. Centralizing similarities make diversity premature and centralize differences makes similarities premature or on the surface. The latter is in the correct alignment because the similarities of all the object component, sides or subdivision is only an image formed from external, surface connections.

In order to add 10 to 9 to get 10 we need to condense add or removing one place

Information about the surface is only the starting information about the object in its totality. The essence is the insides and since insides are in constant and perpectual connection with the surface, then the whole picture must be inside=outside, structure-function. Below depicted on how ten changes to one through negative zero (condensing zero). Once condensed it is now ready to be added to nine to get ten.

Below shows you what we do after we add one to nine to get ten. We complete the black addition by condensing ten again with negative zero. Our answer is one. Cipher addition is an analytical process and the + signs become a sign of separations that must be united. The law of identity (9x=0x) without the crisis has deep roots in Black Addition. The true law of identity is rooted in synergy of sides or what the white nationalist mathematicians calls paradoxes. Below is Geometric air-rithmatic form of the Cipher Addition. One of its main components is condense addition and extending addition before the Cipher addition is complete. Condensing can be seen as reducing the decimal place. The decimal is a type of zero playing a specific part, it plays a role of balance between numbers below the decimal place and above the decimal place. If the numbers to be ciphered below the decimal then the hidden process is extended addition but it it is above the decimal then it condenses to get the black nun-bearers. Remember 0 is a placeholder, the decimal is a placeholder, hence decimal, and zero is the same. All things in reality are in a constant rhythm of condensing and extension, and that is what a wave is. So as things vibrates or moves continuously and perpetually back and forth from small to large and back again is constantly condensing and extending itself. This is what waves do, they go up and down, they expand and collapse like water waves.

Notice below in the picture, 10 represents the wave/point that has to collapse in order to fit with the count of 2, 2 are ten folds less +1. 10 folds(times) is one cipher plus the translation and transformation of cipher into a numeral or point is a major part of the Cipher addition. In addition, the cipher no matter what place value is counted as if it only has one place value. The large(extended) and small(condense) finds common grounds in cipher

addition. Birth is not a spooky thing, first there must be potential for growth for anything to grow. Hence, kinetics comes from potential and actuality comes from possibilities (unformed form). So-called luck is only a un-rooted destiny, that is all. Below I show the zero as the womb or room of calibrations. Now we know why 0 +1 = 1 because the zero takes the form of any number it conventionally adds too, not because zero is nothing. Just as most people think, space is empty but it has dense matter/energy, so much so in it is synergy it appears that space plays the ultimate conductor just as zero is to numbers. Space is the place value of matter/energy. Also now 0 times 1 is 0 for the fact that zero decrystalizes all and any number when multiplied (Creating). It takes all number to the formless form or blackness. Any number completely united IS Zero(Cipher). All other numbers are kinds of zero or parts of zero and remember the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Thats why I call numbers , nun-bearers because all numbers bears the cipher or nun (Zero) Synergy of Sides! In the below picture depicting geometric arithmetic, we see how the plus sign also marks relative separation (not yet added). 1 is magnified one cipher ahead of 2 therefore making 1 to 10. This can be a model for growth of 1 relative to the relative sameness of 2 or zooming in one and how that relate to the ones that are zoomed out. The thing about KemPtah I notice is that when we make it simpler we actually leaving room(0) for creativity. Zero is the natural mathematical site in which calibrations are born. When things vibrate, we tend to look at it in an up and down motion but in reality, vibration comes in infinite forms of side to side or up and down motions. Vibration is a continuous extending and condensing summation of entities and entity. This up and down (Contraction and Expansion) representation of an average graph can mean vibrating from essence to phenomenon, from inside and out, from small to large. Vibration in Eurocentric math and science is depicted as mechanical

displacement (because their math starts from an isolated or module perspectivelaw of identity crisis), and is encounter not as a foundation of all math but special subjects. Their foundations in science, math, technology, design is only in the position not to be a foundation; the foundation does play its divine (complete, mature) position; the basement is on the roof in these Eurocentric minds. So if it is so, then we conclude that it is an inherited hadicapness about it no matter how advance or how much power ,they will always have the weakness, and it is arrogantly shown in these sciences as the law of identity crisis (excluded middle). For them to correct it (law of identity crisis) means their own suicide and right now, black and aboriginal people are only resuscitators to them. Vibration cover mechanics but also organic. Vibration can have a biological character, mathematical, thought, electrical, even fantasy has its ups (dreams) and downs (nightmare)vibration. Extended addition can represent the climb( or split away ) of the vibration from its origin. Therefore, in this Geometric arithmetic we also are depicting waves without the waveform ( or wave graph). Which one amped from its origin? 1. Which one stayed at its origin? 2. This is the basics in Mathematical Resonance. Impossible (fantasy) math suppose to be purely abstract . Indeed so, also since it is abstract it is related some how to the concrete. Conventional addition is the manifestation of cipher addition (Nefer addition is one of its operational organics). To count or to add is also to know the place value and not just the form of the number. All four additions are in each other more or less. This means these additions are the four major elements in addition in general. We call one of those elements addition based on what element is dominant.

Conventional or visible addition is put forth by the white nationalist mathematician, as the only and most basic addition just like their concept of all numbers are conglomeration of 1s. As above so below. As it turns out is that conventional addition I s the child of cipher addition just like 0 is to 1. Since conventional addition does not add numbers until single digit is the product then to the cipher addition, conventional is cipher unfolded or elaborated. according to place value. This means 23 for instance when added to15, the 1 adds to the 2 and the 3 adds to the 5 which makes the sum 38 instead of a cipher sum 2. Conventional addition since it doesnt use condensing or expanding adding then that means it is not the main air-rithmatic of constant and perpetual change but module mechanical process or counting something that looks like it stay the same such as counting rocks or pebbles. Conventional or non-cipher addition respects the decimal place and adds the numbers

Expanded addition expands numbers as number adds together. The numbers that are on the right of the addition sign extends the numbers on the left (for the sake of convention in the formula). Some numbers become place value on certain degrees (see Nefer Addition) and the source of multiplication includes expanded addition. This addition synthetic process of amping the number with another number. One number is place value or act as a kind of 0 and the other has no place value at all. Synergy of sides! We use this addition in Djed multiplication after 4. For instance we use extended addition on the sides of the synergy to further make the sides synergize with the synergy to produce the Djed multiplication. All halves or sides is extended added to 0 making the sides only 5 times larger than the synergy and 10 times larger than its original form. Hence adding a 0 as a extender to the sides of the

synergy creates a ration in the formula of 5:1. The ratio of the original to the extended side is 10:1. Since number other than 0 can be added too then the multiplication proportionality

changes. 0 in the extended addition is the equilibrium point of Djed calibration, all number before and after 0 is magnification and de-magnification of the point of calculation. I also want you to note that all four additions are found as one but what give them the four forms is what element of it is dominant. Those four forms are a manifestation of the four internal elements working as one entity. Even the mechanic can be analyzed by an organic much effectively and efficiently than itself. So we go back and G (Genetic Method*) check the baby races stature and get information they could not never seen. Also in my later Computer, compilations or expanding on mechanical models that says Synergy!. Of course we need a Medu Neter Machine. Genetic method is getting to the roots, finding not just what all things have in common but also the ancestor element (the real commonality), the gate way or bridge that connect this with thatsynergy of sidesIn Eurocentric thought origin it is the law of identity crisis. In Afrikan and Aboriginal thought, the root logic or regularity is the unconventional(essence) with the cloths of the conventional(manifestation). This is nothing more than synergy of sides. KemPtah math not only deals with the cipher , the synergy of sides but also how in what way phenomenon movesthe graph, the picture. Once we know the quality and quantity of a phenomenon or object then we have an option to either construct or build or to synergize the two. I call this Nu option, Perfect Destruction. The KemPtah formula (Map) is a mathematical model of synergy of sides. With in so-called modern and math there are so many different schools of thought that contradict etc other, and thats why these views are schools or caged up sides of one thought. The creation of many separated schools is contempt to empower the law of identity as universal.

The Synergy OF the Map and The Circle

Condensing addition is used in division and the proportionality of that is inverse 1:5. This is like zooming out and seeing the whole as the part of something bigger. This is handy in order to know how a particular object looked at as a whole plays a completely opposite role (at the same time) in which it plays a part to a bigger whole (Nu hold).

Condense addition is what it is, condensing. Condensing is what is happing to repeated numbers to infinity small. Even the irrational numbers are condensing in a regular pattern based on synergy of sides. There is also condense subtraction, for all things has synergy of sides, so you have opposite of that, opposite of this and that, opposite of this, that and the other to infinity. What is opposite of this, that, the other, and another? See polarity in unity and exchange goes on forever with no self-similarities.

The circle is the mathematical compass and the formula is the mathematical map. That is their synergy or how they cooperate to create the cipher. The change in the map changes the rotation of the numbers on the circle and vice versa. The KemPtah compass and map, since they are synergy of sides, has the tendency to re-align back with each other. If we extend the ten to get eleven, the ratio will shift one half and the circle will rotates its value counter clockwise. If we extended subtract numbers (10 - 1 = 9) then the circle will rotate clockwise and the values will be half with a four to one ratio. Extended subtraction is just a opposite within extended addition. Instead of adding you subtract but still extend the number one value place forward. All things are synergy of sides and has infinite variations (ways of expression) within itself.

Above shows you the corresponding change of the map and the compass. They inter-change each other, and this is evidence that their synergy is evident.

Figure 8

KemPTah Formulas represent the ideal or thinking processes. The law of identity has a break in its process. Hell, they exclude the middle (bridge) so the law of identity have no breaks? Does the earth stop moving? The zero on the top and bottom is that break. The purpose of zero in the law of identity equation is to push the creative parts into the mix of the non-creative parts. That is why they need to change their one-sided formula into its opposite in order to see its inverse. But for KemPtah , the process and its inverse are one and the same and can be shown without any further manipulation, hence saves time ,especially when you work with complex equations in which switching to inverses are need. Instead of changing the formula, change will already be in the formula itself. Actually, the law of identity crisis formula has its inverse in it but it is hidden or blended in by placing the cipher (zero) above

and below the equal sign. Zero is so infinite it looks like it is nothing. Just like space is everywhere, so much so that it seems to be no where or nothing. To other forces, we are empty space, such entities as gamma rays, and cosmic rays. They go right through us as if we are empty space. We have cosmological bodies out in space that are so large it is unseen as if it is microscopicthe milky way is a great example of this phenomenon. We sitting on the Milky Way but cannot see it.

KemPtah Formulas, Source code numbers and 9 Ether 10 Black Circle

Above shows the difference of Polar and non Polar KemPtah. When you derive polar or non-polar, you get polar forms of KemPtah. That means polarity is the source of synergy and not just plain sides (or isolated modules). Polar and non-Polar are opposites like oil and waterone is neutral with only the magnitude differs and the other are same magnitudes but different polarity. Both have poles completing the synergy. Non-polar is addition KemPtah equation. Unlike Eurocentric equation, the KemPtah equation has both subtraction and addition as one equation, single formed entity. The creator force (force that get a desirable effect from a certain cause) is identified in the KemPtah equation and the creator force is hidden in the Eurocentric formula. I am not saying that 1 = 1 is not true among KemPtah formulas but it is false only in isolation (like all thingly (crystallized) things in reality). The law of identity ceases to be the law of identity crisis when it is one with KemPtah. We use the law of identity as an initial step in some of our calibrations but the bulk of the process is KemPtah. In 1 = 1, the creator force is 0. In 1=2, the creator force that is above and below the equal sign is 1 and in 1 = 5 the creator force is 4. All formulas based on the law of identity

crisis only have as their creative force 0 and no other number. From their physics and electrical, to cooking and kulture we apply one type of math out of infinite many. This logically means our options in practice are narrow also. First, we will go into Black Addition (Complete Nefer Addition) so you can know what I am coming from in this process. Black addition uses synthesis (+, addition) to analyze the numbers and find their source number or heart number. All multi-digit number can be added together until a single number arises. All place values are condense into a single

place value, thus moving inward in the synthesis, further more this exemplifies analysis by way of synthesis. It moves inward but not necessarily moving to be small. Example: .34 is still cipher added to be 7 and 7 is larger than .34. Moreover, that single number is the simple number or source code number. All numbers has heart number no matter how large. In Black addition, 9 and 0 plays the same role with other number for they represent to end-Beginning of the same circle. 0 is the first number and 9 is the last, no number fits their position. Both 9 and 0 by each other are themselves, and with other numbers, 9 and 0 becomes the number it adds to. 9 and 0 added together will show their difference that is unnoticed with other numbers. Since zero is the first number it has absolute power to bring back, any other source number even 9(but not vice versal). Nevertheless, 9 cannot bring zero back in the addition. This is just evidence or proof in Black Addition that 9 is the Nu source and 0 is the old source in Black addition. Hence 9x=0x. Electrical!

Below shows, the 9 Ether 10 Point Circle that represents patterns held by the non-polar KemPtah Formula. In counting the points of the circle, we start from 0 counts to 4 then cross over to the point on the left side of 0 where 5 begin, and then we count downwards towards the middle of the circle where we end it at 9. All number that are internally connection add up to 9, it becomes apparent when we reach 5. 5 connected to 4 when added together are 9. 6 are connected to 3 on the 9 Ether 10 Point Circle, when we add them together it is 9. 7 with 2 make 9 when added together. 8 and 1 are internally connected makes nine when added

together. 9 and 0 are internally connected and adds to get 9. Zero (0, Black) up or 9 (ether) up calibrations is based on complete Nefer addition. Remember that 9 and 0 are the same in black addition. This calibration shows the connection of the initial KemPtah form with its Zero up form (or 9 up) and how both forms are connected to one of the pair of numbers each. Therefore, if the synergy is 1 the Zero up synergy (Black adds whenever you can) is 8. If the synergy (Black adds whenever you can) is 5 then the Zero up synergy is 4. The circle is the geometric zero (as above so below) and hence sets the trend to all numbers.

In nine Ether ten Point Circle the first basic property of circle is that their internal numbers add to get 9. The count is like a horizontal 8 or infinity sign. This is like the folded circle 5 ether ten point circle. The Non-polar KemPTah Form is like oil, which is polarity neutral. The poles are covered or clothed. The law of identity in its unformed form shows itself as the general formula of cipher addition, namely 9x=0x. In this general (generating real) formula you see for the first time zero regulating contradictions correctly because it express itself according (in connection) to KemPtah or Synergy of sides.

Notice The diagram on the top shows you any non-polar KemPtah formula with the difference of 8 its smaller side when expanded one zero it reveals its opposite in the nine ether ten point black circle. Remember expanded addition magnifies or zero in on numbers and synergy. So if the difference is 8 then the expanded add difference is 1 and vice versa. If the non-Polar formula difference (synergy) is 7 then the expanded synergy is 2. If the

difference is 6 then the expanded synergy is 3. If it is 9 then it is 0. The points on this circle are like a horizontal figure eight. Any non-polar KemPtah formula that has the synergy of eight has the zero up synergy of 1. Extended addition on the smallest side of the two sides of the KemPtah formula shows the zero up synergy(zero up synergy is shown in the above figure). The zero up synergy of 1 then is 8 because all connections are synergy of sides. Even if you think, youre going forward some element of you is going backwards, the reason you see forward because thats the dominant side of the two.

The zero up value of 6 is 3 and 3 is 6, the internal geometric line across the circle denotes internal connection of the two number through their origin.

F: Counting KemPtahly VS Counting Conventialnally

Counting is the progression of numbers. KemPtah counting is the first counting and last counting. We start from the first number which is zero. Basically KemPtah is

based on synergy of sides, I.e. seen and the unseen, outside-inside etc. So zero is the seen zero but the unseen one. One is the seen one but the unseen two for the fact that one is the second number. Two is the seen two but the hidden 3 or third number from zero. And it goes on to nine, and nine is the seen nine but the tenth number or invisible ten. The basic number from 0 to 9 which makes 10 digits is the base numbers or source numbers. All other numbers after that haves repeated qualities on different basis. This is still based on observation of children and mathematics in which observation shows that the first number learned is zero. All other numbers is the form of zero for the fact that all numbers are zero or hidden forms of the next number. Zero the zero one or first nun-bearer (number). The unseen values are KemPtah Absolute Values. Hence the Black absolute value of zero is one since zero is the first number. The Black Absolute value of negative one isnt one but two because 1 (-+) is the hidden two.

There is data that prove that babies from all people learns zero first, hey we have to know the number that originate place value, or value originator before we know the specific value of numbers. Thats only common sense or first things first for the first on this earth. One became a form of zero first and not itself. One started on an elementary universal basis but it isnt itself more universal than the basis. One is only universal to numbers after itself.

It is only the beginning of our kulture to our Fourth Kingdom of Kemet: We arent done yet!
The 4 Books of KemPtah mathematics are coming soon. From this short introduction pamphlet it is shown that using Eurocentric mathematics have given us extreme Down syndrome to calculate what we want and need. I have shown you a preview that Eurocentric Math laws are merely assumption or special very limited cased of universal mathematics. I have achieved that level of implementing KemPtah in Set theory (i.e. Boolean algebra) and found spooks in that too. KemPtah is consistent to all European math but also at the same time supersede European and Neo-European center mathematics. KemPtah mathematics can see aspects of European math that even European math will never see. KemPtah Math also exposes many laws in math as mere spooks. KemPtah Mathematics is the first mathematics and last mathematic. I also believe the Arabs did not create algebra (Algae-bra, All Geb Ra) they lived away from water (they was in the desert), someone (most likely Black or African centered being) dealing with water must have came their and taught them the water math. Afrika had all (abundance) of four elements on her body for days. No other continent has that abundance. Most likely another case of Europeans hiding original names in code names and removing letter to change the identity of the original sciences and techs. Also most people think that their science, math, technology and design isnt culturally colored, if it not colored then it wouldnt be worth for a capitalist to pursue it. This is because Capitalism is a White invention, actually all types of artificial societies is the European invention. Parasitic economic formation is the Real Utopian. Law of identity is the map to that type of kulture. In addition, the fracturing of everything Europeans make, comes from identity crisis, like the debate over Classical physics and Relativist physics. In them science cores are competing forces that compete for the sake of competition (competition = competition instead of competition synergizing with cooperation).

On The Humanistic, Technological, and Scientific Realist note:

The possibilities of making technology are endless, perpetual, wholistic, natural, and eternal and continuous. My works are still incomplete but the math is proven to have high potential of creative capacity. We can potentially create these things without disturbing, destroying or shatter anything we investigate, from legit chemistry, biology, cosmology to legit society. Therefore, KemPtah (math, science, design and technology) is intrinsically humanistic and scientific (realistic). All of it will create from perpetual and continuous energy to everlasting` and nonstop living and life given systems compared to present day necros white supremist given society and culture. We will finally create weapons of life and culture of life and life given systems (*Weapons of Mass Construction). Eternal and infinite is inherited in our fundamental (fun to the mental) mathematics which is KemPtah mathematics. Since KemPtah math can zoom or zero in on the line (for example in graphing KemPtah Algae-bretic equations), the rediscovery of the complexity of that line is analogous to zooming (or zero in) in on a single note just to rediscover that that particular note in itself is a symphony with density of instrumentals and vocals (Medu neter). This mathematical fact is what I have rediscovered presently, which was given by my ancestors. We will bring forth the Fourth Dynasty for sure which will complete our Kemetic or KemPtah cycle and this will represent an Eternal and Infinite Black Kingdom. Moreover, remember in every great Kemetic (Black) Kingdom, the Kulture came first then the Kingdom. The baby was Kultivated in the womb before she/he was fully formed (kingdom). O.G. Kulture 4 Life! This will happen in our time. ASE SASA! KemPtah Power! Hotep Hurray!

Pamphlet Questions

1: What is force).

? Find the synergy (creative

2: Find the synergy and KemPtahly Derive these formulas:




3. Why does a Eurocentric formula (I.e. x=x) goes to termination when you KemPtahly derive them? 4. What number do you get if you Black(Cipher) Add12, 19, 4, 23, 120, 129, 17, 32. 5.What is condense addition used for? 6. What is Expanded Addition used for?

7. What is the KemPtah absolute value of 3? Of 9?

Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

The Pamphlet 2(Eji) Of KemPtah Mathematics: The myth of associative, distributive, and commutative Properties in Eurocentric Math

By Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

The point of real math (KemPtah Math) is to find the difference (the active conductor, synergy) of opposite quantities and qualities and not different forms of the same ole thing (Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah)

Table of Contents Introduction 1: Synergy of Sides Scale 2: The Distributive, Associative, Communities (D.A.C) properties of White Supremacy (Red, White, and Blue) Mathematics: Myth of DAC. 3: All-Geb-Ra Equation and Graphs (some visual to KemPtah Math)$

4: How to do KemPtah elementary derivations 5: How to do KemPtah elementary Integration. 6: Visual of KemPtah in the Martial arts training I do. As to how it relates to the 7: KemPtah Math.2 for 5 mathematical frauds run by Eurocentric being.

This section will deal with the D.A.C. properties of KemPtah and Graphing, the equations basic, in KemPtah derivatives and integrals, and how to integrate and derive them.. This section is another section on out the box mathematics hence science of free though patterns. When you find the underlying meaning of why I put out my work like this is to get you to see that it is a lot of work in all fields, in all directions. So I feel how The late Diop feel when he knew it is abundantcies of work in our kulture. There are some soldiers coming out with their own works, some I know and some are unknown to me but I feel the energy of some Nu paradigm shift and hence knew practical shift as well.

Figure 1

One hand washes the other. Ancient synergy (not division) of labor (mental and physical). Calculating (calibrating) the synergy of opposites and logging it in.

1: The Synergy of Sides Scale

A thing without synergy is just a dead, photographic representation of reality From now on, Eurocentric math is just a photographic account of KemPtah Math. By the time they get another picture the phenomenon they was investigating is gone (became something very different). Departure from reality always gives the user no scope at all or an incredibly incomplete capacity at best. We already know things are themselves, but that is only half the embodiment because that thing is also related to all other things, it synergizes with the universe. Take away it is synchronization with the world will lead the incident we investigating addicted to death and cease to be what it is. Anytime fire and water, has a value of zero each, (because blackness is deeper than these two elements, zero is not obvious, insignificant or secondary) nothing significant happens, and I have shown it in KemPtah math. Notice in Figure 2 below, the picture of Maat (KemPtah of Synergy, Aset = Asar), the Queen is matching a feather and jar obviously much heaver. She showing us that they are in synergy with one another (Like the Black God with the Black Goddess) because of their difference. That is what brings Peace, Justice and Harmony The synergy of sides (Black is POWER). There are not two south poles in a single magnet. This is two south poles mathematicallySouth = South with zero on the top and bottom of the equal sign.

Figure 2

Notice in Figure 2. The ankh air-rings and circular bracelets represent a certain amount (non-zero) of fire and water that make the feather and the jar equal (synergizes). Moreover, the Circle on her shirt is the zero that the fire and water becomes when they add together. The synergy of opposites is what brings them together as a single equation or entity (life giving system). The neck glass symbolizes that zero is un-ending and continuous. Hey technically a number has infinite zeros in the back and front, object and energy has infinite space all around. Numbers are related to Entities/Energy as the blue print is related to the actual building. One is ideal (Numbers) and one is Material/Energy (pluralarity of reality). The same can be said in the picture below. Be aware of that he has the device off the center (zero) and he points to the calibrator (fire, water) and he is pointing to something (x) that must be balance in the course of calibrating (finding the synergy no matter what value of x). The picture is depicting that it takes a particular calibration to make the jar balance with the small statue on the other side. It takes this (+A) and calibrate (certain value of fire-water, common values shared) to make it balance or synergies with that (-A). No European scale does this procedure. On their (Eurocentrics) scale it is only the object and the typical weights (which they use to calibrate) that the object must be equated to (estimate that must be chain to). Our ancestors are into mathematics of synergy of side KemPtah Mathematics.

This is not any ordinary Eurocentric scale that you see in the doctors office or the supermarket. Those Eurocentric scales are identity crisis scales. The above scale is synergy of sides scale or simple KemPtah Computer. This scale wasnt made to get your self esteem down about your weight or funds, but haw much you are balance (synergize) in relation to your opposites (and not with your antagonistic opposite called white supremacy or law of identity crisis) and the universe.
Short Digression:

The KemPtah Math and computation is hard, only on the fact that it gives you so much freedom in which most people do not know what to do with it. Just to add, that this new but ancient freedom gives you mathematical responsibility and no artificial equation doesnt tell you what to do or point your own ability to respond. Most people are so use to being captives in the white mans design that they might see KemPtah mathematics as trivial because it doesnt whip or hang them mathematically. Most people are so use to dead entities pointing the way in which to go. That is the only dilemma (actually a big blessing) of our Mathematics, too much freedom. Whereas Eurocentric math tells you to do this and do that without a mind of your own (more accurately their (White Supremist) mind alone). This Black Supreme Math(KemPtah Math) can only guild the ones genuinely seeking or have freedom, other than that it will be you who would not need it because freedom is trivial. This is a curse and a blessingthis math cant be abuse then. ASE. The final product is a process of life; my friend, it is a process not a product (necros). Unlike Eurocentric math, it is for you to be creative (original, innovative, productive) instead of being an unimaginative (uninspiring, noncreative, same-ole-same-ole) being.

Main Topic: the Myth of Mathematical Eurocentric Properties.

The major underlying thing about Eurocentric math is its blowing (wind) dirt (earth) from one side of the equal signs to the other side and calls this, a procedure in calculation or solving an equation. They do this because they lack the fire and water so all they really have is wind and earth . So in a nut shell they have opposite but didnt know the interface is by exchange(-D) and unity(+D). Two opposite things with no synergy, have no other desire but to become equal in magnitude (like five oranges equal to five pears, 5=5 or else theyll be lost in the sauce). Eurocentrics work as little with the quality of things (either that or work with as little quantity, they hate A (quantity) =A (quality) you follow?). No wonder most my people loathe (dislike) Even the Eurocentric confirmed their own artificiality and fractures of their ways by how they see math (the science of patterns). Since we undergo training of having the taste . The Eurocentric scientist confirm directly how we gage power by the cipher or zero. For instance they put 2 large object and 5. Very small objects the child will say 2 is greater than five. They have no concept of excluding the middle . In other words, these kids worked patterns out like KemPtah, using synergy of sides. Paiget proved it. They in essence use zero to set the value of all numbers! Eurocentric modern mathematics, they know in their hearts it is a bunch of BS. Because there are different schools of thought contradicting one another BECAUSE of their incompleteness. Moreover, our children are getting rape by stopping them from developing thoughts of synergy of sides. They naturally use blackness, the invisible, Perfect Disorder crashed by law and order. These Eurocentric mathematician(mathematical morticians ) do parlor tricks by blowing dust in the observers eye and then switch up the equations stage name to fool the observer, thinking that this cave Manish (primitive) mathematician did something progressive. They are nothing more than calculating card dealers. As they seize the moment of weakness of their observer, they take this moment to analyze their own weak game. What they found in their limited degenerative game is three basic uneducated assumptions. For the sake of air-rithmetic, let us call them the associative, commutative and distributive properties if you will. Yes indeed these properties are barely natural in a narrow sense and are unusual cases (like Siamese twins). In this pamphlet, we will provide an example of these so-called mathematical properties. These properties explained by the Eurocentric or Modernist are only true under

the law of absolute similarities, a.k.a. law of identity. This connection existing in reality only allows difference in the form of similarities. This is important to know the source like the seed and go from their like a farmer, kultivator. Stay with the roots then you will not have an identity crisis.

2: The Distributive, Associative, Communities (D.A.C) properties of White Supremacy (Red, White, and Blue) Mathematics: Myth of DAC.
In the formulas below, we compare the law of identity to KemPtah Polar forms. In the law of identity crisis(I.e. 1=1) the zero on the top and bottom of the equal sign represent potential exchange and never kinetic. The plays as a sterile cipher, pretty much how the working class and decedents of Afrikans kidnapped from Afrika play now in these Anglo-Saxon Amerikan economics and politics. In Empowering something that opposes us, we tend to play a passive role, just like 0 in the law of identity. Since zero is the essence of all numbers(nun-bearers) then its active role must be deeper than its passive role. In solving the paradox by making it complete we in essence change zero from passive to active, making the equal sign active too. No one(Under Western Education) never thought about numbers on the bottom and top of the equal sign because the equal sign always had zero on the top and bottom of all equal signs so they left the number blank. Now that we know its different number below and above the equal sign now the equal sign has a different light or Blackness about it. The equal sign now plays a opposite role under the law of synergy of sides instead of identity crisis. The synergy of sides transforms and translates the equal sign into a complete unity and exchange of numbers and operators. This cause the equal sign to be the mathematical synergy of sides instead of a passive scale called law of identity(Excluded Middle).

We can see in the examples that modern mathematics is a component of KemPtah. Modern math is but a subsection to KemPtah. In practice we start peeping more options not even realized by the matrix. We see a source that cannot be detected by Neo-Colonial state of mind. The formulas that was contained in Eurocentric sciences are seen with a larger scope of light. What regulates even the law of identity crisis is synergy of side, the unseen law in the Eurocentric eyes. Perhaps they see it but cant do nothing with it. The plenty of options makes there game reveal itself as extremely small. When solving perpetual and continuous problems the solution must

have those same qualities as well. This is important to know this relationship (pattern) so we can control it. All things in reality runs off of perpetual and continuous motion a.k.a. synergy of sides. Perpetual and continuous energy/entity is a transformation and translation process. Even when something so called dies it merely translate and transform into its opposite process, going back to the source so to speak. When a person dies the spirit and matter translate and transform into other energies and matter. Batteries dies because the process that we use to power things translate and transform into a process that the machine cant directly use. The battery can be infinite if you can figure what device can use the energies it produce while it is so called dead. Everything moves so it is always opportunity to produce power, whatever, whenever, however. Aboriginal people are the most impressive of all technogies for the fact we learned to use pretty much anything to continue our life process. At certain times certain things have killed whole species, we change death to life and vice versa, we are perpetual and continuous organic machines. WE ARE PRETTY IMPRESSIVE DISPITE OUR CONDITIONS. We been KemPtah before, during and after the middle passage.

a Literally the Difference (~D and +D) is what unites opposites. Content and Form has a type of D, practice and theory had a particular quality of D, up and down has type of D (Left and Right, example when helicopters or planes move up and down in the air their rotators moves Left and Right in a vertical or horizontal manner). What is the D in invisible and visible, what about individual and the village, or diet and fasting, martial arts and dancing? What about the D of Black man and Black Woman, what about inorganic and organic, what about good and evil? As long as we dont know the answers to it then we are incomplete but at the same time we know D exist which makes room (cipher, Zero, Womb, Space) to think in that logical manner. Eurocentric science is not much to it, all their Ds is zero, hence space with no real construction in it. a

All of the examples that I showed are polar form KemPtah formula. The polar form is more complete when compared to the non-polar forms. Both shows the creator source so it does wonders to reinforce a Nu awareness instead of seeing the middle as invisible or nothing in the middle at all psychology or regularity of thought. Before I found that zero above and below is the only phenomenon of synergy in the formula the equal sign was just empty. Hence, lack of diversity of synergy, which forces any form that takes this as it content to only see synergy only at that level which messes up perception of seeing other synergies as having a unique form rightfully. It cause heterogeneous information to be forcefully homogeneous and mediocre or self-sameness about itself. The true meaning of opposites or sides is thus distorted for the lack of synergy diversity. You see this in nature, when things dies off its core no longer synergize with the condition to change it. Insensitivity is another aspect of the law of identity. To have sensitivity is to weigh one thing with another(side, opposite)

and both express value in each other in a binary way(two way, feaed forward and feedback). Sensitivity in isolation Is Insensitivity. Look at the prison system or the medical mental or physical wards, they are all design to promote insensitivity, hey it saves money while build profit, the ultimate parasitic machine. The victims of their colonial scientific brutality become insensitive to self and others. In the law of identity, the real capacity to unite opposite isnt there. The 96% is gone! LOL. KemPtah qualities only are valid if and only if the square is complete (Or all three laws of Dialectical Realism is One). The sides represent synergy and the quantities in those opposites represent different qualities also. The quantities on the top and bottom are the synthesis of the two opposites (therefore representing the Perfect Disorder or synergy of destruction and construction.) Unlike Karl Marxs or Eurocentric dialectical materialist, the formula does not take the three laws as separate moments but a composite whole. It is not three separate laws but a complete universal connection. It is no such thing as one process being synergy of sides, and then another is synergy of quantity and quality or just the synergy of double negation. It is one process representing the synergy of originality (zero). Law of identity still plagues (play) these Marxist. If you read any of their information these Marxist basically explain how the world works in a Eurocentric manner. Even their law of unity and struggle of opposites are seen like any other Eurocentric. Law of identity crisis (exclude the source).

3: All-Geb-Ra Equation and Graphs (some visual to

KemPtah Math)

A Graph is nothing but measuring sticks forming a perpendicular line intercepting at their zeros (black, original). A slide rule is parallel measuring stick, nothing more nothing less. Two stick from outside (there are a lot of stick in Afrika) can be use as a slide rule or graph. You can make your own metric system and convert it to all other metric systems (everything is synergy of sides), so inches and feet (and all other European metrics) are just conventions or the popularity among Eurocentric culture, it is just like what is in fashion or a fad. They just made it seem like conventional measurement is necessary for control and mind containment purposes (law of identity crisis). You can make a cross with you finger and thats a graph (show you how preposterous Europeans are). We even used our angles made by our elbows and the length of our elbow to our fingers to determine distances (basic trigonometry (triangle measurements) of objects from us. Europeans say we try to do this by using our elbow to our fingers to measure distance by placing it down like a yard stick (that is the European vulgar misconception of black people) That is why in many Kemetic pictures our ancestors have their elbow bended (measuring distances by angles). The young children use it up close because they were getting the feel of angle distances. Eurocentric math is one of the raw material of KemPtah because of the condition we are in. This whole society bombards us with identity crisis 24-7. Therefore, KemPtah mathematicians today, have to figure ways to eat and kill the beast mathematically. Eurocentric math is like toxic waste that we need to recycle and when we got the right, tools then the job can be accomplished. If not then your force to bow down to there axiom (estimates or assumption about patterns and relationships). Me I dont have to do that and I will eat their math up to nourish the KemPtah math. Im merely a scarab cleaning up the western waste so we can have space to do our own calculations.

4: How to do KemPtah elementary derivations.

How do you do KemPTah elementary Derivations and how do you graph it?

I use the law of identity as the raw material or food for KemPtah. Law of identity in connection with KemPtah looses its identity crisis, especially when it changes fully into a KemPTah formula.

The graph show you how to graph the derivative after deriving the y-value. After ploting them then connect the dots (make synergy visible).

The graph below shows you how a line can be amplified, (in electrical or any kind of amplifier, it is also called a gain). To illustrate that the line isnt just a line or it isnt just a mechanical motion of some point but a geometric shape with intense geometric density. Just for an example, a note isnt just a musical point on the musical scale but a musical shape with musical density (musical scales in itself). Something observed at a far away is similar to something observed infinitesimal distance. As above so below.

Above is a graph of KemPtah integration in which the movement of opposites are integrated (folded or weaved together). This is an opposite of the Derivation because we are Weaving and stitch the folds to make a thicker fabric. Derivation is the unfolding and analysis of synergy of sides and Integration is the folding or synthesis of the synergy of sides.

This demonstrates that a line in itself has angles, triangles, planes, etc. m and ~m stand for different sides of the same line and the points can be look at as angular motion (turns at a given time). Line M is the regular Eurocentric line, which is how line +m~m looks from a far away (or infinitesimal) distance. Its like (in the white power mathematical perspective) looking at a grain of sand or a star in the sky.

Therefore, there arent too many features to see from a Eurocentric perspective, because they lack the root. Also, note that the formula below is a KemPtah function that was derived from the algae-bra expression (KemPtah formula). When we KemPtahly derive our algea-bratic forms, we see the insides of a geometric figure far more than just its physical representations. If the x axis is time then the solution to the problem includes where the line intercepts and all other points too. This is because situation of the entity/energy changes with sequence of space (zeros or space is the potential or room for development). Knowing this allows use to completely control phenomenon because we know how the essence do. The solution to the equation in so called modern math only see the interception of the line as the only solution hence they see only the hit and not the points that dont intercept. Knowing the other points puts the person in the position to take into account data of before and after the hit so we can change the nature of the intercept and its effects. Just like learning to throw a ball the right way against the way isnt about JUST the target but also how its going there ;to determine the efficiency and affectivity of hitting the target but also the recoil incase you have to follow up or want to follow up faster. Thats a bigger cipher or zeroing in on realistic matters. All things vibrate hence things condense add with its elements and extended add to the elements, all things. Therefore, you see now the relevance of condensing and extended addition. This method can find itself in all things since all things vibrate (condense and extend, things has aptitude(extend) and frequency(condensity, lol, condense).

Two opposite processes are happening at the same time but opposite levels of development. From a y-axis point of view the lines that are opposite shows what lower and higher process must be harmonious. Moreover, from an x-axis point of view the two opposite lines show what higher and lower process that dont coexist or synchronize together. This is also the magnification of the middle line to see the processes as synergy of sides. Derivatives are very flexible in that it highlights relationships and connections in motion. The formula of a triangle or rectangle is only a geometric arithmetic form of their formula. We can measure the geometry or surface of an object but that dont conclude that we have a correct reflection of that concrete material object. Hence, the formulation of internal, repeating on the higher level type of geometry comes from a contrary formulation of geometry than that of the law of identity formulation or module formulation. Vacuum is even abstract, there is no such thing as pure nothingness, nothingness is a type, side or/and element of thingness (the root of no-thingness is thingness). The great nothingness of space looks like nothingness because it is eternal and only mirrors our limitations to make it appear that it is nothing but in actual fact we are nothing compared to the great all(the universe, reality). Like a galactic mirror, that is the existence of space and when we look to it, we see our reflection thinking it is the property of the mirror but it is really reflecting our limited or finite time and space compared to itself. It is proven that all things are Dark(Back) matter and energy and only 4% is visible or thingly thing(crystallized or hardened Black matter/energy).

6:How to do KemPtah elementary Integration.

How do you do KemPtah integration? The process is like weaving together fabric in a way. The addition of synergy (difference of sides) with the different sides causes integration or the weaving of the fabric. Integration can be seen as two forms, 1:) is the Fabric weaving and 2:) the Fabric folding. Both represent

the extension of the fabric, either in thickness (as in folding) or either in length (as in weaving)

. Even a line has lines making up its dense structure. In Eurocentric algebra, they say the line above has no solution because they never became aware that things are synergy of sides. So when they use their mathematical models on the real world all types of anomalies or unexpected stuff happen for not going with NTR. Nature (NTR) mathematically throws them off. They become filled with doubt therefore more deceptions must be fabricated in order

to save their so-called status as scientist and engineers. Their ignorant arrogance put them in a place in which they cry that its natures fault for not complying with their fabricated formulas. The line above can be seen as an unfolded spiral or KemPtah unfolding of the function(instead of divide and conquer it by dissecting it to death). I can see that at certain points unfolding and dissecting are one and the same, and thats only if the subject/object is mechanical in nature A great example of this is like the separation of piles of pebbles into groups that dont destroy the quality of pebbles so in that sense we are unfolding the piles of pebbles) or taking apart mechanical parts or electronic device( electronic device are put together mechanically but the function of it is electrical). Both examples are examples of unfolding meets dissecting or the synergy of the two. But most things in reality is organically put together, even mechanics is base on putting things together organically technically because it was produce by organic beingshumans. All mechanics are derive from organic either directly or indirectly is all Imp saying and that is additional data to model realistic mechanical things. At the same time smashing the pebbles into dust is the separation of unfolding from dissecting if youre trying to group pebbles or count them. Lol. Eurocentric science knows that mechanical analysis is not useful when we ignore the organic nature of the object but at the same time, they are stuck in mechanical analysis by making all non-mechanical methods base on the needs of mechanical analysis. Again we can see how integration and derivation is becomes one entity when we talk about analysis. The twin lines can be models of an unfold which is an analytical process to synthesize correct reflection of reality so our feedback our practice on reality can come correct.

Below graph is the Eurocentric, striped, fractured version of the KemPTah graphing that we seen. Notice it models entity/energy as law of identity. There is no synergy of poles or two separate lines representing or composing one line. This means this graph doesnt give any information of levels of development in the same entity/energy because it doesnt model synergy of sides. What are the concrete example of this Eurocentric divide and conquer in reality? How they purify the health foods putting preservatives or separators in-between opposites that suppose to be, pure amino acids, pure vitamins and mineral, already juiced fruits and vegetables with chemicals taking out and organic putting in. Soy everything because of Caucasian lack of melanin hence the need for meat. All who identifies with them will have the throw back so of the cave culture, which is eating mean form that amino acid to build dieing of protein. Melanin is know to regenerate protein or resurrects it so to speak. This purification is really an emergency act incase all cells come to a


The reason I showed you the Eurocentric graph last is because I want you to see how these scientist striped the graph into its pure or cut form like how they cut or purify food with preservatives (law of identity or law of no flux). Nor does it give information regarding a decrease of the lines opposite. This line only represents one of the opposites in the graphed entity/energy.

7:Visual of KemPtah in the Martial arts training I do. As to how it relates to the KemPtah Math.
The training I do is the KemPtah Math in motion or on a physical/spiritual level. Small aspects become greatly magnified through finding their synergy. Even the most delicate part of the body such as my fingers can gain aspects of the hardest part to permit me to support the weight (such as my three finger push-ups). Small points on my body gain dense geometric shape to put in greater work. As well as my entire body can work with dexterity of my hands. As above so below. Groundwork plays the fire and water (synergy of construction and destruction, dialectical double negation) to my upright fighting and the corresponding spirit alter accordingly because it is solely a different side of the same line (mind and body, not mind or body, wholistic, not partial). Also, groundwork also represents synergy of sides and synergy of quantity and quality. All elements are interchangeable (and synergy of sides) depending on what you want to do realistically in training or developing oneself. What is good for one man might not good be for another. What is good for one race might not be good for another. If it was true (I.e. all people are the same) then the law of identity crisis would have been universally valid. The world view and math (KemPtah) isnt good for the white race and the white man because it go against their white Old Gs (Guys) so I am not worried, if they try to steal it or copy it, they will just make it worse for themselves and demonstrate that they have no valid culture. Sensitivity (wind) and Flexibility (earth) are synergized by coordination going in reciprocal directions (+Coordination (fire) and ~Coordination (water) which makes zero (original)). Check the KemPtah formula and my training you can see it in my martial arts training. Small people are masters of ground (earth) work potentially; kinetically I am proof (I learned that while sparring my tall teacher recently). We are closer to the ground to have better synergy with it compared to taller people. Tall people are air(wind), but the atmosphere is also grounded.

8: 2 for 5 mathematical frauds run by Eurocentric being.

This short little peace is about how capitalism uses math in the strategy to hide creative forces ( I.e., Material/sprititual labor). Their equations are design to hide the ancestor or gateway element that originate and synergize the system with all other systems. Point blank. So they are not only hiding the source of capital (which is creative labor) but in their white nationalist education they hide the ancestor element in all other fields of study. That not only slows down our process but theirs as well because their method automatically turns in on itself and destroys the creator. That is why they need positive relationship with the root people to resuscitate and sustain

their weak kulture. As long as they are sucking our blood and we turn weak they will continue to suck our blood and remain powerful. Capitalistic power only originate from the original nation on this planet. In order to properly control some energy/thing, we must know the source or the creative force. The modern math seek to hide the creative force and confuse it with the non-creative force in the same equation. The equal sign remains numberless to make it appear inactive or a connector of two separate equation even though we know now it is one equation. Karl Marx didnt really go dialectical because essentially he is a materialist, which is one half of realism. Half of dialectics isnt dialectics at best it is immature dynamics. In their marketing games these Most atheist and dialectical materialist believe in what white wicked racist scientist says as if it its culturally colored. They have a hard time at separating the estimates these scientific western businessman and reality that they recorded, raw data that exist independent of estimates. Krackkka play, they do them 2$ for 3 sales, even their half price swindles are scams. First of all these wicked Eurocentric business men uses contradictions and conceal the fire and water so that it appears that it wasnt wealth taken from anyone. The price they really bought(stole) their stuff is hidden or assumed to be zero(nothing taken. All good). Yet in a sale, they coming off quite nice on 2$= 3 merchandise or commodity for example. Since its nothing (0) on the top(and bottom) of the equal sign we go for their scams. The missing fire and water is (stolen land, resources, minds, culture, etc) makes the victim think the seller is given them a break or being kind because nothing is seen on the top or bottom of their counterfeit equation. So they think the Kracka already paid for his ignorance (sins), so then it wouldnt hurt to go with the ignorance and buy his stolen property. The regular Eurocentric calculations are adept in calibrating the best way to scam. Thats capitalism, what do it look like if you find his real synergy of sides, it will look like revolution. In contrast to this analogy, the Ancient Kemetics practice a life of Maat not parasitic monopoly (monopole politricks). Them cracka know their weak game and they push that bits and pieces on us and we ignorantly (sinfully) accept it. Ignorance isnt bliss and ignorance is a bitch. They dont pay for their merchandises so even if they sell TVs for 2 cents they still get away with murder. They blind us because we dont know nothing about values on the top and bottom that are still raw material( and raw mental) that go in to produce the scams worldwide. So they say 2$ for 5 commodities without knowing the synergy of destruction (fire) and construction (water) that went in to running them scams, so we dont see the scam. We need to magnify our lifelines to see the density of living geometric figures; we have to know our power over these cowards. Real Talk, KemPtah Mathematics God.

PamPhlet Questions:

1:) 2:) What is the difference between KemPtah integration and KemPtah derivation? 3:) Solve Y = 3x +3: Find the KemPtah derivative solution and graph it.

4:) We use Translation and ??????? In KemPtah Calibration?

Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

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