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In the al-Burhan book, Abu Ja'far ibn az-Zubayr Al-rahimahullah the absurd when he said: "Orderly (sorting) the verses of the Koran in a letter carried by tauqifi (based provisions) of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, and on orders from him without any difference of opinion among the Muslims. " Even Imam al-Suyuti rahimahullah explain that certainty of it, he said: "Ijma '(consensus) Al-Qur'an al-Karim consist of letters and verses, among them some short and some long. Verse: is the numbers of sentences of Kalamullah (word of God) are arranged in the Koran. And the letter: the number of verses in the Qur'an that has a beginning (beginning) and end. Ordering (arrangement) verses in the Qur'an is tauqifi (under the provisions) of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, Among them az-Zarkasy rahimahullah of the Muslims and the texts (the arguments) are similar indicates that order (sequencing) the verses of the Quran in a letter made based on tauqifi of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, and there is no doubt in that. " Gabriel 'alaihissalam gradually bring down the revelation of the verses of the Quran to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam, and he 'alaihissalam show he sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam in which these verses should be placed letters or verses down previously. Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ordered revelation to the authors for writing it in place and he said: "Place / put these verses in a letter in which there is mention of this, or put this paragraph on such place." As he also goes to the radi 'anhum. From 'Uthman ibn Abi al-`radi' anhu said:" I've sat with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, when he fidgeted with his views, then return the original, then he sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said: 'Gabriel 'alaihissalam has come to me, and ordered me to put this verse on this place in this letter: "Allah commands (you) to be fair and good, " (Surat an-Nahl: 90) 'Uthman ibn' Affan radi 'anhu in the collection of the Koran, stopping at places of each paragraph in his letter. (

"And the people who will die and leave wives among you, let intestate to his wives, living up to a year by not to move (from home)." (Surat al-Baqarah: 240) Has been abrogated (removed legal) by another verse (in the previous paragraph (234)), then why do you keep writing (still written while you know that verse has been abrogated)? "'Uthman radi' anhu said:" Oh my nephew I'm not going to change verses of the Koran is the place. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari) And there are many hadits that show the primacy of certain verses from the Koran, and this requires that the control (sequencing) the verses of the Koran is tauqifi. Because if it is allowed to be changed then it will not fit with these hadits. Abu Darda radi 'anhu is marfu' (to his law to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam): which meaning "Those who memorize ten verses from the beginning (beginning) Surat alKahf, surely he is protected from defamation Dajjal." In another lafazh:

"Whoever reads the end of the ten verses of Surat al-Kahf undoubtedly kept from the rummer of Dajjal." besides there is a hadiths that show the location of certain verses put in place. From 'Umar radi' anhu: : - - "There is nothing more I ask the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam exceeded my questions about Kalalah (people who die and have no father or son as his heir), to the extent that he sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam pressed my chest with his finger, and said: 'It is enough shaif verse for you (verse down in the summer) at the end of the letter an-Nisaa '.' "(Narrated by Muslim) And have a valid history of readings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to the letters of the Qur'an with the verse sequences in his prayer, or on the Friday sermons, such as Surat alBaqarah, Ali Imran, and an-Nisa'. And has authentic history of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam that he read the letter of al-Maghrib prayers A'raaf on, the letter as-Sajdah and alInsaan on Shubuh at Friday prayers, letters Qaf in Friday sermons, and he sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam also read a letter of al-jumu'a and al-Munafiqun at Friday prayers.

And Gabriel 'alaihissalam always showed readings of the Koran to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam once a year in the month of Ramadan, and at the end of the year in the life of the

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam Gabriel' alaihissalam read it twice, and reading it there in accordance with order of the verses which is known today. Thus, the order of the verses of the Koran as in the Manuscripts circulating in our midst is tauqifi, without any doubt. After mentioning the hadiths regarding certain letters, Imam al-Suyuti rahimahullah said: "Reading the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam of the verses of the Koran in front of a bunch Sahabah radi' anhum show that the sequence of its verses are tauqifi , and his companions would not put them in a different order with what they heard from reading the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. then this ranks as murawatir degrees. " (Al-Itqaan) B. RASM UTHMAN the discussion about collection of Qur'an in Uthman ibn' Affan radi 'anhu, and also Zaid bin Thabit and his three friendships from Quraisy anhum has done a special method that has been blessed (approved) by' Uthman ibn 'Affan radi' anhu in writing of such mushaf. Scholars call this method by Rasm al-'Utsmani. But some scholars has different opinions such as : 1. Some of them argue that rasm al-Quran is a lil'Utsmani tauqifi (already patented his messenger) that should we follow (used) in writing of the Koran. And they (the Ulama) superfluous to pure it, and they leaned that it is tauqifi of the prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.


Then they mention that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said to Mu'awiya radi' anhu - co-author of revelation: "Pour ink, pen scratched, hold your letters Yes', differ Seen letters, dont tilt the letter Mim, and be good in God pronunciation, make it longer in pronunciation of ar-Rahman ar-Rahim and beautify, and put your pen in your left ear because it reminded you more. " Ibn Mubaraka rahimahullah quoting from his teacher, 'Abdul' Aziz ad-Dibagh, that her teacher said to Ibn al-Mubarak: "There is no interference from tradi 'anhums friendship even if only by a hair. But he (rasm) is tauqifi of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. The only him who ordered the scribes to write the revelation known form of (present) by adding alif and reduce them to a secret-a secret that

can not be known through reason. And that is one of the secrets of the secrets of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala specialize the Koran with him, and not for the books Samawi otherwise. As the composition of the Qur'an is a miracle then rasmn also a miracle. "

And they searched for rasm (way of writing) are the secrets (wisdom), who into the proposition that shows masks and subtle meanings why choose rasm al'Utsmani. As the addition of the letter O 'the word of God:

"It is We wake up with hands (We) " (Surah Adh-Dzaariyaat: 47) Because it is written with (there are additional letters Yes' because if outside of the Quran written with ,)and that as a cue to glorify God with the power of His hand He built the sky, and that he did not resemble the creature's hand His. It is based on the famous principle: "The addition of the letter in the form of a sentence, showing the addition of meaning."And this opinion, there is no any history of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam so into the proposition that this is rasm tauqifi, but it is just a term for this rasm used (agreed) by the authors of revelation in the days of' Uthman radi 'anhu and he agreed. And he made for them dhawabith (provision) for it, that is, in his speech to the three people of Quraish who became the author of Manuscripts: Q"If you three and Zaid bin Thabit different opinions about the issue of al-Qur'an, then write in a dialect of Quraysh, because al -Qur 'an it down with their dialect. "And when they disagree about the writing Zaid radi' anhu said: and they all say, then they denounce this case to 'Uthman radi' anhu said:" Write ,because the Qur'an revealed to the dialect (language) of Quraysh. " 3. Many of the scholars who argue that al-'Utsmani rasm not tauqifi of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, but he is just a term that is approved by' Uthman radi 'anhu, accepted by the entire Ummah, must hold fast to him or her and use it and should not be compare it. Asyhab rahimahullah said: "Imam Malik rahimahullah were asked: 'should Manuscripts be written with letters Hijaiyah which is new rules made by humans?" Imam Malik rahimahullah replied:' Not allowed, except

by writing the first procedure. ', Narrated by Abu' Amr ad-Dani rahimahullah in the book of al-Muqni '. Then he said: No one was dri Ulama Muslim cleric who compare words of Imam Malik. "And he says in another place:" Imam Malik was asked about the letters in the Qur'an like the letter Alif Wawu and ', do you think should be amended if both of Manuscripts are in like that? "Imam Malik rahimahullah replied:" No. ". Ibn 'Amr rahimahullah said: "I mean, is the letter Alif Wawu and' additional written but not like the word ( read Uluu, not Uuluu)." Rahimahullah Imam Ahmad said: "forbidden to compare rasm Manuscripts 'Uthman in the writing of letters Wawu, or Yes' or Alif, or that in others." (See alItqaan works of Imam al-Suyuti rahimahullah, and al-az-Zarkasyi Burhaan work rahimahullah) . 4. And another group of scholars who argue that rasm Ottoman is the term, why not (not prohibited) to compare it, if men agree on a rasm (method) for writing and rasm it was spread among them. Al-Qadi Abu Bakr al-Baqilani rahimahullah said in his book al-Intishaar: "The problems of writing (Manuscripts), then Allah does not require that the ummah is nothing in this matter, and also he did not choose for the recording of al- Manuscripts of the Qur'an and author of certain rasm He enjoined (for use) and so they leave otherwise. Because of the necessity of it (use rasm Ottoman) can not be known except by as-sam'u proposition (al-Qur'an and Hadith), and tauqifi. Though not in the texts (the explicit meaning) of the Qur'an and also in mafhumnya (implied meaning) something which explains that rasm (writing method) of the Koran and giving harkat not allowed except in only one way special, and specific provisions that should not be violated. In the texts asSunnah (Hadith) is also no argument that requiring such. Likewise there is no consensus (consensus) which requires such people, as well as kiyas (analogy) syar'i did not showed it. Even as-Sunnah indicate any allow the rasm easy to use, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam once ordered his writers to write the revelation of the Quran, and did not explain to them about the specific methods and also does not prohibit other methods of writing. Therefore, handwriting (paper model) Manuscripts vary, some of them there who write

sentences according lafazh pronunciation, and some of them there are add and subtract because of their knowledge that it is a term, and that it is not hidden from humans. Therefore, may write a letter Kufi and the handwriting of the first, to make the pen in accordance with the form Kaaf, Alif and may bend to be written by means other than this. And be written in handwriting (paper model) Hijaiyah ancient, and may also be written with a modern handwriting and also be a combination of both. If handwriting, handwriting Manuscripts and many of the letters is varied and different forms, and humans have been allowed to write by writing that has become their habit, and with what is easy, famous and considered to be primary with no sin, then from there it is known that humans are not required to follow certain provisions in the writing, as they are required to follow certain rules in the reading. Because of this it is because handwriting is a sign-and-rasm rasm such as signs, symbols and formulas. So every rasm that shows a word is bound up with a model that must be right reading and writing must be straightened in any form. In conclusion, every person who claims the necessity of using special rasm argues must bring proof of it. however, it is impossible he have it? "And depart from this opinion, some people in this age invited to write a copy of the rules Imla'iyah known among them, so easily read by readers both from the students, and students, and students when reading the Koran do not feel any difference between the Koran rasm with rasm Imla'i they learn. And I see that the second opinion is an opinion that rajih (strong), and that required to write alQur'an with rasm Ottoman known in the Manuscripts. So he (rasm Ottoman) is rasm that these people inherit each other since the time of 'Uthman radi' anhu. And keep (preserve) is a powerful guarantee to protect the Qur'an from the conversion and replacement of the letter. If allowed the writing of Manuscripts by rasm al-Imla'i on every day, then it will result in the conversion of text Manuscripts from one era to another era, even their own rules Imal'i different point of view in a single day, and also the presence of differences in some sentences from one country to another And differences in handwriting, handwriting mentioned by al-Qadi Abu Bakr al-Baqilani rahimahullah is one thing and rasm Imal'i is something else again (there is no relationship between the two).

Then the difference is simply changing the form of handwriting letters, rather than changing rasm. As for the argument that it (the writing with rasm istilahi) is to facilitate reading for students and learners, by reason of the absence of conflict between the Koran with rasm rasm Imla'i istilahi, then it is not the reason to change rasm, so that less carefully in writing the Koran. And the habits of reading the Quran in Manuscripts know about it and understand the differences of dictation 'by cues located on top of words. And those who get this thing in the world of education or with his children will know that there are difficulties when reading the Quran with a copy of the first time will become easier after getting used to in a short time. Imam al-Bayhaqi said in Syu'abul rahimahullah Faith: "He who writes Manuscripts, then it should pay attention to letters Hijaiyah used by them (the Companions) to write Manuscripts, and do not compare them, do not change anything they wrote. Because they are actually more knowledge, more verbal and honest heart, and more trustworthy than us. So should not we expect ourselves to know better than them. "

BIBLIOGRAPHY Manna Kholil Al-Qattan. 2009. Study Ilmu-ilmu Quran. Bogor. Pustaka Lintera Antar Nusa.

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