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Life of Confucius

Bryan Fontin Mr. Correira January 31, 2011 Period G

According to legend, a unicorn appeared and foretold the birth of Confucius. It had a jade tablet with a prophecy saying, I child as pure as crystal will be born for the continuation of the declining of Chou, to become a king without a kingdom.1 He lived between the years of 551 and 479. According to Chinese tradition, he was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School . Confucius is described as having endured poverty and a humiliating childhood.2 Since he was born into a poor family, he managed stables and worked as a book keeper, and while doing that he educated himself.3 Growing up in poverty and having no father by the age of three gave him a different perspective of life. By the time he was fifteen, Confucius devoted all his time and effort into learning. Confucius became married at the age of nineteen to a woman named Chi-Kuan and had a child, Kung Li, a year after. When he was twenty-two, he started what is thought of as the first private school, where he expanded his thoughts and ideas to other people. He spoke about his ideals of behavior, government, justice by law, and the value of education.4

Something very troubling to Confucius was his perception that the

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political institutions of his day had completely broken down. He blamed this collapse to the fact that those who had power as well as those who occupied small or ordinary positions did so by claiming to titles for which they were not worthy. When Confucius was asked by a ruler of the large state of Qi about the principles of good government, he replied: Good government consists in the ruler being a ruler, the minister being a minister, the father being a father, and the son being a son. For Confucius, what characterized great rulership was having virtue.5 Confucius believes that people live their lives within barriers firmly established by Heaven, but he argues that men are responsible for their actions and especially for their treatment of others. We can do little or nothing to alter our fated span of existence but we determine what we accomplish and what we are remembered for.6 His views on the government was that every citizen of the state should have a specific role and they should do their best at that role in life. Every ruler should be kind, provide a good life style for the people, and promote education; they should also be educated themselves.7

Confucius thought that the government reinforcing these rules would recreate the commonwealth state into a utopia. Confucius represented his
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teachings as lessons transmitted from antiquity. 8 Confucius saw education as a

process of constant self-improvement and held that its primary function was the training of noblemen.9 He claimed that he was a changer and not a maker and

that all he did reflected his reliance on and love for the ancients. He also claimed that he enjoyed a special and privileged relationship with Heaven and that, by the age of fifty, he had come to understand what Heaven had mandated for him and mankind. 10
Confucianism was primarily a system of ethical precepts for the proper management of society. It described every man as essentially a social creature who is bound to his fellows by jen, a term often rendered as humanity or human-kindness. Jen is expressed through the five relationsking and subject, parent and child, elder and younger brother, husband and wife, and friend and friend.11 Confucius'

goal wass to create gentlemen who present themselves with grace, speak correctly, and demonstrate integrity in all things. His strong dislike was of the petty men whose clever talk and disgraceful manner win them an honor.12
In recent years people can look at Confucianism with a more rational state of mind, some even suggest returning to Confucianism for wisdom while opponents hold that Confucianism should be held responsible for the backwardness of China's development and for that reason its dominance should not be revived. Confucius's
8 9 10 11 12

works are studied by many scholars in many other Asian countries, particularly those in the Sinosphere, such as Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Many of those countries still hold the traditional memorial ceremony every year.13 Confucius ways are followed by many people. Some follow it religiously and some see it as an example of how to behave. His ideas of the five noble tryths are still in affect also, one difference now is that women have more power. Some of his views of government are still used today. Every ruler has been educated and it isnt just simply becoming ruler, there is a process of test and opinions that also determines who rules or not. When Confucius died he left a great legacy and gained many more followers.


Confucius child hood life More of his younger life A few things on his belief of strong education Things about Confucianism Some more about Confucianism and its impact


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