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OPD OPerations Saturday, January 28'2012 9:30 AM



Skrdlant, Jason L.

-- saturdav Subject: Situation Update #1 -:.!qt.]5[iv28JAN 2012, at 0930

Situation UPdate #1
0900 hours

Saturday 2S JAN 2012, at 0930

EOC is

incidents or photos' contact opd-ops@oaklandnetcom with additional information,

someone added, If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like please

contact us.

Direct phone line: 5L0-233-6016.



OPD OPerations Saturday, January 28,201210:'15 AM Santana, Deanna; Poulson, oPD operations; lsrael, Jeffrey; Allison, Darren; P-oirier,.Michael; se_an;'wlley, Kevin;Rachal, Anthony; Davis' Edward; parris, Kenneth; Garcia, iiGrt;wh;ni, w; ili estas, Fred;.Lozares, Demetrio; Tull' Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; lotn"r, tr]"; wong;ciffoio Christopher, O-u!3ry' Danielle; DL - OPD Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wf fiamslsfraron l;-Snannon, Elzey, Davia; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; sergeants; Jordan, Howard;g_r"sn"L;,Erlc; L.ayr Peter; Officer, Emergency Public; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;YefOeii"o"J'B;yd, f?ten;.information John; Jason.p'tama@uscs'mil;

Sent: To:

John; weir, orotogas, Alexandra; tgmchugh@i;;.;H ;;Jary"ir, j ("nn"fl.,.s-.rosteit<;; Ray, Jenny
Anthony; jlinn@acgov'org; Alexander' Blair Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole;;

Baker, Lisa;Toribio'


Subject: Situation Update #2


Saturday 28 JAN 2012' at 1015

Situation Update #2
0958 hours


Saturday 28 JAN 2012' at L015

building they are going to occupy' OO has published a list of "rules" for the

Go to link for rules: be the target of oo' _ See atrached word document for a rist of vacant properties that could

1003 hours

information, incidents or photos. Contact with additional list or would like someone added' please If you would like to be removed from this distribution contact us.
Direct phone line: 510-238-60I'6'



OPD OPerations Saturday, January 28,201210:48 AM

Sent: To:

Deanna; Poulson' oPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey; Allison, Darren; P-oirier,.Michael; santana, Davis'
Edwaro; paiiis, Kennetir;

carcii, eilb",t;Wheni, S-ean;Wiley, Kevin;Racha[, Anthony; Demetrio;Tull' Drennon; loynei rrii.;Wong.Cliffoid W; Mestas, Fred;.Lozares' Johnny; Lindsey, Christopher, o.utf3ry, Danielle; DL - OPD Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; WttiamLlS-naron ..1;-Snannon, David;-Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman' Kirk; Sergeants; Jordan, Howard;gre"h"Li", Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, officer, Emergency Public; Faeth, o"riolcn"i,, n.o"rtiv"iouiR"nl6oyo, rrr"n;.information Weir, John; Jason'p'tama@uscg'mil; Orologas, Alexandra; tgmchugh@i;".6[].lor1; Weir, John; mi I ; Ray, .ten nyi f e n n etn. SI. f ostJcki@ uscg' mi ; ScottA'G arcia@.uscg'; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, sectorsanFranciscocom*unoc"iiJr6'u=Jg.*ir; Anthony;; Alexander, Blair


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff' Nicole; O'Connor' Charles


situation update #3 ---saturday 28 JAN 20l2,at 1045 hours

1044 hours

building: Down of rules that will lead to dismissal from the occupied

a. Sex:a1 violence or harassment

b. RePetitive theft.
c. unwarranted physical assault. (Self-defense


not be automatic grounds for exclusion')

the incrimiuation of cornrades through d. Cooperation r'vith the poiice ir: any form' inoluding video or photo evidence' fumishing or aualyzing potential

and nou-consensually poi,ting your f, No photografhy or video without consent. Deliberately forum ttrey aon't r'vant puUtlc and posting-in a pubiic camera at cornrn*nity members *fro *uy-il. ;"*;;;;1ah*g media, and all comrades' please Lt .rt .u*"rs, citizen iournalists, other is grouuds f",. oing images elsewhere in the occupied building' ro"o". and refrain fro* capture rootug"'in ;;" *"aiu*pprorr"d "upt likenesr, ,o'i"", or"idenity lvill potentially becaptured' unless you receive consent from all comral"s whose


Rationale tried to encourage a cultt're In other bztilding occupdtions in the Bay Area, po-lice recorded in photo?lalhs , of ,riirnini,- urE;ng tie ptblic to ictentify c-omrades , do the cops' worlcfor them' posted onine. Pleise piacttce securfty culttre. Don't Do not record someone withot'tt their eonsent'

information, incidents or photos' Contact with additional

or would rike someone added, rf you would rike to be removed from this distribution rist
contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-601-6'



OPD OPerations Saturday, January 28,201211:47 AM Deanna; Poulson' oPD Operations; lsraet, Jeffrey; Allison, Darren; P-oirier,.Michael; santana, Anthonv; Davis' CirO"rU Whent, Sean; Wilev, Kevin;Rachal, Edward; Pr;;i;, k;;.;tir; oarcii, Fred;.Lozares' Demetrio; Tull' Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; loyn"i fr=i"; Wong, Ctiffoia W; ilrtestas, christoprrgl p.utf.a1v, Danielle; DL - OPD steven; Hamilton, Freddie; wttiams, straron .l'; snann-on, david;Mullnix' Kirt; coleman' Kirk; sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, officer, Emergency Public; Faeih, o"uii; Cf,ri, ii"n"tt;i"fo"r, non; eoya.,-t<"t"n;.information Weir, John; Jason'p'tama@uscg'mil; Orologas, Alexandra; tgmchugh@...OnJ.gou; Weir, John; mi l; Ray, Jen ny; ke n n efl"r. S-.Kosteiki@ uscg. mi ; S cottA. G arci a@uscg. Baker, Lisa;Toribio,

Sent: To:

Anthony; jlin; Alexander, Blair

Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole;O'Connor, Charles



hours situation update #4 --- Saturday 28 JAN 20L2, at 1145 to send information An email tip-line has been created for those outside law enforcement to OPD regarding this event.
1130 hours

The email address is OPDtipline@gntail'com' trusffid.d their building, there a1e lolks that are going to set a i 135 hours - It appears tt ut "t .,Children's Village""so ii"-pur.ttt f..i torrected to the mo*vement' It does not appear.thai they the children may "un irithe mix of the occupation but nevertheless it appears that will be involving


be nearby.


Info about children,s village

1141 hours



From Twitter:


-- 1,----...^^,r ^rl

BP" #j29

information' incidents or photos' Contact with additional

or would like someone added, please rf you would like to be removed from this distribution list
contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016'


From: Sent:

OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,201212:14 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, JohnnyiLindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faelh, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John;Weir, John; Jason.p'; Ray, Jenny;; Scott.A.Ga rcia@uscg. mi ;; Donald.P.Montciro@uscg.rnil; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicote;O'Connor, Charles

Subject: Situation Update #5


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1215 hours

Situation Update #5 -'- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1215 hours

1152 hours 1205 hours

50 in FOP
ran up on @ 47514fr Street OPD had one in-custody for warrant. Crowd from FOP

officers during stop but prisoner was transported away.

1215 hours

Crowd at FOP is now 225 to25O.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added' please
contact us.

Direct phone tine: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations


Saturday, January 28,201212:59 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;\Mley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny;'Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford WlMesta9, Fred; Lozares, D-emetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, FreddiejWiiliams, Sharon J;-Shannon, Christo_pher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD S.rg"unt"; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeih, David; Chan, RobertiYelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John;Weir, John; Jason.p.tama@uscg'mil; Ray, Jenny; Kenneth.S.Kostecki@uscg.mi l; Scott.A.Ga rcia@uscg' mi l;;; Baker, Lisa;Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander,Elair;-Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide,

Skrdlant, Jason L.;Ruff, Nicote; O'Connor, Charles subject: situation update #6 -- saturday 28 JAN 2A12, at 1300 hours

Situation Update #6
1221 hours


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1300 hours

People in the crowd have been seen with padding and long sticks up with shields and bags

l242hows- About 10 to 15 people showing

1245 hours

From Twitter: @OwslssAngeleg#Occu PY LA a stdit< of pictures of Occupiers who have ffis es warrants. @oicupvo aruan OfaoctupyL4 @OakF6Sho@p u nkboyinsf @Cross X-Bon

Contact with additional information, iricidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone addedo please

Direct phone line: 51-0-238-6016.



OPD OPerations SaturdaY, January 28,20121:29 PM

Sent: To:

OpD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Davis, Edward; pairis, Kennetir; carcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean; Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;Tull, Johnny;'Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie;Wong,Clifford W; DL - OPD Steven; ffamiftdn, FreddiejWiiliams, Sharon J;-Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; Uo*"ra; Breshears, Eric;Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;_Mullnix, Kirt;Coleman, Kirk; Sergeants;.loiAan, Public;. Faein, OaviO;Cfr"n, nrO",'t;Yelder, Ron;Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Weir, John; Weir, John; Jason.p.tama@uscg'mil; Orologa., ni"xanJrr;; Ray, Jenny; Kenneth.S-'; ScottA'Garda@uscg' mil; Lisa; Toribio,;; Baker, Cathey; Gampbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Anthony;; Alexander,-Blair; Eide, CatheY; Harmon, ReYgan

Skrdlant, Jason L'; Ruff, Nicole;O'Connor, Charles subject: situation update #7 -- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1330 hours


Situation update #7 --- Saturday 2S JAN 2012, at L330 hours

1323 hours

131g hours

to put furniture, etc. on - Via live stream, people have been advised new location. No word to the

the wooden caster



th;t'"* *o,r. their stuff

yet where that is'

i32i horrt -

Group on the move SIB Broadway

From Twitter: Jo"i not work at first move-in location, we are prepared to take over another" #oo #occupyoakl-an d pi c.twitter. com/d M cY8 1 vZ
,,lf something

132g hours on them.

shields with peace signs Front line of group is rnasked up and carrying plastic garbage can

or photos' contact with additional information, incidents

added, rf you would like to be removed fro-m this distribution list or would like someone contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.


Sent: To:

OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,20122:00 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;Mullnix, Kirt;Coleman, Kirk; Faelh, David;Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;;Weir, John; Weir, John;; Ray, J en ny; Ken neth.s.Kostecki@uscg. mi l; Scott.A. Ga rcia@uscg.mi l;;; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;;Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles


Subject: Situation Update #8


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1400 hours

Situation Update #8 --- Saturday 28 JAN 2A12, at 1400 hours

1353 hours 1356 hours

- Crowd


Ets on 13& St at Harrison

Alice E/B on t3ft St

- Crowd is bout 450 to 500 at approaching

1400 hours -gO% SIB on Jackson and the rest on 13th EiB.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

ffyou would Iike to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added,'please

.Dirbct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD Operations SaturdaY, January 28,2012 2:00 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean; Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven j Hamiltdn, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;_Mullnix, Kirt; Coldman, Kirk; Faeih, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John;; Ray, Jenny; Ken neth.s.Kostecki@uscg. mi l; Scott.A' Ga rcia@uscg. mi I ;; Donald.P.Montoro@uscg,mil; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;;Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles

Sent: To:


Subject: Situation Update #8


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1400 hours

Situation Update #8 --- Saturday 28 JAN 2012' at 1400 hours

1353 hours 1356 hours 1400 hours

Crowd is

Ets on

13th St at Harrison

Crowd is bout 450 to 500 at approaching Alice E/B on 13e St

gO% SIB on Jackson and the rest

on 13m E/B.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

ffyou would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added,'please

.Dirbct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations Saturday, January 28,2012 2:16 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert; Whent, Sean; \Mley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony, Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert; Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;;Weir, John;Weir, John;; ' Ray, Jen ny; Kenneth.s.Kostecki@uscg. mi l; Scott.A. Ga rcia@uscg. mil;;; Baker, Lisa;Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Carnpbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles




Subject: Situation Update #9


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1417 hours

Situation Update #9 -' Saturday 28 JAN 20L2' at 14L7 hours

1413 hours
141 3

-E/B 9ft at Oak Street


Front of group approaching Fallon

Part of group has made

1414 hours

it on Laney campus.

14i5 hours - Peralta Police Services (ACSO) has been advised that they are on campus.
1415 hours
1417 hours

-Bulk of group has been stopped by OPD atFallon

- From Twitter: VivianHoVivian Ho tflarcfr traits along 9th, police in riot gearwatch on 1Oth #occupyoakland #moveindav #j2B

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added, please
contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238'6016.



OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,20122:29 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean; Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven;'Hamiftdn, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - O?D Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;_Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeih, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John;; Ray, Jenny ; Ken neth.s.Kostecki@uscg. mi ; Scott.A.Ga rcia@uscg.mi I ;;; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washlngton, Anne; Eide,

Sent: To:

Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole;O'Connor, Charles

Subject: Situation Update #10

Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1430 hours

Situation Update #10 --- Saturday 28 JAN 2012,

1418 hours 1426 hours


1430 hours

Group on campus working their way NIB directly towards

Tweeting that if they are not going through the police they need to take over a building on .r.prr-. ..... "Marihers stop io .eg.oup i, ianey College. "Follow the red flag" #oo #moveinday #j28 #ows (@pixplz live at http://ustre-am/Fp61)sick jew ,,We either march through poli". o.*e take a building on this campus'r #oo #moveinday #j28 #ows ( @pixplzlive at ustre.amlFP6 1)

ry&h"r"1430 hours 1430 hours

TNT requested to E 1Oft St and 2*d Ave

Large group EIB and north to flank OPD.

Officer advising loosing 2*d Ave and E 10e


Contact opO-opr@* with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added, please
contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations SaturdaY, January 28,20122:44PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, .Edward; Parris, rcennetfr; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon, Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W;Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;Tull, Steven;'H"mift6n, Freddie; Wiitiams, Sharon J;-Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;.;oraan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, Davidi_Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; faeln, David; Chan, RobertiYelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public;. Orologas, niexanari;;Weir, John; Weir, John; Jason'p.tama@uscg-mil; Ray, Jen ny; Ke n neth.S.Kostecki@ uscg. mi l; S cottA. Garci a@ uscg' mi I ;;; Baker, Lisa;Toribio, Anthony;;Alexander,Elair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, GatheY; Harmon, ReYgan


To: '

Skrdlant, Jason L'; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles subject: situation Update #11 -- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1445 hours


Situation Update #lL:-Saturday 23 JAN 2AL2, at1445 hours

1435 hours 1436 hours

Group of 6 is trying to cut through chain link fence near 5ft Ave'
the foot


working their - Via live stream, it appears that the group is slowly E/8. It leads toway across the football going
the estuary with carti of supplies. They-are

"*"ss the new construction. It looks like tir"y ar. trying to get to where they

field area cutting the fence' are

1439 hours 1443 hours 1445 hours

They people cutting the fence have gotten through'

Group working their way back

WB on 12ft

Street on the north side of Kaiser

going is putting out that they are confused. They are not sure where/what is on. They are advising people to stop on 12& St on north side of Kaiser.

- Live stream

photos' Contact opd-ops@oaklandnet com with additional information, incidents or

please If you would like to be removed from this distribution Iist or would like someone added,

contact us.

Direct phone line: 5L0-238-6016.



OPD OPerations

Sent: SaturdaY,

January 28,2012 2:58 PM


OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey; Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;\Mley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;.Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, Davidl Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faelh, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John;; Ray, Jenny; Kenneth.S.Kostecki@uscg'mil; Scott.A.Garcia@uscg.mi l;;; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;;Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles


Subject: Situation Update


Saturday 28 JAN 2A12, at 1500 hours

Situation Update #12

1448 hours


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1500 hours

is down. About 75 yatdsof the fence is down.

- The fence on 12ft north of Kaiser

horr. - Dispersal order has been made and is being made

1452 hours

- Muitipte

people on live steam commented that they can hear the dispersal order.

1453 hours - Smoke deployed. 1453 hours 1454 hours 1457 hours 1459 hours


Mutual aid has been requested (for 500). Stagi ng areahas been advised. Officers taking bottles.

- Crowd destroying construction ecluipment/fence. - Officers

are taking

rocks. Live stream is confirming rocks being thown (spoke not seen)

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 5L0-238-6016.


From: Sent:

OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,2012 3:15 PM OPD Operations; Israel, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcla, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford WiMestqs, Fred; Lozares, D_emetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard;Breshears, Eric;Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt;Coleman, Kirk; Faeih, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John; Jason'; Ray, Jenny; Ken neth.s.Kostecki@uscg.mi l; Scott.A.Garcia@uscg.mi l;;; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;;Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles Saturday 28 JAN 2Q12, at 1515 hours



Subject: Situation Update #13


Situation Update #13 --- Saturday 23 JAN 2}l2,at 15L5 hours

1504 hours - per KGO house on Fallon. 1506 hours

live aerial footage: Group of about 25a b 300 is at the SIE corner of the court

Group at


are stopped.

150g hours - Internet chatter is that they are moving on to "Plan It -uy be another location or a different approach to Kaiser.


we don't know what Plan B is yet.

per Twitter: "March moves again, presumably toward plan B. I wouldn't be surprised if there are Cs and Ds too -- it's early yet & #OO wants a bldg. #j28"
& ,,protesters continue on past Kaiser Center, plan to circle. building #j28#oo #occupyoakland"

#OO regrouped at 12th & Oak with Cops at 1Oth.. ? going to second building

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos. If you roortO li1eio be removed from this distribution Iist or would like someone added, please contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations
SaturdaY, January 28,2012 3:29 PM



OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;-T_ull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kitt; Coleman' Kirk; Faeih, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;;Weir, John; Weir, John;; Ray, Jenny; Ken neth.S.Kostecki@uscg. mi l; Scott.A.Ga rci a@uscg. mi l;;; Baker, Lisa;Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1530 hours


Subject: Situation Update #14


Situation Update #L4

1517 hours 1520 hours


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at L530 hours

Deploying smoke. Someone in crowd threw a flare'

- The bulk of the crowd is between 10tr and 12ft on Oak.

l522hours- Live stream is telling people to get ready because the cops are putting on gas masks.
1524 hours

Officers taking thrown projectiles.

1528 hours - Crowd moving WIB on 1lm.

Contact with additionat information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list of would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 5L0-233-60.16.



OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,2012 3:57 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey; Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny;'Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W;Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Dem_etrio;Tull, SteveniHamilton, FreddiejWiitiams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeih, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John; Jason.p'tama@uscg'mil; Ray, Jen ny; Ken neth.S.Kostecki@uscg.mi l; Scott.A.Garci a@uscg'mi ;; Donald.P.Montoro@uscg,mil; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide,



Cathey;Harmon, ReYgan
Gc: Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles

Subject: Situation Update #15


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, a|1600 hours

Situation Update #15 --- Saturday 28 JAN zll?.,at 1600 hours

1533 hours 1535 hours

Group has reached Jackson

Per Twitter:

'"Need all people at 11th and Madison #occupyoakland #oo#i28#moveinday"

1540 hours

Offrcers are taking on thrown pieces of pipe

i542 hours - Most of group on 12ft I Jackson

1548 hours 1550 hours 1557 hours

CODE 3 for 2 officers Skirmish line is


at /,ftlftamson

Bulk of crowd back at FOP

1600 hours - Chatter indicates that there are


and "C" Iocations but they are unknown to us now'

photos. Contact with additional information, incidents or

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations

Sent: To:

Saturday, January 28,2012 4:58 PM

OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Pottlson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcla, Gilbefi;Whent, Sean; Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, . JohnnyiLindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faelh, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John;; Ray, Jenny ; Ken neth.s.Kostecki@uscg.mi I; Scott.A. Ga rcia@uscg. mi l;;; Baker, Lisa;Toribio, Anthony;;Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, ReYgan
Skrdlant, Jason L.;Ruff, Nicole;O'Connor, Charles


Subject: Situation Update #16


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1700 hours

Situation Update #16 --- Saturday 23 JAN 2012, at L700 hours

1608 hours 1615 hours

300 to 350 in FOP Per Twitter: "Going to rest, eat and chill out then try to take another building. #OO #J28

#FTP #MovelnDaY"
1623 hours
50 ACSO en route...ETA not/can't be used until reciuested.



50 CHP

will be staging at CIIP Oakland. They (CHP)

1625 hours 1645 hours

Live streams that they are going to march agun at around 1700 hours Advising that they will be starting again in 15 minutes.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations SaturdaY, January 28,2012 5:16 PM OPD Operations; [srael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeih, David; Ghan, Robert; Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; Information Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John;Weir, John;; Ray, Jenny;;;

Sent: To:;;Baker, Lisa;Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles

Subject: Situation Update #17 -- Saturday23JAN ?012,at 1715 hours

Situation Update #17 --- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1715 hours

17I7 hours

- There were 20 arrests made so far today.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added,
contact us.


Direct phone line: 510-23S-6016.



OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,2012 5:26 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;\Mley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Erlc; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John;; Ray, Jenny; Ken neth. S. Kostecki@uscg. mil; Scott.A.Garcia@uscg. mil;;; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan; Tracey, Edward



Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles

Subject: Situation Update #18


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1 730 hours

Situation Update #18 --- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at l73lhours

1718 hours

- Per Twitter:

@northoaklandnow Oakland North everyone is regroupping and refueling for round two of occupy building. #oo protester: "we're in full riot mode. we're amped right now"
Fer live stream, they are announcing that they are about to start the march to the next location from l4thlbroadway. They have not said where they are going.
172-0 hours

1723 hours

- The crowd is about 300 to 350.

if their attempt to get the next

1723 hours - They are advising that they are going to re-occupyu FOP building does not work. Per Twitter: "@SabzBrach

Joanne Michele #OO plan - meet at 14th and Broadway and march to the building. If they can't occupy it, they'll return to and occupy the plaza."

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations
SaturdaY, January 28,2012 5:43 PM

Sent: To:

OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;\A/iley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, .. Johnny;'Linttsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;Mullnix, Kirt;Coleman, Kirk; Faelh, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;; Weir, John; Weir, John; Jason.p.tama@uscg'mil; Ray, Jenny; Kenneth.S.Kostecki@uscg'mil; Scott.A';;; Baker, Lisa;.Toribio, Anthony;; Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbetl-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan; Tracey, Edward


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole;O'Connor, Charles

Subject: Situation Update #19

Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1745 hours

Situation Update #t9

1731 hours 1733 hours

Saturday 28 JAN 20l2,at1745 hours

* They are on the move N/B Broadway


N/B Telegraph and then


16ft St'

i736 hours
1740 hours 1743 hours

Group is gathering at 16ftisan Pablo Group is on the move N/B San Pablo

- 12 Berkeley PD officers ready iflwhen we need them

someone added, please

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution Iist or would like
contact us.

Direct phone line: 5L0-233-6016.



OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,2012 6:15 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward'; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W;Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Dem_etrio;Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshearqo Eric; Lau, Peter;Elzey, David;Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robeft;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; '';Weir, John; Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jenny;'';''; 'Se-ciorSanf'; ''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan;Tracey, Edward



Skrdlant, Jason L,; Ruff, Nicole;O'Connor, Charles

Subject: Situation Update #20

Saturday 2S JAN 2012, at 1800 hours

Situation Update #20

1750 hours 1751 hours


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at L800,hours

Pleasanton PD on scene


10 officers,

I K9 and 5 vehicle.
aid and

- ACSO advised that 350 have committed to be en route for muhral Officers reporting subject threw brick at them


respond to

staging area.
1753 hours 1756 hours 1800 hours 1804 hours

- Guy in yellow mask cutting fence

Announcernents are being made and people

will be allowed to leave in small groups'

- email system is temporarily

down. IT is working on it.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone liuq 510-238-6016.


I l

OPD OPerations SaturdaY, January 28,2A12 6:42 PM


Sent: To:



OpD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Steven; Hamilton, FreddiejWiiliams, Sharon Sergeants; Jordan, Howard;Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;,Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; i".Ifr, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; Information Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; 'tgmchugh@ice.dhs,gov';Weir, John;Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jenny ;'Ken neth.s.Kostecki@uscg. mi l';'ScottA' Garcia@uscg' mi l'; ''; ''; Baker, Lisa; To1bio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan;Tracey, Edward OPp Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics_! OPD Logistics 2; logistics 4; OirD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; Logistics S; OiD Logistics ] lpno Opb Logistics 9; opb Logisiics t o; oPD Logistics ] !,_oeO Logistics I ?,_9pO t-ogisticJta; Oib Logistiis'15; OPD LogistiCs 16; OIP Logistics 17; OPD Logistics 18; OPD to[istics t S; OpO Lolistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24, OPD
Logistics 25

subject: situation Update #21

Saturday 28 JAN 2012, a|1845 hours

Situation Update #2L

1821 hours 1823 hours
1826 hours


Saturday 28 JAI\ 2AL2, at 1845 hours

Front of group is E/B Zgm St approaching Broadway to SIB Broadway'

SIB Broadaway at27fr Street S/B Broadw ay at 25h Street

1830 hours 1831 hours 1832 hours 1838 hours

1839 hours

Most of group is trapped in the 2300 BLK of Broadway. Crowd rushing into YMCA About 75 inside YMCA some are running out back.
25 to 30 detained inside


Web based Outlook (email) is back up'

1840 hours 1g44 hours

Medical needed for a oomplaint of pain by a protest or at 24b lBroadway' Deploy mutual aid to 2300 Broadway as they respond.

photos' Contact with additional information, incidents or

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added,
contact us.




OPD Operations Saturday, January28,20127:22PM

Sent: To:

OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey; Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wlley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; '';Weir, John;Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jen ny ;'Kenneth.S.Kostecki@uscg.mi l';'Scott.A.Ga rcia@uscg. mi ['; ''; ''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan; Tracey, Edward;'org Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1; OPD Logistics 2; OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; OPD Logistics 9;OPD Logistics 10;OPD Logistics 11;OPD Logistics 12;OPD Logistics ]!;_OfO Logistics 14;OPD Logistics 15;OPD Logistics 16;OPD Logistics 17;OPD Logistics 1B;OPD togistics 19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; aPD
Logistics 25


Subject: RE: Situation Update #21


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 1845 hours

Situation Update #22 --- Saturday 28 JAN 20L2,

1914 1915 1915 1918


1920 hours northbound in southbound lanes.


hours - 3 Vans with flats and one Crown Victoria. tg20 tourJ- It appears protesters may be attempting gain entry to City Hall, It is unclear how many liave gained entry, There appear to be 40 on the steps and unknown number inside.

- ACSO Buses will be approaching on Broadway hours - Most of the crowd has returned to FOP. hours - 6A's will be run on Service 3.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added;
contact us.


Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.


From: Sent:

OPD Operations Saturday, January 28, 2012


:28 PM

OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey; Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean; Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Ouilaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra;'; Weir, John; Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jenny;'Kenneth.S.Kostecki@uscg.mi l';'Scott.A.Ga rcia@uscg.mi l'; ''; ''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reyga n ; Tracey, Edward;'harry. h' Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1; OPD Logistics 2; OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics B; OPD Logistics 9; OPD Logistics 10; OPD Logistics 11; OPD Logistics 12; OPD Logistics 13; OPD Logistics 14; OPD Logistics 1 5; OPD Logistics 16; OPD Logistics 17; OPD Logistics 18; OPD Logistics '19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD Logistics 25


Subject: RE: Situation Update #23


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, al '1928 hours

Situation Update #23

1925 hours 1925 hours 1925 hours 1926 hours

-- Saturday


JAN 20L2, at1928 hours

what to do there.

- ALCO is arriving and will assist with City Hall. - Protesters are setting the American Flag on fire at City Hall. - Protesters are tweetingthatthey are having a meeting inside City Hall io decide about
New posts say they are thinking about setting it on fire. Only one post so far.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 5L0-238.6016.


From: Sent:

OPD Operations Saturday, January 28, 2012


:42 PM

OPD Operations; Israel, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robeft;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; '';Weir, John; Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jenny;'Ken neth.S.Kostecki@uscg.mi l';'Scott.A.Ga rcia@uscg.mi l';

''; ''; Baker, Lisa;

Toribio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan; Tracey, Edward;''


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1; OPD Logistics 2; OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; OPD Logistics 9; OPD Logistics 10; OPD Logistics 11 ; OPD Logistics 12; OPD Logistics 13; OPD Logistics 14;OPD Logistics 15;OPD Logistics 16;OPD Logistics 17; OPD Logistics 18;OPD Logistics 19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD Logistics 25

Subject: RE: Situation Update #24 *- Saturday 28 JAN 201?, at 1940 hours

Situation Update #24 --- Saturday 28 JAN 20L2, at 1940 hours

1932 hours 1934 hours

the location.

- Twitter is showing posts that OPD is low on manpower' - Patol units will be en route to assist at City Hall. tg37 ho*r - City Hall is not clear atthis time. Minimal Radio traffic at this time. 1938 hours - Wagon is needed to stage on 14ft Street for expedited removal of protesters. 1940 hours - Patol units should report to East Side steps for perimeter. tg+Q t ours - Protesters are tweeting that they are on a deck with chairs and police below. Unclear as to

Contact opd-ops@oaklandnet com with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added, please
contact us.

Direct phone line: 51.0-238-6016.



OPD OPerations
SaturdaY, January 28,2012 7:52 PM


OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Davis, Edward; Parris, t<ennetfr; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford '{lMesta.s, Fred; Lozares, D-emetrio; Tull, JohnnyiLindsey, Stevei; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiilianrs, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Sergea'nts; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, faein, David; Chan, RobertiYelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Oiologas, Alexandra; ''; Weir, John;Weir, John; 'Jason.p.tama@uscg'mil'; Ray, Jenny;'';'Scott.A.Garcia@uscg' mil'; ;SictorSanf'; ''; Baker, Lisa; Anne; Toribio, Anthony;';A&andlr, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, hu@acgov'org' Eide, iathey; H-arinon, Reygan; Tracey, Edward ;'harry' OPD Skrdlant, Jason L,; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1, OPD Logisticlt Cc: A; oFn Logistics 5; oPD Logistics 6; oPD Logistics Z; Qnp Logistics 8; i"siiiil;3; opD Logistics OpbLogisiics 9; Opb Logisiics 10;O-PD Logistics 11;OPD Logistics 12;OPD.Logistics 13;OPD ioglsticJt+; Oeb LogistiJs 15; OPb Logistics 16;OPD Logistics 17; OPD Logistics !8;OPD 24; oPD t_odistics 19; opD Loiistics 20; oPD Logistics 22 oPD Logistics 23; oPD Logistics 25 Logistics subject: situation Update #25 Saturday 28 JAN 2012, a|1950 hours

situation update #25 ---Saturday 28 JAN 2012, tt1950 hours

1g42 hours

- Getring ETA on Public works call out. (10-15 Min) ig43 horrr - 8 Fremont PD units will be assisting at city Hall. 1946 h"*r - Damaged vehicles should be towed to Transportation. 1948 hours - 6 Sgts needed in front of YMCA.


people above police. Units need to use caution in this -Zjcr-and Broadway is location of

photos' Contact with additional information, incidents or

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD OPerations
SaturdaY, January 28,2012 8:04 PM



santana, Deanna; Poulson' oPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; P-oirier,.Michael; p.iiij, ki.."ii,; G;t"1;, i',h";;\M,;ni, se-an;'Wilev, Kevin;Rachal' Anthonv; Davis'

Edward; W; iviestas, Fred;.Lozares' Demetrio;Tull' Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;.lo,Vn"r, ioiu;Wong;Cfitoia Christopher; outlaw, Danielle; DL - oPD Steven; Hamilton, Freddie;Wiltiamslsharon.t;-sfrannon, gr""n"Li=, Eric;Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;Mullnix, Kitt;coleman, Kirk; sergeants; Jordan, Howard; (.ren; information Officer, Emergency Public; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert VefOeii-on; eoyd, ;bf,n; Weir, John; 'Jasbn'p'tama@uscg'mil'; Orotogas, Alexandra; tgmchugh@i;;;il;;i,:'W"ir.

,k"nn"*,,; ''; .r ,sectorSanFranciscoCom*"nOC"fii"i@uscb mi1, ''; Baker' Lisa; giair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington' Anne; Toribio, Anthony;'';'Af&*O"er,
Ray, ..tennyi
Ei d


iracey, Edward ;'h arry' h u@acgov'o rg' oPD Logistics t oPD Logistics 2; oPD skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; o'connor, chaf91 Logistici 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; Logistics 3; OpD Logistics +; OpO iogi=ti* S;bnO_ 12;o.PD Losistics 13;oPD opD Losistics e;OPD Logistics 1o; o?rrl;;L1ig.i1;-QeD Logistics i9;oPb LogistiJs 17;oPD Logistics 18;oPD Logistics 14;oPD Logistics rs;9eb i.oistiJs tolistics 23; oPD Logistics 24; oPD Losistics 1e; oPD Logistics zo; obi L6i;ii;; 22;oPD
e, Cathey ;

rij ri." t,-neyl


Logistics Z5


arrests' 1953 hours - Recluest for additional buses for with motorcycies to protect east doors to 1955 hours - units forming protective uuoili ffitding stair well and i;any 1956 hours - First floor and parking gr.rg. t".rt;


city Hall' will work from

top down. YN{CA area with a bus with 15 min ETA' 2000 hours - San Mateo S.O. wiil respond to with are in the rooftop erevator". This is associated zz,Zhours_ Tweets are saying there are;#L;t; the pics of ProPane tanks'

information' incidents or ptrotos' Contact with additional

or would like someone added' ffyou would like to be removed frqm this distribution list
contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016'



OPD OPerations
SaturdaY, January 28,2012 8:30 PM

Sent: To:


OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward'; Parris, Xenneti; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;\Mley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W;Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Wiitiams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;,Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faelh, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; ''; Weir, John; Weir, John; 'Jason.p''; Ray, Jenny;'Ken';'Scott.A.Ga rcia@uscg'mi l'; ''; ''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;';A&ander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; F[armon, Reygan; Tracey, Edward ;'harry'hu@acgov'org' Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics ! OPQ Logistics 2; OPD 8; Logistics g; OiO Logistics +; OpO Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics OPD Logistics ] !;-OnO Opb Logistics 9; OPb Logisiics 1O; OPD Logistics 1 1 ;_OPD Logistics 12; '18; OPD LogisticJl4; Opb LogistiJs 15; OPb Logistics 16; OPD Logistics 17; OPD Logistics Lodistics i 9; OpD Lo[istics 20; OPD togistics 22; oPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; oPD

Logistics 25

subject: situation Updaie #27 -- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 2030 hours Situation Update #27 --- Saturday 23 JAN 20t2, ttt 2030 hours
2010 hours 2016 hours 2025 h*^ 2028 horrs

- protesters tweeted that they broke the windows on two news vans then chased 2015 hours - There are reports that they plan to lynch prisoners at 23rd and Broadway.

them away.

- 50 cHP units arriving to assist atl3rd and Broadway, - Crowds are growing 21-i,4tl'randBroadway. Wiil2be marching south on Broadway. - San Mateo approaching Clty Hall with Bus and Vans.

photos. Contact with additional information, incidents or

please If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would Iike someone added,

contact us.

Direct phone line: 51"0-238-6016.


From: Sent: To:

OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,2012 8:42 PM


2; oPD skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicote; o'connor, c!a!9s1 oPD Logistics oPD Logistics 5; oPD Looi:tjci 6; oPD Logistics 7;oPD Logistics 8; Logistics e; oiD logistics 4; oFo t-ogisti& 13; oPD opD Logistics 9; Opb Logisiics to; o"PO toglstics ] l;_qPD Logistics 12; oPD.Logistics Logistics 18; OPD Logisticir+; oib LogistiJs 15; oPb Losistiis 1o; Of! Logistics 11; 9tP oPD to[istics 19; OpD to[istics 20; OpD Lo[istics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24:
Logistics 25

subject: situation Update #28 -- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at2040 hours

2A12, at 2040 hours

situation update #28 --- Saturday 23 JAN

2030 hours

2032hours- Se"rre PAB and inform Jail of approach' ^protesters' 2033 lrouts - Tweets are saying they have identified 4 officers of abusing 2040 h"*r - Protesters are tweeting that they are heading to the Jail. 2040 h"r,s - Protesters atevanda)izing Smart and Final' 2041 h"*r - Tweets are starting to show requests for Black Bloq.

preparing for group to approach the PAB area. Protesters are taking all south bound lanes on Broadway. (Appears to be 100 or so...)

or photos: Contact with additional information, incidents

added, please If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone

contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.




OPD Operations


Sent: To:

Saturday, January 28,2012 8:59 PM

OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth;Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean; Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tul[, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL -'OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter;Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt;Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; ''; Weir, John;Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jen ny;'Ken neth.S. Kostecki@uscg. mil';'Scott.A.Garcia@uscg.mi l'; ''; ''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony; '';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan;Tracey, Edward; ''; Chimonyo, Cynthia; Domingo, Renee


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1; OPD Logistics 2; OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; OPD Logistics 9; OPD Logistics 10; OPD Logistics 1 1 ; OPD Logistics 12; OPD Logistics 1 3; OPD Logistics 14;OPD Logistics 15; OPD Logistics 16;OPD Logistics 17; OPD Logistics 18;OPD Logistics 19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD
Logistics 25

Subject: Situation Update #29

Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 2100 hours

Situation Update #29

2043 hours


Saturday 28 JAN 2A12, zfi 2100 hours

- Requesting Berkeley to return to 7fl1 and Broadway. 2044hows- Protesters.are between 7tr and 8ft on Broadway. 2045 hours - Protesters returning to 8ft and going west towards Clay 2047 hours - 25 CHP ard 40 San Mateo responding to PAB, 2049 hours - City Hall is secured.
2053 hours
2Q55 hours


2058 hours

Day watch units are securing for the day. Small group at 7ft and Clay with majority at 8ft and Clay. Protesters are gathering at the Sally Port doors to North County Jail.

Contact opd-ops@oaklandneLcom with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,20129:23 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert; \A/hent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants;Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric;Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt;Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; '';Weir, John;Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jen ny;'Kenneth.S. Kostecki@uscg.mi l';'Scott.A. Ga rci a@uscg.mi l'; ''; ''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan;Tracey, Edward; ''; Chimonyo, Cynthia; Domingo, Renee Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1; OPD Logistics 2; OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; OPD Logistics 9; OPD Logistics 10; OPD Logistics 1 1 ; OPD Logistics 12; OPD Logistics 13; OPD Logistics 14; OPD Logistics 15; OPD Logistics 16; OPD Logistics 17; OPD Logistics 18; OPD Logistics '19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD Logistics 25

Sent: To:


Subiect: Situation Update #30 -- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at2120 hours

Situation Update #30 --- Saturday 28 JAII 2012,



2100 hours - Jail is once more secure and group is moving again towards Jefferson. Some are scouting area southbound. 2105 hours - Crowd is moving east bound 10fi St from Jefferson. 2108 hours - City Hall crowd size is 2109 hours - Vandalism to Convention Center at 10& and Washington. 2115 hours

Crowd approaching acloss from Tully's Coffee at 14ft and Broadway.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like someone added, please
contact us. Direct phbne line: 5L0-238-6016.




OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,201210:08




Sent: To:

OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie;Wong, Clifford W;Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Chrisiopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David; Mullnix, Kirt;Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; ''; Weir, John;Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jenny ;'Kenneth.S.' ;'S cott.A.Garcia@uscg.rni l'; '';''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan;Tracey, Edward; ''; Chimonyo, Cynthia; Domingo, Renee


Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole;O'Connor, Charles;OPD Logistics 1; OPD Logistics 2;OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; OPD Logistics9;OPD Logistics 10; OPD Logistics 11;OPD Logistics 12;OPD Logistics 13;OPD Logistics 14;OPD Logistics 15; OPD Logistics 16;OPD Logistics'17; OPD Logistics 18; OPD Logistics 19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD
Logistics 25

Subject: Situation Update #31


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at2200 hours

Situation llpdate #3L --- Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at 2200 hours

2130 hours

There are 29|mutual aid units on scene and an additional 20 en route. There are no more

2140 hours

going through intersection to allow skirmish lines to withdraw. 2752hours- Lt. Alexander declaring unlawful assembly at 14th 7 Broadway.

- Motors

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would Iike someone added, please
contact us.

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.




OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,201210:34 PM OPD Operations; lsrael, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbed;Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis, Johnny; Lindsey, Drennon;Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio;Tull, Steven; Hamilton, Freddie; Williams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; Faeth, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; Information Officer, Emergency Public; Orologas, Alexandra; '';Weir, John;Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jenny;'Kenneth.S.Kostecki@uscg.mi I';'Scott.A. Ga rcia@uscg.mi I'; ''; ''; Baker, Lisa; Toribio, Anthony;';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; Harmon, Reygan;Tracey, Edward;''; Chimonyo, Cynthia; Domingo, Renee Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1; OPD Logistics 2; OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics B; OPD Logistics 9; OPD Logistics 10; OPD Logistics 11;OPD Logistics 12; OPD Logistics 13;OPD Logistics 14;OPD Logistics 15;OPD Logistics 16;OPD Logistics 17; OPD Logistics 18;OPD Logistics 19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD Logistics 25

Sent: To:


Subiect: Situation Update #32

Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at2220 hours

Situation Update #32

2210 hours 2210 hours 2210 hours


Saturday 28 JAN 2012, at2220 hours

updates available. near 35-7A.

- Connectivity issues with the internet. No trrritter and Facebook - Most protesters have returned to FOP. Numbers are estimated - internet at the EOC is down.

Contact with additional information, incidents or photos.

If you would like to be removed from this distribution list or would like
contact us.

someone added, please

Direct phone line: 510-238-6016.



OPD Operations Saturday, January 28,2012 11:48 PM




Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles;OPD Logistics 1;OPD Logistics2; OPD Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; OPD Logistics 9;OPD Logistics 10;OPD Logistics 11; OPD Logistics 12:OPD Logistics 13; OPD Logistics 14;OPD Logistics 15; OPD Logistics 16; OPD Logistics 17;OPD Logistics 18; OPD Logistics 19; OPD Logistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; aPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD
Logistics 25

To all Pathfinders,
lf you responded to the PAB or Frank Ogawa Plaza, please contact Officer J. Foreman with the times you responded. He can be reached at 510-867-6328



OPD OPerations
SundaY, January 29,2012 1:54AM

Sent: To:

OpD Operations; Israel, Jeffrey;Allison, Darren; Poirier, Michael; Santana, Deanna; Poulson, Edward; Parris, Kenneth; Garcia, Gilbert; Whent, Sean;Wiley, Kevin; Rachal, Anthony; Davis,


Jonnny;'Lindsey, Drennon; Joyner, Ersie; Wong, Clifford W; Mestas, Fred; Lozares, Demetrio; Tull, Steven; Hamilt6n, Freddie; Wiiliams, Sharon J; Shannon, Christopher; Outlaw, Danielle; DL - OPD Sergeants; Jordan, Howard; Breshears, Eric; Lau, Peter; Elzey, David;-Mullnix, Kirt; Coleman, Kirk; faeln, David; Chan, Robert;Yelder, Ron; Boyd, Karen; lnformation Officer, Emergency_Public; ,.. Orologas, Alexandra; ''; Weir, John;Weir, John; ''; Ray, Jen ny;'Kenneth. S. Kostecki@uscg. mi l';'ScottA.Garcia@uscg. mil'; 'SectorSanf'; ''; Baker, Lisa: Toribio, Anthony; '';Alexander, Blair; Eide, Cathey; Campbell-Washington, Anne; Eide, Cathey; iarmon, Reygan; Tracey, Edward; ''; Chimonyo, Cynthia; Domingo, Renee;'' Skrdlant, Jason L.; Ruff, Nicole; O'Connor, Charles; OPD Logistics 1. OPD Logistlcs 2; OPP Logistics 3; OPD Logistics 4; OPD Logistics 5; OPD Logistics 6; OPD Logistics 7; OPD Logistics 8; Oe;O logistics 9; OPb Logistics 10; OFO Logistics 11; OPD Logistics 1?, OPD Logistics ]Q;_OeO Logisticj'14; OPD Logistics 15; OPD Logistics 16;Ofp Logistics 11; 9lP Logistics'18; OPD tolistics tgi OpO Lolistics 20; OPD Logistics 22; OPD Logistics 23; OPD Logistics 24; OPD
Logistics 25

Subject: EOC Partial shutdown

EOC will be closing for the night. tnere will be a full activation in the morning beginning at 07OO and becoming

full at 0900.


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