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Comfort Controller

Overview and Configuration Manual

Overview ..................................................................... 1 Introduction ............................................................... 5 Hardware Overview ................................................ 5 Comfort Controller 6400 ................................ 5 Comfort Controller 1600 ................................ 7 Software Overview ................................................. 9 Algorithms ..................................................... 9 Configuration Overview ....................................... 10 Interpreting Flow Diagrams .................................. 10 Custom Programming ........................................... 12 Foreign Language Conversion .............................. 12 How To Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller ................................................. 13 Introduction ........................................................... 13 Configuration Process ........................................... 14 Creating the Database .................................. 14 Configuring the Database ............................. 20 Downloading a Controller ..................................... 20 How to Modify an Existing Comfort Controller Database .................................................................... 23 How To Configure Points ....................................... 27 Analog Software Point .......................................... 28 Custom Milliamp Input ......................................... 30 Custom Milliamp Output ...................................... 35 Custom Voltage Input ........................................... 40 Custom Voltage Output ........................................ 45 Discrete Output ..................................................... 50 Discrete Software Point ........................................ 55 Latched Discrete Input .......................................... 57 Milliamp Input ...................................................... 59 Milliamp Output .................................................... 63 Network Input Point .............................................. 66 Network Output Point ........................................... 70 Pulsed Discrete Input ............................................ 73 Sensed Discrete Input ............................................ 77 Stepper Motor Output ........................................... 80 Temperature Input ................................................. 83 Voltage Input ......................................................... 86 Voltage Output ...................................................... 89 How To Configure Algorithms ............................... 93 AO-Adaptive Control ............................................ 95 AO-Cooling CV .................................................. 105 AO-Cooling VAV ............................................... 118 AO-Fan Tracking ................................................ 131 AO-Heating CV .................................................. 141 AO-Heating VAV ............................................... 155 AO-Humidity Control ......................................... 170 AO-Mixed Air CV w IAQ .................................. 179 AO-Mixed Air VAV w IAQ ............................... 197 AO-Permissive Intrlock ...................................... 213 AO-Reset ............................................................. 221 AO-Shared Transducer ........................................ 231 AO-Static Pressure .............................................. 247 DO-Analog Comparison ..................................... 255 DO-DX Staging VAV ......................................... 262 DO-Electric Heat CV .......................................... 278 DO-Electric Heat VAV ....................................... 294 DO-Enthalpy Comparison ................................... 311 DO-Interlock ....................................................... 317 DO-Lighting Control ........................................... 322 DO-Permissive Intrlock ...................................... 326 DO-Prop Thermo Elec ........................................ 335 DO-Prop Thermo 2 Pipe ..................................... 347 DO-Prop Thermo 4 Pipe ..................................... 358 DO-Pump Control ............................................... 369 DO-Staged Thermostat ....................................... 381 DO-Staging ......................................................... 393 DO-Time Clock ................................................... 406 DO-Time Clock w Check ................................... 413 AOSS Schedule ................................................... 423 Network Broadcast .............................................. 440 Linkage/AOSS Schedule ..................................... 444 NTFC w Enthalpy Check .................................... 466

This document is the property of Carrier Corporation and is delivered on the express condition that it is not to be disclosed, reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture by anyone other than Carrier Corporation without its written consent, and that no right is granted to disclose or so use any information contained in said document. Carrier reserves the right to change or modify the information or product described without prior notice and without incurring any liability. 2002, Carrier Corporation Printed in U.S.A. 808-891 Rev. 06/03

Occupancy ........................................................... 477 Sensor Group ....................................................... 478 WSM Air Source ................................................. 484 WSM Cool Source .............................................. 490 How To Configure Schedules ............................... 495 Holiday Schedule ................................................ 496 Network Time Schedule ...................................... 498 Setpoint Schedule ................................................ 499 Time Schedule ..................................................... 501 How To Configure Alarms ................................... 511 Discrete State Alarm ........................................... 512 First Out Alarm ................................................... 520 Limit Alarm ......................................................... 529 Number of Starts Alarm ...................................... 538 Runtime Alarm .................................................... 545 Setpoint Limit Alarm .......................................... 552 How To Configure System Functions .................. 563 Analog Trace Point ............................................. 566 Ctlr-ID ................................................................. 571 Consumable/Loadshed ........................................ 572 Database Status ................................................... 573 Discrete Trace Point ............................................ 575 Internal Consumable ........................................... 580 LID Processor ..................................................... 583 Real Time Clock ................................................. 587 Runtime ............................................................... 592 Configuration Sheets ............................................. 593 Appendix A CCN Compatibility ............................................. 613 Appendix B Standard Input and Output Devices .................... 617 Appendix C Allowable Entries for AI/AO Display Units ....... 622 Appendix D Allowable Entries for DI/DO Display Units ....... 623 Appendix E Alarm Information .............................................. 624 Appendix F LID Operation ..................................................... 627 Appendix G How To Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller Using a LID ....................................... 635

Appendix H Configuration Sheets for LID-based Configuration ...................................................... 641 Index ....................................................................... 653


Before changing an existing Comfort Controller database, please read the section How to Modify an Existing Comfort Controller Database. If you do not follow these procedures, the Comfort Controller database could become corrupt, causing your Comfort Controller to operate improperly.


Manual Revisions
The Comfort Controller Overview and Configuration Manual is catalog number 808-891, Rev. 06/03. This manual replaces the Comfort Controller Overview and Configuration Manual catalog number 808-891, Rev. 03/02. The following changes have been made since the 03/02 version.

How To Configure Alarms 1.

Under Discrete State Alarm, revised the introductory paragraphs, as well as the description of the Comparison Point decision on page 513.




About this Manual
This manual contains information about the operations of the Comfort Controller product family and how you must configure the controllers to perform those operations. The table below describes the contents of this manual.
Chapter Name Page Description

Overview Introduction

1 5

Presents an overview of the manual and lists other required documentation. Provides an overview of the Comfort Controller product family and discusses the differences between the Comfort Controller 1600 and Comfort Controller 6400. This section also provides a configuration overview, flow diagrams overview, and a description of custom programming and foreign language conversion. Provides the procedure for configuring a newly installed Comfort Controller using the Building Supervisor or Network Service Tool. It also provides instructions for downloading an existing Comfort Controller database to a new Comfort Controller. Describes the operations that change the Comfort Controller database and require you to remove, add, and upload the controller to each PC that contains its old database. Provides the following information for each point: purpose, typical application, list of required and optional configuration decisions, and a description of each decision that includes allowable entries and default values. This chapter also includes a list of applicable maintenance decisions and a description of each one.

How To 13 Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller

How to Modify 23 an Existing Comfort Controller Database

How To Configure Points


Chapter Name



How To Configure Algorithms


This chapter provides the following information for each analog, discrete, and global algorithm: purpose, typical application, block diagram illustrating flow of inputs and outputs, list of required and optional configuration decisions, and a description of each decision that includes allowable entries and default values. This chapter also includes a list of applicable maintenance decisions and a description of each one. This chapter provides the following information for each schedule: purpose, typical application, list of required and optional configuration decisions, and a description of each decision that includes allowable entries and default values. This chapter also includes a list of applicable maintenance decisions and a description of each one. This chapter provides the following information for each alarm: purpose, typical application, block diagram illustrating flow of inputs and outputs, list of required and optional configuration decision that includes allowable entries and default values. This section also includes a list of maintenance decision and a description of each maintenance decision.

How To Configure Schedules


How To Configure Alarms


Chapter Name



How To Configure System Functions


This chapter provides the following information for each system function: purpose, typical application, list of required and optional configuration decisions and a description of each decision that includes allowable entries and default values. This chapter also includes a list of applicable maintenance decisions and a description of each one. This chapter contains perforated configuration sheets for the Comfort Controller. This appendix lists the CCN system elements that are compatible with the Comfort Controller. This appendix lists the engineering units, ranges, resolutions, and accuracy for the standard input and output devices supported by the Comfort Controller. This appendix lists the allowable entries for analog input/analog output display units. This appendix lists the allowable entries for discrete input/discrete output display units. This appendix lists alarm levels, alarm sources, alarm description indexes, and standard control characters for alarm messages.

Configuration Sheets


Appendix A


Appendix B


Appendix C


Appendix D


Appendix E


Chapter Name



Appendix F


This appendix describes the Local Interface Devices (LIDs) menu structure, default screen, keypad and display. This appendix also provides instructions for logging on and accessing items in both the status and edit modes. This appendix provides instructions for configuring a newly installed Comfort Controller using a LID. This appendix, called Quickstart, is a handy reference that provides you with forms and reference sheets to configure the Comfort Controller as quickly as possible. This tear-out section provides the best way to quickly see the big configuration picture plus some important details.

Appendix G


Appendix H


Other Required Documentation

This manual makes reference to the following CCN manuals. All of these manuals are available from Carrier Literature Distribution. BEST++ Programmers Reference Manual (808-893) Building Supervisor III Operation Manual (808-758) Data Collection III Option Overview and Configuration Manual (808-705)


The Comfort Controller product family provides general purpose HVAC control and monitoring capability in a stand-alone or network environment using closed-loop, direct digital control. This product family can also control and monitor equipment such as lighting, pumps, and cooling towers. The Comfort Controller product family gives the Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) the capability to control non-Carrier equipment and Carrier HVAC equipment not equipped with Product Integrated Controls (PICs). You configure the Comfort Controller to contain a database of the algorithms, points, schedules, alarms and system functions that are necessary to control and monitor the equipment at your site. You enter the configuration data using the following CCN operator interface devices: Network Service Tool III Building Supervisor III Local Interface Device (LID) ComfortWORKS

Hardware Overview

There are two types of Comfort Controllers: Comfort Controller 6400 Comfort Controller 1600 Both controllers provide the same functions, such as: HVAC Control proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) loop control scheduling custom programming

Comfort Controller 6400

You can connect 16 field points (8 inputs and 8 outputs) to the Comfort Controller 6400, also known as the 6400. To connect additional field points, add optional input/output modules (8 inputs and 8 outputs per module) to the Comfort Controller 6400. By using multiple I/O modules, you can connect 48 additional points to the Comfort Controller 6400, giving you the capability to control and/or monitor a total of up to 64 field points. The appropriate number of I/O modules are selected for each control situation and simply installed along with the 6400 in your field-selected NEMA-1 enclosure.

Figure 2-1 Example of Hardware Configuration

Figure 2-1 illustrates one possible way to connect 40 points.

Comfort Controller 6400: 1st 6400-I/O Output Module: 2nd 6400-I/O Output Module:

16 I/O field points 16 I/O field points + 8 Input field points 40 I/O field points

Figure 2-2 lists the sensors and devices supported by the Comfort Controller 6400s I/O channels. To determine these sensors and devices engineering units, ranges, resolutions, and accuracy, refer to Appendix B.
Figure 2-2 Sensors and Devices Supported by the Comfort Controller 6400

8 INPUTS Channels 1 to 8 Specifications Discrete, analog, or temperature Discrete Dry contact Pulsed dry contact Analog 4-20 mA (2 wire and 4 wire) 0-10 Vdc Temperature 5K & 10K ohm thermistors (YSI and MCI) 1K ohm nickel RTD (MCI and NTC) 8 OUTPUTS Channels 9 to 16 Specifications Discrete or analog Discrete 24 Vdc@80 mA Analog 4-20 mA 0-10 Vdc

The Comfort Controller 6400 gives you the capability to deactivate all inputs, all outputs, or deactivate both inputs and outputs by simply flipping a switch on the module. The optional Comfort Controller 6400HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) consists of eight switches that provide you with the capability to manually override each discrete output point. The Comfort Controller 6400 supports the UT203 FID family of I/O modules for retrofit applications: * 8 Input 8 Output 4 Input/4 Output Low Voltage DSIO High Voltage DSIO*

You must install High Voltage DSIO Module(s) in their own enclosure because they contain Class 1 wiring.

Comfort Controller 1600

You can connect 16 field points (8 inputs and 8 outputs) to the Comfort Controller 1600. Figure 2-3 on the next page lists the sensors and devices supported by the Comfort Controller 1600s I/O channels. To determine these sensors and devices engineering units, ranges, resolutions, and accuracy, refer to Appendix B.

Figure 2-3 Sensors and Devices Supported by the Comfort Controller 1600

8 INPUTS Channels 1 to 4 5&6 7&8 Specifications Discrete or analog (0-10 Vdc) Temperature Discrete, analog, or temperature Discrete Dry contact Pulsed dry contact Analog 4-20 mA (2 wire only) 0-10 Vdc Temperature 5K & 10K ohm thermistors (YSI and MCI) 1K ohm nickel RTD (NTC) 8 OUTPUTS Channels 1 to 4 5&6 7&8 Specifications Discrete Analog 4-20 mA Discrete or analog Discrete 24 Vdc@80 mA Analog 4-20 mA 0-10 Vdc

Software Overview

The Comfort Controller contains a software library and a blank database. You select the algorithms, points, schedules, alarms, and system functions required for your application from the library. The Comfort Controller stores in its database the items you select. The size of the database is relative to the amount of space the selected items occupy. Once you establish the database, you configure it.
Library Where you select: points schedules algorithms alarms system functions 1. Select items from library, thus adding them to the database. Database Where selected items are stored and configured.

Figure 2-4 Relationship Between Library and Database

2. Configure the items.

You can select more than one copy of each item, which allows you to have multiple occurrences of the same item in the database. For example, if your application involves controlling five air handlers, you could select five copies of the AOHeating CV algorithm. Each copy (occurrence) of the algorithm would have its own configuration and be independent of the others. This flexibility in configuration gives you the capability to control and monitor HVAC devices in the manner that you desire. You can select items from the library until the available area in the database is filled.

An algorithm is a pre-engineered group of processes that provides you with the capability to control and monitor HVAC devices in a safe, energy efficient manner. Each pre-engineered algorithm contains some combination of points, schedules, systems functions, and HVAC functions that provide information to the algorithm. A typical grouping of items for an algorithm is shown in the flow diagram in Figure 2-5.

Configuration Overview

After the Comfort Controller is installed, you must create and configure its database to meet the needs of your sites control applications. As you create and configure the database, you answer a series of questions called configuration decisions. Configuration decisions are logically grouped into configuration tables. The first tables you must configure are Service-Config Tables. These tables define which library items you want to add to the database. For example, in the Service-Config Tables you specify the algorithms, alarms, hardware and software points, and schedules needed for your application. After configuring the Service-Config Tables, you must configure decisions that provide details about the library items you selected. For example, if you selected a heating coil algorithm, you would specify such things as the point that is controlling the air handlers hot water valve, the point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan, and the Adaptive Optimal Start/Stop algorithm that provides the occupancy and temperature setpoints for the algorithm. To determine the values to enter in the configuration decisions, refer to the completed configuration sheets for your application. These sheets indicate whether to use the default values or to use an operator interface to change the default values to the ones shown on the sheets. For your convenience, the configuration sheets list all decisions in the order in which they appear on the operator interfaces and in this manual.

Interpreting Flow Diagrams

Flow diagrams are used in this manual to illustrate the flow of inputs and outputs among blocks of data within an algorithm, alarm, or schedule. The figure on the next page is the flow diagram for the AOCooling VAV algorithm. Each block of data within an algorithm, alarm, or schedule represents a configuration decision, whose name appears at the top of the block. Each block requires one or more inputs and outputs.


As shown in the figure below, inputs appear on the left side of the block with arrows pointing inward, while outputs are shown on the right side of the block with arrows pointing outward. One blocks output becomes another blocks input. Sometimes an output serves as an input to more than block. When that occurs, a filled circle is placed on the outputs arrow to indicate the location where its direction branches off. Logical and relational operators are often used to connect inputs and outputs. Sample interpretations are shown on the next page.
Figure 2-5 Sample Flow Diagram
Time Schedule
Output Maintenance

Fan Status Point

Output Status Force Status AND

PID_Master Loop

Cooling Coil Valve

Input Output Force


Space Setpoint
Low Setpoint High Setpoint (Low Setpoint + High Setpoint)/2


Status Status

Occupancy State ?

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

TS Override Status High Low Average

VAV Setpoint Reset

Sensor Input Sensor Status

Supply Air Setpoint

(Software Point) Input
Output Force Status Setpoint

Supply Air Temperature

Output Status Force Status Sensor Input

High Humidity Switch

Output Status Force Status OR

Minimum Output Maximum Output

High Humidity Sensor

Output Status Force Status


Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator

Humidity Setpoint
Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint



Figure 2-6 Logical and Relational Operator Usage Interpretations

A > B Interpretation: If A>B, then C=1 otherwise C=0 C

A + B Interpretation: C=A+B C

A OR B Interpretation: If A=1 or B=1, then C=1 otherwise C=0 C

D -3 0

Select A A B

Interpretation: If D=1, then C=-3 otherwise C=0

Custom Programming

The industry-proven, pre-engineered algorithms provide the type of control necessary for most applications, but you may want to further customize and extend them to meet any unique control requirements. The custom programming language, BEST++, is available to allow you to easily supplement or enhance the algorithms. You create and edit custom programs using the BEST++ Programmer's Environment. For more information on custom programming, refer to the BEST++ Programmerss Reference Manual. You can convert the Comfort Controller software to any language whose alphabet is supported by the ANSI ASCII code set. If you are not sure if the Comfort Controller software can be converted to the language you desire, contact your local Carrier distributor.

Foreign Language Conversion


How To Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller

How To Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller

This section provides you with the procedures that are necessary to configure a newly installed Comfort Controller using a Building Supervisor III. In addition, you can use the Network Service Tool, Quickstart, or ComfortWORKS. Refer to their respective operating instructions for configuration procedures. When installing a Comfort Controller, you must perform a number of steps in a particular order. These steps are grouped into two procedures: Creating the Comfort Controllers database using the ServiceConfig Tables Configuring the database using the configuration tables

The term create, as it applies to the Comfort Controller, means to specify information about the items being selected in the ServiceConfig Tables. You must specify information such as channel types, sensor type or units, channel names, function types and function units. For example, the AO-Cooling CV algorithms function type is 2 and its function units might be 2, which indicates 0100%. The term configure, as it is used in relation to the Comfort Controller, means to specify to the Comfort Controller the information that it needs to control and monitor HVAC devices in the desired manner. For example, when configuring the AO-Cooling CV algorithm, you must enter information such as the name of the AO point controlling the air handlers chilled water valve and the Sensor Group or space temperature sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. In a newly installed Comfort Controller, the database is effectively a blank page. Based on your application, you decide which algorithms, points, alarms, schedules, and system functions are needed to create the database. The database, therefore, only consists of the features and functions required by your application.


Configuration Process
Creating the Database

Follow the steps below to configure a newly installed Comfort Controller. Only complete the steps needed to configure your application. For example, if your application does not require software points, then omit Step 9. 1. Complete the 1600 or 6400 Hardware and Software Point Configuration Sheets located in Appendix H (Quickstart) of this manual. Use the reference sheets in that appendix to assist you. Set the address of the Comfort Controller with the Network Configuration Tool (NCT). Select Add, Controller, and Upload to add and upload the Comfort Controller to the operator interfaces database.

2. 3.

If the Upload fails, reset the Comfort Controller using the RJ-14 reset jumper. Insert the jumper into the modules modular phone jacks. Wait approximately 30 seconds for the reset to take place, then remove the jumper.


From the operator interfaces menu, access the ServiceConfig Tables by completing the following steps. a. b. c. d. Select Select. Select the desired Comfort Controller. Select Diagnostic. Select Service-Config. The operator interface displays the list of Service-Config Tables. You create the controllers database by defining the required items in the Service-Config Tables. These tables are listed in the table on the next page.


Table 3-1 Service-Config Tables

Table Name



To create a combination of up to 24 of the following functions in a Comfort Controller 1600 or up to 96 in a Comfort Controller 6400: AO, DO, and global (i.e., AOSS, Linkage) algorithms, alarms, and time schedules. To create up to 8 hardware points per table for a total of 16 points in a Comfort Controller 1600 or 64 points in a Comfort Controller 6400. To create up to 16 holidays, 16 Network Time Schedules, 4 Consumable Tables of up to 16 schedules each, 4 Runtime Tables of up to 16 schedules each, and up to 16 Loadshed Tables. To create up to 16 setpoint schedules. To create up to 8 software points per table for a total of 16 points in a Comfort Controller 1600 or 32 points in a Comfort Controller 6400. To update the Comfort Controllers database






Using the 1600 or 6400 Hardware and Software Point Configuration Sheets completed in Step 1, configure the ServiceConfig Tables by completing the following steps. 5. Configure the FNCxx-yy Tables by completing the steps below. In these steps you are creating each desired AO, DO, and global algorithm, alarm, and time schedule. a. b. Select the FNCxx-yy Table from the list of ServiceConfig Tables. Enter the function type and engineering unit for each function. Note: Comfort Controller processing can be enhanced if similar functions are grouped together in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. c. d. e. 6. Alarms Occupancy DOPermissive Intrlock AOPermissive Intrlock Discrete algorithms Analog algorithms Global algorithms

Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Save to save the table. Select Download to download the table to the Comfort Controller. If configuring a Comfort Controller 6400, repeat Steps a through d for each table.

Configure the HWxx-yy Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are defining the hardware points in groups of eight points per table. a. b. Select the HWxx-yy Table from the list of ServiceConfig Tables. Enter the channel type, sensor or units, and channel name for each hardware point.

You must enter unique names for each point.


c. d. e. 7.

Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Save to save the table. Select Download to download the table to the Comfort Controller. Repeat Steps a through d for each table.

Configure the NUMSYS Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are indicating the number of Holiday Schedules, Network Time Schedules, Consumables, Runtimes, and Loadsheds required. You are also indicating if language conversion will be performed. a. Select the NUMSYS Table from the list of ServiceConfig Tables. Enter the quantity of each type of system function, and specify whether language conversion will be performed. Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Save to save the table. Select Download to download the table to the Comfort Controller.





Configure the SETPTDEF Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are defining the engineering units (degrees F, % Rh, inches of water, etc.) for each Setpoint Schedule.

Any Setpoint Schedule left at 0 is undefined and not created.

a. b. c. d.

Select the SETPTDEF Table from the list of ServiceConfig Tables. Enter the engineering unit for each Setpoint Schedule. Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Save to save the table. Select Download to download the table to the Comfort Controller.


Configure each SWxx-yy Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are defining the software points in groups of eight points per table. a. Select the SWxx-yy Table from the list of Service-Config Tables. Enter the channel type, sensor or units, and channel name for each software point. Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Save to save the table. Select Download to download the table to the Comfort Controller. Repeat Steps a through d for each table.




e. 10.

Update the Comfort Controllers database with the items selected in Steps 5 through 9. a. Select the UPDATEDB Table from the list of ServiceConfig Tables. Press the Spacebar to toggle the value in the Update Database configuration decision to Yes. Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Download to download the table to the Comfort Controller. While the Comfort Controller database is updating, the Comfort Controllers red LED blinks rapidly. The update time varies with the size of the database. Wait until the Comfort Controllers red LED blinks slowly before proceeding to the next step.



All Comfort Controller communication with the CCN is disabled during the update.



Remove, Add, and Upload the Comfort Controller from the operator interfaces database. This step is required because the operator interfaces database no longer matches the Comfort Controllers database.

If the operator interface displays an error message, the update was not yet completed. Wait until the Comfort Controllers red LED blinks slowly again, and repeat Step 11.


Verify that the uploaded database contains the correct quantity and type of points (from Points, Display), and the correct quantity and type of functions including algorithms, alarms, Time Schedules, Setpoint Schedules, etc. (from Modify, Controller). If the uploaded database is correct, proceed to Step 13. If the uploaded database is not correct, check the DBSTATUS maintenance screen for errors. If Yes is displayed in the Database Error maintenance decision, there is an invalid entry in one of the Service-Config Table decisions, or insufficient memory available for your application.

Database items are created in their respective Service-Config Table. Each table is created in sequential order, with the FNC01-24 Table being first, as shown in Table 3-1. If a configuration error is encountered, the Comfort Controller will stop updating the database at the point in the respective Service-Config Table where the error occurred.


If you wish to modify the default hardware or software point descriptions, complete the steps below. a. b. c. d. e. f. Select Points. Select the appropriate hardware or software table. Select the desired point. Press the F3 key, modify the description, then press Enter. Repeat as necessary. Modify and Download the controller database to download the point descriptors to the Comfort Controller.

Configuring the Database

1. 2.

Select Modify and Controller from the operator interfaces menu. Configure each table for points, algorithms, alarms, etc. All the items to be configured in Step 2 (i.e., CCCV_, MADVV, etc.) will be listed alphabetically with their associated function table number (01 to 96 for a Comfort Controller 6400 and 01 to 24 for a Comfort Controller 1600).

When configuring algorithms (such as AO-Humidity Control and Heating VAV), there are usually optional inputs that are not used. Leave the inputs set to their default values. For example, in Humidity Control, keep the Fan Status Point default value set to SENSDI00. Deleting default values will negatively affect Comfort Controller processing speed.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Save to save the table. Select Download to download the table to the Comfort Controller. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 for each table. Modify and Upload the Comfort Controllers database to the operator interface. After completing this step, you will be able to force points from the maintenance display. If you modify the Service-Config Tables IN ANY WAY after this initial configuration, you must perform Steps 10 through 12 under Creating the Database.


Downloading a Controller

Use the following procedure to download an existing Comfort Controller database from a Building Supervisor or Network Service Tool to a new Comfort Controller. You can also use the procedure when upgrading a Comfort Controllers software by downloading the existing database into the new controller with the new software. The procedure accomplishes three basic tasks: 1. Initializing the controller Building the configuration tables Downloading data to the configuration tables Using the LID Interface Cable, RAM flush the Comfort Controller module by inserting the cable into both the modules phone jacks. Power down the controller for 30 seconds, then remove the CCN communication bus. Power up the module. Wait approximately 30 seconds for the reset to take place, then remove the cable.



Set the Comfort Controllers address with the Network Configuration Tool, then replace the CCN communication bus. From the Building Supervisor or Network Service Tool, initialize the controller by completing the following steps: a. b. c. d. Select Select. Select the desired Comfort Controller. Select Modify. Select Download. The download results (Downloaded or Rejected) will display in the Results column. With the exception of the Service-Config Tables, the status message Rejected will display next to most tables.



Build the configuration tables by completing the steps below: a. b. c. d. e. Select Diagnostic. Select Service-Config. Select the UPDATEDB Table from the list of ServiceConfig Tables Press the Spacebar to toggle the value in the Update Database configuration decision to Yes. Press the F2 key to activate the menu, then select Download to download the tables.

Do not select Save.

While the controllers database is updating, the Comfort Controllers red LED blinks rapidly. Wait until the Comfort Controllers red LED blinks slowly before proceeding to the next step.

All Comfort Controller communication with the CCN is disabled during the update.



Download the data to the configuration tables by completing the steps below: a. b. Select Modify. Select Download. The download status (Downloaded, Different, or Rejected) displays in the Results column. Most tables will have the message Downloaded displayed next to them. BEST++ tables, however, will have the message Different displayed next to them. (You will download BEST++ tables in Step 7.) If the message Rejected displays next to a table, repeat Step 5.


Complete the steps below to verify that the tables successfully downloaded. a. b. Select Diagnostic. Select Verify-Config.

If Different or Rejected is displayed next to tables other than BEST++ tables, repeat Steps 5 and 6. If the tables were downloaded properly, proceed to the next step. 7. If there are any BEST++ programs in your database, complete the following steps: a. b. c. d. e. Enter the BEST++ environment. Select and Download the BEST++ file name(s) you wish to download. When the download is complete, exit the BEST++ environment. Select Remove to remove the controller from the Building Supervisor or Network Service Tools database. Select Add, Controller, and Upload to copy the new BEST or BEST++ data from the Comfort Controller to the Building Supervisor or Network Service Tool.


How To Modify an Existing Comfort Controller Database

How to Modify an Existing Comfort Controller Database

When using Building Supervisor III, Network Service Tool III, or ComfortWORKS, it is important to maintain a current database on each PC that will be accessing a Comfort Controller. You should always keep a backup copy of the last known good database. To copy the database, refer to the appropriate operator interfaces manual and follow the instructions to add and copy a currently uploaded controllers database. The following operations change the Comfort Controller database and require the controller to be removed, added, and uploaded to each operator interface containing its old database. Using QuickStart to change, add, or remove any item in the Comfort Controller.

Changing items such as units on a hardware point requires you to remove, add, and upload that controllers database to all the operator interfaces that contain it.

Using Building Supervisor III, Network Service Tool III, or ComfortWORKS 1.0a or earlier to modify any entry in the Diagnostic Service Configuration tables, and then performing an Update Database.

If you made any of the above changes, you can update the ComfortWORKS 2.0 or later PC by uploading the controller again. You do not need to perform a controller Remove.

Verifying Database Integrity

Since most installations use databases on multiple PCs, you should always perform a Diagnostic-Verify Configuration before accessing an installation with an old database. If the Diagnostic-Verify of the database reports any items as different, follow the procedure listed below. You should not perform Modify-Download at this time, since the database has changed.



If a Modify-Download of an old database is performed, a database corruption may occur. This may cause improper operation of functions, and input/outputs.


View the Diagnostic Maintenance DBSTATUS table. If Database Error, EEPROM Error, or RAM Error is Yes, refer to Correcting Database and Memory Errors below. If there are no DBSTATUS errors, print the DiagnosticVerify report or note the table names listed as different. Go to each of the configuration tables listed as different in the Diagnostic-Verify Report, and upload the configuration table. Carefully check the configuration before and after each upload to see which configuration decisions changed. If the changes are not desired, leave the table without saving, then re-enter the table and download the last know configuration. If any garbled data appears in the upload or if a message similar to Table or Block not Defined in Controller appears, you should immediately remove, add, and upload the controller to the operator interface. When this occurs, the database in the Comfort Controller is different from the database in the operator interface.

2. 3.


Correcting Database and Memory Errors

Use the following procedure to correct database and memory errors: 1. If EEPROM or RAM error is Yes, the controllers database is full and you need to delete at least one function, point, schedule, etc. in order to add any new items. If Database Error is Yes, invalid information has been downloaded to the controller. Do not Remove, Add, and Upload the controller at this point, as the database could contain



improper data and the last known good configuration will be lost. Database Error can be Yes for the following reasons: You have entered an invalid entry in one of the Diagnostic-Service Configuration tables and then performed an Update Database. The only way to put invalid entries in the Diagnostic-Service Table is through Carrier Controls or ComfortWORKS 1.0a or earlier Service Configuration. If an invalid entry is placed in any Service entry, delete or correct the entry and perform another Update Database. More information on correcting a problem of this nature is in Step 12 of Creating the Database. You have downloaded from an old database via Building Supervisor III, Network Service Tool III (Carrier Controls), or ComfortWORKS. You can download the last known good PC database to the controller by following the procedure for Downloading a Controller above.



How To Configure Points

How To Configure Points

This section provides the following information for each point: Purpose Typical application List of required and optional configuration decisions Description of each configuration decision that includes allowable entries and default values List of maintenance decisions Description of each maintenance decision Some standard input/output (I/O) points do not have configuration decisions because they are pre-configured. Points with custom engineering units, such as Custom Milliamp Input and Custom Voltage Input, however, do require you to complete configuration decisions. Discrete and analog software points do not have configuration decisions.
Description of Points


The Comfort Controller 6400 supports 64 hardware (I/O) points and 32 software points. The Comfort Controller 1600 supports 16 hardware (I/O) points and 16 software points. For easy reference, all points are presented in alphabetical order: Analog Software Point Custom Milliamp Input Custom Milliamp Output Custom Voltage Input Custom Voltage Output Discrete Output Discrete Software Point Latched Discrete Input Milliamp Input Milliamp Output Network Data In Network Data Out Pulsed Discrete Input Sensed Discrete Input Stepper Motor Output Temperature Input Voltage Input Voltage Output


Analog Software Point ANSWPT_M Software Point Type 2

Analog Software Point

Analog software points serve three purposes: Give a custom program created in BEST++ the capability to display analog values that can be used as inputs to standard algorithms Make the output of any analog type algorithm the input to another algorithm Serve as the destination of a Broadcast or Data Transfer point.

An analog software point can be displayed and forced.

Typical Application

This point can be configured to receive a broadcasted outside air temperature value. The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status

List of Maintenance Decisions

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type or units. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9


Analog Software Point ANSWPT_M Software Point Type 2

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = = No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this point. Valid Display 0 = Valid value 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will always be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.


Custom Milliamp Input CMAMPI_C Hardware Point Type 3

Custom Milliamp Input

A custom milliamp input is a hardware point that converts an input signal with a maximum range of 0-22 mA to a configurable range of engineering units. Refer to Appendix C for a list of engineering units and their conversion limits. The equation for the input conversion is:
[(Input - Low Input Endpoint) * (High Conversion Endpoint - Low Conversion Endpoint) / (High Input Endpoint - Low Input Endpoint)] + Low Conversion Endpoint

The conversion is a linear interpolation of the input between the Low and High Input Endpoint to the Low and High Conversion Endpoint. Figure 4-1 illustrates the conversion.
List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint Low Input Fault High Input Fault Externally Powered

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Custom Milliamp Input CMAMPI_C Hardware Point Type 3

Figure 4-1 Linear Interpolation of Custom Milliamp Input

High Conversion Endpoint

Converted Value

Low Conversion Endpoint

Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint

Configuration Low Input Endpoint Decisions You must configure this decision to indicate the minimum input signal that will

be converted. For example, if you specify 4 mA and the input sensor is <= 4mA, the computed value will be the Low Conversion Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 22.0 mA 4.0

High Input Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the maximum input signal that will be converted. For example, if you specify 18 mA and the input sensor is >= 18mA, the computed value will be the High Conversion Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 22.0 mA 20.0


Custom Milliamp Input CMAMPI_C Hardware Point Type 3

Low Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the conversion value when the input signal is less than or equal to the Low Input Endpoint. For example, if you specify % as the engineering unit for the sensor, the allowable entries are 0.00 to 100.00% and an entry of 90.00 is equal to 90% when the input signal is <= Low Input Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.00

High Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the conversion value when the input signal is greater than or equal to the High Input Endpoint. For example, if you specify % as the engineering unit for the sensor, the allowable entries are 0.00 to 100.00% and an entry of 90.00 is equal to 90% when the input signal is >= High Input Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 90.00

Low Input Fault Use this decision to specify the lower limit that indicates the input sensor is out of range. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 22.0 mA 4.0

High Input Fault Use this decision to specify the upper limit that indicates the input sensor is out of range. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 22.0 mA 20.0

Externally Powered You must configure this decision to indicate whether the sensor connected to this channel is externally powered. Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = No/Yes LID = 0(No) / 1(Yes) No

Custom Milliamp Input CMAMPI_M Hardware Point Type 3

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error


Custom Milliamp Input CMAMPI_M Hardware Point Type 3

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point being monitored by an Alarm Algorithm is in alarm. If an Alarm Algorithm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is not in alarm. Alarm = Point is in alarm.

Sensor Value The value in this decision represents the converted value of the physical sensor into the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in unconverted units. This value is the measurable result of the physical sensor. Valid Display 0.0 to 22.0 mA

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Custom Milliamp Output CMAMPO_C Hardware Point Type 10

Custom Milliamp Output

A custom milliamp output is a hardware point that converts a calculated input value with a configurable range of engineering units to a configured range of 0-22 mA. Refer to Appendix C for a list of engineering units and their conversion limits. The equation for the input conversion is:
[(Input - Low Conversion Endpoint) * (High Output Endpoint - Low Output Endpoint) / (High Conversion Endpoint - Low Conversion Endpoint)] + Low Output Endpoint

The conversion is a linear interpolation of the calculated input value between the Low and High Conversion Endpoint to the Low and High Output Endpoint. Figure 4-2 illustrates the conversion.
List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. * * * * Low Output Endpoint High Output Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Control Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Custom Milliamp Output CMAMPO_C Hardware Point Type 10

Figure 4-2 Linear Interpolation of Custom Milliamp Output

Output Value

High Output Endpoint

Low Output Endpoint

Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint

Configuration Decisions

Low Output Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the lowest value the output can be as a result of converting the input signal. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 22.0 mA
4.0 mA

High Output Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the highest value the output can be as a result of converting the input signal. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 22.0 mA


Custom Milliamp Output CMAMPO_M Hardware Point Type 10

Low Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the minimum input value. When the input value is less than or equal to the Low Conversion Endpoint, the output signal equals the Low Output Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units.

High Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the maximum input value. When the input value is greater than or equal to the High Conversion Endpoint, the output signal equals the High Output Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units.

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Custom Milliamp Output CMAMPO_M Hardware Point Type 10

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm type has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Control Value The value in this decision represents the converted value in the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual output value. This value is the measurable result of the physical output. Valid Display 0.0 to 22.0 mA


Custom Milliamp Output CMAMPO_M Hardware Point Type 10

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Custom Voltage Input CVOLTI_C Hardware Point Type 5

Custom Voltage Input

A custom voltage input is a hardware point that converts an input signal with a maximum range of 0-11 Vdc to a configurable range of engineering units. Refer to Appendix C for a list of engineering units and their conversion limits. The equation for the input conversion is:
[(Input - Low Input Endpoint) * (High Conversion Endpoint - Low Conversion Endpoint) / (High Input Endpoint - Low Input Endpoint)] + Low Conversion Endpoint

The conversion is a linear interpolation of the input between the Low and High Input Endpoint to the Low and High Conversion Endpoint. Figure 4-3 illustrates the conversion.
List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint Low Input Fault High Input Fault

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Custom Voltage Input CVOLTI_C Hardware Point Type 5

Figure 4-3 Linear Interpolation of Custom Voltage Input

High Conversion Endpoint


Converted Value

Low Conversion Endpoint

Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint

Configuration Decisions

Low Input Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the minimum input signal that will be converted. For example, if you specify 2Vdc and the input sensor is <= 2Vdc, the computed value will be the Low Conversion Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 11.0 Volts

High Input Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the maximum input signal that will be converted. For example, if you specify 9Vdc and the input sensor is >= 9Vdc, the computed value will be the High Conversion Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 11.0 Volts


Custom Voltage Input CVOLTI_C Hardware Point Type 5

Low Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the Conversion Value when the input signal is less than or equal to the Low Input Endpoint. For example, if you select % as the engineering unit for the sensor, the allowable entries are 0.00 to 100.00% and an entry of 20.00 is equal to 20% when the input signal is <= Low Input Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.00

High Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the Conversion Value when the input signal is greater than or equal to the High Input Endpoint. For example, if you specify % as the engineering unit for the sensor, the allowable entries are 0.00 to 100.00% and an entry of 90.00 is equal to 90% when the input signal is >= High Input Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 00.00

Low Input Fault Use this decision to specify the lower limit that indicates the input sensor is out of range. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 11.0 Volts 2.0

High Input Fault Use this decision to specify the upper limit that indicates that the input sensor is out of range. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 11.0 Volts 10.0


Custom Voltage Input CVOLTI_M Hardware Point Type 5

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error


Custom Voltage Input CVOLTI_M Hardware Point Type 5

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Sensor Value The value in this decision represents the converted value of the physical sensor into the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in unconverted units. This value is the measurable output of the physical sensor. Valid Display 0 to 11Vdc

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Custom Voltage Output CVOLTO_C Hardware Point Type 12

Custom Voltage Output

A custom voltage output converts an input signal with a configurable range of engineering units to a configured range of 0 to 11 Vdc. Refer to Appendix C for a list of engineering units and their conversion limits. The equation for the input conversion is:
[(Input - Low Conversion Endpoint) * (High Output Endpoint - Low Output Endpoint) / (High Conversion Endpoint - Low Conversion Endpoint)] + Low Output Endpoint

The conversion is a linear interpolation of the input between the Low and High Input Endpoint to the Low and High Conversion Endpoint. Figure 4-4 illustrates the conversion.
List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. * * * * Low Output Endpoint High Output Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Control Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Custom Voltage Output CVOLTO_C Hardware Point Type 12

Figure 4-4 Linear Interpolation of Custom Voltage Output

Output Value

High Output Endpoint

Low Output Endpoint

Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint

Configuration Decisions

Low Output Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the lowest value the output can be as a result of converting the input signal. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 11.0 Volts

High Output Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the highest value the output can be as a result of converting the input signal. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 11.0 Volts


Custom Voltage Output CVOLTO_M Hardware Point Type 12

Low Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the minimum input value. When the input value is less than or equal to the Low Conversion Endpoint, the output signal equals the Low Output Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units.

High Conversion Endpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the maximum input value. When the input value is greater than or equal to the High Conversion Endpoint, the output signal equals the High Output Endpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value
Maintenance Decisions

Valid range based upon selected display units.


System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Custom Voltage Output CVOLTO_M Hardware Point Type 12

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Control Value The value in this decision represents the converted value in the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces.

Valid Display

-9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual output value. This value is the measurable result of the physical output. Valid Display 0 to 11Vdc


Custom Voltage Output CVOLTO_M Hardware Point Type 12

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Discrete Output DISCRO_C Hardware Point Type 13

Discrete Output

A discrete output is a hardware point that converts an input state (on or off) to a configurable discrete output signal that is used to drive a relay. You can configure two output signal types: normal or inverted. For a list of discrete engineering units, refer to Appendix D. If the output signal type is configured as normal and the input transitions from off to on, the Comfort Controller checks to see whether the delay timer and minimum off timer have expired. If the timers have expired, the Comfort Controller turns on the output and starts the minimum on timer. If the timers have not expired, the Comfort Controller waits until the timers do expire, turns the output on, and starts the minimum on timer.

Normal Output Signal

If the output signal type is configured as normal and the input transitions from on to off, the Comfort Controller checks to see whether the minimum on timer has expired. If the minimum on timer has expired, the Comfort Controller turns off the output and starts the minimum off timer. If the minimum on timer has not expired, the Comfort Controller waits until the timer does expire, turns the output off, and starts the minimum off timer.

Inverted Output Signal

If the output signal type is configured as inverted and the input transitions from on to off, the Comfort Controller checks to see whether the delay timer and minimum off timer have expired. If the timers have expired, the Comfort Controller turns on the output and starts the minimum on timer. If the timers have not expired, the Comfort Controller waits until the timers do expire, turns the output on, and starts the minimum on timer.


Discrete Output DISCRO_C Hardware Point Type 13

If the output signal type is configured as inverted and the input transitions from off to on, the Comfort Controller checks to see whether the minimum on timer has expired. If the minimum on timer has expired, the Comfort Controller turns off the output and starts the minimum off timer. If the minimum on timer has not expired, the Comfort Controller waits until the timer does expire, turns the output off, and starts the minimum off timer.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. * * * * Logic Type Minimum Off Time Minimum On Time Delay Time

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Control Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Discrete Output DISCRO_C Hardware Point Type 13

Configuration Decisions

Logic Type You must configure this decision to indicate the conversion logic you desire. Normal = Standard Logic When the algorithm determines that the output should be 0 (off), the DO point will be turned off. When the algorithm determines that the output should be 1 (on), the DO point will be turned on. Invert = Reverse Logic When the algorithm determines that the output should be 0 (off), the DO point will be turned on. When the algorithm determines that the output should be 1 (on), the DO point will be turned off. Bldg. Supvr. = Normal/Invert LID = 0(Normal) / 1(Invert)

Allowable Entries Default Value

Minimum On Time You must configure this decision to indicate the number of seconds the output must remain on. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds

Minimum Off Time You must configure this decision to indicate the number of seconds the output must remain off. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds

Delay Time You must configure this decision to indicate the number of seconds that must elapse before output is turned on. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds


Discrete Output DISCRO_M Hardware Point Type 13

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual system value of this discrete point. This value includes any output logic that may have been configured, and also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display Open (DO = off) / Close (DO = on) for normal logic

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error


Discrete Output DISCRO_M Hardware Point Type 13

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm type has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Control Value The value in this decision displays the actual state of the point, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display Open (DO = off) / Close (DO = on) for normal logic

Hardware Value This decision displays the actual state of the hardware point, disregarding any logic type conversion. Valid Display Open/Close

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display

Eight-character algorithm name

Discrete Software Point DISWPT_M Software Point Type 1

Discrete Software Point

A discrete software point gives a custom program created in BEST++ the capability to display discrete values that can be used as inputs to standard algorithms. It is also used to make the output of any discrete type algorithm the input to another algorithm. A discrete software point can be displayed and forced.

Typical Application

This point can be used in a custom program to generate an alarm when the value of the Discrete Software Point matches the alarm state. The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status

List of Maintenance Decisions

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by algorithms that reference this point. This value includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display Open (DO = off) / Close (DO = on)

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force


Discrete Software Point DISWPT_M Software Point Type 1

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.


Latched Discrete Input LATCHI_M Hardware Point Type 8

Latched Discrete Input

Typical Application

A latched discrete input is a hardware point that detects a momentary input from a dry-contact, converts the input to the configured logic state, and saves it until it is read by the algorithm that is monitoring the point. You can use this point to capture momentary contact closures such as the closing of a door. The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name

List of Maintenance Decisions

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. This value includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display Open (DO = off) / Close (DO = on)

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force


Latched Discrete Input LATCHI_M Hardware Point Type 8

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Sensor Value The value in this decision displays the actual state of the discrete point, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display Open (DO = off) / Close (DO = on)

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Milliamp Input MAMP_I_C Hardware Point Type 2

Milliamp Input

A milliamp input is a hardware point that converts a 4-20 mA input signal to a standard range of engineering units. Refer to Appendix B for a list of standard types supported

Configuration Decision

The following decision is applicable to this point type. Configuring it is optional. Offset

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Milliamp Input MAMP_I_M Hardware Point Type 2

Offset Use this decision to indicate the value that is added to or subtracted from the converted value in order to compensate for sensor inaccuracy. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force


Milliamp Input MAMP_I_M Hardware Point Type 2

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Sensor Value The value in this decision represents the converted value of the physical sensor into the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in unconverted units. This value is the measurable output of the physical sensor. Valid Display Actual milliamp reading

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64


Milliamp Input MAMP_I_M Hardware Point Type 2

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Milliamp Output MAMP_O_M Hardware Point Type 9

Milliamp Output

A milliamp output is a hardware point that converts an input signal with a standard range of engineering units to a pre-configured range of 4-20 mA. Refer to Appendix B for a list of standard types supported. The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Control Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name

List of Maintenance Decisions

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9


Milliamp Output MAMP_O_M Hardware Point Type 9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.


Milliamp Output MAMP_O_M Hardware Point Type 9

Control Value The value in this decision represents the converted value of the physical sensor into the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in unconverted units. This value is the measurable output of the physical sensor. Valid Display Actual milliamp reading

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Network Input Point NET_IN_C Software Point Type 3

Network Input Point

A network input point requests data from a point in another device on the CCN at a configured timed interval. In order for this point to retrieve data, it must be referenced by at least one standard algorithm, alarm, or system function.

Typical Application

You can configure this point to provide the fan status of a remote air handler as input to a standard algorithm. The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * CCN Element Number CCN Bus Number Point Name Communication Rate

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name

Configuration Decisions

CCN Element Number You must configure this decision to enter the element number of the system element from which the point will be read. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 239


Network Input Point NET_IN_M Software Point Type 3

CCN Bus Number You must configure this decision to enter the bus number of the system element from which the point will be read. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 239

Point Name You must configure this decision to specify the point name used in the system element where the data is being requested. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) (blank)

Communication Rate Use this decision to indicate how often (in minutes) the value will be read from the selected system element. An entry of 0 indicates that this point will read whenever requested by an algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value
Maintenance Decisions

0 to 60 minutes

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9


Network Input Point NET_IN_M Software Point Type 3

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this network point. It indicates whether the value of this point was successfully read. Valid Display 0 = Value read successfully 1 = CCN Communication Bus failure

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.


Network Input Point NET_IN_M Software Point Type 3

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Network Output Point NETOUT_C Software Point Type 4

Network Output Point

A network output point sends data from a point within the Comfort Controller to a point in another device on the CCN at a configured timed interval. In order for this point to transmit data, it must be referenced by at least one standard algorithm, alarm, or system function. You can configure this point in an air handler to transmit the output of its Permissive Interlock algorithm to control a damper position in another air handler. The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * CCN Element Number CCN Bus Number Point Name Communication Rate

Typical Application

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name

Configuration Decisions

CCN Element Number You must configure this decision to enter the element number of the system element to which the point will be written. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 251

CCN Bus Number You must configure this decision to enter the bus number of the system element to which the point will be written. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 251


Network Output Point NETOUT_M Software Point Type 4

Point Name You must configure this decision to specify the point name used in the system element where the data is being transmitted. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) (blank)

Communication Rate Use this decision to indicate how often (in minutes) the value will be written to the selected system element. An entry of 0 indicates that this point will transmit its value over the network whenever requested by an algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value
Maintenance Decisions

0 to 60 minutes

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force


Network Output Point NETOUT_M Software Point Type 4

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this network point. It indicates whether the value of this point was successfully transmitted on the CCN. Valid Display 0 = Value sent successfully 1 = CCN Communication Bus failure

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Pulsed Discrete Input PULSDI_C Hardware Point Type 7

Pulsed Discrete Input

A pulsed discrete input is a hardware point that: Converts a pulsed dry-contact input to a configurable range of engineering units (usage rate). The conversion is done using configurable parameters for the conversion factor and sample time. The converted value is expressed as follows:
Converted value = (# of pulses over sample time) * conversion factor

You could convert a pulsed dry-contact to frequency using one second as the sample time and Hertz as the conversion factor. You could determine Kw demand by multiplying the number of pulses by a wattmeter conversion factor. Displays the number of accumulated pulses. If you select the engineering unit to be type 46, which represents pulses and not a usage rate, pulses will be displayed.

Typical Application

You can use this point to convert the input received from a flow meter to gallons per minute (GPM) or liters per minute (L/min). The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. * * Conversion Factor Sample Time

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Pulsed Discrete Input PULSDI_C Hardware Point Type 7

Configuration Decisions

Conversion Factor You must configure this decision to specify the amount that each pulse represents. For example, in a wattmeter application, the value you enter in this decision would represent the number of Kilowatt Hours for each pulse. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 9999.99

Sample Time You must configure this decision to specify the time period over which the Comfort Controller collects input pulses before multiplying them by the Conversion Factor. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 1800 seconds


Pulsed Discrete Input PULSDI_M Hardware Point Type 7

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error


Pulsed Discrete Input PULSDI_M Hardware Point Type 7

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Sensor Value The value in this decision represents the converted value of the physical sensor into the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in pulses. This value is the measurable output of the physical sensor. Valid Display Accumulated pulses

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to monitor this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to use this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Sensed Discrete Input SENSDI_C Hardware Point Type 6

Sensed Discrete Input

A sensed discrete input is a hardware point that converts a dry-contact input to a logic state based on the selected display units. For a list of discrete engineering units, refer to Appendix D. Use this type of point for devices that stay in a fixed state for a period of time, such as a motor status relay.

Typical Application Configuration Decision

You can use this point to monitor auxiliary contacts to indicate fan status. The following decision is applicable to this point type. You must configure it. * Output Logic Type

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name

Configuration Decision

Output Logic Type You must configure this decision to indicate the conversion logic you desire. Normal = Standard Logic The operator interface displays on when the sensor contacts for this DI point are closed. The operator interface displays off when the sensor contacts are open. Invert = Reverse Logic The operator interface displays on when the sensor contacts for this DI point are open. The operator interface displays off when the sensor contacts are closed. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Normal/Invert LID = 0(Normal) / 1(Invert)


Sensed Discrete Input SENSDI_M Hardware Point Type 6

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. This value includes any logic type that may have been configured, and also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display Open (DI = off) / Close (DI = on) for normal logic

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.


Sensed Discrete Input SENSDI_M Hardware Point Type 6

Sensor Value The value in this decision displays the converted value, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display Open (DI = off) / Close (DI = on) for normal logic

Hardware Value This decision displays the actual hardware position of the physical sensor, disregarding any logic type conversion. Valid Display Open/Close

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Stepper Motor Output STPMOT_C Hardware Point Type 14

Stepper Motor Output

A stepper motor output gives the Comfort Controller the capability to interface with a DSIO Module in order to control a stepper motor.

The algorithms do not support Stepper Motor Output. Only custom programs created in BEST++ support Stepper Motor Output.

Typical Application

You can use this point in conjunction with a custom program to control a four-winding stepper motor. The following decisions are applicable to this point type. You must configure the asterisked decisions. * * Stepping Rate Duty Cycle

LIst of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name

Configuration Decisions

Stepping Rate You must configure this decision to define the stepping rate for the motor this output is controlling. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 1000

Duty Cycle You must configure this decision to specify the minimum pulse width required to change the position of the stepper motor. When the pulse width is high, the motor requires greater torque and power. Allowable Entries Default Value 33 to 100 100


Stepper Motor Output STPMOT_M Hardware Point Type 14

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error


Stepper Motor Output STPMOT_M Hardware Point Type 14

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to use this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Temperature Input TEMP_I_C Hardware Point Type 1

Temperature Input

A temperature input is a hardware point that converts resistive input from a thermistor type transducer for the sensor types listed below. For a list of metric conversions, resolution, and accuracy, refer to Appendix B.
Sensor Type Range

1 = YSI 10K Thermistor 2 = 1000 ohm RTD 3 = 5K Thermistor 4 = Not supported 5 = MCI 10K Thermistor Temperature Sensor 6 = NTC 100K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

-40.0 to 245.0F -40.0 to 220.0F -40.0 to 245.0F -40.0 to 245.0F 72.0 to 282.0F

If configuring a T-56 Space Temperature Sensor, refer to the note in this chapters description of Voltage Input.

Typical Application

You can use this point to interface with a Carrier-approved temperature sensor to provide duct discharge temperature. The following decision is applicable to this point type. Configuring it is optional. Offset

Configuration Decision

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Temperature Input TEMP_I_C and TEMP_I_M Hardware Point Type 1

Configuration Decision

Offset Use this decision to indicate the value that is added to or subtracted from the converted temperature value in order to compensate for sensor inaccuracy. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.0 to 10.0^F 0.0

Maintenance Decisions

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error


Temperature Input TEMP_I_M Hardware Point Type 1

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Sensor Value The value in this decision represents the converted value of the physical sensor into the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in unconverted units. This value is the measurable output of the physical sensor. Valid Display Actual temperature reading

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name


Voltage Input VOLT_I_C Hardware Point Type 4

Voltage Input

A voltage input is a hardware point that converts a 0-10 Vdc input signal to a standard range of engineering units. For a list of conversions, resolution, and accuracy, refer to Appendix B.

If connecting a T-56 Space Temperature Sensor to this input, you must wire the sensor as a Temperature Input. For example, on a Comfort Controller 6400, you must set Switch 2 to Int and Switch 3 to Other. On a Comfort Controller 1600, you must wire to Channels 5-8 and set Switch 1 to Other (Off).

Typical Application

You can use this point to interface with a Carrier-approved temperature sensor to provide duct discharge temperature. The following decision is applicable to this algorithm. Configuring it is optional. Offset

Configuration Decision

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Sensor Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name


Voltage Input VOLT_I_C and VOLT_I_M Hardware Point Type 4

Configuration Decision

Offset Use this decision to indicate the value that is added to or subtracted from the converted value in order to compensate for sensor inaccuracy. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

Maintenance Decision

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by any algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error


Voltage Input VOLT_I_M Hardware Point Type 4

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.

Sensor Value The value in this decision represents the converted value of the physical sensor into the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in unconverted units. This value is the measurable output of the physical sensor. Valid Display Actual voltage reading

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display

Eight-character algorithm name

Voltage Output VOLT_O_M Hardware Point Type 11

Voltage Output

A voltage output is a hardware point that converts an input signal with a standard range of engineering units to a pre-configured range of 0-10 Vdc. Refer to Appendix B for a list of standard types supported. The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this point type. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this point. System Value Force Status Alarm Status Control Value Hardware Value Channel Number Control Algorithm Name Alarm Algorithm Name

List of Maintenance Decisions

Maintenance Decision

System Value The value in this decision represents the actual value used by the algorithms that reference this point. The range of values is determined by the type of data that this point represents. This value includes any conversions that are made based on point type, units, or configured parameters. This value also includes the effect of any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9


Voltage Output VOLT_O_M Hardware Point Type 11

Force The value in this decision represents the force level, if any, that has been applied to this point. The forces are listed in order from highest to lowest priority, with 1 being the highest force priority. Valid Display 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10= No force in effect Fire Force Safety Force Service Force Building Supervisor Force Monitor/Remote Force Min Off Time Force Controlling POC Force BEST Force Temp Override Force Loadshed Force

Status The value in this decision represents the system status for this hardware point. It indicates whether the sensor reading of this device is valid. Valid Display 0 = Valid sensor reading 1 = Reading out of range for this type of sensor, or there is a communication error with the hardware channel 2 = Configuration error

Alarm Status The value in this decision indicates whether the point is in alarm. If an alarm has not been configured for this point, the value in this decision will be Normal. Valid Display Normal = Point is within configured limits, or it was not configured. Alarm = Point is outside configured limits.


Voltage Output VOLT_O_M Hardware Point Type 11

Control Value The value in this decision represents the converted value in the configured engineering units, disregarding any applied forces. Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Hardware Value The value in this decision represents the actual sensor reading in unconverted units. This value is the measurable output of the physical sensor. Valid Display Actual voltage reading

Channel Number The value in this decision indicates the configured hardware channel number for this point. Valid Display 1 to 64

Control Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the standard control algorithm configured to use this point. If more than one algorithm applies, the name of the last configured algorithm is displayed. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any algorithm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name

Alarm Algorithm Name The value in this decision indicates the name of the alarm configured to monitor this point. This field is blank when the point is not configured for use by any alarm. Valid Display Eight-character algorithm name



How To Configure Algorithms

How To Configure Algorithms

This section provides the following information for each algorithm:
Definition of an Algorithm

Purpose Typical application List of required and optional configuration decisions Description of each configuration decision that includes allowable entries and default values. List of maintenance decisions Description of each maintenance decision

An algorithm is a pre-engineered group of processes that provides you with the capability to control and monitor HVAC devices in a safe, energy efficient manner. An algorithm can consist of one or more HVAC control routines, schedules, or input and output points. When configuring the FNCxx-yy Table's (Service-Config Table) Function Unit decision, refer to the Tables 5-1 to 5-3. This same information is also included in Appendix H on the Function Types, Default Names and EEPROM Summary Sheet.

Function Types

Table 5-1 Algorithm Function Types

AO Algorithm Name

Function Type

AOAdaptive Control........................... 1 AOCooling CV ................................... 2 AOCooling VAV ................................ 3 AOFan Tracking ................................. 4 AOHeating CV ................................... 5 AOHeating VAV ................................ 6 AOHumidity Control .......................... 7 AOMixed Air CV w IAQ ................... 8 AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ ................ 9 AOPermissive Intrlock ....................... 10 AOReset.............................................. 11 AOShared Transducer ........................ 12 AOStatic Pressure ............................... 13


Table 5-2 DO Algorithm Function Types

DO Algorithm Name

Function Type

DOAnalog ........................................... 14 DODX Staging VAV .......................... 015 DOElectric Heat CV ........................... 016 DOElectric Heat VAV ........................ 017 DOEnthalpy Comparison ................... 018 DOInterlock ........................................ 019 DOLighting Control ........................... 020 DOPermissive Interlock ..................... 021 DOPump Control ................................ 022 DOProp Thermo ................................. 023 DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe ...................... 024 DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe ...................... 025 DOStaged Thermostat ........................ 026 DOStaging Control ............................. 027 DOTime Clock ................................... 028 DOTime Clock w Check .................... 029
Table 5-3 Global Algorithm Function Types

Global Algorithm Name

Function Type

AOSS Schedule ...................................... 301 Network Broadcast ................................. 302 Linkage/AOSS Schedule ........................ 303 NTFC w Enthalpy Check ....................... 304 Occupancy .............................................. 305* Sensor Group .......................................... 306 WSM Air Source .................................... 307 WSM Cool Source .................................. 308 *For information on occupancy, refer to Time Schedule in the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual. For easy reference, the algorithms are presented alphabetically in this manual, with analog output (AO) algorithms appearing before discrete output (DO) algorithms. Global algorithms (AOSS Schedule, NTFC w Enthalpy Check, etc.) are presented last.


AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxC Function Type 1

AOAdaptive Control

The AO Adaptive algorithm provides single loop PID-based analog control based on a setpoint schedule that can be reset between the occupied or unoccupied high and low setpoint values. A userconfigurable reset sensor is used to determine the amount of reset. Both the Y axis and the X axis parameters of the reset schedule are adjustable. By adjusting the setpoint schedule along with the Start and Stop Reset decisions, you can create a positive, negative, or constant setpoint slope. Whenever the Stop Reset decision is less than the Start Reset decision, the slope of the setpoint line will be negative (the setpoint decreases as the reset sensor value increases). If the Stop Reset value is greater than the Start Reset value, the slope of the setpoint line will be positive (the setpoint increases as the reset sensor value increases) . Note that the following two conditions will defeat the reset calculation and produce a setpoint equal to the configured low setpoint value: If the Stop Reset and Start Reset are equal If the Low Setpoint is greater than the High Setpoint

The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the controller is using the occupied or unoccupied high and low setpoints. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states. The AO Adaptive and AO Reset algorithms are functionally the same, however they differ in that AO Adaptive allows you to select any engineering units for the control and reset sensors, but requires that the engineering units of the output channel be in percent (%). AO Reset, however, requires that the engineering units of the control and reset sensors be in temperature (degrees F or C), while the output device may be in any engineering units.
Typical Application

You can use AO Adaptive with a variable speed pump that is speed that is controlled to maintain a delta pressure signal on a chilled water loop. This application would not use the setpoint reset capabilities of this algorithm.

AOAdaptive Control ADAPT xxC Function Type 1

Following are two examples of AO reset: Example 1 - The most common application of setpoint reset is to vary a setpoint with outside air such that the setpoint will increase as the OAT sensor decreases. When graphed, such an arrangement will produce a line with a negative slope.
Figure 5-0a Setpoint Reset When Start Reset > Stop Reset
High Setpoint

Low Setpoint

Stop Reset

Start Reset

For example, if you were required to adjust a hot water setpoint from 90 degrees F (32.2 degrees C) to 140 degrees F (60.0 degrees C), as the OAT decreased for 60 degrees F (15.6 degrees C) to 0 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C), use the following configuration decisions: Low Setpoint = 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C) High Setpoint = 140 deg.F (60.0 deg.C) Start Reset = 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C) Stop Reset = 0 deg.F (-17.8 deg.C) Whenever the OAT is less than or equal 0 deg.F (-17.8 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 140 deg.F (60.0 deg.C.) Whenever the OAT is greater than or equal to 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C.) When the reset sensor is between 0 degrees F (-17.8 deg.C) and 60 degrees F (15.6 deg.C), the setpoint is adjusted in a linear fashion. This would also work for chilled water reset by substituting the following values: Low Setpoint = 42 deg.F (5.56 deg.C) High Setpoint = 47 deg.F (8.33 deg.C) Start Reset = 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C) Stop Reset = 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C)

95a 96

AOAdaptive Control ADAPT xxC Function Type 1

Example 2 - A less common application would be to increase the static pressure setpoint of a variable volume fan as the OAT temperature increases. This would produce a setpoint line with a positive slope.
Figure 5-0b Setpoint Reset When Stop Reset > Start Reset
High Setpoint

Low Setpoint

Start Reset

Stop Reset

The following settings illustrate this application: Low Setpoint = 1.0" H2O (0.248 kPa) High Setpoint = 2.5" H2O (0.621 kPa) Start Reset = 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C) Stop Reset = 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C) Whenever the OAT is less than or equal to 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 1.0" H20 (0.248 kPa). Whenever the OAT is greater than or equal to 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 2.5" H20 (0.621 kPa). When the reset sensor is between 60 degrees F (15.6 deg.C) and 90 degrees F (32.2 deg.C), the pressure setpoint is adjusted in a linear fashion.

95b 97

AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxC Function Type 1

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * Analog Output Point Status Point Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Reset Point Reset Start Reset Value Stop Reset Value Control Point PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * Analog Output Point Status Point Occupied ? Reset Point Controlling Setpoint Control Point PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Task Timer


Figure 5-1 AOAdaptive Control

Status Point
Output AND Enable Output Status


Analog Output Point

Input Output Force

Force Status Status

Control Point
Status NOT Sensor Input Output


Setpoint Schedule Setpoint Reset

Low Setpoint High Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint



Time Schedule

Bias Input

Minimum Output


Occupancy State?

Maximum Output


Reset Point
Occupied Low Setpoint Output Status Force Occupied High Setpoint Sensor Input Disable

Clamp Integrator

Bias Low Offset

Bias High Offset

Reset Integrator

AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxC Function Type 1



AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxC Function Type 1

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is being controlled by this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status to enable this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx, LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


AOAdaptive Control ADAPT xxC Function Type 1

Reset Point Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the input for determining the amount of reset. The setpoint is reset between the configured high and low setpoints, based upon the value in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Reset Reset calculates the desired setpoint for the PID master loop based on the Reset Point. Start Reset Value Use this decision to specify the X axis parameters of the reset schedule (the Y axis parameters are set by the setpoint schedule.) If the configured Start Reset value is greater than the Stop Reset value, then the setpoint will decrease as the reset sensor value increases. If the configured Start Reset value is less than the configured Stop Reset value, then the setpoint will increase as the reset sensor value increases. Allowable Entries Default Value Based on selected display units -40.0 (-40.0)

Stop Reset Value Use this decision to specify the X axis parameters of the reset schedule (the Y axis parameters are set by the setpoint schedule.) If the configured Stop Reset value is greater than the Start Reset value, then the setpoint will increase as the reset sensor value increases. If the configured Stop Reset value is less than the Start Reset value, then the setpoint will decrease as the reset sensor value increases. Allowable Entries Default Value Based on selected display units 245.0 (118.3)

Control Point You must configure this decision to indicate the input point that the PID Master Loop will compare to the calculated setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxC Function Type 1

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the output required to achieve the calculated setpoint. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 2.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 1.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output value to be maintained when the Status Point is off. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0


AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxC Function Type 1

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the outputs starting value when the PID Master Loop is enabled by the Status Point. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 10

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxM Function Type 1

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the output's actual state of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display 0.00 - 100.00%

Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the status point which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied. Valid Display Yes/No

Reset Point This decision displays the value of the reset point. The configured setpoint is reset based upon the value of this decision. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Controlling Setpoint This decision displays the calculated setpoint for the PID Master Loop based on the setpoint and reset values. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Control Point This decision displays the value of the input point that this algorithm is controlling to. Valid Display

Valid range based upon selected display units.

AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxM Function Type 1

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Analog Output Point. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display 0 to 100%

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint - Control Point) * Proportional Gain Valid Display 0 to 100%

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Setpoint - Control Point) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display 0 to 100%

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Setpoint - Control Point) 0 to 100%

Valid Display


AOAdaptive Control ADAPTxxM Function Type 1

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Center Digit

Right Digit

Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

AOCooling CV

The AOCooling CV algorithm modulates the output to control a chilled water valve in a constant volume air handler to prevent the space temperature from exceeding the configured setpoint. This algorithm can also be configured to perform dehumidification. The Cooling algorithm uses both a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop and a P (Proportional) Submaster Loop to control the valve. The PID Master Loop calculates the Supply Air Setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The PID Master Loop calculates the submaster reference by obtaining the highest sensor input from the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor and comparing it to the high setpoint from the Setpoint Schedule. During dehumidification, the submaster reference is set to its minimum value. The submaster reference is equal to the Disabled Output Value if the Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor status is invalid. The P Submaster Loop computes the chilled water valves position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature. The output equals the Disabled Output Value whenever the fan is off or the Supply Air Temperature status is invalid. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a chilled water valve serving an air handlers cooling coil in a constant volume system.


AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Cooling Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Supply Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Proportional Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Center Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay


AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * Cooling Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Space Setpoint High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Cooling Coil Subm Ref Supply Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Submaster Flags Task Timer

* *

* *


Supply Air Temperature
Output Input Output Force Status Status AND Enable Output Status Force Status Status NOT Force Status Input Sensor Output

Figure 5-2 AOCooling CV

P_Submaster_Loop Cooling Coil Valve

AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

Time Schedule Fan Status Point



Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor PID_Master Loop

(Software Point) NOT Sensor Input Force Status Reference Forced? Enable Output Input Output Setpoint

Cooling Coil Subm Ref

TS Override




Average Point Forced?

Space Setpoint
Setpoint PID Integrator Clamp

Low Setpoint

High Setpoint

Occupancy State ?

High Humidity Switch

OR Minimum Output


Status Maximum Output OR

Force Status

High Humidity Sensor


Reset Integrator

Clamp Integrator


Force Status

Humidity Setpoint



Occupied Low Setpoint

Occupied High Setpoint




AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

Configuration Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers chilled water valve.
Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan.
Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on Sensor Group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same sensor group or SPT sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedule, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual. Note: Use the same space temperature Setpoint Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates when dehumidification needs to be performed. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or High Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. If reheat is being done, the sensor specified here should be the same one that is specified in the associated heating CV algorithm.
Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters

LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600)


Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the humidity setpoint for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual. If reheat is being done, the setpoint specified here should be the same one that is specified in the associated heating CV algorithm. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16
Default Value SETPT00

High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. If reheat is being done, the occupied sensor specified here should be the same one that is specified in the associated heating CV algorithm.
Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00


AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the Supply Air Setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error.
Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 10.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error.
Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 1.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error.
Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the Supply Air Temperature to be maintained when the space temperature input(s) are invalid . When the space temperature input(s) are invalid, the value entered in this decision is used as the submaster reference.
Allowable Entries Default Value

-40.0 to 245.0


AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable Supply Air Temperature (minimum submaster reference). When dehumidification is being performed, the value in this decision is used as the submaster reference.
Allowable Entries Default Value

-40.0 to 245.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable Supply Air Temperature (maximum submaster reference).
Allowable Entries Default Value

-40.0 to 245.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the starting value for the Supply Air Temperature when the master loop is enabled.
Allowable Entries Default Value

-40.0 to 245.0

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to indicate how often the master loop calculates the submaster reference.
Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 120

Supply Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature to this algorithm. The submaster loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the value of the point that you specify in this decision.
Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters

LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600)



AOCooling CV CCCV_xxC Function Type 2

P_Submaster_Loop The submaster loop is a proportional control loop that computes the chilled water valves position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature. Proportional Gain Use this decision to specify the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error.
Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -9.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output to the chilled water valve when the fan is off or when the Supply Air Temperature sensor is invalid.
Allowable Entries Default Value

Valid range based upon selected display units.


Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output to the chilled water valve.
Allowable Entries Default Value

Valid range based upon selected display units.


Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output to the chilled water valve.
Allowable Entries Default Value

Valid range based upon selected display units.


Center Value Use this decision to specify the output value appropriate for the no load condition.
Allowable Entries Default Value

Valid range based upon selected display units.



AOCooling CV CCCV_xxM Function Type 2

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to specify how often the submaster loop calculates a new output value.
Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 5 seconds 2

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs.
Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the highest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00F to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No


AOCooling CV CCCV_xxM Function Type 2

Space Setpoint This decision displays the high setpoint from the configured Setpoint Schedule. The occupancy state is taken into effect when this value is determined. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the value of the high humidity switch sensor being monitored. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

High Humidity Setpoint This decision specifies the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. The algorithm obtains the occupied high setpoint from the humidity Setpoint Schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is readjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated submaster reference value. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0

AOCooling CV CCCV_xxM Function Type 2

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Valid Display

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Cooling Coil Subm Ref This decision displays the value of the calculated submaster reference from the PID Master Loop. This value is used with the Supply Air Temperature by the P Submaster Loop. To override the submaster reference, force this decision. Valid Display

-40.00 to 245.00F

(-40.00 to 118.30C)

AOCooling CV CCCV_xxM Function Type 2

Supply Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.3C)

P_Submaster_Loop The P (proportional) Submaster Loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the Supply Air Temperature. This loop executes every two seconds. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the algorithm output point. Reference Output = (Submaster Proportional Term + Submaster Center Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the submaster loop. Proportional Term = (Submaster Reference - Supply Air Temperature) * Submaster Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Submaster Flags This two-digit field displays the status of the P Submaster Loop. Left Digit 0 = Submaster Loop is Active 1 = Submaster Loop is Inactive (Disabled or Clamped) 0 = No PID clamp 1 = PID Clamp Active 00 to 11

Right Digit Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds

AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

AOCooling VAV

The AOCooling VAV algorithm modulates the output to control a chilled water valve in a variable air volume air handler to maintain a constant supply air temperature and prevent the space temperature from exceeding the configured setpoint. This algorithm can also be configured to perform dehumidification. The AOCooling VAV algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to calculate the cooling coil valve position required to achieve the configured Supply Air Setpoint. The supply air setpoint is a configured value that can be reset linearly based on the space temperature. If one of the following conditions exists, the output value will be set to the Disabled Output Value: the space temperature is below the average value of the high and low temperature setpoints. the fan status indicates that the fan is off. the Supply Air Temperature sensor is out of range.

During dehumidification, the output value will be set to the Maximum Output Value. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule gives you the capability to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.
Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a chilled water valve serving a cooling coil in a variable air volume air handler.


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Cooling Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor VAV Setpoint Reset Supply Air Setpoint Reset Ratio Start Reset Maximum Reset Supply Air Temperature PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * Cooling Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor VAV Setpoint Reset Setpoint Setpoint Offset CCV Supply Air Setpoint Supply Air Temperature PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Task Timer

* *


Figure 5-3 AOCooling VAV

Time Schedule Fan Status Point

Output Status Force Status AND Output Enable


PID_Master Loop


Cooling Coil Valve

Input Output Force

Space Setpoint
(Low Setpoint + High Setpoint)/2

Low Setpoint

High Setpoint


Status Status

Occupancy State ?

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

(Software Point) Input
Output Force Status

TS Override

VAV Setpoint Reset Supply Air Setpoint

Sensor Input Sensor Status






Supply Air Temperature

Output Status Force Status Minimum Output OR Maximum Output Sensor Input

High Humidity Switch


Status Force Status

High Humidity Sensor


Status Force Status


Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator

Humidity Setpoint

Occupied Low Setpoint


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

Occupied High Setpoint


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

Configuration Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers chilled water valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on Sensor Group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same sensor group or SPT Sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual. Note: Use the same space temperature Setpoint Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 Default Value SETPT00 High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates when dehumidification needs to be performed. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or High Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. If reheat is being done, the sensor specified here should be the same one that is specified in the associated heating VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) Default Value SENSDI00 Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the humidity setpoint for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual. If reheat is being done, the setpoint specified here should be the same one that is specified in the associated heating VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 Default Value SETPT00 High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. If reheat is being done, the sensor specified here should be the same one that is specified in the associated heating VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) Default Value MAMP_I00

AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

VAV Setpoint Reset VAV Setpoint Reset provides the supply air setpoint to the master loop. The configured setpoint can be reset upward based on space temperature. Supply Air Setpoint Use this decision to specify the minimum supply air temperature that this algorithm will maintain. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 120.0F 55.0 (-17.8 to 48.9C) (13.0)

Reset Ratio If the supply air setpoint is being reset, use this decision to specify the amount of reset for every degree the space temperature is above the value in the Start Reset configuration decision. The value in this decision is expressed in degrees per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 5.0^F 0.0 (0.0 to 2.8^C) (0.0)

Start Reset If the Supply Air Setpoint is being reset, use this decision to specify the space temperature that must be exceeded before the Supply Air Setpoint is reset. If you enter zero in this decision, the algorithm uses the Occupied High Setpoint as the start reset temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 99.9F 0.0 (-17.8 to 37.7C) (-17.8)

Maximum Reset If the Supply Air Setpoint is being reset, use this decision to specify the maximum amount the Supply Air Setpoint can be reset above the configured value. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 99.9^F 15.0 (0.0 to 55.5^C) (8.3)


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

Supply Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature to this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the valve position required to achieve the desired Supply Air Setpoint. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -9.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -1.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxC Function Type 3

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output value to be maintained when the space temperature is below the average value of the temperature setpoints, the fan status indicates the fan is off, or the supply air temperature sensor is out of range. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output value. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output value. During dehumidification, the algorithm sets the output to the value entered in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the outputs starting value when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 30.0

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to indicate how often the master loop calculates the valve position. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 30

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value

0 to 65535 seconds 0

AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxM Function Type 3

Maintenance Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is off or not configured, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the highest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the value of the high humidity switch being monitored. If this decision is not configured, this value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

High Humidity Setpoint This decision displays the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. The algorithm uses the occupied high setpoint that is obtained from the humidity Setpoint Schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxM Function Type 3

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

VAV Setpoint Reset VAV Setpoint Reset provides the supply air setpoint value to the master loop. Setpoint This decision displays the calculated supply air setpoint that is used by to the master loop. This value represents the sum of calculated offset added to the configured Supply Air Setpoint. Valid Display 0.0 to 120.0F (-17.8 to 48.8C)

Setpoint Offset This calculated value represents the amount of reset that is added to the configured Supply Air Setpoint to generate the setpoint value. Setpoint Offset = (VAV Start Reset - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Reset Ratio Valid Display -99.9 to 99.9

CCV Supply Air Setpoint This decision displays the calculated Supply Air Setpoint for the PID Master Loop. To override the Supply Air Setpoint, force this decision. Valid Display -40.00 to 240.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Supply Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxM Function Type 3

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Analog Output Point. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (CCV Supply Air Setpoint - Supply Air Temperature) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((CCV Supply Air Setpoint - Supply Air Temperature) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (CCV Supply Air Setpoint - Supply Air Temperature) Valid range based upon selected display units.

Valid Display


AOCooling VAV CCVAVxxM Function Type 3

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Center Digit

Right Digit

Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxC Function Type 4

AOFan Tracking

The AOFan Tracking algorithm modulates the analog output to control the return air fan speed or inlet guide vane position to maintain a constant delta pressure between the supply and return air fans in a variable air volume system. The Fan Tracking algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to control the fan speed or inlet guide vane position. The PID Master Loop compares the Return Air Pressure to a calculated setpoint in order to compute the desired output value. The PID Master Loop calculates the output value in order to keep the Return Air Pressure (CFM) equal to the Supply Air Pressure (CFM) minus the configured Delta CFM Setpoint. If the fan is off or either the supply or return air velocity pressure sensor value is invalid, the output is set to the Disabled Output Value.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control the inlet guide vanes or speed controller of a return air fan in a variable air volume system. In such an instance, the return fan would be controlled to maintain a delta pressure in CFM between the supply and return air fans in the system. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Supply Air Pressure Return Air Pressure RAV Control (Return Air Velocity) Delta CFM Setpoint Supply Air Duct Area Return Air Duct Area PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions

AOFan Tracking FANTRxxC Function Type 4

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Supply Air Pressure Return Air Pressure RAV Control Setpoint RVP Actual Supply Air Flow Actual Return Air Flow Return Air Flow Setpoint PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Task Timer


Figure 5-4 AOFan Tracking

Fan Status Point PID_Master_Loop

AND Enable Output Input

Analog Output Point

Status OR Force Status



Force Status Minimum Output Maximum Output OR NOT Sensor Input

Return Air Pressure


Force Status


RAV Control
Sensor Input (RVP) Setpoint (RVP) Setpoint

Supply Air Pressure


Force Status Sensor Input (SVP) Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxC Function Type 4


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxC Function Type 4

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the return air fan speed or inlet guide vane position. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Supply Air Pressure You must configure this decision to define the AI point that provides the Supply Air Pressure for the air handler. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Return Air Pressure You must configure this decision to define the AI point that provides the Return Air Pressure for the air handler. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxC Function Type 4

RAV Control RAV (Return Air Velocity) Control computes the desired Return Air Pressure based on the Supply Air Pressure and the configured Delta CFM Setpoint. Delta CFM Setpoint Use this decision to define the required difference between the Supply and Return Air Pressure. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 40000.0 CFM 500.0

Supply Air Duct Area Use this decision to define the area of the air handlers supply air duct. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.00 Sq Ft 10.0 (0.0 to 929.0 m2) (9.3)

Return Air Duct Area Use this decision to define the area of the air handlers return air duct. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0 Sq Ft 10.0 (0.0 to 929.0 m2) (9.3)

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the return air fan speed or guide vane position required to achieve the calculated setpoint. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.5


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxC Function Type 4

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.5

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output value (i.e., return air fan speed or inlet guide vane position) to be maintained when the fan is off or when either the supply or return air velocity pressure sensor is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output value. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output value. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 3.0


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxM Function Type 4

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the outputs starting value when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 10

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value displayed in this decision is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Supply Air Pressure This decision displays the value of the Supply Air Pressure for the air handler. Valid Display 0.00 to 5.00 H20 (0.00 to 1244.4 Pa)


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxM Function Type 4

Return Air Pressure This decision displays the value of the Return Air Pressure for the air handler. Valid Display 0.00 to 5.00 H20 (0.00 to 1244.4 Pa)

RAV Control This function computes the desired Return Air Pressure based on the Supply Air Pressure and the configured Delta CFM Setpoint. Setpoint RVP This decision displays the calculated Return Air Velocity Setpoint which is used by the master loop. Valid Display 0.00 to 5.00 H20 (0.00 to 1244.4 Pa)

Actual Supply Air Flow This decision displays the calculated supply air flow. Supply Air Flow = SQRT (Supply Air Pressure) * Supply Air Duct Area * 4005 Valid Display 0.0 to 99999.9 CFM

Actual Return Air Flow This decision displays the calculated return air flow. Return Air Flow = SQRT (Return Air Pressure) * Return Air Duct Area * 4005 Valid Display 0.0 to 99999.9 CFM

Return Air Flow Setpoint This decision displays the setpoint value for the return air flow that is necessary to achieve the desired return air pressure. Return Air Flow Setpoint = (Actual Supply Air Flow - Delta CFM Setpoint) Valid Display 0.0 to 99999.9 CFM


AOFan Tracking FANTRxxM Function Type 4

PID_Master_Loop The PID_Master_Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is readjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Analog Output Point. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint RVP - Return Air Pressure) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Setpoint RVP - Return Air Pressure) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Setpoint RVP - Return Air Pressure) Valid range based upon selected display units.

Valid Display

AOFan Tracking FANTRxxM Function Type 4

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Center Digit

Right Digit

Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

AOHeating CV

The AOHeating CV algorithm modulates the analog output to control a hot water or steam valve in a constant volume air handler to prevent the space temperature from falling below the configured setpoint. The AOHeating CV algorithm uses both a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop and a P (Proportional) Submaster Loop to control the valve. The PID Master Loop calculates the Supply Air Temperature setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The space temperature setpoint is increased by the Heating Setpoint Offset if dehumidification is being performed by the associated AOCooling CV algorithm. The PID Master Loop calculates the submaster reference by obtaining the lowest sensor input from the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor and comparing it to the low setpoint from the Setpoint Schedule. The PID Master Loop output equals the Disable Output Value whenever the fan is off or the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor status is invalid. The P Submaster Loop is a proportional loop that computes the hot water or steam valves position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a hot water or steam valve serving an air handlers cooling coil in a constant volume system.


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Heating Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Heating Setpoint Offset High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Supply Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Proportional Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Center Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * Heating Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Space Setpoint High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Heating Coil Subm Ref Supply Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Submaster Flags Task Timer

* *

* *


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

Supply Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop
Sensor Input NOT Output Input Output Force Fan Status Output Status Force Status

Figure 5-5 AOHeating

Time Schedule Heating Coil Valve



PID_Master Loop
AND Enable

Fan Status Point

Status Status

Output Status

Force Status

Sensor Group/SPT
(Software Point) Output NOT Output Setpoint Sensor Input Force Status Reference Forced? Input

Heating Coil Subm Ref

Sensor Override TS





Space Setpoint +

Low Setpoint

High Setpoint

Point Forced?

Occupancy State ?

PID Integrator OR A Minimum Output Maximum Output Select Clamp

High Humidity Switch



Force Status Heating Setpoint Offset A


High Humidity Sensor



0 B

Force Status Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator

Humidity Setpoint

Occupied Low Setpoint


Occupied High Setpoint + SELECT A A B



AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

Configuration Decisions

Heating Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on Sensor Group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same sensor group or SPT sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, when xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual.

Use the same space temperature Setpoint Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Heating Setpoint Offset If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the offset that will be added to the low heating setpoint during dehumidification. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.0 to 10.0^F 3.0 (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (1.6)

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates if dehumidification needs to be performed. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or High Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. If dehumidification is being done, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated cooling CV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the humidity setpoint for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. If dehumidification is being done, the same setpoint that is used here should be used in the associated cooling CV algorithm.
Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16


High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space humidity to this algorithm. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the occupied high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. If dehumidification is being done, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated cooling CV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the Supply Air Setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 10.0


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 1.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the Supply Air Temperature to be maintained when all the space temperature input(s) are invalid or when the fan status indicates the fan is off. When either of these events occurs, the value entered in this decision is used as the submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 45.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable Supply Air Temperature (minimum submaster reference). Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 40.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable Supply Air Temperature (maximum submaster reference). Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 140.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C)


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the starting value for the Supply Air Temperature when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 80.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to indicate how often the PID Master Loop calculates the submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 120

Supply Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature to this algorithm. The submaster loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the value of the point that you specify in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

P_Submaster_Loop The submaster loop is a proportional control loop that computes the hot water or steam valves position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature. Proportional Gain Use this decision to specify the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -5.5


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxC Function Type 5

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output to the hot water or steam valve when the Supply Air Temperature sensor is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output to the hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output to the hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0

Center Value Use this decision to specify the output value appropriate for the no load condition. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 30.0

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to specify how often the submaster loop calculates a new output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 5 seconds 2

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value

0 to 65535 seconds 0

AOHeating CV HCCV_xxM Function Type 5

Maintenance Decisions

Heating Coil Valve This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value displayed in this decision is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the lowest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

Space Setpoint This decision displays the low setpoint of the configured Setpoint Schedule. The occupancy state is taken into effect when this value is determined. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


AOHeating CV HCCV_xxM Function Type 5

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the value of the high humidity switch sensor being monitored. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

High Humidity Setpoint This decision displays the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. The algorithm uses the occupied high setpoint from the humidity Setpoint Schedule. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is readjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated submaster reference value. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display

-9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

AOHeating CV HCCV_xxM Function Type 5

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Valid Display

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Heating Coil Subm Ref This decision displays the calculated submaster reference from the PID Master Loop. This value is used with the Supply Air Temperature by the submaster loop. To override the submaster reference, force this decision. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.3C)

Supply Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature. This must be configured to enable the submaster loop to execute properly. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.3C)

AOHeating CV HCCV_xxM Function Type 5

P_Submaster_Loop The P (proportional) Submaster Loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the supply air temperature. This loop executes every two seconds. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the algorithm output point. Reference Output = (Submaster Proportional Term + Submaster Center Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the submaster loop. Proportional Term = (Submaster Reference - Supply Air Temperature) * Submaster Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Submaster Flags This two-digit field displays the status of the P Submaster Loop. Left Digit 0 = Submaster Loop is Active 1 = Submaster Loop is Inactive (Disabled or Clamped) 0 = No PID clamp 1 = PID Clamp Active 00 to 11

Right Digit Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

AOHeating VAV

The AOHeating VAV algorithm modulates the analog output to control a hot water or steam valve in a variable air volume air handler for morning warm-up or to prevent the space temperature from falling below the configured setpoint. The AOHeating VAV algorithm uses both a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop and a P (Proportional) Submaster loop to control the value. The PID Master Loop calculates the Supply Air Temperature setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The space temperature setpoint is increased by the Heating Setpoint Offset if dehumidification is being performed by the associated AOCooling VAV algorithm. The PID Master Loop calculates the submaster reference by obtaining the lowest sensor input from the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor and comparing it to the low setpoint from the Setpoint Schedule. The PID Master Loop output equals the Disabled Output Value whenever the fan is off or the Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor status is invalid. The P Submaster Loop computes the hot water or steam valves position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states. For applications that have alternate heat sources, you can use Morning Warmup to preheat the space prior to occupancy.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a hot water or steam valve serving an air handlers heating coil in a variable air volume system.


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Heating Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Heating Setpoint Offset High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor Occupied Heating PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Supply Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Proportional Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Center Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * Heating Coil Valve Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Space Setpoint High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor Morning Warm Up Reference Output Morning Warmup ? PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags HCV Supply Air Setpoint Supply Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Submaster Flags Task Timer

* *

* *


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

Morning Warm Up
Fan Status

Figure 5-6 AOHeating VAV

Fan Status Point


Status Force Status

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor P_Submaster_Loop

Sensor Input NOT Fan Status Disable Output Status Force Status Space Temp. Occupancy State? Output Status

TS Override


Supply Air Temperature




Heating Coil Valve

Input Output Force Status Status

Time Schedule PID_Master_Loop

(Software AND Enable Output Point) Input


Maintenance Setpoint

Heating Coil Subm Ref

Space Setpoint
Sensor Input Output Force Setpoint Status


High Setpoint


Low Setpoint

Reference Forced? PID Integrator Clamp

High Humidity Switch

Select A Minimum Output Heating Setpoint Offset A Maximum Output



Force Status

Point Forced?

High Humidity Sensor


Status Force Status 0 B

Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator OR

Humidity Setpoint

Occupied Low Setpoint



Occupied High Setpoint





AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

Configuration Decisions

Heating Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 character LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the Sensor Group or a single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on Sensor Group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same Sensor Group or SPT Sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedule, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual.

Use the same Space Temperature Setpoint for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Heating Setpoint Offset If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the offset that will be added to the low heating setpoint during dehumidification. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.0 to 10.0^F 3.0 (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (1.7)

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates if dehumidification needs to be performed. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or High Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. If dehumidification is being performed, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated cooling VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the humidity setpoint for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual. If dehumidification is being performed, the same setpoint that is used here should be used in the associated cooling VAV algorithm.
Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16


High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space humidity to this algorithm. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the occupied high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. If dehumidification is being performed, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated cooling VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Occupied Heating Use this decision to enable heating during Occupied periods. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = No or Yes LID = 0 (No) or 1 (Yes) No

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the Supply Air Setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 10.0

AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.4

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the Supply Air Temperature to be maintained when all the space temperature input(s) are invalid or when the fan status indicates the fan is off. When either of these events occurs, the value entered in this decision is used as the submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 45.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable Supply Air Temperature (minimum submaster reference). Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 40.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable Supply Air Temperature (maximum submaster reference). Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 140.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C)


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the starting value for the Supply Air Temperature when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 80.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (27.0)

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to indicate how often the PID Master Loop calculates the submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 120

Supply Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature to this algorithm. The submaster loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the value of the point that you specify in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

P_Submaster_Loop The submaster loop is a proportional control loop that computes the hot water or steam valves position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature.

Proportional Gain Use this decision to specify the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -7.5


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxC Function Type 6

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output to the hot water or steam valve when the Supply Air Temperature sensor is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output to the hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output to the hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0

Center Value Use this decision to specify the output value appropriate for the no load condition. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 30.0

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to specify how often the submaster loop calculates a new output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 5 seconds 2

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxM Function Type 6

Maintenance Decisions

Heating Coil Valve This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the lowest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If no Time Schedule has been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Space Setpoint This decision displays the low setpoint of the configured setpoint schedule. The occupancy state is taken into effect when this value is determined. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the value of the high humidity switch sensor being monitored. If this decision was not configured, the value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxM Function Type 6

High Humidity Setpoint This decision displays the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. The algorithm uses the occupied high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

Morning Warmup Morning Warmup function is used to bring the space temperature up to occupied setting after a setback period. Once the setpoint is reached, Heating will be disabled for the remainder of that occupied period, unless Occupied Heating configuration decision is set to Yes.

Reference Output This decision along with the Fan Status determines whether the PID loop becomes enabled. If Occupied Heating is Yes, the output is On whenever Fan Status is On. Otherwise, the output is On only when Fan Status is On and Morning Warmup is True. Valid Display On/Off

Morning Warmup? This decision tells if the algorithm is executing the morning warmup function. Valid Display True/False


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxM Function Type 6

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated submaster reference value. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = (Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Space Setpoint - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) -9999.9 to 9999.9^F (-5555.5 to 5555.5^C)

Valid Display


AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxM Function Type 6

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

HCV Supply Air Setpoint This decision displays the calculated submaster reference from the PID Master Loop. This value is used with the Supply Air Temperature by the P Submaster Loop. To override the submaster reference, force this point. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F

Supply Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature. This must be configured to enable the submaster loop to execute properly. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

P_Submaster_Loop The P (proportional) Submaster Loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the supply air temperature. This loop executes every two seconds. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the algorithm output point. Reference Output = (Submaster Proportional Term + Submaster Center Value) Valid Display

Valid range based upon selected display units.

AOHeating VAV HCVAVxxM Function Type 6

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the submaster loop. Proportional Term = (Submaster Reference - Supply Air Temperature) * Submaster Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Submaster Flags This two-digit field displays the status of the P Submaster Loop. Left Digit 0 = Submaster Loop is Active 1 = Submaster Loop is Inactive (Disabled or Clamped) 0 = No PID clamp 1 = PID Clamp Active 00 to 11

Right Digit

Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxC Function Type 7

AOHumidity Control

The AOHumidity Control algorithm provides an output to a humidifier that requires modulating control. The humidifier is controlled to maintain the space or return air humidity to the configured setpoint. The Humidity Control algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to control the humidifier. The PID Master Loop uses the Space Humidity Sensor input and compares it to the configured occupied low setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule to compute the desired amount of humidification. If the Space Humidity Sensor input is greater than the configured occupied high setpoint or if the High Humidity Switch is closed, the output is set to the Minimum Output Value. If the air handler supply fan is off, the output is set to the configured Disabled Output Value. The Humidity Setpoint schedule provides the occupied high and low humidity setpoints. The algorithm uses the high setpoint to determine if dehumidification is required. It uses the low setpoint as the reference for the PID Master Loop to control the humidifier.

Typical Application List of Configuration Decisions

You can use this algorithm to control a steam grid type of humidifier. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Space Humidity Sensor High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay


AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxC Function Type 7

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Space Humidity Sensor High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor High Humidity Limit PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Task Timer


PID_Master_Loop Fan Status Point
Output AND Status Force Status Sensor Input NOT Status Force Status Enable Output Input

AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxC Function Type 7

Figure 5-7 AOHumidity Control

Analog Output Point

Space Humidity Sensor



Force Status

High Humidity Switch

OR I A B Maximum Output O SELECT A Minimum Output


Status Force Status

High Humidity Sensor


Status Force Status SELECT A


Humidity Setpoint +
O B -3 A

Occupied High Setpoint

Occupied Low Setpoint


Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator


AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxC Function Type 7

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers humidifier. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Space Humidity Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that is providing the space or return duct humidity input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing humidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates when supply duct humidity is unacceptably high. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or Space Humidity Sensor to determine if the humidity is unacceptably high.

Use the same High Humidity Switch to determine dehumidification in all algorithms that control a common air handler.
Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters

Allowable Entries Default Value

LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600)



AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxC Function Type 7

Humidity Setpoint You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that will provide the Humidity Setpoint and High Humidity Limit for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Humidity Setpoint schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16

Allowable Entries Default Value

High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing humidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint Schedule.

Use the same High Humidity Sensor to determine dehumidification in all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Allowable Entries Default Value

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the amount of humidification that is required to achieve the desired space or return air humidity. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 9.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value

-100.0 to 100.0 1.0

AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxC Function Type 7

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output value to the humidifier when the fan is off. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output value to the humidifier. During dehumidification, the value in this decision is used as the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 Valid range based upon selected display units.

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output value to the humidifier. Allowable Entries Valid range based upon selected display units. Default Value 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the outputs starting value when the PID Master Loop is enabled by the Fan Status Point. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 20.0


AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxM Function Type 7

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the master loop calculates the submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 120

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Space Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the humidity sensor providing the duct or space humidity input. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH


AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxM Function Type 7

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the High Humidity Switch sensor being monitored. If this decision is not configured, the value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

Humidity Setpoint This decision displays the humidity setpoint for this algorithm. This algorithm uses the occupied low setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the supply duct humidity sensor being monitored. If this value exceeds the High Humidity Limit, humidification will be needed. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Limit This decision specifies the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If a setpoint schedule is not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent dehumidification. The algorithm uses the occupied high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Analog Output Point. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.


AOHumidity Control HUMIDxxM Function Type 7

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Humidity Setpoint - Space Humidity Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Humidity Setpoint - Space Humidity Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Humidity Setpoint - Space Humidity Sensor) Valid range based upon selected display units.

Valid Display

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display

0 to 300 seconds

AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

AOMixed Air CV return air, and exhaust dampers in a constant volume air handler. w IAQ

The AOMixed Air CV w IAQ algorithm controls the outside air,

When outside air conditions are unsuitable for cooling, the algorithm holds the dampers at an adjustable, minimum position. If outside air conditions are suitable for cooling, the algorithm modulates the mixed air dampers as required to maintain a space temperature that is between the low and high occupied setpoints.
PID Master Loop and P Submaster Loop

This algorithm uses both a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop and a P (Proportional) Submaster Loop to control the damper position. The PID Master Loop calculates the mixed air temperature setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The PID Master Loop calculates the submaster reference by obtaining the highest or lowest space temperature sensor input from the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor and comparing it to the space temperature setpoint. The high space temperature input is used during Night Time Free Cooling or when summer conditions exist. The low space temperature input is always used when winter conditions exist. If the outside air conditions are unacceptable for cooling, the submaster reference is set to its configured maximum value. The P Submaster Loop computes the dampers position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Mixed Air Temperature. If the air handlers supply fan is off or if the Mixed Air Temperature sensor is out of range, the output is set to the configured Disabled Output Value. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) allows the algorithm to override the damper position, thus allowing additional outside air into the building when the indoor air quality is below the configured limit. The damper position is computed every two minutes. IAQ controls the level of carbon dioxide (CO ), volatile organic 2 compounds (VOCs), or other indoor air pollutants by modulating the mixed air damper. Varying quantities of outdoor air are admitted during the occupied period to maintain pollutants at or below the configured setpoints of the IAQ sensors.

Indoor Air Quality


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

VOC, or other types of sensors, can be field-supplied and installed, and configured in two ways: One sensor can be installed in either the space or return air stream to continuously monitor a single gas. Two sensors (typically VOC sensors monitoring the same gas) can be installed inside and outside the occupied space for comparative measurements. The control is configured to modify the damper position based on the value of the sensor in the occupied space, but before admitting outside air, the control performs a differential check to determine if the value of the sensor measuring the outside air is higher. If the outside sensor has a higher pollutant value, the damper does not change position.


The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Night Time Free Cooling

NTFC w Enthalpy Check is required if the air handler is equipped to use outside air as a suitable source for cooling the space during night time unoccupied hours or if the air handler needs to modulate the dampers in either a drybulb or enthalpy type economizer operation. You can use this algorithm to store excess internal heat within the structure during winter months, or to use cool outside air during summer months to the greatest possible extent. This minimizes the need for heating or mechanical cooling.

Typical Application


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor NTFC Algorithm PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Mixed Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Proportional Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Center Value Block Iteration Rate IAQ Sensor Comparison IAQ Snsor Indoor Air Quality IAQ Setpoint Proportional Gain Integral Gain Temp & Humidity Test Differential Gas Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Power on Delay


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? High Humidity Sensor NTFC Active? NTFC Setpoint Outside Enthalpy Good? Control Point PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Mixed Air CV Subm Ref Mixed Air Temperature P_Submaster_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Submaster Flags IAQ Sensor Comparison IAQ Snsor IAQ Setpoint Indoor Air Quality Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Clamp Task Timer

* *

* *


Figure 5-8 AOMixed Air CV w IAQ

Enthalpy Test Setpoint NOT Minimum Output Setpoint NTFC


Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

NOT High Sensor Low Sensor Output Control Point NTFC? Low Setpoint High Setpoint AND

TS Override


Sensor Select
Enable Sensor Input

High Low Average


Maximum Output

Setpoint Schedule

Low Setpoint

Bias Input

Occupancy State?

High Setpoint

Bias Low Offset

Bias High Offset

Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

Time Schedule
Output Maintenance NOT Low Setpoint High Setpoint NOT Enable AND AND Force Status Status

Analog Output Point Indoor Air Quality


IAQ Sensor PPM

Status Force Status Output Sensor Input (IAQ1) Sensor Input (SPT) Output Sensor Input (IAQ2)


Reset Integrator

Comparison AQ Sensor PPM

Status Force Status Output


Select A

High Humidity Sensor

Humidity Check?

Output Status Force Status


Output B

High Humidity Setpoint

Fan Status

Output Status Force Status

Output Override Enable PID Integrator Clamp Sensor Input Clamp Integrator

Mixed Air Temperature

Status Output Force Status

Mixed Air Subm Ref

Input Output Force Status Setpoint Reference Forced? Point Forced? OR

AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8



AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

Configurations Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on Sensor Group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same sensor group or SPT sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Setpoint If the indoor air quality is being monitored and Temp & Humidity Test is set to Yes, use this decision to specify the maximum allowable return air humidity before the IAQ control routine is disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0% 99.0

High Humidity Sensor If the indoor air quality is being monitored and Temp & Humidity Test is set to Yes, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the return air humidity. When the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the High Humidity Setpoint, the IAQ control routine will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

NTFC Algorithm If Night Time Free Cooling will be performed or the dampers will modulate in either a drybulb or enthalpy type economizer operation, use this decision to specify the algorithm that will determine if the outside air is suitable for cooling the space. If the outside air is not suitable for cooling during unoccupied hours, the submaster reference is held to the configured Maximum Output Value. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = NTFC_xx, LID = xx, where xx = function number NTFC_00


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the mixed air temperature setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 10.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 1.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the Mixed Air Temperature to be maintained when the space temperature sensor has failed. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 240.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (115.6)


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable Mixed Air Temperature. The value entered in this decision is known as the minimum submaster reference. The submaster reference is equal to this value during unoccupied hours when Night Time Free Cooling is not being performed. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 40.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (4.4)

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable Mixed Air Temperature. The value entered in this decision is known as the maximum submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 150.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (65.6)

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the starting value for the Mixed Air Temperature when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 65.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (18.3)

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the master loop calculates the submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 120

Mixed Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the mixed air temperature to this algorithm. The submaster loop controls to the point that you specify in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

P_Submaster_Loop The submaster loop is a proportional control loop that computes the outside air, return air, and exhaust damper positions by comparing the calculated submaster reference (mixed air temperature setpoint) to the Mixed Air Temperature. The damper positions will be controlled by the Indoor Air Quality or the P Submaster Loop, depending on whose calculated output value is greater.

Proportional Gain Use this decision to specify the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -9.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output to the dampers when the fan is off or when the Mixed Air Temperature sensor is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output to the outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers. During the unoccupied state, the Minimum Output Value is overriden to 0, thus allowing the dampers to fully close. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output to the outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

Center Value Use this decision to specify the output value appropriate for the no load condition. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 30.0

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to specify how often the submaster loop calculates a new output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 5 seconds 2

IAQ Sensor If the indoor air quality is being monitored, use this decision to specify the indoor air quality sensor. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CMAMPI00

Comparison IAQ Snsor If Differential Gas is configured to Yes, use this decision to specify the outdoor air quality sensor. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CMAMPI00


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

Indoor Air Quality Indoor Air Quality is a proportional and integral control loop that compares the IAQ setpoint to the IAQ sensors in order to compute the return air, outside air, and exhaust air damper positions. The damper positions will be controlled by the Indoor Air Quality or the P Submaster Loop, depending on whose calculated output value is greater.

IAQ Setpoint Use this decision to specify the Indoor Air Quality setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 2000 PPM 650

Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -1.00 to 1.00 -0.10

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -1.00 to 1.00 -0.03

Temp & Humidity Test Use this decision to disable the IAQ control routine if either the space temperature setpoint or High Humidity Setpoint is exceeded. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = No/Yes LID = 0 (No)/1(Yes) No


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxC Function Type 8

Differential Gas Use this decision to indicate if the outside air is being tested to determine its suitability for use. If the Comparison IAQ Snsor value (outside air quality sensor value) is greater than the IAQ Sensor value (indoor air quality value), the IAQ control routine will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = No/Yes LID = 0 (No)/1 (Yes) No

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output to the mixed air damper for the IAQ control routine. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output to the mixed air damper for the IAQ control routine. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 50.0

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxM Function Type 8

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the output value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value displayed in this decision is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the average of the Sensor Group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the return air humidity sensor being monitored. If this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint, the IAQ control routine will be disabled. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

NTFC Active? This decision indicates when Night Time Free Cooling is active. If the NTFC w Enthalpy Check algorithm was not selected as part of the configuration, Night Time Free Cooling will be inactive and No will be displayed. Valid Display


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxM Function Type 8

NTFC Setpoint This decision displays the space temperature setpoint when Night Time Free Cooling is active. The space temperature setpoint will be the occupied high setpoint from the configured Setpoint Schedule. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Outside Enthalpy Good? This decision indicates when the outside air is suitable for cooling. If the value displayed in this decision is No, the submaster reference is maintained at its configured maximum value. Valid Display Yes/No

Control Point This decision displays the space temperature sensor value from the sensor group being used as the control point when Night Time Free Cooling is active. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is readjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated submaster reference value. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Proportional Term Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9


AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxM Function Type 8

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Integral Gain + Previous Integral Term Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) -9999.9 to 9999.9

Valid Display

Integrator Flags This three digit field displays three reference flags which indicate certain statues for the PID_Master_Loop. Left Flag Center Flag Right Flag Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator Clamp 1 = Integrator Clamp Active 000 to 111

Mixed Air CV Subm Ref This decision displays the calculated submaster reference from the PID Master Loop. This value is used with the Mixed Air Temperature by the P Submaster Loop. To override the submaster reference, force this decision to the desired value. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Mixed Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI point that provides the mixed air temperature. Valid Display

-40.00 to 245.00F

(-40.0 to 118.3C)

AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxM Function Type 8

P_Submaster_Loop The P (proportional) Submaster Loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the supply air temperature. This loop executes every two seconds. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to determine the algorithm's output point value. The algorithm's output point value will be either that of the IAQ Reference Output or the value displayed in this decision, depending on which is greater. Reference Output = (Submaster Proportional Term + Submaster Center Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the submaster loop. Proportional Term = (Submaster Reference - Supply Air Temperature) * Submaster Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Submaster Flags This two-digit field displays the status of the P Submaster Loop. Left Digit 0 = Submaster Loop is Active 1 = Submaster Loop is Inactive (Disabled or Clamped) 0 = No PID clamp 1 = PID Clamp Active 00 to 11

Right Digit Valid Display

IAQ Sensor This decision displays the value of the indoor air quality in parts per million (ppm). Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

Comparison IAQ Snsor This decision displays the value of the outdoor air quality in parts per million (ppm). Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99

AOMixed Air CV w IAQ MADCVxxM Function Type 8

IAQ Setpoint This decision displays the value of the configured indoor air quality setpoint in parts per million (ppm). Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99 Indoor Air Quality This function monitors the indoor air quality, and if desired, the outdoor air quality. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to determine the algorithm's output point value. The algorithm's output point value will be either that of the P Submaster Loop's Reference Output or the value displayed in this decision, depending on which is greater. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the IAQ Submaster Loop. Proportional Term = (IAQ Setpoint - IAQ Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the IAQ Submaster Loop. Integral Term = (IAQ Setpoint - IAQ Sensor) + Integral Gain + Previous Integral Term Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Clamp This decision displays whether the IAQ control routine is being clamped. The clamp is set whenever the output is less than the minimum output value or greater than the maximum output value. Valid Display On/Off Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ

PID Master Loop

The AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ controls the outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers in a variable air volume air handler.

The Mixed Air VAV w IAQ algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to control the damper position. The PID Master Loop calculates the damper position required to achieve the desired mixed air temperature setpoint. The PID Master Loop calculates the damper position by comparing the mixed air temperature to the associated cooling coil supply air setpoint minus three degrees. If the outside air conditions are unacceptable for cooling, the output is set to its configured Minimum Output Value. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) allows the algorithm to override the damper position, thus allowing additional outside air into the building when the indoor air quality is below the configured limit. The damper position is computed every two minutes. IAQ controls the level of carbon dioxide (CO2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or other indoor air pollutants by modulating the mixed air damper. Varying quantities of outdoor air are admitted during the occupied period to maintain pollutants at or below the configured setpoints of the IAQ sensors. VOC, or other types of sensors, can be field-supplied and installed, and configured in two ways: One sensor can be installed in either the space or return air stream to continuously monitor a single gas. Two sensors (typically VOC sensors monitoring the same gas) can be installed inside and outside the occupied space for comparative measurements. The control is configured to modify the damper position based on the value of the sensor in the occupied space, but before admitting outside air, the control performs a differential check to determine if the value of the sensor measuring the outside air is higher. If the outside sensor has a higher pollutant value, the damper does not change position.

Indoor Air Quality


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9


The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Night Time Free Cooling

NTFC w Enthalpy Check is required if the air handler is equipped to use outside air as a suitable source for cooling the space during night time unoccupied hours or if the air handler needs to modulate the dampers in either a drybulb or enthalpy type economizer operation. You can use this algorithm to store excess internal heat within the structure during winter months, or use cool outside air during summer months to minimize the need for heating or mechanical cooling. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor NTFC Algorithm CCV Supply Air Setpoint Mixed Air Temperature PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate

Typical Application

List of Configuration Decisions

* *


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

IAQ Sensor Comparison IAQ Sensor Indoor Air Quality IAQ Setpoint Proportional Gain Integral Gain Temp & Humidity Test Differential Gas Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Power on Delay
List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? High Humidity Sensor NTFC Active? Outside Enthalpy Good? CCV Supply Air Setpoint Mixed Air Subm Ref Mixed Air Temperature PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags IAQ Sensor Comparison IAQ Snsor IAQ Setpoint Indoor Air Quality Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Clamp Task Timer

* *

* *

Setpoint Schedule
Low Setpoint Bias Input High Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint

Figure 5-9 AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ

Indoor Air Quality

Time Schedule
Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

Occupancy State?


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9


Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

TS Override Status High Sensor Input (SPT) NOT AND AND Enable

Low Average

IAQ Sensor PPM

NAND Sensor Input (IAQ1)

Status Force Status Output

Comparison AQ Sensor PPM


Sensor Input (IAQ2)

Select A

Status Force Status Output

High Humidity Sensor

Analog Output Point

Output Status Force Status

Humidity Check?


Status OR Force


NOT Maximum Output Output B Minimum Output


High Humidity Setpoint

Setpoint Enthalpy Test NTFC

Supply Air Setpoint


Output Force Status OR NOT AND

Setpoint Enable


Mixed Air Temperature

Status Output Force Status

Sensor Input Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator

Fan Status

Output Status Force Status OR

AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on sensor group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same sensor group or SPT sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Setpoint If the indoor air quality is being monitored and Temp & Humidity Test is set to Yes, use this decision to specify the maximum allowable return air humidity before the IAQ control routine is disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 100.00% RH 80.00

High Humidity Sensor If the indoor air quality is being monitored and Temp & Humidity Test is set to Yes, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the return air humidity. When the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the High Humidity Setpoint, the IAQ control routine will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

NTFC Algorithm If Night Time Free Cooling will be performed or the dampers will be modulated in either a drybulb or enthalpy type economizer operation, use this decision to specify the algorithm that will determine if the outside air is suitable for cooling the space. If the outside air is not suitable for cooling during unoccupied hours, the submaster reference is held to the configured Minimum Output Value. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = NTFC_xx LID = xx, where xx = function number NTFC_00


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

CCV Supply Air Setpoint You must configure this decision to specify the name of the supply air setpoint (software point) in the associated AOCooling VAV algorithm whose value minus three degrees will be used as the PID Master Loop setpoint. Enter the same point name that is displayed in the associated AOCooling VAV algorithm's maintenance table CCV Supply Air Setpoint decision. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = CCVVRFxx LID = xx, where xx = function number of the AOCooling VAV (CCVAVxx) algorithm as listed in the FNCxx-yy Table CCVVRF00

Default Value

Mixed Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the mixed air temperature to this algorithm. The master loop controls to the point that you specify in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the output required to achieve the desired mixed air temperature. The damper positions will be controlled by the Indoor Air Quality control routine or the PID Master Loop, depending on whose calculated output value is greater.

Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -5.0


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -2.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output damper position to be maintained when any of the following three situations occurs: The fan is off, the mixed air temperature sensor is out of range, or the CCV Supply Air Setpoint in the associated AOCooling CV algorithm is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output damper position. If the outside air is not suitable for cooling, the output is set to the value in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output damper position. During Night Time Free Cooling, the output is set to the value in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the outputs starting value when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 50.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 30

IAQ Sensor If the indoor air quality is being monitored, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air quality of the space being conditioned. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CMAMPI00

Comparison IAQ Sensor If Differential Gas is set to Yes, use this decision to specify the outdoor air quality sensor. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CMAMPI00


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

Indoor Air Quality Indoor Air Quality is a proportional and integral control loop that compares the IAQ setpoint to the IAQ sensors in order to compute the return air, outside air, and exhaust air damper positions. The damper positions will be controlled by the Indoor Air Quality control routine or the P Submaster Loop, depending on whose calculated output value is greater. IAQ Setpoint Use this decision to specify the Indoor Air Quality setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 2000 PPM 650

Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -1.00 to 1.00 -0.10

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -1.00 to 1.00 -0.03

Temp & Humidity Test Use this decision to disable the IAQ control routine if either the space temperature setpoint or High Humidity setpoint is exceeded. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Yes/No LID = 0(Yes) / 1(No) No


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxC Function Type 9

Differential Gas Use this decision to indicate if the outside air is being tested to determine its suitability for use. If the Comparison IAQ Snsor value (outside air quality sensor value) is greater than the IAQ Sensor value (indoor air quality sensor value), the IAQ control routine will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Yes/No LID = 0(Yes) / 1(No) No

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output to the mixed air damper for the IAQ control routine. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output to the mixed air damper for the IAQ control routine. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 50.0

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxM Function Type 9

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the output value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value displayed in this decision is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the average of the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the return air humidity sensor being monitored. If this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint, the IAQ control routine is disabled. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxM Function Type 9

NTFC Active? This decision indicates whether Night Time Free Cooling is active. No will be displayed in this decision if the NTFC w Enthalpy Check algorithm was not configured. Valid Display Yes/No

Outside Enthalpy Good? This decision indicates whether the outside air is suitable for cooling. If the value displayed in this decision is No, the damper is maintained at its configured minimum position. Valid Display Yes/No

CCV Supply Air Setpoint This decision represents the supply air setpoint value from the associated AO Cooling VAV algorithm. Valid Display 0.00 to 120.00F (-18.00 to 48.80C)

Mixed Air Subm Ref This decision displays the value of the CCV Supply Air Setpoint minus 3 degrees. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Mixed Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI Point that provides the mixed air temperature. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is readjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint.


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxM Function Type 9

Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to determine the Analog Output Point. The Analog Output Point will be the greater of this value or the IAQ Reference Output value. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Proportional Term Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Integral Gain + Previous Integral Term Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) Valid range based upon selected display units.

Valid Display


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxM Function Type 9

Integrator Flags This three digit field displays three reference flags which indicate certain statues for the PID_Master_Loop. Left Flag Center Flag Right Flag Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator Clamp 1 = Integrator Clamp Active 000 to 111

IAQ Sensor This decision displays the value of the indoor air quality in parts per million (PPM). Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99 PPM

Comparison IAQ Snsor This decision displays the value of the outdoor air quality in parts per million (PPM). Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99 PPM

IAQ Setpoint This decision displays the value of the configured indoor air quality setpoint in parts per million (PPM). Valid Display -9999.99 to 9999.99 PPM

Indoor Air Quality This function monitors the indoor air quality, and if desired, the outdoor air quality. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to determine the algorithm output point value. The algorithm output point will be this value or the PID Master Loop Reference Output value, whichever is greater. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.


AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ MADVVxxM Function Type 9

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the IAQ Submaster Loop. Proportional Term = (IAQ Setpoint - IAQ Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the IAQ Submaster Loop. Integral Term = (IAQ Setpoint - IAQ Sensor) + Integral Gain + Previous Integral Term Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Clamp This decision displays if the IAQ control routine is being clamped. The clamp is set whenever the output is less than the minimum output value or greater than the maximum output value. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxC Function Type 10

AOPermissive Intrlock

The AOPermissive Intrlock algorithm overrides the value of an analog point. The algorithm bases its decision on the current state of the Discrete Control Point or the current value of the Analog Control Point compared to a setpoint. If you configure the Control Point Type decision to be discrete and the Discrete Control Point is equal to the configured occupied or unoccupied discrete state for the Persistence Time, the algorithm forces the Analog Output Point to the Override Value. If the control point is not equal to the configured occupied or unoccupied discrete state for the Persistence Time, the algorithm sets the Analog Output Point to automatic control. If you configure the Control Point Type decision to be analog and the Analog Control Point is higher or lower (based on the occupied or unoccupied analog test decision) than the configured low setpoint for the Persistence Time, the algorithm forces the Analog Output Point to the Override Value. If this condition is not true for the Persistence Time, the algorithm sets the Analog Output Point to automatic control. If you configure the Control Point Type decision to be analog and do not configure a Setpoint Schedule, the algorithm sets the Analog Output Point to automatic control. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints and indicates the test conditions used to override the point. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure the low setpoint for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You could use this algorithm to control a preheat coils two-way steam valve. For example, when the outside air temperature is above 38F, the valve would be forced closed. When the outside air temperature is below 38F, the valve would be modulated to maintain a 45F setpoint.


AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxC Function Type 10

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Analog Output Point Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Permissive Interlock Control Point Type Occ Discrete State Unocc Discrete State Occ Analog Test Unocc Analog Test Override Value Hysteresis Persistence Time Analog Control Point Discrete Control Point Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * Analog Output Point Occupied ? Permissive Interlock Reference Output Perm Interlock Flag Conditional Modified Setpoint Persistence Timer Setpoint Limit Analog Control Point Discrete Control Point Task Timer

* *


Figure 5-10 AOPermissive Intrlock

Controlling Point Permissive Interlock

Sensor Input

Analog Output Point


Force Disable




Setpoint Schedule
Bias Input Occupancy State? Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupied High Setpoint Occupied Low Setpoint High Setpoint Low Setpoint Setpoint

Time Schedule
Occupancy State



AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxC Function Type 10


AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxC Function Type 10

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that will be overridden when the test conditions have been met for the configured Persistence Time. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule If the Control Point Type decision is set to Analog, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied low setpoint to which the controlling point will be compared. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxC Function Type 10

Permissive Interlock Permissive Interlock determines if the Analog Output Point should be forced to the configured override value when the input conditions are met.

Control Point Type You must configure this decision to define whether the Control Point is an analog or discrete type point. Allowable Entries Default Value Analog/Discr Analog

Occ Discrete State If the Control Point Type is discrete, use this decision to define the input state when the Time Schedule is occupied that will cause the Analog Output Point to be overridden. Allowable Entries Default Value On/Off On

Unocc Discrete State If the Control Point Type is discrete, use this decision to define the input state when the Time Schedule is unoccupied that will cause the Analog Output Point to be overridden. Allowable Entries Default Value On/Off Off

Occ Analog Test If the Control Point Type is analog, use this decision to indicate if the Analog Control Point must be higher or lower than the occupied low setpoint in order to override the Analog Output Point. Allowable Entries Default Value High/Low High


AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxC Function Type 10

Unocc Analog Test If the Control Point Type is analog, use this decision to indicate if the Analog Control Point must be higher or lower than the unoccupied low setpoint in order to override the Analog Output Point. Allowable Entries Default Value High/Low Low

Override Value Use this decision to specify the value to which the Analog Output Point is forced when the proper input condition for the configured Persistence Time exists. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

Hysteresis If the Control Point Type is analog, use this decision to specify the number of degrees above or below the setpoint (based upon the analog test) the Analog Control Point must be before the override is released. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 9999.9 1.0

Persistence Time Use this decision to indicate how long the input condition must exist before the Analog Output Point is overridden or how long the input condition must not exist before the Analog Output Point is returned to automatic control. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 30

Analog Control Point Use this decision to configure the analog point that the algorithm tests to determine if the Analog Output Point should be overridden. If this decision is configured, the Control Point Type should be set to Analog. Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) PNT_NAME

AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxM Function Type 10

Discrete Control Point Use this decision to configure the discrete point that the algorithm tests to determine if the Analog Output Point should be overridden. If this decision is configured, the Control Point Type should be set to Discr. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) PNT_NAME

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value
Maintenance Decisions

0 to 65535 seconds 0

Analog Output Point This decision displays the output value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Permissive Interlock This function determines if a configured condition has occurred, and if so, the Output point is overridden and set equal to the Reference Output, until the causal condition no longer exists. Reference Output This decision displays the configured Override Value that the output will be driven to. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

Perm Interlock Flag This decision indicates whether Permissive Interlock is in effect. Valid Display True/False

AOPermissive Interlock AOPI_xxM Function Type 10

Conditional This decision displays the current analog conditional value (High or Low) based on the Occupancy state. Valid Display High/Low Modified Setpoint This decision displays the modified Setpoint Value that is currently being used to compare with the Analog Control point. It includes a configured hysteresis, and allows for the conditional check being performed (High or Low). This value will be 0 if the Control Point Type is discrete. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Persistence Timer This decision displays how much time is left before the Permissive Interlock condition will take effect. Valid Display 0 to 3600 seconds

Setpoint Limit This decision displays the Low Setpoint from the Setpoint Schedule that is being compared to determine if the Permissive Interlock condition will take effect. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units. Analog Control Point This decision displays the value of the configured Analog Point which is being used to determine when the Permissive Interlock will occur when the Control Point Type is analog. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units. Discrete Control Point This decision displays the value of the configured Discrete Point which is being used to determine when the Permissive Interlock will occur when the Control Point Type is discrete. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every five seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOReset RESET xxC Function Type 11


The AO Reset algorithm provides single loop PID-based analog control based on a setpoint schedule that can be reset between the occupied or unoccupied high and low setpoint values. A userconfigurable reset sensor is used to determine the amount of reset. Both the Y axis and the X axis parameters of the reset schedule are adjustable. By adjusting the setpoint schedule along with the Start and Stop Reset decisions, you can create a positive, negative, or constant setpoint slope. Whenever the Stop Reset decision is less than the Start Reset decision, the slope of the setpoint line will be negative (the setpoint decreases as the reset sensor value increases). If the Stop Reset value is greater than the Start Reset value, the slope of the setpoint line will be positive (the setpoint increases as the reset sensor value increases) . Note that the following two conditions will defeat the reset calculation and produce a setpoint equal to the configured low setpoint value: If the Stop Reset and Start Reset are equal If the Low Setpoint is greater than the High Setpoint

The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the controller is using the occupied or unoccupied high and low setpoints. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states. The AO Reset and AO Adaptive algorithms are functionally the same, however they differ in that AO Adaptive allows you to select any engineering units for the control and reset sensors, but requires that the engineering units of the output channel be in percent (%). AO Reset, however, requires that the engineering units of the control and reset sensors be in temperature (degrees F or C), while the output device may be in any engineering units.
Typical Application

You can use AO Reset to control a three-way valve serving a hot water loop, such that the loop supply temperature increases with a decrease in outside air temperature.


AOReset RESET xxC Function Type 11

Following are two examples of AO reset: Example 1 - The most common application of setpoint reset is to vary a setpoint with outside air such that the setpoint will increase as the OAT sensor decreases. When graphed, such an arrangement will produce a line with a negative slope.
Figure 5-10a Setpoint Reset When Start Reset > Stop Reset
High Setpoint

Low Setpoint

Stop Reset

Start Reset

For example, if you were required to adjust a hot water setpoint from 90 degrees F (32.2 degrees C) to 140 degrees F (60.0 degrees C), as the OAT decreased for 60 degrees F (15.6 degrees C) to 0 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C), use the following configuration decisions: Low Setpoint = 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C) High Setpoint = 140 deg.F (60.0 deg.C) Start Reset = 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C) Stop Reset = 0 deg.F (-17.8 deg.C) Whenever the OAT is less than or equal 0 deg.F (-17.8 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 140 deg.F (60.0 deg.C.) Whenever the OAT is greater than or equal to 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C.) When the reset sensor is between 0 degrees F (-17.8 deg.C) and 60 degrees F (15.6 deg.C), the setpoint is adjusted in a linear fashion. This would also work for chilled water reset by substituting the following values: Low Setpoint = 42 deg.F (5.56 deg.C) High Setpoint = 47 deg.F (8.33 deg.C) Start Reset = 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C) Stop Reset = 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C)

221a 222

AOReset RESET xxC Function Type 11

Example 2 - A less common application would be to increase the static pressure setpoint of a variable volume fan as the OAT temperature increases. This would produce a setpoint line with a positive slope.
Figure 5-10b Setpoint Reset When Stop Reset > Start Reset
High Setpoint

Low Setpoint

Start Reset

Stop Reset

The following settings illustrate this application: Low Setpoint = 1.0" H2O (0.248 kPa) High Setpoint = 2.5" H2O (0.621 kPa) Start Reset = 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C) Stop Reset = 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C) Whenever the OAT is less than or equal to 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 1.0" H20 (0.248 kPa). Whenever the OAT is greater than or equal to 90 deg.F (32.2 deg.C), the setpoint is clamped at 2.5" H20 (0.621 kPa). When the reset sensor is between 60 degrees F (15.6 deg.C) and 90 degrees F (32.2 deg.C), the pressure setpoint is adjusted in a linear fashion.

221b 223

AOReset RESETxxC Function Type 11

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Time Schedule Temperature Setpoint Reset Point Reset Start Reset Value Stop Reset Value Control Point PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Occupied ? Reset Point Controlling Setpoint Control Point PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Task Timer


Figure 5-11 AOReset

Fan Status Point

Output AND Enable Output Status Force Status Minimum Output


Analog Output Point

Input Status Force Status


Discharge Temperature
Maximum Output Status Force Status Output Sensor Input NOT

Time Schedule Temperature Setpoint

Occupancy State? Low Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint Output High Setpoint Bias Input


Setpoint Reset



Reset Point
Output Status Force Sensor Input Sensor Status

Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator

AOReset RESETxxC Function Type 11


AOReset RESETxxC Function Type 11

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the valve or damper. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters, LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Temperature Setpoint You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied temperature setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. =SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


AOReset RESET xxC Function Type 11

Reset Point Use this decision to specify the AI point that will reset the setpoint to the PID Master Loop. This setpoint is reset between the configured low and high setpoints from the Setpoint Schedule based on the value from the sensor specified in this decision. If you do not configure the sensor, the low setpoint will be used. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Reset Reset calculates the desired setpoint to the PID Master Loop based on the reset temperature input and the configured temperature setpoints. Start Reset Value Use this decision to specify the X axis parameters of the reset schedule (the Y axis parameters are set by the setpoint schedule.) If the configured Start Reset value is greater than the Stop Reset value, then the setpoint will decrease as the reset sensor value increases. If the configured Start Reset value is less than the configured Stop Reset value, then the setpoint will increase as the reset sensor value increases. Allowable Entries Default Value Based on selected display units -40.0 (-40.0)

Stop Reset Value Use this decision to specify the X axis parameters of the reset schedule (the Y axis parameters are set by the setpoint schedule.) If the configured Stop Reset value is greater than the Start Reset value, then the setpoint will increase as the reset sensor value increases. If the configured Stop Reset value is less than the Start Reset value, then the setpoint will decrease as the reset sensor value increases. Allowable Entries Default Value Based on selected display units 245.0 (118.3)

Control Point You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the discharge air or water temperature that will be compared to the calculated setpoint by the PID Master Loop. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

AOReset RESETxxC Function Type 11

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the valve or damper position to maintain the desired calculated setpoint.

Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 2.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 1.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the damper or valve position to be maintained when the fan status is off or the Control Point status is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0


AOReset RESETxxC Function Type 11

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output value to the valve or damper. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output value to the valve or damper. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the outputs starting value when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 10

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


AOReset RESETxxM Function Type 11

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Reset Point This decision displays the value of the point used to reset the Temperature Setpoint. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Controlling Setpoint This decision displays the calculated Temperature Setpoint used by the PID Master Loop. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Control Point This decision displays the value of the discharge air or water temperature that is compared to the Controlling Setpoint. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


AOReset RESETxxM Function Type 11

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Analog Output Point. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Controlling Setpoint - Control Point) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Controlling Setpoint - Control Point) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Controlling Setpoint - Control Point) Valid range based upon selected display units.

Valid Display


AOReset RESETxxM Function Type 11

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Center Digit

Right Digit Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

AOShared Transducer

The AOShared Transducer algorithm controls sequenced heating and cooling coil valves in a constant volume air handler. The AOShared Transducer algorithm uses both a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop and a P (Proportional) Submaster Loop to control the chilled water and hot water or steam valve positions. The PID Master Loop calculates the supply air temperature setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The PID Master Loop calculates the submaster reference by obtaining the highest or lowest sensor inputs from the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor and comparing it to the high or low space temperature setpoint. The high space temperature input and high setpoint are used when the highest space temperature is greater than the high setpoint minus 1.5F. The low space temperature input and low setpoint are used when the lowest space temperature is less than the low setpoint plus 1.5F. If the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor status is invalid the Submaster Loop is set to the disabled output value. If the highest space temperature is less than the high setpoint minus 1.5F and the lowest space temperature is greater than the low setpoint plus 1.5F, then the No Heat/No Cool flag is set and the submaster reference is set to the Minimum Output Value. The P Submaster Loop computes the valve position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature. The PID Master Loop starting value and the P Submaster Loops Proportional Gain and Center Value are set based on whether the algorithm is heating or cooling. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time Schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control sequenced heating and cooling coil valves in an air handler.


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule * Setpoint Schedule Heat Cool Select Heat Proportional Gain Cool Proportional Gain Heat Center Value Cool Center Value Heat Starting Value Cool Starting Value PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value ** Starting Value Block Iteration Rate * Supply Air Temperature Submaster Loop - Shared ** Proportional Gain Disabled Output Value Heating Minimum Output Heating Maximum Output Cooling Minimum Output Cooling Maximum Output ** Center Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay

** NOTE:

Do not configure these decisions. The appropriate value from the Heat Cool Select configuration will be used.


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Low SPT Setpoint High SPT Setpoint Heat Cool Select Controlling Setpoint Cool No Heat No Cool Setpoint PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Shared Xducer Subm Ref Supply Air Temperature Submaster Loop - Shared Reference Output Proportional Term Submaster Flags Task Timer

* *


Heat / Cool Select Submaster Loop-Shared
Kp Center Value Cool Fan Status Kp Center Value Cool Low Setpoint High Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Output Output Status Starting Value Force Status NOT OR Enable Starting Value Sensor Input Sensor Input

Figure 5-12 AOShared Transducer

AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

Fan Status Point


Status Force Status

Space Setpoint PID_Master_Loop

Low Setpoint

High Setpoint

Supply Air Temp


Analog Output Point

Input Output Force Status Status

Occupancy State?

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

TS Override Minimum Output High Sensor Low Sensor No Heat / No Cool Output Input Output Status NOT Enable Force Status Reference Forced? Setpoint



Supply Air Setpoint



Time Schedule

Output Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator Point Forced?

PID Integrator Clamp




AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point Use this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the air handlers sequenced chilled water valve and hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point Use this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the Sensor Group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on Sensor Group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same Sensor Group or SPT Sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedule, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual.

Use the same Space Temperature Setpoint for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Heat Cool Select Heat Cool Select determines if the space requires heating, cooling, or neither. If heating is required, it provides the lowest space temperature, low setpoint, Heat Starting Value, Heat Center Value, and Heat Proportional Gain. When cooling is required, it provides the highest space temperature, high setpoint, Cool Starting Value, Cool Center Value, and Cool Proportional Gain.

Heat Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the P Submaster Loop proportional term during heating. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -6

Cool Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the P Submaster Loop proportional term during cooling. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -10


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

Heat Center Value Use this decision to specify the output value appropriate for the no submaster error condition for heating. This value will override the P Submaster Loops Center Value configuration decision during heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 35.0

Cool Center Value Use this decision to specify the output value appropriate for the no submaster error condition for cooling. This value will override the P Submaster Loops Center Value configuration decision during cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 70.0

Heat Starting Value Use this decision to specify the PID Master Loop Starting Value when in heating mode. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 85.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (29.4)

Cool Starting Value Use this decision to specify the PID Master Loop Starting Value when in cooling mode. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 55.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (12.78)


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the supply air temperature setpoint (submaster reference) required to achieve the desired space temperature.

Proportional Gain Use this decision to specify the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 10.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error per iteration. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.4

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the Supply Air Temperature to be maintained when the space temperature input(s) are invalid or if the fan status is off. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 75.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (24.0)


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable Supply Air Temperature (minimum submaster reference). When no heating or cooling is required the submaster reference is set to this value. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 45.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (7.2)

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable Supply Air Temperature (maximum submaster reference). Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 245.0F 150.0 (-40.0 to 118.3C) (70.0)

Starting Value This decision is not used. The value is overridden by the appropriate Starting Value from the Heat/Cool select function. Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to indicate how often the master loop calculates the submaster reference. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 120

Supply Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature to this algorithm. The submaster loop controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the value of the point that you specify in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

Submaster Loop - Shared The submaster loop is a proportional control loop that computes a sequenced heating coil and cooling coil valve position by comparing the calculated submaster reference to the Supply Air Temperature.

Proportional Gain This decision is not used. The value is overridden by the appropriate gain from the Heat/Cool Select function.

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output value when the Supply Air Temperature sensor is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 50.0

Heating Minimum Output Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output for the hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 10.0

Heating Maximum Output Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output for the hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 40.0


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxC Function Type 12

Cooling Minimum Output Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output for the chilled water valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 60.0

Cooling Maximum Output Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output for the chilled water valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0

Center Value This decision is not used. The value will be overridden by the value in the Heat Center Value or Cool Center Value decision.

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to specify how often the submaster loop calculates a new output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 5 seconds 2

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxM Function Type 12

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the Single AI sensor (if chosen) or the average of the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Low SPT Setpoint This decision displays the low space temperature setpoint value. The occupancy state is used to decide if the occupied or unoccupied setpoint is used. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxM Function Type 12

High SPT Setpoint This decision displays the high space temperature setpoint value. The occupancy state is used to decide if the occupied or unoccupied setpoint is used. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)

Heat Cool Select The Heat Cool Select function determines if the space requires heating, cooling, or neither.

Controlling Setpoint This decision displays the selected high or low setpoint based on the input conditions. This value will be 0F (-17.8C) when No Heat No Cool is True. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Cool This decision displays whether or not cooling is required for the space. If Cool is True, then the high space temperature, high setpoint, and the Cool Starting Value, Cool Center Value, and Cool Proportional Gain are used. Valid Display True/False

No Heat No Cool This decision indicates if the space does not require heating or cooling. Valid Display True/False


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxM Function Type 12

Setpoint This decision displays the setpoint value that is currently selected based on the input conditions. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

PID_Master_Loop The PID Master Loop function calculates the submaster reference based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint.

Reference Output This decision displays the calculated submaster reference value. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Heat or Cool Starting Value) Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint - Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9^F

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = (Setpoint - Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon display units.

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Setpoint - Sensor) Valid range based upon display units.

Valid Display

AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxM Function Type 12

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Shared Xducer Subm Ref This decision displays the calculated value of the PID Master Loop. This value is used with the Supply Air Temperature by the submaster loop. To override the submaster reference, force this point. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Supply Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature. This point must be configured to enable the submaster loop to execute properly. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Submaster Loop - Shared The submaster loop for the shared transducer algorithm controls to the difference between the submaster reference and the supply air temperature. This loop executes every two seconds. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Analog Output Point. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Heat or Cool Center Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.


AOShared Transducer SHXDRxxM Function Type 12

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the shared transducer submaster loop. Proportional Term = (Shared Xducer Subm Ref - Supply Air Temperature) * Heat or Cool Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Submaster Flags This two-digit field displays the status of the P Submaster Loop. Left Digit 0 = Submaster Loop is Active 1 = Submaster Loop is Inactive (Disabled or Clamped) 0 = No PID clamp 1 = PID clamp is in effect. 00 to 11

Right Digit

Valid Display

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxC Function Type 13

AOStatic Pressure

The AOStatic Pressure algorithm provides an output to an inlet guide vane, fan discharge damper, or variable speed fan to maintain constant static pressure in the duct. The AOStatic Pressure algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to calculate the desired output value. The PID Master Loop compares the duct static pressure to the configured low setpoint to compute the output value. If the air handler supply fan status is off or the duct static pressure sensor is invalid, the PID Master Loop sets the output to the configured Minimum Output Value.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control the inlet guide vane to maintain a constant duct static pressure in a constant volume system. You can also use this algorithm to control a variable speed fan to maintain a constant duct static pressure in a variable air volume system.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Duct Static Pressure Static Pressure Setpoint PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay


AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxC Function Type 13

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * Analog Output Point Fan Status Point Duct Static Pressure Static Pressure Setpoint PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Task Timer


Figure 5-13 AOStatic Pressure

Fan Status Point PID_Master_Loop

AND Enable Output Input

Analog Output Point

Status OR Force Status



Force Status

Duct Static Pressure

Minimum Output NOT Maximum Output


Force Status Sensor Input


Static Pressure Setpoint

Setpoint Clamp Integrator

Reset Integrator

AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxC Function Type 13


AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxC Function Type 13

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the inlet guide vane or damper position or variable fan speed. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Duct Static Pressure You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the duct static pressure for the air handler. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Static Pressure Setpoint You must configure this decision to specify the duct static pressure setpoint that you desire the system to maintain. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 5.00 H20 2.50


AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxC Function Type 13

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the desired output to maintain the configured static pressure setpoint.

Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 20.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 10.0

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the output value to be maintained when the fan is off or the duct static pressure sensor is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0


AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxC Function Type 13

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the lowest allowable output value. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the highest allowable output value. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the outputs starting value when the PID Master Loop is enabled. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 10

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxM Function Type 13

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Duct Static Pressure This decision displays the duct static pressure in inches of water. Valid Display 0.00 to 5.00 H20 (0 to 1244.2 Pa)

Static Pressure Setpoint This decision displays the configured duct static pressure setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 5.00 H20 (0 to 1244.2 Pa)

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Analog Output Point. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Starting Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.


AOStatic Pressure STPR_xxM Function Type 13

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Static Pressure Setpoint - Duct Static Pressure) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = (Static Pressure Setpoint - Duct Static Pressure) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Derivative Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Static Pressure Setpoint - Duct Static Pressure) Valid range based upon selected display units.

Valid Display

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display

0 to 300 seconds

DOAnalog Comparison ANCTLxxC Function Type 14

DOAnalog Comparison

The DOAnalog Comparison algorithm compares the lowest and highest temperature sensors to the configured low and high setpoints. The algorithm can work with a single Temperature Sensor or a Sensor Group with multiple sensors. If either sensor is outside of the setpoint range, the output point is commanded on. When both sensors are within the region bordered by low setpoint plus hysteresis and high setpoint minus hysteresis, the output point is commanded off. If the output point is forced or the input sensor is out of range, the algorithm will be disabled. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time Schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Applications

You can use this algorithm to start a hot water pump when the outside air temperature is below 50F and stop the pump when the outside air temperature is above 51F. You could also use this algorithm to start a supply fan if space temperature drifts out of limits and stop the fan when the space temperature is within limits.


DOAnalog Comparison ANCTLxxC Function Type 14

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Discrete Output Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Analog Hysteresis Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * Discrete Output Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Analog Low Setpoint Lo Setpoint + Hyst Hi Setpoint - Hyst High Setpoint Reference Output Task Timer


Figure 5-14 DOAnalog Comparison

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

Disable High Sensor Low Sensor Output Input


Discrete Output Point

Output Status Force Status

TS Override





Time Schedule



Setpoint Schedule

Low Setpoint

Bias Input

High Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint

Occupancy State?

Bias Low Offset

Bias High Offset

Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

DOAnalog Comparison ANCTLxxC Function Type 14


DOAnalog Comparison ANCTLxxC Function Type 14

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is being controlled by this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Blgd. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single space temperature sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. Allowable Entries Default Value Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Time Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00


DOAnalog Comparison ANCTLxxC Function Type 14

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Analog Analog provides a discrete output by comparing the highest and lowest space sensor values to the configured setpoint values. If either sensor is outside the setpoint range, the DO is commanded on and remains on until both sensors are within the region bordered by low setpoint plus hysteresis and high setpoint minus hysteresis. Hysteresis Use this decision to specify the amount that is added to the low setpoint and subtracted from the high setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 9999.9 1.0

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to specify how often the input conditions are checked to determine if the output state must change. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 900 seconds 120

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DOAnalog Comparison ANCTLxxM Function Type 14

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the DO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor or the average of the sensor group, depending on which is selected. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Analog Analog displays the current controlling setpoint data, with hysteresis, based on the occupancy state. Low Setpoint This decision displays the low setpoint value, excluding hysteresis. If the space temperature falls below this value, the Discrete Output Point will be commanded on. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Lo Setpoint + Hyst This decision displays the Low Setpoint value, including hysteresis. If the space temperature is within the range of this value and the Hi Setpoint - Hyst value, the Discrete Output Point will be commanded off. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.


DOAnalog Comparison ANCTLxxM Function Type 14

Hi Setpoint - Hyst This decision displays the High Setpoint value, including hysteresis. If the space temperature is within the range of this value and the Lo Setpoint + Hyst value, the Discrete Output Point will be commanded off. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

High Setpoint This decision displays the High Setpoint value, excluding hysteresis. If the space temperature exceeds this value, the Discrete Output Point will be commanded on. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Reference Output This decision displays the value that the algorithm output will be driven to, unless a force condition overrides this output. Valid Display True/False

Task Timer This decision displays the number of seconds remaining before the algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 60 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

DODX Staging VAV

The DODX Staging VAV algorithm controls up to six stages of DX (direct expansion) cooling in a variable air volume air handler. The DODX Staging VAV algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to control the cooling stages. The PID Master Loop calculates the number of output stages required to maintain the Supply Air Setpoint. The DX Supply Air Setpoint is a calculated value that can be reset linearly based on the space temperature. The PID Master Loop computes the required number of cooling stages by comparing the calculated Supply Air Setpoint to the Supply Air Temperature. The stages are activated sequentially, allowing for a configured delay time between each stage. Once a stage is activated, it will not be de-activated until the calculated number of stages has decreased by a full stage. This hysteresis prevents short cycling of stages. When all available stages are activated, the algorithm clamps the PID Master Loop integrator at its current value. During dehumidification, the percentage of stages activated will equal the configured Maximum Output Value. If the space temperature is below the average value of the high and low temperature setpoints or the supply air temperature sensor status is invalid, the percentage of stages activated will equal the configured Disabled Output Value. If the supply fan is off all the cooling stages are turned off. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control up to six stages of DX cooling in a VAV air handler unit.


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Discrete Output Discrete Output Discrete Output Discrete Output Discrete Output Discrete Output Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor VAV Setpoint Sensor Supply Air Setpoint Reset Ratio Start Reset Maximum Reset Supply Air Temperature PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Staging Control Total Number of Stages On Time Delay Off Time Delay Power on Delay

* * *


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * * * * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor VAV Setpoint Reset Setpoint Setpoint Offset DX Supply Air Setpoint Supply Air Temperature PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Staging Control Number of Stages Requested Stages Delta Stages Delay Timer PID Integrator Clamp Task Timer

* *


Figure 5-15 DODX Staging VAV

Fan Status Point
Output Status Force Status Fan Status

Staging Control

Output Input Stage 1 Sensor Input Input

Time Schedule Supply Air Temperature

Output Force Status Status NOT

Discrete Output Point

Force Status



Space Setpoint
Stage 2 High - 0.5 (High - Low) AND Enable

Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status

High Setpoint

Occupancy State?


Low Setpoint

Discrete Output Point

Stage 3 Input Force Status

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor VAV Setpoint Reset

Sensor Status Sensor Input Output Setpoint

TS Override


Supply Air Setpoint (Software Point)


Discrete Output Point

Stage 4 Input Force Status



Output Input
Force Status Minimum Output OR

High Humidity Switch

Discrete Output Point

Stage 5 Input Force Status

Output Maximum Output


Force Status

High Humidity Sensor


Status 1 A B O


Discrete Output Point

Stage 6 Input Force Status

Force Status

Humidity Setpoint

Occ High Setpoint

Occ Low Setpoint

Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator

PID Integrator Clamp



DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the first stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the second stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the third stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fourth stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fifth stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the sixth stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on sensor group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same Sensor Group or SPT sensor or space temperature sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates when dehumidification is needed. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or High Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. If reheat is being done, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated heating VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the humidity setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. If reheat is being done, the same setpoint that is used here should be used in the associated heating VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTxx LID = xx, where xx = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint schedule. If reheat is being done, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated heating VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

VAV Setpoint Reset VAV Setpoint Reset provides the supply air setpoint to the master loop. The configured setpoint can be reset upward based on space temperature.

Supply Air Setpoint Use this decision to specify the minimum supply air temperature that this algorithm will maintain. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 120.0F 55.0 (-18.0 to 49.0C) (13.0)

Reset Ratio If the supply air setpoint is being reset, use this decision to specify the amount of reset of every degree the space temperature is above Start Reset configuration decision. The value in this decision is expressed in degrees per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 5.0^F 3.0 (0.0 to 2.8^C) (1.7)

Start Reset If the Supply Air Setpoint is being reset, use this decision to specify the space temperature that must be exceeded before the Supply Air Setpoint is reset. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 99.9F 0.0 (-18.0 to 37.7C) (-18.0)

Maximum Reset If the Supply Air Setpoint is being reset, use this decision to specify the maximum amount the Supply Air Setpoint can be reset above the configured value. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 99.9^F 15.0 (0.0 to 55.0^C) (8.3)


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

Supply Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature to this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the valve position required to achieve the desired setpoint.

Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -5.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 -0.4

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the percent of stages to be activated when the fan is off. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the minimum percent of stages that will always be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the maximum percent of stages that can be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the percent of stages that will be activated when the PID Master Loop is enabled by the Fan Status Point. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the percent of stages required to maintain the Supply Air Setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 30


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxC Function Type 15

Staging Control Staging Control starts and stops up to six discrete stages of DX cooling based on the requesting input, whose value can range from 0 to 100%. You can configure the minimum time between starting and stopping stages.

Total Number of Stages You must configure this decision to specify the number of discrete stages of DX cooling the algorithm will control. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 6 6

On Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the starting of stages. This value should represent the time required by a newly activated stage to have its effect on the supply temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 1

Off Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the stopping of stages. This value should represent the time from when the algorithm stops the stage to the time there is an effect on the controlled supply temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 5

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxM Function Type 15

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the first stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the second stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the third stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the fourth stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the fifth stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the sixth stage of DX (direct expansion) cooling. Valid Display On/Off


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxM Function Type 15

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the highest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00F to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the value of the high humidity switch sensor being monitored. If this decision is not configured, this value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

High Humidity Setpoint This decision displays the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. The algorithm uses the occupied high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint Schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display

0.00 to 100.00% RH

DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxM Function Type 15

VAV Setpoint Reset VAV Setpoint Reset provides the supply air setpoint value to the master loop. Setpoint This decision displays the calculated supply air setpoint which is used by the master loop. This value represents the sum of calculated offset added to the configured Supply Air Setpoint. Valid Display 0.0 to 120.0F (-18.0 to 49.0C)

Setpoint Offset This calculated value represents the amount of reset that is added to the configured Supply Air Setpoint to generate the setpoint value. Setpoint Offset = (VAV Start Reset - Sensor Group/SPT Sensor) * Reset Ratio Valid Display -99.9 to 99.9^F (-54.9 to 54.9^C)

DX Supply Air Setpoint This decision displays the calculated Supply Air Setpoint for the PID Master Loop. To override the DX Supply Air Setpoint, force the point. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Supply Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is readjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint.


DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxM Function Type 15

Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to drive the Discrete Output Points. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Center Value) Valid Display 0 to 100%

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (DX Supply Air Setpoint - Supply Air Temperature) * Proportional Gain Valid Display 0 to 100%

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = (Setpoint - Supply Air Temperature) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display 0 to 100%

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Note: Error = (Setpoint - Supply Air Temperature) Proportional Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain Valid Display 0 to 100%

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display

0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

DODX Staging VAV DXVAVxxM Function Type 15

Staging Control This function starts and stops up to six stages of DX cooling. The control is based on the reference output from the PID Master Loop. Number of Stages This decision displays the number of stages that are currently on. Valid Display 0 to 6

Requested Stages This decision displays the number of stages that the algorithm requests on. The number is determined by percent of stages requested from the PID Master Loop in relation to the configured Total Number of Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6 Delta Stages This decision displays the difference determined by the Number of Stages subtracted from the Requested Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6

Delay Timer This decision displays the number of minutes that must elapse before another stage can be started or stopped. Valid Display 0 to 30 minutes

PID Integrator Clamp This decision displays whether or not the PID Clamp is currently in effect for the staging control function. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

DOElectric Heat CV

The DOElectric Heat CV algorithm controls up to six stages of electric heat in a constant volume air handler. The Electric Heat CV algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to control the output stages. The PID Master Loop calculates the number of output stages required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The PID Master Loop calculates the required number of output stages by obtaining the lowest sensor input from the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor and comparing it to the low temperature setpoint configured in the Setpoint Schedule. The setpoint is increased by the heating setpoint offset when dehumidification is being performed. The stages are activated sequentially, allowing for a configured delay time between each stage. Once a stage is activated, it will not be de-activated until the calculated number of stages has decreased by a full stage. This hysteresis prevents short cycling of stages. When all available stages of electric heat are activated, the algorithm clamps the PID Master Loop integrator at its current value. If the fan status is off, all stages of electric heat are turned off. If the sensor group status in invalid, the PID Master Loop sets the output to the Disabled Output Value. If the Duct Temperature input exceeds the configured Duct High Limit, the PID Master Loop sets the output to the Minimum Output Value. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control up to six stages of electric heat in a constant volume air handler.


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor Duct Temperature Duct High Limit PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Heating Setpoint Offset Staging Control Total Number of Stages On Time Delay Off Time Delay Power on Delay

* * *


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * * * * * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor Duct Temperature Duct High Limit PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Space Setpoint Staging Control Number of Stages Requested Stages Delta Stages Delay Timer PID Integrator Clamp Task Timer


Figure 5-16 DOElectric Heat CV

Staging Control Fan Status Point

Output Status Force Status Fan Status

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor PID_Master_Loop

AND Enable Output Input Stage 1 Input


High NOT

Discrete Output Point

Force Status


Status TS Override Sensor Input

Time Schedule
Stage 2


Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status


Space Setpoint
Stage 3

High Setpoint

Discrete Output Point


Occupancy State?

Low Setpoint


Force Status

High Humidity Switch

Select OR A Heating Setpoint Offset A 0 B Stage 5 Stage 4

Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status



Force Status

High Humidity Sensor


Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status



Force Status

Humidity Setpoint

Occ High Setpoint

Discrete Output Point

Stage 6 Input Force Status



Occ Low Setpoint

Duct Temperature

Maximum Output

Output Status


Minimum Output

Force Status
Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator SELECT A -5 A B O 1 O SELECT A A B PID Integrator Clamp

Duct High Limit

DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the first stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the second stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the third stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fourth stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fifth stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

Discrete Output Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the sixth stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status of the air handlers fan. A DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters, LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on sensor group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same Sensor Group or SPT Sensor or space temperature sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied low setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates when dehumidification is needed. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or High Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. If dehumidification is being performed, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated Cooling CV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the humidity setpoint for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. If dehumidification is being performed, the same setpoint that is used here should be used in the associated Cooling CV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTxx LID = xx, where xx = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the high setpoint from Humidity Setpoint schedule. If dehumidification is being performed, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated Cooling CV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

Duct Temperature Use this decision to specify the AI point that is used as a safety to prevent the duct temperature from exceeding the high temperature limit. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Duct High Limit Use this decision to specify a maximum duct temperature before the PID Master Loop output is clamped to the Minimum Output Value. Allowable Entries Default Value 80.00 to 245.00F 150.00 (26.7 to 188.3C) (66)

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the valve position required to achieve the desired setpoint. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 5.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.4


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the percent of stage to be activated when the fan is off. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the minium percent of stages that will always be activated. The output will equal this value if the Duct Temperature exceeds the High Duct Limit. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the maximin percent of stages that can be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the percent of stages that will be activated when the PID Master Loop is enabled by the Fan Status Point. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxC Function Type 16

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 30

Heating Setpoint Offset If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify how much the space temperature setpoint is offset during dehumidification. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 10.00^F 3.00 (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (1.6)

Staging Control Staging Control starts and stops up to six discrete stages of electric heating based on the requesting input, whose value can range from 0 to 100%. You can configure the minimum time between starting and stopping stages.

Total Number of Stages You must configure this decision to specify the number of discrete stages of electric heating the algorithm will control. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 6 6

On Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the starting of stages. This value should represent the time required by a newly activated stage to have its effect on the space temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 1


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxM Function Type 16

Off Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the stopping of stages. This value should represent the time from when the algorithm stops the stage to the time there is an effect on the controlled space temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 0

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the first stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the second stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the third stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxM Function Type 16

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the fourth stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the fifth stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the sixth stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the lowest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxM Function Type 16

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the value of the high humidity switch sensor being monitored. If this decision is not configured, this value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

High Humidity Setpoint This decision displays the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. The algorithm uses the occupied high setpoint from the High Humidity schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

Duct Temperature This decision displays the duct temperature sensor value used as a safety value to prevent excessive duct temperatures. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)

Duct High Limit This decision displays the maximum duct temperature, that, if exceeded, will cause the PID Master Loop output to clamp to the minimum output value. Valid Display -80.00 to 245.00F (26.6 to 118.3C)


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxM Function Type 16

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to determine the percentage of Discrete Output Points required. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Center Value) Valid Display 0 to 100%

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display 0 to 100%

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display 0 to 100%

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) 0 to 100%

Valid Display


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxM Function Type 16

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111

Center Digit

Right Digit

Valid Display

Space Setpoint This decision displays the low space temperature setpoint from the configured Setpoint Schedule. The occupancy state is taken into effect when this value is determined. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F

Staging Control This function starts and stops up to six stages of electric heating. The control is based on the reference output from the PID Master Loop.

Number of Stages This decision displays the number of stages that are currently on. Valid Display 0 to 6

Requested Stages This decision displays the number of stages that the algorithm requests on. The number is determined by percent of stages requested from the PID Master Loop in relation to the configured Total Number of Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6


DOElectric Heat CV EHCV_xxM Function Type 16

Delta Stages This decision displays the difference determined by the Number of Stages subtracted from the Requested Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6

Delay Timer This decision displays the number of minutes that must elapse before another stage can be started or stopped. Valid Display 0 to 30 minutes

PID Integrator Clamp This decision displays whether or not the PID Clamp is currently in effect for the staging control function. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

DOElectric Heat VAV

The DOElectric Heat VAV algorithm controls up to six stages of electric heat in a variable air volume air handler. The Electric Heat CV algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to control the output stages. The PID Master Loop calculates the number of output stages required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The PID Master Loop calculates the required number of output stages by obtaining the lowest sensor input from the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor and comparing it to the low temperature setpoint configured in the Setpoint Schedule. The setpoint is increased by the Heating Setpoint Offset when dehumidification is being performed. The stages are activated sequentially, allowing for a configured delay time between each stage. Once a stage is activated, it will not be deactivated until the calculated number of stages has decreased by a full stage. This hysteresis prevents short cycling of stages. When all available stages of electric heat are activated, the algorithm clamps the PID Master Loop integrator at its current value. If the fan status is off all stages of electric heat are turned off. If the sensor group status in invalid, the PID Master Loop sets the output to the Disabled Output Value. If the Duct Temperature input exceeds the configured Duct High Limit, the PID Master Loop sets the output to the Minimum Output Value. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time Schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low space temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states. For applications that have alternate heat sources, you can use Morning Warmup to preheat the space.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control up to six stages of electric heat in a variable air volume air handler.


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor Duct Temperature Duct High Limit Occupied Heating PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Heating Setpoint Offset Staging Control Total Number of Stages On Time Delay Off Time Delay Power on Delay

* * *


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * * * * * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor Duct Temperature Duct High Limit Morning Warm Up Reference Output Morning Warmup ? PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Space Setpoint Staging Control Number of Stages Requested Stages Delta Stages Delay Timer PID Integrator Clamp Task Timer


Figure 5-17 DOElectric Heat VAV


Staging Control
Fan Status

Fan Status Point Morning Warm Up PID_Master_Loop

Stage 1 Output Disable Status Stage 2 Space Temp. Input Fan Status Input Force Status

Force Status


Discrete Output Point


Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

Status TS Override


Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status



Time Schedule
Occupancy State? Stage 3 Setpoint



Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status


AND Enable

Discrete Output Point

Stage 4 Input Force Status

Space Setpoint
Sensor Input

High Setpoint

Low Setpoint


High Humidity Switch Duct Temp.

Output Maximum Output

Discrete Output Point

stage 5 Input



Force Status
OR A Select

Force Status


Minimum Output

Force Status

High Humidity Sensor Duct High Limit

Heating Setpoint Offset A


Status Force Status 0 B


Clamp Integrator Reset Integrator

Discrete Output Point

Stage 6 Input Force Status PID Integrator Clamp

Humidity Setpoint

Occupied High Setpoint SELECT A -3 A B O

Occupied Low Setpoint



DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the first stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the second stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the third stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fourth stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fifth stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the sixth stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the discrete point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. A DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on sensor group, refer to that section in this chapter of the manual.

Use the same Sensor Group or SPT sensor or space temperature sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value

DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied low setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy, LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates when dehumidification is needed. The algorithm can use a High Humidity Switch or High Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. If dehumidification is being performed, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated Cooling VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the humidity setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. If dehumidification is being performed, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated Cooling VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTxx LID = xx, where xx = 0 to 16 SETPT00

High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the high setpoint from Humidity Setpoint schedule. If dehumidification is being performed, the same sensor that is used here should be used in the associated Cooling VAV algorithm. Allowable Entries

Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

Duct Temperature Use this decision to specify the AI point that is used as a safety value to prevent the duct temperature from exceeding the high temperature limit. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Duct High Limit Use this decision to specify the maximum duct temperatures reached before the PID Master Loop output is clamped to the Minimum Output Value. Allowable Entries Default Value 80.00 to 245.00F 150.00 (27.0 to 118.3C) (66.0)

Occupied Heating Use this decision to disable heating during Occupied periods. If this decision is set to No, the algorithm will be enabled only to preheat the space. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = No or Yes LID = 0(No) or 1(Yes) No

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the valve position required to achieve the desired setpoint. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 5.0


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.4

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -100.0 to 100.0 0.0

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the percent of stages to be activated when the fan is off. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the minimum percent of stages that will always be activated. The output also will be set to this value when the Duct Temperature exceeds the Duct High Limit. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the maximum percent of stages that can be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value

0 to 100% 100.0

DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxC Function Type 17

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the percent of stages that will be activated when the PID Master Loop is enabled by the Fan Status Point. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 100% 0.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 30

Heating Setpoint Offset If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify how much space temperature setpoint is offset during dehumidification. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 10.00^F 3.00 (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (1.66)

Staging Control Staging Control starts and stops up to six discrete stages of electric heating based on the requesting input, whose value can range from 0 to 100%. You can configure the minimum time between starting and stopping stages.

Total Number of Stages You must configure this decision to specify the number of discrete stages of electric heating the algorithm will control. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 6 6


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxM Function Type 17

On Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the starting of stages. This value should represent the time required by a newly activated stage to have its effect on the space temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 1

Off Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the stopping of stages. This value should represent the time from when the algorithm stops the stage to the time there is an effect on the controlled space temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 0

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the first stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the second stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxM Function Type 17

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the third stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the fourth stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the fifth stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the value of the point controlling the sixth stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured or the value is Off, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the lowest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)

DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxM Function Type 17

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the value of the high humidity switch sensor being monitored. If this decision is not configured, this value will default to the Off state. Valid Display On/Off

High Humidity Setpoint This decision displays the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. The algorithm uses the occupied high setpoint from the High Humidity schedule. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

Duct Temperature This decision displays the duct temperature sensor value used as a safety to prevent excessive duct temperatures. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.33C)


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxM Function Type 17

Duct High Limit This decision displays the maximum duct temperature that, if exceeded, will cause the PID Master Loop output to clamp to the minimum output value. Valid Display 80.00 to 245.00F (26.6 to 118.3C)

Morning Warm Up Morning Warmup is used to bring the space temperature up to occupied heating setpoint after an unoccupied period. Once the setpoint is reached, heating will be disabled for the remainder of that occupied period, unless Occupied Heating is enabled. Reference Output This decision determines whether the PID loop will be enabled. If Occupied Heating is Yes, the output is On whenever Fan Status is On. Otherwise, the output is On only when Fan Status is On and Morning Warmup is True. Valid Display On/Off

Morning Warmup ? This decision displays whether the algorithm is executing morning warm-up. Valid Display True/False

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated percentage of stages that will be activated. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Center Value) Valid Display 0 to 100%


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxM Function Type 17

Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display 0 to 100%

Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display 0 to 100%

Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain

Error = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) 0 to 100%

Valid Display

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit Center Digit Right Digit Valid Display 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active 000 to 111


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxM Function Type 17

Space Setpoint This decision displays the low space temperature setpoint from the configured Setpoint Schedule. The occupancy state is taken into effect when this value is determined. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Staging Control This function starts and stops up to six stages of electric heating. The control is based on the reference output from the PID Master Loop. Number of Stages This decision displays the number of stages that are currently on. Valid Display 0 to 6

Requested Stages This decision displays the number of stages that the algorithm requests on. The number is determined by percent of stages requested from the PID Master Loop value in relation to the configured Total Number of Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6

Delta Stages This decision displays the difference determined by the Number of Stages subtracted from the Requested Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6

Delay Timer This decision displays the number of minutes that must elapse before another stage can be started or stopped. Valid Display 0 to 30 minutes


DOElectric Heat VAV EHVAVxxM Function Type 17

PID Integrator Clamp This decision displays whether or not the PID Clamp is currently in effect for the staging control function. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOEnthalpy Comparison ENTH_xxC Function Type 18

DOEnthalpy Comparison
Typical Application

The DOEnthalpy Comparison algorithm compares values from two air streams and indicates if the outside air is suitable for conditioning the space.

This algorithm normally controls a discrete output point based on an analog (heat content) comparison of two airstreams: i.e., outside and return air. The discrete output point may be used to drive a relay or solenoid air valve as required to accomplish enthalpy switch-over of dampers. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * Discrete Output Point Outside Air Temperature Return Air Temperature Outside Air Humidity Return Air Humidity Outside Air Dewpoint Enthalpy Comparison Default OA Enthalpy Default RA Enthalpy Maximum OA Enthalpy Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * * Discrete Output Point Outside Air Temperature Return Air Temperature Outside Air Humidity Return Air Humidity Outside Air Dewpoint Enthalpy Comparison Reference Output OA Enthalpy RA Enthalpy OAT > RAT ? Task Timer

DOEnthalpy Comparison ENTH_xxC Function Type 18

Enthalpy Comparison
OAT OAT Status RAT RAT Status

Figure 5-18 DOEnthalpy Comparison

Outside Air Temperature



Force Status

Return Air Temperature Discrete Output Point

Enthalpy Check OARH OARH Status OAT > RAT Input Force Status



Force Status

Outside Air Humidity



Force Status

Outside Air Dewpoint

Dewpoint Dewpoint Status



Force Status

Return Air Humidity




Force Status

DOEnthalpy Comparison ENTH_xxC Function Type 18

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is being controlled based on an enthalpy (heat content) comparison of two airstreams: outside air and return air. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Outside Air Temperature This decision defines the AI point that provides the outside air temperature to the algorithm. If the AI point and the Outside Air Dewpoint are not available, the algorithm uses the value in the Default OA Enthalpy decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Return Air Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the return air temperature to this algorithm. If the AI point is not available, the algorithm uses the value in the Default RA Enthalpy decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Outside Air Humidity This decision defines the AI point that provides the outside air humidity to the algorithm. If this AI point and the Outside Air Dewpoint sensor are not available, the algorithm uses the value in the Default OA Enthalpy decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00


DOEnthalpy Comparison ENTH_xxC Function Type 18

Return Air Humidity You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the relative humidity of the return air to this algorithm. If the AI point is not available, the algorithm uses the value in the Default RA Enthalpy decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Outside Air Dewpoint If an outside air humidity sensor is not used, this decision defines the AI point that provides the outside air dewpoint to the algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CMAMPI00

Enthalpy Comparison Enthalpy Comparison calculates the heat content of outside air and return air. It determines if the outside air is suitable for conditioning the space.

Default OA Enthalpy If an Outside Air Humidity or Dewcell sensor is not available, use this decision to specify the outside air enthalpy that Return Air Humidity must exceed for the output to be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 51 BTU/lb 10

Default RA Enthalpy If a Return Air Humidity sensor is not available, use this decision to specify the return air enthalpy that the Outside Air Humidity cannot exceed. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 51 BTU/lb 50


DOEnthalpy Comparison ENTH_xxM Function Type 18

Maximum OA Enthalpy Use this decision to specify the maximum outside air enthalpy that the algorithm can use to condition the space. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 51 BTU/lb 30

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the DO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display On/Off

Outside Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature sensor being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Return Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the return air temperature sensor being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Outside Air Humidity This decision displays the value of the outside air humidity sensor being used by this algorithm. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH


DOEnthalpy Comparison ENTH_xxM Function Type 18

Return Air Humidity This decision displays the value of the return air humidity sensor being used by this algorithm. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

Outside Air Dewpoint This decision displays the value of the outside air dewpoint sensor being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Enthalpy Comparison Enthalpy Comparison determines if outside air can be used for conditioning the space, based on a drybulb or enthalpy comparison of the outside and return air. Reference Output This decision displays the result of the enthalpy comparison, which indicates when true that the outside air is suitable for cooling. Valid Display True/False

OA Enthalpy This decision displays the value of the enthalpy of the outside air expressed in units of BTU/lb. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9 Btu/lb

RA Enthalpy This decision displays the value of the enthalpy of the return air expressed in units of BTU/lb. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9 Btu/lb

OAT > RAT ? This decision indicates if the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature. If the outside air temperature is greater, than the OAT will be deemed not suitable for cooling. Valid Display Yes/No

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 300 seconds. Valid Display

0 to 300 seconds

DOInterlock INTLKxxC Function Type 19


The DOInterlock algorithm provides a DO point that is controlled by the state of either a single or a pair of discrete points. The algorithm commands the output on whenever the state of the single or pair of inputs equals its respective comparison states for the On Persistence Time. The output remains on until the state of the single or pair of inputs does not equal the respective comparison state for the Off Persistence Time. You could use this algorithm to control the state of a return fan based on the state of its associated supply fan. Therefore, if the supply fan status was off, the return fan would also be off. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Input Point 1 Discrete Input Point 2 Discrete Interlock Input 1 Comparison Input 2 Comparison Off Persistence Time On Persistence Time Output Logic Type Power on Delay

Typical Application

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Input Point 1 Discrete Input Point 2 Reference Output Task Timer


DOInterlock INTLKxxC Function Type 19

Disc Interlock

Figure 5-19 DOInterlock

Discrete Input Point 1

Sensor Input (1) Output Input Status

Discrete Output Point


Force Status

Force Status

Discrete Input Point 2

Sensor Input (2) Status


Force Status

DOInterlock INTLKxxC Function Type 19

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that the algorithm controls. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Input Point 1 You must configure this decision to specify the DO or DI point that is compared to Input 1 Comparison state. If a DO or DI is not configured, the algorithm assumes that the input is off. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Discrete Input Point 2 Use this decision to specify the DO or DI point that is compared to Input 2 Comparison state. If a DO or DI is not configured, the algorithm assumes that the input is off. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Discrete Interlock Discrete Interlock determines the output state by comparing the inputs to their configured comparison states. These states must exist for the duration of the persistence time to activate or deactivate the output. Input 1 Comparison Use this decision to specify the active comparison state for Discrete Input 1. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = On or Off, LID = 0 or 1 Off


DOInterlock INTLKxxC Function Type 19

Input 2 Comparison Use this decision to specify the active comparison state for Discrete Input 2. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = On or Off LID = 0 or 1 Off

Off Persistence Time Use this decision to specify the amount of time the input conditions must remain not equal to their comparison states before the algorithm turns off the output point. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 300 seconds 30

On Persistence Time Use this decision to specify the amount of time the input conditions must remain equal to their comparison states before the algorithm turns on the output point. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 300 seconds 30

Output Logic Type Use this decision to specify if normal or inverted logic is desired. Normal logic will drive the output on when the conditions are met. Invert logic will do the opposite. Allowable Entries Default Value Normal/Invert Normal

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value

0 to 65535 seconds 0

DOInterlock INTLKxxM Function Type 19

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the Discrete Output Point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Input Point 1 This decision displays the state of Discrete Input 1. This value is compared with the configured Input 1 Comparison state to help determine the output state. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Input Point 2 This decision displays the state of Discrete Input 2. This value is compared with the configured Input 2 Comparison state to help determine the output state. Valid Display On/Off

Reference Output This decision displays the output state of the Discrete Interlock function, without regard to the Output Logic Type. The Discrete Output Point is driven to this value during Normal logic, and driven to the opposite value when Output Logic Type is Invert. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOLighting Control LIGHTxxC Function Type 20

DOLighting Control

The DOLighting Control algorithm controls the state of two discrete points. These points are pulsed on based upon the current state of the Discrete Input Point. One point is the Pulsed On Output and the other is the Pulsed Off Output. If the input transitions from off to on, the algorithm turns the Pulsed On Output on for one second. If the input transitions from on to off, the algorithm turns the Pulsed Off Output on for one second. Additionally, the Pulsed Off Output can be continually re-pulsed on at configured intervals.

Typical Application List of Configuration Decisions

This algorithm can be used to control lighting. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Input Point OFF Re-Pulse Interval Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Input Point Task Timer


Figure 5-20 DOLighting Control

Lighting Control

Off Repulse Interval

Off Interval Pulsed On Control

Discrete Output Point

Output Input Status Force

Discrete Input Point

Input Pulsed Off Control

Discrete Output Point

Output Input Status Force




DOLighting Control LIGHTxxC Function Type 20


DOLighting Control LIGHTxxC Function Type 20

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that acts as the Pulsed On Output whenever the input transitions to the ON state. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that acts as the Pulsed Off Output whenever the input transitions to the OFF state. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that will be monitored to determine which output point to pulse on and when to do so. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

OFF Re-Pulse Interval Use this decision to configure the interval, in minutes, that the OFF interval will re-pulse automatically when the Discrete Input Point remains in the off state. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 240 minutes 60

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value

0 to 65535 seconds 0

DOLighting Control LIGHTxxM Function Type 20

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the status of the Pulsed On Output point. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the status of the Pulsed Off Output point. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Input Point This decision displays the value of the DI point that controls the pulsing of the DO points. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxC Function Type 21

DOPermissive Intrlock

The DOPermissive Interlock algorithm overrides the state of a discrete point. The algorithm bases its decision on the current state of the Discrete Control Point or the current value of the Analog Control Point compared to a setpoint. If you configure the Control Point Type decision to be discrete and the Discrete Control Point is equal to the configured occupied or unoccupied discrete state for the Persistence Time, the algorithm forces the Discrete Output Point to the Override Value. An Override Value of 0 will force the point off. A value greater than zero will force the point on. If the control point is not equal to the configured occupied or unoccupied discrete state for the Persistence Time, the algorithm sets the Discrete Output Point to automatic control. If you configure the Control Point Type decision to be analog and the Analog Control Point is higher or lower (based on the occupied or unoccupied analog test decision) than the configured setpoint for the Persistence Time, the algorithm forces the Discrete Output Point to the Override Value. If this is not true for the Persistence Time, the algorithm sets the Discrete Output Point to automatic control. If you configure the Control Point Type decision to be analog and do not configure a Setpoint Schedule, the algorithm sets the Discrete Output Point to automatic control. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints and indicates the test conditions used to override the point. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure the low setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

If a DO Time Clock normally controls a reheat coil hot water pump, you can use this algorithm to prevent the pump from starting when the supply fan is off.


DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxC Function Type 21

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Discrete Output Point Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Permissive Interlock Control Point Type Occ Discrete State Unocc Discrete State Occ Analog Test Unocc Analog Test Override Value Hysteresis Persistence Time Analog Control Point Discrete Control Point Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * Discrete Output Point Occupied ? Permissive Interlock Reference Output Perm Interlock Flag Conditional Modified Setpoint Persistence Timer Setpoint Limit Analog Control Point Discrete Control Point Task Timer

* *


Permissive Interlock
Sensor Input Output Disable Input

DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxC Function Type 21

Figure 5-21 DOPermissive Intrlock

Controlling Point

Discrete Output Point




Setpoint Schedule
Bias Input High Setpoint Occupancy State? Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupied High Setpoint Occupied Low Setpoint Low Setpoint Setpoint

Time Schedule
Occupancy State



DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxC Function Type 21

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that will be overridden when the test conditions have been met for the configured Persistence Time. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule If the Control Point Type decision is set to Analog, you must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied low setpoints to which the controlling point will be compared. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Permissive Interlock Permissive Interlock determines if the Discrete Output Point should be forced to the configured override value when the input conditions are met. Control Point Type You must configure this decision to define whether the Control Point is analog or discrete. Allowable Entries Default Value Analog/Discr Analog


DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxC Function Type 21

Occ Discrete State If the Control Point Type is Discr, use this decision to define the input state when the Time Schedule is occupied that will cause the Discrete Output Point to be overridden. Allowable Entries Default Value On/Off On

Unocc Discrete State If the Control Point Type is Discr, use this decision to define the input state when the Time Schedule is unoccupied that will cause the Discrete Output Point to be overridden. Allowable Entries Default Value On/Off On

Occ Analog Test If the Control Point Type is Analog, use this decision to indicate if the Analog Control Point must be higher or lower than the occupied low setpoint in order to override the Discrete Output Point. Allowable Entries Default Value High/Low Low

Unocc Analog Test If the Control Point Type is Analog, use this decision to indicate if the Analog Control Point must be higher or lower than the unoccupied low setpoint in order to override the Discrete Output Point. Allowable Entries Default Value High/Low Low


DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxC Function Type 21

Override Value Use this decision to specify the state to which the Discrete Output Point is forced when the proper input condition for the configured Persistence Time exists.

You should only enter either 0.0 (off) or 1.0 (on). Any non-zero value indicates an on state. -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

Allowable Entries Default Value

Hysteresis If the Control Point Type is Analog, use this decision to specify how far above or below the setpoint (based upon the analog test) the Analog Control Point must be before the override is released. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Persistence Time Use this decision to indicate how long the input condition must exist before the Discrete Output Point is overridden or released to automatic control. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 0

Analog Control Point Use this decision to configure the analog point that the algorithm tests to determine if the Discrete Output Point should be overridden. If this decision is configured, the Control Point Type should be set to Analog. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) PNT_NAME


DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxM Function Type 21

Discrete Control Point Use this decision to configure the discrete point that the algorithm tests to determine if the Discrete Output Point should be overridden. If this decision is configured, the Control Point Type should be set to Discr. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) PNT_NAME

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the DO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display On/Off

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Permissive Interlock This function determines if a configured condition has occurred, and if so, the Output point is overridden and set equal to the Reference Output, until the causal condition no longer exists. Reference Output This decision displays the configured Override Value that the output will be driven to. Valid Display -9999.9 to 9999.9

DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxM Function Type 21

Perm Interlock Flag This decision indicates whether the Permissive Interlock condition is in effect. Valid Display True/False

Conditional This decision displays the current conditional value (High or Low) based on the Occupancy state. Valid Display High/Low

Modified Setpoint This decision displays the modified Setpoint Value that is currently being used to compare with the Analog Control point. It includes a configured hysteresis, and allows for the conditional check being performed (High or Low). This value will be 0 if a Discrete Control point is being used. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Persistence Timer This decision displays how much time is left before the Permissive Interlock condition will take effect. Valid Display 0 to 3600 seconds

Setpoint Limit This decision displays the Setpoint Limit that is being compared to determine if the Permissive Interlock condition will take effect. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Analog Control Point This decision displays the value of the configured Analog Point which is being used to determine when the Permissive Interlock will occur. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

DOPermissive Intrlock DOPI_xxM Function Type 21

Discrete Control Point This decision displays the value of the configured Discrete Point which is being used to determine when the Permissive Interlock will occur. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every five seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

DOProp Thermo Elec

The DOProportional Thermostat algorithm provides two discrete stages of electric heat and modulating control for a chilled water valve. Additionally, this algorithm can control the air terminal fan in two different operating modes. You can configure this algorithm to lock out heating or cooling if the outside air temperature exceeds a user configurable limit. The two types of control modes for the fan are: automatic manual

Fan Control Modes

In the automatic mode, the algorithm starts the fan when the space being controlled requires heating or cooling. When the space temperature is outside the configured high and low setpoints, the algorithm starts the fan; otherwise, the fan is off. In the manual mode, the algorithm only starts the fan during occupied times, thereby disabling the fan, heating, and cooling during unoccupied times.
Thermostat Operating Modes

The three types of operating modes for the thermostat are: automatic heating and cooling manual heating manual cooling

In the automatic operating mode, the algorithm decides whether to activate either one or two stages of heating or to modulate the chilled water valve, depending on the space temperature error from the high or low setpoint. If the fan is on and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint, the algorithm activates stages of heating. If the fan is on and the space temperature is higher than the high setpoint, the algorithm modulates the chilled water valve. In the manual heating mode, you configure the algorithm to activate only stages of heating when the fan is on and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm disables manual heating. No cooling is done in this mode. In the manual cooling mode, you configure the algorithm to modulate the chilled water valve when the fan is on and the space temperature is greater than the high setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm closes the chilled water valve. No heating is done in this mode.

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

Whenever Fan Status Point indicates that the supply fan is off, the algorithm turns off heating stages and closes the chilled water valve.

The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a rooftop with two stages of heating and a cooling coil valve. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * * Cooling Coil Valve Stage 1 Heat Stage 2 Heat Fan Control Point Space Temperature Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Setpoint Bias Offset Low Value Offset High Value Thermostat Fan Mode Fan Off Delay Operating Mode For Manual Mode Stage On Delay Cooling Lockout Temp Heating Lockout Temp Cooling Prop Gain Heating Prop Gain Hysteresis Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions


DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * * * * Cooling Coil Valve Stage 1 Heat Stage 2 Heat Fan Control Point Space Temperature Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Occupied ? Setpoint Bias Low Setpoint High Setpoint Thermostat Controlling Setpoint Output Cool Output Heat Task Timer


Occupancy State? Stage 1 (Cool) Stage 2 (Cool)

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

Figure 5-23 DOProp Thermo Elec

Time Schedule



Setpoint Schedule
Stage 1 (Heat) Low Setpoint High Setpoint Stage 2 (Heat) Low Setpoint Occupancy State? High Setpoint Bias Input Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

Stage 1 Heat

Setpoint Bias

Stage 2 Heat


Status Force

Offset Low Value Fan Control Point

Sensor Input (OAT) Fan Input

Offset High Value Space Temperature

Output Sensor Input NOT Force Status

Output (Heat)

Cooling Coil Valve

Output (Cool) Input

Fan Status Point

Output Status Force AND Fan Status

Outside Air Temperature

Output Status Force 70 B SELECT A A

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

Configuration Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the chilled water valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Stage 1 Heat You must configure this decision to configure the DO point that is controlling the first stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Stage 2 Heat Use this decision to configure the DO point that is controlling the second stage of electric heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Fan Control Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Space Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the temperature input of the space being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Outside Air Temperature Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the temperature input for the outside air. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

Setpoint Bias If you are adjusting the configured space temperature setpoints with the T-56 Space Temperature Sensor, use this decision to specify the input point that provides the bias input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters, LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) VOLT_I00

Offset Low Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify minimum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 0.00^F 0.00 (-5.55 to 0.00^C) (0.00)

Offset High Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify maximum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 10.00^F 0.00 (0.00 to 5.55^C) (0.00)

Thermostat Thermostat provides two discrete stages of electric heat and modulates a chilled water valve. Additionally, this algorithm can control the fan in two different operating modesautomatic and manual. Fan Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the fan will be started automatically or manually. If you select auto, the fan will start automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. If you select manual, the fan will only start when the Time Schedule is occupied. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Auto

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

Fan Off Delay Use this decision to configure how long the fan should remain on after the heating stages have been turned off. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 120 seconds 1

Operating Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the algorithm can activate stages of heating or modulate the chilled water valve automatically or manually. If you select auto, stages of heating will start or the chilled water valve will be modulated automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Auto

For Manual Mode If Operating Mode is set to manual, use this decision to indicate whether the controller will perform only heating or cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Heat/Cool LID = 0(Heat) / 1(Cool) Cool

Stage On Delay Use this decision to configure how long the system should wait after one stage of heating has begun before the next stage can be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 300 seconds 30

Cooling Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature below which cooling will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value

0.0 to 240.0F 60.0

(-18.0 to 116.0C) (16.0)

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxC Function Type 23

Heating Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature above which heating will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 240.0F 80.0 (-18.0 to 116.0C) (27.0)

Cooling Prop Gain Use this decision to indicate the chilled water valve position for every degree the space temperature is above the high setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in percent per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0 0.5

Heating Prop Gain Use this decision to indicate the number of heating stages for every degree the space temperature is below the low setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in stages per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0 0.5

Hysteresis Use this decision to specify how many degrees the error must be reduced to turn off an activated stage. This method prevents the short cycling of heating stages. Allowable Entries Default Value -10 to 10^F 0.2^F (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (0.1^C)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxM Function Type 23

Maintenance Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve This decision displays the output value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm for cooling. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

State 1 Heat This decision displays the status of the point controlling the first stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Stage 2 Heat This decision displays the status of the point controlling the second stage of electric heating. Valid Display On/Off

Fan Control Point This decision displays the commanded state of the DO point controlling the fan. Valid Display On/Off

Space Temperature This decision displays the value of the space being monitored. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the fan, which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If the Fan Status Point is not configured, this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off


DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxM Function Type 23

Outside Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Setpoint Bias This decision displays the percentage value (0-100) used in determining the Setpoint Bias value. The determination of the bias value is done by linear conversion 50% - 0% to 0 - Offset Low Value and 50% - 100% to 0 - Offset High value. For example, 90% would add 4/5 of the Offset High Value to both the Low and High Setpoints. Valid Display 0.0 to 100.0%

Low Setpoint This decision displays the low setpoint value, including any adjustments for Occupancy and Setpoint Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

High Setpoint This decision displays the high setpoint value, including any adjustments for Occupancy and Setpoint Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Thermostat This function calculates the output heating and cooling values for this algorithm. Controlling Setpoint This decision displays the setpoint that is currently being used to determine the desired heating or cooling output for this algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

DOProp Thermo Elec PT2E_xxM Function Type 23

Output Cool This decision displays the cooling proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output cool = (controlling space temperature setpoint)* cooling prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Output Heat This decision displays the heating proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output heat = (controlling space temperature setpoint)* heating prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe

The DOProportional Thermostat 2 Pipe algorithm provides a single modulated output to control the air terminals fan coil valve. The algorithm uses the Control Point to determine if the system is performing heating or cooling, then modulates the output accordingly. The algorithm can control the air terminal fan in two different operating modes. You can configure this algorithm to lock out heating or cooling if the outside air temperature exceeds a user configurable limit. The two types of control modes for the fan are: automatic manual

Fan Control Modes

In the automatic mode, the algorithm starts the fan when the space being controlled requires heating or cooling. When the space temperature is outside the configured high and low setpoints, the algorithm starts the fan; otherwise, the fan is off. In the manual mode, the algorithm only starts the fan during occupied times, thereby disabling the fan, heating, and cooling during unoccupied times.
Thermostat Operating Modes

The three types of operating modes for the thermostat are: automatic heating and cooling manual heating manual cooling

In the automatic operating mode, the algorithm decides whether to modulate a heating output or a cooling output, depending on the state of the control point. If in the heat mode and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint, the algorithm modulates a heating output. If in the cool mode, the fan is on, and the space temperature is higher than the high setpoint, the algorithm modulates a cooling output. In the manual heating mode, you configure the algorithm to modulate the heating output when the fan is on and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm disables heating. No cooling is done in this mode. In the manual cooling mode, you configure the algorithm to modulate the cooling output when the fan is on and the space temperature is greater than the high setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm disables cooling. No heating is done in this mode.

DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

Whenever Fan Status Point indicates that the supply fan is off, the algorithm does not modulate any outputs. The Control Point decides if the Analog Output Point is heating or cooling. When the control point is active, the system is cooling.

The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a two-pipe fan coil (with a single output) that performs both heating and cooling. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Control Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Setpoint Bias Offset Low Value Offset High Value Control Pt Heat = 0 Cool = 1 Thermostat Fan Mode Fan Off Delay Operating Mode For Manual Mode Stage on Delay Cooling Lockout Temp Heating Lockout Temp Cooling Prop Gain Heating Prop Gain Hysteresis Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * * Analog Output Point Fan Control Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Occupied ? Setpoint Bias Low Setpoint High Setpoint Control Pt Heat = 0 Cool = 1 Thermostat Controlling Setpoint Output Cool Output Heat Task Timer


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

0 A B

Figure 5-24 DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe



Select A


Control PT Heat=0 Cool=1

Output Status Force Select A


Time Schedule
Occupancy State? Output (Heat) Output (Cool)


Analog Output Point




Setpoint Schedule
Low Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint Fan Occupancy State? High Setpoint Bias Input Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint A B

Setpoint Bias

Fan Control Point



Status Force

Offset Low Value Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

TS Override Status NOT Stage 1 (Cool) Sensor Input Stage 2 (Cool) Stage 1 (Heat) High Low Average Sensor Input (OAT)

Offset High Value

Fan Status Point

Output Status Force Status AND

Fan Status

Stage 2 (Heat)

Outside Air Temperature

Output Status Force 70 SELECT A A B

DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

Configuration Decisions

Analog Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the fan coil valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Control Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the sensor group or space temperature sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. Allowable Entries Default Value Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

Outside Air Temperature Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the temperature input for the outside air temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Setpoint Bias If you are adjusting the configured space temperature setpoints with the T-56 Space Temperature Sensor, use this decision to specify the input point that provides the bias input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) VOLT_I00


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

Offset Low Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the minimum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 0.00^F 0.00 (-5.55 to 0.00^C) (0.00)

Offset High Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the maximum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 10.00^F 0.00 (0.00 to 5.55^C) (0.00)

Control Pt Heat=0 Cool=1 You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that decides if the Analog Output Point is performing heating or cooling. When the control point is active, the Analog Output Point will be equal to the cooling output. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Thermostat Thermostat provides control of the air terminals fan coil valve. Additionally, this algorithm can control the air terminal fan in two different operating modesautomatic and manual. Fan Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the fan will be started automatically or manually. If you select auto, the fan will start automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. If you select manual, the fan will only start when the Time Schedule is occupied. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Auto


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

Fan Off Delay This decision is not currently used. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 120 seconds 1

Operating Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the algorithm can modulate the fan coil valve automatically or manually. If you select auto, the fan coil valve will be modulated automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Auto

For Manual Mode If Operating Mode is set to manual, use this decision to indicate whether the controller will perform only heating or cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Heat/Cool LID = 0(Heat) / 1(Cool) Cool

Stage On Delay The algorithm does not use this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 300 seconds 30

Cooling Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature below which cooling will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 240.0F 60.0 (-18.0 to 115.6C) (16.0)


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxC Function Type 24

Heating Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature above which heating will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 240.0F 80.0 (-18.0 to 115.6C) (27.0)

Cooling Prop Gain Use this decision to determine the output cool valve for every degree the space temperature is above the high setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in percent per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0 0.5

Heating Prop Gain Use this decision to determine the output heat valve for every degree the space temperature is below the low setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in stages per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0 0.5

Hysteresis This decision is not currently used. Allowable Entries Default Value -10 to 10^F 0.2^F (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (0.1^C)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxM Function Type 24

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Output Point This decision displays the output value of the AO point being controlled by this algorithm. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Control Point This decision displays the commanded state of the DO point controlling the air terminal fan. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor or the average of the sensor group, depending on which is selected. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.00 to 118.30C)

Fan Status Point This decision displays the on/off status of the air terminals fan. Valid Display On/Off

Outside Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Setpoint Bias This decision displays the percentage value (0-100) used in determining the Setpoint Bias value. The determination of the bias value is done by converting 50% - 0% to 0 - Offset Low Value and 50% - 100% to 0 - Offset High value. For example, 90% would add 4/5 of the Offset High Value to both the Low and High Setpoints. Valid Display 0.0 to 100.0%


DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe PT2P_xxM Function Type 24

Low Setpoint This decision displays the low setpoint value, including any adjustments for Occupancy and Setpoint Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

High Setpoint This decision displays the high setpoint value, including any adjustments for Occupancy and Setpoint Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Control Pt Heat=0 Cool=1 This decision indicates whether the Analog Output Point is being driven by the heating or cooling output. Valid Display 0/1

Thermostat This function calculates the output heating and cooling values for this algorithm. Controlling Setpoint This decision displays the setpoint that is currently being used to determine the desired heating or cooling output for this algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F

Output Cool This decision displays the cooling proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output cool = (space temperature controlling setpoint)*cool prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Output Heat This decision displays the heating proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output heat = (controlling setpoint - space temperature)*heat prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds

DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25

DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe

The DOProportional Thermostat 4 Pipe algorithm provides modulated outputs to control a chilled water valve and hot water or steam valve in a fan coil. This algorithm can also control the fan coils fan in two different operating modes. You can configure this algorithm to lock out heating or cooling if the outside air temperature exceeds a user configurable limit. The two types of control modes for the fan are: automatic manual

Fan Control Modes

In the automatic mode, the algorithm starts the fan when the space being controlled requires heating or cooling. When the space temperature is outside the configured high and low setpoints, the algorithm starts the fan; otherwise, the fan is off. In the manual mode, the algorithm only starts the fan during occupied times, thereby disabling the fan, heating, and cooling during unoccupied times.
Thermostat Operating Modes

The three types of operating modes for the thermostat are: automatic heating and cooling manual heating manual cooling

In the automatic operating mode, the algorithm decides whether to modulate a heating output or a cooling output, depending on the space temperature error from the high or low setpoint. If the fan is on and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint, the algorithm modulates a heating output. If the fan is on and the space temperature is higher than the high setpoint, the algorithm modulates a cooling output. In the manual heating mode, you configure the algorithm to modulate the heating output when the fan is on and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm disables heating. No cooling is done in this mode. In the manual cooling mode, you configure the algorithm to modulate the cooling output when the fan is on and the space temperature is greater than the high setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm disables cooling. No heating is done in this mode. Whenever Fan Status Point indicates that the supply fan is off, the algorithm does not modulate any outputs.

DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25


The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a four-pipe fan coil with outputs for both heating and cooling. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * * Cooling Coil Value Heating Coil Value Fan Control Point Space Temperature Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Setpoint Bias Offset Low Value Offset High Value Thermostat Fan Mode Fan Off Delay Operating Mode For Manual Mode Stage On Delay Cooling Lockout Temp Heating Lockout Temp Cooling Prop Gain Heating Prop Gain Hysteresis Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions


DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * * * Cooling Coil Valve Heating Coil Valve Fan Control Point Space Temperature Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Occupied ? Setpoint Bias Low Setpoint High Setpoint Thermostat Controlling Setpoint Output Cool Output Heat Task Timer


Figure 5-25 DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe

Time Schedule Thermostat

Occupancy State?



Setpoint Schedule
Low Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint Stage 2 (Cool) Stage 1 (Heat) Stage 2 (Heat) Stage 1 (Cool) Occupancy State? High Setpoint Bias Input Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

Setpoint Bias


Status Force

Offset Low Value Fan Control Point

Sensor Input (OAT) Fan Input

Offset High Value Space Temperature

Output Sensor Input NOT Force Status

Cooling Coil Valve

Output (Cool) Input

Heating Coil Valve Fan Status Point

Output Status Force AND Fan Status Output (Heat) Input

Outside Air Temperature

Output Status Force 70 B SELECT A A

DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25


DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25

Configuration Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the fan coils chilled water valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Heating Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point that is controlling the fan coils hot water or steam valve. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_O00

Fan Control Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fan coils fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Space Temperature You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the temperature input of the space being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00


DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the fan. A DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Outside Air Temperature Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the temperature input for the outside air. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied low setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25

Setpoint Bias If you are adjusting the configured space temperature setpoints with the T-56 Space Temperature Sensor, use this decision to specify the input point that provides the bias input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) VOLT_I00

Offset Low Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the minimum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 0.00^F 0.00 (-5.55 to 0.00^C) (0.00)

Offset High Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the maximum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 10.00^F 0.00 (0.00 to 5.55^C) (0.00)

Thermostat Thermostat provides control to modulate a chilled water valve, hot water valve or steam valve. Additionally, this algorithm can control the fan coils fan in two different operating modesautomatic and manual. Fan Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the fan will be started automatically or manually. If you select auto, the fan will start automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. If you select manual, the fan will only start when the Time Schedule is occupied. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Auto


DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25

Fan Off Delay This decision is not currently used. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 120 seconds 1

Operating Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the algorithm can modulate the chilled water, hot water or steam valve automatically or manually. If you select auto, the chilled water valve, hot water or steam valve will be modulated automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Auto

For Manual Mode If Operating Mode is set to manual, use this decision to indicate whether the controller will perform only heating or cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Heat/Cool LID = 0(Heat) / 1(Cool) Cool

Stage On Delay The algorithm does not use this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 300 seconds 30

Cooling Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature below which cooling will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 240.0F 60.0 (-18.0 to 116.0C) (16.0)


DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxC Function Type 25

Heating Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature above which heating will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 240.0F 80.0 (-18.0 to 116.0C) (27.0)

Cooling Prop Gain Use this decision to indicate the chilled water valve position for every degree the space temperature is above the high setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in percent per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0 0.5

Heating Prop Gain Use this decision to indicate the hot water valve position for every degree the space temperature is below the low setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in stages per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 100.0 0.5

Hysteresis This decision is not currently used. Allowable Entries Default Value -10 to 10^F 0.2^F (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (0.1^C)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxM Function Type 25

Maintenance Decisions

Cooling Coil Valve This decision displays the output value of AO point being controlled by this algorithm for cooling. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Heating Coil Valve This decision displays the output value of AO point being controlled by this algorithm for heating. The value is normally expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Fan Control Point This decision displays the commanded state of the DO point controlling the fan coils fan. Valid Display On/Off

Space Temperature This decision displays the temperature of the space being monitored. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the fan coils fan, which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If the Fan Status Point is not configured, this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off

Outside Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe PT4P_xxM Function Type 25

Setpoint Bias This decision displays the percentage value (0-100) used in determining the Setpoint Bias value. The determination of the bias value is done by converting 50% 0% to 0 - Offset Low Value and 50% - 100% to 0 - Offset High value. For example, 90% would add 4/5 of the Offset High Value to both the Low and High Setpoints. Valid Display 0.0 to 100.0%

Low Setpoint This decision displays the low setpoint value, including any adjustments for Occupancy and Setpoint Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

High Setpoint This decision displays the high setpoint value, including any adjustments for Occupancy and Setpoint Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Thermostat This function calculates the output heating and cooling values for this algorithm. Controlling Setpoint This decision displays the setpoint that is currently being used to determine the desired heating or cooling output for this algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F

Output Cool This decision displays the cooling proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output cool = (space temperature controlling setpoint)*cool prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Output Heat This decision displays the heating proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output heat = (controlling setpoint space temperature)*heat prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display

0 to 300 seconds

DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

DOPump Control

The DOPump Control algorithm controls two pumps in either a fixed or a rotating sequence. The first pump is known as the primary or the lead pump. The second pump is known as the secondary or the lag pump. When using a fixed sequence, you can manually cause a rotation of the pumps by changing the value in the Rotate Now configuration decision. For a rotating sequence, configure the algorithm to switch the primary and secondary pumps according to the day of week, day of month, or accumulated runtime. The algorithm can activate the primary pump according to one of three things: a Time Schedule a discrete input the analog comparison of a temperature to a Setpoint Schedule

If you use a Time Schedule as a basis for activating the primary pump, the algorithm will activate the pump when the Time Schedule is in the occupied state. Otherwise, the pump remains deactivated. If you use a discrete input as a basis for activating the primary pump, the algorithm will activate the pump when the input is on. Otherwise, the pump remains off. If you use an analog comparison as a basis for activating the primary pump, the algorithm activates the pump when the Control Point sensor is outside the high and low setpoints. When the sensor is within the region bordered by low setpoint plus hysteresis and high setpoint minus hysteresis, the algorithm deactivates the primary pump. Whenever the algorithm activates the primary pump, the pump status is confirmed. The controller waits the configured time delay and, if the status remains off, deactivates the primary pump and activates the secondary pump. Whenever the algorithm activates the


DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

secondary pump, the pump status is confirmed. The controller waits the configured time delay and, if the status remains off, the algorithm deactivates the secondary pump. If the algorithm successfully activates the primary pump, and the primary pump status later indicates off, the algorithm activates the secondary pump. If the algorithm cannot confirm the status of either pump, it disables both pumps until you manually cause a rotation of the pumps.

You must configure a separate status point for each pump in order for the algorithm to operate correctly.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to automatically start a secondary pump whenever the primary pump fails. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Input Point Discrete Input Point Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Status Point Pump Control Sequence Type Rotate Now Day of Week Day of Month Hours of Runtime Pump Start Delay Control Point Analog Hysteresis Block Iteration Rate Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions


DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Input Point Discrete Input Point Occupied ? Status Point Pump Control Lead Pump Pump 1 Runtime Pump 2 Runtime Failed Flag Lead Status Control Point Analog Low Setpoint Lo Setpoint + Hyst Hi Setpoint - Hyst High Setpoint Reference Output Task Timer


Pump Control

DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

Figure 5-22 DOPump Control

Status Point


Status Force

Time Schedule




Analog Setpoint Schedule

Low Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint Output Status Force Pump 1 Status Pump 1 Input Force Status Occupancy State? High Setpoint Bias Input Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint Output

Discrete Input Point

Discrete Output Point

Control Point
Low Sensor Input High Sensor Input Disable

Discrete Input Point

Output Status Force Pump 2 Status Pump 2

Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status




DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that controls the first of two pumps. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that controls the second of two pumps. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status for the first pump. This point provides the actual state of the pump.

You must configure a separate status point for each pump in order for the algorithm to operate correctly. Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Discrete Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/ off status for the second pump. This point provides the actual state of the pump.

You must configure a separate status point for each pump in order for the algorithm to operate correctly. Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Allowable Entries Default Value


DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you want the Time Schedule to control pump activation, do not configure a Control Point or Status Point. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule If using an analog comparison as to a basis for activating a pump, use this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Status Point Use this decision to configure a discrete point to control pump activation. If this point is configured, a pump will start when this point is on. If this point is not configured, it will have no effect on the pump activation. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Pump Control Pump Control controls two pumps in either a fixed or a rotating sequence.


DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

Sequence Type Use this decision to indicate whether the pumps have a fixed or rotating sequence. A fixed sequence consists of a lead pump with a backup pump. You can configure the lead pump as the first or second pump. A rotating sequence consists of pumps that alternate at a configured time between being a lead pump and a lag pump. Allowable Entries 0 = Rotating 1 = Fixed Rotation with Pump1 as Lead 2 = Fixed Rotation with Pump2 as Lead 0

Default Value

Rotate Now Use this decision to indicate whether to switch the designation of the lead and lag pumps.

When both pumps fail, use this decision to restart the algorithm. Bldg. Supvr. = No/Yes, LID = 0(No) / 1(Yes) No

Allowable Entries Default Value

Day of Week This decision only applies to pumps with a rotating sequence. If you want to rotate the pumps on a weekly basis, use this decision to indicate the day of the week on which you want to rotate the pumps. 0 = Disabled 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 0 4 = Thursday 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday


DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

Day of Month This decision only applies to pumps with a rotating sequence. If you want to rotate the pumps on a monthly basis, use this decision to indicate the day of the month on which you want to rotate the pumps. 0 = Disabled 1 = first day of month, etc., 31 = 31st day of month Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 31 0

Hours of Runtime This decision only applies to pumps with a rotating sequence. If you want to rotate the pumps according to accumulated runtime, use this decision to indicate the amount of time the pump must run before the rotation occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 8760 hours 0

Pump Start Delay Use this decision to indicate the amount of time to wait after starting a pump before verifying that the pump is running. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 900 seconds 15

Control Point Use this decision to specify the temperature type input that will be compared to the Setpoint Schedule to determine if a pump should be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00


DOPump Control PUMP_xxC Function Type 22

Analog Analog provides a discrete output by comparing a sensor value to the configured setpoint values. If the Control Point sensor is outside the setpoints, the pump is commanded on and remains on until the Control Point sensor is within the region bordered by low setpoint plus hysteresis and high setpoint minus hysteresis. This prevents short cycling of the controlled device.

Hysteresis Use this decision to specify the amount that is added to the low setpoint and subtracted from the high setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 0.0

Block Iteration Rate Use this decision to specify how often the input conditions are checked to determine if the output state must change. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 900 seconds 600

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DOPump Control PUMP_xxM Function Type 22

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the commanded state of the first pump. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the commanded state of the second pump. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Input Point This decision displays the status of the first pump. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Input Point This decision displays the status of the second pump. Valid Display On/Off

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the discrete control point. On will cause a pump to start. Valid Display On/Off


DOPump Control PUMP_xxM Function Type 22

Pump Control Pump Control function displays the current pump sequence, runtime, and status for this algorithm. Lead Pump This decision displays the value of the current lead pump. Valid Display 1 (First Discrete Output Point) 2 (Second Discrete Output Point)

Pump 1 Runtime This decision displays how long, in hours, that Pump1 has been on. Valid Display 0 to 65535 hours

Pump 2 Runtime This decision displays how long, in hours, that Pump2 has been on. Valid Display 0 to 65535 hours

Failed Flag This decision indicates when both pumps fail. If neither the lead nor lag pump can be started, the Failed Flag will be activated. Valid Display Normal (Status OK) Alarm (Pump Failure)

Lead Status This decision displays the current state of the lead pump Valid Display On/Off

Control Point This decision displays the current value of the analog Control Point. This value is used by the Analog function to compare against the configured Setpoint Schedule. The result determines whether a pump should be started. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.


DOPump Control PUMP_xxM Function Type 22

Analog Analog function is one of three methods that can be used to control pump operation. The setpoint values are compared with the Control Point to determine whether a pump should be started. Low Setpoint This decision displays the configured Low Setpoint value based on the occupancy state. If the Control Point falls below this value, the pump will be commanded on. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Lo Setpoint + Hyst This decision displays the Low Setpoint value, adjusted upward by the configured hysteresis. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Hi Setpoint - Hyst This decision displays the High Setpoint value, adjusted downward by the configured hysteresis value. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

High Setpoint This decision displays the configured High Setpoint value, based on the current occupancy state. If the Control Point exceeds this value, the pump will be commanded on. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Reference Output This decision displays the output value from the analog function. If the Control Point is outside the setpoint limits, the reference output will be True and a pump will be commanded on. If the Control Point is within the setpoints and hysteresis, the reference output will be False. Valid Display True/False

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

DOStaged Thermostat

The DOStaged Thermostat algorithm mimics the operation of a programmable wall thermostat in two waysby providing three types of operating modes for the thermostat and two types of control modes for the fan. You can configure this algorithm to lock out heat or cooling if the outside air temperature exceeds a user configured limit. The two types of control modes for the fan are: automatic manual

Fan Control Modes

In the automatic mode, the algorithm starts the fan when the space being controlled requires heating or cooling. When the space temperature is outside the configured high and low setpoints, the algorithm starts the fan; otherwise, the fan is off. In the manual mode, the algorithm only starts the fan during occupied times, thereby disabling the fan, heating, and cooling during unoccupied times.
Thermostat Operating Modes

The three types of operating modes for the thermostat are: automatic heating and cooling manual heating manual cooling

In the automatic operating mode, the algorithm decides whether to activate either one or two stages of heating, or one or two stages of cooling , depending on the space temperature error from the high or low setpoint. If the fan is on and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint, the algorithm activates stages of heating. If the fan is on and the space temperature is higher than the high setpoint, the algorithm activates stages of cooling. In the manual heating mode, you configure the algorithm to activate only stages of heating when the fan is on and the space temperature is less than the low setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm disables manual heating. In the manual cooling mode, you configure the algorithm to activate stages of cooling when the fan is on and the space temperature is greater than the high setpoint. Otherwise, the algorithm disables cooling. Whenever Fan Status Point indicates that the supply fan is off, the algorithm turns off all stages.

DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26


The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low temperature setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a rooftop with two stages of heating and two stages of cooling. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * * * * Stage 1 Cool Stage 2 Cool Stage 1 Heat Stage 2 Heat Fan Control Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Setpoint Bias Offset Low Value Offset High Value Thermostat Fan Mode Fan Off Delay Operating Mode For Manual Mode Stage On Delay Cooling Lockout Temp Heating Lockout Temp Cooling Prop Gain Heating Prop Gain Hysteresis Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. * * * * * * * * * Stage 1 Cool Stage 2 Cool Stage 1 Heat Stage 2 Heat Fan Control Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Fan Status Point Outside Air Temperature Occupied ? Setpoint Bias Thermostat Controlling Setpoint Output Cool Output Heat Task Timer


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

Occupancy State? Stage 1 (Cool) Input

Figure 5-26 DOStaged Thermostat

Time Schedule

Stage 1 Cool Stage 2 Cool



Setpoint Schedule
Stage 2 (Cool) Low Setpoint Low Setpoint Occupancy State? High Setpoint High Setpoint Stage 1 (Heat) Bias Input Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Stage 2 (Heat)


Setpoint Bias

Stage 1 Heat


Status Force

Stage 2 Heat

Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

Offset Low Value

Offset High Value Sensor Group/SPT Sensor

TS Override Status NOT High Low Average Sensor Input Sensor Input (OAT) Fan

Fan Control Point


Fan Status Point

Output Status Force AND

Fan Status

Outside Air Temperature

Output Status Force 70 B SELECT A A

Output (Heat) Output (Cool)

DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

Configuration Decisions

Stage 1 Cool You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the first stage of cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Stage 2 Cool You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the second stage of cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Stage 1 Heat You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the first stage of heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Stage 2 Heat You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the second stage of heating. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Fan Control Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the air terminals fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the Sensor Group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. For more information on Sensor Group, refer to the How to Configure Algorithms chapter of this manual.

Use the same Sensor Group/SPT Sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. A DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Outside Air Temperature If you want to lock out cooling or heating based on the Outside Air Temperature, you must configure this decision. This decision specifies the AI point that provides the outside air temperature to the algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Setpoint Bias If you are providing a setpoint bias with the T-56 Space Temperature Sensor with Setpoint Adjustment, use this decision to specify the input point that provides the bias input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) VOLT_I00

Offset Low Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the change at minimum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 0.00^F 0.00 (-5.55 to 0.00^C) (0.00)

Offset High Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the change at maximum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 10.00^F 0.00 (0.00 to 5.55^C) (0.00)


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

Thermostat Thermostat provides thermostat heating and cooling control. Additionally, this algorithm can control the air terminal fan in two different operating modes automatic and manual.

Fan Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the fan will be started automatically or manually. If you select auto, the fan will start automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. If you select manual, the fan will only start when the Time Schedule is occupied. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Manual

Fan Off Delay Use this decision to configure how long the fan should remain on after the heating stages have been turned off. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 120 seconds 30

Operating Mode Use this decision to indicate whether the algorithm can activate stages of heating or stages of cooling automatically or manually. If you select auto, stages of heating or cooling will start automatically when the space temperature is outside the high and low setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Auto/Manual LID = 0(Auto) / 1(Manual) Manual


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

For Manual Mode If Operating Mode is set to manual, use this decision to indicate whether the controller will perform only heating or cooling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Heat/Cool LID = 0(Heat) / 1(Cool) Cool

Stage On Delay Use this decision to configure how long the system should wait after one stage of heating or cooling has been activated before the next stage can be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 300 seconds 30

Cooling Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature below which cooling will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 240.0F 60.0 (-18.0 to 116.0C) (16.0)

Heating Lockout Temp Use this decision to indicate the outside air temperature above which heating will be disabled. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 240.0F 80.0 (-18.0 to 116.0C) (27.0)

Cooling Prop Gain Use this decision to indicate the number of cooling stages for every degree the space temperature is above the high setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in stages per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value -99.9 to 100.0 0.5

DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxC Function Type 26

Heating Prop Gain Use this decision to indicate the number of heating stages for every degree the space temperature is below the low setpoint. The value in this decision is expressed in stages per degrees error. Allowable Entries Default Value -99.9 to 100.0 0.5

Hysteresis Use this decision to specify how many degrees the error must be reduced to turn off an activated stage. This method prevents the short cycling of heating and cooling stages. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.0 to 10.0^F 0.2 (-5.5 to 5.5^C) (0.1)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxM Function Type 26

Maintenance Decisions

Stage 1 Cool This decision displays the actual state of the first stage of cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Stage 2 Cool This decision displays the actual state of the second stage of cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Stage 1 Heat This decision displays the actual state of the first stage of heating. Valid Display On/Off

Stage 2 Heat This decision displays the actual state of the second stage of heating. Valid Display On/Off

Fan Control Point This decision displays the commanded state of the DO point controlling the fan. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor or the average of the sensor group, depending on which is selected. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Fan Status Point This decision displays the on/off status of the fan. Valid Display On/Off

Outside Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature being used by this algorithm to decide if heating or cooling should be locked out. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


DOStaged Thermostat STHRMxxM Function Type 26

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied. Valid Display Yes/No

Setpoint Bias This decision displays the percentage value (0.0 - 100.0%) used to determine the setpoint bias value. Bias is determined by converting 50-0% to 0-offset low and 50-100% to 0-offset high value. Valid Display 0.0 to 100.0%

Thermostat This function calculates the output heating and cooling values for this algorithm. Controlling Setpoint This decision displays the setpoint that is currently being used to determine the heating or cooling required for this algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F

Output Cool This decision displays the cooling proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output cool = (sensor group/SPT sensor - controlling setpoint)*cool prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon display unts.

Output Heat This decision displays the heating proportional term, if any, currently being calculated by this algorithm. Output heat = (controlling setpoint sensor group/SPT sensor)*heat prop. gain. Valid Display Valid range based upon display unts.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display

0 to 300 seconds

DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27


The DOStaging algorithm controls up to six stages of DX (Direct Expansion) cooling in a constant volume air handler or up to six stages of fans in a cooling tower. The DOStaging algorithm uses a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Master Loop to control the output stages. The PID Master Loop calculates the percentage of output stages required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The PID Master Loop calculates the required percentage of output stages by obtaining the highest sensor input from the sensor group and comparing it to the space temperature setpoint. The Comfort Controller activates each stage sequentially, allowing the configured delay time between each stage. Once a stage is activated, it will not be de-activated until the calculated number of stages has decreased by a full stage. This hysteresis prevents short cycling of stages. When all available stages are activated, the algorithm clamps the PID Master Loop integrator at its current value. If the fan status is off or if the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor status is invalid, the PID Master Loop sets the output to the Disabled Output Value. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states.

Typical Application List of Configuration Decisions

You can use this algorithm to control up to six DX cooling stages in a constant volume air handler. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point * Fan Status Point * Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule * Setpoint Schedule High Humidity Switch Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor

DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27

PID_Master_Loop Proportional Gain Integral Gain Derivative Gain Disabled Output Value Minimum Output Value Maximum Output Value Starting Value Block Iteration Rate Staging Control Total Number of Stages On Time Delay Off Time Delay Power on Delay
List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. * * * * * * * * * * Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Discrete Output Point Fan Status Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Space Setpoint High Humidity Switch High Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Sensor PID_Master_Loop Reference Output Proportional Term Integral Term Derivative Term Integrator Flags Staging Control Number of Stages Requested Stages Delta Stages Delay Timer PID Integrator Clamp Task Timer


Figure 5-27 DOStaging

Fan Status Point

Fan Status

Staging Control




Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor PID_Master_Loop

Stage 1 NOT Enable Sensor Input Output Input Input

Discrete Output Point

Force Status

TS Override





Time Schedule
Output Maintenance Stage 2

Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status

Space Setpoint
Setpoint Stage 3 Minimum Output Maximum Output

High Setpoint

Occupancy State?

Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status

Low Setpoint

High Humidity Switch




Discrete Output Point

Stage 4 Input Force Status

Force Status

High Humidity Sensor


Status SELECT A 1 A B

stage 5

Force Status

Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status

Humidity Setpoint

Occ High Setpoint


Occ Low Setpoint

Discrete Output Point

Stage 6 Reset Integrator Clamp Integrator PID Integrator Clamp Input Force Status

DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27


DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the first stage. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the second stage. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the third stage. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fourth stage. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the fifth stage. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00


DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27

Discrete Output Point Use this decision to specify the DO point that is controlling the sixth stage. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Fan Status Point You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. A DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the Sensor Group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs.

Use the same Sensor Group/SPT Sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that contain a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value


DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedule, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual.

Use the same Space Temperature Setpoint for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Allowable Entries Default Value

High Humidity Switch If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the DI point that indicates when dehumidification is needed. The algorithm can use a Humidity Switch or Humidity Sensor to determine if dehumidification is needed. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Humidity Setpoint If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the humidity Setpoint Schedule that provides the high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. For more information on Setpoint Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27

High Humidity Sensor If the air handler is performing dehumidification, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required if the High Humidity Sensor value is greater than the occupied high setpoint from the Humidity Setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

PID_Master_Loop The master loop is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control loop that calculates the percentage of output stages required to achieve the desired space temperature setpoint. The percent of output stages will be activated in whole stage increments. Proportional Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error to produce the proportional term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -99.9 to 100.0 -5.0

Integral Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the error plus the current integral term to produce the new integral term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -99.9 to 100.0 -0.4

Derivative Gain Use this decision to enter the value that is multiplied by the current error minus the previous error to produce the derivative term. The value in this decision is expressed in units-per-unit of error. Allowable Entries Default Value -99.9 to 100.0 0.0


DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27

Disabled Output Value Use this decision to specify the percentage of available outputs that will be activated if the sensor group status is invalid. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

Minimum Output Value Use this decision to specify the minimum percentage of available output stages that will always be activated. For example, if five stages are available, each stage is worth 20%. Therefore, if this decision is set to 20%, one output will always be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

Maximum Output Value Use this decision to specify the maximum percentage of available output stages that can be activated. For example, if five stages are available, each stage is worth 20%. Therefore, if this decision is set to 80%, one output can not be activated. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 100.0

Starting Value Use this decision to specify the percentage of the available output stages that are activated when the algorithm is started. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

Block Iteration Rate The value in this decision indicates how often the PID Master Loop calculates the output value. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 300 seconds 30


DOStaging STAG_xxC Function Type 27

Staging Control Staging Control starts and stops up to six discrete stages based on the output (percentage) from the PID Master Loop. You can configure the minimum time between starting and stopping stages. Total Number of Stages Use this decision to specify the number of discrete stages the algorithm will control. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 6 6

On Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the starting of stages. This value should represent the time from starting the stage to its effect on the controlled temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 1

Off Time Delay Use this decision to specify the minimum time delay between the stopping of stages. This value should represent the time from stopping the stage to its effect on the controlled temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 30 minutes 5

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DOStaging STAG_xxM Function Type 27

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the discrete point controlling first stage. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the discrete point controlling second stage. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the discrete point controlling third stage. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the discrete point controlling fourth stage. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the discrete point controlling fifth stage. Valid Display On/Off

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the discrete point controlling sixth stage. Valid Display On/Off

Fan Status Point This decision displays the actual state of the air handlers fan which determines whether this algorithm is enabled. If this point is not configured, then this algorithm will not be enabled. Valid Display On/Off


DOStaging STAG_xxM Function Type 27

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor (if chosen) or the highest sensor in the sensor group (if chosen). Valid Display -40.0F to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

Space Setpoint This decision displays the high setpoint of the configured Setpoint Schedule. The occupancy state is taken into effect when this value is determined. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

High Humidity Switch This decision displays the state of the high humidity switch sensor being monitored. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to Off. Valid Display On/Off

High Humidity Setpoint This decision specifies the current high humidity setpoint for this algorithm. If the decision was not configured, this value will default to 99% RH, which will prevent any dehumidification. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH

High Humidity Sensor This decision displays the value of the space or return air humidity sensor being monitored. Dehumidification is required only if this value exceeds the High Humidity Setpoint. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% RH


DOStaging STAG_xxM Function Type 27

PID_Master_Loop PID Master Loop function calculates the desired output based on the configured PID gains and the current deviation from setpoint. The calculated output is re-adjusted periodically to move closer toward the desired setpoint. Reference Output This decision displays the calculated output that is used to determine the number of Discrete Output Points required. Reference Output = (Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term + Center Value) Valid Display Valid range based upon display units. Proportional Term This decision displays the proportional error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Proportional Gain Valid Display Valid range based upon display units. Integral Term This decision displays the integral error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Integral Term = ((Setpoint - SPT Sensor) * Integral Term + Previous Integral Term) Valid Display Valid range based upon display units. Derivative Term This decision displays the derivative error term as it is calculated by the PID equation. Proportional Term = (Current Error - Previous Error) * Derivative Gain Error = (Setpoint - SPT Sensor) Valid Display Valid range based upon display units.

Integrator Flags This three-digit field displays the status of the PID Master Loop. Left Digit 0 = PID Active 1 = PID Inactive (Disabled or Min/Max Clamp) Center Digit 0 = Integrator calculating normally 1 = Integrator has been reset Right Digit 0 = No Integrator clamp 1 = Integrator clamp active Valid Display 000 to 111

DOStaging STAG_xxM Function Type 27

Staging Control This function starts and stops up to six stages of cooling or cooling tower fans. The control is based on the reference output from the PID Master Loop. Number of Stages This decision displays the number of stages that are currently on. Valid Display 0 to 6

Requested Stages This decision displays the number of stages that the algorithm requests on. The number is determined by Reference Output value in relation to the configured Total Number of Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6

Delta Stages This decision displays the difference determined by the Number of Stages subtracted from the Requested Stages. Valid Display 0 to 6

Delay Timer This decision displays the number of minutes remaining in the configured On Time Delay or Off Time Delay decision (whichever is applicable) that must elapse before another stage can be added or taken away. When Delta Stages equals 0, the value in this decision will equal 0. Valid Display 0 to 30 minutes

PID Integrator Clamp This decision displays whether or not the PID Clamp is currently in effect for the staging control function. Valid Display On/Off

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every ten seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds

DOTime Clock TCxxC Function Type 28

DOTime Clock

The DOTime Clock algorithm controls a discrete output point based on the occupancy state of a Time Schedule with an optional capability to duty cycle the output. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. When Duty Cycle is disabled, the algorithm turns on the output whenever the Time Schedule is occupied and turns it off whenever the Time Schedule is unoccupied. When Duty Cycle is enabled, the algorithm turns the output on and off according to the configured off times. The off times can be different during occupied and unoccupied periods. You can configure two cycle off periods for the output during each hour. If a Redline alert exists during occupied periods, the algorithm increases the cycle off time by the configured Redline Bias Time. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a fan motor to start during occupied hours or stop during unoccupied hours.


DOTime Clock TCxxC Function Type 28

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * Discrete Output Point Time Schedule Loadshed Duty Cycle Duty Cycle Enable First Minute of Hour Second Minute of Hour Occupied Off Duration Unoccupied Off Duration Minimum Off Time Redline Bias Time Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * Discrete Output Point Occupied ? Redline ? Duty Cycle Reference Output Off Time Duration Region of Hour Task Timer


Duty Cycle
Occupancy State? Output

DOTime Clock TCxxC Function Type 28

Figure 5-28 DOTime Clock

Time Schedule

Discrete Output Point



Maintenance Sensor Input (BIAS)

Loadshed Equipment


DOTime Clock TCxxC Function Type 28

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to define the DO point that this algorithm is controlling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Time Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Loadshed Use this decision to specify the Loadshed equipment part that will indicate the Redline Alert data from the Loadshed POC. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) LDSHD00

Duty Cycle Duty Cycle gives you the capability to cycle off the output once or twice every hour. You can configure the starting time and the duration of the cycle off time. Duty Cycle Enable Use this decision to enable the output to duty cycle. If you do not enable duty cycling, the output will be on during occupied periods and off during unoccupied periods. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Disable/Enable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Disable


DOTime Clock TCxxC Function Type 28

First Minute of Hour If you want to cycle off the output at least once an hour, use this decision to enter the minute of the hour that the algorithm will first cycle off the device. If you enter 0 or 60, the device will cycle off on the hour. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 0

Second Minute of Hour If you want to cycle off the output twice an hour, use this decision to enter the minute of the hour that the algorithm will cycle off the device for the second time in the same hour.

If you do not want to cycle off the output for a second time, enter the same value here that you entered in First Minute of Hour, or enter a zero 0 to 60 minutes 0

Allowable Entries Default Value

Occupied Off Duration Use this decision to enter the amount of time the algorithm cycles off the output during each occupied hour. If you enter 0, the algorithm will not cycle off the output. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 0

Unoccupied Off Duration Use this decision to enter the amount of time the algorithm cycles off the output during each unoccupied hour. If you enter 0, the algorithm will not cycle off the output. If you enter 60, the algorithm will cycle off the output continuously during unoccupied hours. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 60


DOTime Clock TCxxM Function Type 28

Minimum Off Time To prevent short cycling, use this decision to enter the minimum amount of time the output must be off during any cycle off period. Allowable Entries Default Value 3 0 to 60 minutes

Redline Bias Time Use this decision to enter the additional amount of desired cycle off time by which the Occupied Off Duration is increased when the Time Schedule is occupied and a Redline alert exists. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 0

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the DO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display On/Off

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No


DOTime Clock TCxxM Function Type 28

Redline ? This decision displays whether a Redline Alert is in effect. This data is derived from the Loadshed POC on the CCN. Valid Display Yes/No

Duty Cycle Duty Cycle determines how frequently and for how long to cycle off the Discrete Output Point controlled by this algorithm. Reference Output This decision displays the value to which this algorithm is driving the output. Valid Display On/Off

Off Time Duration This decision displays the time remaining before this point will be cycled back on. Valid Display 0 to 60 minutes

Region of Hour This decision displays the algorithms current region of cycling. Valid Display 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Algorithm not enabled Before cycling has begun First duty cycling period After first duty cycle period Second duty cycling period After second duty cycle period Redline Bias time in effect Extended cycle off time

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display

0 to 300 seconds

DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxC Function Type 29

DOTime Clock w Check

The DOTime Clock with Check algorithm controls a discrete output point based on the occupancy state of a Time Schedule, with an optional capability to duty cycle the output. When Duty Cycle is disabled, the algorithm turns on the output whenever the Time Schedule is occupied or when Night Time Free Cooling is enabled. The algorithm turns off the output whenever the Time Schedule is unoccupied. When Duty Cycle is enabled, the algorithm turns the output on and off according to the configured off times. However, when both duty cycle and Night Time Free Cooling are enabled, the algorithm does not cycle off the output. The off times can be different during occupied and unoccupied periods. The off times are reduced based on the space temperature error from the high and low setpoints. You can configure two cycle off periods for the output during each hour. If a Time schedule is not configured for this algorithm, the algorithm uses the occupied off time. If a Redline alert exists during occupied periods, the algorithm increases the cycle off time by the configured Redline Bias Time. The Time Schedule indicates the current occupancy state for this algorithm. The occupancy state defines when the Comfort Controller is using the occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure a Time schedule for this algorithm, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. The Setpoint Schedule allows you to configure high and low setpoints for both occupied and unoccupied states. NTFC Algorithm enables the output to allow the system to cool the space during night time unoccupied hours if the outside air is suitable.

Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to control a fan motor to start during occupied hours or stop during unoccupied hours. If the outside air is suitable for cooling during night time hours you could start the fan to cool the building. You can also use this algorithm to duty cycle the fan during occupied hours based on the space temperature.


DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxC Function Type 29

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Discrete Output Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Loadshed NTFC Algorithm Hysteresis Duty Cycle Duty Cycle Enable First Minute of Hour Second Minute of Hour Occupied Off Duration Unoccupied Off Duration Minimum Off Time Redline Bias Time Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * Discrete Output Point Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Redline ? NTFC Active ? Space Temperature Reference Output Error Cycle Flag Duty Cycle Reference Output Off Time Duration Region of Hour Task Timer


Figure 5-29 DOTime Clock w Check

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Space Temperature

TS Override

Status High Sensor Low Sensor




Setpoint Schedule
Low Setpoint High Setpoint

Low Setpoint

Enthalpy Test NTFC Setpoint NTFC OR

Bias Input

High Setpoint

Occupancy State?

Discrete Output Point

Input Force Status

Bias Low Offset

Bias High Offset Occupancy State Disable

Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

Duty Cycle
Occupancy State? Output Sensor Input (BIAS)

Time Schedule

Output Loadshed?


Loadshed Equipment
Output Loadshed

DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxC Function Type 29



DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxC Function Type 29

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Output Point You must configure this decision to define the DO point that this algorithm is controlling. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) DISCRO00

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the Sensor Group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs. Allowable Entries Default Value Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Time Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxC Function Type 29

Loadshed Use this decision to specify the Loadshed equipment part that will indicate the Redline Alert data from the Loadshed POC.
Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 0 to 16

Default Value


NTFC Algorithm If Night Time Free Cooling with Enthalpy Check will be performed, use this decision to specify the algorithm that will determine if the outside air is suitable for cooling the space. If the outside air is suitable for cooling during unoccupied hours, the output will be activated. It will not cycle off during this time. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = NTFC_xx LID = xx, where xx = function number NTFC_00

Hysteresis This value is added to the high setpoint or subtracted from the low setpoint and compared with the space temperature to determine what action should be taken.
Allowable Entries 0.0 to 10.0^F (0.0 to 5.6^C)

Default Value



Duty Cycle Duty Cycle gives you the capability to cycle off the output twice every hour. You configure the starting time and the duration of the cycle off time. Duty Cycle Enable Use this decision to enable the output to duty cycle. If you do not enable duty cycling, the output will be on during occupied periods and off during unoccupied periods. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Disable/Enable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) 0 (Disable)


DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxC Function Type 29

First Minute of Hour If you want to cycle off the output at least once an hour, use this decision to enter the minute of the hour that the algorithm will first cycle off the device. If you enter 0 or 60, the device will cycle off on the hour. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 0

Second Minute of Hour If you want to cycle off the output twice an hour, use this decision to enter the minute of the hour that the algorithm will cycle off the device for the second time in the same hour.

If you do not want to cycle off the output for a second time, enter the same value here that you entered in First Minute of Hour, or enter 0. 0 to 60 minutes 0

Allowable Entries Default Value

Occupied Off Duration Use this decision to enter the amount of time the algorithm cycles off the output during each occupied hour. If you enter 0, the algorithm will not cycle off the output. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 0

Unoccupied Off Duration Use this decision to enter the amount of time the algorithm cycles off the output during each unoccupied hour. If you enter 0, the algorithm will not cycle off the output. If you enter 60, the algorithm will cycle off the output continuously during unoccupied hours. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 60


DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxC Function Type 29

Minimum Off Time To prevent short cycling, use this decision to enter the minimum amount of time the output must be off during any cycle off period. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 3

Redline Bias Time Use this decision to enter the additional amount of desired cycle off time by which the occupied off duration is increased when the Time Schedule is occupied and a Redline alert exists. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 0

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxM Function Type 29

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Output Point This decision displays the actual state of the DO point being controlled by this algorithm. Valid Display On/Off

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor or the average of the sensor group, depending on which is selected. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No

Redline ? This decision displays whether a Redline Alert is in effect. This data is derived from the Loadshed POC on the CCN. Valid Display Yes/No

NTFC Active ? This decision indicates whether Night Time Free Cooling is in effect. Valid Display Yes/No


DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxM Function Type 29

Space Temperature Space Temperature calculates the percentage by which to reduce the cycle off time based on the space temperature error from the high and low setpoints. If the space temperature is above the high setpoint plus hysteresis or below the low setpoint minus hysteresis, the cycle off time is set equal to the configured Minimum Off Time. Cycle off time remains at the computed value until the space temperature falls within the high setpoint plus half the hysteresis and the low setpoint minus half the hysteresis. When the space temperature is within this region, the cycle off time is increased linearly from the configured Minimum Off Time to the configured Occupied or Unoccupied Off Duration, until the space temperature is within the high and low setpoints. Reference Output This decision displays the reference value that adjusts the duty cycle off time. This value is expressed as a percentage that is converted and subtracted from (Minimum Off Time + Off Time Duration). The result is the actual cycle off time for this output device. Valid Display 0.0 to 100.0%

Error This decision displays the calculated setpoint error. Error is the greater of: High Sensor - (High Setpoint + 1/2 Hysteresis) or (Low Setpoint - 1/2 Hysteresis) - Low Sensor Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F

Cycle Flag This decision displays whether the Cycle Flag has been activated. Cycle Flag is True if: High Sensor > (High Setpoint + Hysteresis) or Low Sensor < (Low Setpoint - Hysteresis) Cycle Flag is False otherwise. Valid Display True/False

DOTime Clock w Check TCWSCxxM Function Type 29

Duty Cycle Duty Cycle determines how frequently and for how long to cycle of the Discrete Output Point controlled by this algorithm.

Reference Output This decision displays the value to which this algorithm is driving the output. Valid Display On/Off

Off Time Duration This decision displays the time remaining before this point will be cycled back on. Valid Display 0 to 60 minutes

Region of Hour This decision displays the algorithms current region of cycling. Valid Display 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Algorithm not enabled Before cycling has begun First duty cycling period After first duty cycle period Second duty cycling period After second duty cycle period Redline Bias time in effect Extended cycle off time

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

AOSS Schedule

Many algorithms require AOSS Schedule (a global algorithm) to dictate both their occupied or unoccupied status and their setpoints. AOSS (Adaptive Optimal Start/Stop) gives you the capability to expand setpoints and pre-condition the space. Algorithms serving a common air handler or building space will usually be under the control of the same Time Schedule and Setpoint Schedule. AOSS provides both of these schedules and serves two basic purposes: 1. Adaptive Optimal Start heats up or cools down the controlled space prior to it becoming occupied. This algorithm allows the space temperature to gradually approach and then achieve the occupied setpoint at the time of occupancy. Adaptive Optimal Stop allows the temperature of the occupied space to drift to the expanded occupied setpoints during the last portion of the occupied time.


Configuring an Algorithm to Use AOSS

To configure an algorithm to use Adaptive Optimal Start, you must enter AOSS_xx/algorithm name (where xx is the occurrence of the AOSS algorithm) in the algorithms Time Schedule configuration decision. To configure an algorithm to use Adaptive Optimal Stop, you must enter AOSS_xx/algorithm name (where xx is the occurance of the AOSS algorithm) in the algorithms Setpoint Schedule configuration decision.

Calculating Expanded Occupied Setpoints

The value entered in Adaptive Optimal Stops Setpoint Bias determines the expanded occupied setpoints. If the value entered is 2F and the occupied setpoints are 68F and 78F, the expanded occupied setpoints would be 66F and 80F. The value entered in Maximum Stop Time determines the maximum amount of time that expanded occupied setpoints can be in effect prior to the space becoming unoccupied. For example, if the occupied time is 0800 through 1700, and the Maximum Stop Time is 15 minutes, the expanded occupied setpoints could not come into effect until 1645.


AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

If Adaptive Optimal Stop is not desired (i.e., no relaxation of the setpoints is desired), then Adaptive Optimal Stops Setpoint Bias and Maximum Stop Time should be set to 0.
Calculating Start and Stop Time Offsets

AOSS calculates start and stop time offsets for each period in the Time Schedule. The factors that affect offset calculations are: present space temperature occupied and unoccupied setpoints how well the building is insulated outside air temperature the K Factor that accounts for the previous days performance

The K Factor represents the time difference between when a setpoint was achieved and when it was supposed to be achieved. The routine learns from each days performance and, in turn, fine-tunes the K Factor on a daily basis. The K Factor is affected by the following factors: actual time the setpoint was achieved configured occupied and unoccupied times response time gain previous K Factor previous start or stop time offset

AOSS has to accumulate data for a full 24-hour day (0000 to 2400) before it will function. For example, if the Time Schedule is configured on Monday at 0800, the controller will not compute the Adaptive Optimal Start until 0000 on Wednesday. Thereafter, each day at 0000 the controller will calculate the 24 Hour Unocc Factor for the first period of any Time Schedule that is configured for Adaptive Optimal Start/Stop.
Start and Stop Modes

Throughout the day, AOSS is in either Start mode or Stop mode. During Start mode, AOSS computes the start bias every minute, based on current conditions. Once the time of day passes the biased start time, AOSS checks the temperature of the controlled space every minute. As soon as the controlled space temperature comes to within 1 degree of the occupied setpoint, the algorithm computes the K Factor for the next day and goes into Stop mode.


AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

During Stop mode, AOSS computes the stop bias every minute, based on current conditions. Once the time of day passes the biased stop time (next unoccupied time minus stop bias), AOSS checks the temperature of the controlled space every minute. As soon as the controlled space temperature comes to within 1 degree of the expanded occupied setpoint, the algorithm computes the K Factor for the next day and goes into Start mode.
Figure 5-30 AOSS Start and Stop Modes

ART MO ST0000 / 2400 hrs DE



1800 hrs







1200 hrs




A D A P T I V E O P T I M A L S TA R T / S TO P A L G O R I T H M ( AO S S )
Provides efficient transition between occupied and unoccupied setpoints


Typical Application

You can use this algorithm to pre-condition the space prior to occupancy and relaxing the setpoint at the end of occupancy.


0600 hrs






AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Outside Air Temp Time Schedule Setpoint Reference Offset Low Value Offset High Value Adaptive Optimal Start AO Start Enable Building Insulation Unoccupied 24hr Factor Adaptive Optimal Stop AO Stop Enable Maximum Stop Time Setpoint Bias T56 Slider Bias Power on Delay

* *

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Outside Air Temp Occupied ? AOSS Time Schedule Mode Biased Occupied Next Occupied Day Next Occupied Time Next Unoccupied Day Next Unoccupied Time Last Unoccupied Day Last Unoccupied Time Status Override is set


AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

AOSS Setpoint Schedule Occupied Lo Setpoint Occupied Hi Setpoint Unoccupied Lo Setpoint Unoccupied Hi Setpoint Adaptive Optimal Start Start Bias Start Cool K Factor Start Heat K Factor Biased Start Day Biased Start Time Biased Occupied Cool Flag Adaptive Optimal Stop Stop Bias Stop Cool K Factor Stop Heat K Factor Biased Low Setpoint Biased High Setpoint Biased Stop Cool Flag Biased Stop Day Biased Stop Time T56 Slider Bias Task Timer


Outdoor Air Temp.
Output OAT Status Force

AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

Figure 5-31 AOSS

Adaptive Optimal Start

T56 Slider Bias Setpoint Schedule

Low Setpoint Bias Input High Setpoint Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Occupancy State? Occ Low Setpoint Occ High Setpoint Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint Occupancy State?


Occupancy Biased Occupancy



Offset Low Value

Offset High Value

AOSS Time Schedule

Next Occ Time

Output Low Sensor High Sensor

Next Occ Time

Last UnOcc Time

Next UnOcc Time




Adaptive Optimal Stop

Disable High Setpoint Low Setpoint Occupancy State? Biased High Setpoint Biased Low Setpoint Next Occ T i me Next UnOcc T i me AVG Sensor Input

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

TS Override





AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

Configuration Decisions

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Use this decision to specify the Sensor Group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs.

Use the same Sensor Group/SPT Sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Outside Air Temp Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the outside air temperature to the algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Time Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that contain a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Setpoint Reference You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that is providing the space temperature setpoints for this algorithm. Adaptive Optimal Start and Adaptive Optimal Stop are based on the configured setpoint values. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTxx LID = xx, where xx = 0 to 16 SETPT00


AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

Offset Low Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the minimum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 0.00^F 0.00 (-5.5 to 0.0^C) (0.0)

Offset High Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the maximum setpoint bias. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 10.00^F 0.00 (0.0 to 5.5^C) (0.0)

Adaptive Optimal Start Adaptive Optimal Start heats up or cools down the controlled space prior to it becoming occupied. It allows the space temperature to gradually approach and then achieve the occupied setpoint at the time of occupancy.

AO Start Enable Use this decision to specify if Adaptive Optimal Start will be performed. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable / Disable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Disable

Building Insulation Use this decision to indicate how well the building is insulated. Although you can enter any number between 1 and 100 in this decision, you should enter a value that corresponds to the characteristics of the building. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 100 30


AOSS AOSS_xxC Function Type 301

Unoccupied 24hr Factor Use this decision to enter the value used by Adaptive Optimal Start to compensate for the interior mass of the building. The value entered here represents minutes per degree of error from the desired temperature. When the building has been unoccupied for 24 or more hours, Adaptive Optimal Start uses this value in calculating when to begin correcting to occupied setpoints. The greater the buildings mass, the larger the value that should be entered in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 99 15

Adaptive Optimal Stop Adaptive Optimal Stop allows the temperature of the occupied space to drift to the expanded occupied setpoints during the last portion of the occupied time. AO Stop Enable Use this decision to specify if Adaptive Optimal Stop will be performed. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable / Disable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Disable

Maximum Stop Time Use this decision to specify the maximum number of minutes that the expanded occupied setpoints can be used prior to the controlled space becoming unoccupied. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 120 minutes 60

Setpoint Bias Use this decision to enter the number of degrees that are applied to expand the occupied setpoints during Adaptive Optimal Stop. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 20.0^F 2.0 (0.0 to 11.1^C) (1.1)


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

T56 Slider Bias If you are adjusting the configured space temperature setpoints with the T-56 Space Temperature Sensor, use this decision to specify the input point that provides the bias input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) VOLT_I00

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Decisions This decision displays the space temperature value of the single AI sensor or

the average of the sensor group, depending on which is selected. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Outside Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, the default mode will be Yes. Valid Display Yes/No


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

AOSS Time Schedule AOSS Time Schedule displays the Time Schedule information as configured and used by the Adaptive Optimal Start and Stop routines.

Mode This decision displays the current occupancy mode from Adaptive Optimal Start. Valid Display 0 = Unoccupied 1 = Occupied

Biased Occupied This decision identifies when a biased occupancy condition exists. Valid Display 0 = Not in effect 1 = Biased Occupied in effect

Next Occupied Day This decision displays the day of the week on which the next occupied period will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Next Occupied Time This decision displays the time of day when the next occupied period will occur. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Next Unoccupied Day This decision displays the day of the week on which the next unoccupied period will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

Next Unoccupied Time This decision displays the time of day when the next unoccupied period will occur. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Last Unoccupied Day This decision displays the day of the week on which the last unoccupied period occurred. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Last Unoccupied Time This decision displays the time of day when the last unoccupied period occurred. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Status This decision displays the current status of the Time Schedule configured within AOSS. Valid Display 0 = Time Schedule found 1 = Time Schedule not found

Override is set This decision identifies when the Time Schedule has been overridden from an unoccupied state to an occupied state. Valid Display 0 = Override not in effect 1 = Override in effect


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

AOSS Setpoint Schedule AOSS Setpoint Schedule displays the Setpoint Schedule information as configured and used by the Adaptive Optimal Start and Stop routines.

Occupied Lo Setpoint This decision displays the Occupied Lo Setpoint value, including any adjustment for T-56 Slider Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied Hi Setpoint This decision displays the Occupied Hi Setpoint value, including any adjustment for T-56 Slider Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Unoccupied Lo Setpoint This decision displays the Unoccupied Lo Setpoint value, including any adjustment for T-56 Slider Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Unoccupied Hi Setpoint This decision displays the Unoccupied Hi Setpoint value, including any adjustment for T-56 Slider Bias. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

Adaptive Optimal Start Adaptive Optimal Start is used to bring comfort conditions to prescribed levels by the beginning of the next occupied period. Start Bias This decision displays the adjustment value, in minutes, for the Adaptive Optimal Start routine. Valid Display 0 to 255 minutes

Start Cool K Factor This decision displays the value of the optimal Start Cool K Factor currently being used by the algorithm. This value is multiplied times the space temperature error to create the start time bias for cooling. This value represents minutes of optimal start per degree of error. Valid Display 1 to 99

Start Heat K Factor This decision displays the value of the optimal Start Heat K Factor currently being used by the algorithm. This value is multiplied times the space temperature error to create the start time bias for heating. This value represents minutes of optimal start per degree of error. Valid Display 1 to 99

Biased Start Day This decision displays the day of the week that the next biased start time will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

Biased Start Time This decision displays the time of day that the next biased start will occur. This value is determined by subtracting the calculated start time bias from the next configured occupied time. For example, if a Time Schedule has a normal occupied time of 0800 and Adaptive Optimal Start has calculated a start time offset of 15 minutes, Biased Occupied will be noted at 0745. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Biased Occupied This decision is used to indicate when the Time Schedule is currently in an occupied state due to Adaptive Optimal Start. Valid Display Yes/No

Cool Flag This decision is used by the Adaptive Optimal Start routine to indicate whether the equipment being controlled is currently in a heating or cooling mode. Valid Display False = Heating mode True = Cooling mode

Adaptive Optimal Stop Adaptive Optimal Stop is used to save energy by relaxing the setpoint restrictions toward the end of an occupied period.

Stop Bias This decision displays the adjustment value, in minutes, for the Adaptive Optimal Stop routine. Valid Display 0 to 180 minutes


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

Stop Cool K Factor This decision displays the value of the optimal Stop Cool K Factor currently being used by the algorithm. This value is multiplied times the space temperature error to create the stop time bias for cooling. This value represents minutes of optimal stop per degree of error. Valid Display 1 to 99

Stop Heat K Factor This decision displays the value of the optimal Stop Heat K Factor currently being used by the algorithm. This value is multiplied times the space temperature error to create the stop time bias for heating. This value represents minutes of optimal stop per degree of error. Valid Display 1 to 99

Biased Low Setpoint This decision displays the adjusted Occupied Lo Setpoint that will be used when Biased Stop Day and Biased Stop Time are reached. This value will be used until unoccupied time is reached. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Biased High Setpoint This decision displays the adjusted Occupied Hi Setpoint that will be used when Biased Stop Day and Biased Stop Time are reached. This value will be used until unoccupied time is reached. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Biased Stop This decision is used to indicate when the algorithms are controlling to the Biased Low and Biased High Setpoints during Adaptive Optimal Stop. Valid Display Yes/No


AOSS AOSS_xxM Function Type 301

Cool Flag This decision is used by the Adaptive Optimal Stop routine to indicate whether the equipment being controlled is currently in a heating or cooling mode. Valid Display False = Heating mode True = Cooling mode

Biased Stop Day This decision displays the day of the week that the next Biased Stop will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Biased Stop Time This decision displays the time of day that the next Biased Stop will occur. This value is determined by subtracting the calculated stop time bias from the next configured unoccupied time. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

T56 Slider Bias This decision displays the percentage adjustment value of the T56 Slider Bias. If the percentage adjustment value is 0 to 50%, the Offset Low Value will be used as a setpoint adjustment. If the percentage adjustment value exceeds 50%, the Offset High Value will be used as a setpoint adjustment. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00%

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Network Broadcast BRCSTxxC Function Type 302

Network Broadcast

This global algorithm sends data from the Source Point in the Comfort Controller to all CCN system elements containing the point name specified in the Point Name configuration decision. You can configure the broadcast to occur on the hour, at a specific time of day, or at a timed interval. You can use a network broadcast to transmit the outside air temperature every five minutes to all CCN system elements containing the specified point name. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * * Source Point Broadcast Point Enable Broadcast Address Broadcast Bus Point Name Reschedule Type Reschedule Time Power on Delay

Typical Application

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. * Source Point Network Status Task Timer


Network Broadcast BRCSTxxC Function Type 302

Configuration Decisions

Source Point You must configure this decision to indicate the name of the point in the Comfort Controller that will provide the data to broadcast. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Broadcast Point Broadcast Point determines the configuration data for the network broadcast point(s) and also specifies the broadcast parameters. Enable You must configure this decision to give the Comfort Controller the capability to broadcast the value of Source Point to all CCN system elements containing the point name specified in the Point Name decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = No/Yes LID = 0(No) / 1(Yes)

Broadcast Address You must configure this decision to indicate the element number of the devices(s) receiving the data.

Address 241 represents a global broadcast element number. 1 to 251


Allowable Entries Default Value


Network Broadcast BRCSTxxC Function Type 302

Broadcast Bus Use the decision to indicate the bus number of the device(s) receiving the data.

Address 241 represents a global broadcast bus. 0 to 251


Allowable Entries Default Value

Point Name You must configure this decision to indicate the actual point name that will receive the broadcasted data. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) (blank)

Reschedule Type Use this decision to indicate when the broadcast will occur. 0 (timed) = indicates that the broadcast will occur on a timed basis, as determined by Reschedule Time 1 (hourly) = indicates that the broadcast will occur at the beginning of every hour 2 (daily) = indicates that the broadcast will occur daily, based on Reschedule Time of Day Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 2

Rescheduled Time If you entered a 2 in Reschedule Type, use this decision to indicate the hour and minute of each day that the broadcast will occur. If you entered a 0 in Reschedule Type, use this decision to indicate exactly how many hour(s) and minute(s) must elapse between broadcasts. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59 00:05


Network Broadcast BRCSTxxM Function Type 302

Power On Delay Use this decision to indicate the number of seconds that must elapse after a power restart before this algorithm executes again. Allowable Entries Default Value
Maintenance Decisions

0 to 255 seconds

Source Point This decision displays the current value to be broadcasted. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Network Status This decision displays communication status of the network broadcast. Valid Display 0 = Successful Broadcast 1 = No Broadcast acknowledge received

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

Linkage/AOSS Schedule

As part of an integrated systems approach, the Comfort Controller supports linkage to Carrier electronically-controlled air terminals creating a Digital Air Volume (DAV) system. Each Comfort Controller can support one DAV linkage controlled system. The Carrier DAV system uses linkage to provide optimum comfort without sacrificing energy efficiency. This is done by providing the air handler as configured in the Comfort Controller with the dynamic information necessary to condition the spaces without over or under conditioning. Unlike traditional VAV systems, which have a fixed discharge temperature, the DAV system with linkage utilizes varying numbers of zone temperatures to create weighted average temperatures (by nominal box size). Those weighted average temperatures are then used by the air handler to provide optimum performance. Specifically, two weighted average temperatures are calculated. The first is the Average Zone Temperature (AZT), which is a weighted average of all the zones connected to a single air handler. This temperature value is the equivalent of a return air temperature sensor. The second weighted average temperature is the Average Occupied Zone Temperature (AOZT). This value contributes to the dynamic flexibility of the DAV system allowing the system to automatically adapt its operation to changing zone schedules. Additionally, as part of the linkage strategy, the Comfort Controller is provided information such as occupancy status, average setpoints, and earliest occupied time of any zone. The information is used by the Comfort Controller algorithms to determine the mode of control, to reset supply air, to increase indoor air quality, and to minimize energy consumption. The information is also used by the Adaptive Optimal Start and Stop routines. The Comfort Controller sends information such as operating mode, optimal start bias time, and supply air temperature to the Terminal System Manager so it can properly control the zones temperatures. In the event that linkage fails, the Linkage/AOSS Schedule algorithm will use the configured Time Schedule to determine occupancy and use the configured Setpoint Schedule to determine the occupied and unoccupied setpoints. If a Time Schedule was not configured and linkage fails, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. If a Setpoint Schedule was not configured, the algorithm will use default occupied setpoints.


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

For additional information on Linkage, refer to the Terminal System Manager II Overview and Configuration Manual.
Configuring an Algorithm to Use Linkage

To configure an algorithm to use Linkage, you must enter LINK_xx/ algorithm name (where xx is the occurance of the Linkage algorithm) in one or more of the algorithms configuration decisions. Refer to the topic below to determine which algorithms can use Linkage and the configuration decisions in which you must enter LINK_xx. You can configure the algorithms in the following table to use Linkage by entering LINK_xx in their specified decisions.

Applicable Algorithms

Table 5-4 Algorithms Capable of Using Linkage

Configuration Decisions Sensor Group /SPT Sensor

Algorithms Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule

AOCooling VAV AOHeating VAV AOMixed Air Damper VAV DODX Cooling VAV DOElectric Heat VAV DOTime Clock DOTime Clock w Check

x x x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x x x x

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Setpoint Bias Setpoint Schedule Adaptive Optimal Start AO Start Enable Building Insulation Unoccupied 24hr Factor Offset Low Value Offset High Value

Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

* *

* *

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Outside Air Temp NTFC Algorithm Heating Algorithm Supply Air Temp Fan Status Adaptive Optimal Stop AO Stop Enable Maximum Stop Time Setpoint Bias Power on Delay Evacuation Pressurization

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. You can force the asterisked decisions. Setpoint Bias Adaptive Optimal Start Start Bias Start Cool K Factor Start Heat K Factor Biased Start Day Biased Start Time Biased Occupied Cool Flag Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Outside Air Temp Linkage Time Schedule Mode Biased Occupied Next Occupied Day Next Occupied Time Next Unoccupied Day Next Unoccupied Time Last Unoccupied Day Last Unoccupied Time

* *


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

* *

* *

Status Override is set Linkage Setpoint Schedule Occupied Lo Setpoint Occupied Hi Setpoint Unoccupied Lo Setpoint Unoccupied Hi Setpoint Linkage Space Temp Supply Air Temp Fan Status Air Side Linkage Linkage Status Supervisory Element Supervisory Bus Supervisory Block No. Avg Occ Heat Setpoint Avg Occ Cool Setpoint Avg Unocc Heat Setpoint Avg Unocc Cool Setpoint Avg Zone Temperature Avg Occ Zone Temperature Adaptive Optimal Stop Stop Bias Stop Cool K Factor Stop Heat K Factor Biased Low Setpoint Biased High Setpoint Biased Stop Cool Flag Biased Stop Day Biased Stop Time Task Timer Evacuation Pressurization


Heating Algorithm
Morning Warm Up?

Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

Figure 5-32 Linkage/AOSS Schedule

Fan Status Point Supply Air Temperature Air Side Linkage Outdoor Air Temp.
Output Status Force OAT Morning Warm Up? Supply Air Temp Fan Status Output Status Force Status



Force Status

Adaptive Optimal Start

Occupancy Biased Occupancy

Setpoint Bias Setpoint Schedule

Low Setpoint Low Setpoint Occupancy Previous Occ Time Next Occ Time Next Unocc Time Occ Low Setpoint Occupancy Occ High Setpoint Low Sensor High Sensor Low Setpoint High Setpoint Linkage Status Next Occ Time Next UnOcc Time Last UnOcc Time High Setpoint Occ Low Setpoint Occ High Setpoint High Setpoint




Bias Input

Occupancy? Previous Occ Time Next Occ Time Next Unocc Time Occ Low Setpoint Occ High Setpoint Low Sensor High Sensor Low Setpoint High Setpoint Disable Start Bias

Offset Low Value

Bias Low Offset

Offset High Value

Bias High Offset

Occupancy State?

Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint

Time Schedule


Next Occ Time

Next UnOcc Time

Last UnOcc Time


Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor

TS Override SG Status High Sensor

Adaptive Optimal Stop

Disable High Setpoint Low Sensor AVG Sensor Low Setpoint Occupancy? Biased High Setpoint Biased Low Setpoint Start Bias Next Unocc Time Next Occ Time AVG Sensor Next Occ Time AVG Sensor Input






NTFC Active?

NTFC Active?

Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

Configuration Decisions

Setpoint Bias If you are adjusting the configured space temperature setpoints with the T-56 Space Temperature Sensor, use this decision to specify the input point that provides the bias input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) VOLT_I00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied low setpoints for this algorithm as a backup in the event that linkage fails. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Adaptive Optimal Start Adaptive Optimal Start heats up or cools down the controlled space prior to it becoming occupied. It allows the space temperature to gradually approach and then achieve the occupied setpoint at the time of occupancy. AO Start Enable Use this decision to specify if Adaptive Optimal Start will be performed. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable / Disable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Disable

Building Insulation Use this decision to indicate how well the building is insulated. Although you can enter any number between 1 and 100 in this decision, you should enter a value that corresponds to the characteristics of the building. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 100 30


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

Unoccupied 24hr Factor Use this decision to enter the value used by Adaptive Optimal Start to compensate for the interior mass of the building. The value entered here represents minutes per additional degree of error from the desired temperature after a 24-hour unoccupied period. When the building has been unoccupied for 24 or more hours, Adaptive Optimal Start uses this value in calculating when to begin correcting to occupied setpoints. The greater the buildings mass, the larger the value that should be entered in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 99 15

Offset Low Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the range of adjustment for the lower half of the Slider Bias. Allowable Entries Default Value -10.00 to 0.00^F 0.00 (-5.50 to 0.00^C) (0.00)

Offset High Value If you are adjusting the configured setpoints with the setpoint bias, use this decision to specify the range of adjustment for the upper half of the Slider Bias. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.00 to 10.00^F 0.00 (0.00 to 5.50^C) (0.00)

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the backup sensor group or space temperature sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs in the event Linkage fails. Use the same sensor group/SPT sensor or space temperature sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler.

Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm in the event that linkage fails. This Time Schedule will only be used when linkage fails. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that contain a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Outside Air Temp Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the outside air temperature to the algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

NTFC Algorithm Use this decision to identify the NTFC w Enthalpy Check algorithm name that linkage uses to determine if the air handler unit is in the Night Time Free Cooling (NTFC) operating mode. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = NTFC_xx LID = xx, where xx = function number NTFC_00

Heating Algorithm Use this decision to identify the AOHeating VAV algorithm name that Linkage uses to determine if the air handler is in the morning warm-up or occupied heating mode. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = HCVAVxx LID = xx, where xx = function number HCVAV00


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxC Function Type 303

Supply Air Temp You must configure this decision to specify the AI point that provides the air handlers supply air temperature to this algorithm.
Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters

LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600)


Fan Status You must configure this decision to specify the DI point that provides the on/off status of the air handlers fan. The DI point provides the actual state of the fan. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Adaptive Optimal Stop Adaptive Optimal Stop allows the temperature of the occupied space to drift to the expanded occupied setpoints during the last portion of the occupied time.

AO Stop Enable Use this decision to specify if Adaptive Optimal Stop will be performed. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable / Disable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Disable

Maximum Stop Time Use this decision to specify the maximum number of minutes that the expanded occupied setpoints can be used prior to the controlled space becoming unoccupied. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 120 minutes 60


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Setpoint Bias Use this decision to enter the number of degrees that are applied to expand the occupied setpoints during Adaptive Optimal Stop. Allowable Entries Default Value 0.0 to 20.0^F 2.0 (0.0 to 11.1^C) (1.1)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Evacuation Use this decision to specify the discrete point that indicates when the air handler is in evacuation mode. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Pressurization Use this decision to specify the discrete point that indicates when the air handler is in pressurization mode. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Maintenance Decisions

Setpoint Bias This decision displays the percentage adjustment value of the T56 Slider Bias. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00%


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Adaptive Optimal Start Adaptive Optimal Start is used to bring comfort conditions to prescribed levels by the beginning of the next occupied period.

Start Bias This decision displays the adjustment value, in minutes, for the Adaptive Optimal Start routine. Valid Display 0 to 255 minutes

Start Cool K Factor This decision displays the time difference, in minutes per degree of error, between the time the cooling setpoint was achieved and when it should have been achieved. Valid Display 1 to 99

Start Heat K Factor This decision displays the time difference, in minutes per degree of error, between the time the heating setpoint was achieved and when it should have been achieved. Valid Display 1 to 99

Biased Start Day This decision displays the day of the week that the next biased start time will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Biased Start Time This decision displays the time of day that the next biased start will occur. This value is determined by subtracting the calculated start time bias from the next configured occupied time. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Biased Occupied This decision is used to indicate when the Time Schedule is currently in an occupied state due to Adaptive Optimal Start/Stop. For example, if a Time Schedule has a normal occupied time of 0800 and Adaptive Optimal Start has calculated a start time offset of 15 minutes, Biased Occupied will be noted at 0745. Valid Display Yes/No

Cool Flag This decision is used by the Adaptive Optimal Start routine to indicate whether the equipment being controlled is currently in a heating or cooling mode. Valid Display False = Heating mode True = Cooling mode

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor or the average of the sensor group, depending on which is selected. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the backup Time Schedule that will be used in the event that linkage fails. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, the default mode will be occupied. Valid Display Yes/No

Outside Air Temp This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Linkage Time Schedule Linkage Time Schedule displays the Time Schedule information as configured and used by the Adaptive Optimal Start and Stop routines.

Mode This decision displays the current occupancy mode from Adaptive Optimal Start. Valid Display 0 = Unoccupied 1 = Occupied

Biased Occupied This decision identifies when a biased occupancy condition exists. Valid Display 0 = Not in effect 1 = Biased Occupied in effect

Next Occupied Day This decision displays the day of the week on which the next occupied period will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Next Occupied Time This decision displays the time of day when the next occupied period will occur. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Next Unoccupied Day This decision displays the day of the week on which the next unoccupied period will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Next Unoccupied Time This decision displays the time of day when the next unoccupied period will occur. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Last Unoccupied Day This decision displays the day of the week on which the last unoccupied period occurred. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Last Unoccupied Time This decision displays the time of day when the last unoccupied period occurred. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Status This decision displays the current status of the AOSS Time Schedule. Valid Display 0 = Time Schedule found 1 = Time Schedule not found

Override is set This decision identifies when the Time Schedule has been overridden from an unoccupied state to an occupied state. Valid Display 0 = Override not in effect 1 = Override in effect

Linkage Setpoint Schedule Linkage Setpt Schedule displays information about the Setpoint Schedule provided by Linkage for use by the air handler.


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Occupied Lo Setpoint This decision displays the occupied low setpoint value used by any algorithm configured to use this Linkage Setpoint Schedule. The setpoint value is dependent on the state of the communications between the Linkage Supervisory and Equipment parts. If the communications is normal, this value will be the value transmitted by the Linkage Supervisory part from the Terminal System Manager (TSM). If communications has been disrupted, the value will be determined from the locally defined Setpoint Schedule and, if configured, the AOSS Schedule algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F

Occupied Hi Setpoint This decision displays the occupied high setpoint value used by any algorithm configured to use this Linkage Setpoint Schedule. The setpoint value is dependent on the state of the communications between the Linkage Supervisory and Equipment parts. If the communications is normal, this value will be the value transmitted by the Linkage Supervisory part from the Terminal System Manager (TSM). If communications has been disrupted, the value will be determined from the locally defined Setpoint Schedule and, if configured, the AOSS Schedule algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F

Unoccupied Lo Setpoint This decision displays the unoccupied low setpoint value used by any algorithm configured to use this Linkage Setpoint Schedule. The setpoint value is not dependent on the state of the communications between the Linkage Supervisory and Equipment Part from the Terminal System Manager (TSM). The value will be determined from the locally defined Setpoint Schedule and if configured, the AOSS Schedule algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Unoccupied Hi Setpoint This decision displays the unoccupied high setpoint value used by any algorithm configured to use this Linkage Setpoint Schedule. The setpoint value is not dependent on the state of the communications between the Linkage Supervisory and Equipment Part from the Terminal System Manager (TSM). The value will be determined from the locally defined Setpoint Schedule and if configured, the AOSS Schedule algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 240.0F

Linkage Space Temp This decision displays the space temperature value used by any algorithm configured to use this Linkage Space Temp. The value is dependent on the state of the communications between the Linkage Supervisory and Equipment parts. If the communications is normal, this value will be the value transmitted by the Linkage Supervisory part, specifically AZT or AOZT from the Terminal System Manager (TSM). If communications have been disrupted, the value will be determined from the locally defined Sensor Group. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Supply Air Temp This decision displays the value of the air handlers supply air temperature. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Fan Status This decision displays the status of the air handlers supply fan. Valid Display On / Off

Air Side Linkage Air Side Linkage provides current linkage information such as linkage status, supervisory bus, element, and block numbers, average setpoints, and average zone temperatures.


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Linkage Status This decision displays the current status of the Linkage routine. Valid Display 0 1 2 3 = = = = normal communication communication failure Linkage routine not configured change in communication status between Supervisory and Equipment parts of Linkage

Supervisory Element This decision displays the element number of the system element TSM (Terminal System Manager) containing the Linkage Supervisory Part that supplies data to this air source Valid Display 0 = no Linkage Supervisory Part 1 to 239

Supervisory Bus This decision displays the bus number of the system element TSM (Terminal System Manager) containing the Linkage Supervisory Part that supplies data to this air source Valid Display 0 to 239

Supervisory Block No. This decision indicates the Linkage air source number of this unit for diagnostic purposes only. Valid Display 3 to 6 (where 3 = Air Source 1, and 6 = Air Source 4)


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Avg Occ Heat Setpoint This decision displays the average occupied heating setpoint of all the temperature zones served by this air source. This value is computed by the Linkage Supervisory Part in the Terminal System Manager (TSM) and communicated to the air source. The Comfort Controller algorithms use this value as the setpoint for its algorithms instead of its own configured setpoint when Linkage is active. When Linkage is not active, the unit will use its configured setpoint. Valid Display 0.0 to 99.9F (18.0 to 37.7C)

Avg Occ Cool Setpoint This decision displays the average occupied cooling setpoint of all the temperature zones served by this air source. This value is computed by the Linkage Supervisory Part in the Terminal System Manager (TSM) and communicated to the air source. The Comfort Controller algorithms use this value as the setpoint for its algorithms instead of its own configured setpoint when Linkage is active. When Linkage is not active, the unit will use its configured setpoint. Valid Display 0.0 to 99.9F (18.0 to 37.7C)

Avg Unocc Heat Setpoint This decision displays the average unoccupied heating setpoint of all the temperature zones served by this air source. This value is computed by the Linkage Supervisory Part in the Terminal System Manager (TSM) and communicated to the air source. The Comfort Controller algorithms use this value as the setpoint for its algorithms instead of its own configured setpoint when Linkage is active. When Linkage is not active, the unit will use its configured setpoint. Valid Display 0.0 to 99.9F (18.0 to 37.7F)


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Avg Unocc Cool Setpoint This decision displays the average unoccupied cooling setpoint of all the temperature zones served by this air source. This value is computed by the Linkage Supervisory Part in the Terminal System Manager (TSM) and communicated to the air source. The Comfort Controller algorithms use this value as the setpoint for its algorithms instead of its own configured setpoint when Linkage is active. When Linkage is not active, the unit will use its configured setpoint. Valid Display 0.0 to 99.9F (18.0 to 37.7F)

Avg Zone Temperature This decision displays the current average zone temperature of all temperature zones served by this air source. This value is computed by the Linkage Supervisory Part in the Terminal System Manager (TSM) and communicated to the air source. The Comfort Controller algorithms use this value as the space temperature for its algorithms instead of its own configured space temperature when Linkage is active. When Linkage is not active, the unit will use its configured setpoint. Valid Display 0.0 to 99.9F (18.0 to 37.7F)

Avg Occ Zone Temp This decision displays the current average zone temperature of all temperature zones served by this air source that are currently in the occupied mode. This value is computed by the Linkage Supervisory Part and communicated to the air source. The Comfort Controller algorithms use this value as the space temperature for its algorithms instead of its own configured space temperature when Linkage is active. When Linkage is not active, the unit will use its local sensor. Valid Display 0.0 to 99.9F (18.0 to 37.7F)

Adaptive Optimal Stop Adaptive Optimal Stop is used to save energy by relaxing the setpoint restrictions toward the end of an occupied period.


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Stop Bias This decision displays the adjustment value, in minutes, for the Adaptive Optimal Stop routine. Valid Display 0 to 180 minutes

Stop Cool K Factor This decision displays the value of the optimal Stop Cool K Factor currently being used by the algorithm. This value is multiplied times the space temperature error to create the stop time bias for cooling. This value represents minutes of optimal stop per degree of error. Valid Display 1 to 99

Stop Heat K Factor This decision displays the value of the optimal Stop Heat K Factor currently being used by the algorithm. This value is multiplied times the space temperature error to create the stop time bias for heating. This value represents minutes of optimal stop per degree of error. Valid Display 1 to 99

Biased Low Setpoint This decision displays the adjusted Occupied Lo Setpoint that will be used when Biased Stop Day and Biased Stop Time are reached. This value will be used until unoccupied time is reached. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Biased High Setpoint This decision displays the adjusted Occupied Hi Setpoint that will be used when Biased Stop Day and Biased Stop Time are reached. This value will be used until unoccupied time is reached. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Biased Stop This decision is used to indicate when the algorithms are controlling to the Biased Low and Biased High Setpoints during Adaptive Optimal Stop. Valid Display Yes/No

Cool Flag This decision is used by the Adaptive Optimal Stop to indicate whether the equipment being controlled is currently in a heating or cooling mode. Valid Display False = Heating mode True = Cooling mode

Biased Stop Day This decision displays the day of the week that the next Biased Stop will occur. Valid Display Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun

Biased Stop Time This decision displays the time of day that the next Biased Stop will occur. This value is determined by subtracting the calculated stop time bias from the next configured unoccupied time. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before the next execution of this algorithm. This algorithm executes every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Linkage/AOSS Schedule LINK_xxM Function Type 303

Evacuation This decision displays the status of the air handlers evacuation mode indicator. When True the mode returned to the Terminal System Manager is evacuation. Valid Display True = In evacuation mode False = Not in evacuation mode

Pressurization This decision displays the status of the air handlers pressurization mode indicator. When True the mode returned to the Terminal System Manager is pressurization. Valid Display True = In pressurization mode False = Not in pressurization mode


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxC Function Type 304

NTFC w Enthalpy Check

The NTFC (Night Time Free Cooling) w Enthalpy Check algorithm enables an air handler to cool the space during unoccupied hours (from 12 a.m. to 7 a.m.) if the outside air is suitable. This global algorithm starts the fans on cool summer nights to pre-cool the structure by using only outside air, thus minimizing the need for mechanical cooling during occupied hours. Once the space is sufficiently cooled, the algorithm stops the fans. Note: NTFC can only be performed by air handlers equipped with mixed air dampers, at least one space temperature sensor, and an outside air temperature sensor.

NTFC w Enthalpy Check must be used in conjunction with either the AOMixed Air Damper CV or AOMixed Air Damper VAV algorithm, and DOTimeclock with Check algorithm to ensure that both the fan is activated and the dampers are open.
Typical Application List of Configuration Decisions

To delay the need for mechanical cooling, you can use this algorithm to cool a building prior to it being occupied. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Night Time Free Cooling NTFC Enable NTFC Start Time AM Minimum OAT Maximum OAT NTFC Delta Temperature Outside Air Temperature Return Air Temperature Outside Air Humidity Return Air Humidity Outside Air Dewpoint Enthalpy Switch Enthalpy Comparison Default OA Enthalpy Default RA Enthalpy Maximum OA Enthalpy Power on Delay


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxC Function Type 304

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. * * * * * * * Sensor Group/SPT Sensor Occupied ? Outside Air Temperature Return Air Temperature Outside Air Humidity Return Air Humidity Outside Air Dewpoint Enthalpy Switch Enthalpy Comparison Reference Output OA Enthalpy RA Enthalpy OAT > RAT ? NTFC Active ? Outside Enthalpy Good ? NTFC Setpoint Task Timer


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxC Function Type 304

Sensor Group/ SPT Sensor Night Time Free Cool
Sensor Input (Space) TS Override Status High Low Average Input Disable

Figure 5-33 NTFC w Enthalpy Check

NTFC Active
Output Status Force

Time Schedule
Output Occupancy State? Next Occ Time Setpoint Occupancy Next Occ Time

NTFC Setpoint
Input Output Status Force

Setpoint Schedule
Low Setpoint Bias Input High Setpoint Occ High Setpoint Occupancy State? Bias Low Offset Bias High Offset Sensor Input (OAT) Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint Occ Low Setpoint

Outside Air Temperature

OAT OAT Status

Enthalpy Comparison
Enthalpy Check

Output Status

Force Status

Return Air Temperature

RAT RAT Status

Enthalpy Switch
Force Status Output



Force Status Enthalpy Check OARH OARH Status OAT > RAT


Outside Air Humidity



Force Status

Outside Air Dewpoint

Dewpoint Dewpoint Status


Outside Enthalpy Good?

Input Output Status Force


Force Status

Return Air Humidity




Force Status

NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxC Function Type 304

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor You must configure this decision to specify the Sensor Group or single sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs.

Use the same Sensor Group/SPT Sensor for all algorithms that control a common air handler. Blgd. Supvr. = SNSGRxx LID = xx, where xx = function number SNSGR00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Time Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this algorithm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the algorithm will assume to be in the occupied state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules section in this manual.

Use the same Time Schedule for all algorithms that contain a common air handler. Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Allowable Entries Default Value

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxC Function Type 304

Night Time Free Cool Night Time Free Cool calculates the space temperature setpoint during unoccupied hours to see if the outside air is suitable for cooling the space.

NTFC Enable Use this decision to enable Night Time Free Cooling. The space temperature setpoint is still calculated, whether or not this decision is enabled. The space temperature setpoint is a linear interpolation between the low and high space temperature setpoints from the Minimum OAT to the Maximum OAT. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Dsable/Enable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Dsable

NTFC Start Time AM Use this decision to specify the hour after midnight at which NTFC goes into effect. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 0 to 7 3

Minimum OAT Use this decision to specify the lowest Outside Air Temperature that can be used to condition the space. The calculated setpoint is equal to the occupied low setpoint when the Outside Air Temperature is less than or equal to the value entered in this decision, and is reset up to the occupied high setpoint as the Outside Air Temperature approaches Maximum OAT. Allowable Entries Default Value -40.0 to 200.0F 40.0 (4.4) (-40.0 to 93.3C)


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxC Function Type 304

Maximum OAT Use this decision to specify the highest Outside Air Temperature that can be used to condition the space. The calculated setpoint is equal to the occupied high setpoint when the Outside Air Temperature is greater than or equal to the value entered in this decision. The calculated setpoint is reset to the occupied low setpoint as the Outside Air Temperature approaches Minimum OAT. Allowable Entries Default Value 72.0 -40.0 to 200.0F (22.2) (-40.0 to 93.3C)

NTFC Delta Temperature Use this decision to specify how many degrees lower than the space temperature the Outside Air Temperature must be before outside air is used to cool the space. Allowable Entries Default Value 3.0 0.0 to 10.0^F (0.0 to 5.5^C) (1.7)

Outside Air Temperature Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the outside air temperature to the algorithm. If you want to reset the space temperature based on the Outside Air Temperature, you must configure this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Return Air Temperature Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the return air temperature to this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxC Function Type 304

Outside Air Humidity If you enable Night Time Free Cooling, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the outside air humidity to the algorithm. The algorithm can use a humidity or dewpoint sensor. If neither are available, the system will use the configured default outside air enthalpy. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Return Air Humidity Use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the relative humidity of the return air to this algorithm. If the AI point is not configured, the algorithm uses the value in the Default RA Enthalpy decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Outside Air Dewpoint If you enable Night Time Free Cooling, use this decision to specify the AI point that provides the outside air dewpoint to the algorithm. The algorithm can use a humidity or dewpoint sensor. If neither are available, the algorithm will use the configured outside air enthalpy. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CMAMPI00

Enthalpy Switch Instead of computing the outside air enthalpy and return air enthalpy, use this decision to specify a discrete point that indicates if the outside air is suitable for cooling. If enthalpy switch is used, Default OA Enthalpy should be configured as 50, and Default RA Enthalpy as 10. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxM Function Type 304

Enthalpy Comparison Enthalpy Comparison calculates the heat content of outside air and return air. It determines if the outside air is suitable for conditioning the space.

Default OA Enthalpy If Outside Air Humidity and Outside Air Dewpoint sensors are not available, use this decision to specify the outside air enthalpy that Return Air Humidity must exceed. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 0 to 51 BTU/lb

Default RA Enthalpy If a Return Air Humidity sensor is not available, use this decision to specify the return air enthalpy that the Outside Air cannot exceed. Allowable Entries Default Value 50 0 to 51 BTU/lb

Maximum OA Enthalpy Use this decision to specify the maximum outside air enthalpy that the algorithm can use to condition the space. Allowable Entries Default Value 30 0 to 51 BTU/lb

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this system function after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxM Function Type 304

Maintenance Decisions

Sensor Group/SPT Sensor This decision displays the value of the single AI sensor or the average of the sensor group, depending on which is selected. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, the default mode will be occupied. Valid Display Yes/No

Outside Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the outside air temperature being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Return Air Temperature This decision displays the value of the return air temperature being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Outside Air Humidity This decision displays the value of the outside air humidity being used by this algorithm. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% Rh

Return Air Humidity This decision displays the value of the return air humidity being used by this algorithm. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00% Rh


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxM Function Type 304

Outside Air Dewpoint This decision displays the value of the outside air dewpoint being used by this algorithm. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Enthalpy Switch This decision indicates if the outside air is currently suitable for cooling. When this value is On, the outside air is suitable for cooling. Valid Display On/Off

Enthalpy Comparison Enthalpy Comparison determines if outside air can be used for conditioning the space, based on enthalpy content of the outside and return air. Reference Output This decision displays the result of the enthalpy comparison, which indicates if using outside air is suitable at this time. Valid Display True/False

OA Enthalpy This decision displays the value of the enthalpy of the outside air expressed in units of BTU/lb. Valid Display -999.99 to 9999.99 Btu/lb

RA Enthalpy This decision displays the value of the enthalpy of the return air expressed in units of BTU/lb. Valid Display -999.99 to 9999.99 Btu/lb

OAT > RAT ? This decision indicates if the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature. If the outside air temperature is greater, the OAT will be deemed not suitable for cooling. Valid Display Yes/No


NTFC w Enthalpy Check NTFC_xxM Function Type 304

NTFC Active? This decision indicates whether the NTFC w Enthalpy Check algorithm is active. Valid Display Yes/No

Outside Enthalpy Good? This decision indicates whether or not outside air can be used, if desired. If this value is No, the damper is maintained at its configured minimum position. Valid Display Yes/No

NTFC Setpoint This decision displays the configured high setpoint value from the NTFC w Enthalpy Check algorithm. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Occupancy OCCPCxxC Function Type 305


This global algorithm provides the occupied and unoccupied periods for the devices controlled by the Comfort Controller. For more information on Occupancy, refer to Time Schedules in the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual.


Sensor Group SNSGRxxC Function Type 306

Sensor Group

This global algorithm provides the input of up to six sensors to many AO and DO algorithms. Examples of sensor input are temperature, humidity, and milliamps. For a complete list of possible sensor input, refer to Appendix C. The Sensor Group can provide an algorithm with the highest sensor input, lowest sensor input, or the computed average sensor value. For example, the AOCooling CV algorithm controls to the highest space temperature reading in the Sensor Group/SPT Sensor. The sensors in a Sensor Group must be of the same type. If an application requires input from more than one type of sensor, you must configure separate Sensor Groups. Sensors with invalid status will be ignored. If the status of all input sensors are invalid, the Sensor Group status will be invalid. A Sensor Group contains three software variables used to provide the high, low, and average sensor values from a group of sensors. You can enter these software variable names in any analog sensor input configuration decision. To obtain the highest sensor reading, you must enter SGHIxx (where xx is the function number of the Sensor Group) in the desired algorithms analog sensor input decision, i.e., Sensor Group/SPT Sensor. To obtain the lowest sensor reading, you must enter SGLOxx . To obtain the average sensor reading, you must enter SGAVGxx. This needs to be done only if the default value from the sensor group used by the selected algorithm is not desired.

Typical Application

A Sensor Group can be used to provide the low sensor value from a group of up to six sensors.


Sensor Group SNSGRxxC Function Type 306

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * 1st Sensor 2nd Sensor 3rd Sensor 4th Sensor 5th Sensor 6th Sensor Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. * * * * * * 1st Sensor 2nd Sensor 3rd Sensor 4th Sensor 5th Sensor 6th Sensor Sensor Group Low Sensor Group High Sensor Group Average Task Timer


Input Select
Sensor Input (1) Sensor Status

Sensor Group SNSGRxxC Function Type 306

Figure 5-34 Sensor Group

1st Sensor




Sensor Group Average

Input Status

2nd Sensor
Sensor Input (2) Average Low High Status TS Override Sensor Status



Sensor Group Low

Input Status


3rd Sensor
Sensor Input (3) Sensor Status

Sensor Group High

Input Status




4th Sensor
Sensor Input (4) Sensor Status




5th Sensor
Sensor Input (5) Sensor Status




6th Sensor
Sensor Input (6) Sensor Status




Sensor Group SNSGRxxM Function Type 306

1st Sensor Use this decision to specify the first analog point that is providing sensor input.

Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

2nd Sensor Use this decision to specify the second analog point that is providing sensor input.

Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

3rd Sensor Use this decision to specify the third analog point that is providing sensor input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

4th Sensor Use this decision to specify the fourth analog point that is providing sensor input.

Allowable Entries Default Value

Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

5th Sensor Use this decision to specify the fifth analog point that is providing sensor input. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Sensor Group SNSGRxxM Function Type 306

6th Sensor Use this decision to specify the sixth analog point that is providing sensor input. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) Default Value TEMP_I00

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

1st Sensor This decision displays the current value of the first sensor in the configured Sensor Group. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

2nd Sensor This decision displays the current value of the second sensor in the configured Sensor Group. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

3rd Sensor This decision displays the current value of the third sensor in the configured Sensor Group. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

4th Sensor This decision displays the current value of the fourth sensor in the configured Sensor Group. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.


Sensor Group SNSGRxxC Function Type 306

5th Sensor This decision displays the current value of the fifth sensor in the configured Sensor Group. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

6th Sensor This decision displays the current value of the sixth sensor in the configured Sensor Group. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Sensor Group Low This decision displays the lowest value of the configured sensors, excluding any sensors with an invalid status. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Sensor Group High This decision displays the highest value of the configured sensors, excluding any sensors with an invalid status. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Sensor Group Average This decision displays the average value of the configured sensors, excluding any sensors with an invalid status. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before the next execution of this algorithm. This algorithm executes every 5 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


WSM Air Source WSMAIxxC Function Type 307

WSM Air Source

This global algorithm gives the Comfort Controller the capability to gather data such as occupancy status and cooling and heating coil valve positions, and then process the data for reception by Carriers Water System Manager (WSM). For more information on WSM, refer to the Water System Manager Configuration Manual.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * Time Schedule Cooling Coil Valve Heating Coil Valve Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. Occupied ? Cooling Coil Valve Heating Coil Valve WSM Load Equipment Cooling Link Active ? Heating Link Active ? Cool_Source Number Heat_Source Number Occupancy Status Chilled Water Temp Cool Source Status Hot Water Temp Heat Source Status Task Timer

* *


WSM Air Source WSMAIxxM Function Type 307

Configuration Decisions

Time Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for the air handler. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to How to Configure Schedules section in this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Cooling Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point name that is controlling the air handlers chilled water valve. The unit type of the valve must be 0 - 100%. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CCV

Heating Coil Valve You must configure this decision to specify the AO point name that is controlling the air handlers hot water valve. The unit type of the valve must be 0 100%. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) HCV

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this system function after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


WSM Air Source WSMAIxxM Function Type 307

Maintenance Decisions

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based upon the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

Cooling Coil Valve This decision displays the output value of the AO point being used to control the cooling coil. This value is expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00%

Heating Coil Valve This decision displays the output value of the AO point being used to control the heating coil. This value is expressed as a percentage of full capacity. Valid Display 0.00 to 100.00%

WSM Load Equipment WSM Load Equipment provides current WSM linkage information. Cooling Link Active ? This decision displays the status of communications between this load and the cool source with which it is linked. Yes indicates that the WSM Supervisory Part is successfully transmitting information to this load from a linked, configured cool source. No indicates one of the following conditions: the WSMs algorithms are disabled, the WSM Supervisory Part Load Configuration Table is misconfigured, or communications have failed (Comfort Controller data has not been received from the WSM within the past five minutes). When No is displayed here, the remaining decisions in this table continue to display the last valid data. Valid Display Yes/No


WSM Air Source WSMAIxxM Function Type 307

Heating Link Active ? This decision displays the status of communications between this load and the heat source with which it is linked. Yes indicates that the WSM Supervisory Part is successfully transmitting information to this load from a linked, configured heat source. No indicates one of the following conditions: the WSMs algorithms are disabled, the WSM Supervisory Part Load Configuration Table is misconfigured, or communications have failed (heat source data has not been received from the WSM within the past five minutes). When No is displayed here, the remaining decisions in this table continue to display the last valid data. Valid Display Yes/No

Cool_Source Number This decision displays the element number of the cool source that is linked to this load by a WSM. Cool source numbers are determined by the number of the associated Cool Source Configuration Table at the WSM. 0 indicates that a cool source is not configured for this load at the WSM. Valid Display 0 = no cool source configured 1 to 4 = cool source numbers

Heat_Source Number This decision displays the element number of the heat source that is linked to this load by a WSM. Heat source numbers are determined by the number of the associated Heat Source Configuration Table at the WSM. 0 indicates that a heat source is not configured for this load at the WSM. Valid Display 0 = no heat source configured 1 to 4 = heat source numbers


WSM Air Source WSMAIxxM Function Type 307

Occupancy Status This decision displays the current occupancy status of this load. 0 indicates that this loads Time Schedule is in the unoccupied mode. 1 indicates that this loads Time Schedule is in the occupied mode (or biased occupied). Valid Display 0 = unoccupied 1 = occupied (or biased occupied)

Chilled Water Temp This decision displays the current leaving chilled water temperature. The value 0.0F (-17.8C) indicates that a cool source is not configured for this load at the WSM. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Cool Source Status This decision displays the current status of the cool source that is linked to this load by a WSM. Dsable indicates that either the cool source is off or that no cool source is configured for this load at the WSM. Valid Display Enable/Dsable

Hot Water Temp This decision displays the current leaving hot water temperature at the heat source that is linked to this load by a WSM. The value 0.0F (-17.8C) indicates that a heat source is not configured for this load at the WSM. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


WSM Air Source WSMAIxxM Function Type 307

Heat Source Status This decision displays the current status of the heat source that is linked to this load by a WSM. Dsable indicates that either the cool source is off or that no heat source is configured for this load at the WSM. Valid Display Enable/Dsable

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before the next execution of this algorithm. This algorithm executes every 60 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


WSM Cool WSMCOxxC Function Type 308

WSM Cool Source

This global algorithm gives the Comfort Controller the capability to receive commands from Carriers Water System Manager (WSM) in order to regulate the flow of chilled water. The Comfort Controller is the cool source for the WSM. The WSM provides linking functions so that Comfort Controller cool source operation can be enabled and disabled in response to cooling demand, occupancy status, or both. The WSM can also supply reset values to adjust setpoints in the water cooling equipment. For more information on WSM, refer to the Water System Manager Configuration Manual.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * * * Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule Chilled Water Temp Chiller Status Chilled Water Setpoint Chiller Start/Stop Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this algorithm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this algorithm. Occupied ? Chilled Water Temp Chiller Status Chilled Water Setpoint Chiller Start/Stop WSM Chiller Equipment WSM Active ? Chilled Water Temp Equipment Status Commanded State CHW Setpt Reset Value Current CHW Setpoint Task Timer

* * * *


WSM Cool WSMCOxxM Function Type 308

Configuration Decisions

Time Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state. For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule (temperature type) that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints for this algorithm. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00

Chilled Water Temp You must configure this decision to specify the AI point name that provides the chilled water temperature. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CHW

Chiller Status You must configure this decision to specify the DI point name that provides the chiller status. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CHLRSTAT


WSM Cool WSMCOxxM Function Type 308

Chilled Water Setpoint You must configure this decision to specify the AI point name that will be used to provide a chilled water setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CHWSET

Chiller Start/Stop You must configure this decision to specify the DO point name that will be used to provide a start/stop control. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) CHLRSTST

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this algorithm after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Occupied ? This decision displays whether the current mode is occupied. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

Chilled Water Temp This decision displays the value of the chilled water temperature being monitored. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)


WSM Cool WSMCOxxM Function Type 308

Chiller Status This decision displays the actual state of the cooling source being monitored. Valid Display Off/On

Chilled Water Setpoint This decision indicates the value of the chilled water setpoint returned from the Water System Manager. Valid Display -40.00 to 245.00F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Chiller Start/Stop This decision indicates the commanded state being returned from the Water System Manager. Valid Display On/Off

WSM Chiller Equipment WSM Chiller Equipment provides current WSM linkage information.

WSM Active? This decision displays the status of WSM algorithms and of communications between this cool source and a Water System Manager (WSM). No indicates that one of the following is true: WSM is not present or WSM Program Status is disabled. Communications with WSM failed (an alarm is generated). Valid Display Yes/No


WSM Cool WSMCOxxM Function Type 308

Chilled Water Temp This decision displays the current chilled water temperature. The value 0.0F (-17.8C) indicates that the chilled water temperature cannot be read, (for example, in the event of a sensor failure). Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Equipment Status This decision displays the current status of this cool source. Valid Display On/Off

Commanded State This decision displays the current commanded state sent by the WSM. A blank indicates that the WSM is not determining a commanded state. Valid Display Enable/Disable/(blank)

CHW Setpt Reset Value This decision displays the current CHW Setpoint Reset Value, the number of degrees that are added to the configured chilled water setpoint to produce the current Chilled Water Setpoint. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0^F (-40.0 to 245.0^C)

Current CHW Setpoint This decision displays the current chilled water setpoint (the configured chilled water setpoint plus the CHW Setpoint Reset Value), as determined by the WSM. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before the next execution of this algorithm. This algorithm executes every 60 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


How To Configure Schedules

How To Configure Schedules

This section provides the following information for each schedule:
Definition of a Schedule

Purpose Typical application List of required and optional configuration decisions Description of each configuration decision that includes allowable entries and default values List of maintenance decisions Description of each maintenance decision

A schedule provides algorithms and custom programs created in BEST++ with occupancy status or setpoints. A schedule is a shared resource, which means that you can assign the same schedule to more than one algorithm or custom program. Typically, you should assign all algorithms or custom programs serving a common air handler system or building space to the same schedules. For example, three algorithms may use the same Time Schedule and Setpoint Schedule. For easy reference, the schedules are presented alphabetically in this manual, as follows: Holiday Network Time Setpoint Time (Occupancy)


Holiday Schedule HOLDYxxS

Holiday Schedule

A Holiday Schedule gives you the capability to specify days of the year (holidays) on which the Comfort Controllers algorithms and custom programs will operate according to time period(s) that differ from other time periods, as configured in a Time Schedule(s). To indicate to the Comfort Controller that you want it to recognize a day of the week as a holiday, you enter a 1 in the holiday (H) column of a Time Schedule and configure occupied and unoccupied times for the holiday. Then, you configure one Holiday Schedule for every holiday you want the Comfort Controller to recognize. In the Holiday Schedule, you configure the month and day on which the schedule will go into effect, and how many days the schedule will be in effect. You can configure 16 Holiday Schedules (HOLDYxxS Table). Therefore, the Comfort Controller can recognize 16 holidays.

You can define a holiday to last for more than one day. For example, you can configure a five-day vacation period as one holiday by entering the appropriate month, the day on which the holiday will begin, and the duration of the holiday as five consecutive days.

For more information on Time Schedules, refer to the topic Time Schedules, which appears later in this chapter.

You must configure holidays in only one system element on a CCN. That system element must be the time and date broadcaster. If the Comfort Controller is the broadcaster, it will send the holiday status to all the other system elements on the CCN. If the Comfort Controller is not the time and date broadcaster, do not configure any holidays. The time and date broadcaster on your CCN is responsible for sending the holiday status to the Comfort Controller.

Typical Application

You can use a Holiday Schedule to have the Comfort Controller control to unoccupied times that differ from the other unoccupied periods in a Time Schedule. For example, on Thanksgiving the building could be unoccupied for the entire day.


Holiday Schedule HOLDYxxS

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this schedule. You must configure the asterisked decisions * * * Start Month Start Day Duration

Configuration Decisions

Start Month You must configure this decision to indicate the month in which the holiday will begin. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 12 1

Start Day You must configure this decision to indicate the day of the month on which the holiday will begin. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 31 1

Duration You must configure this decision to indicate how many consecutive days the holiday will last. If you enter 0 in this decision, the Comfort Controller will disable this schedule. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 365 0


Network Time Schedule OCCPCxxE

Network Time Schedule

A Network Time Schedule allows the Occupancy Schedule in an external device to control the Comfort Controller's occupancy state. Each time the Occupancy Schedule changes from occupied to unoccupied, or visa-versa, the controlling Occupancy Schedule (OCCPCxxS, where xx is a number greater than or equal to 65) broadcasts an occupancy flag over the CCN to any Comfort Controller that has OCCPCxxE, where xx is the same number in both schedules, as its Network Time Schedule name. To receive a broadcast occupancy flag, you must create a Network Time Schedule. You can configure up to 16 Network Time Schedules. The Comfort Controller will automatically and sequentially name them OCCPC65E to OCCPC81E, however, you can use the Building Supervisor or Network Service Tool to Modify the Names so that they range from OCCPC65E to OCCPC99E. For information on setting up the Comfort Controller to broadcast the occupancy state to other CCN system elements, refer to Time Schedules in the How to Configure Schedules chapter of this manual.


Setpoint Schedule SETPTxx

Setpoint Schedule

A Setpoint Schedule gives you the capability to configure the limits (setpoints) to which analog signals are controlled. You configure two sets of setpoints: high and low setpoints for occupied times high and low setpoints for unoccupied times

For space temperature control, the high setpoints are typically associated with the cooling cycle, which means that when the space temperature exceeds the high setpoint, the air handler will perform cooling. The low setpoints are typically associated with the heating cycle, which means that when the space temperature falls below the low setpoint, the air handler will perform heating. When you create the schedule, you indicate which engineering units a Setpoint Schedule will use. Refer to Appendix C for a list of the engineering units and the conversion limits. You can configure up to 16 Setpoint Schedules (SETPTxx Table) in a Comfort Controller. There is no limit to the number of algorithms that can use the same Setpoint Schedule. In general, you should assign the same Setpoint Schedule to all algorithms that control a common air handler or space. The allowable entries for the Setpoint Schedule depend on the engineering units you assigned in the SETPTDEF Table. A Setpoint Schedule uses a Time Schedule to determine whether to use occupied or unoccupied setpoints. If you do not configure an associated Time Schedule, the Setpoint Schedule will use the occupied setpoints. A Setpoint Schedule has the capability to adjust the setpoints currently being used based on the bias signal from a T56 Space Temperature Sensor. Based on the bias input, the Setpoint Schedule adjusts (expands) the high and low setpoint upward or downward, but not past the value you enter in the Setpoint Offset decisions.
Typical Application

You can use one Setpoint Schedule for all the algorithms that are associated with the same air handler and that define the space temperature setpoints for the same space.


Setpoint Schedule SETPTxx

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this schedule. You must configure the asterisked decisions. * * * * Occupied Low Setpoint Occupied High Setpoint Unoccupied Low Setpoint Unoccupied High Setpoint

Configuration Decisions

Occupied Low Setpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the low setpoint for occupied times when offset is not in effect. When algorithms control space temperatures, they use this setpoint as the heating setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based on selected display units. 68.00

Occupied High Setpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the high setpoint for occupied times when offset is not in effect. When algorithms control space temperatures, they use this setpoint as the cooling setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based on selected display units. 72.00

Unoccupied Low Setpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the low setpoint for unoccupied times when offset is not in effect. When algorithms control space temperatures, they use this setpoint as the heating setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based on selected display units. 55.00

Unoccupied High Setpoint You must configure this decision to indicate the high setpoint for unoccupied times when offset is not in effect. When algorithms control space temperatures, they use this setpoint as the cooling setpoint. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based on selected display units. 85.00


Time Schedule OCCPCxxC Function Type 305

Time Schedule

A Time Schedule gives you the capability to define the occupied and unoccupied periods for devices controlled by the Comfort Controller. Each Time Schedule is divided into eight separate daysMonday through Sunday and holiday. Within each schedule, you can configure eight separate occupied and unoccupied periods. You enter occupied and unoccupied periods in military format, where 00:00 is the beginning of any 24-hour day and 24:00 is the end of any 24-hour day. You can override (extend) a time period in three ways: by commanding a manual override of 1 to 4 hours by pressing and holding the override button on a T-55 or T-56 Space Temperature Sensor with Override for 1 to 5 seconds during unoccupied hours by closing a Latched Discrete Input point.

The Tenant Billing Option tracks the number and duration of the overrides and then generates a bill. For more information on the Tenant Billing Option, refer to Tenant Billing Option Overview and Configuration Manual. There is no limit to the number of algorithms that can use the same Time Schedule. In general, you should assign the same Time Schedule to all algorithms that control a single air handler or building space. To set up the Comfort Controller 6400 to control the occupancy state of other system elements on the CCN, name the Comfort Controller's Time Schedule OCCPCxxS, where xx is a number greater than or equal to 65. You can do this by adding an occupancy schedule as function 65 or above. A controlling Time Schedule with the name OCCPC65S or greater will broadcast an occupancy flag over the CCN to any system element with the same number in its Network Time Schedule (OCCPCxxE). For example, a Comfort Controller with a Time Schedule named OCCPC68S will broadcast its occupancy state over the CCN to system elements with a Network Time Schedule named OCCPC68S. To set up the Comfort Controller 1600 to control the occupancy state of other system elements on the CCN, you must use ComfortWORKS and perform the instructions in the previous paragraph. To set up the Comfort Controller so that its occupancy state will be controlled by another system element on the CCN, refer to Network Time Schedule in this chapter of the manual.

Time Schedule OCCPCxxC Function Type 305

Typical Application

Refer to the Time Schedule on the following page for a description and explanation of possible time period configurations, and rules to follow when configuring Time Schedules. The following decisions are applicable to this algorithm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. Time Schedule Manual Override Hours Period n: Day of Week Period n: Occupied from Period n: Occupied to Push Button Override Thermostat Override Time Delay Timed Override Duration Power on Delay

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this schedule. They provide data regarding the status and configuration of the schedule. Time Schedule Mode Current Occupied Period Override in Progress Override Duration Occupied Start Time Unoccupied Start Time Next Occupied Day Next Occupied Time Next Unoccupied Day Next Unoccupied Time Last Unoccupied Day Last Unoccupied Time Push Button Override Thermostat Override Task Timer


Time Schedule OCCPCxxC Function Type 305

Figure 6-1 Time Schedule Time Schedule #1 Occupied Time 08:00 11:55 09:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 Unoccupied Time 13:00 15:00 14:00 24:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

M 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

T 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TH 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

SA 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

SU 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

H 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Period 1 has an occupied time of 08:00 (8 a.m.) and an unoccupied time of 13:00 (1:00 p.m.). It will be in effect Monday through Thursday. Period 2 has an occupied time of 11:55 (11:55 a.m.) and an unoccupied time of 15:00 (3 p.m.). It will be in effect only on Saturday. Period 3 provides an occupied time of 09:00 (9 a.m.) and an unoccupied time of 14:00 (2 p.m.) It will be in effect on Sunday and holidays. Although Periods 4 through 8 have an occupied time of 00:00, only Period 4 will operate because a day has been specified. Period 4 will be in effect on Friday.

An occupied time of 00:00 and an unoccupied time of 24:00 will provide occupied operation for a full 24-hour day.

Periods 5 through 8 will not operate because no days are configured for these periods.

An occupied time of 00:00 and an unoccupied time of 00:00 will provide unoccupied operation for a full 24-hour day. Every day in a Time Schedule (Monday through Sunday) must be assigned to a time period.



Time Schedule OCCPCxxC Function Type 305

Manual Override Hours Use this decision to command a timed override by entering the number of hours the override will be in effect, then downloading the OCCPCxxC Table (Time Schedule). If the mode is occupied when you command a timed override, the OCCPCxxC Table extends the occupied period by the amount of the Manual Override Hours. If the mode is unoccupied when you initiate a timed override, the mode changes to an occupied status for the length of the timed override. When a timed override extends into a scheduled occupied period, the scheduled occupied period picks up directly from the timed override with no return to unoccupied status. A value downloaded in this decision does not become part of the tables permanent configuration. The decision is reset to 0 in the Comfort Controller at the end of the timed override mode. You should not save a non-zero value in this decision. By downloading a new timed override, zero hours in length, you can at any time cancel a timed override that has already been commanded. A 0 in this decision causes the Time Schedule to switch to unoccupied mode, if that is how it was configured, or to cancel a pending timed override that would have extended a current occupied mode. You cannot change the length of a timed override mode after this decision is downloaded. From that time until the end of the timed override, the Time Schedule will ignore any value, except 0, that you download to it in this decision. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 4 hours 0


Time Schedule OCCPCxxC Function Type 305

Period n: Day of Week (n = 1 through 8) Use this decision to specify the day(s) of the week on which Period n: Occupied from and Period n: Occupied to times are in effect. From left to right, the first seven positions of the decisions data entry field represent Monday through Sunday. The eighth position represents a holiday. Each position of the data entry field can be set to 1 or 0. A 1 specifies that the period is in effect on the day that corresponds to that position; a 0 specifies that it is not in effect on that day. A period may be specified to be in effect on more than one day of the week. You can use the left and right arrow keys to move among the eight positions of the data entry field. Only the values 1 or 0 should be typed in at each position. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 = period not in effect for that day 1 = period is in effect for that day 11111111 for Period 1 00000000 for Periods 2 to 8

Period n: Occupied from (n = 1 through 8) Use this decision to specify the hour and minute, in military format, at which time this occupied period begins. When entering input for this decision, use a colon (or a decimal if using a LID) to separate hours and minutes. To specify a 24-hour occupied period, enter 00:00 in this decision and 24:00 in the Period n: Occupied to decision. To specify a 24-hour unoccupied period, enter 00:00 in both this decision and in the Period n: Occupied to decision. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 24:00, LID = 00.00 to 24.00 00:00

Period n: Occupied to (n = 1 through 8) Use this decision to specify the hour and minute, in military format, at which time this occupied period ends. When entering input for this decision, use a colon (or a decimal if using a LID) to separate hours and minutes. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 24:00, LID = 00.00 to 24.00 24:00


Time Schedule OCCPCxxC Function Type 305

Push Button Override Use this decision to specify the Latched Discrete Input point (momentary input) that will indicate when a timed override is requested. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) LATCHI00

Thermostat Override Use this decision to indicate the analog input point or Sensor Group where the T-55 or T-56 Space Temperature Sensor (with the timed override button) is connected. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Time Delay Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes a Time Schedule will remain occupied after a timed override cancel occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 60 minutes 5

Timed Override Duration Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes that will be added to the Time Schedule if a push button or T-55 or T-56 override is initiated. The Time Schedule override can be activated during occupied or unoccupied times. If a second override occurs, the Time Schedule will cancel the time schedule override. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 240 minutes 5

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this schedule after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value

0 to 65535 seconds 0

Time Schedule OCCPCxxM Function Type 305

Maintenance Decisions

Time Schedule Time Schedule provides information regarding the current occupancy mode for this schedule.

Mode This decision displays the current occupancy mode for this schedule. Valid Display 0 = Unoccupied Mode 1 = Occupied Mode

Current Occupied Period This decision displays the period number that is currently reflecting the occupancy status for this schedule. When the current mode is 1 (occupied), the value displayed in this decision represents the period number that determines this mode. A value of 0 indicates that the mode is unoccupied. Valid Display 0 = Unoccupied Mode 1 to 8 = Period number determining the Occupied Mode

Override in Progress This decision indicates whether a manual override is currently in effect. Valid Display Yes/No

Override Duration This decision displays the number of minutes remaining in the override period. The override period can be as a result of a manual, push button, or thermostat override condition. Valid Display 0 = No Manual Override in effect 1 to 240 = Number of minutes remaining in override period


Time Schedule OCCPCxxM Function Type 305

Occupied Start Time This decision shows the time that the current occupied mode began. If the current mode is unoccupied, the value in this decision is 00:00. Valid Display 00:00 to 23:59 = Start time of this occupied period

Unoccupied Start Time This decision shows the time that the current occupied mode will end. This value also represents the beginning of the next unoccupied period. If the current mode is unoccupied, the value in this decision is 00:00. Valid Display 00:00 to 24:00 = Start time of next unoccupied period

Next Occupied Day This decision indicates the day of the week when the next occupied period will begin. Valid Display Sun through Sat

Next Occupied Time This decision indicates the time of the day when the next occupied period will begin. Valid Display 00:00 to 23:59

Next Unoccupied Day This decision indicates the day of the week when the next unoccupied period will begin. Valid Display Sun through Sat

Next Unoccupied Time This decision indicates the time of the day when the next unoccupied period will begin. Valid Display 00:00 to 24:00


Time Schedule OCCPCxxM Function Type 305

Last Unoccupied Day This decision indicates the day of the week when the most recent unoccupied period began. If the current mode is unoccupied, the value in this decision indicates the day the mode went into effect. Valid Display Sun through Sat

Last Unoccupied Time This decision indicates the time of the day when the most recent unoccupied period began. If the current mode is unoccupied, the value in this decision indicates when the mode went into effect. Valid Display 00:00 to 24:00

Push Button Override This decision indicates whether or not a Push Button Override is in effect. Valid Display On / Off

Thermostat Override This decision displays the thermostat override value. Valid Display -40.0 to 245.0F (-40.0 to 118.3C)

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before the next execution of the occupancy function. This function executes every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds



How To Configure Alarms

How To Configure Alarms

This section provides the following information for each alarm:
Definition of an Alarm

Purpose Typical application List of required and optional configuration decisions Description of each configuration decision that includes allowable entries and default values. List of maintenance decisions Description of each maintenance decision

An alarm monitors an analog or discrete point, or set of points, and indicates when the configured limit is exceeded, thereby creating an alarm condition. The alarm can be transmitted to other system elements on the CCN. Refer to the table below when configuring the FNCxx-yy Table's Function Unit decision. This same information is also presented in Appendix H (Quickstart) on the Function Types, Default Names and EEPROM Memory Usage Summary Sheet.

Function Types

Table 7-1 Alarm Function Types

Alarm Name

Function Type

Discrete State .......................................... 103 First Out .................................................. 104 Limit ....................................................... 101 Number of Starts ..................................... 106 Runtime .................................................. 105 Setpoint Limit ......................................... 102

For easy reference, the alarms are presented alphabetically in this manual.


Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxC Function Type 103

Discr ete State Alarm

Typical Application

The Discrete State alarm monitors a discrete point for alarm processing purposes. An alarm can be generated based on the state of the input point, or based on a comparison between its state and the state of a user-defined comparison point. The alarm logic is user defined. The alarm can be generated when the input point is on or off or when using a comparison point, when the state of the points is equal or not equal, depending on the alarm logic setting. You can use the Discrete State Alarm to monitor the status of a fan, such that a fan failure is detected and alarmed. The status can also be compared to the status of a corresponding fan output point. When the statuses are not equal, an alarm is generated.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following configuration decisions are applicable to this alarm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Monitored Input Point Comparison Point Alarm Inhibit Point Discrete Check Alarm Logic Enable Delay Time Persistence Time Alarm Processor Alarm Processing Re-Alarm Interval Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Alarm Level Alarm Source Alarm Routing Alarm Description Index Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Power On Delay


Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxC Function Type 103

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this alarm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this alarm. * * * Monitored Input Point Comparision Point Alarm Inhibit Point Alarm Status Alarm Processor Alarm Type Time of Last Message Month of Last Message Day of Last Message Year of Last Message Task Timer

Configuration Decisions

Monitored Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the discrete point that is being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Comparison Point Use this decision to specify the discrete point to which the Monitored Input Point is compared. The state of the Monitored Input Point is compared to the state of the Comparison Point. Alarms can be generated when they are equal, or not equal, depending on the Alarm Logic specified. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00


Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxC Function Type 103

Alarm Inhibit Point Use this decision to indicate the discrete point that prevents the alarm logic from being executed. If you do not configure this decision, the alarm will always be active (on). This alarm will be inhibited whenever the point configured in this decision is active. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Discrete Check Discrete Check gives you the capability to define the Alarm Logic, prevent nuisance alarms, and specify the length of an alarm state. Alarm Logic Use this decision to indicate the alarming logic. When you set this decision to normal, the alarm will occur when the Input Point is not equal to the Comparison Point. When you set this decision to invert, the alarm will occur when Monitored Input Point is equal to the Comparison Point. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Normal/Invert LID = 0(Normal) / 1(Invert) Normal

Enable Delay Time To prevent nuisance alarms, use this decision to enter the amount of time that must elapse after a power fail restart before the alarm can be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 300


Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxC Function Type 103

Persistence Time Use this decision to enter the amount of time the Monitored Input Point must remain in an alarm condition before an alarm is generated or the amount of time the Monitored Input Point must remain in the operating range before a return to normal message is generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 5 to 3600 seconds 60

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor determines how the Discrete State Alarm message will be sent on the CCN. Alarm Processing You must configure this decision to indicate whether the alarm will be sent on the CCN. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable/Dsable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Dsable

Re-Alarm Interval Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes that will elapse between re-alarms. A re-alarm occurs when the Monitored Input Point continues to exceed the configured limit. Re-alarming continues to occur at the specified interval until the Number of Starts Input does not exceed the limits. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 1440 minutes 0

Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Use this decision to indicate whether alarms or alerts will be generated. Alarms are displayed before alerts. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 0/1 1


Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxC Function Type 103

Alarm Level Use this decision to indicate the priority level that will be assigned to this alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms. For a list of alarm levels and their meaning, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 6 6

Alarm Source Use this decision to indicate the type of equipment that is generating the alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms from the same source by level. For a list of equipment types, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 5

Alarm Routing Use this decision to indicate which CCN system elements will receive and process alarms sent by the Comfort Controller. Input for this decision consists of eight digits, each of which can be set to either 0 or 1. Setting a digit to 1 specifies that alarms will be sent to the system element that corresponds to that digit. Setting all digits to 0 disables alarm processing. At the time this manual is written, digits in this decision correspond to CCN system elements in the following manner:
Alarm Printer Interface Module Autodial Gateway Local Building Supervisor(s) 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 unused

Allowable Entries Default Value

00000000 to 11111111 11010000


Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxC Function Type 103

Alarm Description Index Use this decision to enter the index number that represents either the default standard alarm message or one of the 15 standard alarm messages that will be generated when the alarm condition exists. If you enter a value other than 0 in this decision, the configured standard alarm message will be used instead of the default standard alarm message. For a list of the 15 standard alarm messages, refer to Appendix E.

If you enter a custom alarm message in any of the four Alarm Message configuration decisions, that custom message will overwrite the value in this decision and be sent on the CCN. 0 to 15 0

Allowable Entries Default Value

Alarm Message Use this decision to enter the first 16 characters of the custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxM Function Type 103

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this alarm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Monitored Input Point This decision displays the current state of the point being monitored. Valid Display Valid range based upon display units.

Comparison Point This decision displays the present value of the point to which the monitored point is being compared. Valid Display Valid range based upon display units.

Alarm Inhibit Point This decision displays Off if the Alarm Inhibit Point configuration decision is not configured. When this decision displays On, alarm processing is disabled. Valid Display On/Off

Alarm Status This decision displays the current alarm state of the Monitored Input Point Normal or Alarm Condition. Valid Display Alarm/Normal


Discrete State Alarm DSALMxxM Function Type 103

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor provides information regarding the last alarm message sent on the network. Alarm Type This decision indicates the state that caused the current alarm message to be sent. Valid Display 0 = First Alarm Occurrence 1 = Re-Alarm 2 = Return-To-Normal

Time of Last Message This decision displays the time when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 00:00 to 2400

Month of Last Message This decision displays the month when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 12

Day of Last Message This decision displays the day when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 31

Year of Last Message This decision displays the year when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 0 to 99

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this alarm routine executes again. This alarm routine executes every five seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


First Out Alarm FOALMxxC Function Type 104

First Out Alarm

The First Out alarm monitors a set of discrete points and compares the set to the Comparison Point. When any of the points in the set satisfy the configured Alarm Logic for the Persistence Time, an alarm is generated. An alarm is only generated for the first point that matches the Comparison Point with regard to the Alarm Logic type. If another point matches the alarm condition later, there is no re-alarm. The alarm condition remains until none of the set of points meets the alarm logic state. The alarm message includes the name of the point that met the alarm condition. You can use the First Out Alarm to monitor a safety chain. To ensure proper alarm indication, you must connect the points in the same sequence as the chain. The following configuration decisions are applicable to this alarm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * Input Point 1 Input Point 2 Input Point 3 Input Point 4 Comparison Point Alarm Inhibit Point First Out Check Alarm Logic Enable Delay Time Persistence Time Alarm Processor Alarm Processing Re-Alarm Interval Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Alarm Level Alarm Source Alarm Routing Alarm Description Index Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Power on Delay

Typical Application

List of Configuration Decisions


First Out Alarm FOALMxxC Function Type 104

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this alarm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this alarm. * * * * * * Input Point 1 Input Point 2 Input Point 3 Input Point 4 Comparison Point Alarm Inhibit Point First Out Check Alarm Status Alarming Input Point Alarm Processor Alarm Type Time of Last Message Month of Last Message Day of Last Message Year of Last Message Task Timer

Configuration Decisions

Input Point 1 Use this decision to specify the first discrete point in the set of points being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Input Point 2 Use this decision to specify the second discrete point in the set of points being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00


First Out Alarm FOALMxxC Function Type 104

Input Point 3 Use this decision to specify the third discrete point in the set of points being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Input Point 4 Use this decision to specify the fourth discrete point in the set of points being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Comparison Point Use this decision to specify the discrete point to which the Input Points are being compared. The Input Points are either equal to or not equal to the point you specify in this decision, based on the Alarm Logic. If you do not configure a point in this decision, the comparison state is assumed to be off. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Alarm Inhibit Point Use this decision to indicate the discrete point that prevents the alarm logic from being executed. If you do not configure this decision, the alarm will always be active (on). This alarm will be inhibited whenever the point configured in this decision is active. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00


First Out Alarm FOALMxxC Function Type 104

First Out Check First Out Check monitors a set of up to four input values and indicates an alarm status when any of the inputs and the alarming state satisfy the configured alarm condition. The reported alarm value is the channel that first met the alarm condition. Alarm Logic Use this decision to indicate the alarming logic. When you set this decision to normal, the alarm will occur when the Input Point is not equal to the Comparison Point. When you set this decision to invert, the alarm will occur when Monitored Input Point is equal to the Comparison Point. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Normal/Invert LID = 0(Normal) / 1(Invert) Normal

Enable Delay Time To prevent nuisance alarms, use this decision to enter the amount of time that must elapse after a power fail restart before the alarm can be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 300

Persistence Time Use this decision to enter the amount of time the Input Point must remain in an alarm condition before an alarm is generated or the amount of time the Input Point must remain in the operating range before a return to normal message is generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 300


First Out Alarm FOALMxxC Function Type 104

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor determines how the First Out Alarm message will be sent on the CCN. Alarm Processing You must configure this decision to activate the alarm processing logic. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable/Dsable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Dsable

Re-Alarm Interval Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes that will elapse between re-alarms. A re-alarm occurs when the Input Point continues to exceed the configured limit. Re-alarming continues to occur at the specified interval until the alarm condition no longer exists. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 1440 minutes 0

Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Use this decision to indicate whether alarms or alerts will be generated. Alarms are displayed before alerts. Allowable Entries Default Value 0/1 1

Alarm Level Use this decision to indicate the priority level that will be assigned to this alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms. For a list of alarm levels and their meaning, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 6 6


First Out Alarm FOALMxxC Function Type 104

Alarm Source Use this decision to indicate the type of equipment that is generating the alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms from the same source by level. For a list of equipment types, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 5

Alarm Routing Use this decision to indicate which CCN system elements will receive and process alarms sent by the Comfort Controller. Input for this decision consists of eight digits, each of which can be set to either 0 or 1. Setting a digit to 1 specifies that alarms will be sent to the system element that corresponds to that digit. Setting all digits to 0 disables alarm processing. At the time this manual is written, digits in this decision correspond to CCN system elements in the following manner:
Alarm Printer Interface Module Autodial Gateway Local Building Supervisor(s) 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 unused

Allowable Entries Default Value

00000000 to 11111111 11010000

Alarm Description Index Use this decision to enter the index number that represents either the default standard alarm message or one of the 15 standard alarm messages that will be generated when the alarm condition exists. If you enter a value other than 0 in this decision, the configured standard alarm message will be used instead of the default standard alarm message. For a list of the 15 standard alarm messages, refer to Appendix E.

If you enter a custom alarm message in any of the four Alarm Message configuration decisions, that custom message will overwrite the value in this decision and be sent on the CCN. 0 to 15 0

Allowable Entries Default Value

First Out Alarm FOALMxxC Function Type 104

Alarm Message Use this decision to enter the first 16 characters of the custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this alarm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


First Out Alarm FOALMxxM Function Type 104

Maintenance Decisions

Input Point 1 This decision displays the current state of the first point in the set of points being monitored. Valid Display On/Off

Input Point 2 This decision displays the current state of the second point in the set of points being monitored. Valid Display On/Off

Input Point 3 This decision displays the current state of the third point in the set of points being monitored. Valid Display On/Off

Input Point 4 This decision displays the current state of the fourth point in the set of points being monitored. Valid Display On/Off

Comparison Point This decision displays the present value of the point to which the monitored points are being compared. Valid Display Valid range based upon display units.

Alarm Inhibit Point This decision displays Off if the Alarm Inhibit Point configuration decision is not configured. When this decision displays On, alarm processing is disabled. Valid Display On/Off

First Out Check First Out Check provides information regarding the current alarm state for this alarm routine. Alarm Status This decision displays the current alarm state of the Monitored Input Point Normal or Alarm Condition. Valid Display Alarm/Normal

First Out Alarm FOALMxxM Function Type 104

Alarming Input Point This decision displays the Input Point that initially caused the alarm. Valid Display 0 = No point in alarm 1 to 4 = Input Point 1, 2, 3, or 4

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor provides information regarding the last alarm message sent on the network. Alarm Type This decision indicates the state that caused the current alarm message to be sent. Valid Display 0 = First Alarm Occurrence 1 = Re-Alarm 2 = Return-To-Normal

Time of Last Message This decision displays the time when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 00:00 to 2400

Month of Last Message This decision displays the month when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 12

Day of Last Message This decision displays the day when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 31

Year of Last Message This decision displays the year when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 0 to 99

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this alarm routine executes again. This alarm routine executes every second. Valid Display

0 to 300 seconds

Limit Alarm LMALMxxC Function Type 101

Limit Alarm

The Limit alarm monitors an analog point and compares it to configured alarm limits. When the value of the analog point exceeds the configured High Limit or falls below the Low limit for the configured Persistence Time, an alarm is generated. Once an alarm status has been determined, the analog point must return within the setpoint limits by the configured Hysteresis amount for the configured Persistence Time before a return to normal status is determined. Refer to Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1 Determining a Return to Normal Status

Low Limit

High Limit

Normal Operation



Low Limit plus Hysteresis

Return to Normal

High Limit minus Hysteresis

Typical Application List of Configuration Decisions

You can use the Limit Alarm to monitor static pressure in an air duct. The following configuration decisions are applicable to this alarm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Monitored Input Point Alarm Inhibit Point Limit Check Low Limit High Limit Enable Delay Time Persistence Time Hysteresis


Limit Alarm LMALMxxC Function Type 101

Alarm Processor Alarm Processing Re-Alarm Interval Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Alarm Level Alarm Source Alarm Routing Alarm Description Index Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this alarm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this alarm. * * Monitored Input Point Alarm Inhibit Point Limit Check Alarm Status Alarm Value Exceeded Limit Alarm Processor Alarm Type Time of Last Message Month of Last Message Day of Last Message Year of Last Message Task Timer


Limit Alarm LMALMxxC Function Type 101

Configuration Decisions

Monitored Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the analog point that is being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) TEMP_I00

Alarm Inhibit Point Use this decision to indicate the discrete point that prevents the alarm logic from being executed. If you do not configure this decision, the alarm will always be active (on). This alarm will be inhibited whenever the point configured in this decision is active. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Limit Check Limit Check determines when the Input Point is in alarm or has returned to normal. Low Limit Use this decision to indicate the value the Input Point must fall below before an alarm is generated. The engineering units for this value depend on the type of sensor you selected. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0

High Limit Use this decision to indicate the value the Input Point must exceed before an alarm is generated. The engineering units for this value depend on the type of sensor you selected. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 999.0


Limit Alarm LMALMxxC Function Type 101

Enable Delay Time To prevent nuisance alarms, use this decision to enter the amount of time that must elapse after a power fail restart before this alarm can be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 300

Persistence Time Use this decision to enter the amount of time the monitored Input Point must remain in an alarm condition before an alarm is generated or the amount of time the monitored Input Point must remain in the operating range before a return to normal message is generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 3600 seconds 60

Hysteresis Use this decision to indicate the amount by which the monitored Input Point must fall below the high alarming condition or rise above the low alarming condition before a return to normal message can be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value Valid range based upon selected display units. 2.0 (1.1)

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor determines how the Limit Alarm message will be sent on the CCN. Alarm Processing You must configure this decision to activate the alarm processing logic. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable/Dsable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Dsable


Limit Alarm LMALMxxC Function Type 101

Re-Alarm Interval Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes that will elapse between re-alarms. A re-alarm occurs when the Input Point continues to exceed the configured limit. Re-alarming continues to occur at the specified interval until the alarm condition no longer exists. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 1440 minutes 0

Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Use this decision to indicate whether alarms or alerts will be generated. Alarms are displayed before alerts. Allowable Entries Default Value 0/1 1

Alarm Level Use this decision to indicate the priority level that will be assigned to this alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms. For a list of alarm levels and their meaning, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 6 6

Alarm Source Use this decision to indicate the type of equipment that is generating the alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms from the same source by level. For a list of equipment types, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 5


Limit Alarm LMALMxxC Function Type 101

Alarm Routing Use this decision to indicate which CCN system elements will receive and process alarms sent by the Comfort Controller. Input for this decision consists of eight digits, each of which can be set to either 0 or 1. Setting a digit to 1 specifies that alarms will be sent to the system element that corresponds to that digit. Setting all digits to 0 disables alarm processing. At the time this manual is written, digits in this decision correspond to CCN system elements in the following manner:
Alarm Printer Interface Module Autodial Gateway Local Building Supervisor(s) 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 unused

Allowable Entries Default Value

00000000 to 11111111 11010000

Alarm Description Index Use this decision to enter the index number that represents either the default standard alarm message or one of the 15 standard alarm messages that will be generated when the alarm condition exists. If you enter a value other than 0 in this decision, the configured standard alarm message will be used instead of the default standard alarm message. For a list of the 15 standard alarm messages, refer to Appendix E.

If you enter a custom alarm message in any of the four Alarm Message configuration decisions, that custom message will overwrite the value in this decision and be sent on the CCN. 0 to 15 7

Allowable Entries Default Value


Limit Alarm LMALMxxC Function Type 101

Alarm Message Use this decision to enter the first 16 characters of the custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this alarm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


Limit Alarm LMALMxxM Function Type 101

Maintenance Decisions

Monitored Input Point This decision displays the present value of the point being monitored.

Alarm Inhibit Point This decision displays Off if the Alarm Inhibit Point configuration decision is not configured. When this decision displays On, alarm processing is disabled. Valid Display On/Off

Limit Check Limit Check provides information regarding the current alarm state for this alarm routine. Alarm Status This decision displays the current alarm state of the Monitored Input Point Normal or Alarm Condition. Valid Display Alarm/Normal

Alarm Value This decision displays the value of the Monitored Input Point during the alarm condition.

A value of 0 indicates that the point is not in alarm. -40.0 to 245.0F

Valid Display

Exceeded Limit This decision displays the limit that was surpassed.

A value of 0 indicates that the point is not in alarm. -40.0 to 245.0F

Valid Display


Limit Alarm LMALMxxM Function Type 101

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor provides information regarding the last alarm message sent on the network. Alarm Type This decision indicates the state that caused the current alarm message to be sent. Valid Display 0 = First Alarm Occurrence 1 = Re-Alarm 2 = Return-To-Normal

Time of Last Message This decision displays the time when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 00:00 to 2400

Month of Last Message This decision displays the month when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 12

Day of Last Message This decision displays the day when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 31

Year of Last Message This decision displays the year when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 0 to 99

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this alarm routine executes again. This alarm routine executes every five seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Number of Starts Alarm NSALMxxC Function Type 106

Number of Starts Alarm

The Number of Starts alarm monitors a discrete point and totals the number of times the point transitions from off to on (starts). When the total number of starts exceeds the configured hourly or daily limit, an alarm is generated. The alarm will return to normal on an hourly and daily basis. You can use the Number of Starts Alarm to monitor the number of times a fan turns on. The following configuration decisions are applicable to this alarm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * * * Monitored Input Point Number Starts Check Hourly Limit Daily Limit Alarm Processor Alarm Processing Re-Alarm Interval Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Alarm Level Alarm Source Alarm Routing Alarm Description Index Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Power on Delay

Typical Application List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this alarm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this alarm. * Monitored Input Point Number Starts Check Alarm Status Starts This Hour Starts This Day Exceeded Limit Alarm Processor Alarm Type Time of Last Message Month of Last Message Day of Last Message Year of Last Message Task Timer


Number of Starts Alarm NSALMxxC Function Type 106

Configuration Decisions

Monitored Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the discrete point being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Number Starts Check Number Starts Check compares the number of times the Monitored Input Point transitions from off to on to the configured Hourly and Daily Limits. Hourly Limit You must configure this decision to indicate the maximum number of times per hour the Monitored Input Point can transition from off to on. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 0

Daily Limit You must configure this decision to indicate the maximum number of times per day the Monitored Input Point can transition from off to on. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 0

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor determines how the Number Starts Alarm message will be sent on the CCN. Alarm Processing You must configure this decision to activate the alarm processing logic. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable/Dsable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Dsable


Number of Starts Alarm NSALMxxC Function Type 106

Re-Alarm Interval Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes that will elapse between re-alarms. A re-alarm occurs when the Input Point continues to exceed the configured limit. Re-alarming continues to occur at the specified interval until the alarm condition no longer exists. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 1440 minutes 0

Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Use this decision to indicate whether alarms or alerts will be generated. Alarms are displayed before alerts. Allowable Entries Default Value 0/1 1

Alarm Level Use this decision to indicate the priority level that will be assigned to this alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms. For a list of alarm levels and their meaning, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 6 6

Alarm Source Use this decision to indicate the type of equipment that is generating the alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms from the same source by level. For a list of equipment types, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 5


Number of Starts Alarm NSALMxxC Function Type 106

Alarm Routing Use this decision to indicate which CCN system elements will receive and process alarms sent by the Comfort Controller. Input for this decision consists of eight digits, each of which can be set to either 0 or 1. Setting a digit to 1 specifies that alarms will be sent to the system element that corresponds to that digit. Setting all digits to 0 disables alarm processing. At the time this manual is written, digits in this decision correspond to CCN system elements in the following manner:
Alarm Printer Interface Module Autodial Gateway Local Building Supervisor(s) 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 unused

Allowable Entries Default Value

00000000 to 11111111 11010000

Alarm Description Index Use this decision to enter the index number that represents either the default standard alarm message or one of the 15 standard alarm messages that will be generated when the alarm condition exists. If you enter a value other than 0 in this decision, the configured standard alarm message will be used instead of the default standard alarm message. For a list of the 15 standard alarm messages, refer to Appendix E.

If you enter a custom alarm message in any of the four Alarm Message configuration decisions, that custom message will overwrite the value in this decision and be sent on the CCN. 0 to 15 7

Allowable Entries Default Value


Number of Starts Alarm NSALMxxC Function Type 106

Alarm Message Use this decision to enter the first 16 characters of the custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this alarm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


Number of Starts Alarm NSALMxxM Function Type 106

Maintenance Decisions

Monitored Input Point This decision displays the current state of the point being monitored. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Number Starts Check Number Starts Check provides information regarding the current alarm state for this alarm routine. Alarm Status This decision displays the current alarm state of the Monitored Input Point Normal or Alarm Condition. Valid Display Alarm/Normal

Starts This Hour This decision displays the number of times the Monitored Input Point transitions from off to on during this hour. The value in this decision resets to 0 at the beginning of each hour. Valid Display 0 to 65535

Starts This Day This decision displays the number of times the Monitored Input Point transitions from off to on during this day. The value in this decision resets to 0 at midnight. Valid Display 0 to 65535

Exceeded Limit This decision displays the limit that was surpassed.

A value of 0 indicates that the point is not in alarm. 0 to 9999

Valid Display


Number of Starts Alarm NSALMxxM Function Type 106

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor provides information regarding the last alarm message sent on the network. Alarm Type This decision indicates the state that caused the current alarm message to be sent. Valid Display 0 = First Alarm Occurrence 1 = Re-Alarm 2 = Return-To-Normal

Time of Last Message This decision displays the time when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 00:00 to 2400

Month of Last Message This decision displays the month when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 12

Day of Last Message This decision displays the day when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 31

Year of Last Message This decision displays the year when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 0 to 99

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this alarm routine executes again. This alarm routine executes every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Runtime Alarm RTALMxxC Function Type 105

Runtime Alarm

The Runtime alarm monitors a discrete point and totals the amount of time the point is on. When the total on-time amount exceeds the configured limit, an alarm is generated. The alarm will return to normal when a reset is done. You can use the Runtime alarm to monitor the amount of time a pump has been on. The following configuration decisions are applicable to this alarm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * Monitored Input Point Runtime Check Runtime Limit Reset Alarm Alarm Processor Alarm Processing Re-Alarm Interval Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Alarm Level Alarm Source Alarm Routing Alarm Description Index Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Power on Delay

Typical Application

List of Configuration Decisions


Runtime Alarm RTALMxxC Function Type 105

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this alarm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this alarm. * Monitored Input Point Runtime Check Alarm Status Runtime Hours Runtime Minutes Exceeded Limit Alarm Processor Alarm Type Time of Last Message Month of Last Message Day of Last Message Year of Last Message Task Timer

Configuration Decisions

Monitored Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the discrete point being monitored for hours of runtime. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Runtime Check Runtime Check compares the accumulated runtime for the Monitored Input Point to the Runtime Limit. Runtime Limit You must configure this decision to indicate the maximum amount of time the Alarm Monitored Input Point can be turned on before an alarm will be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 hours 0


Runtime Alarm RTALMxxC Function Type 105

Reset Alarm Use this decision to clear the accummulated counter and the Runtime Alarm. The value in this decision will be reset to No after the counter and alarm are reset. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = No/Yes LID = 0(No) / 1(Yes) No

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor determines how the Runtime Alarm message will be sent on the CCN. Alarm Processing You must configure this decision to activate the alarm processing logic. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable/Dsable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Dsable

Re-Alarm Interval Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes that will elapse between re-alarms. A re-alarm occurs when the Input Point continues to exceed the configured limit. Re-alarming continues to occur at the specified interval until the alarm condition no longer exists. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 1440 minutes 0

Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Use this decision to indicate whether alarms or alerts will be generated. Alarms are displayed before alerts. Allowable Entries Default Value 0/1 1


Runtime Alarm RTALMxxC Function Type 105

Alarm Level Use this decision to indicate the priority level that will be assigned to this alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms. For a list of alarm levels and their meaning, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 6 6

Alarm Source Use this decision to indicate the type of equipment that is generating the alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms from the same source by level. For a list of equipment types, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 5

Alarm Routing Use this decision to indicate which CCN system elements will receive and process alarms sent by the Comfort Controller. Input for this decision consists of eight digits, each of which can be set to either 0 or 1. Setting a digit to 1 specifies that alarms will be sent to the system element that corresponds to that digit. Setting all digits to 0 disables alarm processing. At the time this manual is written, digits in this decision correspond to CCN system elements in the following manner:

Alarm Printer Interface Module Autodial Gateway Local Building Supervisor(s) 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 unused

Allowable Entries Default Value

00000000 to 11111111 11010000


Runtime Alarm RTALMxxC Function Type 105

Alarm Description Index Use this decision to enter the index number that represents either the default standard alarm message or one of the 15 standard alarm messages that will be generated when the alarm condition exists. If you enter a value other than 0 in this decision, the configured standard alarm message will be used instead of the default standard alarm message. For a list of the 15 standard alarm messages, refer to Appendix E.

If you enter a custom alarm message in any of the four Alarm Message configuration decisions, that custom message will overwrite the value in this decision and be sent on the CCN. 0 to 15 7

Allowable Entries Default Value

Alarm Message Use this decision to enter the first 16 characters of the custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Runtime Alarm RTALMxxM Function Type 105

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this alarm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Monitored Input Point This decision displays the current state of the point being monitored. Valid Display Valid range based upon display units.

Runtime Check Runtime Check provides information regarding the current alarm state for this alarm routine. Alarm Status This decision displays the current alarm state of the Monitored Input Point Normal or Alarm Condition. Valid Display Alarm/Normal

Runtime Hours This decision displays the number of hours the Monitored Input Point has been on since the last reset. Valid Display 0 to 65535

Runtime Minutes This decision displays the number of minutes the Monitored Input Point has been on since the last reset. Valid Display 0 to 65535


Runtime Alarm RTALMxxM Function Type 105

Exceeded Limit This decision displays the limit that was surpassed.

A value of 0 indicates that the point is not in alarm.

Valid Display 0 to 65535 Alarm Processor Alarm Processor provides information regarding the last alarm message sent on the network. Alarm Type This decision indicates the state that caused the current alarm message to be sent. Valid Display 0 = First Alarm Occurrence 1 = Re-Alarm 2 = Return-To-Normal

Time of Last Message This decision displays the time when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 00:00 to 2400

Month of Last Message This decision displays the month when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 12

Day of Last Message This decision displays the day when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 31

Year of Last Message This decision displays the year when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 0 to 99

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this alarm routine executes again. This alarm routine executes every 30 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds

Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMxxC Function Type 102

Setpoint Limit Alarm

The Setpoint Limit alarm monitors an analog point and compares it to the setpoint limits configured in the designated Setpoint Schedule. When the value of the analog point is below the low setpoint minus the configured Low Setpoint Offset or is greater than the High Setpoint Offset plus the high setpoint, an alarm is generated. Once an alarm status has been determined, the analog point must return within the setpoint limits for the configured Persistence Time before a return to normal status is determined. The limits are determined as follows: [high setpoint + High Setpoint Offset - Hysteresis] and [low setpoint - Low Setpoint Offset + Hysteresis]

Figure 7-2 Determining a Return to Normal Status

Low Limit Low Offset

High Limit + High Offset

Normal Operation



Limit plus Hysteresis

Return to Normal

Limit minus Hysteresis

Whenever you change the setpoints in the Setpoint Schedule, alarm detection is inhibited for the amount configured in Setpoint Change Delay. The conditions are not tested if an Alarm Inhibit input is active.
Typical Application List of Configuration Decisions

You can use the Setpoint Alarm to monitor space temperature. The following configuration decisions are applicable to this alarm. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * * Monitored Inhibit Point Alarm Inhibit Point Time Schedule Setpoint Schedule


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMxxC Function Type 102

Setpoint Limit Check Low Setpoint Offset High Setpoint Offset Setpoint Change Delay Enable Delay Time Persistence Time Hysteresis Alarm Processor Alarm Processing Re-Alarm Interval Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Alarm Level Alarm Source Alarm Routing Alarm Description Index Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Alarm Message Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this alarm. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this alarm. * * Monitored Input Point Alarm Inhibit Point Occupied? Hi Setpoint + Offset Lo Setpoint - Offset Setpoint Limit Check Alarm Status Alarm Value Exceeded Limit Alarm Processor Alarm Type Time of Last Message Month of Last Message Day of Last Message Year of Last Message Task Timer


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMxxC Function Type 102

Configuration Decisions

Monitored Input Point You must configure this decision to specify the analog point that is being monitored. The engineering units for the point should match those of the Setpoint Schedule to which it will be compared. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 0 to 64 TEMP_I00

Alarm Inhibit Point Use this decision to indicate the discrete point that prevents the alarm logic from being executed. If you do not configure this decision, the alarm will always be active (on). This alarm will be inhibited whenever the point configured in this decision is active. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 0 to 64 SENSDI00

Time Schedule Use this decision to specify the Time Schedule that determines the occupancy state for this alarm. If you do not specify a Time Schedule in this decision, the alarm will default to a 24-hour occupied state. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = OCCPCxx LID = xx, where xx = function number OCCPC00

Setpoint Schedule You must configure this decision to specify the Setpoint Schedule that provides the occupied and unoccupied setpoints. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = SETPTyy LID = yy, where yy = 0 to 16 SETPT00


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMxxC Function Type 102

Setpoint Limit Check Setpoint Limit Check determines when the monitored Input Point is in alarm or has returned to normal. Low Setpoint Offset Use this decision to indicate the amount by which the monitored Input Point must fall below the low setpoint before an alarm is generated. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 5.0

High Setpoint Offset Use this decision to indicate the amount by which the monitored Input Point must exceed the high setpoint before an alarm is generated. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 5.0

Setpoint Change Delay To prevent nuisance alarms, use this decision to enter the amount of time that must elapse after changing the setpoint in the Setpoint Schedule before an alarm can be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 300

Enable Delay Time To prevent nuisance alarms, use this decision to enter the amount of time that must elapse after a power fail restart before this alarm can be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 3600 seconds 300


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMxxC Function Type 102

Persistence Time Use this decision to enter the amount of time the monitored Input Point must remain in an alarm condition before an alarm is generated or the amount of time the monitored Input Point must remain in the operating range before a return to normal message is generated. Allowable Entries Default Value 10 to 3600 seconds 60

Hysteresis Use this decision to indicate the amount by which the monitored Input Point must fall below the high alarming condition or rise above the low alarming condition before a return to normal message can be generated. Allowable Entries Default Value -9999.9 to 9999.9 2.0

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor determines how the Setpoint Limit Alarm message will be sent on the CCN. Alarm Processing You must configure this decision to activate the alarm processing logic. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Enable/Dsable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Dsable

Re-Alarm Interval Use this decision to indicate the number of minutes that will elapse between re-alarms. A re-alarm occurs when the Input Point continues to exceed the configured limit. Re-alarming continues to occur at the specified interval until the alarm condition no longer exists. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 1440 minutes 0


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMxxC Function Type 102

Alarm=1 or Alert=0 Use this decision to indicate whether alarms or alerts will be generated. Alarms are displayed before alerts. Allowable Entries Default Value 0/1 1

Alarm Level Use this decision to indicate the priority level that will be assigned to this alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms. For a list of alarm levels and their meaning, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 6 6

Alarm Source Use this decision to indicate the type of equipment that is generating the alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms from the same source by level. For a list of equipment types, refer to Appendix E. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 5

Alarm Routing Use this decision to indicate which CCN system elements will receive and process alarms sent by the Comfort Controller. Input for this decision consists of eight digits, each of which can be set to either 0 or 1. Setting a digit to 1 specifies that alarms will be sent to the system element that corresponds to that digit. Setting all digits to 0 disables alarm processing. At the time this manual is written, digits in this decision correspond to CCN system elements in the following manner:
Alarm Printer Interface Module Autodial Gateway Local Building Supervisor(s) 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 unused

Allowable Entries Default Value

00000000 to 11111111 11010000


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMxxC Function Type 102

Alarm Description Index Use this decision to enter the index number that represents either the default standard alarm message or one of the 15 standard alarm messages that will be generated when the alarm condition exists. If you enter a value other than 0 in this decision, the configured standard alarm message will be used instead of the default standard alarm message. For a list of the 15 standard alarm messages, refer to Appendix E.

If you enter a custom alarm message in any of the four Alarm Message configuration decisions, that custom message will overwrite the value in this decision and be sent on the CCN. 0 to 15 7

Allowable Entries Default Value

Alarm Message Use this decision to enter the first 16 characters of the custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMnnM Function Type 102

Alarm Message If necessary, use this decision to continue entering the 64-character custom message that you would like sent when the alarm condition exists. Refer to Appendix E for a list of supported control characters. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 16 ASCII characters (blank)

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this alarm after a power failure occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0

Maintenance Decisions

Monitored Input Point This decision displays the current value of the point being monitored. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Alarm Inhibit Point This decision displays Off if the Alarm Inhibit Point configuration decision is not configured. When this decision displays On, alarm processing is disabled. Valid Display On/Off

Occupied ? This decision displays the current occupancy status based on the configured data in the Time Schedule. If a Time Schedule has not been selected, then the default mode will be Occupied and Yes will be displayed. Valid Display Yes/No

Hi Setpoint + Offset This decision displays the high setpoint value plus offset, allowing for the current occupancy state. Valid Display -40.0 to 240F


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMnnM Function Type 102

Lo Setpoint - Offset This decision displays the low setpoint value minus offset, allowing for the current occupancy state. Setpoint Limit Check Setpoint Limit Check provides information regarding the current alarm state for this alarm routine. Alarm Status This decision displays the current alarm state of the Monitored Input Point Normal or Alarm Condition. Valid Display Alarm/Normal

Alarm Value This decision displays the value of the Monitored Input Point during the alarm condition.

A value of 0 indicates that the point is not in alarm. -40.0 to 245.0F

Valid Display

Exceeded Limit This decision displays the limit that was surpassed.

A value of 0 indicates that the point is not in alarm. -40.0 to 245.0F

Valid Display

Alarm Processor Alarm Processor provides information regarding the last alarm message sent on the network. Alarm Type This decision indicates the state that caused the current alarm message to be sent. Valid Display 0 = First Alarm Occurrence 1 = Re-Alarm 2 = Return-To-Normal


Setpoint Limit Alarm SLALMnnM Function Type 102

Time of Last Message This decision displays the time when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 00:00 to 2400

Month of Last Message This decision displays the month when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 12

Day of Last Message This decision displays the day when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 1 to 31

Year of Last Message This decision displays the year when the last alarm message was sent. Valid Display 0 to 99

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this alarm routine executes again. This alarm routine executes every five seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds



How To Configure System Functions

How To Configure System Functions

This section provides the following information for each system function:
Definition of a System Function

Purpose Typical application List of required and optional configuration decisions Description of each configuration decision that includes allowable entries and default values. List of maintenance decisions Description of each maintenance decision

A system function allows you to perform one of the following tasks: Obtain data from system elements on the CCN Access the Comfort Controllers consumable data Configure Service-Config Tables Configure user-specific functions of your Comfort Controller. Change the time of the Comfort Controllers internal clock View Comfort Controller database information, such as amount of available memory

For easy reference, the System Functions are presented in this manual, as follows: Analog Point Trace Ctlr-ID Consumable Loadshed Database Status Discrete Trace Point Internal Consumable LID Preferences Real Time Clock Runtime

In addition to the system functions listed above, the LID can access the system functions listed in the table on the following page. To determine how to access these system functions with the LID, refer to Appendix F.


Table 8-1 Additional LID System Functions

LID System Function


Alarm History

Allows you to view the last 25 alarms. The most current alarm is displayed first. Allows you to view and configure the Comfort Controllers address and baud rate. It also allows you to view messages sent on the CCN. Allows you to view and modify points. Allows you to change your password. Allows you to update the Comfort Controllers database and view amount of available memory. Allows you to view and modify functions. Allows you to select customary US or metric units and language translation. Allows you to change the current time in the Comfort Controllers internal clock. Allows you to view and modify setpoints. Allows you to view and modify the global functions.

CCN Control

Channel Definition Controller Password Database Control

Function Definition LID Preferences Set Clock

Setpoint Definition System Definition


Function Types

Refer to the table below when configuring the FNCxx-yy Table''s Function Unit decision. This same information is also presented in Appendix H (Quickstart) on the Function Types, Default Names and EEPROM Memory Usage Summary Sheet.

Table 8-2 System Function Types

System Function Name

Function Type

Analog Point Trace ................................. 201 Discrete Point Trace ............................... 202 Internal Consumable ............................... 203


Analog Trace Point ATRACxxC Function Type 201

Analog Trace Point

List of Configuration Decisions

This system function provides detailed trend information regarding the performance of an analog point over a period of time. Up to 48 values can be collected for each trace.

The following decisions are applicable to this system function. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Analog Trace Point Control Point Trace Channel Trace Interval Start Time Config Start Day Event State Trace Mode Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this system function. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this system function. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * Analog Trace Point Control Point Trace Channel Point Traced Start Time Status Buffer Full Data Value (1-48) Task Timer


Analog Trace Point ATRACxxC Function Type 201

Configuration Decisions

Analog Trace Point You must configure this decision to indicate the point being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) MAMP_I00

Control Point Use this decision to indicate the discrete point that determines when the trace is started or stopped based on comparison to the Event State. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Trace Channel Trace Channel defines the attributes of the trace parameters.

Trace Interval You must configure this decision to indicate the time that must elapse before the next Data Value is collected. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 120 minutes 1

Start Time Config If you entered the value of 1 (which represents Timed Start of Trace) in the Trace Mode configuration decision, you must configure this decision to indicate the time at which the first trace will occur. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59 00:00


Analog Trace Point ATRACxxC Function Type 201

Start Day If you entered the value of 1 (which represents Timed Start of Trace) in the Trace Mode configuration decision, you may configure this decision to specify the day on which the trace will occur. 0 = Any Day 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday Allowable Entries Default Value 4 = Thursday 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday 0 to 7 0

Event State Use this decision to indicate the state used to compare with the control point to determine when to start or stop this trace. Allowable Entries Default Value 0/1 0

Trace Mode You must configure this decision to indicate the type of trace operation to perform. 0 = Manual Start of Trace (Trace starts and continues until another value is entered in this decision.) = Timed Start of Trace (Trace stops when buffer is full.) = Event Start of Trace (Trace starts when Event State equals Control Point state.) = Event Stop of Trace (Trace stops when Event State equals Control Point state.) = Manual Stop of Trace (Trace stops immediately.) = Manual Reset of Trace (The trace resets to the value of 0, which is Manual Start of Trace All data clears.) 0 to 5 0

1 2 3 4 5

Allowable Entries Default Value


Analog Trace Point ATRACxxM Function Type 201

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this history function after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 30

Maintenance Decisions

Analog Trace Point This decision displays the current value of the analog point being traced in user selectable units. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Control Point This decision displays the current value of the Control Point. This value acts as a trigger based on the selected Trace Mode. If unconfigured, the Control Point will not affect trace operation. Valid Display On/Off

Trace Channel Trace Channel displays the specific trace data for the displayed point.

Point Traced This decision identifies the 8-character point name for the Analog Trace Point. Valid Display Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters

Start Time This decision indicates the time when the data gathering for this trace began. It is dependent on the Trace Mode and Event State selected. Valid Display 0:00 - 23:59


Analog Trace Point ATRACxxM Function Type 201

Status This decision indicates the current status of this trace function. It is dependent on the Trace Mode and Event State selected.





0 3 1 2 1 or 4 5 1 or 2

Trace is running Trace will stop when configured event occurs Timed start trace is active (stops when buffer full) Event start trace is active Trace has been stopped All data resets, then reverts to CONT TRC Waiting for time or event trigger

One of seven items above

Buffer Full This decision indicates whether all 48 data slots have been used. Valid Display Yes/No

Data Value These decisions display up to 48 consecutive values for the trace point. The most current value is displayed last. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before the next execution of this function. The trace function executes every 60 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Controller ID Ctlr-ID


This system function allows you to view the pre-configured Comfort Controller product identification information. You can modify Device Name, Description and Location with a Building Supervisor III, Network Service Tool, or ComfortWORKS. The following pre-configured decisions are applicable: Device Name Location Model Number* Description Software Part Number* Serial Number* Reference Number* *non-configurable field The following maintenance decision, which can be viewed only with a LID or the BEST++ Programmer's Environment, provides information regarding the amount of real time being used within the Comfort Controller: Real Time Usage Device Name Use this decision to modify the 8 character device name. Allowable Entries Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = N/A

List of Configuration Decisions

List of Maintenance Decisions

Configuration Decisions

Description Use this decision to modify the up to 24-character controller description. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 24 characters LID = N/A Comfort Controller

Location Use this decision to modify the up to 24-character controller location. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 24 characters LID = N/A (blank)

Software Part Number CEPP-130124-xx, where xx is based on the version. This is a nonconfigurable field.
Maintenance Decision

Real Time Usage This decision is only accessible with the LID or BEST++. This decision displays the Comfort Controller's percentage of real time usage. When the value in this decision equals 100%, the algorithms and any custom programs will no longer run at their configured rate. Valid Display 0 to 100%

Consumable CONSUME Loadshed LDSHED


This system function calculates the amount of energy or unit flow used over time. A combination of up to 16 sensed discrete, pulsed discrete, or analog inputs can be configured in each Consumable equipment table. Up to four tables can exist per Comfort Controller. For more information, refer to the Data Collection III Option Overview and Configuration Manual.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this system function where n is a number 1 through 16. Point n Name Point n Type

Configuration Decisions

Point n Name Use this decision to specify the analog or discrete point being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) PULSDI00

Point n Type Use this decision to indicate the type of point being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Discrete/Analog LID = 0(Discrete) / 1(Analog) Discrete


This system function associates a Loadshed Module Supervisory part with the Comfort Controller's DO Time Clock or DO Time Clock with Check algorithm. A total of 16 Loadshed Equipment parts can be added to the Comfort Controller. This is no configuration required. Once a Loadshed Equipment part is added to the controller, the names of the Loadshed Tables will appear when using Speedy Data Entry (pressing F7 from the ComfortVIEW and/or ComfortWORKS controller configuration tool) to assign a Loadshed Table to the Comfort Controller's DO Time Clock or DO Time Clock with Check algorithms. For additional information, refer to the Loadshed Option Overview and Configuration Manual (808-555.)


Database Status UPDATEDB

Database Status

This system function displays information about the Comfort Controller database. By viewing the maintenance decisions in this system function, you can determine: if there is an invalid entry in a Comfort Controller table. if you have exceeded the Comfort Controller's available memory if the database is corrupted. the amount of EEPROM and RAM memory space that is available in the Comfort Controller.

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this system function. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this system function. Database Error EEPROM Error RAM Error Available Program Bytes Available Data Bytes

Maintenance Decisions

Database Error If a Yes is displayed in the Database Error maintenance decision, there is an invalid entry in one of the Comfort Controller Service Configuration Tables. A Yes in this decision can also indicate that you have exceeded the Comfort Controller's available memory.

Database items are created from their respective Service Configuration Table. Each table (FNCxx-yy, HWxx-yy, NUMSYS, SETPTDEF, SWxx-yy) is created in sequential order. Items defined in the FNC01-24 Table are created first. If a configuration error is encountered, the Comfort Controller will stop updating the database at the point in the respective Service Configuration Table where the error occurred. Yes/No

Valid Display


Database Status UPDATEDB

EEPROM Error When this decision displays a Yes, the Comfort Controller's database configuration may be corrupted. To resolve this problem, download the configuration to the controller and cycle power. Valid Display Yes/No

RAM Error When this decision displays a Yes, the Comfort Controller's dynamic data may be corrupted. To resolve this problem, cycle power. Valid Display Yes/No

Available Program Bytes The decision will indicate the EEPROM memory space that is currently available for additional functions or custom programs. Refer to Appendix H in this manual for memory requirements for any additional functions that may be required. Valid Display 0 to 32767

Available Data Bytes The decision will indicate the RAM space that is available for additional functions or custom programs. Refer to Appendix H in this manual for memory requirements for any additional functions that may be required. Valid Display Comfort Controller 1600: 0 to 32767 Comfort Controller 6400: 0 to 131068


Discrete Trace Point DTRACxxC Function Type 202

Discrete Trace Point

List of Configuration Decisions

This system function provides detailed trend information regarding the performance of a discrete point over a period of time. Up to 48 values can be collected for each trace. The following decisions are applicable to this system function. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Discrete Trace Point Control Point Trace Channel Trace Interval Start Time Config Start Day Event State Trace Mode Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this system function. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this system function. You can force the asterisked decisions. * * Discrete Trace Point Control Point Trace Channel Point Traced Start Time Status Buffer Full Data Value (1-48) Task Timer


Discrete Trace Point DTRACxxC Function Type 202

Configuration Decisions

Discrete Trace Point You must configure this decision to indicate the point being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Control Point You must configure this decision to indicate a discrete point that determines when the trace is started or stopped based on comparison to the Event State. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Trace Channel Trace Channel defines the attributes of the trace parameters.

Trace Interval You must configure this decision to indicate the time that must elapse before the next Data Value is collected. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 120 minutes 1

Start Time Config If you entered the value of 1 (which represents Timed Start of Trace) in the Trace Mode configuration decision, you must configure this decision to indicate the time at which the first trace will occur. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59 00.00


Discrete Trace Point DTRACxxC Function Type 202

Start Day If you entered the value of 1 (which represents Timed Start of Trace) in the Trace Mode configuration decision, you must configure this decision to specify the day on which the first trace will occur. 0 = Any Day 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 7 0 4 = Thursday 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday

Event State Use this decision to configure the state used to compare with the control point to determine when to start or stop this trace. Allowable Entries Default Value 0/1 0

Trace Mode You must configure this decision to indicate the type of trace operation to perform. 0 = Manual Start of Trace (Trace starts and continues until another value is entered in this decision.) = Timed Start of Trace (Trace stops when buffer is full.) = Event Start of Trace (Trace starts when Event State equals Control Point state.) = Event Stop of Trace (Trace stops when Event State equals Control Point state.) = Manual Stop of Trace (Trace stops immediately.) = Manual Reset of Trace (The trace resets to the value of 0, which is Manual Start of Trace. All data clears.) 0 to 5 0

1 2 3 4 5

Allowable Entries Default Value


Discrete Trace Point DTRACxxM Function Type 202

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this history function after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 30

Maintenance Decisions

Discrete Trace Point This decision displays the current state of the discrete point being traced. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Control Point This decision displays the current value of the Control Point. This value acts as a trigger based on the selected Trace Mode. If unconfigured, the Control Point will not affect trace operation. Valid Display On/Off

Trace Channel These decisions show the specific trace data for the displayed point.

Point Traced This decision identifies the 8-character point name for the Discrete Trace Point. Valid Display 8-character name

Start Time This decision indicates the time when the data gathering for this trace began. It is dependent on the Trace Mode and Event State selected. Valid Display 0:00 - 23:59


Discrete Trace Point DTRACxxM Function Type 202

Status This decision indicates the current status of this trace function. It is dependent on the Trace Mode and Event State selected.





0 3 1 2 1 or 4 5 1 or 2

Trace is running Trace will stop when configured event occurs Timed start trace is active (stops when buffer full) Event start trace is active Trace has been stopped All data resets, then reverts to CONT TRC Waiting for time or event trigger

One of seven items above

Buffer Full This decision indicates whether all 48 data slots have been used. Valid Display Yes/No

Data Value These decisions display up to 48 consecutive values for the trace point. The most current value is displayed last. Valid Display Whatever is valid for the Trace Point.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before the next execution of this function. The trace function executes every 60 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Internal Consumable CONSUxxC Function Type 203

Internal Consumable

This system function accumulates the amount of energy or unit flow used daily. It collects the data in 15-minute (fast) or 30-minute (slow) intervals. Thirty days of accumulated values can be stored. The data is displayed in a top/down manner, from oldest to most recent. This system function also stores the peak interval value and its time and date. The table below lists the permissible display units for the input point being monitored and the internal consumable algorithm.

Point Display Unit

Point Cust. US

Point Metric

Int. Cons. Algorithm Display Unit

Algorithm Algorithm Cust. US Metric

8 9 20 31 37 52

gpm gph kW tons/h gps GPM

1/min 1/h kW tons/h 1/sec LPS

35 35 19 54 35 35

gal gal kWh tons gal gal

liters liters kWh kW liters liters

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this system function. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. * Consumable Input Consumable Consumable Interval Reset Total Usage Power on Delay


Internal Consumable CONSUxxC Function Type 203

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following maintenance decisions are applicable to this system function. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this system function. You can force the asterisked decision. * Consumable Input Consumable Data Value (1 - 30) Peak Value Time Peak Occurred Month Date Total Usage Task Timer

Configuration Decisions

Consumable Input You must configure this decision to indicate the Pulsed Discrete Input Point being monitored.

This point must support one of the permissible display units (engineering units) listed on the previous page. Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) blank

Allowable Entries Default Value

Consumable Consumable defines the attributes of the collection intervals. Consumable Interval Use this decision to choose either a fast or slow collection interval. The fast interval collects data every 15 minutes. The slow interval collects every 30 minutes. Allowable Entries Default Value Fast/Slow Fast

Reset Total Usage Use this decision to reset any previously collected data to zero. Allowable Entries Default Value Yes/No No

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this function after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 0


Internal Consumable CONSUxxM Function Type 203

Maintenance Decisions

Consumable Input This decision displays the current value of the Consumable Input Point. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Consumable This decision displays the collected data for the configured point. Data Value These decisions display up to 30 accumulated values for the configured point. The most current value is displayed last.

If the Consumable Input Point was configured with invalid units, no consumable data will be accumulated. Valid range based upon selected display units.

Valid Display

Peak Value This decision displays the largest collected consumable for any interval over the 30-day period. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units. Time Peak Occurred This decision displays the time the Peak Value was collected over the configured interval 15 minutes (fast) or 30 minutes (slow). Valid Display 00:00 to 24:00 Month This decision displays the Month in which the Peak Value was collected. Valid Display 1 to 12

Date This decision displays the day on which the Peak Value was collected. Valid Display 1 to 31

Total Usage This decision displays the accumulated consumables total for the 30-day period. Valid Display Valid range based upon selected display units.

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every 60 seconds. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


LID Processor LIDPRxxC

LID Processor

This system function gives you the capability to: specify whether customary U.S. or metric units will be displayed on the LID. specify if the LID text should display in English or in the userspecified language. change the date and time in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. change the LID's password.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this system function. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. Units Standard Language Translation Password Time Day of Week Month Year Update Clock Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this system function. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this system function. Log In to Controller Log Out of Controller Task Timer

Configuration Decisions

Units Standard Use this decision to define the engineering conversion requirements when using the LID to display status or configuration data. The data can be presented as either a metric or customary U.S. value. Allowable Entries Default Value Metric/U.S. U.S.


LID Processor LIDPRxxC

Language Translation Use this decision to specify if the LID text should display in English or in the user-specified foreign language. Please note that the LID can support English and one other language. In order for this decisions to operate, you must create the foreign language function and convert the text to the desired user language. Allowable Entries Default Value Yes/No No

Password Use this decision to change the eight-character password. You must enter a password before logging onto the Comfort Controller with a LID. Allowable Entries Default Value 00000000 to 999999999 1111

Time Use this decision to set the time in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Enter the value in military time and set the Update Clock decision to Yes to update the real time clock. Use a decimal point (.) instead of a colon (:) when you configure using the LID. Allowable Entries Default Value 00:00 to 24:00 00:00

Day of Week Use this decision to set the day of week in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Enter the desired value and set the Update Clock decision to Yes to update the real time clock. Allowable Entries 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday 4 = Thursday 1 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday

Default Value

Month Use this decision to set the month in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Enter the desired value and set the Update Clock decision to Yes to update the real time clock. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 12 1


LID Processor LIDPRxxC

Day Use this decision to set the date in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Enter the desired value and set the Update Clock decision to Yes to update the real time clock. Allowable Entries Default Value 00 to 31 1

Year Use this decision to set the year in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Enter the desired value and set the Update Clock decision to Yes to update the real time clock. Allowable Entries Default Value 00 to 99 95

Update Clock Use this decision to indicate when the Comfort Controller's real time clock should be updated with the values entered in the preceding configuration decisions. Allowable Entries Default Value Yes/No No

Power on Delay Use this decision to determine how long after a power failure the real time clock will wait before allowing the clock to be updated. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 65535 seconds 1


LID Processor LIDPRxxM

Maintenance Decisions

Log In to Controller This decision identifies when a user is logging on to the Comfort Controller with the LID. When the decision transitions to a 1, a user is requesting to log on. Please note that this decision is set to 0 when the password is validated. Because this transition occurs quickly, you will not normally be able to witness it. Valid Display 0/1

Log Out of Controller This decision identifies when a user has requested to log off the Comfort Controller with the LID. When the decision displays Yes, a user is requesting to log off. Please note that this decision is set to No when the logoff is complete. Because this transition occurs quickly, you will not normally be able to witness it. Valid Display Yes/No

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this system function executes again. This system function will execute every second Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds


Real Time Clock RTCCN00C

Real Time Clock

This system function gives you the capability to: broadcast current time on CCN. configure the start of daylight saving. configure the end of daylight saving.

List of Configuration Decisions

The following decisions are applicable to this system function. You must configure the asterisked decisions. Non-asterisked decisions are optional. Time Broadcast Enable Daylight Savings Start Month Start Day of Week Start Week Start Time Start Advance Stop Month Stop Day of Week Stop Week Stop Time Stop Back Power on Delay

List of Maintenance Decisions

The following read-only, maintenance decisions are applicable to this system function. They provide useful information regarding the status and configuration of this system function. Real Time Clock Hour Minute Second Day of Week Month Day Year Is Today a Holiday Is Tomorrow a Holiday Daylight Savings Communication Status Task Timer


Real Time Clock RTCCN00C

Configuration Decisions

Time Broadcast Enable Use this decision to indicate whether the Comfort Controller will broadcast the time and date to other system elements on the CCN. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Disable/Enable LID = 0(Disable) / 1(Enable) Disable

Daylight Savings Daylight Savings gives you the capability to configure the start and end of daylight saving. Start Month Use this decision to enter the month in which the real time clock will adjust the time for the start of daylight saving time. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 12 4

Start Day of Week Use this decision to enter the day of the week in which the real time clock will adjust the time for the start of daylight saving time, where 1 = Monday. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 7 7

Start Week Use this decision to enter the week of the month when the real time clock will adjust the time for the start of daylight saving time. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 5 3

Start Time Use this decision to enter the time of day at which the real time clock will adjust the time for the start of daylight saving time. Use a decimal, or colon, to separate hours from minutes. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59 02:00


Real Time Clock RTCCN00C

Start Advance Use this decision to enter the number of minutes by which the real time clock will adjust the time for the start of daylight saving time. An entry of 0 will disable this feature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 360 minutes 60

Stop Month Use this decision to enter the month in which the real time clock will adjust the time for the end of daylight saving time. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 12 10

Stop Day of Week Use this decision to enter the day of the week on which the real time clock will adjust the time for the end of daylight saving time, where 1 = Monday. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 7 7

Stop Week Use this decision to enter the week of the month in which the real time clock will adjust the time for the end of daylight saving time. Allowable Entries Default Value 1 to 5 3

Stop Time Use this decision to enter the time of day at which the real time clock will adjust the time for the end of daylight saving time. Use a decimal, or colon, to separate hours from minutes. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = 00:00 to 23:59 LID = 00.00 to 23.59 02:00

Stop Back Use this decision to enter the number of minutes by which the real time clock will adjust the time for the end of daylight saving time. An entry of 0 will disable this feature. Allowable Entries Default Value 0 to 360 minutes 60

Real Time Clock RTCCN00M

Power on Delay Use this decision to specify the number of seconds the Comfort Controller must wait to activate this function after a power restart occurs. Allowable Entries Default Value
Maintenance Decisions

0 to 65535 seconds 0

Real Time Clock Real Time Clock displays current information about the Comfort Controllers internal clock. Hour This decision displays the current hour of the day as it exists in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Valid Display 0 to 23

Minute This decision displays the current minute of the hour as it exists in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Valid Display 0 to 59

Second This decision displays the current second of the minute as it exists in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Valid Display 0 to 59

Day of Week This decision displays the current day of the week as it exists in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Valid Display 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday 4 = Thursday 1 to 7 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday

Month This decision displays the current month of the year as it exists in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Valid Display

1 to 12

Real Time Clock RTCCN00M

Day This decision displays the current day of the month as it exists in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Valid Display 1 to 31

Year This decision displays the current year of the century as it exists in the Comfort Controller's real time clock. Valid Display 00 to 99

Is Today a Holiday This decision indicates if today is scheduled to be a holiday. You specify holidays in the Comfort Controller's HOLDYxxS Table. Valid Display Yes/No

Is Tomorrow a Holiday This decision indicates if tomorrow is scheduled to be a holiday. You specify holidays in the Comfort Controller's HOLDxxS Table. Valid Display Yes/No

Daylight Savings This decision indicates if daylight saving time is in effect. Valid Display Yes/No

Communication Status This decisions indicates if the Comfort Controller successfully completed the last time and date broadcast. The Comfort Controller broadcasts time and date twice a day at 1:00 am and 1:00 pm, or on request of a CCN element. Valid Display 0 = Successful Broadcast 1 = No Broadcast acknowledge received

Task Timer This decision displays the number of remaining seconds before this algorithm executes again. This algorithm will execute every second. Valid Display 0 to 300 seconds




This system function determines how long the configured discrete points have been on. Up to 16 points can be configured in each Runtime Table. Up to 4 tables can be configured. Each point is read every minute to record the amount of runtime. This data is then used by a CCN Data Collection III option. Once an hour, the Data Collection supervisory part transmits an inquiry to the Comfort Controller, and the Comfort Controller transmits back the runtime value for each configured point. For more information about Runtime, refer to Data Collection III Option Overview and Configuration Manual. The following decisions are applicable to this system function, where n is a number 1 through 16. You must configure at least one point. Point n Name Point n Type

List of Configuration Decisions

Configuration Decisions

Point n Name Use this decision to specify the discrete point being monitored. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = up to 8 characters LID = 1 to 96 (6400), 1 to 32 (1600) SENSDI00

Point n Type Use this decision to indicate whether the point being monitored is a normal on/off type. Allowable Entries Default Value Bldg. Supvr. = Normal/Invert LID = 1(Normal) / 0(Invert) Normal


Configuration Sheets


Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:____________________________________________ Table Name: HW______________
(Table #)



1st Channel Type 1st Sensor or Units 1st Channel Name 2nd Channel Type 2nd Sensor or Units 2nd Channel Name 3rd Channel Type 3rd Sensor or Units 3rd Channel Name 4th Channel Type 4th Sensor or Units 4th Channel Name 5th Channel Type 5th Sensor or Units 5th Channel Name 6th Channel Type 6th Sensor or Units 6th Channel Name 7th Channel Type 7th Sensor or Units 7th Channel Name 8th Channel Type 8th Sensor or Units 8th Channel Name
Channel (I/O) Types 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not used AITemperature AIMilliamp AICustom Milliamp AIVoltage AICustom Voltage DISensed Discrete DIPulsed Discrete

0 - 14 See below.

0 - 14 See below.

0 - 14 See below.

0 - 14 See below.

0 - 14 See below.

0 - 14 See below.

0 - 14 See below.

0 - 14 See below.

Sensor Types*/Units** Not used 1 - 4 (sensor type) 1 - 5 (sensor type) 1 - 56 (units) 1 - 6 (sensor type) 1 - 56 (units) 1 - 37 (units) 1 - 56 (units)

Channel (I/O) Types 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DIDiscrete Latched AOMilliamp AOCustom Milliamp AOVoltage AOCustom Voltage DODiscrete DOStepper

Sensor Types*/Units** 1 - 37 (units) 1 - 4 (sensor type) 1 - 56 (units) 1 - 4 (sensor type) 1 - 56 (units) 1 - 37 (units) 1 - 56 (units)

* For a description of the sensor types, refer to Appendix B in this manual. ** For a description of the units, refer to Appendix C in this manual.



Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:____________________________________________ Table Name: SW______________
(Table #)



1st Channel Type 1st Sensor or Units 1st Channel Name 2nd Channel Type 2nd Sensor or Units 2nd Channel Name 3rd Channel Type 3rd Sensor or Units 3rd Channel Name 4th Channel Type 4th Sensor or Units 4th Channel Name 5th Channel Type 5th Sensor or Units 5th Channel Name 6th Channel Type 6th Sensor or Units 6th Channel Name 7th Channel Type 7th Sensor or Units 7th Channel Name 8th Channel Type 8th Sensor or Units 8th Channel Name

0-4 See below.

0-4 See below.

0-4 See below.

0-4 See below.

0-4 See below.

0-4 See below.

0-4 See below.

0-4 See below.

Channel (I/O) Types 0 1 2 3 4 Not used Discrete Software Analog Software Network Input Network Output

Units* Not used 1 - 56 (units) 1 - 56 (units) 1 - 56 (units) 1 - 56 (units)

* For a description of the units, refer to Appendix C in this manual.




Sheet ______ of ________

(Table #)

Controller Name:___________________________________________________ Bus #________________________ Element #_______________________

Table Description:_________________________________________________________________________________ Table Name: FNC________________

F u n c t i o n D e f i n i t i o n S h e e t - A l g o r i t h m s , A l a r m s , Ti m e S c h e d u l e s , B r o a d c a s t , & L i n k a g e
16th Function Type 16th Function Units 17th Function Type 17th Function Units 18th Function Type 18th Function Units 19th Function Type 19th Function Units 20th Function Type 20th Function Units 21st Function Type 21st Function Units 22nd Function Type 22nd Function Units 23rd Function Type 23rd Function Units 24th Function Type 24th Function Units * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56**


* 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56** * 0-56**


1st Function Type

1st Function Units

2nd Function Type

2nd Function Units

3rd Function Type

3rd Function Units 4th Function Type

4th Function Units

5th Function Type

5th Function Units

6th Function Type

6th Function Units

7th Function Type

7th Function Units

8th Function Type

8th Function Units

9th Function Type

9th Function Units

10th Function Type

10th Function Units

11th Function Type

11th Function Units

12th Function Type

12th Function Units

13th Function Type

13th Function Units

14th Function Type

14th Function Units

15th Function Type

15th Function Units

*Refer to Appendix J in this manual for a list of allowable entries. **Refer to Appendix C in this manual for a list of allowable entries.



Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #_____________ Element #_____________ Table Description:_________________________________________________ Table Name: NUMSYS



Holidays Network Time Schedule Consumables Runtimes Loadsheds Language Conversion

0 - 16 0 - 16 0-4 0-4 0 - 16 Yes/No




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:___________________________________________________ Table Name: SETPTDEF



Setpoint 01 Units Setpoint 02 Units Setpoint 03 Units Setpoint 04 Units Setpoint 05 Units Setpoint 06 Units Setpoint 07 Units Setpoint 08 Units Setpoint 09 Units Setpoint 10 Units Setpoint 11 Units Setpoint 12 Units Setpoint 13 Units Setpoint 14 Units Setpoint 15 Units Setpoint 16 Units

0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56 0 - 56

* For a description of the allowable entries, refer to Appendix C in this manual.




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #____________ Name of Algorithm:__________________________________________ Occurrence:__________________






Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:____________________________________________ Table Name: CMAMPI_________
(Pt. #)



Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint Low Input Fault High Input Fault Externally Powered

0.0 to 22.0 0.0 to 22.0 * * 0.0 to 22.0 0.0 to 22.0 Yes/No

mA mA * * mA mA

Table Description:____________________________________________ Table Name: CMAMPI_________

(Pt. #)



Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint Low Input Fault High Input Fault Externally Powered
*Allowable entries are based on the units you select.

0.0 to 22.0 0.0 to 22.0 * * 0.0 to 22.0 0.0 to 22.0 Yes/No

mA mA * * mA mA

For a list of the units, refer to Appendix C in this manual.




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:___________________________________________ Table Name: CMAMPO_________
(Pt. #)



Low Output Endpoint High Output Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint

0.0 to 22.0 0.0 to 22.0 * *

mA mA * *

Table Description:___________________________________________ Table Name: CMAMPO_________

(Pt. #)



Low Output Endpoint High Output Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint
*Allowable entries are based on the units you select.

0.0 to 22.0 0.0 to 22.0 * *

mA mA * *

For a list of the units, refer to Appendix C in this manual.




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:____________________________________________ Table Name: CVOLTI__________
(Pt. #)



Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint High Input Fault Low Input Fault

0.0 to 11.0 0.0 to 11.0 * * 0.0 to 11.0 0.0 to 11.0

Volts Volts * * Volts Volts

Table Description:____________________________________________ Table Name: CVOLTI__________

(Pt. #)



Low Input Endpoint High Input Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint High Input Fault Low Input Fault
*Allowable entries are based on the units you select.

0.0 to 11.0 0.0 to 11.0 * * 0.0 to 11.0 0.0 to 11.0

Volts Volts * * Volts Volts

For a list of the units, refer to Appendix C in this mauual.




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:___________________________________________ Table Name: CVOLTO__________
(Pt. #)



Low Output Endpoint High Output Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint

0.0 to 11.0 0.0 to 11.0 * *

Volts Volts * *

Table Description:___________________________________________ Table Name: CVOLTO__________

(Pt. #)



Low Output Endpoint High Output Endpoint Low Conversion Endpoint High Conversion Endpoint
*Allowable entries are based on the units you select.

0.0 to 11.0 0.0 to 11.0 * *

Volts Volts * *

For a list of the units, refer to Appendix C in this manual.




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: DISCRO___________
(Pt. #)



Output Logic Type Minimum Off Time Minimum On Time Delay Time

Normal/Invert 0 to 3600 0 to 3600 0 to 3600

N/A min min seconds

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: DISCRO___________

(Pt. #)



Output Logic Type Minimum Off Time Minimum On Time Delay Time

Normal/Invert 0 to 3600 0 to 3600 0 to 3600

N/A min min seconds

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: DISCRO___________

(Pt. #)



Output Logic Type Minimum Off Time Minimum On Time Delay Time

Normal/Invert 0 to 3600 0 to 3600 0 to 3600

N/A min min seconds




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element # ____________ Table Description:________________________________________ Table Name: HOLIDAY___________



Start Month Start Day Duration

1 to 12 1 to 31 0 to 365 Days

Table Description:________________________________________ Table Name: HOLIDAY___________



Start Month Start Day Duration

1 to 12 1 to 31 0 to 365 Days

Table Description:________________________________________ Table Name: HOLIDAY___________



Start Month Start Day Duration

1 to 12 1 to 31 0 to 365 Days

Table Description:________________________________________ Table Name: HOLIDAY___________



Start Month Start Day Duration


1 to 12 1 to 31 0 to 365 Days


Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #____________ Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: MAMP__I_________
(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: MAMP__I_________

(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: MAMP__I_________

(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: MAMP__I_________

(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0





Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:____________________________________________ Table Name: OCCPN__________S
(Table #)



Manual Override Hours Period 1: Day of Week Period 1: Occupied from Period 1: Occupied to Period 2: Day of Week Period 2: Occupied from Period 2: Occupied to Period 3: Day of Week Period 3: Occupied from Period 3: Occupied to Period 4: Day of Week Period 4: Occupied from Period 4: Occupied to Period 5: Day of Week Period 5: Occupied from Period 5: Occupied to Period 6: Day of Week Period 6: Occupied from Period 6: Occupied to Period 7: Day of Week Period 7: Occupied from Period 7: Occupied to Period 8: Day of Week Period 8: Occupied from Period 8: Occupied to Push Button Override Thermostat Override Time Delay Timed Override Minutes

0-4 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00 00000000/11111111 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 to 24:00
Up to 8 alphanum. char. Up to 8 alphanum. char.

Hours Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min Hr:Min

0 to 60 0 to 240

Min Min




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: PULSDI___________
(Pt. #)



Conversion Factor Sample Time

0000.00 to 9999.99 1 to 1800

pulses seconds

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: PULSDI___________

(Pt. #)



Conversion Factor Sample Time

0000.00 to 9999.99 1 to 1800

pulses seconds

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: PULSDI___________

(Pt. #)



Conversion Factor Sample Time

0000.00 to 9999.99 1 to 1800

pulses seconds




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: SENSDI ___________
(Pt. #)



Output Logic Type


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: SENSDI ___________

(Pt. #)



Output Logic Type


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: SENSDI ___________

(Pt. #)



Output Logic Type


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: SENSDI ___________

(Pt. #)



Output Logic Type





Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:___________________________________________ Table Name: SETPT ____________
(Table #)



Occupied Lo Setpoint Occupied Hi Setpoint Unoccupied Lo Setpoint Unoccupied Hi Setpoint

* * * *

* * * *

Table Description:___________________________________________ Table Name: SETPT ____________

(Table #)



Occupied Lo Setpoint Occupied Hi Setpoint Unoccupied Lo Setpoint Unoccupied Hi Setpoint

* * * *

* * * *

Table Description:___________________________________________ Table Name: SETPT ____________

(Table #)



Occupied Lo Setpoint Occupied Hi Setpoint Unoccupied Lo Setpoint Unoccupied Hi Setpoint

*Allowable entries are based on the units you select.

* * * *

* * * *

For a list of the units, refer to Appendix C in this manual.




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #_____________ Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: STPMOT___________
(Pt. #)



Stepping Rate Duty Cycle

1 to 1000 33 to 100

steps/ seconds

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: STPMOT___________

(Pt. #)



Stepping Rate Duty Cycle

1 to 1000 33 to 100

steps/ seconds

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: STPMOT___________

(Pt. #)



Stepping Rate Duty Cycle

1 to 1000 33 to 100

steps/ seconds




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #____________ Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: TEMP __I_________
(Pt #)




-10.0 to 10.0F (-23.3 to -12.2C)

F (C)

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: TEMP __I_________

(Pt #)




-10.0 to 10.0F (-23.3 to -12.2C)

F (C)

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: TEMP __I_________

(Pt #)




-10.0 to 10.0F (-23.3 to -12.2C)

F (C)

Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: TEMP __I_________

(Pt #)




-10.0 to 10.0F (-23.3 to -12.2C)

F (C)




Sheet ______ of ________

Controller Name:_______________________________ Bus #______________ Element #____________ Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: VOLT__I_________
(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: VOLT__I_________

(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: VOLT__I_________

(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0


Table Description:__________________________________________ Table Name: VOLT__I_________

(Pt #)




-999.0 to 999.0





Appendix A
CCN Compatibility
The Comfort Controller is compatible with the following Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) products. This list is current as of the printing of this manual. It is subject to change.
Purpose & Name of Document Where You Can Find More Information About Product Operation and Configuration

Compatible Products

Air Side Linkage

The software routine in the Terminal System Manager II (TSM II) that determines the relationship between the TSM II(s) and the air handler(s) in a system. Terminal System Manager II Overview and Configuration Manual (808-777)

Autodial Gateway III

Serves as an interface device between a Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) and a modem. The Gateway and modem enable the CCN to communicate over telephone lines with other Autodial Gateway-equipped CCNs. Autodial Gateway III Overview and Configuration Manual (808-827)


Interface device that allows a nonCarrier device such as a dumb terminal, personal computer, or non-Carrier controller to read values in system elements connected to a CCN Communication Bus. CCN DATAPORT Product Data Sheet (808-538) (Continued)

Compatible Products

Purpose & Name of Document Where You Can Find More Information About Product Operation and Configuration

Data Collection III

Used to collect consumable, runtime, and history data. Data Collection III/Data Transfer Product Data Sheet (808-777)

Data Transfer

Transmits point data from one system element to another. Data Collection III/Data Transfer Product Data Sheet (808-777)

Facility Time Schedule

Used to specify occupancy periods that vary in length on a day-to-day basis. Facility Time Schedule Overview and Configuration Manual (808-726)


Reduces peak electrical consumption within a building by measuring usage and shedding (turning off or otherwise reducing) selected building loads when a present limit is surpassed. Loadshed Overview and Configuration Manual (808-555)



Compatible Products

Purpose & Name of Document Where You Can Find More Information About Product Operation and Configuration

Maintenance Management

Extends capabilities of the Building Supervisor so that is can provide hard copy service requests (work orders) when equipment requires attention. Maintenance Management Overview and Configuration Manual (808-746)

Tenant Billing

Records the amount of time, or timed override, that a building tenant exceeds occupancy hours that have been scheduled in the CCN. Stores a configured dollar amount that is charged to the customer for each hour of override. Tenant Billing Overview and Configuration Manual (808-730)

Timed Force

Extends users flexibility in forcing points. Transmits a force command to a point in a CCN controller to override what would otherwise be the value or state of the point. Timed Force Overview and Configuration Manual (808-717)



Compatible Products

Purpose & Name of Document Where You Can Find More Information About Product Operation and Configuration

Water System Manager

Provides linking functions so that the operation of equipment supplying cooled and heated water can be enabled and disabled in response to conditions in the space(s) being served. Supplies reset values to adjust setpoint in the water cooling and heating equipment. Water System Manager Overview and Configuration Manual (808-734)


Appendix B
Standard Input and Output Devices
The tables below provide the engineering units, ranges, resolutions, and accuracy for the standard input and output devices that the Comfort Controller supports.

Temperature Types Range (US = Customary US) (M = Metric)


Analog Input Sensor Type



YSI 10K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

US: -40F to 245F M: -40C to 118C

0.1F 0.055C

+/-1.0F +/-0.55C

1K RTD Temperature

US: -40F to 220F M: -40C to 104C

0.1F 0.055C

+/-2.0F +/-0.55C

5K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

US: -40F to 245F M: -40C to 118C

0.1F 0.055C

+/-1.0F +/-0.55C

PT100 Temperature Sensor

Not supported.

MCI 10K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

US: -40F to 245F M: -18C to 118C

0.1F 0.055C

+/-1.0F +/-0.55C

NTC 100K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

US: 72F to 282F M: 22C to 139C

0.1F 0.055C

+/-1.0F +/-0.55C



Analog Input Types (Milliamp) Range (US = Customary US) (M = Metric)


Analog Input Sensor Type



Relative Humidity Sensor (2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

US: 0% Rh to 100% Rh M: 0% Rh to 100% Rh

0.16% Rh 0.16% Rh

0.32% Rh 0.32% Rh

Static Pressure Sensor (2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

US: 0" H20 to 5.0" H20 M: 0 P to 1244 P

0.008" H20 0.016" H20 1.6 P 3.2 P

4-20 Milliamp Transducer

US: 0 mA to 22 mA M: 0 mA to 22 mA

0.025 mA 0.025 mA

+/-0.05 mA +/-0.05 mA

Platinum RTD Temperature Sensor (2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

US: -10F to 245F M: -22.3C to 118C

0.4F 0.22C

0.8F 0.44C

Pressure Sensor (2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

US: 3 to 15 psi M: 20.7 to 103.4 kPa

0.02 psi 0.13 kPa

0.04 psi 0.26 kPa



Analog Input Types (Voltage) Range (US = Customary US) (M = Metric)

Analog Input Type Sensor Type



Relative Humidity Sensor

US: 0% Rh to 100% Rh M: 0% Rh to 100% Rh

0.16% Rh 0.16% Rh

0.32% Rh 0.32% Rh

Static Pressure Sensor

US: 0" H20 to 5.0" H20 M: 0 P to 1244 P

0.008" H20 0.016" H20 1.6 P 3.2 P

0 to 10 Vdc Transducer (Maximum Impedance >10K ohms)

US: 0 Vdc to 11 Vdc M: 0 Vdc to 11 Vdc

0.0125 Vdc +/-0.025 Vdc 0.0125 Vdc +/-0.025 Vdc

Platinum RTD Temperature Sensor

US: -10F to 245F M: -22.3C to 118C

0.4F 0.22C

0.8F 0.44C

Pressure Sensor

US: 3 to 15 psi M: 20.7 to 103.4 kPa

0.02 psi 0.13 kPa

0.04 psi 0.26 kPa

T-56 Space Temperature Sensor with Setpoint Adjustment

US: 0.0% to 100.0% M: 0.0% to 100.0%

not applicable not applicable



Analog Output Types (Milliamp) Range (US = Customary US) (M = Metric)


Analog Output Sensor Type



Percentage 0-100%, (4-20 mA output)

CS: 0 to 100% M: 0 to 100%

0.5% 0.5%

3.75% 3.75%

Percentage 100%-0%, (4-20 mA output)

CS: 100% to 0% M: 100% to 0%

0.5% 0.5%

3.75% 3.75%

Pressure (0-22 mA output)

CS: 0 psi to 16.5 psi M: 0 kPa to 113.9 kPa

0.64 psi 0.44 kPa

0.45 psi 3.1 kpa

4-20 mA Maximum Load 600 ohms

CS: 0 mA to 22.0 mA M: 0 mA to 22.0 mA

0.085 mA 0.085 mA

+/-.6 mA +/-.6 mA


Accuracy does not include accuracy of the transducer. The UT203 FID IO modules only support Milliamp Analog Output Type 4. If another milliamp analog output is required, configure the point as a Custom Milliamp Output. For more information, refer to Custom Milliamp Output in the How To Configure Points chapter of this manual.



Analog Output Types (Voltage) Range (US = Customary US) (M = Metric)


Analog Output Sensor Type



Percentage 0-100%, (0-10 V)

CS: 0 to 100% M: 0 to 100%

0.5% 0.5%

3.75% 3.75%

Percentage 100%-0%, (0-10 V)

CS: 100% to 0% M: 100% to 0%

0.5% 0.5%

3.75% 3.75%

Pressure (0-11 V)

CS: 0 psi to 16.5 psi M: 0 kPa to 113.9 kPa

0.64 psi 0.44 kPa

0.45 psi 3.1 kpa

0-11 Vdc

CS: 0 Vdc to 11 Vdc M: 0 Vdc to 11 Vdc

0.04 Vdc 0.04 Vdc

0.3 Vdc 0.3 Vdc


Accuracy does not include accuracy of the transducer. The UT203 FID IO modules do not support Voltage Analog Output Types.


Appendix C - Allowable Entries for AI/AO Display Units

Customary US Display Units Entry
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57-72

Metric Units Displayed

not used C % Pa mA ^C VOLTS Kpa 1/min 1/h m3/min m3/h kPa kg/h kg/hr kW kW mmH2O mmHG kWh kW degC %Rh AMPS VOLTS m3/min m3/h m/sec m3/min m3/h tons tons/h rpm %open hours liters kJ/kg 1/sec m2 1/sec sec Hz min hours rpm kWh/p pulses uS pH usec steps meters LPS kPag kW KCal/min no units custom units

Units Displayed
not used F % "H20 mA ^F VOLTS psi gpm gph kgpm kgph psig lbs/hr klbs/hr Btu/hr MBtu/h "H20 "Hg kWh kW degF %Rh AMPS VOLTS CFM CFH fpm kcfm kcfh tons tons/h rpm %open hours gals Btu/lb gps sqft CFM sec Hz min hours rpm kWh/p pulses uS pH usec steps feet GPM in Hg tons tons no units custom units

Conversion Limits Low High

Conversion Limits Low High

-40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9999.99 0.00 0.00 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 0.00 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99

245.00 100.00 5.00 22.00 9999.99 11.00 16.50 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 100.00 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99

-40.00 0.00 0 0.00 -5555.55 0.00 0.00 -37849.96 -37849.96 -37849.96 -37849.96 -68949.93 -4535.996 -4535.996 -2.93000 -2929.997 -253999.8 -253999.8 -9999.99 -9999.99 -5573.33 0.00 -9999.99 -9999.99 -283.1997 -283.1997 -50.79995 -283199.7 -283199.7 -9069.99 -9069.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -37849.96 -23267.78 -37849.96 -928.9991 -4718.995 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -9999.99 -3047.85 -630.7993 -35139.97 -35139.97 -503999.51 -9999.99

118.33 100.00 1244 22.00 5555.55 11.00 113.77 37849.96 37849.96 37849.96 37849.96 68949.93 4535.996 4535.996 2.93000 2929.997 253999.8 253999.8 9999.99 9999.99 5573.77 100.00 9999.99 9999.99 283.1997 283.1997 50.79995 283199.7 283199.7 9069.99 9069.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 37849.96 23232.18 37849.96 928.9991 4718.995 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 9999.99 3047.85 630.7993 35139.97 35139.97 503999.51 9999.99


Appendix D
Allowable Entries for DI/DO Display Units
Display Units Entry Conversion for Discrete Value 1 Conversion for Discrete Value 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38-53

1 Start Stop Enable Disable On Off Open Close High Low Alarm Normal Enable Emstop Yes No True False Analog Nonlin Energy Invert Blank Dirty Heat Up Fast Auto Auto Brine Full CCN Tone Or Metric Slave Custom units

0 Stop Start Disable Enable Off On Close Open Low High Normal Alarm Emstop Enable No Yes False True Discrete Linear Flow Normal Blank Clean Cool Down Slow Manual On Water Reduce Local Pulse And US Master Custom Units

Appendix E
Alarm Information
Refer to the information in this appendix when configuring the following decisions in an ALRMDEF Table: Alarm Level Alarm Source Alarm Description Index Alarm Message

A description of each of these decisions and their allowable entries are given below.
Alarm Level

In the Alarm Level configuration decision, enter the priority level (0 to 6) that will be assigned to this alarm. The value in this decision is used when sorting alarms. Alarm levels range from zero to six, with zero being the highest and six the lowest priority. Each level, along with a description of its meaning, is listed below.
Alarm Level Meaning

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fire/Life Safety Critical Service Reserved Maintenance Reserved Control


Alarm Source

In the Alarm Source configuration decision, enter the type (0 to 7) that represents the equipment generating the alarm. The value entered in this decision is used when sorting alarms from the same source by level.
Type Equipment

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Alarm Description Index

Fire Security Reserved Boiler/Furnace Chiller Air Handler System (POC functions) Thermostat

In the Alarm Description Index configuration decision, enter the index number (0 to 15) that represents the standard alarm message that will be generated when the alarm condition exists.
Index Number Standard Alarm Message

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

If you enter 0 in the Alarm Description Index configuration decision or a date in the Alarm Message decision, the standard alarm message will be ignored. discrete state total time exceeds starts, limit is commanded state is safety chain first out interlock outside limit of interlocked, exceeds limit of I/O channel failure has illegal configuration additional cooling capacity required communications error clock error communication alarm buffer full directory not available

Alarm Message

There are four Alarm Message configuration decisions which allow you to create a custom message of up to 64 characters that will be sent when the alarm condition exists. In each decision, you can enter up to 16 ASCII character and/or control characters listed in the table below. A control character consists of # and a number 2 to 4. When an alarm is generated, the control characters in the custom message are replaced by the actual data supplied by the alarm, i.e., the point name. The examples below show custom messages with and without control characters. Example custom alarm message entered without control characters: Bob, SPT exceeded limit of 72F. Call Joe at Ext. 5555 when problem is fixed.

Same custom alarm message entered using control characters: Bob, #2 #4. Call Joe at Ext. 5555 when alarm returns to normal.

Control Characters

Will be replaced with . . . when alarm is sent

#1 #2 #3 #4

Not used 8-character point name* current variable value and units exceeded limit and units

*ComfortWORKS replaces the 8-character point name with the 24character description.


Appendix F
LID Operation
The Local Interface Device (LID) is a CCN operator interface that gives you the capability to view and modify all configuration and service data for the Comfort Controller. The LID also gives you the capability to override all point display and maintenance data. This section includes information about the LIDs: Menu structure Default screen Keypad Status modes

This section also includes instructions on how to: Log on and log off Access configuration and maintenance data

Menu Structure

The LID operates on a hierarchy of four levels (menus). The top level contains the LIDs major functions. Each function has a corresponding key on the LID. For an explanation of each function key, refer to Table F-2. The second level separates the major functions (items) into types with corresponding type numbers that you can use for quick access. For a list of functions and type numbers, refer to the Function Types, Default Names and EEPROM Memory Usage Summary Sheet located in Appendix H of this manual. This table is useful when you want to quickly access a particular item, such as an algorithm. The third level gives you the capability to access each occurrence of an item. For example, your application may require two DO Analog Comparison algorithms. Thus, your Comfort Controller would have two occurrences of the DOAnalog Comparison algorithm. The fourth level gives you the capability to access maintenance and configuration data associated with the selected occurrence of the item.


Default Screen

Figure F-1 shows a LID displaying the Default screen. This screen provides you with the 24-character controller name and the controllers current time, date, and alarm status. This screen appears when the LID is powered up and communicating with the Comfort Controller or there is no keyboard activity for ten minutes.

Keypad and Display

The LID consists of a keypad with 8 function keys, 4 operative keys, 12 numeric keys (0 to 9, ., and -) and a two-line, alphanumeric liquid crystal display (LCD). Each line on the LCD can display up to 24 characters. The LID is illustrated in the figure below.

Figure F-1 Local Interface Device

Comfort Controller



1 4 7 _

2 5 8 0

3 6 9 .










The table below defines the purpose of the LIDs function keys.
Table F-2 Function Keys

Function Keys



Status gives you access to maintenance values and configuration data for points.


Alarm gives you access to maintenance and configuration data for alarms. History gives you access to maintenance and configuration data for history system functions. Service gives you access to maintenance and configuration data for service system functions. Setup gives you access to configuration data for setup system functions.





Schedule gives you access to maintenance and configuration data for schedules.


Algorithm gives you access to maintenance and configuration data for AO, DO , and global algorithms. It also give you access to BEST++ custom programs. Edit gives you the capability to switch from status mode to edit (configuration) mode for the selected item. (EXPN is not used in conjunction with the Comfort Controller.)


The table below defines the purpose of the LIDs operative keys.
Table F-3 Operative Keys

Operative Keys


Clear performs three operations:


Cancels a data entry before you press Enter, thus leaving the current value unchanged Returns a forced point to automatic control Redisplays the previous menu level

Enter performs two operations:


Selects the displayed item, thus displaying either its maintenance or configuration data, depending on whether you are in the status mode or the edit mode. Accepts the value entered in a configuration decision as new configuration data or as a force.

Down arrow displays the next configured item or decision. When the last configured item or decision is displayed, the LID redisplays the first configured item or decision. For example, when you press the down arrow key while viewing the last configuration decision of an algorithm, the LID re-displays the first configuration decision. Up arrow Displays the previous configured item or decision.


The table below defines the purpose of the LIDs numeric keys.
Operative Keys

Table F-4 Numeric Keys


Numeric keys. Performs two operations: Separates items, such as an algorithm from its occurrence or hours from minutes. Serves as a decimal point in numeric values.

Performs two operations: Negates the value of numeric keys. Clears current data entry value any time it is not the first key pressed during the data entry sequence.

How to Log On

Follow the instructions below to log on to the Comfort Controller. 1. 2. Press 3, SET, and ENTER. Key in your password and press ENTER.

The default password is 1111. To change the default password, press 3, SET, EDIT, and ENTER. Enter a new password of up to 8 digits and press ENTER.

How to Set the Comfort Controller's Address

Follow the instructions below to set the Comfort Controller's address. 1. 2. 3. Press 7, SRVC, ENTER and EDIT. Key in the CCN element number and press ENTER. Press the down arrow, enter the CCN bus number, and press ENTER.

How to Log Off

Follow the instructions below to log off the Comfort Controller. 1. 2. Press 3, SET, and ENTER. Press the down arrow, 1, and ENTER.


Viewing Modes

You can view items in either the status (maintenance) mode or the edit (configuration) mode.

Status Mode

When you first power up the LID, it displays the Comfort Controllers items in the status (maintenance) mode. You may view the current value or status of an item in the status mode without actually logging on to the Comfort Controller. Knowing the current values or status of items can be useful when troubleshooting. For example, you could determine if a point was forced.

Not all items have maintenance data. If the item you select does not have maintenance data, the LID will display No maintenance.

How to Access Items in the Status Mode

You can access maintenance data in the status mode in two ways: Pressing the appropriate function key (i.e., ALRM) once to access a category (i.e., alarms) and then continuing to press that key (ALRM) to scroll through all the items in that category (i.e., Limit Alarm, Setpoint Alarm, Discrete Alarm, First Out Alarm, Runtime Alarm, and Number of Starts Alarm). Press ENTER to display the first maintenance decision.

Scrolling by repeatedly pressing the function key, displays the name of all the items in that category, whether or not they are actually configured. Scrolling by pressing the up or down arrow, displays only the configured items within that category.

Pressing the appropriate LID numeric key (i.e., 2) and the appropriate function key (i.e., ALRM) to directly access an item without having to scroll through all the items in that category. Press ENTER to display the first maintenance decision.


Edit Mode

Because the LID first displays items in the status mode when it is powered up, you must log on to the connected Comfort Controller and press the edit key to switch to the edit mode. While in the edit mode, you can change the configuration of items. For example, you could change the value of an algorithms configuration decision. For instructions on accessing items in the edit mode, refer to the next topic, How to Access Items in the Comfort Controller.

Not all items have configuration data. If the item you select does not have configuration data, pressing the Edit key will have no effect. The LID will display No configuration.

How to Access Items in the Edit Mode

The two ways to access items in the edit mode are the same as in the status mode, except for an additional step pressing the EDIT key. You can access configuration data in the edit mode in two ways: Pressing the appropriate function key (i.e., ALRM) once to access a category (i.e., alarms), pressing EDIT, and then continuing to press that key (ALRM) to scroll through all the items in that category (i.e., Limit Alarm, Setpoint Alarm, Discrete Alarm, First Out Alarm, Runtime Alarm, and Number of Starts Alarm).

Scrolling by repeatedly pressing the function key, displays the name of all the items in that category, whether or not they are actually configured. Scrolling by pressing the up or down arrow, displays only the configured items within that category.

Pressing the appropriate LID numeric key (i.e., 2), the appropriate function key (i.e., ALRM), and EDIT to directly access an item without having to scroll through all the items in that category.


Quick Access in troller items using a LID in either the status or edit modes. For Either Status or Edit example, to access maintenance data for the AOHeating VAV Mode algorithm, press 6, ALGO, and ENTER. To access configuration

Use the table below as a reference to directly access Comfort Con-

data for the AOHeating VAV algorithm, press 6, ALGO, EDIT, and ENTER. If your database consisted of two AOHeating VAV algorithms and you wished to access the second one, you could press 6, . (decimal), 2, ALGO, EDIT, and ENTER.
Table F-5 Quick Access to Items LID Function Keys
LID Num. Algorithms Key (ALGO) Status (STAT) History (HIST) Service (SRVC) Alarm (ALRM) Setup (SET) Schedules (SCHD)

1 ........ AOAdaptive Control ......... Hardware Points ............ Alarm History ............ Function Definition ... Limit ...... Set Clock ..................... Occupancy 2 ........ AOCooling CV ................... Software Points .............. Analog Point Trace .... Channel Definition .... Setpoint .. Real Time Clock ......... Setpoint 3 ........ AOCooling VAV ................ Temperature Input ........ Discrete Point Trace .. System Definition ...... Discrete .. Controller Password .. Holiday 4 ........ AOFan Tracking ................ Milliamp Input ............... Consumable Channel Setpoint Definition .... First out ........................................ S/W Setpoint 5 ........ AOHeating CV ................... Custom Milliamp Input . Internal Consumable . Database Control ....... Runtime ........................................ Network Time 6 ........ AOHeating VAV ................ Voltage Input .................. Runtime Channel ...... Comfort Controller ... # of starts 7 ........ AOHumidity Control ......... Custom Voltage Input .......................................... CCN Control 8 ........ AOMixed Air CV w IAQ ... Sensed Discrete Input .......................................... LID Preferences 9 ........ AOMixed Air VAV w IAQ Latched Discrete Input 10 ...... AOPermissive Intrlock ...... Pulsed Discrete Input 11 ...... AOReset .............................. Milliamp Output 12 ...... AOShared Transducer ...... Custom Milliamp Output 13 ...... AOStatic Pressure .............. Voltage Output 14 ...... DOAnalog ........................... Custom Voltage Output 15 ...... DODX-Staging VAV .......... Discrete Output 16 ...... DOElectric Heat CV .......... Stepper Motor Output 17 ...... DOElectric Heat VAV ....... Discrete Software Point 18 ...... DOEnthalpy Comparison .. Analog Software Point 19 ...... DOInterlock ....................... Network Data Out 20 ...... DOLighting Control .......... Network Data In 21 ...... DOPermissive Interlock 22 ...... DOPump Control If you are in the edit mode and wish to Note: 23 ...... DOProp Thermo 24 ...... DOProp Thermo 2 Pipe switch to the status mode, you can 25 ...... DOProp Thermo 4 Pipe press CLEAR or press EDIT again. 26 ...... DOStaged Thermostat 27 ...... DOStaging Control 28 ...... DOTime Clock 29 ...... DOTime Clock w Check 30 ...... AOSS Schedule 31 ...... Network Broadcast 32 ...... Linkage/AOSS Schedule 33 ...... NTFC w Enthalpy Check 34 ...... Sensor Group 35 ...... WSM Air Source 36 ...... WSM Cool Source 37 ...... Custom Program


Appendix G
How to Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller Using a LID Introduction
Appendix G, in conjunction with Appendix H, details the procedures necessary to configure a Comfort Controller using the hand held Local Interface Device (also known as the HSIO II.) While these procedures are technically correct, other more expedient methods for controller configuration exist, such as the Network Service Tool's Quickstart function, and the ComfortVIEW and ComfortWORKS controller configuration tool. It is recommended that you consider these other options before undertaking a full controller configuration using the LID. When installing a Comfort Controller, you must perform a number of steps in a particular order. These steps are grouped into two procedures: Creating the Comfort Controllers database using the ServiceConfig Tables Configuring the database using the configuration tables

The term define, as it applies to the Comfort Controller, means to specify information about the items being selected in the ServiceConfig Tables. You must specify information such as channel types, sensor type or units, channel names, functions types and function units. For example, the AO-Cooling CV algorithms function type is 2 and its function units might be 2, which indicates 0100%. The term configure, as it is used in relation to the Comfort Controller, means to specify to the Comfort Controller the information that it needs to control and monitor HVAC devices in the desired manner. For example when configuring the AO-Cooling CV algorithm, you must enter information such as the AO point that is controlling the air handlers chilled water valve and the Sensor Group or space temperature sensor that is providing the space temperature inputs.


In a newly installed Comfort Controller, the database is effectively a blank page. Based on your application, you decide which algorithms, points, alarms, schedules, or system functions are needed to create the database. The database, therefore, only consists of the features and functions required by your application. You select and define the required items in configuration tables. These tables are listed below.
Table G-1 Configuration Tables

Table Name



Create a combination of up to 24 of the following functions in a Comfort Controller 1600 or up to 96 in a Comfort Controller 6400: AO, DO, and global (i.e., AOSS, Linkage) algorithms, alarms, and time schedules. Create up to 8 hardware points per table for a total of 16 points in a Comfort Controller 1600 or 64 points in a Comfort Controller 6400 Create up to 16 holidays, up to16 network time schedules, up to 4 Consumable tables of up to 16 schedules each, up to 4 Runtime tables of up to 16 schedules each, and up to 16 Loadshed tables. Create up to 16 setpoint schedules Create up to 8 software points per table for a total of 16 points in a Comfort Controller 1600 or 32 points in a Comfort Controller 6400 Update the Comfort Controllers database

HWxx-yy (hardware points)


SETPTDEF SWxx-yy (software points)



Configuration Process
Creating the Database

Follow the steps below to configure a newly installed Comfort Controller. Only complete the steps needed to configure your application. For example, if your application does not require software points, then omit Steps 3, h through l. 1. Complete the 1600 or 6400 Hardware and Software Point Configuration Sheets located in Appendix H (Quickstart) of this manual. Use these sheets as a reference when creating the database. Connect the LID to the Comfort Controller, log on, and set the Comfort Controller's address. For instructions on connecting the LID, refer to the Comfort Controller Installation and Start-up Manual. For instructions on how to log on and set the address, refer to Appendix F in this manual. Configure each HWxx-yy and SWxx-yy table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are defining the hardware points, and then the software points, in groups of eight points per table. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Press 2, SRVC, EDIT (if in status mode), and ENTER to display the HW01-08 Table. Press ENTER to display the first configuration decision, 1st Channel Type. Enter the channel type and press ENTER. Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, 1st Sensor or Units. Enter the sensor type or units and press ENTER. Repeat Steps a through e for each point. Press CLEAR to back up a level, then press the down arrow to access the HW09-16 Table. If you must configure this table, repeat steps b through f. If you do not have to configure more hardware points, but do have to configure software points, press the down arrow until the SW65-72 Table is displayed. h. i. Press ENTER to display the first software point configuration decision, 1st Channel Type. Enter the channel type and press ENTER.




Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, 1st Sensor or Units. Enter the sensor type or units and press ENTER. Repeat Steps h through k for each table.

k. l. 4.

Configure the SETPTDEF Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are defining the engineering units (degrees F, % RH, inches of water, etc.) for each Setpoint Schedule.

Any Setpoint Schedule left at 0 is undefined and not created.


Press 4, SRVC, EDIT (if in status mode), and ENTER to display the first configuration decision in the SETPTDEF Table, Setpoint 01 Units. Enter the engineering units for the first Setpoint Schedule and press ENTER. Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, Setpoint 02 Units. Repeat Steps b and c as until you have defined the engineering unit for all the Setpoint Schedules.





Configure the FNCxx-yy Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are defining each desired algorithm, alarm, time schedule, broadcast and linkage routine in the following steps: a. Press 1, SRVC, EDIT (if in status mode), and ENTER to display the first configuration decision in the table, 1st Function Type. Enter the function type and press ENTER. Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, 1st Function Units.

b. c.



Enter the engineering units and press ENTER. An entry of 0 will display the function's default unit. For a list of algorithm and alarm default units, refer to the Algorithm and Alarm Units Summary Sheet located in Appendix H of this manual.

e. f.

Press the down arrow to display the next decision. Repeat Steps b through e until you have defined all of the functions.


Configure the NUMSYS Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are defining the number of Holiday Schedules, Network Time Schedules, Consumables, Runtimes, and Loadsheds required. You are also indicating if language conversion will be performed. a. Press 3, SRVC, EDIT (if in status mode), and ENTER to display the first configuration decision in the NUMSYS Table, Holidays. Enter the quantity of desired Holiday Schedules and press ENTER. Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, Network Time Schedules. Enter the quantity of desired Network Time Schedules and press ENTER. Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, Consumables. Enter the quantity of desired Consumables and press ENTER. Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, Runtimes. Enter the quantity of desired Runtimes and press ENTER.









Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, Loadsheds. Enter the quantity of desired Loadshed Tables and press ENTER. Press the down arrow to display the next configuration decision, Language Conversion. If necessary, press 1 to toggle the default from No to Yes.



l. 7.

Configure the UPDATEDB Table by completing the steps below. In these steps you are updating the Comfort Controllers database with the items selected in the ServiceConfig Tables. a. Press 5 SRVC, EDIT (if in status mode), and ENTER to display the configuration decision, Update Database. Press the 1 to toggle the default from No to Yes. Although you may not see the LID toggle the value from No to Yes because the change occurs so quickly, you can verify that the update is occurring by watching the Comfort Controllers red LID blink at the rate of 5 Hz. The download time varies with the size of the database.



How to Change Default Point Names and Descriptions

You must use a Network Service Tool or Building Supervisor III to change default point names and descriptions. For instructions, refer to the How to Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller chapter of this manual. Using the configuration sheets and Table G-1 in this manual as references, enter the appropriate values in the configuration tables for points, algorithms, alarms, etc. This completes the configuration process. You can now view point values and statuses, and force points.

Configuring the Database


Appendix H
Configuration Sheets for LIDbased Configuration
Appendix H, in conjunction with Appendix G, details the procedures necessary to configure a Comfort Controller using the hand held Local Interface Device (also known as the HSIO II.) While these procedures are technically correct, other more expedient methods for controller configuration exist, such as the Network Service Tool's Quickstart function, and the ComfortVIEW and ComfortWORKS controller configuration tool. It is recommended that you consider these other options before undertaking a full controller configuration using the LID. The configuration sheets included in this section are designed to facilitate LID-based controller configuration and are not appropriate for use with PC-based configuration tools. A set of Microsoft Excelbased wire lists and configuration sheets is available from Carrier for use with Carrier's PC-based configuration tools. This appendix is a handy reference that provides you with forms and reference sheets to configure the Comfort Controller as quickly as possible using the LID. This tear-out section provides the best way to quickly see the big configuration picture plus some important details. After reading this section and photocopying and completing the configuration sheets, refer to the How to Configure a Newly Installed Comfort Controller chapter of this manual for step-by-step instructions on configuring a Comfort Controllers database using a Building Supervisor or Network Service Tool. For instructions on configuring a Comfort Controllers database using a LID, refer to Appendix G in this manual. This section consists of the following reference and configuration sheets: Reference Sheets Sample 6400 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet Function Types, Default Names and EEPROM Memory Usage Summary Sheet Types/Units Reference Sheet Comfort Controller Function Requirements Algorithm and Alarm Units Summary Sheet


Configuration Sheets 1600 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet 1600 Software Point Configuration Sheet 6400 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet 6400 Software Point Configuration Sheet The configuration sheets provide a convenient means of organizing all hardware and software point configuration information used in configuring the Service-Config Tables. A sample of a completed 6400 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet is included. The Function Types, Default Names and EEPROM Memory Usage Summary Sheet lists the eight-character default names, function types, and memory usage of all the Comfort Controller functions. It also lists the default names and memory usage of hardware and software points, and miscellaneous tables, and the default names for the Service-Config Tables. The Types/Units Reference Sheet uses an at-a-glance approach to provide the allowable entries for all sensor types and units. Refer to Appendixes B through D for further details such as range, resolution, accuracy, and metric conversion limits. The Comfort Controller Function Requirements sheet assists you in determining the requirements for configuring a function by showing you the functions points, schedules, and system functions. The Algorithm and Alarm Units Summary Sheet assists you in configuring the FNCxx-yy Tables Function Unit decision by indicating the pre-configured algorithm and alarm engineering units. Those units that are not pre-configured are indicated with **.




Rev. 12/00

Types/Units Reference Sheet

Hardware Point Types for HWxx-yy Table Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9 Type 10 Volt Cust Volt Sensed Pulsed Latch mA Cust mA Input Input DI DI DI Output Output Type 11 Volt Output Type 12 Type 13 Cust Volt Discrete Output Output Type 14 Stepper Motor Software Point Types for SWxx-yy Table Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Discr Analog Net In Net Out Points Points Points Points

Type 1 Type 2 Temp mA Inpt Input

Type 3 Cust mA Input

not used C %

Analog Input Sensor Type

Display Units Units Displayed Entry Units Displayed

1 Type Type 1 Percentage 0 - 100%,

(4-20 mA output)

YSI 10K Thermistor Temperature Sensor Analog Input Sensor Type Analog Output Device Type Relative Humidity Sensor Static Pressure Sensor 2 Percentage 100% - 0%,
(4-20 mA output)
0 1 2 3 not used F % "H20

Display Units Entry

Conversion for Discrete Value 1

Conversion for Discrete Value 0

2 2 3 0 to 10 Vdc Transducer (Maximum Impedance >10K ohms) 3 Pressure (0-22 mA output) 4-20 mA Maximum Load 600 ohms 4 Platinum RTD Temperature Sensor
Pressure Sensor T-56 Space Temperature Sensor with Setpoint Adjustment

1K RTD Temperature

5K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

PT100 Temperature Sensor 4

MCI 10K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

5 6

NTC 100K Thermistor Temperature Sensor

Type 1

Analog Output Device Type Percentage 0 - 100%,

0- 10 V


Analog Input Sensor Type

Setpoint Type

Relative Humidity Sensor

Percentage 100% - 0%, 0 - 10 V 3 4 Pressure 0 - 11V 0 - 11 Vdc

(2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

Static Pressure Sensor

(2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

4-20 Milliamp Transducer

Function Units

Platinum RTD Temperature Sensor

(2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

Pressure Sensor

(2-wire, 4-20 mA input)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 mA ^F VOLTS psi gpm gph kgpm kgph psig lbs/hr klbs/hr Btu/hr MBtu/h "H20 "Hg kWh kW degF %RH AMPS VOLTS CFM CFH fpm kcfm kcfh tons tons/h rpm %open hours gals Btu/lb gps sqft CFM sec Hz min hours rpm kWh/p pulses uS pH usec steps feet GPM in Hg tons tons no units

Pa mA ^C VOLTS Kpa 1/min 1/h m3/min m3/h kPa kg/h kg/h kW kW mmH2O mmHG kWh kW degC %RH AMPS VOLTS m3/min m3/h m/sec m3/min m3/h tons tons/h rpm %open hours liters kJ/kg 1/sec m2 1/sec sec Hz min hours rpm kWh/p pulses uS pH usec steps meters LPS kPag kW KCal/min no units

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

1 Start Stop Enable Disable On Off Open Close High Low Alarm Normal Enable Emstop Yes No True False Analog Nonlin Energy Invert Blank Dirty Heat Up Fast Auto Auto Brine Full CCN Tone Or Metric Slave

0 Stop Start Disable Enable Off On Close Open Low High Normal Alarm Emstop Enable No Yes False True Discrete Linear Flow Normal Blank Clean Cool Down Slow Manual On Water Reduce Local Pulse And US Master










DO-Pump Control 369 DO-Staged Thermostat 381 DO-Staging 393 DO-Time Clock 406 DO-Time Clock with Check 413 function types 94 global algorithms function types 94 Linkage/AOSS Schedule 444 Network Broadcast 440 NTFC w Enthalpy Check 466 Occupancy 477 Sensor Group 478 WSM Air Source 484 WSM Cool Source 490 Allowable Entries AI/AO display units 622 DI/DO display units 623 ALRMDEF Table 624 Analog Software Point 28 description 28 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 28 typical application 28 Analog Trace Point 566 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 566 description 566 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 566 AO-Adaptive Control 95 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 96 description 95 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 96 typical application 95 AO-Cooling CV 105 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 106 description 105 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 107 typical application 105 AO-Cooling VAV 118 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 119 description 118 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 120 typical application 118 AO-Fan Tracking 131 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 131 description 131 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 132 typical application 131

1600 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet 14,16, 1600 Software Point Configuration Sheet 14, 16, 6400 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet14, 16, 6400 Software Point Configuration Sheet 14, 16,

641, 641, 641, 641,

649 650 651 652

Accuracy input/output devices 617 Adding the Comfort Controller 14 Address Setting 14, 21 AI/AO Display Units allowable entries 622 Airside Linkage 484 Alarm Description Index 624 Alarm Level 624 Alarm Message 624 Alarm Source 624 Alarms definition 511 Discrete State 512 First Out alarm 520 Limit alarm 529 Number of Starts alarm 538 Runtime alarm 545 Setpoint Limit alarm 552 Algorithm definition 9, 93 Algorithm and Alarm Units Summary Sheet 641 Algorithms analog algorithms AO-Adaptive Control 95 AO-Cooling CV 105 AO-Cooling VAV 118 AO-Fan Tracking 131 AO-Heating CV 141 AO-Heating VAV 155 AO-Humidity Control 170 AO-Mixed Air CV w IAQ 179 AO-Mixed Air VAV w IAQ 197 AO-Permissive Intrlock 213 AO-Reset 221 AO-Shared Transducer 231 AO-Static Pressure 247 function types 93 discrete algorithms DO-Analog Comparison 255 DO-DX Staging VAV 262 DO-Electric Heat CV 278 DO-Electric Heat VAV 294 DO-Enthalpy Comparison 311 DO-Interlock 317 DO-Lighting Control 322 DO-Permissive Intrlock 326 DO-Proportional Thermostat 335 DO-Proportional Thermostat 2 Pipe 347 DO-Proportional Thermostat 4 Pipe 358













AO-Heating CV 141 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 142 description 141 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 143 typical application 141 AO-Heating VAV 155 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 156 description 155 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 157 typical application 155 AO-Humidity Control 170 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 170 description 170 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 171 typical application 170 AO-Mixed Air CV w IAQ 179 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 181 description 179 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 182 typical application 180 AO-Mixed Air VAV w IAQ 197 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 198 description 197 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 199 typical application 198 AO-Permissive Intrlock 213 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 214 description 213 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 214 typical application 213 AO-Reset 221 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 222 description 221 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 222 typical application 221 AO-Shared Transducer 231 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 232 description 231 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 233 typical application 231 AO-Static Pressure 247 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 247 description 247







maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 248 typical application 247 AOSS Schedule 423 Adaptive Optimal Start 430, 436 Adaptive Optimal Stop 431, 437 AOSS Setpoint Schedule 435 AOSS Time Schedule 433 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 426 description 423 factors that affect offset calculations K Factor 424 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 426 start mode 424 stop mode 424 T56 Slider Bias 432, 439 typical application 425



424 432

184 BEST++ 12 downloading 22 Broadcast 440 enabling time 588


201 CCN Compatibility 613 Comfort Controller 1600 description 7 supported sensors and devices 7 6400 description 5 HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) 7 supported sensors and devices 6 supported UT203 FID Modules 7 database description 9 function requirements, summary of 641 language conversion 12 operator interfaces 5 purpose 5 types 5 Comfort Controller Function Requirements 641 Communication Status, determining 591 Configuring Alarms 511, 624 Discrete State alarm 512 First Out alarm 520 Limit alarm 529 Number of Starts alarm 538 Runtime alarm 545 Setpoint Limit alarm 552 algorithms 93 AO-Adaptive Control 95 AO-Cooling CV 105 AO-Cooling VAV 118 AO-Fan Tracking 131 AO-Heating CV 141










AO-Heating VAV 155 AO-Humidity Control 170 AO-Mixed Air CV w IAQ 179 AO-Mixed Air VAV w IAQ 197 AO-Permissive Intrlock 213 AO-Reset 221 AO-Shared Transducer 231 AO-Static Pressure 247 AOSS Schedule 423 DO-Analog Comparison 255 DO-DX Staging VAV 262 DO-Electric Heat CV 278 DO-Electric Heat VAV 294 DO-Enthalpy Comparison 311 DO-Interlock 317 DO-Lighting Control 322 DO-Permissive Interlock 326 DO-Proportional Thermostat 335 DO-Proportional Thermostat 2 Pipe 347 DO-Proportional Thermostat 4 Pipe 358 DO-Pump Control 369 DO-Staged Thermostat 381 DO-Staging 393 DO-Time Clock 406 DO-Time Clock with Check 413 Linkage/AOSS Schedule 444 Network Broadcast 440 NTFC w Enthalpy Check 466 Occupancy 477 Sensor Group 478 WSM Air Source 484 WSM Cool Source 490 Building Supervisor III, with a 13 Comfort Controller, newly installed 13 configuration tables 10, 20 Custom Milliamp Input conversion equation 30 database 13 FNCxx-yy Table 16 HWxx-yy Table 16 Network Service Tool, with a 13 NUMSYS Table 17 points 27 analog software 28 custom milliamp input 30 custom milliamp output 35 custom voltage input 40 custom voltage output 45 discrete output 50 discrete software point 55 latched discrete input 57 milliamp input 59 milliamp output 63 network input 66 network output 70 pulsed discrete input 73 sensed discrete input 77 stepper motor output 80 temperature input 83 voltage input 86

voltage output 89 procedure 14 schedules 495 Holiday Schedule 496 Network Time Schedule 498 Occupancy Schedule 501 Setpoint Schedule 499 Time Schedule 501 Service-Config Tables 10, 13, 16 FNCxx-yy Table 16, 93, 511 HWxx-yy Table 16 NUMSYS Table 17 SETPTDEF Table 17 SWxx-yy Table 18 UPDATEDB Table 18 SETPTDEF Table 17 SWxx-yy Table 18 system functions 563 Analog Trace Point 566 Consumable 572 Ctlr-ID 571 Discrete Trace Point 575 Internal Consumable 580 Real Time Clock 587 Runtime 592 UPDATEDB Table 18 Consumable 572 Configuration decisions, description of 572 configuration decisions, list of 572 description 572 Creating the Database 13, 20 Ctlr-ID 571 description 571 maintenance decision 571 pre-configured decisions, description of 571 pre-configured decisions, list of 571 Custom Milliamp Input Point 30 configuration decisions, description of 31 configuration decisions, list of 30 conversion equation 30 description 30 maintenance decisions, description of 33 maintenance decisions, list of 30 Custom Milliamp Output Point 35 configuration decisions, description of 36 configuration decisions, list of 35 conversion equation 35 description 35 maintenance decisions, description of 37 maintenance decisions, list of 35 Custom Programming 12 Custom Voltage Input Point 40 configuration decisions, description of 41 configuration decisions, list of 40 conversion equation 40 description 40 maintenance decisions, description of 44 maintenance decisions, list of 40


Custom Voltage Output 45 configuration decisions, description of 46 configuration decisions, list of 45 conversion equation 45 description 45 maintenance decisions, description of 47 maintenance decisions, list of 45

Database configuration errors, encountering 19 configuring 10, 13 creating 10, 13, 20 description 9 size 9 updating 15, 18 uploading 19 verifying 19, 22 DBSTATUS maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 573 DBSTATUS Maintenance Screen 19 Default Names 644 Default Names, summary of 641 DI/DO Display Units allowable entries 623 Discrete Output Point 50 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 51 description 50 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 51 Discrete Software Point 55 description 55 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 55 typical application 55 Discrete State Alarm configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 512 description 512 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 513 typical application 512 Discrete Trace Point 575 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 575 description 575 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 575 DO-Analog Comparison 255 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 256 description 255 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 256 typical applications 255 DO-DX Staging VAV 262 configuration decisions, description of












configuration decisions, list of 263 description 262 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 264 typical application 262 DO-Electric Heat CV 278 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 279 description 278 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 280 typical application 278 DO-Electric Heat VAV 294 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 295 description 294 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 296 typical application 294 DO-Enthalpy Comparison 311 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 311 description 311 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 311 DO-Interlock 317 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 317 description 317 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 317 typical application 317 DO-Lighting Control 322 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 322 description 322 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 322 typical application 322 DO-Permissive Intrlock 326 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 327 description 326 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 327 typical application 326 DO-Proportional Thermostat 335 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 336 control modes 335 description 335 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 337 operating modes 335 typical application 336 DO-Proportional Thermostat 2 Pipe 347 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 348 control modes 347 description 347


















maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 349 operating modes 347 typical application 348 DO-Proportional Thermostat 4 Pipe 358 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 359 control modes 358 description 358 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 360 operating modes 358 typical application 359 DO-Pump Control 369 activating primary pump 369 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 370 description 369 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 371 typical application 370 DO-Staged Thermostat 381 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 382 control modes 381 description 381 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 383 operating modes 381 typical application 382 DO-Staging 393 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 393 description 393 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 394 typical application 393 DO-Time Clock 406 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 407 description 406 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 407 typical application 406 DO-Time Clock with Check 413 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 414 description 413 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 414 typical application 413 Downloading BEST++ 22 controller 21 existing database 20 status messages 21


First Out Alarm configuration decisions, description of 521 configuration decisions, list of 520 description 520 maintenance decisions, description of 527 maintenance decisions, list of 521 typical application 520 Flow Diagrams interpreting 10 FNCxx-yy Table 15, 16, 93, 511 Force Levels points 33 Function Requirements 646, 647 Function Types 644




378 Global Algorithms AOSS Schedule 423 Linkage/AOSS Schedule 444 Network Broadcast 440 NTFC w Enthalpy Check 466 Occupancy 477 Sensor Group 478 WSM Air Source 484, 493 WSM Cool Source 490



396 Hardware and Software Point Configuration Sheets 14, 16, 649, 650, 651, 652 Holiday determining if today is a holiday 591 determining if tomorrow is a holiday 591 Holiday Schedule configuration decisions, description of 497 configuration decisions, list of 497 description 496 typical application 496 HWxx-yy Table 15, 16




416 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) 179, 190, 196, 197, 206, 211 Initializing the Controller 21 Internal Consumable 580 configuration decisions, description of 581 configuration decisions, list of 580 description 580 maintenance decisions, description of 582 maintenance decisions, list of 581 permissible display units 580


Language Conversion 12 Latched Discrete Input Point 57 description 57 maintenance decisions, description of 57

Engineering Units input/output devices 617


maintenance decisions, list of 57 typical application 57 LID 627 accessing items directly (reference chart) 634 edit mode 633 status mode 632 configuring Comfort Controller, newly installed default screen 628 edit (configuration) mode 632 function keys 629 logging on 631 menu structure 627 numeric keys 631 operative keys 630 status (maintenance) mode 632 LID Processor configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 583 description 583 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 583 Limit Alarm configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 529 description 529 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 530 typical application 529 Linkage/AOSS Schedule 444 Adaptive Optimal Start 449, 454 Adaptive Optimal Stop 452, 462 applicable algorithms 445 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 445 description 444 Linkage Setpoint Schedule 457 Linkage Time Schedule 456 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 446 Local Interface Device 627 accessing items directly (reference chart) 634 edit mode 633 status mode 632 configuring Comfort Controller, newly installed default screen 628 edit (configuration) mode 632 function keys 629 logging on 631 menu structure 627 numeric keys 631 operative keys 630 status (maintenance) mode 632


Milliamp Input Point 59 configuration decisions, description of 60 configuration decisions, list of 59 description 59 maintenance decisions, description of 60 maintenance decisions, list of 59 Milliamp Output Point 63 description 63 maintenance decisions, description of 63 maintenance decisions, list of 63 Mixed Air Dampers 179, 197 Modify controller 20 point descriptions 19 Service-Config Tables 20 Morning Warm-up 294, 307 description 155 maintenance decisions 166


Network Broadcast 440 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 440 description 440 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 440 typical application 440 Network Input Point 66 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 66 description 66 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 66 Network Output Point 70 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 70 description 70 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 70 typical application 70 Network Time Schedule description 498 Night Time Free Cooling 466 NTFC w Enthalpy Check 466 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 466 description 466 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 467 typical application 466 Number of Starts Alarm configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 538 description 538 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 538 typical application 538 NUMSYS Table 15, 17 441
















Memory Usage, summary of 641


Occupancy 477 Occupancy Schedule configuration rules 502, 503 description 501 maintenance decisions, description of 507 sample 503 timed override 501, 504, 506, 507, 509 typical application 502, 503 Operator Interfaces 5

RAM flush 20 Ranges input/output devices 617 Real Time Clock 587 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 587 description 587 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 587 Resolutions input/output devices 617 Runtime 592 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 592 description 592 Runtime Alarm configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 545 description 545 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 546 typical application 545



Point Configuration Sheets 14, 16 Point Descriptions modifying 19 Points analog software 28 custom milliamp input 30 custom milliamp output 35 custom voltage input 40 custom voltage output 45 description 27 discrete output 50 discrete software point 55 latched discrete input 57 milliamp input 59 milliamp output 63 network input 66 network output 70 pulsed discrete input 73 sensed discrete input 77 stepper motor output 80 supported by 1600, number of 27 supported by 6400, number of 27 temperature input 83 voltage input 86 voltage output 89 PROM upgrading 20 Pulsed Discrete Input Point 73 configuration decisions, description of 74 configuration decisions, list of 73 description 73 maintenance decisions, description of 75 maintenance decisions, list of 73 typical application 73




Schedules definition 495 Holiday Schedule 496 Network Time Schedule 498 Occupancy Schedule 501 Setpoint Schedule 499 Time Schedule 501 Sensed Discrete Input Point 77 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 77 description 77 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 77 typical application 77 Sensor Group 478 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 479 description 478 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 479 sensor values-high, low, average 478 typical application 478 Service-Config Tables 10 accessing 14 configuration errors, encountering 19 configuring 13, 14, 16 FNCxx-yy 15, 93, 511 HWxx-yy 15 modifying (caution) 20 NUMSYS 15 order of 19 SETPTDEF Table 15, 499 SWxx-yy 15 UPDATEDB 15, 21





Quickstart 14, 641 1600 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet 641 1600 Software Point Configuration Sheet 641 6400 Hardware Point Configuration Sheet 641 6400 Software Point Configuration Sheet 641 Algorithm and Alarm Units Summary Sheet 641 default names, summary of 641 function types, summary of 641 memory usage, summary of 641 Types/Units Reference Sheet 641


Setpoint Limit Alarm configuration decisions, description of 554 configuration decisions, list of 552 description 552 maintenance decisions, description of 559 maintenance decisions, list of 553 typical application 552 Setpoint Schedule biased input from T-56 sensor 499 configuration decisions, description of 500 configuration decisions, list of 500 description 499 typical application 499 SETPTDEF Table 15, 17, 499 Setting the Address 14, 21 Software and Hardware Point Configuration Sheets 14, 16, 649, 650, 651, 652 Standard Discrete Output Point 50 Standard Input and Output Devices 617 Standard Milliamp Input Point 59 Standard Milliamp Output Point 63 Standard Voltage Input Point 86 Standard Voltage Output Point 89 Stepper Motor Output Point 80 configuration decisions, description of 80 configuration decisions, list of 80 description 80 maintenance decisions, description of 81 maintenance decisions, list of 80 typical application 80 SWxx-yy Table 15, 18 System Functions Analog Trace Point 566 Consumable 572 Ctlr-ID 571 definition 563 Discrete Trace Point 575 function types 565 Internal Consumable 580 LID, additional functions 563 Real Time Clock 587 Runtime 592

maintenance decisions, list of 502 sample 503 timed override 501, 504, 506, 507, 509 typical application 502, 503 Timed Override 501, 504, 506, 507, 509 Types/Units Reference Sheet 641, 645

UPDATEDB Table 15, 18, 21 Updating database 15, 18 Upgrading PROM 20 Uploading Comfort Controller 14 database 20 Uploading the Database 19

Voltage Input Point 86 configuration decisions, description of 87 configuration decisions, list of 86 description 86 maintenance decisions, description of 87 maintenance decisions, list of 86 Voltage Output Point 89 description 89 maintenance decisions, description of 89 maintenance decisions, list of 89

Waterside Linkage 490 WSM Air Source 484, 493 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 484 description 484 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 484 WSM Cool Source 490 configuration decisions, description of configuration decisions, list of 490 description 490 maintenance decisions, description of maintenance decisions, list of 490




Temperature Input Point 83 configuration decisions, description of 84 configuration decisions, list of 83 description 83 maintenance decisions, description of 84 maintenance decisions, list of 83 typical application 83 Time and Date, determining current 590 Time Broadcast enabling 588 Time Schedule configuration decisions, list of 502 configuration rules 502, 503 description 501 maintenance decisions, description of 507



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